Marion United Methodist Church


Holy Week, which recounts the events of the Passion and Resurrection of Christ, begins on Sunday, April 1 and concludes on Sunday, April 8.

We encourage your attendance, and urge you to invite friends, family and neighbors to accompany you on this journey of faith.

Palm/Passion Sunday, April 1

Worship at 10:45

As Holy Week begins, we open worship with celebration as the children and the choir lead the of the palms into the sanctuary, singing “Prepare ye the way of the Lord.” As our worship progresses we will transition to a more somber tone, as we consider the Cross, and hear the Gospel account of the crucifixion of .

Maundy Thursday at Marion United Methodist Church

Thursday April 5th at 6:00

The Living will re-present through drama the Passover Seder meal that Jesus celebrated with his disciples, and conclude with Holy Communion. Holy Thursday is called “Maundy” from the Latin “mandatum” which means command. At the Last Supper, Jesus said to the disciples “A new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another” (John 13:34).

Marion United Methodist Church

Easter Sunday

Sunrise Service 6:30 a.m. in the Crittenden Memorial Cemetery, followed by breakfast in the gymnasium at approximately 7:45 a.m. Worship in the sanctuary celebrating our Risen Lord at 10:45! Easter & Pizza Luncheon

We will have the annual Hunt and Pizza Luncheon Sunday April 1st, following the worship service. Please bring your family to enjoy lunch and hunt eggs! There will, of course, be an egg hunt, as well as crafts, stories, and a visit from the . There is a suggested donation of $5 per family. We are also asking that each family donate two dozed stuffed eggs which can be dropped at the church office anytime this week.

If you weren’t able to sign up for the Hunt & Lunch in the church foyer this past Sunday, please call the church office or email Teresa ([email protected]) by this Thursday.

Easter Lilies for Sale

Easter lilies will decorate the sanctuary on April 8th. If you would like to place one or more in honor of or in memory of a loved one, please fill out this form and place it in the offering plate or return it to the church office with a check for $13.25 for each lily. Orders will be taken through noon on April 5th. Please include $13.25 for each lily ordered. Checks may be made payable to MUMC.

Name:______Number of lilies:______In honor of:______In memory of:______

Marion United Methodist Church

Ministerial Fellowship Holy Week Services

Beginning at 12:05 with a brief service, followed by a light lunch.

Monday– First United Methodist Church, WM Speaker: Tom Letchworth Pastor, Marion United Methodist Church, Marion

Tuesday– Holy Cross Episcopal Church, WM Speaker: Jack Harris Priest, St. Michael’s , WM

Wednesday– St. Michael’s Catholic Church, WM Speaker: David Skorupa Pastor, Immanuel Baptist Church, Marion

Thursday– Calvary Baptist Church, WM Speaker: Larry Banks Pastor, Bethel AME Church, WM

Friday– Bethel AME Church, WM Speaker: John Beaumont Area Director, Young Life, Marion & WM