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VOL. XlUNo. 91 Hawaiian gazette, Tuesday, November i?, 1906. semi-weekl- y. whole 2650 THE JAPANESE AND HAWAII NEXT DUMA WILL HAVE NONE OF THE liMil REJOICING Immigration in the Light of Future mm OLD MEMBERS Possibilities of Trouble Between DEMOCRATS BAD DAY . Japan and the United States What British and French Fleets to Unite in a Demo- Round Up for Rally Judge Hatch and Secretary At- Politics on the Big nstrationSecretary Metealf Finishes San 1 kinson Say. in the Aala Island Also Francisco Inquiry Pittsburg Terrorized Park. Here. by Crime.

(Mail Special to tho Advertiser.) There has been wonderful addition a Arrivals from Hawaii seem to have to tho ranks of the party WASHINGTON, D. C, October 21. Tho only Hawaiian arrival of the past Democratic it in. for Desha, Na Knhuna linnlina (Associated Press Cablegrams.) week has ben Judge i M. Hatch, who lias como to town for tho winter. Hon If all those who attended and cheered of the Republicans there up to Inst at the Democratic rally last n'ght at Tuesday night. Desha was beaten bad- ST. PETERSBURG, November 13. The Constitutional party, and Mrs. Hatch spent the summer in Massachusetts, Now Hampshire, and Aala' Park have affiliated with that 011 in a conference of "Vermont. They will probably live at tiro Arlington Hotel during tho session of ly by Todd and it was all account leaders, has decided not to renominate, for the side. The attendance nvertopped con- of the intensely personal canvass mad elections, Congress, in piefcroncc to taking a lionse. Judge Hatch attended tho Mohonk coming any members of the last parliament. siderably that of any or the rallies hold by the parson. Kanlho and Makekou Conference anil come to Wnsbington after a few days tarrying in New York. during the campaign and the various occupicii relative positions with Desha On his arrival here he was quoted in tlio Washington Post's Hotel column as speakers were listened to attentively, in tho Democratic ranks and both hap- LOST IN DISTANT SEAS. iollows: cheers and applause punctuating tholr pen to be somewhat scarred physically. DANGER FltOM JAPAN. remarks, particularly thoso of tho suc- Dosha took pleasure in referring to cessful candidates and of K. B. McClan-nhn- n RUNTA ARENAS, November ship "It is interesting to speculate on what would happen in tho Pacific imme- those scars slightingly and his 13. The French Duchesse and W. A. Kinney. took lip the and roasted de diately following n ruptuio between tho United States and Japan. For in. matter Berry has foundered on the rocks at Terra del Fuego. Between the speeches tho songs of hliii'ln n mos.t unmerciful manner. It stance there aro 50,000 Japs now at work in tho islands, one-thir- of tho entire the campaign anil several, hew ones was the samo in other directions. There The French ship Duchesse de Iierry is a vessel of 1941 tons. Two-third- s Jnpancsa population. of them are in the rcscrvo of the army, with triumphal words and music were was never a weak spot that Desha did She was bound for San Francisco, front Shields via Cherbourg, sail- and, therefore, trained soldiers. It would bo an easy matter for them to over- rendered by Ernest Kaal'a orchestra or not find it and then ho would turn ing from the latter port on July 22. throw tho government and nssumo control, especially when it is remembered sung by Madame Alapal and Miss Kaal. looso and make a personal matter of T there aro but 10,000 Americans there. Among those present were Chairman it. Throughout the campaign ho tnrow "In tlio ' ,'ent of war between this country and Japan, it would take us Mobsman, E. B. McClanahan, W. A. mud at any and everybody in nn elTort METCALF'S INVESTIGATION. a long time-- to send adequate fleets around the Horn, while Japan in the mean- Kinney, Col. C. P. Iaukea, Frank to get votes and was thrown down by time couhl capture tho Philippines anil tho Hnwaiiun Islands, destroy every Harvey, It. II. Trent, Senator-ele- ct his on 11 people in consequence. One of vestige of our trade 011 tho Pacific, ami oven bombard San Francisco, Portland, Charles McCarthy, Joseph Fern, M. A. the Ililu pajHirs scored him for his SAN FRANCISCO, November 13. Secretary Metealf has 'and Seattle. After that sho could send her fleets through the Suez and urouml Silva, Ed Ingham, II, T. Moore, Ed pernicious notions through the fight ami finished his inquiry into the exclusion of Japanese children from tho Horn, leaving no doubt as to their movement's. For a year or two we Like. S. Palmer, Je3se Ululll, Ioela it is said that he will never bo in Pacific Heights school leaves should be at a great disadvantage, but becnuso of' our resources of men and Klakahl, Dan Kumahu, Charles Bread, politics again but will act upon tlio the and for Washington today. He wealth wo should wfn eventually. A'ictory would cost us billions in treasury O. J. Waller, Ed Williams, reelected advice of his friends nud stick to his will make no statement. and many, many thousands of lives. County Attorney of Hawaii; Ficd church. "Tlie clement of jealousy in tho character of the people of Japan may Weed, Charles Itose, S. K. Hul and CAUSE OF A DEFEAT. n como now. sand-lo- t and J. ERIE RAILWAY STRIKE. iinully bring conflict, but it should not The orators W.BIplkane. TilV trouble in the way of statesmen of Francisco aro very short-sighte- d in their discrimination Edward Ingham, the poet laureate of small San of Dclui and Jloir camo about against the Japs there. we are to have any unpleasantness let it be in n the party, was first called upon. Ho If expressed his appreciation of tho sup-- through their actions regarding tho Tho nro wrong matter, NEW YORK, November Sixteen hundred engineers causo that is right. San Irancisco people in this nndlport eve j, a support which bare police when the .right of the sheriff, to 13. and we arc wrong in killing Jap poachers oil the Alaskan coast, simply because, ly missed lauding him In the Legisla- appoint firemen on the Erie railroad have voted to go on a strike if; their policemen came up n year, or ' thev poaclii'is. We are big enough and ought to bo broad enough to pay ture. Tho following verses,,, entitled e - -- v2- '4USS"' aro moie ago. Desha was active in that demands-ar- not granted. indemnity. Jnpan.is.right.in, not- - tolerating discrimination against her people." 'The Closing Scene," wero read by Mr. : Ingham: matter ns was Mr. Jtoir and the - IN CASE OF WAR. Amid this mournful throng of hench- iad their wratli stored up MANILA The President has acted with his enstomary promptness in meeting the men stout, against them though Moir was admit, BONDS. I .Japanese situation. Secretary of Commerce and Labor Metealf is already un Tho wall of anguish smote the atmos- tedly 0110 of the best friends they had his way to California to investigate and report. He will ascertain to what phere among tho haoles. Jloir, ns chairman Like extent Japanese children hnvo been discriminated against in the schools and Bomo besotted loafer's lusty shout of the Hoard, hud to bear tho brunt of WASHINGTON, November 13. The Insular Bureau has in When lubricous with campaign booze lie will also see exactly what tho Federal courts are doing towards enforcing the prosecution of the ease, Almost vited bids on $2,000,000 worth of Manila bonds. and beer. in the very "the terms of the treaty. This alono is a novel thing to do to go into tlio stmt of the campaign there was trouble among other candi- United States courts to compel Stato authorities to observe a treaty. Lawyers All dives were silent and all games date?. Over in ICiina, Wise, the can- heretofore, especially former Secrotrry of Stato Richard Olney, saw tho poss- subdued. didate for county attorney, was quiet- REVOLUTIONISTS MUST GO. ibilities of such an action to supersede State authorities, but the steps to The drunks seemed further and tho ly called down by Xahale, at the re- thugs lay low, quest of enforce the clause of the constitution which doelurcs a treaty tlio supremo law Kuhio, for his long speeches. with sad eyes tho slinking plunder- - Wise immediately withdrew from the WASHINGTON, November '13. Mexican revolutionists, now of tho land and requires judges fo to interpret it, tho Stato laws and Constitu- - ers viewed bunch and went off with Naliale on his ' graft-prolif- on tion to tho contrary uotuitlistai.ling, have never beforo beou taken. The pissing of the ic own hook but before reaching Wnimea the American side of the border, have been ordered deported. Certain of the President's critics, especially 'in military circles, think n show. they separated and Wise wont on to Hiln resjilt de- mistnko has .been mado in jumping sospryly becnuso of Japan's complaint. with tho that he was The Inflated cops that erstwhile copped feated by Williams nearly seven hun- SHIPS TO o COERCE MOORS. Host of these critics havo lived in tlio Orient amt say tho Japanese liavo the gold. dred votes. ,m very arrogant sinco tho war with Russia. It is claimed the little fellows Their palms well oiled by thugs ot WILLIAMS' VICTORY. --Tyi I every will surely interpiet this alacrity on our part as indieutivo of a fear of them hue, Charlie Williams, for tho past eigh- be- GIBRALTAR, November The British fleets and that this will only complicate tho difficulties wo havo in dealing with them. Now stood aghast and mutely did teen months county attorney for Ha- 13. and French The military experts reason that Japan needs our friendship quite as much hold waii came down on the Kiiiu'11 nnd will engage in a demonstration in Moorish waters. Iaukea and his wearers of the blue. joined in tho as we need hers and that in the Inst analysis a war with Japan would bo most celebration Inst night. He (Continued on Page Eight.) mil 1101 come 011 account of tho victory disastrous to the tlowcry kingdom. Perhaps, Japan could embarrass us for a here and on Hawaii but on private FATAL BOILER EXPL05ION, lew months in the Pacific. Sho might capturo the Philippines and Hawaii but business but ns tho time fur tlio n tlio "a Dig is propitious for a Japan would have to get money from Europo for waajng of war. BAWA1 1 AN MONEY "holler" sho-ha- ho will shout with tho rest This would be no easy task. By tho treaty s with England that power of the victors. Williams says Carl Smith CLEVELAND, O., November 13. Six people have been killed "would have to aid her in tho war. But England is the last nation in the world could have had tho nomination for that would go to war with tlio United States. Supremo ns England is upon county attorney had he gope in for it and five seriously hurt in a boiler explosion here. the sea, her rulers know that in case of a war with, tho Bnitod States an army IS STILL BELD UP sooner but ho does not believe lie H would forthwith be organized and marched into Canada, where it could not wanted it badly. Clmrlie will not say that tlio result would have been any CRIME RAMPANT IN PITTSBURG. 'be successfully opposed for a Ling time. Tho United States could live, for 11 different if Carl had mado tho race fcn drawing on products of other nations is n " generation, without tho but could maintain (Mail Special to the Advertiser.) nnd there, suspicion that it would -- Kl a defciibivo war without serious embarrassment, her own citizens having thq not have" been, for tho Democratic WASHINGTON, D. C, Oct. 31. Tho county ticket wns - funds, the men, and tlio materials. And theroforo thoso militnry oxports nearly all elected PITTSBURG, November 13. The city is terrorized by crime uso of tho appropriation of $35,000 for and theiu is not much of n show think we would do much better to stand firmly against Japan and first requiro that filling In the naval yard at Honolulu Is tlieio would have been any difference if and a vigilance committee has been appointed. Tokio to apprehend tho poachers who havo been committing Jeprcdations on tho opponent to blocked ngaln and now thcro is Williams had been our sealing preserves in the northern Pacific. other than Wise. Williams holds the doubt about tho immediate v ERNEST G. WALKER. native vnlo in tho hollow of his hand AFTERNOON CABLE REPORT, expenditure of that money and also of und it will bu hard to find anyone who ' can got it 'him, ..i ,,.nnrllnn...... nf-- . Ihn...- - nnnrnnnilAil. linl'inrtn..., tt. . away from particularly ' ATKINSON ON IMMIGRATION. tho appropriation for dredging the bar-- Ti,n " ,"" I Jfouril of supervisors has clinngod BAKERSFIELD, November 12. General shaftcr is dead. WASHINGTON, November 3. A. L. Atkinson, Secretary of Hawaii and bor. mentioned In a recent letter. Ad- -, from a RfpublicaiAtu a Democratic SARGENT'S STATION, California, November 12. Tho boiler of tlio on'gino (Continued on Pago Five.) mlral Endlcott. chief of tho Bureau of . rnnk and Ale, Supc, of. Puna, being onl 1'1 pulling tho Sunset Ximited cxplodod, killing, threo persons. Yards and Docks, 1ms supervision of tho')!10 "" "f ,tll; lmH' to make mu iulu Dliugi'SBluljy, expenditure of tho $35,0(0, and General LONDON, November 12. King Haakon VII. and Quoen I.Iaudo of Norway AFTER SAM'S TLAOU woro welcomed today at Windsor palaco by King J50 PORTLAND BUSINESS McKenzle has supervision over tho ex- - Edward and Qucon Alex The flqht for tho position of Road andra of England. pendlturo of .u upproprmuun ior Supervisor is growing wurmer all tho MOSCOW, dredging tho harbor. Although tho time. Jolu.ny Wilson Is here from Kn- - Russia, November 12. A bomb was thrown in this city today ',l MEN COMING IN JANUARY at Major Rcinbot failed to Comptroller of tho Treasury has decld-'"- al after tho plnre nnd Is urged by tho but reach Its mark, Tho throwor of tho infer- ed that tho mnnnv Mn i. nont iw .i,nm Hawaiian oi nil parlies, no was nal machine was shot and killed. mentioned for It, or wns It .Ills father, under a plan already discussed, Uiero a , Tho Portland Orcgoniau of November clal effort will bo made to Induco busi ii. na to Jo; "and when steps Admiral Hndlcot nnd Genernl McICcn-so- n holding tho place, and now WOULD NOT TAKE Sain out I step out es says: ncss "le" tT0 all tlin Important cities that with him. He has ulways mo zle think tho bids for tho work aro nl- - the Democrats aro In power, or think treated in the btato to participate In the ' Jiunt. In power, and all tho men 011 the roads like Ttland business men, fully 150 of Tom Itlchardson, mannger of tho Com- - together too high and they will not, ns "'0 "Johnny comes brothors. marching"l' homo" for tho Phiin. JOHNSON'S JOB We nro nil for Sum and wo thenv, .will make a voyago to Hawaii morulal Club, Is Interested In organ zing at present minded, take any atcps for But want to deny 11 will not bo ensy theso stories being told unuarv in sneciaiiv chartered tno excursion, as ho heiinvna-- I sailing for him. next a. ttint ..i. expenditure, i, t. ... .v. tho of tho monoy. III nround uboul him now by others who r steamer to get an Idea of thp prospects will prove of material benefit to tho Johnson Is st In tho riff and hns som'ft OUR "I nm a Republican," said David want his Job. for themselves, II. P. Wood, spcretury merchants of Portland 111 tho way of MAltlNE FORCE. tremendously strong backing for tlio Crnwiilimberg I am "I would not accept his position If It pro-w- as place. Including tho lending Inst nlulit, "and or tho Hawaii Promotion Committee, rosterjng trade rolatlons, and tho Tho report of General Elliot, com- business wns mo. llmlnary In tho community. offered They know that I in Portland yesterday and after arrangements will dovolve mandant of marines, his this parngiaph H. T. Mooro nnt accepting any positions from tho havo had experience upon n candidate on In tha work and If Interviewing n dozen or more prominent him. about Honolulu: "Tho marines re defeated tno Hamocratle Democrats." It was given mo on ticket for Kupervlnor, It would only bu until business men the question of an Mr. Wood and others wlip yesterday quartered In nn old bu'ldlng this claims to hav Cftiwulngbcrg Is they ropes, at tho appointment In tho chief asslstnnt had learned tho and then I excursion, cabled to Honolulu that tlio discussed 'tho matter lel'co that a sne- - station known ns tho 'CojI Sherf,' which his pocket, as would bo I f to Road Supervisor Johnson und told was no longer needed. trlp of the Portland party wns - clal should bo ' Archer, wjioso voto Is tho 0110 thing Sam aur- chartered for has been equipped as far as possible W'hon the named ino ns a possi ed, Everyono with whom he talked about 30 days. 150 persons needful to tho appointment, Is suld to his friends nay he Is tho real man ftnr If can bo for temporary occupancy. If tho de ble candidate for tho Job, It did bo highly - willingness to enthusiastic when the cured for tho trip tho total expense for partment decides to maln'aln this naval fn'nd yoto behind tho steam roller so far as tho Without consulting me In any way. subject was broached and did person JIOO. bohaU It, not cich will not exceed It Is station a modern barracks should fr"m ",t,1,e ,,,oar'1, ?" oxcollencu of the Honolulu roads Is "All tho boys are for Johnson. Ho him long to borome be!1"of Mooro " clnlmed Ills expo-unt- ll take convinced that plannol to visit several of tho different provided, the estimates bolmr wlthho'd ' that Is has nlways men well will be of concerned. This crodlt, however, treated his and Portland strongly represented Islands and all tho principal po'nts of a deflnl'o conclusion on tlm sub- - rlc"co t;,8h,c,'n ""J"1'8 '" ' "part these stories nbout him licking some fn tho Islands this winter. j Interest. By fits him for the place, disclaimed by him almost as emphat- chartering a tpectal Ject of the slto of tho naval station In I?' ""vl'nrs of tliem nro lies. Wo would do any- is planned lacks the necessary Influ-Na- ho It to havo the excursion steamer many places may be visited the Hawaiian Is'ands Is decided by thil,ut M,?rq ically us disclaims uny desire to thing fur him. Ho lias helped tho boys conducted under tho auspices which wnnM with tho mercantile class, tho men of tho otherwise the nartv hn Department." pneo stop Into Ills present boss' shoes. when chey needed help nnd he hns kept I Oregon Development League spe- - compelled I and a to omit from their Itinerary.) ERNEST a. WALKER. (Continued on P.iga 1'our.) "I am for Sam Johnson," ho said, himself poor In doing so." JSH

lc-:istfc- a...,'. &&i L ..jiai--ir- s k ' MI-WEEKLY, I HAWAIIAN GAZETTE, TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 13, 1906 -SE- 599 yyAMtAMMMV AMMr AN IMPORTANT Jm Bystander - Little Talks - - k - STATEMENT ON IIARRY JUXJf Tho bets aro only 7 to J I that Drown will ask for a recount. JAMIE WILDER Hnwnll makes good butter. I wonder why It has never MmwM inado good cheese. AFONG TROUBLE HARRY JACKSON Mo for the first outward bound ship after the new sherlir gets sworn In. 1 Campaign of Education. 1 CAPTAIN SHEEHAN They nro blaming Harry Murray too much. He Who Killed Cock Robin? only did as ho wns told, Editor Advertiser: Yesterday reporters of both the Star and tho Whltowasher. v iiiifii Pains BEN ZABLAN Well, how It would be along but they Bulletin saw me as an in Fowl. I told them right to article the San Francisco Examiner rela- Waller's Stored said i only had a grouch. tive to alleged diflficulties and differences between myself, anil others-wh- Tho Democratic Bard. DR. FITZGERALD For a community of this size and wealth the standard Boat. Is surprisingly low. had married into the Afong- family, on - All In the Samo of horsellcsh the one side, and Mrs. IP- J Supervisors. ' C.mt TATTn H A -- 1 rfmnli'nrl i.t- - ttrtrt tflcn in nf fifnetifin v..trilnT- - fin tnr m Raised Somo Afonp on the other, asking me what I had to say in regard to the art- Y a recount is concerned I nm not worried. Was Knocked. icle in question. There had been a serious difference Knox BOB LEVI I had my innings when the returns came in. That was where between the Piece Club. parties in question upon a private family If L x Home Rule I saw the other fellow ge,t the third degree. matter, which I did not ml MRS. KEARNS Ves, my new label is distinctly Hawaiian and they all then, nor do I new, care to discuss, and I therefore told the reporter tell mo it's the prettiest label they have over seen. that I declined to say anything. Since then, I have been informed J. 8. MARTIN There is a tremendous light being made by the large by friends, that a number of responsible citizens have been led by business Interests to save Sam Johnson the road job. reiterated charges from JOIIN MARTIN I think the Advertiser ought to interview the members apparently authentic sources and bv silence on w of the Civic Federation and tho Anti-Saloo- League now. our part, to believe that I, with other sons-in-la- of Mrs. Afong, J. P. COOKE Sam Johnson ought to be kept where he is. He does moro did in fact, on the occasion of the visit to Mrs. Afong referred to in the work for tho money than any other road supervisor we have hud. Lxamincr, attempt to force her to sign a paper affectinrr J asked my editor the other day how ho accounted for tlio vital change SAM WOODS I'uuhiii, my home, is paradise. never come t a little I hcr property rights. Vhilc my lips are for in public sentiment towards Sheriff Drown i.i the short spaco of eighteen HonoIllu unless urgent business demands my presence in the metropolis. the present scaled months ami this was his reply. the first county fight we had to appeal as to what took us to Mrs. Afong's residence "In R BEVERLEY KIDD I couldn't calilo any n ratulations to. Hearst., and what we wished to voters who knew nothing against tho police administration incj ,..,!una ileum . , - ,,0 reason whv ho shouldn't have cabled congratulations to me. of her and what occurred, 1 do not feel called upon to rest under the charges but had not seen proof of tlieni; indeed, they had been led to think n MANAOER IIERTSCHE Wo got twenty-seve- tourists by the Alnmedn imputation of having attempted in 'any way to coerce Mrs. Afong on that the grand jury investigation of the police hail fallen down and that Hatter for our two hotels. Our advices show that going to be a good season. it's the occasion in question, or at any other time, into giving up had followed a fnNe clue. On the Advertiser wo knew better but our lips JACK LUCAS Xo, sir. is emphatically not true that Lucas Druthers anj wero sealed as to what had really taken place. Much against our wills c property rights, either by signing a paper or in any other wise what- I have George Davis chained up in their mill and aro building a cage around him. ever, I had become, convinced that tho department was corrupt anil so, with tho FRED. WATERHOU3E Tho reason why more Hawniians than hnoles, and therefore state that upon that occasion neither money nor Oovornor leading, we came out against Arthur Drown 's candidacy. So did were registered lies in the fact that white men born here arc classed as Ha- property was discussed in any way whatever, nor did we go to Mrs. the Civic Federation, which also knew a thing or two. Hut it was a forlorn wniians. Afong's house to discuss such a subject, nor was she hope. Tho people, or the most of them, wanted to bo shown; they .Wouldn't asked to sign FRED. II. REDWARD In politics as in other games I lelicve in n man any paper of any kind give say-so- ; or to up any property rights, nor a. take anybody's they regarded Drown as a victim of spite on tho part going thing for all he's win or lose. Most everything's fai was into the worth, paper discussed in of tho Governor, tho Civic Federation and tho Advertiser. 'Vindication of in love and politics. any manner or shape at that interview, nor was-an-y Urown' was in the air and tho Itcpulilicjin nominee was easily elected. JOB. BATCIEELOK. The way to breed, good dogs is to import prize-winnin- restraint put upon Mrs. Afong, except sufficient to prevent her "At first tho Advertiser felt, in its disgust, like dropping the wholo fight, sires. William Henry swept the board in the classes at the from interfering in the deserved castigation of a Japanese servant. but when it saw Charley Moore open right up with n protected gambling hoiiM) recent show by pursuing this policy. t Mrs. Afong having on the occasion of and saw che-f- again in motion, it made up its mind to perform a public this visit volunteered the MARSHAL HENDRY The Inter-Islan- d company is said to get $10,000 for tenti-men- t threat that she would dispose of large properties and duty and continue the rumpus. The main thing was to educato public its salvage on the Chiusa Maru. Added to tho $35,000 earned in the Sheridan moneys, held by in for by getting tho graft news early and letting tho peoplo in on nil of it. work, the season has been a very fair one for the her trust all of the Afong children, to the detriment of those Employing as we did and do now, two born detectives, nervy, shrewd and en- children, II. B. ST. CLAIR I think that tho practice "socker" games should bo we did give notice to her, through her son and business-agent- , wo terprising, set them at work in the tenderloin and printed their disclosures. held at Makiki. They would draw bigger crowds which would follow their that we demanded a readjustment of the "We forced tho arrest and trial of gamblers, showed tho attitude of tho polieo trust estate managed favorites to the ball park when the leaguo season commences. by her for the entire family, looking to bo in their laid open eho-f- a iniquity, to a curtailment of her powers-an- favor, the put evidence before grand) W. R. CASTLE Whijo I was in Venice recently I found that work on juries ' control, but this demand was and closely studied the plun of graft. What facts wero found wo told restoring the Campanile had been stopped. Knginecrs reported that tho 'founda- presented by letter through the print, on on con-- of in tho street and the platform, anil they wero never tions wero not strong enough for tho now structure which will be much ordinary channels, two days after the visit to her, when it could be troverted. Slowly public confidence in tho Sheriff wore away and when and, i heavier than the one which collapsed. presumably, was submitted to her attorney before reply was-mad- another campaign approached, tho fight was half won. The peoplo had changed JOIIN SMITH The Advertiser, in its description of the endless chain Very respectfully, F. B.'m'STOCKER. their minds about police methods and wero ready to elect a new Sheriff. It ballot, omitted one important feature. Tho ballot must be of like color with us tho wisdom November ii, i)o6. taught of preparing tho ground for a fight long before the the olllcial one. In this case the color was correctly imitated, as I have seen occasion enrno." myself, but tho watermark was missing. & & & HARRY MURRAY I don't think that the Ucpublicnn party did so badly, FULL COUNTY ELECTION Everybody claims to have elected laukea. One firm let loose, on Tuesday after all. Wo elected two out of three senators and gavo tho people eleven out afternoon, just enough laukea voters to do tho trick. If it hadn't been for of the twelve representatives they wanted. There is only ono county, hut tho y them Drown would now bo a winner. Gilbert Waller tried to get out of Legislature looks after the interests of the whole Territory. RETURNS FROM KAUAI making u speech at tho debate but ho finally yielded and turned enough votes BILL COLLECTOR GREEN This talk about people from the Hawaiian away from Urown, several times over, to elect his own man. It is admitted Islands Icing called sugar baron's and wealthy planters, etc., reminds mo of a liy a machine philosopher that the grand jury elected laukei simply by lady coining down on a steamer to meet her husband here. She told her Lihuc, Kauai, Nov. io, 1906. i sitting around. Then it is dead sure that the Dulletin also elected laukea by s was that her husband a sugar plantation owner in Manoa The election passed oft quietly on Tuesday resulting in victory; leasing two of its columns to tho enemy. Undoubtedly by this means enough valley. for the straight Republican ticket, - votes wero made for tho Democratic nominee for Sheriff to carry him through. A. V. GEAR The fact that the Hawniians drew the color lino tells the excepting only Wilbur Jarvis, who- Tho Weather Hureau elected laukea, for if the day had been rainy some of talo of tho election. For the first time, on record there were moro Hawaiians was ueiuiiieu ior :ne omce ot supervisor lrom Kawailiau district by ) tho Civic fcdorntionists might have stayed at home. Another factor in tho than foreigners registered in the Fourth district. All tho now supervisors arc J. K. Apolo, the Home Rule candidate, by two votes. The following- - case was frco Republican booze in tho tenderloin the night beforo election, j Hawaiians with the exception, of Charlie Hiistaee, Six of the seven hail from is tile tabulated vote cast: .Moro than fourteen good Drown men either slopt through election day or the Fifth. This, of course, menus that that district will get the lion's share l ' COUNTY V Hun-ci- up their marks on the ballot thinking they had got hold of tho bar. f road other improvement work. OFFICERS. and Precincts Keeper's slate. And they, too, have tho honor of electing laukea, Total 0'000-0-'- 10 Vote I J Jt Jt J County Sheriff Ono of the painful things of this campaign lias been BRISBANE ON GILDER. Wm. Henry Itico 38 55 01 53 41 55 173 55 30 CO 620 the attitudo of somo of tho pastors of the churches of tho County Clorl: city. I believe in and recognize tho right of a minister to lead .1. M. Kaneakua 38 o.'i 07 57 30 53 10S OS 43 fiS G5'.i his people in morals and right living. Hut theso professed Richard' Watson Gilder, editor of the Century Magazine, felt called upon to County Auditor followers of the Meek and Lowly Man who left us the solemn write a letter denouncing Hearst ism and Hearst methods, and it was given to II. M. Kanealii 1 in 12 " 18 2G- - 5S 33 12 54 L'55 injunction, "judge not lest yo bo judged," have not hesitated the press. This is the comment it provoked, an editorial, probably by Arthur O. Omsted 37 45 US 46 120 50 34 32 C2.T- in proceedings or from their pulpits, to arraign, Drisbane, in the Evening Journal: County Ottorney judge- and condemn prominent men in the community, basing Did you ever tee the sensitive, little, quivering nose of the sensitive, little S. K. Kaeo 3S 57 03 53 37 55 109 5S 3S 48 C1C their charges wholly on tho fervid utterances of u political mouse! Comity Treasurer ijifc-- a- campaign and without thorough investigation. Then you have seen Richard Watson Gilder. Who would hurt himl A. II. liice 38 54 50 54 44 54 175 57 42 45 G19 Xo opportunity was given for defense or explanation. One of our friendly readers writes: Such a proceeding would not be permitted in any court of law "Have you seen tho letter against Mr. Hearst written by Richard Watson DEPUTY SHERIFFS. where our language is spoken, George Wl Smith. Gildert Why don't you go at him and rip him up!" Will men Our nnswer is: you surely have never seen Mr. Then. Dlackstad 1 15 15 Nonsense! With newspapers, public meetings and overy other form of "Header, Oilder." 13 44 ' g We should as soon think of "ripping tho Huffy, feebly-scratchin- in- W. O. Crowell 37 249- - publicity at hand, the men arraigned by tho pastors had plenty of time to up" 47 106 59 cubator chick as to Mr. Gilder. Tho tender apple-blosso- blowing in Koloa reply. Tho charges made from tho pulpit wero not now; they had been mndo attack tho spring wind has more manliness in it than Mr. Gilder's body and soul. Henry Dlako 38 BSv over and over again in theso columns; AXD TIIKY HAD HERN I'KOVKl). Gl He is a zephyr, a breath. In face, in form, in voice and in movement ho is n Lihuc . , That is why the election went as it did. pathetic imitntion of a young girl. Nobody would hurt him. William Kllis '. 174 .. . 1T4 .... .,..-- .- - ji Jt .' jJU J Has our render who asks for such harsh words over seen a quivering little Kawailiau ' On election night Gilbert .1. Whllcr stood behind the grill at tho market sensitive mouse slip across the tloor in search of n crumb! C. K. Kaao .. 45 .. . 4ff-- looking across at the displayed returns on the Advertiser's balcony. Xow and That is, to tho very life, Mr. Richard Watson Gilder, with his gray hair S. W. Meheula "j 78 .. .. 78; then when Democratic gains were reported his face would light up like a hall falling around his little mouse eyes, and his thin body shivering in his black Hiuialci ' lamp when somebody is heard coming. Then when tho figures went Republican en0i gliding Into a room among men. S. Kiinewnnui 7 24 31 would bo off his joy shut just as if n door had been slammed in front of it. j file lnan wi,0 would nttack Mr. Gilder by word or deed would be capable Jas. K. Lota 42 10C 148: fS All of a sudden a Democratic rooster, proud and masterful, was thrown on 0f attacking the cloven.ounco baby in tho Coney Island incubntor. the screen. With utter astonishment Waller looked closely at him and said: xg ti1P npple blossom in tho wind, tho mouse in tho great steel building, SUPERVISORS. -- la that Mru out! Wliy I've had htm on cold storage for six years." tho i.romaturo citizen in tho hot incubator. Mr. Gilder is to be admired for Wainiea 3 O M the fact that ho is alive at all. Only our kind thoughts nro for him. A. V. Knudsen 3S 00 83' 48 22 Inghnm was the Democratic campaign (laureate. IIo would stop, any time, S. Maknila 0 8 30 25 1 .. 69-- in tho arduous of footing up overdue oft n Koloa work bills, to run little Democratic Onllfornin,'tfaiJ!:JKiKJKJ!fJifafafwould disband it and also relievo candidates from the importunity ballad for County Deacon," columns in tho Tho W. D. McDrydo 4S 55 .'. .. 103 "The Trent's, Dulletin. ()f ot)icr .,rimtorv lmmls 0n Oahu the Home Rule party now musters only J...... "MeClnnnhan was his and I think he wrote God a Lihuc Song" the "Oh for Man" eight or nine hundred votes. I'robnbly, in the next two yenrs, tho member- - ' poem gavo me wemocraue or mo us II. D. Wishard 171 .. 171 wnicn siue nui.eun cnoicosi issue. M wl s,cmlilv diminish, and be found, at tho next polling, with tho party Probably, since tho returns are all in, ho will write another poem Leaded, Kawailiau wh,ch Mcms Hkc',v , ,V(J. HnwnjimlH the most and best oflices. "Oh God for Klcveu Men." .las. K. Apolo , 03 .. .. 6 called Morlynma from his room who, on Wilbur Jarvi 1 .. CI Almost everybody who hud anything In particular to do with making the Hh l,INf 111 reaching tho streot, was assaulted and Hanalel ,, Infl Morito town record uf tho Drown machino went to tho bad Tuesday. "Vindicated Vida I MM WIIWH killed. disappeared from Chas. K. Kaheo .. 43 62 105 and remained awny for several days 1). Kunenlii 5 40 45 got a smashing jolt; Moore, the Democratic whitewasher, was rejected by the returning to the sheriff's ofiiro and con- K. Kuupuhi 24 23 bnlloters; dear, who was always hand.in-glov- e with Drown and Vida got it JAP MOBITO fessing the limn. it but adding that ho 2 in the solar plexus; and the candidates who did tho most apologizing for did it 111 He wns brought to trial in the tTa- - CEAPSTERS AEBESTED. tho machine joined or barely escaped joining tho innumerable caravan that litnlf.ln turn, ni M.n (Tirtllt fniir! tf NO CHANGE III moved to the pale realms of defeat. Doubtless the most reputable apologist Thjt ttnlnmont mniln bv ItOV. J. " i l. L...l. ft.. .It 1... !.! .Hnrnnv Severn! of the old camr of cmpsteri for the Drown crowd hasn't yet recovered from the shock of eight majority Wadman in connection wjth tho appeal Cnr, s gmitn took exceptions to tho who figure In nearly nil the ralila werl in a poll of 5500 or so, ior mercy mr .iiuruu '"""' jury on the ground that some or tno arrested yesterday forenoon In Ko--B exactly correct. EvidentlyniiMr. "''- - natural-ma- n nieinbera of tho panel linil been Bicycle SheldonvB J St Jl J has been misinformed. iu,(1 liv circuit Court judge. Tho kaako by Officer Yesterday's Bulletin had this from ' There existed in Hilo up to two or w"ont Among crowd wero Qeorse KacsuB "wireless" Hilo: cnHe over to ,10 npxt mlo tcrm the so H1LO, Hawaii, November 10. The Hoard of Supervisors three years ago a band of thugs , nnit wlen it wns (.nC(l Mr, Smith Kukapa, Sam Knnua, Wm. Hilo ondu thoroughly organised that their acts coun-seldo- at their sestdon yesterday raised the salaries of nil road labor- stntcii thnt ll0 haii withdrawn as W. H. Newland. Tlio first two ami reached the knowledge of tho sel jie88rs. Wise and Irwin wero Oeorge D. Gear, who arrived from ers to $1.50 per day, and also raised a number of the Super- In time the leaders. I unnko-- , last named gave 110 ball and weno Hij,n0(1 t3 tu0 cn8e ,y the court and morning, Is to visors, thug-- 1 Kauai yesterday said shl and Wntenabe. carried their ,.lmducted tho trial during six davs leased. The ottier two-wer- given thclral of killing a j re- What did they raise them on the bottlcf gory to the point carpeii. wliel, .iorjt,, as convicted as charged. have stated that there would bo a freedom. ft xer .lomnnuing a ransom iu i sen- - .4 . .4 1 liner .When ho wns brought up for count In tho case of the recent elec- irnm 111s menus, .11er 1110 uram m , n few davs Mr. Smith asK Cullud Knox tried to fence later A WOltD TO kernel make himself solid with the victors the other the man. Ids thro.u havlntr been e". od to ue entered ni an attorney ns ho tion for sheriff. TKAVELERS. 1 iv nvni, iu ijciiiocruiio iicini(uariers ami new out 1110 io mu puiico mm would file executions and take tho case tijr. giaa tianu. "iso runaKosiii reporien A. M. Brown, Interviewed last night, ) Xo't youse tuird," he mid, "but now it's nil obcr I wnnt to "Cut tn carpenter Iia'l committed suicide, to tho Supremo Court, This was dono The excitement Incident to tnureUn ,- con." five-pag- e o( that- said Kdward Dighaiu sharply; over and ho submitted a brief a said that he knew nothing this and and change of food ana oft ",t isn't for you. Oil!" And nlnXr few weeks ago without argument. Tho water BllentJy, like nn Arab, Cullud Kernel Knox, went out into tho street nml gree and given long terms 00in prison, court overruled tho exceptions and stated that no decision would be ar brings on diarrhoea, and for this mistook a bar of sunshine on tho pavement for the first glimpse of frost. Tho successor to Funakoslil, In the confirmed tho sentence of the lower rived at In the matter for a few days, sou no one pliould leave home wlthoi a bottle of Chnmberlaln'a Coflp, Choi v1 M ,S I leailersiup ot tlio tliugs, was mspuicu court. It was Deputy General Milver got nothing mo on "Gear has from era and Diarrhoea Remedy. snUil Homo uteu tlio case, not rros For The Bui. party has dwindled to a mere piece club, a source of uV'o ' the matter." said Sheriff Brown, "and Benson, & Co., ageuul & $ o B' oil in nn anernoon ( by Smith ltd., illicit protU to the leaders. An autbpieco club law, such as they have In two years ago, Morito Is alleged to have paper.L.' the situation Is unchanged." for Hawaii. HAWAIIAN GAZETTE, TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 13, 1906. Ml-WEEfcLY.


illg crap games continue to bo the The glorious went her vogue ( yesterday drew nrouiul the hiimtoun district an unusually largo nut the inmo ns before election no crowd to the bench one c'mnge in tho police system of laxity. and of tho plens.mteMt Sunday iB On Saturday ' afternoon shortly be of the year wns enjoynd by tho HBHBBhuwHHIPd ( - M .'I HHHHb HI'I'HBBhHHBBHBhHBHBB'''"'1' Hfl HBBBB&'- HHnflHBBHI fore o'clock, about fortv men mid patrons of the Walklki resorts. 1 oys were close participants in n game High tide came at just iieiientii tne nig olinl tree in the Jvnu the right time ninknpili hollow. Tho game wns en- to catch the crowd and tho surf was My illflSPfl&jftfi ? rHHHIx, Hb' BBHHiHBKSnHBHH''r Haff PvsBMslKft ' 11 gineered by some of ftho same old just right for surfing. crowd which flguriH in nearly all dis Although tho sun shono brightly all closures of gambling. A watcher was day, the strong trado on bluff whero ho wind brought with the could command it n good view of Ileretnnia aveniio and mi agreeable) coolness in which u the several approaches. A reporter got tnng of autumn could ho detected. ' within forty feet of tho crowd when The bench was well populated until the alarm wns given. the sun had sunk far below the Some of the gamesters sprinted in a horizon and manner to put them in the champion- the golden nftcrmnth of bis splen- ship class. Tho crapstcrs scattered in dor had faded from the western sky. rsJKM IbV r y i every direction and within a minute tho Tho Aquarium entertained a large CSfil4 A "aSf ijpjfjBftl-cs- ' tir I-- J1bKJL Xo Tmp?v .'"E i3"i TV .Slr""V i fJ 'lrliB.l"J entire hollow and vicinity were aban- tiuinler of visitors who found unending doned. delight in watching the diverting In the evening n big Chinpo game gyrations of tho tinny occupants of the was running in n second story room of various tanks. n building abutting on King street near The big squid did a star stunt yes- the Fisluunrkct. Chinese watchers terday. Kmerging from his retirement stood on vomers to give notice of the beneath mi overhanging ledge of coral, approach of police olllcers. SuHlce it the slippery fellow lurched on a lodge oc- of rock and HB.v ryfjjtri-iaf- jf a r ifeJK MJHR il MJiV V ) a,vj--L 3 to state that the watchers had no surveyed his surroundings. 'ir casion to send an alnrm to the players. Small, transparent shrimps passed be. If Hut ono policeman showed up on that fore his hungry gaze but ho suffered the tiny $j beat in nearly an hour. crustaceans to remain un- B'Vi'vUiHHi w ' Jin Mfj flflflLw-- aKfukH'' molested. Ho was nftcr bigger game. Presently n fat black crab scuttled along 3 g lT a side of the tank. Quick n. MHI It V. j i j 1 f t Ur VL as THE TENNIS Hash his squldship got n move on and witli his tentacles trailing behind him precipitated himself at tho unfortunate TOURNAMET shell-fish- . .lust before reaching the erab thn squid checked himself nnd, spreading out his feelers like the opening of an Tho Honolulu tennis players who umbrella, soon had tho crab in his went to Mnul on Saturday returned to mouth, the parrot-lik- e inaudible of Honolulu by tho steamer Llkcllko yes- which quickly crushed It into digestible form. It took tho squid terday, bringing the Puuneno cup back half an hour o to complete his meal, after which ho with them. retired to his retreat and went to sleep. THE HAWAIIAN BAND JUST BEFORE UIAVINO HONOLULU. Tho homesters won tho tournament Perhaps the most attractive tank in o tho Aquarium -- - by fifteen points. They leport a roy.il just now is that which constitutes tho homo of tho colony of 'I wish to express myself in reguril to the limitation K''i'S "' re time on the Valley Isle and nllego that fnntnlled gnldllsh. the tientmont they received was ns flno These curious jjardioj; tlie .inil," Haid Governor Carter Inst iiiRlit, "and "'I wish lo state o BRING BACK BERGER. t little fish present a as silk. A luau and a dance wero giv- splendid appearance as tho sun's rays some of the of the question perhaps not generally realized by the com- - By IL M. Ayrcs. Y strike down phnvs a en In the visitors' honor. through tho clear wntcr onto red-gol- 'munity at large, jihases which may induco a more sober tceond thought in their bodies, delicately The Honolulu players were; A. T. relieved with pure white. tho matter. Bring back Kapellmeister Dergcr, Much we miss those moonlight concerts Block and F. E. Stecre, W. P. Both Thuro has been placed In ono of the "I went to flip meeting of the executive committee of the Relief fund on For nre heard around the town T'iinern".ith the greenwood tree, and It. D. Mead, C. II, Cooke and tanks of late a jelly-fish- . This is no ordinary jelly-fish- , though as Friday, feeling as a good many others in tho community do, that there was Sounds of grief and lamentation Miss the waltz and merry medley, D. II. Hitchcock, S. II. Derby and C. shapeless his of renown ritntely as the rest of his race. is his color an unexpended bulunco in the hands of tho committee which thoy did not know That baton match and symphony; G. It ten-ce- Bockus. that Waves for empty benches Anil the sweet-voice- d native maidens attracts and distinguishes. Imag- to do with. I knew an application previous to this one for tho ine tho rose-ro- yvhat that some ten-ce- nt town. Slnglns C. Hartwell was unablo to make tho warmest you "can anil In frozen "Lei I'onl Mol." you Jband hod been made to tho committee for $1200 for local charitable purposes. trip nnd this left W. Alexander with- will fall short of the mark. It is lm- - living color that attracts aud With others had read the statements in tho regarding the need of band-boy- Then nijaln we miss fascinates. I Dress back alt the busted s, the lovers out n partner. is Drln? On It 'color that painter's pnletto never Miediato action anil tho suggestion that the band could find relief from the Bring Joseph Cohen too, the benches at the back, teams from each played bore. is back pistol's Four Island It color that transforms tho !ommitte7 but I found that these suggestions had been based on misapprc- - (live the former hero medals, And the sound like popping. hideous, shapeless As lips three sets each nnd the number of form of tho iollv.fish Zoo-- He's flirtatious "kersmack" into a thing liicn&ion. Put the latter in tho games won by both sides wero added of wondrous bcautv which wonder; can you Osculation bees will flourish you return to gnzo at again 1 committee is not in possession of any balanco which they can properly a beat him and nguin. "The place to Whcn'llerr Derger wanders back. together. nun remaining to the From this Tlmbuctoo? uricu remnrnaiuo are tho com- expend for this purpose. The reason for tho balance is due On this figuration tho Honolulu boys ments made by visitors to tho Aqua- tact that instructions had been given our representative in San Francisco not Bring back every frosted fluter had fifteen points tho best of the deal. rium on its vnried denizens. Emma Square and of Thomas, palm-gi- rt to be too lavish, beeauso information had come to the committee prompting that To our Island shore, Tho tournament took plnco In tho Two ladies wore rogardlng tho Likewise Island of Makee, Then shall pol and plenteous "Palm morning and In the afternoon various oonuhiio or parrot-fis- yestordny. Now miction, tnc intorimition ticing to tno eucct tnnt on, during tne coming band-boy- s later TIu tno back you summon Tree" friendly matches were played. this fish is tho laziest thing imaginable, much suffering in greater than at any winter, there would be San 1'rancisco, Xaurfit will know of rythmic dice: Conjuio melody Ralore, An exhibition gnmo was played mi ling oi course us neighbors, the hungry tinio during tho past summer. Up until that time tho committee had been For their harmony we're And tho nlr be filled with music C. II. Cooke and W. I. Both perching fish. Tho ueiiiihne nun imn,,l paying its funds into tho central relief organization, but it has long since For their matchless melody. ICvermote and evermore. and Krunibbanr and Stuvonson, tho for in looking more bored than nnv In. habitant Lccn aoViscd that this organization hns been disbanded. mer winning. Messrs. Krumbhaar nnd of tho henven above, the earth Baldwin Home, is in charge of Stevenson were tho only team to win In beneath or the witters under the earth. is to this organization that tho Chamber of Commerco is addressing the One "It FATB EB MAXI M E brothers of our congregation; tho ono the icgular contest, beating Der- lady remarked that this kind cablegram any of money. Unless S. H. lived Sts ashing if thero exists further need the for women, the Bishop Home, is under by and C. Q. for ever. Bockus. Her friend cablegram is worded mi that tho people who receive it will know that it is an me iiiioouon ot J ranciscan sifters from Interesting gnmo be- exclaimed that alio had Another was always to unexpended balance which is at their disposal they will naturally think that Syracuse, N. Y. At Kalaup.ipa thero tween A. T. Block nnd Krumbhaar, wanted hco a turtle ns she had heard that they wero are, at tho' le.ist, l."0 huts for those 1. wonderfully Hawaii in her generosity is ready to raise a further subscription and they me lepers the former winning, long-live- who livo alone. Tho total number of Tho Maul teams wero as will naturally reply that thero is no further need of money. S.iu 1'ranciscans lepers follows: Those unlimited little transparencies, at the place is one thoi.3nnil; tho C. C. and Stevenson, an be to assert independence of relief sub colony nt Kiumbaar F. the shrimps, attracted tho attention dopended upon their further Kalawao contains seven hun- F. Baldwin and "W. Savage, F. P. of scriptions. dred. For our own part we hnvo no a couple of Britishers from a tramp llosecrans and J. H. Thoinpson, Wil- slonincr in port. " eireiimstancps Can you give me any information fear of contracting ppnny. However, "Under thnie can the committco hero accept that reply as wo liam Searby and George B. Henderson. "Whnt aro thoso blooming about Father Mnxiine, tho "leper do not neglect to oLscrvo the pre- thingsf" final, knowing what wc dot Our committco has been distributing small sums cautions Which common tirmlmuM unnlil ...' queried tho first in relief right alung. At the meeting on Friday some of these vouchers wero priest" of tho Hawaiian Islands, whose suggest and which our superiors strong. "Wlhy, shrimps, of course," replied his compnnion. passed. The conuuitteo has information that thero is and will be inuri suffer- church was recently burned? 'What is i. auvise. .liter wo nave come in "What did you taku contact with a nmoi ttmsi them for?" ing and want in Sau Francisco. C. M. Cooke learned during his recent visit to leper we carefully wash his nationality! T. 0. IX our hands. Whenever lepers come to Oh, quit your kidding," said the city that the hospitals arc overworked and without funds. that Itev. Maximo mis npuuK to us tncy do not enter tho TUT r?1 so" ot All)In"; "shrimps is pink." Andro has been a W,liltilti I "The question of tho band, beyond tho connection with it in tho distribu sionary in tho Hawaiian Islands for House, nut remain upon tl.o veranda ArflNFSH T'10 tlm objective I point of pleasure-seekor- s tion of tho relief fund, was not discussed in tho meeting, tho committee being seventeen years. J'or fourteen years 'thoy themselves fullv understand tho UC Uni nilLUL many and tho purpose Moana baths did a rushing unanimous the opinion that thoy wero simply trustees for the beneficiaries no was connected witn the Elation of of these measures and aro care- business. in ful to observe them. At tlio bensido Hotel one of tho of the not for tho donors. Thoy agreed was a naked and Hilo, on the Island of Hawaii, in tho largest fund, that it trust leper Tho opinion prevails to a great ex- crowds of tho season listened to colony at Molokai, made famous WASHINGTON, Oct. 31. It Is be- tho that they had absolutely no authority to divert auy of tho funds from the by Damieii in tent that a leper colony is like a great music of tho Knwailinu Quintet Father 18S0, there are coming Club and tho purpose of the trust. S'o far ns the band was concerned tho committee was two villages, Kalawao and Kalaupapa, charnel house and that its inhabitants evident that sIioiik pressuro waves. is aro alwnys plunged in melancholy. Tho will bo exerted during tho .Mnniigrr Church, who has hoen con- - in favor of nor against as a committee. It ia the latter village that Father next session . (Illml 111 !.- cither it it is ' litu 1....1 - !. 1...1! !.!.. Andro truth much different. All day long V " " " "There is one phafcc of tho situation which it would bo well to consider is stationed, living with the of Congress to secure legislation re- - ," '"" T lepers, ministering to their spiritual sounds of mirth may bo heard." Our """ striding Japanese Immigration, Tho yoHtordny, and - that is tho attitude which this community is likely to place itself in, If, wants and doing nil that is possible lepers nmuso themselves like children, received many congratu- - chatting, subject Is already - '"tions on his recovery, iftcr having tendered theso subscriptions to the sufferors of the great catas- to inako Ufa plo.isnntcr for these un- singing or running about; in being actively dls- fact; they " ropho and published to the world our generosity .in tho amount of the sub fortunate beings. Father Andre is .a tako their recreation llho all cussed In Washington. It Is expected incmlor of the Congregation of tho oilier people. 'I liny luivo no cares and hero thnt scriptions, We Blinuld now turn around and bccause'of our feeling of sympathy aro not obliged to the labor organizations on UKIGIN A Sacred Iionrt of Ficpus, an order which woilt, as tho govern- the Pacific Coast will OF tho band want to tako back what wo had given to San Francisco. Might ment furnishes them everything they take thu lead In for wns founded in 1817, and which has advocating this legislation, and that vo not be accueod pf being Indians in our gifts? headquarters in 1'aris. Wo have boon need. QUAINT EXPRESSION In our they will havo more or loss cupport can not speak for tho committee, but tho subscribers to unauie to learn much aliout the mis little commonwealth nubile from organized "I if this fund duties aro entrusted to tho lepers. The labor all over tho to com-;,,- .. ' "' . "" ' country. Ixibor In risli individually draw down tho amounts they hae subscribed, tho "' '" I judge is a leper; so is tho sheriff: the conditions Hawaii Thoy ' " ',,," will bo were In a local hostelry and It nittco will dceido havo to ':l"'.vcri the policeman, school- - cited as an Illustration ot tho doubtless what authority they accedo to theso career but soon after ho went to Ka-- i tho was suggested that they purtukc of o - contention If the Japanese con-tln- cquests. he some liisi "lJK"!r aro " mulcted with the ills- that "duck and laupapa wrote account of to bo ndmltted ns dorls." in a to l ' freely as nt "By is just as well for tho community to consider theso things and not to' work 'otter lus superior general, ,j "", :,,ll """",! present they thu wuy," said ono of the men, "It t. fn, .1 will soon havo a practical Is hastily in matter. is not a valid - " "what tho literal inonuliig of the ex- ct tho It reason that because other left- f tl'e - ,"e",1,crN "f Tho monopoly of labor In the Pacific Coast .XlJi.", "3" Vttcr fol- "mity. only pression and whero nnd how did I l0rK01rs tho States. it ver balances have been expended foolishly that this one should be, although lowing extracts aro taken '" colouv who nro not tome to orlglnatoV" he expenditure may not Lo foolishly made. Hut, however ell it mnv lo, Tho leper colony at Molokai Is, as it ' '0rers nro t" resident and the doctor; On tho other hand restrictive legis- I to lation will bo "It was originally wrltton 'douk out k .... ., .i i i. wore, a littln wlib.ii il. -- l ouK''t add also tho nmtmnstcr. opposed on the ground tn...... n..it.. ...!.:...... in. .n - nf- . .n. mu a ' . dorlscbe,' which Is I i.."" "" ".". V '" "" .i"".K iuiiuv,! .,' "'IT- mnnH,,llwl Tl .... n thnt it would ..It... a .,,.,!,., KoBbaek food Irish und "" is means " itnntion is reached where it impossible to disburse it among the unfortunate tcrrjt;,ry American governmentf. hns decreed,1!" the development of Jrndo 'let's drink and away.' replied ,cnt of two miles in ?hc American tho other. If San Francisco. and half a mile in width. II.,ni. tl.n "' "rilt'r to prevent contagion through not only In Japan, but in all Kastern 1 the - "I've heard it explained differently," I ono do , ' mails, that in .Molokai tho mis- Asia. Thoso who "As to the band.i for not want nnv of thn innnnv cnntrilmtod north it- is- iitiinlcil.. bv... tlm...... i!ilnt...... , , take this view olnt 11 remarked tho ilist man. "Alon about .nrnnrntinnq which T n xhnrnholilnr tvltlulrntt-- 7 n.., Ocean; upon tllO SOlltH llV n lofty mnuil'l am"!l,'y i"'"' the duties of post- out that Japanese boycott of Ameri- if Ihmo nf inn t.i In ' closing time a - - . . . tiiin itt-.-i iini,a.n..i r....t !., i..,i..i,, ..., blaster, ''' can goods would not only Injuru fellow would invito his ' ... ' their crfectiy willing to foe them subscribe to anothor fund for tho band nnd will i,.,oa.,i,, , ...... n .. ... There is a treat contrast between sale In Janan ami K'mn.i. hut niun in friend to luivo Just ono more, where- - t,le crsonally sul scribe to the extent of $.10 to such n fund. Honolulu h not so escape. Horevor tho lepers....'who nro '',.,,lw"" '"id Knlniiinpn. The latter, , wheto Japanese Influence Is now ll".m '""'"iider would get wrathy, ...... lllllll lin.F l,lu lu ...... to e!,ca', 'iIh nnger roue.....but wnat we can inKo caro oi our own sullcrers. Wo have ..had no coiiitneu in this placo have no uoiro ' He1' '". u'.. '""""M""'; becoming mnro cffcctlvo'than ever be- - """ 0110 would s.t to run...... '.away; tliny livo tli friiur, .ii as II is nt the fore. PresMont '" l,1 ,'"1!r "thor, 'Duck out ot together ns a Boosovolt has not irtliquake." f',oi I" - vt largo family. And then.' could 't ,(, l - Tliero- mndo public awy on doorsche,' which has In time been cor- - ' whero statement tho fore ''"l". ''I- liipted they giil Thoy would lo repulsed with ,"',' u" jireferred by question, but he has let It ho known In- to 'duck and dorls.'" the ,"'",'"' s n of horror wherever they otll'vlth'' place of directly that tho administration will "Woll, whatever It was nrlglnully rcsl.loiieo for Urn lepers. Anyone who iLACKWAILERS THREATEN might present themselves. not fnvor nny If gls atlon that will written," said his compnnion, "tho !l(''' '"A to Ivainwi neigh- - In tho village of Kalaupnpn the mis- - ofor thu restrictions on Japaneso Imm- naiiio and the custom nro strictly all J fico-irige- do slon occupies n of 11. 11, nc.ro ""',.- - t'i"'v lo so right. Why, even old says some- ni..it:u nt mi l,in igrants that nro not Imposed on thoso Omar in extent. Thn huts nf tho leners nro "' gi'Voniinrnt, which ptys all tho from where something about 'a duck aud WEALTHY SHEEP OWNER ' all other countries ns well, all nlntit. When I leave my house I "x'' l's ' u'1' r"", ""' r'ves the dorls underneath tho bough.'" meet everywhere peoiilo morn less !;;'Wcomcr n hnuso In which to settle, or COLON IN And then they had theirs. ilisflft-red- ; the one who nro in nd. ,V'1' ""? I""I'''P' i not far olt when COURT. will V OGDEN, Utah, Oct. 30. Joseph S. Pcery, a wealthy young vnnd Mi"i of their dlenfr rl. nre- - ;y,,,lw"n le f.tlrely abandoned. Mateo Colon, who made a dastardly - q3to" I FltOM TlIK ANTIM.KH. fill to nvoid being scon. After tl- -- I'"I'or attack oino weeks ago on n nurso nt "' l," ,B '" U1 HiacKmniiiufj icucr M-- ono becomes accustomed to dls ClIAMBKItljAIN'S COUGH '"l"""" "I'1 theo tho Japaneso hospital, stabbliiir her HKMKDV hrotipli the mail and signed "Three." In this letter the writers dc-- "'r"ioiTit' n,i ran look t ii- i- win, BKN'KFITS A CITY CDUNCIlr. . "ut JcmiKirjiina. niu icncrs. ttiouni. REV. OR. SYLVESTER In tho bick nnd Inflicting Injuries MAN AT IvIN'GRTOV and 600 and threaten to kill Peery's sheep by poisoning; the water- - tiny nro afflicted to -- uch iicrrn which narrowly escaped being fatal, I JAMAICA, - ' Ig- if i1,"1 I" eao t'-e- and who within n fow placet he fails to comply with their demand. ,,vl,",n'', mnnnorii In nnswer to a hours afterwards Jtr. W. O'Bcllly Fognrty, who Is a cabled Inquiry to 11 " ' " V ' ,r " stabbed JapantBo roomer In u hotel King-whic- Arrntnnnnv inrr fl... ;c , . :.V" """"' """"" ""T r' member of tho City Counrll nt h Inii.r t- .... 1 J.:...:--- ,t 11.1111 vn-- you may no Denver rd In? of .". ti.uHi.uu.ltn,, 111.11101111 siitii tiieai, iiiov r ri;ra tho Illness the he burglarized, was up before alc, Jamaica, West Indies, writes ns .'! Judge pro- - the shore of the Great Salt Lake as the place the noney ??TM'!' th,1 ll"v-- Ur 8; venter, reported In n Den- - Whitney on Saturday for a follows; "Ono bottle Chamber-llmlna- ry vlur is ral,, ,rnl,"rv' ";'"r"-- of '"' .Tnnt rei nil- NPr paper hearlnif. As tho victims of his Cough good be left for them in a can. The letter was roughly print'.-- with a tlnn. ' of recen dete and published an's Hemcdy had effect murdorotis assault arc still confined to oil n cui-g- thnt wns giving me troubl The ministry of the nrisnt vrl.i- - "' the Advertiser, P, C. Jones last night d pencil. t the hospital nnd wero unable to appear and I think I should have been rnoro cording ns lo visit tho verv n reply tD lad .no ro'.olved ri"ssurlni; tho effect ngilnst him, bis case wns further con- - oukkly relieved If I had continued in the hospitals or goes th-- tli? nmhnir 'pt Dr, r!y'v(tPr' U'tiens Ind not becn tlnued until Saturday next. Colon Is remedy. That It wns beneficial Henry Pcery, one of the of i people who nro livlnv in , and owners this ranch, who .ilso a prom sobited tolr- rt facing a triple charge, In- - , ! ,la l,,Pt 1"1 wou' " Ho- - assault with quick In relieving mo thero Is no doubt nt stockbroker of Salt Lake Citv and Goldn.-li- l visit.,l Tlr.nr.1,,1. own houses. There are two v "' "r to danger- - . . ,...... ,, .. tent murder, assault with a ant' It Is mv Intention to 4 ,,w,,.,i ivhich hnvo been built for V l"fl'u'u n the B. 8 Korea, leaving-Ba- obtnln annth ruui iiircc years ago. wot ous weapon and burglary In the first bottle." For sale by Benson, enscs. That for the men, rulo! rmelsci) an the Jfith Inst. Smith k to degree. i;u., l,iu., agema ror uuwnu.

iiJiL ..TUEaDAi'J-NoyBMni- -se-mi-weekly. HAWAIIAN GAZETTE,. nt 13, 1906.

tort-ion- , 1 nut n directed. ut enn othrrwltedjo depended upon to Vnlo LOCAL BREVITIES. Ii'ot Terjr IW the ''endless bnlii. the first man nt the oting Imotli forfeit his woman lilm. In Clnvrrnnr Carter will retire to thn HHWailHNGHZETTE iHilrit ntiil Iflngs Ins unmnikeil tlcJut outside with This ticket then . . can artonl V M TOLeB9l-r BB-- A country today for n wri-h- 11. Second-clas- s Matter. nb'l ninrknl bv machine men oxnrtlj ns they want It second Entered at the Pastoflkc of Honolulu, T., 'iikui l'i Hm,ii"r K Fiixiiii Itlshop Is men- to linvo I II. ( s voting booth, receives hi lilnnk Seml-Wcck- tcr i he tlikft ' inside the c ly Issued Tuesdays and Fridays. gicn tioned fur tho Heiiiitn pri'Slditicy maid, Mali ostensibly to It tlckft from the Inspectors nml to tho voting mnrk I.nnl Itutttnflii. the idx.yoar-ol- d son Xnt riuiiiv llu then JinniH the ticket previously marked to tho inspector nml ipiits the nf CJenrgo II Itllttliiitn, wns severely won I il $& WALTER G. SMTH. Editor. by otT U olli, delivering hi blank ticket to the bits. hurt Jumping a inovlmr enr want 0110 (' H llollowny. This scheme In carried on through nny number of voter. Hy it thn .Superintendent of around, iBmm any vn-- Rates: I Public Works, Icavis today for a l Subscription .MnrtMnn 1,11111 Imtrt nn. Vtitti tin, HtmII lillt flllirk Illl tlm nthlr ttckpt. Mill (Witt way. you cntlon of two weeks to be spent on the ( nut W U'HIDTH &" Month, Foreign.'. I er Month 9 I'cr rt"nn trolling the vote nml putting In n stmlght ticket In n crookcil manner. The island or Molokal. ".00 v.v. , ...... ,!. I... l... .. !.! .... Pr Tear I'cr Yei.r, Foreign... iicvicu ciisiiy cmicnn ui u currupi vwer nni'ii nu iinni iiir inn piiy. Superintendent of Public Instruction VmvbT. Payable Invariably in Advance. H-- Habbltt leaves shortly for .Moloknl mi Aycr's Hair Vigor) h huntlnir trip. Mr. Habbltt wishes to nnd most CHARLES S. CRANE, Manager. got perfect women would TOWN TALK RUBBISH. Into training for tho com bo MJilll ing legislative session. greatly Improved by One of thci-fjn- n Francisco papers that the enrthquakc has not knocked Letters from Madeira, whence about It, too. It means so much MBRftH fc the nonsense out of is Town Talk, a weekly of freelance principles and in POO of tho Suverlc's Immigrants nro to havo loug, rich, heavy discriminate gossip, Jt seems to have a correspondent In Honolulu who knows coming, stnto that enough applicants hair; soft, smooth, glossy hair. And TO GAZETTE SUBSCRIBERS on the passage just about the kind of stuff itho journal wants, therefore as n rulo sonds it Island for to Hawaii this la just tho kind of hair you may were left behind to fill another Htcnmcr. oxecpting-truth- . havo, If you wish lu If you wish all matter with all sorts of spice The following is n specimen in Oeorgo P. Thlclcn has sold out his - tho deep, rich point from the issue of October- 127, "80 That JIo May Splurge" being tho stock brokerage color of youth restored Beginning with January i, 1907, the subscription price to the business to William to your caption: ' Williamson, his partner in tho firm of hair, 7 Semi-Week- ly Ga2ette will be $3.00 per annum, payable in "At the next session of Congress n raid will bo made on the Federal Thlelcn & Williamson, nnd will shortly leavo for tho Coast to go Into advance. treasury by the territorial officials of Hawaii, Aly correspondent in the islands business CHAS. S. CRANE, there. informs me that Governor Carter hopes to havo his salary doubled. He feols Tho Snn Francisco Call of November Mer?s ' Business Manager. that as Honolulu is the gntcway of tho Pacific to the mainland and he is called 0 contains long accounts of tho mur- .,.... . Mtttaffiifffei upon to entertain visiting ambassadors, ministers and other1 state officials derous assault upon Jowclcr Hehrcnd c7i? e "7 a r,ui, crossing the ocean the drain on his private purse is too severe. When Prince by two thugs, nnd the arrest of John Simpson nnd Louis Dabner, who Li, the representative of thu JJmperor of China, stopped at Honolulu about n aro TUESDAY NOVEMBER 13. accused of the nssault. Simpson Is laor year ago, Governor Cnrter gnve him n reception that cost fivo hundred dollars. said to be tho assumed named of "J. will certainly satisfy vou. And ho has given other receptions that enme high too high, be thinks, for n F. II. ,Slemsen" nnd the Snn Francisco Do not bo deceived by cheap Imita- papers CUBA AND ANNEXATION. Governor drawing only five thousand per. So Congress is to bo nsked to raise allude to him ns a "kanaka" tions which will only disappoint you. hailing from Honolulu. is political organisation in the Pnited bis salary to ten thousand. And to make tho pull as strong as possible an effort lIa!.-- turo jou get AYER'S The Democratic nartv about the lust Tho ball to be given nt tho Young Hair f will he made nt tho same time to salaries of tho Fc.leral judges. Vigor. States to successfully om.osc the annexation of Cnba which, it may be snftily rnitrtlio In Hotel Friday evening for the benefit this matter tlicro will lie n unanimity of sentiment among tho assumed, unless cry unexpected and extraordinary events supervene, will not and of the band, under the direction of th Prepartdbjft.J.C.Ajcr&Co. LoclLAIti..n.S.A. bo accomplished under tho administration of President Hiioscvclt. On the their friends will pull for them' as ono man." Kawalhau Oleo Club, S. K. Nnlnoa di- In tho foregoing item tho 'only odor of news is from what is untrue, rector, will bo largely patronized. Tho question of "imperialism," both the national parties aro divided OLLIBTEn DRTJQ CO.. tickets are selling $1 AOltNT. orig- Governor Cnrter is neither asking nor hoping for n rnise in Iiis salary. A year fast nt each, within themselves. There aro many thousands of "Republicans who were wlilch entitles tho holder to entry or so ago he recommended an increaso of tho Governor's salary bo mado for inally opposed to the acquisition, and arc now opposed to the retention, of that himself nnd escort. Tickets nre on, BUSINESS CAKDS. from the existing rate of $5000 a year to $7500, but that was for his successor tho Philippines, and there are thousands of Democrats who believe that our sale at tho wirlous hotels nnd music S and not for himself. This he made perfectly well known. His term of oflico stores. The Nalnoa orchestras will A. SCHAEPEK A CO.-im- portr hold on that archipelago will not be relaxed. That particular question belongs and Commission Merchant, Bonola the people in tho mass and not to parties, will expire ono year from the 23rd of this month and n raise of salary, even furnish music for dancing In both tho lu, Hawaiian Inlands, to roof garden pavilions. been great nt the short session of Congress approaching, would bo of Ilttlo advantage to Since the foundation of tho government, tho Democracy has the -- L.EWERS & him. H COOKE. (Robert Leirtn, party of annexation, and, it must bo confessed, that its policy, however ques- r. J. Lowrey, C. M. Cooke.) Import. . tionable in somo instances on constitutional grounds, has largely contributed Governor Carter, nt the sumo time, advocated an increaso in tho salaries DESBA'S BAD DAY. cm uiiu ueaiers in lumber and build-lo-g materials. Office, 414 Bt. to tho commanding position of tho American Union. The purchase of Louisiana of tho Territorial circuit judges, not those of "tho Federal judges" as Town Fort in 1803 was mado under tho administration oOJeffcrson, the great apostle of Talk lias it. There is but ono Federal jiidgo for tho Territory and ho now HONOLULU IRON WORKS CO. chtnery Ha. to ISO!), was en- receives $3000 a year or two thousand dollars moro than n Territorial circuit of every descrltlon mad tho Democracy, and, it is be observed, that, in the territory (Continued from Pago One.) order. u larged. Florida was acquired in 1S1I), under .Monroe, who also formulated the judge and nothing has ever been heard about any proposal to raise his salary. with the coin behind nnd with them. Monroe Doctrine, primarily suggested by Madison in the United States and Although it is not high considering tho Federal judge's duties and labors, yet nnd without that Influence It does not HONOLULU STOCK Iiy Canning in Knglaud. Texas was annexed by joint resolution in 1S4T, under it is probable that a recommendation to raiso it would bo more appropriately EXCHANGE. seem possible for nny candidate to wit Polk, nml, while .lofferson doubted the constitutionality of the annexation of made through tho United States Attorney General than through tho Governor. Honolulu, out. S.im Johnson Is Monday, Nov. 12, 1906. Louisiana, constitutional writers nro virtually unanimous in tho proposition Respecting tho salaries of tho circuit judges, particularly those sitting in attending to his on work tho same as If nothing had taker Capital. that tho admission of Texas violated tho fundamental low. The immediate Honolulu, any censorious comment the proposal to raiso their salaries is CSAMK place, OF BTOCK, Paid Dp Val, Bid Ilk object was tho formation of five States to strengthen the slavery power in the misplaced ami entirely unresponsive to intelligent public opinion. Governor but Sam does not tell everything ns mado he knows. Mbucantilx. South. This act led to tho Mexican War, tbnt resulted in the acquitment of Carter's motive, clear at the time ho proposed tho raise, was to en 0. Buawau a Co... 1,000,000 1100 875 hance the attractiveness of'thc oflico in tho eyes of men fit to hold it. At pres- MOORE'S CLAIMS. California, Nevada, Utah, Arizonn and parts of Wyoming and Colorado. The 5,000,000 20 24 Moore UftW. 2'i purchase of Alaska in 1807 was accomplished through William U. Sewoid, ent the honor of tho station is for such tho prime attraction. Many good men claims to have tho endorse- Arrrlnt,,rm1 l.aoo.oop 100 127 because, ment of tho Democratic County Com. 2,312,751 100 80 while. Secretary of State, but tho negotiations that ended in the purchase have declined offers of circuit judgeships hero simply they could not B?IP?uro 2,000,000 20 8( 35 mlttee, and on will go beforo tho Uouomii, , afford to take the position. that ' 730,000 100 115 began in 1809 under President liuchnnan. Hoard uf Supervisors for the appoint- Uonokaa 2,000,000 20 iiil This is a tolerably extensive showing of tho movements of the Democratic ment. Hut there's many slip Haiku ...";; 300,000 100 195 a between fiuhukii 500,000 20 2d in the cup nnd tho lip, and tho sixty days KlheU'liin. Co.'LYdl. J,M0,000 50 party relation to the enlargement of our national area. Hut, limiting Eluahiiln PROTECTION TO COFFEE. between now nnd the time the new " 160,000 100 further enquiry to Cuba, the record of that party is equally clear and har- Koloa .... . 500,000 100 140 Mr, is in when comes board takes their seats mny bring UcBrjrteSuK.Co.-.Ltd- 8,500,000 20 iW monious. The insurrection of 1821), though nominally under the direction of Louisson n whole Chamber of Commerce himself it -.- n about serious changes to tho cnndl- - iiuouBflrLO-.. .. 3,G00.MJ0 100 liZJS Cuban refugees, originated in tho formation of the society known us the " Hhick to promoting tho interests of Hawaiian coffee. His offectivo work, on his recent dutes for the place. It was known Onomea 1,000,800 20 87 39 to "okala 500,000 20 8 Eagle" upon American soil and under tho inspiration of slavery e.tciisionist., visit tho mainland, in bringing that cause into the public eye merits great yesterday morning that Atehcr had not OUaSuffarCo.Ltd,. 6,000,000 20 OlOWAlll . praise. Agitation of protection to coffee at this time would seem to be par- promised his vote to anyone gnve 150,000 100 M connected with the Democracy. In 1818, President Polk desired the purchase of he Pauuhi.u SugPlanCo. 5.O00.O00 50 1847-181- his word to and without him nny , 500,000 100 175 Cuba for $100,000,000. Tho Lopex expedition in 0 was undoubtedly ticularly timely. Brazil has ju8tipl.t into operation a schemo of governmental that inuiug Rata 150,000 100 & candidate would be nt sea. It Is be- organized under Democratic influences, and the pardon of tho prisoners cap-lure- d patronage of its coffee industry) of which Willett Gray (New York) say: Pepeekeo.... 750.000 100 160" lieved that Hustnce and Cox Pioneer 3,750,000 100 181 "Brazil is to be in making this judicious arrangement for the "-.- in Cuba, was commemorated in 18S2 in a special message to Congress by commenced will favor Johnson, who, It Is said, will JJ.'.'S'S?. . 4,500,000 100 better protection of her coffee industry, and it points perhaps to permanent im- 700,000 100 m President Fillmore. In that same year, looking tu the continuous agitation run tho department on neutral lines, Walluku Sugar 'oil provement in matters so important when consumption of coffee constantly in- If the heads of thu county government 105,000 100 ieo in tho United States for the acquisition of Cuba, by purchase or otherwise, WsJm.niln.IIP i creases beyond average production," wish, but it Is considered a most dlf-llc- 232,000 100 Knglaud and Franco proposed a tripartite convention to disclaim any such Walmea Hug'a'rlll'li!! 100 nh coffee-growin- g thing for anyone to do, where intention, in which the three nations were to unite. This led to 11 conference Having acquired countries in Hawaii and Porto Itico, it is MisoziXAifaous. the men have been under the thumb. (ntcr-Iilan- d 8 S. 1,500,000 100 128 surely up to tho United stand-pa- t Co. nt Ostein! between Pierre Sonle, who was tho American minister to Spain States, 'with protection to home industries of nn acknowledged leader, to expect Haw. Electric Co 500,000 100 g.K.T,AL.Co.,P(d. 101 and authorized to negotiate for tho purchase of Cuba, John V. Mason, the dominant, to look out for its own. With Brazil seeing to better prices for its them to go without Instruction arouno H.K.'l. J.L.Co.,0... 1,150,000 100 American minister' to and James liuchnnan, minister the Court of product American consumers I undoubtedly have to pay moro for thoir election time. Johnson says he can do Mutual Tel. Co...... 150,000 10 'ex France, at 110 It nnd peihaps he run. He be O.K.AL.UoHllnTV 4.ICO.0O0 St. James. Thcso three gentlemen, two of whom afterwards, during tho Civil coffee anyway. They mny as well givo the excess to their own citizens here thinks ,J l.COO.OOO 20 cause he is willing to try they should Uouolulu HrtwVn nearly precipitated a conflict with nnd in Porto liieo as to tho Brazilian growers. It is unfair to apply tho j"i Wnr, Great Ilritaiu. finally, at givo him a chance, nnd thoie are u lot w.iii.iuK 1,0. ijEa . 400,001 29i framed the Ostend Manifesto, which was a joint letter to tho gov- doctrine of a "cheap breakfast table" fo coffee when it is not applied to people RnMi. Amt.Out of who favor him. Haw.Ter.,1 p. ernment of tho United States proposing that tho United should Cuba, sugar. Sinco the acquisition of Hawaii nnd Porto Itico a policy has taken e, (Eire standlnK States take Crownlncbuig, who now holds tho vjaiwii 315,000 100 unless Spain consented to sell it for $120,000,000. James Hiichannn, the last shnpo in different of tho public departments nt "Washington of encouraging t lie position as assistant to Johnson, Is Haw. Ter. 4 p. c. (Re- - mentloned by the friends of ' Tef.JSp.'c.i::.' 600,000 100 Democratic President before Cleveland, in Ids messages, officially and fre- production, under tho flag, of articles of tropical growth which are enormously Candidate uiw. 1.000.000 100 Wilson for a tontlnuunco pres- - Haw.Ter.'4(i p.'c.'"" 1,000,000 quently recommended tho purchase of Cuba. imported from foreign countries. Tho Department of Agriculture is making of his 100 out place. He docs not seem to alm' Haw'.UoV't 6P' ' 750,000 100 These facts, and inuuiiierablo details would of a spccinl fcaturo of this policy. "With regard to coffee, it will be remembered 190,000 100 that exhaust the patience for anything higher and is willing to , Caj. Beet A Sue'lief. our readers, irrevocably connect tho Democratic party for more than eighty that, early last year, Governor Winthrop of Porto Itico wrote the following let well enough alone. lu''S.'P,e 1.000,000 800,000 102 yenrs with most determined and systematic elTorts to incorporate Cuba into mcss.ige to Governor Carter: Down at the pollco station win bo Haw. Com. i'6uiar tho United States. The ltepubliean party has no such record, and, if a direct "The War Dcnurtnicnt and tho Now Dcnartment have issued orders that found other rumors relative to changes, Co, Bp.c.... 1,(77,000 101 Haw. buararSp. 500,000 101 pnlT,.,. 1, I HlllT.V MUITII' (IOCS Hot CXpeet to c... effort to acquire Cuba should be made, it is to tho ltepublicans, with their Univniinn nn.l IMrtr, Uw.i.n ..nOno 0I,1I l,n .,,l..nrH0,l fnr ,.! tl,.,ll Htlo H. if. Co., 6 c. 1,000,000 50 60 ' I , , . 1 .1 main as station clerk, nor does Mr. Hon. it. T. A L.x'o., largo majority in Congress just secured, ami not to the minority of Democratic ivcji 11 jiuni'ii-iicr- cost, nun iiiu same. 705,000 quuuiy,.,.'uuiug j Villa expect to continue as assistant 108 that the interest in Hawaii will to look Heforo that cheering word was received tho commercial bodies of Hono I EannkuSp. o 200,000. members, planting havo for protection. . tn the Sheriff, and for his place young O.K. A r. f!r. enn 2,000,000 Of Is Oahu 000,000 At any rate, as already stated, there is no prospect of any immediate action lulu had bcea agitating for recognition Hnwaiian coft'eo in army and navy , Knulukou an applicant. .Sheriff, tJugarGo.Sp.c ' uiaaoufDruu.iD p.C, 1,250,000 towards the annexation of Cuba, anil nuno while Mr, ltoosevelt is President supplies. Since then little or nd, effort seems to havo been made to follow up elect Inuken goes to Koua today for a PalaSp.o 450,000 . . : :.. little rest. Ploner Ulll Po.R n. n. 1.250,1100 is n. ,111. a. i..... 111, ..... i..!.. n. except under conditions, of which there no apparent prospect, nml which, tut; uiii, ifcv ,11111111. .11 nasi iuii!itii:in iui nujij'ij inj; nil; i iiiiiiiiiniiu t.iL ill ...-- Walalua Ag. Co. 6,p. o. 1,000,000 if they did occur, Hawaii would have to resist as best it could. army or navy with Hawaiian coffeo are nt this moment recollected. Sin"o Mr. Muurrao ongar co 2,000 0001 7K TllO party of free trade and annexation, out of possession of the national Louisson is home again it would bo opportune for tho commercial bodies of ., 1 IS 23.1275 paid. 85 per cent. paid. tllO .Hawaiian tilnnteis can safely rely,) Honolulu nnd Hilo to rcsumo consideration of tho colTeo question. It ought legislature, is not the paity upon which SESSION SALES. to figure largely in the approaching campaign on behalf of Hawaii's inteiests in any emergency nffeclllig their business interests. (Morning generally Washington. Session. - - at J3C00 DO; 15 2.875; Jtfr- j. ip fTi'Trns WEDDED Hllo It. It. Cs, Olaa, 1 50 .,, -- " ASPECTS OF A RECOUNT. ivtir - ,. n - ON McHryde, 5. . SALES BETWEEN BOARDS. N"' Tho proposed recount is born of greed and rlillgriii nml of II dosiro tu throw . THE JAPANESE SCARE. CO a on Democratic rejoicing. The bona lldes of it is doubted W Olan, 2.S7B; 60 Onomea, 38; $1000 Judge Secretary Atkinson, tho Advertiser's Washington correspond- 911; - Hntcht Kxamlner, October 9: The mnrrlago Walalua 5s, 23 Ookula, 8; 219 Ooka- cause nil tho testimony so far published, particularly by the Kulletin, admits immigration, conspire to a Japanese ent, tho files nnd present phases of makd 1., O . . 1 .. . la, S.23. nn --flft f ..I n. Wet, that moro Iauken ballots than Hrown ballots were thrown out in the count. sensation, part .... suggests a future collision between Japan nnd the; 'll 7lkl-l!ll'i- 111 .7.11! IVillllCI "L ...1. Tho only hope of machine, is to find something something it not Prank Ashton, a former fclety bell tho knows, United States. . what, by which to give the color of truth to the ehimurn of Hrown 's election. points ,,,,,,.. Munro of P,n..hP..v is thankless task but this miner knows of no of put i...' - i 1.1 'Berkeley set society ngog when Just suppose, for the sake of the argument, that tho recount should i 1.1..1 i...... 1...1 i :. 1....1.. r. has Ash- Only One Hrown on tho winning side by a few votes, and what would come next? Does good will nil around. A short timo ago the apparent inability of tho central they leeallcd the times tbnt Mrs. sulisldo anyone suppose that the laukea people would then and let lliown tako government to compel states and cities t'o observe tho treaty rights of Japanese ton has been the center of a lomance. his seat in peace I Most assuredly not. There would be u contest in which or other foreigners, presented serious aspects, but a way has been found to Sho was Miss Mary Coney of ono of Grade of Tho would rami would bo charged and undoubtedly pioved. question then meet tho issuo nnd, acting under Section tl of Articlo VI. of tho Constitution, the most nrlstocrntlc families to bo Intimidating; turn on the corrupt use of money, the Sam Johnson system of n United States Judgo has cited the San Francisco Hoard of Kducatinu to found In the Hawaiian Islands. Prank bribes given and re- DRUGS, CHEMICALS, voters, perhaps his endless chain ballots, tho number of show causo why it should not reinstate tho Japanese children refused ad- Ashton, u capitalist from the United ceived, the disposition of n great fund. In this matter the grand jury would mission to a public school. Tho Constitution includes treaties with tho supreme States, courted mid won the fair Miss MEDICINES, TOILET be expected to tiiko a hand. Towards tho last, In the recent campaign, the law of tho land and has tho inherent power to enforce them anywhoro within Coney. They lived happily for two machine got very raw in its methods and evidence, enough piled up to In- its jurisdiction, state law or city ordinances to tho contrary notwithstanding, years, when Mrs. Ashton came Into ARTICLES, ETC. 't validate tho election if there were any causo to do so. Such power ought to be sufficient to keep tho peace between Japan nml the public notice by a sensational dlvorco Should tho contest succeed it would mean a new election with public senti- United States, neither of whom has any natural, geographical, commercial suit. It was shown In tho ovldenco and that is ment on tho aide of laukea and tho ltepubliean machiuo burdened with tho or hereditary cause to lovy war upon tho other. that she had been In correspondence guilt proved in court. Of course, to save tho party, tho ltopublleims would - with Hear Admiral Merry of tho Unit- havo to put up another mnn than Hrown for Sheriff; and the Democrats BAND QUESTION. ed States navy, Tho letters written by might bo ulilo to strengthen their nominees for some of the other County THE the naval officer to Mrs. Ashton caused Is band being in n bad way, the thing to do offices. Hear in mind that an Invalidated election would put out all tho newly- - If thero nny doubt about tho ,50mo o( tno sensatlons of tho trial The to Best elected County officials not be a process operating ngninst laukea alone. is send a man to find out its status nnd give him money enough to bring A dlvorco was granted, but Ashton bo parted fron his Ilttlo Returning to of another count, wo may add that the Demo- tho organisation back if he sees fit. would not tho question daughter. Leonine, whom the court re- Tor ourselves wo think tho hard luck stories nro true. Carrying from Our prices are crats, if forced by Hrown 'a action, would try their hand at a legislative to Mrs, Ashton, nnd ono night right forty to sixty peoplo on tho in tho "West, paying fares nnd hotel bills, nwarded count which might be the means uf giving them a senator nnd representative. road, about two years ago took her and ran Oao may easily see why the ltepublicans, as a class, nro opposed to a luring theaters and meeting iucideutnls, is n job whieh nn opera manager away with her. ino sensuiionni kiu recount. Sheriff Hrown himself repudiates the positive statement in tho Bul- would dodgo unless ho also had nn l.astcrn circuit to play in. Taken by itself naplng pf the child, coupled with tho tho country between the Mississippi and tho Sierras is n hard ono for the best fact that Mrs. Ashton pursued her letin that ho would demand one, saying that tho decision would await tho through shows. What must It be in winter for n ding-don- brass band led former husband nnd daughter icturn of Judge Gear. It is said at tho station that tho chief pressure comes " by a deaf conductor, manned by hungry drummers nnd who aro visibly Mt,c and tt loni'' tl.,0ac'",t ""1! from the Bulletin which, when Drown goes out, will bo minus n large monthly looters nally them nt oecu- - shlverlng In overtook sum for advertising and jobwork. Its business greed chiefly controls its attitude. summer clothes, and blacklisted by organized labor In every town I)Ube nttenllon nt , Ume they visit! Hnrd luck breeds naturully under such conditions. I It has everything to gulu nnd nothing to lose by 11 recount n position which rinnlly the reconciliation between J, A, Morgan would bo a man to look he Ash-us- n is not Bharcd by tho men who did tho "practical" w;ork of tho machine good into tho trouble nnd would herself and her former husband, thn rulini' mnnnv ivl.nli' .. 'tun. resulting In their remarriage nt campaign. . Redwood city, brought the Honolulu t woman ngnln Into public notice. Shtecu million dollars' worth of forts would do very well nnd tho sooner 'rne nmy chapter In tho life of Sirs. ENDLESS CHAIN BALLOTS. Hawaii gels them tho Mfcr will bo tho .Pacific coast. Ashton took place last winter, when Of the many schemes for defruuding thn ballot, one of the inoft simple is ( . I Ashton was drowned near the Alameda m ' what is known us tho "endless Honolulu lmd it ,on Tuesday. I is chain" It 1'ru.n somewhere under tho debris heard tho weak crys "Yes, I think nnd Mr8 Munr0 nro nmv v,n , commonly used where u large number of voters is controlled, either by bribes or wo may possibly have n recount, I dunno." at jj rjrove street, Berkeley. , HAWAliAN GAZETTE, TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 13, 1906, -SEM- I-WESKLY.

A E MEDICOS WORLDS NEWS . . SPORTS . . G TO MEET CONDENSED MEADS TAKfc PUNAHOUS (Assoclatcd Pross Cablegrams.) THE PENNANT BEAT KAMS ' Mr Rprngue. Instructor In science nt The fifteenth mutual meeting of tho HAVANA, November to. The managements of the sugar the High School, resigned rslerdny Hawaiian Territorial Medical Society plantations have requested the presence of American troops at tho morning, the resignation being ac- will ho held on November IT, IS and 19 sugar mills. A feeling of insecurity exists. at the University Club. m Tho Diamond Heads arc champions It nm a real football pnmo that was cepted by the Board of Education In The prugiaiii Is as of the Winter league. They earned played on the I'unahou campus yester tho afternoon, ns of tho end of the follows: NEW YORK, November New York Mctropol. io. The Democratic State this title by defeating the pcnlor term, unless Mr. Spraguo wishes to Opening meeting, Saturday, Novcm will deciding game day afternoon between the team committee hold an investigation into the actions of State Sen ltans etcrday, In the leave earlier bor 17, at 2 p in. G to 1. of Oahu College and Kamehameha ator McCarrcn, of Brooklyn, accused of turning traitor to his party of tho series, by the Bcoro of President's address. Dr. T. Way-so- n, wit- game wns An nlarm clock lies at tho bottom ot J. tti It was a good game and was Schools. The the first of the followed by the reading of the tne recent elections. nessed by a good crowd. senior series and furnished an excellent the resignation, a member of one of his following papers: t Up to the beginning of the seventh exhibition of football under the new- - classes having thoughtlessly turned "The Treatment of Appendicitis," Dr. EL PASO, Texas, November io. Exclusive fishing rights along innings the score was 1 to 0 In favor of rules. the hands of the clock around while A. W. Morton. the of Mexico have .ho west coast been secured by J. C. Miller in a con- the Butchers. In the fatal seventh uiinu College won by tne score or 4 ,,., .. scientlne discourse. When Romaiks on Quarantine nnd Its De- cession from the Mexican government. Heads annexed a brace, putting them 10 v, game, velopment In the United by the uiier a siuuuorniy coniesica came In con- States 1 one run aheud. the score being obtained by a place kick the hour nnd the alarm U. S. Public Health nnd Marine Hos Tho ninth saw the Heads amass of Lowrey In the first half. tact, as the hands revolved, tho bell pital Service," Dr. L i:. Cofei. FRANKFORT, Ky., November io. The license authorizing threo runs, making the score E to 1 In. The winners put their strongest com- - tinkled mcnlly The youth was sus- Tim Climate ot Komi," Dr. K. S. the Mutual Life Insurance Company to do business within back the State their favor. The Butchers came bluatlon in the field, but tho Kams pended from school by Mr. Sprague. Goodhue. of Kentucky has been revoked. strong, but two runs was the best theyWcro men, "A without four of tholr best but his action was not upheld by tho Case of Potts' Cailes, Complicated were able to do. i who will, however, be available for the with Paraplegia," Dr II. Wilkinson. cir- W. Chlillngworth pitched a grand next game, principal owing to xtcnuntlng "Heinla In the U S. Navy," Di C. PITTSBURG, Pa., November io. The officials of the Shelby game, only three hits being made off The Knm, crowd protested against cumstances, and, consequently, Mr. G Smith. Steel Tube Company have been indicted for supplying defective him. He practically won his own gamo Referee Reed's decisions several times, Sprague Immediately penned his resig- "Hawaii's Duty to Join the General boiler tubes to be used in battleships. stick-wor- k. In seventh by fine Captain saw -- the but Oliver fit to make no nation to Superintendent Babbitt, Movement in the United States fo . W. Desha made a nnd W. protests ngalnst the official ruling. Advancing the Standard of Medical of Education is facing a sixty-fift- h Chlillngworth did likewise, scoring De- - The crowd was a ery largo one, tho The Boird education," Dr. C. B Cooper. LONDON, November io. The anniversary of the sha. Moses was lilt by pitcher and fair sex being In great evidence. Rib- - serious problem. There are eight com. "Medical Men and Medical Lows," birth of King Edward was celebrated here yesterday. took his base. Akana went out to right bons, horns and chrysanthemums were mlssloners, but rarely more than thrc Dr. A. N. Sinclair. t. field. Soper base-h- it and droe In plentiful on the campus and the college Saturduy, 17, 8 p. attend the regular fortnightly meet, November in. SAN FRANCISCO, Ncvember 9. John Siemsen, ed Chlillngworth Sam Chlillngworth flow spirit manifested Itself In yells of ev-o- ut "Some Observations on a Ne- lngs. Mrs. Dowsett, Mr. Farrlngtoa Case of as involved in recent murders with Louis to left and Bower died on a pop ery description, some of them having phrolithiasis," Dr. E. C. Waterhouse. Abner and who stated fly to second. been manufactured especially for the and Mr. Al are generally present. Some "Diseases of Children in Hawaii," his name was assumed, now admits that he is the son of August In the first of the ninth Bill Chilling occasion. of the others have seldom been In at- Dr. A. G. Hodglns. Dreier of Honolulu. He states that Dreier is a retired Kauai sugar worth base-hi- t, but was put out trying Aloy Asoong led the Punahou shout- - tendance. Mr. Babbitt prepared a re- "Diphtheria in Hawaii," Dr. R. J, planter. to steal third. Moses went out to ers and did his work well, port on attendance a sort of schooV McGettlgan. pitcher. Akana base-hi- t. Soper was The Kamehameha chorus was in leport on the commissioners giving "Milk In Its Relation to Public safe on an Infield rap. S. Chlillngworth splendid voice and sang the famous the number of meetings held, meetings Heajth," Dr. W. D. Baldwin. In this confession Sicmscn proves himself a liar as well as bnse-hl- t, scoring Akana. Bower got Kamehameha song with telling effect, attended, nnd those from which com- - "Four Cases of Liver Fluke In Man,1 a murderer, lie is not a son of Mr. Dreier, who has only three sons, safe on third's error, Soper scoring. The partisans of both sides rooted mlssloners were absent. Mrs Dowsett Dr. Georgo Herbert. .nil of whom live in Honolulu. The real history of Siemsen is that base-hi- t, Chilling- - 'vigorously until end the game, Moore bringing Sam the of gets 100 per cent., Mr. Fnrrington about "What Is Pain7" Dr. F. II. Hum given in Siem- game-winnin- g the Advertiser of November 7. His father was John worth home. D. Desha struck out. ' Apart from Lowrcy's 90, Mr. Al SC, and Mrs. Jordan next, phrls. kick the Punahnus had of sen, who took his own life here some years ago. In the second of the ninth Aynu the best the Away down the line are Mr von Holt, Sunday, November 1- 8- contest. They opponents fanned nnd Dixon was hit by a pitched battered their Mr. Wight, Mrs. Wilcox nnd Mr. Clinics the Queen's Hospital 9 for nt at ball. Almos walked. Kuhlna got ta fn'r and 't was a tired crowd of Dodge. The threo highest genet all a. m. by Dr. A. W. Morton of San NAPLES, November 11. Heavy detonations in the crater of Kams that limped off the field when first on an infield hit, Almos dying short transact all business. Francisco nnd Dis. Hoffmann and .7 mid. Mount Vesuvius have been followed by earthquake shocks. three-bagg- er the flnnI whistle blew. to third. Busnell's scored The action of the teachers' commit. The members will be convejed In -- Komamua . Dixon and Kuhlna. Busnell was put and Mahukona had both tee in recommending raises In salaries launches over to Quniantlne Island nt out at the plate while trying to make ucen rendered nors uu commit anu of certuln teachers was approved. This noon by WASHINGTON, November n. Immigration Commissioner Captain was Invitation of Dr. Cofer, where a home run. It was a tight fit, how Oiier knocked out In the Involves MKs Stewnrt, Miss Monsar. an olaboiote luncheon served, Sargent leaves on Tuesday for Honolulu to supervise the landing last play of the game. will be ever. rat, Miss Kluegei, Miss Soper, Mis. Mondav, November 19, 2 p. m. of will go of Presi- Next game w HI see the Kams. greatly Portuguese immigrants there. He by direction There were few errors on either side. llrldgcwnter, Miss Cooke, KluiH'y, Res-M- rs Mrs. ( "The Importance of Frio Nns.il team-wor- reinforced, however, dent Roosevelt, who is greatly interested in the Portuguese experi- The superior k of the Dia- and their chance Gunn, Hell to Mrs J. N. and Mr jiiratlon and the Consequences of Nas.it mond Heads was In large measure re- win the championship lis at leas: an Nahlvvn. The Increnso Is In- - ment. even one. due to distinction," Dr E. Arinltoiro sponsible for their victory. creased work ns a general thing. "Tin- - Window Resection for Devla- - - base-stealin- TIRST HALF. Ayau wins the league g The following letter from Miss Flem- - tlon of tile Septum," Dr W. G. Rogers CHICAGO, November 11. J. J. Hill, president of the Northern race 30. Oahu took the kick, McDougall ilrlv- - with a total of Bower and Ing brings to light n stnte of .lflulrH "A Leprosy-lik- e Disease of Mus Pacific system, made an address before the Merchants' Club last W. Desha como 29 'n the u'l to the Koms' ten- - did line. next with bisea found In some public schools wheio Dccuinnuuc," Dr. W R. Brlnckerhoff. evening in which he advocated free trade with Canada. apiece to their credit. Ayau Increased u "ns retiieved twenty yards. Kams. poor children attend "The Uso of Baths, Especially Mcdl. maUe UD In next plays, his total two bases In yesterday's Ground the few Hnmakuapoko, T cnted II iths. In tho Treatment Lep- - game. McDougall, aided by fine Interference, Maul, II, of November 1, 190C rosy," Di II. T. Hollmnn, BERLIN, November 11. Fifty thousand Polish children have doing some good ground-gainin- g. Summary: "Quarantine und Immigration," Dr. will Kams. kicked and the ball struck a Mr. W. II. Babbitt, Superintendent of refused to enter German schools but the authorities insist. DIAMOND HKADS. I Public C. Ramus. Punahou player, w ho grabbed It and Instruction, Honolulu. Namo. I Dear Sir: I beg to acknowledge tho "Some Observations on Suigery In AB.n.BII.SB.PO.A.K. carried It seveial yards the wrong FORT LEAVENWORTH, Kas., November 1 1. Secretary Bower, 0 1 receipt 30, Honolulu," cf. 4 2 way. Lowrcy then got In a of jour favor of Octobei Dr. J It. Judd. Moore, 2b Z 0 and to thank ou for your kind and Monday evening nt 8 p ni. Taft is inspecting the military post here. run, and MqDougall booted the leath --. D. Desha, rf 5 0 er. Oliver fumbled, but quickly regain- prompt reply to the question of which Banquet at University Club. W. Desha, 4 1 If ll ed possession way wrote you last week. SAN FRANCISCO, November 11. Football: Stanford, 6; W.Chillingworth, p 3 1 and threaded his through the opposing crowd for a fair Since the Board wishes to consider Berkeley, 3; Minnesota, 4; Chicago, 2. Hoses, c 3 0 gain. each ease In which children are INQUIRIESABOUT -- Akana, 3b 4 1 - McDougall kicked the ball did to remain out of school on ac- Soper, lb 4 1 and November 11. There is reliable authority for the . count of their' parents' needs, I shall EL PASO, S.Chillingworth, ss.4 1 another bounding stunt, being downed HAWAIIAN BAND un cue uunus line uy a ivam. hae to nsk your attention to two statement thatthe Rock Island system has purchased the Mexican i other eases. These I did not mention Mia Totals. . ...'..Iff 5 10- - 3 1G man. Central railroad. got on 15- - Inst week for the reason that I ex- -t-- MT2THOPOLITANS. Punahous the ball their ''''Honolulu, November 12, 100G. arrl H(in nnd n klplr nut II In thn-f-o- n- pected that your reply might In a gen- Name, AB.R.BIISBPO.A.E.'te,. way "Cohen, Hawaiian Band, bait Luko NEW YORK, November 11. Wm. R. Hearst leaves for Cali- of the field. eral cover them. City. Harris, 2b 4 0 0 0 2 2 0 Lyman managed to make tho Kams.' Olio case is that of a Porto Rlcan fornia on Monday to recuperate. 3 1 "How much assistance do jou need . Ayau, If 0 2 2 0 0 line, picking up the ball from boy about eleven years old Tile boys 3b 3 0 1 0 1 2 to niH.li baud home by Sierra Thursday Dixon, 3 deserted -- a oau kick. A penalty against tne fnther the mother and th fifteenth. Answer paid, PENSACOLA, November 11.-fo- und Twelve indictments have been Almos, cf 3 1 0 0 1 0 0 Kams. for offside play placed the child some time ago. The mother Is Kuliina, 4 0 7 "CAIiTIHl." for peonage. lb 10 10 leather on their chalk, but thir- old and Is not strong enough to do 4 0 - t Busnell, p .ss 10 0 2 0 ty yards were Immediately gained by a the woik of n common laborer So rendH a cablegram sent by Gov- .1. Lulling, c 3 0 1 0 10 1 0 timely The other case is that of a Porto ernor Carter jesterday to J. C. Cohen. BAKERSFIELD, Cal., November 12. General Shafter is dying. Walker, rf 3 0 0 0 2 1 0 kick. on, Rlcan girl, about twelve years old, the The purpose thu in send- - Ainoy, S.VP 3 0 0 0 2 5 0 With the ball tho Kams.' of Governor oldest girl in a family . ., , , lino Lovvrey tried a goal from the of six children. fllU ,. ,.,, nvn,i ST. PETERSBURG, November 12.-- --The soldiers have been for- - field and gained his points amid tre- - whose mother has run away from her 7 y Totals 30 3 3 2 27 15 3 .... Ht00'1 financially. Colieti bidden to participate in politics. home Two sons over yo.irH of mendous enthusiasm. fifteen -. 1234 5 0789 Play 'age are at work on the plantation ""y ll,u $1000 or tJOOO hud aside for t- Diamond Heads ruled even for a while and then .0000002035 the Punahous were penalized 15 yards) They say that the combined earnings the return steamer passages of thu TOPEKA, Kas., November 12. The Republicans have elected Busohits. 410 - Metropolitans. ...01101030 for some violation of the rules of the of the father and the sons are not suf- band, in which ease only a few hundred the Governor by 2000 majority. game, Lyman following t Ilclent to supply tho family food s. . ..00010000231 1 0 0 0 1 .1 with a with ,0iarii be necessary to on t- ..0 0 0 clothing wod send - run. 'land nnd to hire a woman to SUMMAKY. for tllnt - Governor A kick by McDougall put the ball on do the cooking and tare care of the Pno- Carter, ROME, November 12. No fears are entertained at the Vatican Two Basehits W. Desha, W. the Kams.' seen-ar- d line. Then the ounger children, one of whom Is In through tho Advertiser, has tendered of a rupture with Spain. Kams. got the ball and a big kick re- -, school, while one Is a meie baby. ir,n for a fund to bring tho musicians t-- Threo Basohit Busnell. homo, g moved the danger which had threatened The Porto Rlcans furnish us with ! aMUSEMMmml BRUSSELS, November 12. King Leopold is suffering from Left on Bases Diamond Heads, 7; the citadel. vexing questions of poverty and shltl- - till ' o'clock jesterday arternuon Metropolitans 3. r lumbago. SECOND HALF. lessness. In school, however, tbo ehll. no rt'Plv 'r0 Oolicn li id been received Base on Balls Chiilingwnrth, 2; Bus- ' .1 .. .. 1 . ... . 'I lie' Inllnxlimr nil lilitfrrfima wor.i limit H i.... u '" vo ""miy-tw- o , 7. " " ' nell, 1; Amoy, 0. Kams. kicked to Punahous' "' """'". , :," ,"" , "?, "' "..... " onronecij"'". nngnt In j v ."-v.- Boer Lvman brlmrlnir the ball flf-- . nie and interesting, y j CAPETOWN, November 12. raiders are intimidating the Struck Out l)y Chillingworth, 4; line, imck , ,v,i ,,.., , .,...,. ,...,. by Chamber Coalmen 0 to .lames D. Busnell, 3; Aninv, 3. teen ards. Oahu got tho ball and Mc- - n.. ""-- " '" 1,. farmers. of"'""good home'"''"'"''""InlluenceB. Pliclan and ' Teiinev- Peck to James Hit by Pitcher W. Chillingworth, Dougall kicked out of bounds. I your very Morijan Moses, Dixon. Kams.' ball and Oliver kicking, Oa-- 's Awaiting decision, I am, out- respectfully vours, "Docs committee recjiiiro further Innings Pitched By Busnell, 7; lino being penetrated. side assistance in rulicving distress I THE JAPANESE AND HAWAII. Amoy, 2. Kams. lost tho ball on downs, and MARY ELSIE rLEMIG. Answer fully." re- - Hits Off Busnell, G; Amoy, 4. Lyman, nlded by able Interference, P. S. Enclosed please find my "Ascertain band situation. Do com- Double Play Mooro to Soper, Amoy downed the suhere near tho center of.Ilort for the month of October. mittees favor our using relief nioncyto (Continued from Page One,) to Harris, Kuliina. tho field. ' M. iJ. return band I" president of tho Territorial Board of Immigration, ailed at the White House Time of the Game 1 hour 10 min- Low gained twenty yards and A letter from Miss TIeer, principal About was subscribed for tho re t" today. Ho will bo 111 the United States for n month or so, and will have utes. Heen ten more, the latter by a for- - ot the Kllauea school, Kauai, from relief of thu baud at the meeting of I Umpire Van Vliet. ward pass. Then McDougall skirted which position sho was removed at tno the iliu Kaiiliiimaiiii, presided over by " h " '" """""" -- v "" "" Scorer N. Jackson. left end, falling with the ball on the list meeting of tho Board, was lead Miss Lucy I'eaboilv, at Kawaiahao 'ruor Carter, of Hawaii, who has been ill for soino time, is recovorinn his health. I A Kams.' 25- -j ard line. She "roasted" Inspectoi Baldwin and church .vestenlny iiioniiii(t. meeting Mr. Atkinson said today that tho whito jieoplu of Hawaii vvero tremendously Oliver to"re off a run of twenty-fiv- e ehaigcd him with having been hnit- - of members of the disbanded Aloha A- - interested in whito immigration to the islands. Throuuh thu efforts of Mr. UNCLAIMED LETTER LIST yards, reaching his side's line tentlvo to her school and with having " f,0"."' ' ''""," ,,"' - ....."J- Atkinson and others a ship loa.l of Portuguese will reach Hawaii In December A series or snappy piays louoweu luueu iu mem eximiuuuuna " - rf nuic M'hh I enbody.i and others are to follow. Thu ship sailed a fow dajs ago from the Aorcs and Letters remaining uncalled for In the nnd the Punahous were for a wllllo Just what he wished to have done. Shi. dilven back as far as their stated that the action of tho Board O. A. Steven, Morgan s auction mail, will go around the Horn, general delivery ending hn.8 K lie for tho week linn, flirhtlnir nverv nf Ihi, wnv. I inliiinniurri lir r snmnu hilt n. sho lind proposed llll auction of chattels Mr. Atkinson slid tho total population of Hawaii is l,ri.r,000 and of this November 10, 190C: 1,u ""'tribiiled, Will U I'Mur, 11- m- however. made certnln arrangements for th number 05,000 aro Japanese, Americans 111 also up only n small proportion H Ouhu obtained possession on a fum- - comlnir fchool year and gone to con- - t;ollPor ,a"ti mmsclf to olllclate, for Arnold, Alice Morch, Sailor of tbu population. Many of the Japanew arc H1"K from Hawaii to tho Abble, W B Morris, G T (2) bio and McDougall signalized the no- - tddcrable expense In many mnttcrs uie iianii rciiot Iu""' Pacific is hope to Beckley, Herman Mlire, Geo C (2) (lulsitlnn by a run of ten yards. A kick The Board agreed with Mr. Babbitt Coast. It the of tho Americans replace thoso going away with mark, white people, Bishop, Beckley Moore, G H followed to tho Kams.' bciwevei, that tho action of the Board 0f""wxkkxkpublic Works, over tho old Lahnl-Bot- h Brown, Mrs W (2) Mahoticy, S K sides were tired at this stage of should not bo changed. Miss Tlcer naluna water contest, the Lahalnnluna H the game. Charles, Henry Mnby, I will bo offered a teacher's position In school is still In tho ottltudo of flght- - INCOMING OF Christian, J McClollan, A J oanus kickcu to center, uere Murray another Knual school nnd a new prln- - imr for Its water debts against a com- - ARMY THE JAPANESE. Clack, Marg Mon- - McClellan, W It succeeded Mahukonn, whoi had a fit, cipai will bo nppolnted to Kllauea. jiany nearby. Tho school Is supposed The immigration compniiios of Jnpuu are prepared to send twenty thousand tague (2) and was carried off the field. jir. Babbitt stated that he had mad to get water for four una a iiunrter laborers to Hawaii its fast as ships can bo found to curry them. In Vokohunm pass well In Clark, Robert McDermott, Frank A forward put the oval up u list of flvo names of prominent hours dally, but tho company cuts In alono aro between flvo and six thousaud young men ready to leavo for this Cook, J W ' McDermott, F ' I,Cre t0 tho l.w ldlly nii.1 deprives It of a large amount nn'lhclp 1 Tlluca,tI,onU'B Tt.rritory and tho transportation companies operating tho regular linos between Davis, Miss Ana Ross, H L nail lino ana a kick geographies proposed of water Supeilntendcnt Bubb tt ha '. 0 an'1 J,,I"m can "ot ,mmllu tno number t0 ho accommodated. Hy Juuo Daeck, Chns 'Robertson, A moved It thirty jards to, the good, hy .Mr, copeland nnd Mr. Baldwin, been trying to straighten tho matter-1'"- r Dall, George Russell, Charley where It was when tlmo was called. ttho were to deteimlno which of tho out for n year nnd thinks ho has now "ext llt leilst twenty thousind now laborers for tho plantations will bo landod. Devcrell, W II J Captain Oliver wus Injured In the Inst two manuscripts was better adapted succeeded. Tho school will shortly be- - Hueh is thu substance of remarks mailo yesterday by Captain Mizumo, play and had to bo assisted from tho Donaldson, W C Sldgwlck, Thos F to bo ni!opted as nn offlclnl text book B planting tnro lands nnd It Is these 0f tho Jnpaneso 8. S. Chiusa Muru, which brought 000 Japanese laborers hero Dvvlght L Durant, Ston, Mrs Lucy ' f,r, "C' ,amlH "h'C" U'e WUter u,,der week being Teams and officials: ...T?""., " and which sails today lor Yokohama for another ship load, Eagle Saloon Smith, Miss C ...... u ... nn..,u , , i'L"'! n.,.IViliviii LUIIlcnii t0 murn wecomuer, Elllngberg, Wllllo SImosse, Miss Kams, Position. Oahus. who replied that the list was satlsfac. There will bo no vaccination at Ho- -' "uo curV " A Suhr, E W E Puaol R.E.L... D. Desha tory. Those named are Prof. M. M. nokohau school on We'st Maul. Mr.' The immigrantH brought In last week aro from tho Ityiikyu Islands, a group Evers, C Tongus, Leonard Brav L.E.R F. Boors Scott, Dr, W. T, Brlgham, J, F. Brown, pinkhnni of tho Board of Health In- - on the cxtremo south of thn empire nnd nearer tho I'ormosan coast than that Freguson, Ml M "'"" mn'VtV'V aser ana Mlsi forms tho Board of Education that nf Japan proper. They differ to quite nn oxtent from the .Tapuncso already horo Foster, Ueko Tckaure, Nnkon Kaul ,...L.T.R..,V. McDougall.' Rliodn Green, On mot on of Fur- - no government ,' Mr. lucre is nhvslclan on , uppfnrunco nnd a lungtiago, n dialect, uninte Igiblo to the average Hawke, A F Tobln, C Kuahlnn , n.u.u i.ne nul rlngton, Mrs, J, M. Dowsett wus Muul - West nnd tho examination would HewLtt, G C Tommy, Mrs Mary Komamua- named as chairman of this commltteo therefore have to be paid for. Mr. '"!. Jacobson, Sophlo Venzac, Armand Goo On LG.R W. Ljdgnto to represent the Board of Education. Furrlngton remarked that Senator ''"'" '" "u t,mt "l0 ''cderated Trades lire preparing to mako a vigorom James, J H Vredenbcrg, W Kaapana C J. White The request of Miss Jordun of tho Coelhq might mako a of proteet ugaiust the inllux of Jnpanoso when Comiiiissiauer Sargent arrives. (capt.) Q memorandui Johnson, S M Wllllard, Summer Oliver M. Heen Hanamnulu, Kauai, school, to be al- - this matter nnd work for a govern- - --. Kinney, Mr E ?.!?.i ,,,,',' L'ma"u'Pt lowed to use tho school building at melit physician for that section of Ills S M Wllburton, P Whitlng.Norton.LH.lt"""."" A Lovvrey Bht to tench some Japanese, was Island GOVkKNMfcNl MAY I'ORTIFY HAWAII. Mahukona-Murra- y Leotent, Mrs Winne, Geo ,F J, Desha granted, she to tako out fire InBUrnnce An 'exchange of lands nt Walanao WASHINGTON, I). C, November 12, Sixteen millions, fifty-tw- thousand Louisa Wlntersteln. A Rfferce Professor Reed. ' on tho building In favor of tho govern- - will bo undertaken so that the school and four hundred and thirty-on- dollars aro required for tho projectod fortifica- - Louts, Mrs Llllle Wogran, J W umpire v. iiancneu. meni. grounds there may bo enlarged or tho tions und batteries at Honolulu. nao Young, A O v, . v.. - Lugo, iiiiicuciieis-- rm, jnuiK- uwihk i" uiKiBreemcm DPiwecn scuooi luoveii 10 u larger pieco or Pearl Harbor fortifications will requlro $041,000, Moore. Mr K atone. Superintendent MncDnnnhl of Lalmlnn. ground than It now occupies. Fortification sites on Hawaii will $270,100. JOSEPH G, PRATT, Chief Linesman nev. E, B. Turner, luria school nnd the Department of Future meetings will be held at 2;30 cost Poatmaiter. Time of Halves Twenty minutes. Public Instruction and the Department p. nt, every other Monday, Honolulu harbor improvements call for


w- if w. Sjjjias. - enrMriiWLs HAWAIIAN GAZETTE, TUESDAY, NOVEMHER 13, 1906. SIMI-WEfcKL- V.

t' rgn ft rilalrms Inapritlon Did dullea hi. itli-- l Jim. ii if u ii il nuclei CASTLE ON tin ri "f Vr .in , POLITICAL RECOUNT IS t ia it il'tfiii tt lh OEMOCRATS NEW MAN Itninr ft iMirpaiwn the Hudson trip i in In iinMinu fpaitm ai i i Hun, I here ara nil than famous ry. mutlen frjro which th mbtur Iwr i UNSETTLED MATTERrlORN pontrifad to inaKft thalr raids v w ' AFTERMATH TO REJOICE IS FRIENDLY in IHtiar'i nnd then on in IMitrili rg what I had opportunity t lomtar Gorman unlvttralty mrtnod with tlibx 11 ICnsrtnnd A mar lea of-to- Harold r naile sou of James Ciir of and Yesterday tin out men nnd Thn Democrats arc to have a rnlly nt Secretary A "The matter of n recount l In nuof "1 intuit eonfeaa feeling of L C. Atklnaun, In a. let- tie, n Pumhou graduate and n darh a mtiw o( thiMin within the city limit 30 week nt lmwt." w'd nt llflrtelUir bisciiiisa of Aniii Park nt 7 Monday night, nt ter to (lei'vemor Cat ter, speaks with an. c until next Inif member nf tho Oahu nolo tom tho talking over the election iontlnud which the glad Is to be liiie-rvii- bhcrifT luown veslcrdny when aaked li mutli' three daring ascents of punka In prevailing prnitlre of atinlant ilnols hand consider mueli satisfaction of nn hei summer luckily rhoy haw revived thoro old-tim- e placing thn rnuse ef their dofent when ably pressed. In order the an Advert laer reporter concerning the flnllrrrlnml this nnd that nffalr haa had with Mr Strauss at in many dla awonl duels and the corps cnMP'ts mgn Ihey thought It bckingisl purporting to aped participation tho may be a complete success, the man- Tho significance of this lutcrv ow lies c im tness of ttpment reported from thofo dlizy flercily Student!) are to bo seen ev- Bul- aatera WHAT DKFEATHL) LINK. agement has drawn upon the resources come from htm appearing In the heights erywhere with great, Ugly slashes In tho fnct that Mr. Strauss Is the man designated to Secretary Met-cal- f, letin. W 11 Castle, who returned home Inst across their cheeks and they make "The Advertiser printed the tlckel of Kohula to the extent of Palmer succeed Woods, one-'tlm- o of tho of ommerco 1 hnve not seen the nulletln et. week from n European anil mainland them as bad as they can In order thnt some time ago," said Link McCand-les- s, and the lone Democrat Depirtmont t say and Labor, In nld the Sheriff anil when a copy was tour, whllo In Hnltzrrlnnd the senr when healed will show to of the Senate will bo on hand to the contemplated Cabi- sUtes that "that did the trlok tq me. Craw- In net changes. Mr. Atkinson, ns presi- ihown him of tin' article which quotael his party was Joined by Harold. While better advantage It Is a hideous cus- something Most of the joy will bo ford was nccuscd of floating thnt tick- fortu-Iint- e dent the Board of Immigration, was litm as saying. "Yes, It Is certnln that In glaclir region Harold got the tom. th" breasts ot thews who vvero of tho prom- glad opportunity 11 contra- et, I went to him nc enough to pull sultlclent votes to of the to consult with 1 will nsk for recount," he (.limbing feer nnd his first attempt "We met C M Cooke and fnmlly nt nnd when Cooke I be counted In. The defented Demo-- J Mr. Strauss regarding the Hawnll.m dicted the supposed statement Hatl. wns on the Zermitt He surmnuntel Lucerne Mr nnd went to the ised to call It In. Perhaps It was not immigration nun- - It Tur-c- a crntlc candidates will bo on tho plat tiollcv. "There In nothing about nl this gront penk succssfullv Ho wenl St Gothnrd Pass nnd through the work, but he was ono I all Crawford's Is no It would bo embarrassing to tho Ter n 1 hi nalil glancing over the article to ZennI Bothhorn Pass to tho Ithono OInclcr. Tho lorm as nn evidence that there tho summit of the lrnn The vote was not from the - ritorial administration If th steps the first plnic. we have not been 13,000 nbovc sea lovel, and was ac- morning scene there is the most won- hard feeling. "In feet nese me, ou may figure It taken, with the approval of Secretary able to gM any definite Information companied by two. guides on that oc- derful I ever beheld that killed WHO WILL SPEAK. Metcalf, to Intioduce labor settlers tit. to nit upon I am trying to find out casion. Mr Cnstlu states Hint he "We nlso went through the famous out for vourself Many of tho ballots Tho affair Is to be the genuine thin? Is, how Slmplon tunnel, long citizenship material were to be set at xnctly what the situation thought this one cxrcrlonce wns enough thirteen miles In tho Fifth were for Chllllngworth, In the way of an acknowledgment of out each only itcently opened to public nuught by Mr Strauss on his accession many ballots were thrown at for the daring joung mun, but when tnvel McCarthy and Smith. Y"ou would hard- - the votes thnt were enst for the mor. the reason was This connects Itnlj and Switzerland to office of tho precincts, what they rrnched ChnmounI, Harold had who worked so all the can-tha- t, whom Tho ventilation was bnd In the ly believe a Democrat would vote like hard for of Governor Carter Is gratified to gath- for disallowing them nnd for tho same desire to climb Mr. Castle lather Jnlates, nnd Herbert Mossmun Is to of. inarKed T'ntll ue hove that view of tho needle tunnel, nnd to ndd to the disadvantage so wo will p:e It at the door er, from Mr Atkinson's report of thu they were describes his flist "clnte as announcer. He will Introduce, Interview, Information I can not s.iy whether e points of the mountains It cnucd they use locomotives thnt burn coll, of some Bcpubllcnns I fought a good thnt Mr StrauBs took a " friendly Immigra- will a recount or not. Certain- Doro's picture? nccompanjlng Dante s nnd, of course, great clouds of smoke fight and I am glad It Is over. attitude toward the ask for Th, u"7uicasiii),. uv policy of we not decided upon It jet and InTerno to his thoughts The proich Pirls jou nro required to un- Havvallans have not all turned Demo- Vh."'i.rr..".nc Pi'HMin itiii it. ii tion the local administration. ly haw inter Trent, Tteasurer-elec- t, B Harvey, unlikely! on than next week Even peaks were tragic In their grandeur roll out of the funnels Tho atmos- crats. I havo met a few who are r He will therefore be tak- will not earlier Supervisor nt Large-elec- t, Col. C. 3. ing any Is no we will demand Mr. and his party ndvlsed phere gets pretty murky before jou get nnd I guess there would be office, to raise obstacles then It cinch that Castle McCarthy, Senator-elec- t; P. any needles through After riding thirteen miles In no trouble" for mo to shnke hands with Palmer thereto. It There Is no hurry about the m.ittcr against climbing of these Woods, Senator-elec- t Hawaii, de- dlmlj enrs and then suddenly five hundred of them now. I came In from The law allows us thirty dajs In which but after surMjIng them Harold lit Sheriff-elec- t, Is 270 to good Curtis P Iaukea, and J. to file such a demand " cided he-- could mike the trip. He se- emerging Into flashing sunlight. It to Honolulu with votes the on eves. won In the Tourth, the other J. Fern, Suporvlsor-clec- t. W. A. Kin- lected two guides and started In the rather trjlng one's nnd out ney HIGHS WIN they "We had heird before going through district did not support me " nnd E. B. McClnnnhnn will talk, afternoon The next morning as will Messrs. Kamaha, Ingham and of that there was an engineer's report on Joe Tern Is willing to be considered c, c, were at tho commencement the final Alapal to- the tunnel to the effect that the ma- the savior of the Democratic party, for Sllva. Mrs and Miss Knal, ascent. gether with the Ernest Knal orchestra, BALL GAME they file of guides sonry In sections wns we-n- nnd the he has a pull with the steamer bnvs. Just then met n will furnish some beautiful music dur- loped together as usui), descending the tunnel might have to be rebuilt In some, "The Mauna Loa came Into port Tues- swung way However, vtc ascertained that day morning," sajs Joe, "and the fnrty-seve- n ing the meeting. IS DEAD AT MLO mountain They hid n bundle College High this pnned there no immediate danger and In votes on that vessel were landed WHAT MOfoSMAN SAYS Oahu II. nnd School I. between two of them and ins teams on gridiron to body of one of their number, we went for the Democratic party Without met the at Punahou be the Chairman Mossmnn Is not worrying yesterday afternoon, eleven who had slipped and been killed only "I found omr of tho Hawaii Pro- them Iaukea would have been left. I the latter possibilities He G 0. Nothing by motion Committee literature on a table havo the pull with those boys and they over the of a recount. winning by the score of to (Wireless to the night before. daunted does not believe will happen, if won Advertiser) tragedy, Harold continued the In the Schloss Hotel The Sunday Ad- are good to me " It nnd The first game of the series was this It does It will be to the ndvantnge ot 12 HILO, Nov. 0 Mrs. C C. Kcnnedj ascent vertiser was ent to m In Europe nnd AS TO A BECOUNT. by the collegians by the 3core of the Democratic legislative ticket. to 4. Is dead. To reach the summit proed a haz those copies, with those of tho Gazette, of recount seems In tho matter there "There are three grades of voters," A large crowd of supporters of both ardous undertaking. Accoidlng to W I always loft in hotels, and they vvero to be no ono willing to say It would In- remarked Mosman esterday In speak- Bides was In attendance and was re- Mrs Kennnedj was the wife of tho It Castle, It was "a frightful climb" generally picked up and read with help the One official matter. redeial ing of the prospects, "Bepubllcan, Dem. warded by witnessing what was by manager of tho Wnlakea plantation On tint trip Harold had taken Bei-- terest. I took some of the Advertiser's sajs It would be folly to cons'der such far and sister of George. T. Deacon, engi- camera along with Jubilee number with mo and give them ocratlc and Home Bule The first the best game of Intercollegiate - trlce Castle's little a move, as It would help tho other side would have mistakes, the next neer, who died on October 24, nnd Hen- him Beaching a perilous stage of the out at different pi ices In Europe I Bepubllcans fewer ball plajed In Honolulu this season. as well as It would the the Democrats finally the Homi game wns snappy ry Deacon, now on tho mainland. Mrs. ascent, Harold wished to take a photo lift one nt a hotel. The next day I now Is changes and The fnst and The Interest In the thnt Bulers If are a lot of mistakes "Kennedy was stricken with paralysis graph of tho two guides, and he un- - found n gentleman reading from It to some of there throughout and some excellent tackling: should bo made in the eount In by the several months ago after going homo loped himself his eompinlons and several ladles They expressed their will, the ballots for Senatots cast .vns done on "both sides At this tho from departments and those which In Bule voters bo from church with Mrs James A - climbed to a dizzy perch from which surprise about what they were reading place. Johnson Borne the result would High School lads had all the better of all probability, take helpful to Kalauokalanl, there Is nedy. She fell Into the arms of Mrs he could take an admirable picture. concerning Hawaii, and before I left I will opposition Harvey, who and tho play. have the of no doubt In m mind he would be min- Kennedy She. has not been able to With his teeth sunk Into tho strapsheard them planning to visit Hawaii practically took an oath at the time of that Play ruled even for the first five counted In. As he had the endorsement utes Then a kick brought ball In speak or move since. Once In a while he held the camera Suddenly his this winter or next spring his to fire him out; Ke.alo-h- n, the nomination of the Democrats we claim him as our dangerous she was thought to be a Uttte better foot slipped, and In endeavoring to "Do jou know there is a Hawaiian who Is fi loudly to Harvey, and pos- proximity to the Punnhous own, so wo gonl-lin- e. and plans were tifoot for taking her to catch himself he lost hold of the cam- colonv In Boston of about fifty people? sibly antngonlsm ot and would add one to our list A good kick by Withington, tho Aicher of victorious candidates. As to tha the Coast on the Enterprise this trip era, which went crashing down 500 feet There are a number of students at Joe Tern. There Is moro than half of however, removed the threatened dan- The lato Mrs Kennedy was born at Into crevasse and was presumably Harvard and Wellesley nnd their aunts will ballots for Sheriff, there can be no ger. a the board, Hustace favor John as way roughkeepslc, N. Y., about f5 jears smashed to smithereens. and cousins nnd relatives, generally, son, so will Dwlght, In proba doubt to the the rejocted ones Toward the end of the half Oahu and all went. every ago. Besides her husband alio leaes After that experience joung Castle arc residing In nnd nbout Boston." blllty. Down In the police station there We had our watchers at College kicked at goal, but tho ball booth tally veri- two sons the elder one, Bonnld, bulng decided that he must crown his will be room for radical chanc.es and their has been went low, barely skimming the ground fied, so we haye no re- at home, and tho jounger Bruce, at- afhlevcments by climbing tho Matter MAJOR ANDE'S FIRST LETTER. though It Is frequently said thnt Blown that fear of the Aloy Soong fumbled tho ball nnd. tending Oahu College, Honolulu. party went to belonged to sult should Mr. Brown Insist on having quick as a Hash, Ah Chleu grabbed tho htirn At tho time the J Pleipont Morgan has just pur- was blamed for more than Mrs. Kennedy was a leader In social the little town from which all travel- him. the ballots recounted. We believe that leather and darted across the line with Ingham go and benevolent circles of Hllo ers start. It was past he season and chased an autogiaph letter written by The Bulletin has thrown a fit because Ed. would to the House, it It, amid frantic cheering by the High J. A Kennedy, her brother-in-la- the snow was falling. Efforts were Major John Andre, who wns convicted the barkeep", who had the cooperation Brown Insists on his plan." School's supporters. well-know- n received a wireless message of Mrs made to dissuade Castle from mak.ng and hanged ns a spy In Bevolutlonary of tho sheriff, haxe expressed favora 'aid a station house Bob. Chllllngworth took the kick and" perfectly-judge- Konnedv's death Just too late for him tho attempt, but he persisted made Sheriff-elec- t. If habitue yesterday afternoon: scored the goal by a d and davs The letter has been In one of ble opinion of the But ' to take tho Claudlne last night for Hllo, the ascent, returning in safety This the reporter who Investigated the count There has been a lot of guessing effort. the well known Philadelphia delnjcd though tho steamer was by tho Is a 11000-fo- mountain. There were collections In the different precincts had dropped as to the cause of the downfall ot Bice of the High School made a cou- Alameda's mill. If he cn get a steam- alriady recorded eight deaths on the for many jeais, nnd was offered to Mr, Into tho saloons on his way back to Blown, but tho right of It has not been ple of good runs, but tho first half saw er today he will try to teach Hllo In Matterhorn. Neirly eveiy day, s.avs Morgan, who lost no time In taking the offlco ho would undoubtedly have stated jet, to my knowledge It Is In no more scoring, the whistle blovvlne time ho sup- ' history thnt Cngaran Ternandez was In for tho funeral, which Mr. Castle, there were reports of tic what Is considered the most Important hnrt eerv one of the men, who havo with the ball neutral territory. poses will bo held tomonow, along with on one or of tho Swiss good Sher- tho candidate of Line for Supervisor, The second period saw the Punahoust cldmts another Andre now and a sa(d Iaukea would make a his nephew Bruce peaks letter extant coveted iff cuing for a recount. Iaukea Is and If he had had tho nomination, nnd fighting desperately to equalize Tho W. B. Castlo and family first went relic of the American Bevolutlon. good to them because they weio of the bad received the suppoit of tho police first ten minutes saw much kicking by to Englnnd p isslng thence to Prance, Tho lettei Is the first one of Impor- opinion that there will be no recount and road organizations, he would have each side, with honors fairly even. Belgium, down tho Rhine and into tance written b Mnjoi Andre In the The DLtnoctats will Insist, In tho been elected He did not receive the In this half Desha mnde a brilliant Tests Patience Switzerland and Italy. They made a course of his coirespondence with event ot Sheriff Brown demanding a nomination, nnd fiorn that turning run eif fortv J.aids. He secured tho slow trip finm Liverpool to London Hinedkt Arnold for lanjlng out their lecount, on a recount of all of the bal down of Lnne dates the beginning of ball on n pass and was not downed and stopped for a long time at Oxford plan to place West Point In the pos- lots cast for Senators and Bepiesenta-tlve- s the plot to defeat Brown at tho polls until tho High Scheiol's lino at which place Mr Castle found, much session of the Biltlsh The letter, un- This, with the recount of bal- I have It from undoubted nuthorlty had been Invaded The Most Patient Honolulu Citizen to his surprise, that no dally newspaper der date of September 7, 17S0, was ad- lots for Sheriff, will leeiulre a good deal that after the convention there was The next play Smith found a hole. meeting Muct Show Annojance at Times, was published. The groupings nf the dressed to Colonel Sheldon, then In of time. Hut It Is up to the Supremo of the Homo Bulo leaders held whLh he went through like a cannon-ba- ll Oxford college buildings Interested him command of a detachment of cavalry Court to decide whether there Is evi- In the Fifth District John Lane vuis, for a twelve-j.ar- d gain and ho found much opportunity for stationed on the east side of the Hud-Bo- n dence enough In anv case, to wariant advised of It and went there In th Oahu then fumbled, but managed to. comparing the svstem of groupings to be placed In Benedict Arnold's the time necesaiy There Is a belief night nnd knocked on the door and save the bill. Bucks followed, but th Nothing spoils good a disposition. with that prevailing In the United hands, and signed "John Anderson." that the court w 111 turn dovv n both re- nsked admittance. When he entered opposing line held stnunch and true. Nothing taxes a man's patience, States He was unablo to learn any It was Arnold's wish that Andre, dis- quests Then, too, theio Is the matter tho room nnd greeted his friends h Oahu tetlred ten yards on a penalty, Like any Itchiness of the skin. thing nbout n Bhodes scolnrshlp for guised ns John Andtrsnn, a bearer of of costs means no small nmuunt told what had happened In the con- and Withington cssajed a kick Tho' you crazy. It Itching Piles almost drive Haw nil, as It was then tho summer Intelligence from New York, should nnd the man who files the contest will vention and gave the word for a tride ball struck a High School man, how-ove- r, All day It makes you miserable, season and ho did not find the proper meet him nt a cavalry outpost between hnve to put up a few dollnrs. There There Is every reason for believing that and, bounding off, made consid- All night It keeps you awake. official to present his Inquiries on the Salem and North Castle, on the east Is very little doubt that the machlno some of the promises made were ful- erable ground. Ah Chleu, as In the Itch! Itch! Itchl with no relief. subject. Ho learned liter, however, bank of the Hudson, nnd he Informed has tho coin, or could get It, so there filled in part. Brown was defeated and case of the first touchdown, secured Just the same with Eczema:. thnt all these scholarships were now Sheldon, Its commnnder, he hoped would bo little there to stop the men o was Vida." tho running hardly that leather and, like a streak Can keep from scratching It. full. to eniounter In this manner a voluihlo on that side, for 70 jnrds, carried the ball over tha You so you boat-rnc- o would do but know It The Hampton course In- emissary Of this, too, Andro was in- -, LEADER ACIII. fateful line. makes It worse. him did see Cam- - terested Ho not the iormed, but It wns no part of his plan Charlie AchI swells up when ho Is oneFmilliken Beferee Heed disallowed the score, Such mlseilca are dally decreasing, hrldge-llaiva- rd race, but saw other to enter the Americm lines In disgue pointed out as a leader, "I worked however, on the ground that the High i'eople are learning they ean be cured. so off-si- races What surprlsid him most was nnd much of the nniingetnent as u hnr T ntnnilaail T w.nlil nn.l tlw .. School was In the play. UI- ...... u ,'.U.....jv.. ..wu.v. i..,i. ...v. Learning the merit of Doan's Oint- extreme r.l A.n1,.n.l . . - .t..l . wu-- . ,t tho nirrowness of the stream ..v.h" ." "b ui. ui.ua suU sh(ms lt n gald NLStt,,,lny. ..T brothers dead The remainder of the play was of an ment. In places On where two boats ubsolutily thrown aside. tho strength of Ar throw tho labor vote to cer- even nature, Sam Wight putting up n Plenty of proof that Doan's Oint- Hold's Iaukea and could not piss "Why, you could take letter, however, he wieito to Shel- and they won I Edward F. Milllken died yesterday, a pretty run just prior to the call of ment will cure Plle, Eczema or any pole, tain Demociats out. a long place It In the center of don Hut he would come with a flag id would not help Wnterhouse because he cablegram to C Hedemann, manager time. Itchiness of the skin. In fol- tho stream places and vault across the American outpost. Tho letter of Honolulu re- The losers chivalrously called for Frank Lelbly of 326 S. Main St., was too close to Blown I told him so Iron Works Companj, It," said Mr. Castle lows. ma- ceiving news b cheers for the victors, which were re- Wllkesbarre. Pa U. S.. Is at the time. I wns agnlnst the the sad cable. "His tavs: "It He did not think much of the Paris New York, the 7th Sept , 17S0. death must turned w Ith Interest. with much pleasure I testify to chine before election and I nm now. I have been ver sudden," that edition of the New York Herald It Mi Hedemann I The teams and olllclnls vvero as fol- the merits of Doan's Ointment In cases saw Iaukea frequently nnd he knew sas, "as was not was lunno and did not compare nt all am told my name Is made known what was coming. We consulted awoio thnt Mr. Milllken wns oven sick, lows: of itching piles I suffered from that vou In- with other English Journals Theio to and that I may hope your and I promised him my sup- nlthough we have had letters fiom the Oahu College. High School. tormenting nfflictlon for the past ear. vvero dulgence few general Items of news The In pei milling mo to meet a poit. But Mr. Kinney had tho oppor- firm by cverj mall. L. Withington I tried nearly even thing that was rec- part of paper friend near Outposts. I en- gieater the was taken Joui will to do good ho "Mr. Milllken was a (enpt.) , ommended to me and what I saw ad- tunity when was at the married couple B E. L SellchJ up "with utter frlvolltv," deavour to obtnln permission to go out deb.ato advantago of of jenrs ago and his wife get ly and he took It" joung died B.Thurston I E B Ah Chleu vertised, but I could no relief. "I wns very much Interested In tho with n Hag which will bo sent to Dobbs this summer. I procured Doin's Ointment. HABDLY BELSEB. He visited the islands T. Stack B. T. L..S Saffrey, J. After brother of D L. Wlthlngtnii, who has Ferrj on Monday next the 11th nt 12 nbout six years ngo - a few applications I was much The mention of name of and made a num- Lo relieved, livid In Paris and Ixmdon for nbout o'clock when I shall be happy to nuet tho Jack bei of He continuing n friends was tho senior T Cooper L T. B Akona. and, the treatment, I was thlrty-flv-o jcars," Mr Castle Mr. G . Should 1 not bo Bolser for road supervisor causes sild allowed to pirtner of Milllken Bros, tho other E. Melanphy.. . B G. soon completely cured. I have felt tastes verv go, tho who Is to laugh among tho Democratic workers L S. Wight "Ills nto artistic and anti- otllcer command tho paitner being 1. no signs of that Intolerable Itching Ono these more ester- - his btother, Foster Mil Benton L. G. B D. Glllllnnd quarian It wns a i.uo treat to go about Escort between whom and mvselt no of than smiled liken, well since, nnd it Is four mouths ago since day suggestion In an also known to a number ot Hind C E Blchardson Paris with him. distinction need be made can spuik on when he read the people In I used Doan's Ointment. To sny tifternoon paper the Hawaiian Islnnds Abaut Aloy Soong Q D. Klnu that "Wo went to the Bue St. Hnnore, tho Affair. a jeai ngo the firm ot was delighted Is only do-fe- at Milllken Bros B Smith B. II S. White I half expressing where ever) step of our wn was re- Let me entreat vou Sir to favour a "Jack Belser was counted upon to wns B...L my enthusiasm. Incorporated, and they have Just W.Desha . . .L.H. B W. Itlca. I recommend this plete with historical reminiscences. He matter so lnteri sting to the parties our candidates as much as Sam completed B.. remedy whenever the opportunity is Johnson, only In pcrhnps the largest rolling J. Wlnne ,.F. B .B. Chllllngworth turned and pointed to the church of concerned and which Is of so private a tho ellffetence the plant in presented. You may publish my state- work of the two men Is In the Unltid States for tho pur (capt.) San Boche and then showed tho spot Nature tint the publlck on neither side the machine pose of procuring own ment at any time and I can be managed by Johnson Heist wns a their raw ma Beferee Prof. Beed. aluajs whore Napoleon planted his guns that can bo Injured by It. r torlal to bo used in their steel found at 326 S. Main street, nna will I large emplojer of labor was deeply struc Umpires W. Chllllngworth, C. Ly- memorable day during tho Ftench rev- shall bo happy on my part In doing and tural manufacturing business " vouch for the same." olution nnd began his great career any act of kindness to vou In a family Interested In the result of the election man Doan's Ointment for sale by nil Then ho pointed out n Utile white house or (sic) ptoperty concern of a Similar Why ho should bo landed In tho place Timekeepers J. Desha, D, Sherwood. dealers; price 50 cents. Mailed by The where Bobisplomi islabllshed himself Nnture Is more than I can sco and I do not difficuTtto Llnesmnn-In-chl- cf V, rernnndcz. vv " Ilolllstcr Drug Co., agents for the and whence he wns led to his execu- I trust I shall not be detained, but bellev o he ill Time of halves Twenty minutes. Islands. tion Neaibv was one of the Paris mar- should nnv old grudge be a cause for - Bemember the name DOAN'S, and kets and there used to bo the build- It I shall rather rls,c that than neglect replace HABEAS CORPUS CASE. take no sylvester substitute. ings adjoining the lear of Bobesplerre's tho Business In question or nnsumo a WANTS A BKILBGAD It was agreed in the United States house where tho Jacobins onco ruled mjsterlous character to carry on nn District "Wo expect to lienr from llov. Court nnd ordered bv Judgn DEATH Or II. 0, OVENDEN. And so he took me about the city Innocent ufTalr and ns friends have ad- - Dr Dolo Saturday that tho habeas corpus "In the great market I was vls'd get to our l Svlveiter by letter or to see him in Harry C. told that lines stealth case of Tnkashltna Fhuuld-b- o Ovenden, head bookkeeper 100,000 people AND S, COMMISSION person on the Alatneila," said 1'. (', Chlomntu about came dally to maka I am Sir with all legard submitted on briefs. District At- of the Kaeleku Sugar Company, died inur puri'liin People bu from day Your obedient I Jones early yesterday afternoon. "I hive no doubt "ho lias been very torney BrcckotiB Is allowed till tha at his homo In Hnna on tho seventh to day. and not ns we do by taking In Your most ohedt hum Serv t tint AV lick or we should linvo heard from lSth and J Cathcart for petitioner 111 great quantities and Instant. He had been for a short storing them up JOHN ANDEHSON. him boforo till tha 20th for their nspectlvo briefs. Tho fruit although generally sold Col Sheldon. A prominent Republican favors tho tills. time nnd had been under the caro ot out would be sorry to Joso Petitioner claims ho la unlawfully five hours after arrival, Is neverthe establishment of n railr ml nnd steam- "I 'fry his Drs Deas Dlncsar, so services as pastor of Central Union and forbidden to land In this nnd and had far less piled up Into tempting-lookin- g ship commission for Hawaii, and pro- re- LAME BACK. for 1 eo.ii.idiT Mm a splendid country, while tho Immigration author- recovered that ho had Intended to dls-pla- poses that the Kglaliitui9 take tho pjramlds, The very manner of Its y net ho is subject to turn to work tho following day, when matter in luuid and p.isa it. man, ities claim deportation, causes ono to buy. This nllme m Is uiin n for being Infected with Itla heart kup way and ho died sud- usu illy caused by Ho argues that tl.'iro tirj bij; enough "It would lie Mow to us to be trachoma. 'The government of the city of Paris rheumatism of deprived of l)r, denly, Mr. Ovenden had been a resi- the muscles and may bo railro ul nnd stuinlil; intends in t,." Silvester's rvleo hujs nt tho market uvery day It does cured bj nppljltv,- - and it would a most difficult thing HIBHBLVS ACCOMMODATIONS. dent of the Islands twenty-thre- o Chamberlain's Pah islands to ,i 'nuiii'loa look. hi 1, for this Instead nf asking for bids be- warriut to most and Balm two or three times n day ami Ini; after the nftiirs .if l.iih svstem supply his place tlafllctnlly,,' The Pacific Mall S. S. Siberia sailed jenrs, of which time he hail been ing supplied by the blddeis, The c'ty rubbing if i with Grlnbaum & Co. Ho the parts vigorously nt each transportation, iirisuufii h there i from Yokohama for Honolulu on No- was born in buvs for pollco nlins-house- s, the stations Application. If this rc--t now no 'oinpetilion GET MUCH BUSINESS. 10, accommo- London, Tcbruary IS, 1853. Ho was a does not afford nractlrullr ei since vember Tho vessel has houses of correction, and so on, lltff, bind on n piece nf flannel sllgtly tho Wilder steamship company was According to officers on the America about forty passengers man of Irreproachable character and probably 10,000 dations for about people being sup-Plie- d dampened quick merged into the Intor-Tstntu- l made a host of friends, Deceased dilly with Pnln Balm, and compiny. Maru, the liners running between Port- from hero to tho Coast, She carries a relief Is almost suro to follow For It is within tho power of the leg's-Ittur- o land nnd Seattle and tho Japanese through list of nbout ono hundred. The leaves a wife nnd several small chil- "Paris Is a kingdom king- to within a sale by Benson, Smith & Co., Ltd., to fix freight rales for thu Inter "orts have, been well patronized lately, vessel will here the morning of dren mourn his loss Maul News, dom, you might aay. When you ap- - arrive agents for Hawaii. Island company, prohibit refutes, etc. at ltnst from the Orient to the Coast. November 19, Monday, -5-EMI.WEEKLV.HA.WAIIAN GAZETTE, TUESDAY, NOVEMuKR ij, igofi.

CASTLE & COOKE CO., Ld ship ircnH e nine to HONOLULU. THE ANNtXAllON OF CUBA. . FOR BABY'S undersigned having; been SKIN The Gnmmisston Merchant nntntiwt ii.nli nf the above eomnnj BY JOHN W. FOSTER, LL D are prepared to Insure risks ngalnn Ore on Btone and Brick Buildings nn of State. on Merchandise rturrd therein on t - - SUttAK JfAOTOKS. nost favorable terms, lor particular SCALP ANO HAIR ipply ut the odlce of 0'000'0000' O000'0000Independent, uct 25, 19 C ) flCHi In Its formal troUy It l gritl- - F. A. BCHAEFKR ft CO., Agt (New York in f '" ' ' ' cxeiUt.o ' AGENTS FOR The action of President ltoosevelt - .Uniting the Intervention of the civil lurii. em .11 our Government fully renl- rka Bwa. Plantation Company. North Gorman Marino Insnr'oo Co. United dutermiti Ulnn nnd duty. I.angungn Agricultural Co., Ltd. aml military nuthorltles of the The WalaJua OF BERLIN. In I'lihn. Iihr met with the licnrty '' "' ""-- ' il'"-- ' Something for Mothers to Think About Kol.ala Cugar Cnmpauy. ninle. ""' Tss General Go. and general approval of the country, In this spirit than that used by Prcsl Waiuiea Sugar Mill Company. Fortuna Insurance dent In to Mo. In the recess of Congress there no ltoosevelt his letter Minis h Fulton Iron Works. 8t. Louis, OF BERLIN. tor Gucsadu. The Judicious conduct of Oil Company. other course left open to hltn, In view Tb eurilold - Secretary Toft in seeking to avoid In The Oorge F. Blake Cteam pumps. The above Insurance Companies Lay of tho obligations which wo have as- EVERY CHILD born into the world with an Centrifugals. sumed toward the Government anil tervention made It clear that he was Wntan'i retabllshed a general agency here, an Thep-oelim- u m nulin ited by tills spirit. inherited early developed tendency distress- The New England Mutual Life lnsur-u- thp undersigned, general agents, ar f n,ni i.inn.t. Tn n limiior or to Company, of Boston understanding of the future relntlons Uon of Secretary Taft and l'rovlslonil authorlred.to take risks against thi Ooveninr Miigoon, Issued under the ing, disfiguring humours of the skin, scalp, and The Aetna Insurance Co., of Hart dangers of the sea at the most reason of our Government toward them nnd part It may take In shaping tho President's direction, show that the ford. Conn. able rates and on the most favorabl' to the only purposo Jblood, becomes an object of the most tender The Alliance Assurance Company, of terms. dtstlny of that Island, It may bo well of the Intervention forced nt upon Is maintain Inde- London. F. A. SCHAEI"ER & CO.. to einmlno tho charaoter of tho obi them "to tho solicitude, not only because of its suffering but pendence of Cuba." General Agents. we h.ie assumed, and, In doing because dreadful fear disfiguration so, to recall some well-kno- facts. But thcro Is danger, unless checked. of the that the INSURANCE. of that it hastily formed and unwise pop- General Insuranoo Go. lor Set The Joint resolution of Congress is to be lifelong and mar its future happiness ,nrll 20. 1S9S. which was a virtual ular sentiment may take possession of River and Land Transport declaration of war against Spain, con- - our country, und greatly embirrass the and prosperity. Hence it becomes the duty of Go. of Dresden talncd tho following provision: administration In Its effort to keep Tbeo. H. Davies fi "Fourth That the United St.itos fnith w Ith the people of Cubi nnd show mothers of such afflicted children to acquaint Having established an agency at Ho disposition or In- to the world we aro animated by (Limited.) hereby disclaims any that aolulu and the Hawaltnn Inlands, lb tention to exercise sovereignty, Juris- a policy of sincerity and disinterested- themselves with the best, the purest, and most aftENTS FOR FIRE, LIFE AMR undersigned general agents are author diction or control over s.ild Island ness Wo read of statesmen high In effective treatment available. Ized to take risks against the datigr (Cuba), except for the pac flcntion public favor who announce that the MARINE INSURANCE. of the sea at the most reasonable rat Its determination, American army now In Cuba will never That warm baths with CuncnaA SoAr to cleanse tho skin and scalp of cmsts on most favorable torma thereof, nnd asserts tnd the Is accomplished, to leave the leave It, and that the Island Is bound nnd scales mid pernio application of CtrricuitA Ointment to instantly allay Itching, F. A. SCHALFUR & when thnt C, government and control of tho island to to be annexed to tho United States. Irritation, and InlUiimution, und sootlio and heal, to bo followed in tho severest Axcnts for the Hawaiian Islands. cases In-- mllil doses of Kkjolvknt are all that can bo desired for tho alle- Its people." I mu' the sooner the better. The same Cuticura Assurance Gompanj, viation suffering of in Lints children and tho worn-o- ut lortHeni was not only n no-- vlow Is taken by many Journals of ce of the and comfort of This enactment worried mothers hns iM'i.n demonstrated III countless homes in ovory lauil. Cuba, dec- - fluenco. American planters, cominer-laratlo- n j OF LONDON. FOR FIRE AND to Spain nnd to but a Their abioluto safoty, purity, and sweetness, instantaneous and grutef ul relief, speedy UNION PACIFIC determl- - clal men nnd promoters In Cuba Fecm LIFE. Established 1835. Thi Overland Route, to the world of our cure, and groat economy leave nothing more anxious parents. I - to bo desired by .ooomuULted Funds ... 3.77(.0OO. nation nnd purpose. anxious to hive the United Stntes as- After the war nnd when the United sume outright and permanently the Complete. Cxtornnl and Internal Treatment for Every Humour, It was the Route In '40! V was proceeding "to leave the burdens of Cubin government. The Coulnlnp of Cnrn I'll Soap, to i lenno Iho Mn and w nip r rrunts and hiiiI infie It Is the Route today, end States Uio thli Lenril cuticle, ctmriiut ointment, to Instantly ullnv tu hltiir and Irritation, un t Island to advocates of "manifest destiny" believe wwtlio nnd L'ti mm v d Foreign Marine Ins. C( government nnd control of the nnd heal, fiiTli Ut ist. to end nml i lesnae Uio Mood. ,slil iliniUKhuut British Will be for all tlroo to corns, its neonle." Concrcss. in tho net of the tlmo Is ripe to take one step the world. ,ii,i Depot: It. Towns A Co , Sidney, N. k v. So. African Deiml: LtNMis In expulsion These I.tii, Cnpo Town. "How to Cure IMij Humour,," tree, l'unm Duuo JLNU CUUt. LIVERPOOL, FOR MARINE March 2. 1901, to that end, adopted the further southern LOtir.. l, II, S. A.. Hole Prop., C'UTICUlU Itl.UMHI s. Of THE OLD WAY. Is and other Influences will oppose the VjBjItal fl.OOO.OOC following, being a part of what known ns tho rintt Amendment: withdrawal of our present control; nnd opportunity Is given the Cu- of Rates. "III. That the Government of Cuba If another Redaction may bans to conduct an Independent gov- - diate Payment of Claims. consents that the United States exerclse the right to intervene for the, eminent and they again fall Into ills , preservation of Luoan inucpcnucnce, urui-i- mo umiiiniu uum uu-r- nmu-th- e R. J. COLLiSBROWNE'S maintenance of a government ado-- 1 enccs for permanent annexation may H. DAVIES.. & CO LTfc nuate for the protection of life, prop- - become almost Iricsistlblo. erty and Individual liberty, und for will such a demind be reasonable? AGENTS. vMmrmi niLLiiJ? .irTw discharging the obligations w th It bo consistent with our plighted CHLORODYNE. 5Va ls r. 'jj spect to Cuba Imposed by tho treity nf faith and our publicly proclaimed pur-Par- "!tlsr now be ORIOINALAND ONLY OBNUINK. st-.i-s- on the United Stntes, to pose? Secretary Tafl reached tho heart & .. "" Ti-t- zr assumed nnd undertaken by the Gov-'o- f tills question In his admirable ad- esioiHAt. aot Eaclil'Jtottlo of (his well-know- n Ileniedy fo Castle Cooke, ornment of Cuba." dress In the University at Havana. Ho &' The primary object of the intcrven- - made it clear that the Cubans should -- LIMI1ED. Coughs, Colds, Asthma, THE NEW WAY. tlon thus nuthorlzed Is "for the presor- - not be tested by the same standard of atlon of Cuban iderendence." It Is to self-go- v eminent as tho people of the Toothache, FIRE be noted In connection with the last United States, that vto had ccnturfes Bronchitis, Neuralgia, LIFE and clause Just quoted thnt while In thel0f experleni.0 behind us and the Cu-tre- of Pails, Spain "ceded" to tho bins weie now for the first time being Diarrhoea, Spasms, etc, INSURANCE United States the Philippine Inlands afforded an opportunity to govern nnd Porto Rlro, It simply "relliqiilsli-- 1 themselves, and that If they stumbled benrs on tho Government Btomp tho name of tho Invnto ed" Its claim of sovereignly over nnd and fell they must be helped up ngnln title to Cuba, hence the United States anj )Ut on the road to self-gove- DR. COLLIS BROWNE. AGENTS. . . has never arqulred n permanent title' ment. J. to Cuba. At the Instance of the United It Is opportune to recali tne experi- Numerous Testimonials from Eminent Physiolans ac- company each Stntes Article III. was ratified by the ence of the Latin-Americ- republics. bottle. VGENTS FOR Cuban Government and attached to Us Take the most successful of them. Ar Trices tn England constitution, with the other nrtlclcs nf gentina's history for llfty jears after ohlt minima. Sold In Bottles. 11K. 29, 46, by all Chemists. the Piatt Amendment. Additional sol- revolu- hlWDIlilQulltalGuGO Independence was a series of Sol Manufacturers, j, Davenporti Limited. London "THE OVERLAND LIMITED.:: emnity was given to these nrtlclcs by a tions, violent changes of rulers, and t. treaty entered Into between Cuba and OF BOSTON, ELECTRIC UUnTED defalcation In public obligations. Chile the United States In 1903, two years history, only RUNNING DAY THE had much the same und a EVERY IN YEAR the Independent government of di- Insurance Company after few years ago a Ptesldent was dis- credit, further experiments In that smallest and weakest member of the JEtna Life Ci ly Two Night, bciwe.n Miulourl and Cuba had been established. Article placed by revolutionary means and the rection. family of nations entitled to us much provided enable Ban FrauclBCO VII likewise that, "to country distracted by civil war. The E. respect as those of tho greatest empire, In- Tho annexation of Cuba without OF HARTFORD. the United States to maintain tho nee-essu- ry of Montgomery St. Sou FranoUcn, Cat. turbulent condition of Mexico for fifty the consent of Its people will make and we deem tho observance that dependence of Cuba," coaling or naval years following 11b Independence Is employment thcro for some respect the chief guaranty of tho weak F. bOOTH. by to the S. stations should be leafed Cuba well known. The condition of unarchy years to come of a largo contingent of ngulnst the oppression of tho strong. In 1903 General Aeant. the United States; and leases becamo so gieat thnt 1'iosldent Buch our urmy, nnd oven by any method of Wo wish to Increase our pros- w signed by Prcsl- - ere made nnd the annn re(,uestcli Congress to confer many of Its peop'o perity, to expand our trade, to grow in In which annexation, for have of the two countries. tnprUy on hlm to genjt n ,,8 discre. been In utmost continuous Insurrection wealth. In wisdom und In spirit, but our Famous Tourist Route of the "' : army ror pro conception of tho true way to accom- Tba SOCIALISM TO " - tlon, an into .Mexico, tne for years, and It will require n strong World. pendence of Cuba" was recited nnd up- tcctlon of the lives and properly of plish this Is not to pull down others and proved. military foice to accustom them to the American residents; but this Congress wuys of pence and Industry. Many of profit by their ruin, but to help all Connection "With the Canadian It is thus seen that the United States in- common prosperity and a la DEAF ELECTORS declined to do. Later, through our the peace-lovin- g people of the United friends to a In most Impressive binding be- Australian Steamship Line has the nnd tervention, the Flench were required Stutes lamented the necessity In the common growth, that wo may all nro Issued manner five times nnnounced Its dctei-mlnatl- to leave Mexico, but tholr departure Philippines ase come greater und stronger together." 'Ciokets duty to maintain the which called fur an Inert The New York Times contributes to and Its was followed by several years of civil army, and they will lament still In n spirit of linpatleneo and by a All Points in the United States Independence of In tho of the To the fall "campaign llteratuit," an Cuba: First, disorder, and the present successful more Increase on account of refusal to allow the Cub ins the Bamo declaration of against Spain, sec-- a further and Canada, via Victoria and amusing story of an orator disconcert war ruler of our neighboring republic came the annexation of Cuba. chance us Mexico, Chile and Argentina ed by revenge of neglected ond, in tho enactment by Congress of , ,. ,, rnvnii,n,,nnrv to grow Into strong and sta- Vancouver. the sweet a nMin,l. considerations. I shall have had bill the Piatt Amendment; third, In re.pilr- - Tho economic ble governments, us not destioy the 'Cunningham, the Tho condltloI1 of affairs In Cuba does only attempt some of let explains Times, Ing tho Cuban convention to mako it a through a brief mention of good Secretary has sown. Hesorts: poster," the "didn't nol npl,roncn the disorders these. which Root Mountian get the Job of posting for Carl Kapptn- - part of Its constitution; fourth, In tak- - wh,h ArBon.i,m. chile und Mexico Let us not demonstrate to tho world Stepnens 1. Banff, Glacier, Mount berg, who wns named by the Inue lng a lease of the naval stations, nnd have passed, and It becomes us to be Tho sugar production. Tho soil that our most solemn, protestations, ore specially Fraser Canon. pendent Socialists for Assembly on the patient, forbearing nnd reasonable to- - und cllmnto of Cuba and stipulations are but a mockery of and adapted ow- "Tenth-Distri- ct ticket." Knppenberg ward this youngest of American repub- for this cultivation, and, sincerity and fair dealing. A SILLY SAYINd. ing mainly to political situation In of Steamers from Vancouver didn't hue time to listen to him, he , lics. the Washington, D. C. Empress Line is common tin past, only a fraction of the land .SXl Japan, China, said, whereupon the i "It a but silly opin- There seems to be a widespread feel- " .,v Tickets to All Points in solved to "get square": ion prevailing a cer- ing country If makes suitable for this product Iiiih as yet Id. among In this that Cuba SUOAR IN FORMOSA. India and Around the Wot Ho called upon Russ, the newsdealer tain class of pooplo that tho another failure In government, tho only been brought under cultivation. Tho annexation of tho Island, with Its cheap Wlllett & Gray's Journal for October Tickets and geD al information of Norfolk Stieet. Russ Is deaf and worse a remedy tastes, smells or alternative will bo annexation. This Tot labor, will the distructlon of 2!i Apply o dumb. Cunnlnghum picked up a pen hurts, tho more efllcacious it is.' conclusion takes It for granted that an- mcuiu.e contains the following Information cil and wrote: nexation is desirable and would be ad- the enno sugar Industry of Louisiana, So well-know- n of sugar production In rormosa: & CO., Ltd. "If yon, bring nround twenty savs a English vantageous to the United States. Is not and the Infant but Inci easing beet su- TBEO. H. DAVIES : 1905 largo men I will set up a keg of physician. lie further adds this at least a debntublo question? gar cultivation of the Central and Tlmo were Installed In u Canadian-Australia- n 8. B. Li ie Lt oper- - Agents bier und treat them to sandwiches." "bor oxamplo, lot us consider us briefly make nn examination of It. Northern Stntes. nutul ci of new cane mills, some Pacifio Uoilway. 2. may by nnptlui and Canadian ltuss got twenty-si- x and took them cod livor oil. As it is extracted Tho considerations which enter Into a Much the same statement bo utel sIliiiii, some by to Reltzner's Turn Hall, In Rlv.nglon from tho fish this oil is so offen- decision of this question ate of two applied to the tobacco Industry, with some by the old system of evaporation. Street, on Tuesday night. Meanwhile sive to tho tasto and smell that kinds, political nnd economic. tho added fact thut the large number These 47 mills wire manufactured In & CO.'S Cunningham had Informed Knppen- The political considerations. Some of of tobacco factories scattered all over Glasgow, und they possess a capacity CHAS. BREWER many cannot uso it at all, no 40 berg that he hud organized a political these are the following: the United Stntes would have to com- of from to 200 tons cuno In 24 hours. Kap-penbe- matter how badly they need it. pete with the cheap labor and Koimosa has now 67 now LINE club of men who wanted to hear 1 How nru wo to uimox Cuba? By better a total of NEW YORK talk. Knppenberg postponed Yot cod liver oil is ono of tho force and In violation of our public Muallly of tobacco of the island. ir.llls, which are able to grind 5330 tons 3. Cuba has not ns jot dev loped of cane In 21 say CO Regular line of vessels plying two other meetings to attend the one moat valuable drags in tho world promises, or by tho consent of Its peo- hours, from P fruit growing nnd exportation to any tent, to 70 per cent, of tho total crop between New York und Hono- In Reltzner's Hall. Russ, the news and it is tho greatest pity that ple freely given? If by the lutter deaf-am- great extent, but It hns a soil, climate of the wholo Island. Among theso lulu. BARK FOOHNG SUEY man, was told to Inform the i wo havo not thus far won ablu course then we must make the Island York on or dumb men to lematn seated until the a part of the territory of the Union and labor well adapted to a large pro mills, six can work 1300 tons of cano a will sail from New to'freo it from those peculiari- tnr-- 1st, 1906. beer signal was given. For half nn and ueato out of It ono or more States, duction of citrus fruits. With the day mid produce contrlfugal sugar. about Nov. ties which so noriously intorfero Iff may LOW- hour the candidate expounded his for under no other conditions would tho barrier broken down the Island whllo the others mako ordlnnry raw FREIGHT TAKEN AT with its UBefulnoss.'' This was well compete with tho fruit growers RATES. ' theories on Socialism, but not a man In people of the Island consent to annex- ofaiiRnr, but of a bettor nuallti than for EST written years ago; tho work of we disregard Florida and California merly. Is thought apply the audience cheered. Finally becom ation. It is true, could It that when th For freight rates to ing Knppenberg shouted: civilizing and redeeming it has our own public declar- 4. Slmllur remnrks may bo made as Chinese huvu becomo more familiar & CO., puzzled, tholr wishes and CHAS. BREWER me accom- tn garden products. A large, Browing j working Boston, or "Am I right? Contradict If I am sinco been triumphantly ations, make of Cuba a dependency and with the of theso now mills 27 Kllby St., wrong. Why don't somebody say govern ns wo do the Philippines or and profitable Industry hns in late tho system will bo generally adopted. DAVIES & CO , plished; and as a leading It THEO. II. something?" in tho remedy called Porto Rico. Hut nro the Amerltun years oeen crcuieu in uio scaoouru on account of this lack of experience, Honolulu. nf ...... inur- ax . . Not a man nnswered. Then Knp- people so enamored of that policy thut Southern Stntes for tho supply tho inn nurveni oi tne juvu-v- o crop uns not penberg roared: WAMPOLE'S PREPARATION they desire tn complicate the unsolvel Northern markets In the winter and teen ns rapid as formerly. Tho low "Are you going to cast your vote for tho oil rotains all its wonderful problem by adding new obligations and early spring months. It may seem to prlco of sugar hns caused a reduction destiny" nn 1908-0- me?" curative properties with no bad burdens In that direction? the advocates of "manifest In the cano planting for tho 7 Insignificant put con Just then Cunningham whispered to Bmoll or tasto whatever. It is 2 Does Cuba contain a population matter to theso crop, but nevertheless because of a new - Russ, and Russ gave the beer signal which It Is desirable to incorporate at siderations forward ns nn obstaclo to variety of enno planted on a large Bank Hawaii palatable as honoy and contains to audience. Like thlB our Union? Out of Its annexation, but tho representatives of LIMITED. the all enrativo time Into scale, named the "Bamboo Rose," which one man the audience arose and made tho nutritivo and one million six hundred thousand peo- the many thousands of our people who will glvo 30 tons to tho acre, In place upon a football rush for the barroom, leav- of Pure Ood Liver ple, only from ono to two hundred are dependent the Industries mi of tho old varieties, which give 15 tons, will upon seriously Incorporated Under the Laws of the ing the candidate talking. il, extracted by ub from froeh thousnnd have any scholastic educa- reflect them thnt the crop will cnual 1905-0- Territory of Hawaii. Then Cunningham stepped up and cod livers, combined with tho tion. To the great mass of the voting before they give their consent to the The Selto Kabusnlk, Kalsha, congratulated Knppenberg, saying it Compound Syrup of Ilypophos-phitc-s population of today the common school annexation of Cuba. n Jopanese company, has lot a contract PAID-U- P CAPITAL $000,000.00 was very successful meeting as not Is an unknown Institution. The most notable event In our recent to SURPLUS 200,000.00 a and Extracts of Malt and the Honolulu Iron Works for the a man In the room had Interrupted 3. A largo proportion of the popu- diplomatic affairs has been the visit erection of a cane sugar factory on UNDIVIDED PROFITS.... 102,617.80 Wild Cherry; croating a medi- to the the speaker. lation Is of negro or mixed blood. Cubu which Secretary Root has Just mnde Island of Formosa. The plant be cine of unequaled power for tho republics. was will "All they did was to listen to me," was tho last of the American countries the South American It of modern dislgn and will have ca- diseases most provalent fa- opportune wisely con- a OFFICERS: replied the candidate. and to abolish slavery, the final act being a most visit, was pacity for grinding S00 tons or cane chil- ducted, most salutary Charles M. Cooke President "No, they didn't," said the bill- tal among men, women and la 1887, With tho negro problem In our and hns had a dally. The machinery will be especial- nt n Influence In disabusing the minds of semi-refine- C. Jones poster. "Every one of them turned dren. Tnero is no other remedy Southern States pressing upon us for ly mado to produce a d P. nnd people of white V, Macfarlane..2nd nt deaf ear to what you said." to comparo with it. increa- solution, ami (If we are to accept the the Influential statesmen sugnr Japanese consumption. Yf. It republics respecting was for Cooke Cashier "For why?" ses tho digC8tivo powor of conviction of one of their ablest and those what H C. H. tho believed by mnny of them to be our C. Hustace, Jr Assistant Cashier "Because ou did not give mo the stomach and Blood Impuri- best Informed Senators) a rnce war Is in ag- aggressive nnd grasping policy. No ut- CROUP. V, B. Damon Assistant Cashier lob to post your bills," explained Cun- there threatened, do wo desire to ties, Throat and Lu'jg Troubles, mil- terance of n secretary of State In many V. D. Damon Secretary ningham. "When I asked you for the gravate the situation by adding a Job, ou said you had no time to lis- Nervous Dyspepsia and Scrofu- the despised race to our a day tins breathed .a more exalted Give Chamberlain's Cough Remedy as C. j lion more of DIRECTORS: Chas. M. Cooke, P. ten to me. Those men are deaf nnd lous Affections it gives quick voting population? spirit, or, let us hope, wns n better ex- soon as the child becomes hoarse, or Jones, W. Macfarlane. E. F. Bishop. position nf genuine Amerlcnn senti F. dumb, and only icspond to the sign of and certain relief and enro. Dr. i. The people of, Cuba are almost In even nfter the croupy cough appears, E. D. Tenney, J, A. McCandless, C, H. a drink." G. 0. Shannon, of Canada, says: their entirety the adherents of one re- ment, thnn the address of Mr, Root at C. H. Cooke. Rio de Janeiro. From that address I nnd the attack may bo warded off. Atherton, "Well," said Knppenberg, "the drinks "I shall continuo its ubo with, ligious faith. The Catholics In the nre on me this time. The United States nro nmong our most pa make this extract, an appropriate to There Is no batter medicine In the mar- I am Btiro, great advantago to tho foregoing discussion: COMMERCIAL AND SAVINGS DE- Is up to you, nnd here Is 510 for the my patients and satisfaction to triotic and useful citizens, hut It would ket for children than this remedy. It PARTMENTS. Job." not be desirable to have one or more "We wish no victories but thoso of nothing Injurious mysolf." Has all tho virtnea'of peace; no except our own; contains and as It Is given to all branches Then when the crowd got to making of our States composed entirely of for territory Strict attention cod for no sovereignty except the sover pleasant to taste they readily take It. of Banking;. merry Cunningham declared that he livor oil; none of its faults. them. Our experience with Utah In the was going to engage them all "to say Yon may trust it fully; it cannot government of a hierarchy cautions u eignty over ourselves, We deem the For sale by Benson, Smith & Co,, Ltd., Independence and equal rights of the agents for Hawaii, TODD BOTLDINQ. FORT STREET. something good about Hearst," disappoint yon. At all chemists to avoid, for our own civil peace and

n 'I .. V,f i LT , .,' i HAWAIIAN GAZETTE; TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 13, 1906. -5-EM WEEKLY. SHIPPING INTELLIGENCE. 1 lhn rnlnMII 1(4 lnchr-i:- uit ! ,ve week. In th Hawaiian (Lzetta .Mcctfifi newspaper, In Honolulu BEMaiGOuniK Kapoho ()-I.st- erly prevnll. ARRIVED. llBLYIBm III1 winds Dated at l.lhur. Knunl, October St. ed wild rainfall on four dates, amount. J90C 9 rnl November For tho Vek Knded November 10, 1&0. nig lo .Jl Inch, 1.7J Ineliti lesn than. (Hlgnrd) ,KDY O K K Do dell, from H.m ilii-- j Alameda nvirngo fur III week. The mwin Juilgp of the Circuit Court of t'lia Plf'th I'ritiuiceii 0 p in temperatiitR wns 73 0 deir II J. I.y- - (('mitimiril fiom Pigc one) ii H luiu r if n I. mm rtriult Mfttiri1v. ftivtinhcr 10 man Attest: I I ifpi!0.'RJ ICfiunl, On stium--- d wing he gambl r trie (T)-It- alns Str Ke Au Him, TulleU, from GENERAL 8UMMAHY. I'i'hil" occurred on tho J.NO. A I'AI.MCII, 4 n m. m '"Rl't 'nm 1 41 . The rmiii ill w is lijtut n ill of tl ' two dujs nnd amounted to Clerk of the Clivult Court of the Fifth Islcwurlli, Cox, from Comox. To ly his Irmlo without tlio Inw ties ("J Ilr utr island, and telow t ho average for the In' a defleluiry of Itirli for til Clnult. 5 a in I restraint, weeit The "3.G SSIC hlgh-soirln- g week nt a rcfnnl inwut lelniieraturc was Oct 30 Nov 6, 13, 20. rrccnmn, Mnul nnd And, Mm Urn tail of some all stations Imvlnc Hlr Klnnii from of ten or more yeiim The total amount dos; II D Hnrrlson n. m. I kite, Hawaii ort, rmipixl from I II) to S 6!l in Hi" Nsnieliu (7) Cooler wonther obtain-- U 11. lliltenile cnlf-blca- ts aeomod to iiIk" FORECLOSURE Sunday, November Tlic portion of the llllo, the In- during the jwirt of week, Hoiioknn, isilo and faint, southern Inttir the Htr Iwalnnl I'lllx, from terior of tut) Puna, anil the central attended with two light showers. Lugs sugar, 30 head cattle, with 45S portion of the Knu of Haw ill, amounting to CI Inrh, M Inch less NOTICI3 BY 1 .. . Democratic rooster loudly crew llstrit AIGNim1? OP JIORT- - in Tho ami tlio JCoolau of Maui. At Nnwll.wll.l long nnd louil, though Davis ilittrict Khmey1''aNCrHBe the 'AeUk'"C' aAn,:r5 Str .Maul, Bennett, from Crew the mnjnritv of tlio remaining stallont 'r "'I or INTENTION OP . . . . "(i I fiercely sw ore i n tn (7)-R- FORECLOSURE KtrK-Kirir- thn nnioiint for the wiek was less than Kialakektin alns dur-- AND OF SALE. America Mnru, Oolnr. Swore till the scene astumed a vlru- - occurred l .40 inch. No rain was reported from Ing tho first three dn)s of neok-- i army transport Lognn nrriveu I the Thc vnUnhnmn. R:50 .. m lent blue, lliinokii'i (170 feet), and - ... Wnlmui, and nmoutited to .20 Inch, n dcllclomyj Notlce ,s , h.U from fan Tran- Nnopalu, frcm Moloknl , Relieved nnon by stnaks of reddest llcrob lnnl ovenlin: nt L.kellke. Hawaii; Kiiiei, Wnllnkii, ami of 91 inch. Tho mean temperature , , Cliiam and 6 m Bore. th imncr of l1 ed "n "hat Cisco, and will depart for and Maul ports. it. Kaauapali, Maui; Wahnne, Oaliu and was 73 4 deg.-lt- ev. S. II 18' s Davis. certain mortgage ... i Mnntiav. r.ovcmcr i.. i llkcle, Knuii. On Hawaii the ilellpien-cie- datd January tomorrow afternoon ...... 1. I .l Hn.llt.fllll II Manila ". Sell. Alice Cooke, l'cnnniiow, irom vv nrre every uim ui mn.iu.tii...... If,,...... for the week ranged from .0!) ISLAND OF MAUI. 1MI' mado by Jlak.WIn Ahung, wife take on 7 TO -, T The vessel w..i .... R.mhl. ,0 . m. Shook tho rich plunder from Its Inch to 1.55 in the Kolinh, Huclo (S) Tho mean temperaturo ?f AIluiff. of Honolulu, Territory of tons of coil nnd, In addition, will carr kt j;v,.r(,tt,a. Griggs, Delano, from plumes nt morn llnmakim, southern portion of Tun Knu, wns 71 C deg, and rains, nmountlng to i'a"nI1! Mortgagor, to William O. - fledglings of the roost. tlio dis- .27 -- mlt". Trustee for Hoopll Mort-da- )s 1000 plants to Manila for the l'hlllp- New castle, 4:W p. m. To animate the and central portion of Komi inch, occurred on tho first three, Silvn, empty 1 S H. All now was thugless, and tricts, and from 73 to 1 j inches W Pogue jsagec, which snld mortgage Is lecord- - pine government A ouniltllv of rlco U. A. T. lAgan, sinnson, iroin run F Francisco, 7.30 p m. forlorn. In the Puna ami llllo liistrlcts, is; uigni snoners occurreu ,; ..0.,.w u...kv .,, am ..u- - u, lor mc . nolulu In 215, 7, is also to uo enrncu e.u,., .... B Ncw.dan, Greene, from in the routlicrn portion of the 011 the first four days and amounted liber on pags nnd cable station colony gan 0:35 p. m., anchored off Amid all this, the center of tho scene. laet named distriet; and from .01 to 33 Inch, attended with strong north- which said mortgage, together with tho white-haire- d road-bos- s, In- 1.30 O.ihu and Ka- noto The transport carries n large number port The with inch to inches nt east vv lnds, nnd follow ed by clear, much secured thereby, was heretofore o dread, uai by assignment very few cn-- ( tuitu stations cooler weather C. O. Jacobs dated October 13, 19C0, of cabin passengers and It low- DEPARTED Piled bis slick spell, nnd with his Job-- Tlio majority of stations roport (8) assigned, transferred and set over to crow quite out-- j Haiku Brisk trade winds, with listed men In fact, the fi,r Qjiuillno, Parker, for Mnul and ss mien. er mean temperatures partly cloudy wenther, a Maria J Forbes and W. J Torhes. week- and little rain, numbers the flghteis. The trip down HiiwiiII, C 30 p tn. Bcflocted on the lopping of his head. Tlio following table shows the prevailed during the part of week, Noth of tald Honolulu, Assignees, which - rnin-fal- first occupied seven S S Kusuho Mnru, Mori, for Yoko- ly averages ot temperature and l ... very light Kl'fl assignment is recorded In snld was uneventful and nnd for followed northeast to transport ha Long, but not loud, the endless chain fur tho principal islands winds, Registry Office In liber 2S1, on page 417, dais and seven hours. The Hawaii group: south and abundant sunshine. Muumt blmerron. for had run tho The mean temperature was 71.S deg., tho said Assignees of said Mortgageo Sheridan, In tow of tho Slocum and Ia., m well- - Temper nnd JInu, portB Serenely over wheels with nnd the rainfall .13 Inch D. D. Bald Intend to foreclose said mortgage for I ature. Itninfnll. Buford, 'was not sighted. U. B A. T Iluford, Hall, for San greased gears; win condition broken, to wit. Ho- - 3 p. m loud, Hawaii 72.9 (Ior. 0.70 inch Among the cabin piBsengors for Tranclsco, Long, but not the memory' of the Peahl (8) Rains, amounting to .41 of principal and Interest when due. are Second Lieutenant M M. T. Sheridan, Peabody. for gone Maul 74 2 dog. 0.23 inch Notice Is given nolulu USA 75.4 0.27 inch Inch, occurred on the first three days, likewise that tho 10th Infantry, who Is return- - San Pranclseo, In tow of transport Bu- WUWd from his eyes a flood of Oaliu dep. property Garrett, 74.0 0 30 inch followed by fine weather. Very light conveyed by said mortgage a of absence spent ford and tug Slocum. "phony" tears. Kau.u deR. will bo sold public ms from long lene Jlolokai 7(3Sdcg. U.03 inch breezes prevailed O Groves at auction, at the mainly In Missouri, his home state, nna Army tug Slocum, Smith, for San Klhel (6) The conditions obtaining nuctlon rooms of Jnmes F. Morgan, nt Tennessee. Tlrst Lieutenant Schuinia Francisco, 3 p. m At last the chain was snapped his Job during Kaahumnnu street. In said Honolulu, . . . !.& Kntire group ...73.Silog. 0.."0 inch the week were about normal. 10 uomJI.. Aotca, Prosser, for Newcas was pan; on Saturday, 17, 1906, ana wire nifco reiurncu i"" Br. sir U. S. The temperatures were lower, with a November 'at 12 road-bos- s things At tho local office of the Camp McKlnley Tjuttnllon. Mrs. W. T. tle, noon. The new soon had mean of 75 9 deg. No rain occurred o'clock noon of said day. Monsarrat, re. Hclenc, Nelson, for Hawaii ports, on Jump; Weather Bureau in Honolulu the The proncrty Monsarrat, wife of Dr. Sfr. the with an James Scott. convejed by said mort- to Kentucky. Mrs noon. got busy and tho "has- - weather wis generally clear, gage and turned from a visit The cane average cloudiness of 310ths, nnd rain Puunene (8) Warm, sultry weather, which will be sold as afore- National Guard of- M N. S. P. Enterprise, Youngrcn, been" now said. Is all LudlolT. wife of a on ono amounting to .04 mch, .02 with little wind, obtained until the those certain pieces of land Pranclseo, 4 Is slumbering peacefully on the gar date, ficer, also returned. for San pm. averago for tTTo week. night of the 8th, when a heavy rain oc- situate at Puunul, In said Honolulu, men Marine Tug Tearless, Selke, for San Fran bage dump inch less than the paitlculnrly Several enlisted for the Tho muximuin temperature was 84 deg., curred, amounting to .00 Inch. The described as follows: cisco, 4 p. m. - Lots 13 15 Corrs, Hospital Corps and tho lUlh in. Senator-elec- t McCarthy, after thank- minimum b0 deg., nnd the mean 70 4 mean temperature was 73 9 deg J. N. and In Block 2, Puunul steerage. Townscnd, Maka- - fan try came by btr Nllhau for ng l(i toUnj ff)r t.(j confl(lenco they dog, 3.f dog. above the normal. The S. Williams. Tract: Beginning at the north corner McGunnettle, Infantry, Is well and Wnlmea, 4 p. m. (8) of this piece, being Col. Tlrst i had shown In electing him, promised mean rolatlve humidity was 73.7 per Walluku Cool, steady, rainless the south corner tho ranking ollkcr aboard en route to Ukt. Newsboy, Olsen, for the Sound. 1,ror,ure nl01SUru slmollfylntr the cent., and the prevailing wind direction weather with no indications of rain of Road 2 and Lane 1 In Puunul Tract, IWnnll.i. Assistant Surgeon C. 13. Mun-gc- r, 3.25 p m. li'illot. so that there would be In the northeast, with an average hourly velo- nnd light trade winds prevailed. The and running as follows: U S. X, Is en louto to Gunin. Sir. Noeau, Pederson, for Kauai futuie elections no such an outcry for city of 5.7 null's. mean temperaturo was 73 9 deg. Bro 1. S. 3S E, 130 feet along lane; ports, B l 2. 52 The through list Is as follows: ,' p m any recount, a recount which would REMARKS BY CORRESPONDENTS. Trank. S. W. lfO feet along Lots 16 Guam Curtis 11 T. K. K. S S. America Maru, Going, (8) and II; San I'ranclbco to cons1(1 bIy to tho Don oeratlo The figures following the Kaannpall Fine, clear, ralriless G Simler, D for San Francisco, 7.30 p. m. Nolo. 3. N. 3S W. 150 Munger, John Ocnr majorities if Insisted on. Ho premised name a st ition indicate tlio d.ito weather with moderate to fresh north feet along Lot 11; McMlllen. A. I" Leigh of 4. N 52" E 130 Karnw.ilt, J II PASSENGERS ARRIVED. also to woik for a decent liquor law. with which the week's report closed J east winds obtained. The mean tem feet nlong Road 2 to to Manila George K. perature 76 2 deg the Initial point, containing San Francisco Per S. S. Alameda, from San Trail rt II. Tient. County Treasurer, was wns Win Robb nn nroa McGunnegle. Miss Isabel McGunnegle ISLAND OT HAWAII of 22,500 square feet, and being part elsco, Nov S3. Miss Alice F. Beard, M hippy humor and nude a witty ISLAND OF OAHU. Thomas J, Mjer, John Van It HotT, Puakea Ranch (S) Rain occurred on oC those promises described in Grant L G. Burpee, Mrs Burpeo and child, speech In giving credit and thanks to .10 MaunawUI (10) Rains occur- Mrs. John Van It HolT, William C. - but two dates, nnd amounted to Rincli 1302 to Vv L Lee, and conveyed to Miss A, Carlstrom, Col. George Mac- tle ters for his big majority. IU on tho red on four dates, and amounted to Uutler, Major Huguie O. Tephot, Mrs - Inch Southerly winds prevailed said Mortgagor by deed of Jesso al, tarlane, Allan Herbert, C. nolle, cnas. emphasised the fact thit tho Demo- ex- .83 Inch, .9S less than tho average for Eugene O. Techct Miss " Bill nnd Cth. followed b) calm and dated April 20, 1900, and fd strong, Mr. Loeber, W. C Donaldson, cmt c ,nrtv allxeu tho obllgntlnn week. The mean temperature was Arrasmlth, G.org, B.rotDuncan . cessively wm in dii)s A. Mason. tho In said Registry Office in Jl. " M D.u.aldson. J. T. Devendorf, Mrs. give government 72 0 liber npoll tm to a clean deg. The nights were cool. John 9; Persons, Mrs T.lbert L Persons I .,., ,, . Koh.ila Mill (S) Dry weather, with 20S, pages together with bcrt D. n, ,m.. m m.nn . ty affairs....V Ho denied emphat Herd. all and child, II A. Head Mrs B A. Bead light winds, continued. Rain Is greatly singular the rights, privileges ap- and rruucrlck8oni M rrcJerIckson. ,nuken would build up a (9) mean tempera and "W t needed. Tho mean temperature was Walmannlo The purtenances thereto belonging. ""' l;V, u Gunnison. Mrs C. P ptrina, declaring tho ture 78 6 tl math,ne, that 74 S dog , .14 Inch, 1.11 was deg. The only rainfall Terms: Cash, Mrs. ".. and Thl'P , ,., J een , and the rainfall United States gold . amtMo r average during the week was on the 3rd, and coin urt-n- ...... v...,. inches less than the tor tne u. I.....1.MI, ...iiti Ad1 iieiuy, .Miss M. Jones, J. Joseph, ,.or,. nttcmoteil amounted to .13 Inch, a deficiency of AVm. N Haskell, Mrs. Wm. N. Haskell. , ,,. weeit T H Llllle. Deeds at expense ot purchaser, to bo M Jos M n M ft ,, - 139 Inches A. Irvine. and two children. W. O Boswell. Mar- - C.' " " "CCI" .i?, that ho real- Kohala Mission (0) Rain occurred on prepared by the attorneys for said As- KlnknilCt A. L Loulsson, Mrs F. , Manoa (9) Warm weather, light Mrs. Trunk , zed for the first what a privilege dates, nnd amounted to .31 Inch, nnd signees of snld Mortgagee cus Covell, Aurello Ramos er un( chlu, M1, Janet T MncIn. three southerly winds prevailed, with on Mrs. Geo W, Van Dusen, It was to a man to bo born a prince. deficiency ot 87 Inch fpr the week. rain Tor further particulars apply to C. Jewell, tyre, D Mnclntyre, Miss It. McCarey, i two dates, amounting to, .43 Inch. F. Iick-ett- . Tor himself he was glad to seo that mean temperature was 73 7 deg Smith & Lewis, attorneys for As- Mrs. Jnmes Lockett, Miss Fnnhy W. C. McGonagle, Mrs. McGonagle, The N. Parker. said C. C, he had o many friends among the signees of said Mortgagee. Miss Helen Lockett, Mrs. Mrs. P. G Cov, Miss J. Colman, Mrs Dr It. V, Bond. (10) Hiiwallans the In the TIfth Dis- Ewa rresh mornings, wnrm days Dated, T. Farmer and two children. Miss Jean N 11. vole Niulll (S) excessively vvaim, dry, Honolulu, II, October 22, J Column. Miss Colman, Dr. A. and cool nights obtained, with a mean 1D06 Bead Page, Miss T.. P. Cameron, Mrs. trict that the mallhlnl hnolo calm weathet obtained, with a menu JWi M()rton, s Nlshiwakl, Miss Mngglo sh(" temperature of 75 2 deg , and .13 inch Infant, James M I lthout good friends here. He temperature of 74 S deg , una a total MARIA J. FORBES, Jack Hnjes and Mrs. o'Neil, n J Peabody, Mrs. Peabody, M"7," of rainfall, 61 Inch less thnn the aver- Churchill Mrs G W Storm. Mis, j , 1( MrB- seconded the Idea expressed by Trent, rainfall ot 20 Inch, .97 Inch less than W. J. FORBES, Mrs w ck nd chllli - A - ago for the week. It. Muller. Oretta Storm, Mrs Browne, Ilorc,. l"nl l"e par y re.uuea us resnonsi- tho average foi tho week. Rain Is Said Assignees of said Mortgagee. W.J ins, Thto nichards. Mrs. Blchards. Walnnae (9) The week was rainless, 2845 Miss Josephine Till-- 1 nrul xxp" n" P. C Pactow. Oct. 26, 30; Nov. 2, 6, 9, 13, 16. John M. Blllcott. Atlnrton Blchards, .Miss Ituth Well- - ''"" caUc.1 ?otKl ci.Vzens gicatly needed nnd rather warm, but with cool eve- Miss Mrs. C. T. Inr,iu lo '"-"'- ' see,nK AValmei (0) Bright, clear weather, cott. Prlscllli Blllcott. tnim A. Krntl. T.nnU ftwnnnv. ""l ""a'er wi nings. Tho mean temperaturo was 74 4 bo for ",0 all. ou- MORTGAGEE Owens, Mrs. C. II Price, Mrs J. H. Mrs Sweeney, Tred Sweeney, Mrs. done wolllJ uencft 9f with warm di) and cool nights, degrees. r. Me)er. S NOTICE on INTEN- and children, Miss Alicft - Solne reforming would hnvo to be done; The mean temperature was TION or FORECLOSURE Detwller three Sweeney. Miss Ben Taylor. F. Thomo- tlined. ISLAND OF KAUAI. AND Ilartlett Mrs. J P Brust. Mrs. J M. son, L. II Thompson, Mrs. Thomson, tncre f,llla lla t0 uo som cleaning 711 do,;., and there was no lalnfnll, n OT SALE cximples vv Kliauea (9) Cool nights warm, Llddell nnd three children. Miss Dun- - A. Veirlt, Mrs. Verrlt. A M. Walton, mit !,nJ Kome made. w deficiency of 74 Inch for tho eek and j sunny days on Is lap, Mrs Harry W. Diwson, Mif.s Mrs Walton and child, Mis.s Cora D. Frank Harvey called tho attention of James Laird. obtained, except cloudy Notice herely given that pursunnt Knlhcrlno Shields, C. C. Mitchell, Mrs Williams all to what he believed to bo a fnct, Honokaa (7) There was no rainfall the 3rd, with rain toward evening The to the powei of sn.e contained In that totnl rainfall was 1 OS Inches, .70 C. C. Jllteheli und two children, C . Per sir. Klnnu, November 10, from that the present Republican Supcr- - during the week, a deficiency of 1.63 inch certa'n inortnie dated August L9, 1901. less than the average week, and by . Smith, B K. ltoisler, Leonard L IIIIo nnd way ports Wm. Henry, P. vlsois were trying to qlcan out tha imhes The mean tempeiature was for the nude Deekei of Honolulu, Tei tho main 72 5 deg L. 13 iltoij ot Davis, Solomon J. Ocnrge, Cli irles O L Winter, W. C. M. S eininty tiensury, so their success. 73 1 deg. S Gunilelflnger. tempeiatuie, Hawaii, Moitgagor, to Mary Tuller, Ciall, tint Borelko A Mlllsap, Jolin A Jackson, Truest P Piclieco Chas Willi uns, SI. K. Pukul, ors would be lnndleaped nt the start Paauhau (S) The mean temperaturo Burbnnk of said Honolulu, Mort- n, Kcalln (9) Warm nights gagee, Mngnnt, C P. Hlntnn, Mrs C P. Hln-to- Dr. K. Yoshlzaki Peter T. Tosh, B. He also referred to tho comments In for the week wns 713 deg, and there da)s, cooler which said mortgage Is lecord-e- d J. and light winds prevailed, with .10 Inch In the G J. Jennings, Mrs Paul Tck-ha- rt Mnrmont, Tom Ulukou, Mrs M II. tho papers that the new board would was but 01 Inch of rainfall, which was Registry Office In said Ho- of rainfall. The mean temperature was nolulu, In nnd three children, Miss Bll7ibetli Walker, Senator P P Woods, Saml. bo practically ail Hawaiian and thcre- - 143 inches less than the average Pa- - liber 227, on pages 0, said 73 1 deg. W. Jarv is Mortgagee O'Brien, Miss Lniettn O'Brien, C. E P Woods. Miss C Hemmlngway, fore Incompetent. Ho believed that nuhau Sugir Plantation Co. Intends to foreclose said It. Lihue (9) Warm da) s nnd cool n'ghts mortgage as Mudle. Ttobut T Moreland 7. K. Mill Smith. Miss Benton. 13. P. v;hen their term was up even the Paaullo (S) The week was warm, well ns also that certain Jack ltuth with heavy dews obtained. The mean additional charge upon er and Infant, Charles Hnrdlng, Paul j Low, F Llndeman, A B. Llndsaj, haoles would h no to say that they had calm clear, with a high percentage said, mortgage J. and was 731 rain- ...... ntlfl .tin H.nH.t,,n .1 V .. . Tckhart, Willis W Willi A. C K. - done well, for they to do well cool mornings, but temperatuie deg, and tho i.tu inerein uescriueu, Janus, im Notley, T J Testa, S L Kali Intended of humidity, and 31 Fed-mi- fall Inch. F. Weber. dated February 6, 1902. Grey, Mrs. Jnmes M. Arrnsmlth holnnl, Dr. O 13 Wnll, Mrs. O T. Wall by ill, Ilavvnllins, haoles, Civic d 03 Inch ot i alnfnll. Tlio mean tem recorded In said Koloa (9) Slightly cooler weather Reglstr) Ofliee in 232, Cnpt Macnulay, the pilot, docked the child, Mrs Kunl, Chnilcs, eintlon and ever) body. perature vv as CS 1 deg C. R Blacow, liber on pages rather obtained, with light showers on the made by said Logan at Nnval Wharf No. 1. B. Waggoner, II I Hudson, Mrs. H. Col. C. P. Ookala (3) Tho weather was warm Mortgigor and his Iaukea asked tho people 3rd and 4th nmountlng to 24 inch, 1 33 wife, L Hudson, W J, Coelho, Domingo to lay prejudices and drv, with two cool mornings, n Flora M. Decker, to said Mort- CHANGi: IN MASTBBS. aside tho of tho Inches Ies.s than the average Tho re- gagee, for Damaela Muriel, C. K. palgn and togother good mean temperaturo of 74 9 deg,, and OS condition broken, to wit: , work for tho mainder of the week was dr) and warm nt Captain master of the bark rainfall, a dctlcleney of 2 SI of principal and Interest Paurot, Mrs. C K. Paurot, H. E. of tho community, drawing no color Inch of with cool nights. The mean tempera- or George Curtis, engaged In coastwise 1'leker Inehes for the week. W. G Walker. both snld mortgage nnd said addi- llneHc had no peisonal feelings turo was 74 0 deg. The Koloa Sugai Co tional Per str. Mnul from ports, Laupahoehoo (S) The da)s were charge, when due lumber trade, has been detnehed from Knunl ogalnst the present Sheriff and he Eleelo (9) The weather was a llttlo Is Nov. 11 D prevailing. Notice likewise given that the that vessel and will sail fiom this port W McBr)de, Judge Gear, tnuld only pinmlso tho people that ho with trade winds cooler during the week, and still dry, property D B Mnconaehle. J II Wilson, C A. Showers oceuned on three nights, nnd conveved by the slid mort on one of the would do his full duty when ho with no rainfall McBr)de Sugar Co gage and the same charged Honolulu liners to take Chlng Ku, Hil Cutt sinned otllce. amounted to 33 Inch, 2 90 Inches less with said Makaweli (9) Much cooler weather additional charge will be pub- chaigo of the bark Andrew Welch, of Per IT. S. A. T Logan from San Fran- - Sheriff-ele- lou'dly than the averago for the week n. W. sold at Tho was cheered and variable winds prevailed, with ,0S lic auction, at the tho su- clco, Nov 13 Lieut B auction rooms of Oceanic Steamship Company's John Shuman, as he concluded his modest speech, tho Barnard. Inch of rainfall, n deflclcnc) of 61 inch 10th (9) very James F. Morgan, at Kaahumanu gar fleet. Captain MePhall, now In Infantry, Mis John B. Shuman, cheeilns continuing for some minutes Papaaloa The week was for the week. Tho mean temperature M M street, in said Honolulu, on Saturday, Lieut Garrett, 10th Infnntiy; For tho Deputy Sheilft-elec- t, AV, P. dry, with no rainfall, and moderate 75 3 command of tho Andrew Welch, will ro-si- was deg Hawaiian Sugar Co, November 17, 1006, 12 Mrs II. L. Ludloff and Infant daugh- - v lnds. C McLennan at o'clock noon Jan ett who was absent, tho chairman ISLAND of said day to nccept n position as superin- ter, Mrs W. T. Monsairat, 11. (S) occuired on flva Or MOLOKAI. Herman tendered his thanks to the neonln for HonOhltu Bains 1 h3 property convoy tendent of tho slovedorlng forco of the IIoppo, .31 Inch, 3 S3 Mapulehu (9) Very dry weather. ed by said mort- - Robert White Raymond Kliscr. the bl,j majority they had given him. dates, nnd amounted to e Ameiican-Hawallo- n Ste unship Com- average warm da)s aiU light winds ob - , and the same charged with said jnmes u liennelt, Charles o. Bunner, W. A Kinney w is warmly ucelved lnehes less thin tho for tho'Hh charge pany on the Islands. of "- - mean temperature was ndditlonnl nnd which win bo The mate tho uenj. i: &nuer, jnnn .vi lierndon. He spoke partly in Hawaiian, w arming eek.-- W. Elliot bark St. will ie ,0S sold as aforesaid, Is all that certain Catherine take charge of tho crowd up as proceeded. ex-- Hakalau (S) Warm, flno wenther 'os (?. and t"'o rainfall Inch PASSENGERS DEPARTED he Ho I lot or paiccl Ke- - tho Georgo Curtis. Chi onlcle...... 1 - -- ..i .. i..,i,, ....-.- .niia.i C. C. Conrndt. of land situate at IUM gre-- man-l1"- uau.u,..i w ...u .,,.,-- Per str Mu lino Loa, for in?sst'ii pleasure in me lle- walo, said Honolulu, known ns Maul nnd In tlio The rainfall amounted to .43 Inch,i'ii"i.a do- - WM B STOCKMAN, Lot THT MANCHUBIA SURVTYT.n Hawaii ports, Nov. Col Norrls, Dr iter which Hnwullans had piOved Numbe Seventy-thre-e (73) of tho themselves above the bribe campaign lltlency of 2 95 Inches for the week. Section Director. Mall Walters, Mr"s II Bishop Res-taric- k, "King Street Tiact," fol- The Pacific Company's steam- Walters. on nmong Co. described as II R. I.eland, A. Luis, Miss cairled them by tho Repub- Hiikahiu Plantation lows: ship Manchuria will bo taken off tho J licans, with boo7e, (9) Light occurred on COURT NOTICE Ben Ta) lor, Cecil Blown Miss I Dick- their huncombo nnd llononiu rains Beginning nt q point on sldo Hunters Point morn- money. to 91 makal drdock tomorrow son, A Magoon w Ife, The robukc they had given the Mh and 9th. and amounted of Road 13. J. nnd Wntnnnbe, 111. T I nt the east corner of this ing, on Brown for the speech ho Ivvl-l- h m rtr totlinoi ntllres tlhtlllnt.il and Monday her place In tho C Knackestult, W A. Heckle). Mrs made at IN THE CIRCUIT COURT Or THE lot, N, 63" 18' AV, true, COO feet, from should fie n especially night. Wm Pullnr. drjdock will be taken by her sister ship W P. Shairntt, Miss Sherwood. wholetoiuo lesson to all at riPTH CIRCUIT, TERRITORY OF the lion bolt nt tho corner of Road C pandering po'ltlclans Ho congratu- Pepeekeo (5) The mean temperature Mongolia. A completo survey has been HAWAII AT CHAMBERS. IN and Road E, nnd running by truo BORN lated the Hawallans for the proper race for the week was 74.6 deg., nnd the lie (rings: 4f0 feet fiom King and made of tho Manchurln, and speclflca 1 10, 1 79 PROBATE. street spirit they had shown, a spirit of rainfall inches less thnn the 3?J 3 feet from tlons for the repairs of the vessel will BROWN In Honolulu, November 10, I..-- ,l Sheridan road. 1ltlnl1 Hwiv tul It t t.-.- . ,., averago for the week On tho evening bo sent out shortly. Is 1906. Mr. ' 1. S. 21 40' W, 120.0 feet along lot 72; The Mongolia ,0 and Mrs J. K. Brown, , ,he .ilectten o "candida of tho 6th, vivid lightning wns In the Matter of the to be repaired to a.ri 0 distant, Estate of Joso 2. N.H9' IS' W. 60 0 feet nlong lot 83; sufficiently allow her e'olor the eastward ENI3, to to go on any who conducted ns clean a obstrved to Preltos Narclmente of Wnlmea, 3 N. 21" 40' E. 120 0 feet nlong lot 74; the China run again. Exam- eiunpalen ESE. H. Rogers. Kauai, Deceased. iner. ns the H.iiMlliin candidates Wm. v4 S. CO" IS' 13. COO feet nlong Bold DIED. on tho Papnikou (S) weather obtain. FENNELL In Democratic ticket. ralr E to Initial point: containing an area ALICE COOKE BRINGS Ssn Francisco. Novem now oil, with nightl) showers, excepting oiv LU5IBER ha, 1QA f.a AnlA The time had eomo when nil Older of Notice rf Hearing Petition for of 71SI squnr feet; nnd being n part of .1.... tho Cth nnd 7th The total rainfall wa Tho American schooner Alice M ly beloved "wife ot the ,a,o MnVtin " Administration. tho premises described in Royal Pat- - VT vote for the"",h''.rman Ho predicted 166 Inehts John T Molr. 5715, Cooke, from Port Gamble, with Fennell, nnd beloved mother of Wil On rending and tiling tho petition of ent Land Commission Award lumber that within the next ten years wo llllo (SI Showery weather, with light 605 liam P , James S . M., It, P Narclmente, a son of said to Pllkol, nnd In deed from Georgo arrived )esterday morning, thirty days Martin John m winds, prevailed should a Hawaiian Governor, not trade The mean Joso P. Narclmente, nlleglng said N. Wilcox to W, C. AchJ, dated De-Jo- so and Annie Fennell. Mrs. E. W Ful 73 that out. She wiis deln)ed be- becnuse he wits i be-- temperatui o wns 2 deg, and the Regls-dle- somewhat ler, Mrs R Zlegler and tho late Elk- - Hawaiian, but r. Narclmente of Wnlmea, Kauai, cembcr 15, 1S99, recorded in said d cause of tho adverso weather now pre- rainfall 2 S3 inches, .26 Inch less thnn abeth Dlspnlx. a native of Berr. Kings' ", V """ ior uio Intestate nt said Wnlmea, Kauai, try Otllce In liber 200 on page 337; and vailing In the North and wo ""'""'see 'n del- - the average C. Pacific, but other- county, i,..i,..'i 67 Job, would nlso n white for the week L. Ly on the 21st day of June, A. D. 1901. being the same premises convoyed to wise tho aged )ears, egate, man, o)age was without incidents not chosen for his color, but for leaving property In tho Hawaiian Is- - said Mortgagor by deed of said W. C. She brings 925,000 of his qualifications, (8) feet lumber for NOTHING TO FEAn, Ponnhnwal Partly cloudy, mild, lands necessary to bo administered Achl, dated July 31, 1901, recorded in Lew ers &. Cooke. Captain In Ponhallnw Is Spiaklng English ho repeated pleas int weather obtained, with light upon, to wit, the sum of JIOO.OO, ns said Registry Olllco In liber 225 on accompanied on Mothers need have no hesitancy In this trip by his wife. niuih whleh he had said In Hnwnllan, northeast winds, nnd rain on five dates, shown by deposit book No. 697 of the pages 5; together with nil and giving Chamberlain's Cough Remedy to congratulating nmtiiiuilng to 1.41 MARINE NOTES. tho Hawallans that Inches. The mean Bank of Hawaii, Limited, and praying Blngular tho rights, privileges and np-th- at their llttlo ones, as It contains abso-- they had turned n deaf ear to the can-- temperature was "II deg. J. 13. Ga- letters of administration Issue to purtennnces thereto belonging, Tho American-Hawaiia- n steamship lately nothing Injurious. This remedy .dldates who campaigned with beer, it nllelson A, D. Castro of Honolulu, Island of Terms; Cash, United States gold Novadan arrived off port last night, an- Is not mil) perfectly info to Rive small money and nppeals to their race preju Kaumana (S) Tho weather choring continued Oaliu, Territory of Hawaii, coin. off tho harbor, children, but Is n medicine of great dlco and n lulling up of tho animosi- mild and pie is int. with light trade, Is Ordered, Thursday, the Deeds nt expense of purchaser, to be Tho T. K. K. S. S It That America Maru de worth and merit. Tor sale by Ben- ties of the pist revolutionary periods. winds prevailing, Rnln fell on Ave 6th day of December, A, D, 1906, 10 rrepared by the attorneys for said parted last night son, at for tho Coust, getting Smith & Co , Ltd,, agents for Ha- lie cautioned the voters about ex nates, amounting to 1,7. Inches. Tin. o'clock n, in., bo and hereby Is appoint- - Mortgagee, away shortly 7 g after o'clock. waii, pecting too much nt first from the mean temperature was 70 2 deg. J, 15. ed for snld petition In tho particulars apply to b According to - For further Coast papers tho trans- dieted men, asking for patience until Gnmallelson, courtroom of court Lihue, Smith & Lewis, for said port Is to go this at nttornejs Thomas out of commis- Tho Hul Kokun a Hookuonomo n, na they wcro firmly In the saddle nnd hud Olan (8) Fair weather obtained, ex- - Kauai, at which time and placo all Mortgagee. sion the will and Iluford take her run. Oiwl Hawaii (Hawaiian Relief Society), learned the ropes. Iceptlng during the nfternoon of each persons concerned may nppear and Dated, Honolulu, T, II., October 25, The British barkentlne Everett C. of which Samuel Dwlght Is president, Sevir.il other spenkers tho'nf the last two days, whin there wns show It any they have, why 1906. Griggs, Captafn addressed cause. said Delano, arrived yester- Is taking stihxerlptlous from Its mem. largo mullein e, many or defeated about four hours' continuous petition should not granted, nnd MARY A. day the rainfall be that . BURBANK, afternoon from Newcastle, with hers for tho fund to assist tho band In candidates nnnn'tno'nr they would The nlghta are getting a little cooler, ' notice of this order bo published In Said Mortgngee. coal. 'hit returning. bo In tho field In 19& The mean temperature was 72 8 deg, thn English language for four succes- - 2845 Oct. 26, 30; Nov. 2, 6, 9, 13, J6,