Gordon Enoch Gates 1 (1897–1987)

Gordon Enoch Gates was born on January 11th, 1897, in Warner, New Hampshire; he died in Orange City, Florida, on June 11th, 1987. Gates graduated from Colby College in 1919 and earned a M.A. from Harvard in 1920. On September 7th, 1920 he married Helen Louise Baldwin and they had two daughters, Evelyn G. (Moriarty) and Alice G. (Bott). In 1921, under missionary auspices, he went to Rangoon, Burma (then part of British ) as a lecturer in chemistry at Jusdon College, and in 1922 he became the head of the biology department. He remained at Judson College until 1942. During a leave in the United States in 1934, Gates studied at Harvard again for his Ph.D.

When he went to Rangoon to teach biology, there were no funds to buy specimens so he had his students go out and collect local . The they brought in did not fit with what was written in the textbooks, which used European terrestris as the representative species. Although his B.A. and M.A. had not included the study of earthworms, exploring these differences turned his career; his Ph.D. and other papers established him as an expert on and systematics, especially on the earthworms of Burma and India. Gates' work was stopped when Japan invaded Burma in January 1942. The efficient Japanese campaign quickly shattered the motley opposing force of British regulars, Indian Army units, and some uncertain Chinese troops under General J.W. Stilwell of the U.S. Army. Stilwell refused to evacuate by air and stayed with the remnants of his command. Panicked, starving civilians and retreating soldiers clogged the main routes into India, inviting chaos and attacks by the Japanese, so in early May, Stilwell decided to lead his contingent by foot along an obscure trail from Indaw, Burma to Imphal, India, over and through 225 km of jungle, rivers, and mountains. Of the 114 persons that made the legendary two-week trek, Gordon Gates was apparently one, having been swept up with some other western refugees into Stilwell's party. When the Japanese entered Rangoon, only women and children were able to board some boats and escape. Gates and some of the other men reached nearby hilltops the first night and watched in horror as the Japanese sank one of the two boats carrying their families. During the following months, the men did not know whose families had survived. After leaving Stilwell, Gates made his way to various mission houses in India, where he was eventually reunited with his wife and daughters. Gates kept the shoes wore out of Burma as souvenirs, which he gave to me, and I subsequently gave them to Tall Timbers where they currently reside.

1 When the war ended, Gates could not go back to Burma, his collections, library, and laboratory had been totally destroyed. He accepted a position as his alma mater, Colby College, in Maine, where he was a professor and head of the biology department from 1948 to 1951. He collaborated with the Bureau of Plant Quarantine of the U.S.D.A. during 1950-1982, identifying exotic earthworms found in potting soil brought into the United States with plants. By the late 1960's, Gates was a world renowned expert on earthworms and the definitive cataloguer of North American species. At this time, a quirky thing happened: Eddie Komarek (E.V. Komarek, Jr.) was looking for a high school science project and asked his father about some earthworms he had dug up in the woods. His father looked around for an earthworm authority, found out about Gates, and wrote him at his home in Bangor, Maine. "Was there anything new to be learned about earthworms?" was the gist of the letter, and Gates responded “explosively” and in some detail that indeed there was. Komarek thought it fascinating that the earthworm fauna of the southeastern United States was so poorly known, so he decided to support Gates' work and began directing some of the effort at Tall Timbers towards earthworms. Gates became a research fellow at Tall Timbers in 1967; he supplied preserving instructions and the staff, including Ed and Roy Komarek, Wilson and Virginia Baker, and any other staff going on collecting trips. These were preserved in formaldehyde and shipped to Gates for identification; they eventually collected tens of thousands of specimens. In 1970, when I was a Ph.D. student at the University of Tennessee, one of my published abstracts was brought to Komarek's attention. Within 24 hours of seeing the abstract, Betty and Ed Komarek "drove immediately to Knoxville" to meet with me. The purpose of the trip was to arrange for me to go to Bangor and meet with Gates. Komarek's rationale was that although Gate was a Tall Timbers research fellow, he was concerned about Gates' advancing years and wanted a younger scientist to carry on his work. I told Komarek that I knew of Gates but had heard that he was a cranky man who would not answer correspondence. Komarek was persuasive, so in September 1970, Wilma and I went to Bangor. The meeting went well, and from then on my family and the Gates' family became quite close. I have always felt the strong relationship was because Gates had a crush on Wilma.

After graduation, I became a Beadel Fellow at Tall Timbers, and it was arranged that I would move to the University of New Brunswick, a three hour drive from Bangor. Part of my assignment was to visit with Gates at least once a month to work on projects for Tall Timbers and to assist Gates in preparing manuscripts for publication. By this time (1973), Gates' arthritis in his hands made it very difficult and painful for him to type his manuscripts, especially to the standards required for submission to any journal. Beginning with publication number 194, I worked closely with Gates and typed his remaining manuscripts so that they could be published before he died. Shortly after his final paper was published, he sold his Bangor home and he and Helen moved to a retirement complex on Orange City. I visited him once in Florida, but it was difficult to have a conversation with him as he was essentially deaf even with the assistance of two aids.

Gates' research centred on the physiology, morphology, classification, distribution and regeneration of earthworms from approximately 1920 through 1982. Gates was very disappointed the day I had to tell him that I was leaving science to seek a career in law. The main regret I have is that while I was studying law he sent me a major manuscript, more than 300 pages long, on his life’s work on regeneration. It was going to require weeks of work to get into shape for publication. At that time I could not do it, so after a couple of months I sent it back to him. I did not foresee that the day would come when I would return to conducting earthworm research and publishing again. I have not been able to track down that manuscript and I think about it frequently and regret that I sent it back, as it would have been published by now if I had retained it. I will always remember the day Gates died. It was the day that I sat for my interview for promotion to Inspector of the Fredericton Police Force. This should have been a joyous occasion, but it was marred by the passing of a close friend and mentor, who for 18 years shared not only his knowledge of oligochaetes, but was a dear friend to our whole family. For various reasons no formal scientific obituary was ever written about Gordon Gates, who devoted his whole life to the advancement of our knowledge of these important . I hope that this article and the following list of his publications will help to overcome this oversight.

2 Publications by Gordon Enoch Gates

1. 1925. Some new earthworms from Rangoon, Burma. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. London (9), 15: 316-328. 2. 1925. Some notes on Pheretima anomala Mich., and a related species new to India and Burma. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. London (9), 15: 538-550. 3. 1925. Some new earthworms from Rangoon, Burma. II. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. London (9), 16: 49-64. 4. 1925. Note on an abnormal specimen of Pheretima posthuma (L. Vaill.). Rec. Indian Mus., Calcutta 27: 237-240. 5. 1925. Notes on Rosa’s Rangoon earthworms, Pheretima peguana and Eutyphoeus foveatus. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. London (9), 16: 561-577. 6. 1925. Note on luminescence in the earthworms of Rangoon. Rec. Indian Mus., Calcutta 27: 471-473. 7. 1925. Note on a new species of Drawida from Rangoon, Burma. Ann. Mag, Nat. Hist. London (9), 16: 660- 664. 8. 1926. The earthworms of Rangoon. J. Burma Res, Soc., Rangoon 15: 196-221. 9. 1926. Notes on Rangoon earthworms. The peregrine species. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. London (9), 17: 439-473. 10. 1926. Notes on seasonal occurrence of Rangoon earthworms. J. Bombay Nat. Hist. Soc. 31: 180-185. 11. 1926. Note on a new species of Pheretima from Rangoon. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. London (9), 17: 411-415. 12. 1926. Notes on earthworms from various places in the province of Burma, with description of two new species. Rec. Indian Mus., Calcutta 28: 141-170. 13. 1926. Preliminary note on a new protozoan parasite of earthworms of the Eutyphoeus. Biol. Bull. Woods Hole 51: 400-404. 14. 1927. Note on Perichaeta campanulata Rosa and Pheretima houletti (E. Perr.). Ann. Mus. Civ. Genova 52: 227-231. 15. 1927. Note on a new species of Notoscolex, with a list of the earthworms of Burma. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. London (9), 19: 609-615. 16. 1927. Regeneration in a tropical earthworm excavatus (E. Perr.). Biol. Bull. Woods Hole 53: 351- 364. 17. 1929. The earthworm fauna of the United States. Science 70(1811): 266-267. 18. 1929. Earthworms of . Proc. Washington Acad. Sci. 19: 339-347. 19. 1929. A summary of the earthworm fauna of Burma with descriptions of fourteen new species. Proc. U.S. Natl. Mus. 75(10): 1-41. 20. 1930. The earthworms of Burma. I. Rec. Indian Mus., Calcutta 32: 257-356. 21. 1930. On a new species of the moniligastrid genus Desmogaster from China. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. London (10), 6: 589-593. 22. 1930. Mitochondrial behavior. Science 72: 629-630. 23. 1931. The earthworms of Burma. II. Rec. Indian Mus., Calcutta 33: 327-442. 24. 1932. The earthworms of China. Lingnan Sci. J. Canton 11: 509-514. 25. 1932. The earthworms of Burma. III. The . Rec. Indian Mus., Calcutta 34: 357-549. 26. 1933. The earthworms of Burma. IV. Rec. Indian Mus. Calcutta 35: 413-606. 27. 1933. On a new gregarine from the coelom of a Burmese earthworm, Pheretima compta. Biol. Bull. Woods Hole 65: 508-511. 28. 1934. Notes on some earthworms from the Indian Museum. Rec. Indian Mus., Calcutta 36: 233-277. 29. 1935. The earthworms of New England. Proc. New England Zool. Club, Cambridge 15: 41-44. 30. 1935. New earthworms from China, with notes on the synonymy of some Chinese species of Drawida and Pheretima. Smithsonian Misc. Coll. 93(3): 1-19. 31. 1935. On some Chinese earthworms. Lingnan Sci. J. Canton 14: 445-457. 32. 1935. On some earthworms from East Perak and Christmas Island. Bull. Raffles Mus., Singapore 10: 80-95. 33. 1936. On some earthworms from the Cameron Highlands, Pahang. Bull. Raffles Mus., Singapore 12: 87-117. 34. 1936. The earthworms of Burma. V. Rec. Indian Mus., Calcutta 38: 377-468. 35. 1936. On some earthworms from the Buitenzorg Museum. Treubia, Buitenzorg Java 15: 379-393. 36. 1936. On a species of Eutyphoeus from Calcutta. Rec. Indian Mus., Calcutta 38: 513-517. [with a student, Maung Hla Kyaw] 37. 1937. Notes on some species of Drawida and Pheretima with descriptions of three new species of Pheretima. Bull.Mus. Comp. Zool., Harvard 80: 305-335.

3 38. 1937. The clitellum and sexual maturity in the Megascolecidae. J. Asiatic Soc., Bengal (Sci.) 2: 123-125. [with a student, Maung Hla Kyaw] 39. 1937. Indian earthworms. I. The genus Pheretima. Rec. Indian Mus., Calcutta 39: 175-212. 40. 1937. The genus Pheretima in North America. Bull. Mus. Comp. Zool., Harvard 80: 339-373. 41. 1937. On some earthworms from Singapore. Bull. Raffles Mus., Singapore 13: 189-197. 42. 1937. Indian earthworms. II. Scolioscolides. Rec. Indian Mus., Calcutta 39: 305-310. 43. 1937. On earthworm populations and the formation of castings in Rangoon, Burma. J. Asiatic Soc., Bengal (Sci.) 2: 165-170. [with a student, Maung Hla Kyaw] 44. 1938. Indian earthworms. III. The genus Eutyphoeus. Rec. Indian Mus., Calcutta 40: 39-119. 45. 1938. Pheretima diffringens (Baird) and other Asiatic Pheretima. Lingnan Sci. J. Canton 17: 209-219. 46. 1938. Earthworms of the Malay Peninsula. Bull. Raffles Mus., Singapore 14: 206-222. 47. 1938. Indian earthworms. IV. The genus Lampito Kinberg. V. Nellogaster gen. nov., with a note on Indian species of Woodwardiella. Rec. Indian Mus., Calcutta 40: 403-429. 48. 1939. Indian earthworms. VI. Nelloscoles gen. nov. Rec. Indian Mus., Calcutta 41: 37-44. 49. 1939. On some species of Chinese earthworms with special reference to specimens collected in Szechuan by Dr. D.C. Graham. Proc. U.S. Natl. Mus. 85: 405-507. 50. 1939. Indian earthworms. VII. Contribution to a revision of the genus Eudichogaster. Rec. Indian Mus., Calcutta 41: 151-218. 51. 1939. Thai earthworms. J. Thailand Res. Soc., Bangkok Nat. Hist. Suppl. 12: 65-114. 52. 1939. On a collection of lumbricids from South India. Vest. Cesk. Zool. Spol., Praze 6-7: 151-154. 53. 1940. Indian earthworms. VIII. Priodochaeta gen. nov. IX. Priodoscolex gen. nov. X. Contribution to a revision of the Indian section of the genus Megascolides. XI. Travoscolides gen. nov. Rec. Indian Mus., Calcutta 42: 115-143. 54. 1940. Indian earthworms. XII. The genus Hoplochaetella. Rec. Indian Mus., Calcutta 42: 199-252. 55. 1940. Indian earthworms. XIII. The genus Moniligaster. Rec. Indian Mus., Calcutta 42: 487-518. 56. 1940. On some earthworms from the Buitenzorg Museum. II. Treubia, Buitenzorg 17: 409-420. 57. 1941. Notes on a Californian earthworm, Plutellus papillifer (Eisen, 1893). Proc. California Acad. Sci. 23: 443-452. 58. 1941. Further notes on regeneration in a tropical earthworm, (E. Perrier, 1872). J. Exp. Zool. 88: 161-185. 59. 1941. On some earthworms from Ceylon. Spolia Zeylanica, Columbo 23: 27-60. 60. 1941. Preoccupied names in the . Rec. Indian Mus., Calcutta 43: 497. 61. 1942. Checklist and bibliography of North American earthworms. Amer. Midl. Nat. 27: 86-108. 62. 1942. Notes on various peregrine earthworms. Bull. Mus. Comp. Zool., Harvard 89: 63-144. 63. 1943. On some American and Oriental earthworms. Ohio J. Sci. 43: 87-116. 64. 1943. Some further notes on regeneration in Perionyx excavatus (E. Perrier). Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. India, Allahabad 13: 168-179. 65. 1944. Regenerative capacity in Perionyx sansibaricus (Michaelsen, 1891). Current Sci. 13: 16. 66. 1944. Note on luminescence in some Allahabad earthworms. Current Sci. 13: 131-132. 67. 1945. Another species of Pheretima from India. Sci. & Culture 10: 403. 68. 1945. On some Indian earthworms. Proc. Indian Acad. Sci., Bangalore (B), 21: 208-258. 69. 1945. The earthworms of Allahabad. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. India, Allahabad 15: 44-56. 70. 1945. On some earthworms from Ceylon. II. Spolia Zellanica, Colombo 24: 70-90. 71. 1945. On some Indian earthworms. II. J. Roy. Asiatic Soc. Bengal, Calcutta (Sci.) 11: 54-91. 72. 1945. On the oligochaete genus Syngenodrilus and its taxonomic relationships. J. Washington Acad. Sci. 35: 393-396. 73. 1947. Notes on breeding, growth and juvenile regeneration in Perionyx sansibaricus (Michaelsen, 1891). (Oligochaeta). Rec. Indian Mus., Calcutta 45: 75-78. 74. 1947. Notes on Lampito mauritii (Kinberg, 1867. (Oligochaeta). Rec. Indian Mus., Calcutta 45: 79-88. 75. 1947. Earthworms of the Allahabad sector of the Gangetic Plain. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. India, Allahabad 17: 117-128. 76. 1947. Note on penial setae in Eutyphoeus quadripapillatus (Michaelsen, 1907). Rec. Indian Mus., Benares 45: 111-113. 77. 1948. On some earthworms from the Buitenzorg Museum. III. Results of the Third Archbold Expedition 1938- 1939. Treubia, Buitenzorg 19: 139-166. 4 78. 1948. On segment formation in normal and regenerative growth of earthworms. Growth 12: 165-180. 79. 1949. On some earthworms from Perlis and Kedah. Bull. Raffles Mus., Singapore 19: 5-38. 80. 1949. Regeneration in an earthworm, foetida (Savigny, 1826). I. Anterior regeneration. Biol. Bull Woods Hole 96: 129-139. 81. 1949. A six-segment head regenerate in a supposedly refractory earthworm species, Lumbricus castaneus (Savigny, 1826). Science 110: 567. 82. 1949. On some Indian ocnerodrilids. Proc. Indian Acad. Sci., Bangalore (B), 30: 279-283. 83. 1949. Miscellanea Megadrilogica. I-IV. American Nat. 83: 139-152. 84. 1950. Regeneration in an earthworm, Eisenia foetida (Savigny, 1826). II. Posterior regeneration. Biol. Bull. Woods Hole 93: 36-45. 85. 1950. Regeneration in an earthworm, Eisenia foetida (Savigny, 1826). III. Regeneration from simultaneous anterior and posterior transactions. Biol. Bull. Woods Hole 93: 99. 86. 1951. An abnormal earthworm. Amer. Midl. Nat. 45: 471-473. 87. 1951. Regeneration in an Indian earthworm, Perionyx millardi Stephenson, 1915. Proc. Acad. Sci., Bangalore (B), 34: 115-147. 88. 1951. On the earthworms of Saharanpur, Dehra Dun, and some Himalayan hill stations. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. India, Allahabad (B), 21: 16-22. 89. 1952. On some earthworms from Burma. American Mus. Nat. Hist. Novitates, No. 1555: 1-13. 90. 1952. New species of earthworms from the Arnold Arboretum, Boston. Breviora, Mus. Comp. Zool., Harvard, No. 9: 1-3. 91. 1952. On the earthworms of New Hampshire . Breviora, Mus. Comp. Zool. Harvard, No. 10: 1-3. 92. 1953. On the earthworms of the Arnold Arboretum, Boston. Bull. Mus. Comp. Zool., Harvard 107: 500- 534. 93. 1953. Further notes on the earthworms of the Arnold Arboretum, Boston. Breviora, Mus. Comp. Zool., Harvard, No. 15: 1-9. 94. 1953. On regenerative capacity of earthworms of the family Lumbricidae. Amer. Midl. Nat. 50: 414-419. 95. 1954. On some earthworms from northeast Burma. Ark. Zool., Stockholm 6(20): 433-439. 96. 1954. Anterior regeneration in a sexthecal species of lumbricid earthworm. Breviora, Mus. Comp. Zool., Harvard, No. 27: 1-5. 97. 1954. Exotic earthworms in the United States. Bull. Mus. Comp. Zool., Harvard 111: 219-258. 98. 1954. On the evolution of an oriental earthworm species Pheretima anomala (Michaelsen, 1907). Breviora, Mus. Comp. Zool., Harvard, No. 37: 1-8. 99. 1955. Notes on several species of the earthworm genus Garman, 1888. Bull. Mus. Comp. Zool., Harvard 113: 229-259. 100. 1955. The earthworms of Burma. VI. Rec. Indian Mus., Calcutta 52: 55-93. 101. 1955. Notes on American earthworms of the family Lumbricidae. I-II. Breviora, Mus. Comp. Zool., Harvard, No. 48: 1-12. 102. 1956. Reproduction organ polymorphism in earthworms of the oriental megascolecine genus Pheretima Kinberg, 1867. Evolution, Chicago 10: 213-227. 103. 1956. Earthworms of the region south of the Allahabad sector of the Gangetic Plain. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. India, Allahabad (B), 26: 145-152. 104. 1956. Notes on American earthworms of the family Lumbricidae. III-VII. Bull. Mus. Comp. Zool., Harvard 115:1-46. 105. 1956. On regeneration by earthworms of a species of the lumbricid genus Eisen, 1874. Breviora, Mus. Comp. Zool., Harvard, No. 61: 1-6. 106. 1956. On another lumbricid earthworm with “relictus” characteristics and the disposition of Southern’s species. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. London (12), 9: 369-373. 107. 1956. On the origin of the biclitellate condition in lumbricid earthworms. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. London (12), 9: 577-581. 108. 1957. Earthworms. In: Nat. Hist. Rennell Island, Copenhagen 2(13): 7-23. 109. 1957. On a new octochaetine earthworm, supposedly from Guatemala. Breviora, Mus. Comp. Zool., Harvard, No. 75: 1-8. 110. 1957. On the origin of the homoeosis in an aberrant earthworm of the lumbricid species tuberculata (Eisen, 1874), Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. London (12), 10: 204-208.


111. 1957. Contribution to a revision of the earthworm family Ocnerodrilidae. The genus Nematogenia. Bull. Mus. Comp. Zool., Harvard 117: 427-445. 112. 1957. Contributions to a revision of the earthworm family Lumbricidae. I. Allolobophora limicola. Breviora, Mus. Comp. Zool., Harvard, No. 81: 1-14. 113. 1958. On endemicity of earthworms in the British Isles, with notes on nomenclature, taxonomy, and biology (Oligochaeta: Lumbricidae). Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. London (13), 1: 33-44. 114. 1958. On a hologynous species of the earthworm genus Diplocardia, with comments on oligochaete hologyny and “consecutive hermaphroditism”. American Mus. Novitiates, No. 1886: 1-9. 115. 1958. On some miscellaneous lots of earthworms belonging to the American Museum of Natural History. American Mus. Novitiates, No. 1887: 1-11. 116. 1958. On some species of the oriental earthworm genus Pheretima Kinberg, 1867, with a key to species reported from the Americas. American Mus. Novitiates, No. 1888: 1-33. 117. 1958. On homoeosis, as well as other aberrations, and their origin in an earthworm species, Eisenia foetida (Savigny, 1826), along with some deductions as to morphogenesis in the Lumbricidae. Amer. Midl. Nat. 59: 452-464. 118. 1958. Contribution to a revision of the earthworm family Lumbricidae. II. Indian species. Breviora, Mus. Comp. Zool., Harvard, No. 91: 1-16. 119. 1958. On Burmese earthworms of the megascolecid subfamily Octochaetinae. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist London (13), 1: 609-624. 120. 1959. On some earthworms from Taiwan. American Mus. Novitiates, No. 1941: 1-19. 121. 1959. On Indian and Burmese earthworms of the genus Glyphidrilus. Rec. Indian Mus., Calcutta 53: 53-66. 122. 1959. The earthworms of Burma. VII. The genus Eutyphoeus, with notes on several Indian species. Rec. Indian Mus., Calcutta 53(1&2): 93-222. 123. 1959. On natural regeneration [ privately printed, 4 p.]. 124. 1959. On a taxonomic puzzle and the classification of the earthworms. Bull. Mus. Comp. Zool., Harvard 121: 229-261. 125. 1960. Earthworms of North American caves. Natl. Speleol. Soc. Bull. 21: 77-84. 126. 1960. On another biclitellate earthworm. Amer. Midl. Nat. 63: 418-423. 127. 1960. On Burmese earthworms of the family Megascolecidae. Bull. Mus. Comp. Zool., Harvard 123: 203- 282. 128. 1961. Normal heteromorphism in earthworms. Amer. Midl. Nat. 65: 40-43. 129. 1961. On natural regeneration by earthworms of the megascolecid genus Perionyx Perrier, 1872. Wasmann J. Biol., San Francisco 18: 291-296. 130. 1961. On a species of the Indian earthworm genus Eudichogaster (). Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. London (13), 3: 645-655. 131. 1961. Ecology of some earthworms with special reference to seasonal activity. Amer. Midl. Nat. 66: 61-86. 132. 1961. Earthworms of Burma. Burma Res. Soc. 50th Anniversary Publ. No. 1: 51-58. 133. 1961. On some species of the Oriental earthworm genus Pheretima. Zool. Meded. Leiden 37: 293-312. 134. 1961. On some Burmese and Indian earthworms of the family Acanthodrilidae. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. (13), 4: 417-429. 135. 1962. On some earthworms of Eisen’s collections. Proc. California Acad. Sci. (4), 31: 185-225. 136. 1962. Contributions to a revision of the earthworm family . I. Libyodrilus Beddard. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. (13), 4: 579-585. 137. 1962. Miscellanea Megadrilogica. V-VI. Proc. Biol. Soc. Washington 75: 137-144. 138 1962. On natural regeneration by an earthworm species Perionyx sansibaricus Michaelsen, 1891. Wasmann J. Biol. 73-79. 139. 1962. Preservation of earthworms. [Privately printed, 4 pages]. 140. 1962. Contribution to a revision of the earthworm family Ocnerodrilidae. Rec. Zool. Bot. Africaine 65: 247- 264. 141. 1962. On some Burmese earthworms of the moniligastrid genus Drawida. Bull. Mus. Comp. Zool., Harvard 127: 297-373. 142. 1962. Contributions to a revision of the earthworm family Octochaetidae. I-II. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. London (13), 5: 209-215.


143. 1962. On a new species of the earthworm genus Trigaster Benham, 1886 (Octochaetidae). Breviora, Mus. Comp. Zool., Harvard, No. 178: 1-4. 144. 1962. On an exotic earthworm now domiciled in Louisiana. Proc. Louisiana Acad. Sci. 25: 7-15. 145. 1962. Contributions to a revision of the earthworm family Ocnerodrilidae. IV-V. Rev. Zool. Bot. Africaine 66: 344-358. 146. 1963. Miscellanea Megadrilogica. VII. Greenhouse earthworms. Proc. Biol. Soc. Washington 76: 9-18. 147. 1963. Earthworms. Encyclopedia Britannica 7th edition, pp. 859-861. 148. 1965. On variation in an anthropochorous species of the oriental earthworm genus Pheretima Kinberg, 1866. Proc. Biol. Soc. Washington 78: 1-16. 149. 1965. On an Australian species of the earthworm genus Megascolex Templeton, 1844. Australian Zool. 13: 213-215. 150. 1965. Louisiana earthworms. I. A preliminary survey. Proc. Louisiana Acad. Sci. 28: 12-20. 151. 1965. Louisiana earthworms. II. Variation in two species. Proc. Louisiana Acad. Sci. 28: 20-27. 152. 1965. On peregrine species of the moniligastrid earthworm genus Drawida Michaelsen, 1900. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. London (13), 8: 85-93. 153. 1966. Contributions to a revision of the earthworm family Ocnerodrilidae. VII-VIII. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. London (13), 9: 49-53. 154. 1966. Requiem – for megadrile utopias. A contribution toward the understanding of the earthworm fauna of North America. Proc. Biol. Soc. Washington 79: 239-254. 155. 1967. On two little-known species of the earthworm genus Diplocardia. Great Basin Nat. 27: 1-10. 156. 1967. On two Illinois specimens of Diplocardia singularis, with discussion of their mode of reproduction (Annelida, Oligochaeta). Proc. Biol. Soc. Washington 80: 195-201. 157. 1967. On the earthworm fauna of the great American desert and adjacent areas. Great Basin Nat. 27: 142- 176. 158. 1967. A redefnition of the endemic North American earthworm genus Diplocardia (Acanthodrilidae, Oligochaeta, Annelida). Proc. Louisiana Acad. Sci. 30: 24-26. 159. 1967. Louisiana earthworms. III. Diplocardia glabra sp. n. (Acanthodrilidae, Oligochaeta, Annelida). Proc. Louisiana Acad. Sci. 30: 26-31. 160. 1968 On a anthropochorous species of the earthworm genus Pheretima (Megascolecidae, Oligochaeta). J. Nat. Hist. 2: 253-261. 161. 1968 On a unique earthworm species native to Texas. Texas J. Sci. 20: 61-67. 162. 1968 On a new species of earthworm from a Mexican cave. International J. Speleol. 3: 63-70. 163. 1968 On a glossoscolecid earthworm from Panama and its genus. Megadrilogica 1(1): 1-15 [reprinted 1992, 1(1): 1-6] 164. 1968 What is Lumbricus eiseni Levinsen, 1884 (Lumbricidae, Oligochaeta)? Breviora, Mus. Comp. Zool., Harvard, No. 299: 1-9. 165. 1968. Contributions to a revision of the Lumbricidae. III. Eisenia hortensis (Michaelsen, 1890). Brevoria, Mus. Comp. Zool., Harvard, No. 300: 1-12. 166. 1968. Louisiana earthworms. IV. Diplocardia fusca Gates, 1943 (Acanthodrilidae, Annelida). Proc. Louisiana Acad. Sci. 31: 18-22, 167. 1968. Louisiana earthworms. V. Diplocardia fuscula n.sp., an addition to an American genus (Acanthodrilidae, Oligochaeta, Annelida). Proc. Louisiana Acad. Sci. 31: 22-26. 168. 1968. What is Enterion ictericum Savigny, 1826 (Lumbricidae, Oligochaeta)? Bull. Soc. Linn. Normandie (10), 9: 199-208. 169. 1969. On the earthworms of Ascension and Juan Fernandez Islands. Breviora, Mus. Comp. Zool., Harvard, No. 323: 1-4. 170. 1969. On two American genera of the earthworm family Lumbricidae. J. Nat. Hist. 9: 305-307. 171. 1969. Contributions to a revision of the earthworm family Lumbricidae. V. Eisenia zebra Michaelsen, 1902. Proc. Biol. Soc. Washington 82: 453-460. 172. 1969. On a new species of the moniligastrid earthworm genus Drawida Michaelsen, 1900. Zoologiceskij zurnal 48(5): 674-676. 173. 1970. Miscellanea Megadrilogica. VIII. Megadrilogica 1(2): 1-14. [reprinted 1992, 1(2): 1-6] 174. 1970. On an interesting Philippine species of the earthworm genus Pheretima Kinberg, 1866 (Oligochaeta, Annelida). Proc. Biol. Soc. Washington 83(13): 155-160. 7

175. 1970. On a new species of earthworm from another Mexican cave. Southwestern Nat. 15(2): 267-269. 176. 1970. On a new species in a new earthworm genus from Puerto Rico. Breviora, Mus. Comp. Zool., Harvard, No. 356: 1-11. 177. 1970. On some New Guinea earthworms. Australian Zool. 15(3): 386-390. 178. 1971. On reversions to former ancestral conditions in megadrile oligochaetes. Evolution 25(1): 245-248. 179. 1971. On a new species of California earthworm, Haplotaxis ichthyophagous (Oligochaeta, Annelida). Proc. Biol. Soc. Washington 84(25): 203-212. 180. 1972. Burmese Earthworms. An introduction to the systematics of megadrile oligochaetes with special references to southeast . Trans. Amer. Philos. Soc., (N.S.), 62(7): 1-326. 181. 1972. Toward a revision of the earthworm family Lumbricidae. IV. The trapezoids species complex. Bull. Tall Timbers Res. Stn., No. 12: 1-146. 182. 1972. On American earthworm genera. I. Eisenoides (Lumbricidae). Bull. Tall Timbers Res. Stn., No. 13: 1- 17. 183. 1972. On variation in another anthropochorous species of the oriental earthworm genus Pheretima Kinberg, 1866 (Megascolecidae). Bull. Tall Timbers Res. Stn., No. 13: 18-44. 184. 1971. On some earthworms from Mexican caves. Assoc. Mexican Cave Studies Bull. 4: 3-8. 185. 1973. Contributions to a revision of the earthworm family Glossoscolecidae. I. corethrurus (Müller, 1857). Bull. Tall Timbers Res. Stn., No. 14: 1-12. 186. 1973. Contributions to a revision of the earthworm family Ocnerodrilidae. IX. What is Ocnerodrilus occidentalis? Bull. Tall Timbers Res. Stn., No. 14: 13-28. 187. 1973. The earthworm genus in America. Bull. Tall Timbers Res. Stn., No. 14: 29-50. 188. 1972. On the sedwicki complex of the earthworm genus Pheretima Kinberg, 1886. Micronesica 8(1-2): 117- 124. 189. 1973. On more earthworms from Mexican caves. Assoc. Mexican Cave Studies Bull. 5: 21-24. 190. 1973. Memorandum on the species name . Bull. Zool. Nomenclature 30(2): 34. 191. 1974. On a new species of earthworm in a southern portion of the United States. Bull. Tall Timbers Res. Stn., No. 15: 1-13. 192. 1974. Contributions to a revision of the Lumbricidae. X. Dendrobaena octaedra (Savigny, 1826) with special reference to the importance of its parthenogenetic polymorphism for the classification of earthworms. Bull. Tall Timbers Res. Stn., No. 15: 15-57. 193. 1974. Contributions to a revision of the Lumbricidae. XI. Eisenia rosea (Savigny, 1826). Bull. Tall Timbers Res. Stn., No. 16: 9-30. 194. 1974. On oligochaete gonads. Megadrilogica 1(9): 1-4. 195. 1974. Present names of some New Zealand earthworms. Megadrilogica 1(12): 2-3. 196. 1975. Contributions to a revision of the Lumbricidae. XII. Enterion mammale Savigny, 1826. Megadrilogica 2(1): 1-5. 197. 1975. On a few earthworms from New Guinea (Oligochaeta). Megadrilogica 2(1): 6-8. 198. 1975. On three species of the earthworm genus Diplocardia. Bull. Tall Timbers Res. Stn., No. 19: 1-48. 199. 1975. Contributions to a revision of the Lumbricidae. XIII. Eisenia japonica (Michaelsen, 1891). Megadrilogica 2(4): 1-3. 200. 1975. Contributions to a revision of the Lumbricidae. XIV. What is Enterion terrestris Savigny, 1826 and what are its relationships? Megadrilogica 2(4): 10-12. 201. 1975. Contributions to a revision of the Lumbricidae. XV. On some other species of Eisenia. Megadrilogica 2(5): 1-7. 202. 1975. Contributions to a revision of the Lumbricidae. XVII. Allolobophora minuscula Rosa, 1906 and Enterion pygmaeum Savigny, 1826. Megadrilogica 2(6): 7-8. 203. 1975. Contributions to a revision of the Lumbricidae. XVIII. Octolasion calarense Tétry, 1944. Megadrilogica 2(7): 1-4. 204. 1976. Note on a little known species of the American earthworm genus Diplocardia. Megadrilogica 2(8): 7- 8. 205. 1976. More on oligochaete distribution in North America. Megadrilogica 2(11): 1-6. 206. 1976. On earthworm ovaries and their importance in megadrile systematics. I. Megadrilogica 2(12): 1-2. 207. 1976. Contributions to a revision of the Lumbricidae. XIX. On the genus of the earthworm Enterion roseum Savigny, 1826. Megadrilogica 2(12): 4. 8

208. 1976. More on earthworm distribution in North America. Proc. Biol. Soc. Washington 89(40): 467-476. 209. 1977. More on the earthworm genus Diplocardia. Megadrilogica 3(1): 1-47. 210. 1977. On the correct generic name for some west coast native earthworm, with aids for a study of the genus. Megadrilogica 3(2): 54-60. 211. 1977. Extra tails on earthworms. Megadrilogica 3(4): 70. 212. 1977. Contributions to a revision of the Lumbricidae. XX. The genus in North America. Megadrilogica 3(5): 71-79. 213. 1977. On some earthworms from North American caves. Assoc. Mexican Cave Studies Bull. 6: 4. 214. 1978. Contributions to a revision of the Lumbricidae. XXI. The earthworm genus Lumbricus in North America. Megadrilogica 3(6): 81-116. 215. 1977. La faune terrestre de l’île de Sainte –Helene. I. Oligochaeta. Mus. Roy. Afr. Cent. (Ser. IN-8), Sci. Zool., No. 220: 469-491. 216. 1978. Contributions to a revision of the Lumbricidae. XXII. The genus Eisenia in North America. Megadrilogica 3(8): 131-147. 217. 1978. On a new species of octochaetid earthworm from Mexico. Proc. Biol. Soc. Washington 91(2): 439- 443. 218. 1979. Contributions to a revision of the Lumbricidae. XXIII. The genus Omodeo, 1956 in North America. Megadrilogica 3(9): 151-162. 219. 1979. A new genus of larger ocnerodrilid earthworms in the American Hemisphere. Megadrilogica 3(9): 162- 164. 220. 1979. South Dakota does have earthworms! Megadrilogica 3(9): 165-166. 221. 1979. Contributions to a revision of the Lumbricidae. XXIV. What is Dendrodrilus byblica Rosa, 1893? Megadrilogica 3(10): 175-176. 222. 1980. Contributions to a revision of the Lumbricidae. XXV. The genus Allolobophora Eisen, 1874 in North America. Megadrilogica 3(11): 177-184. 223. 1980. Contributions to a revision of the Lumbricidae. XXVI. On two octolasia. Megadrilogica 3(12): 205- 211. 224. 1982. Farewell to North American megadriles. Megadrilogica 4(1-2): 12-77.


1 Source of information presented in this biography:

Reynolds, J.W. 2004. Gordon Enoch Gates – his life and work. Avances en taxonomía de lombrices de tierra (Annelida: Oligochaeta) [Advances In Earthworm Taxonomy (Annelida: Oligochaeta)]. Ana G. Moreno y Sonia Borges (Editoras). Editorial Complutense. Madrid, España. CD Appendix - no page numbers. Information in this biography was subsequently published, in part, in Crawford, R.L. and W.R. Brueckheimer. 2012. The legacy of a Red Hills Hunting Plantation. Gainesville, FL: University of Florida Press, 335 pp.