Author’s version. This article is accepted for publication in IEEE/ASME Transactions on Mechatronics. DOI: 10.1109/TMECH.2020.3014182 Mechanical Aspects of Robot Hands, Active Hand Orthoses and Prostheses: a Comparative Review Jens Vertongen, Derek Kamper, Gerwin Smit, and Heike Vallery

Abstract—The large interest in robot hands and active hand This review provides a structured overview of mechanical prostheses has in recent years been joined by that in active hand aspects of artificial hands to aid their future design and orthoses. Despite the differences in intended uses, these three development. The mechanical aspects covered are actuation, categories of artificial hand devices share key characteristics. Examination of the commonalities could stimulate future de- transmission and mechanical structure. sign. Thus, we undertook a comparative review of publications describing robot hands, active prostheses, and active orthoses, II.METHODS with a focus on mechanical structure, actuation principle, and transmission. Out of a total of 510 papers identified through We largely followed the PRISMA guidelines [4] and the the literature search, 72 publications were included in a focused Cochrane handbook [5] to conduct this review. examination. We identified trends in the design of artificial hands and gaps in the literature. After comparing their mechanical aspects, we propose recommendations for future development. A. Search Protocol Index Terms—Hands, , prosthetics, orthotics, dexterity 1) Eligibility Criteria: We divided the inclusion criteria into three categories: device criteria, mechanical aspects and publication criteria. We focused on the mechanical design of I.INTRODUCTION devices for ADLs and general robotics applications. Therefore, we excluded devices designed for special purposes (e.g. mili- RTIFICIAL hands such as active hand orthoses, pros- tary, aerospace, haptic input devices). The mechanical design theses and robot grippers are growing fields of research. A includes actuation, transmission and structure of artificial Design requirements for the three hand categories differ, but hands. Specific inclusion and exclusion criteria were: share some characteristics among them. Hand orthoses have to be very lightweight and comfortable for the user while • Device types: exerting enough force to mitigate hand impairments. The – Include: Hand orthoses, prosthetic and robot hands limited available space of orthoses constrains the design of – Exclude: Gloves, non-anthropomorphic grippers overall devices. Prostheses have to be lightweight as well, • Device purpose: with a focus on grasping objects in activities of daily living – Include: Medical, rehabilitation, assistive, research (ADLs) and a cosmetic appearance that closely resembles a devices human hand. Robot grippers often focus on precision, force – Exclude: Military, aerospace, haptic input devices and dexterity, while weight and aesthetics are less important. • Mechanical domain criteria: The human hand, a marvel in dexterity, effective grasping – Include: Actuation, transmission and structure and manipulation, features 27 bones, 21 degrees of freedom – Exclude: Energy source, sensors and control, human- (DOFs) and 34 muscles. This combination results in a large machine interaction and non-structural cosmetics range of motion (ROM) of the fingers. Many artificial hands mimic its structure in pursuit of similar functionality. • Publication criteria: Several reviews of hand orthoses [1], hand prostheses [2] – Include: Digital journal and conference papers that and robot hands [3] have been published. However, no review describe the mechanical design of active devices was identified that compares their mechanical aspects. – Exclude: Books, review papers and patents 2) Information Sources: We searched four bibliographic This work was supported in part by the Dutch Research Council (NWO), Veni Project 15079, and in part by the United States Department of Health databases on February 26, 2019: Scopus, ScienceDirect, Web and Human Services, National Institute on Disability, Independent Living, of Science and PubMed. We did not search journals or con- and Rehabilitation Research (NIDILRR), Rehabilitation Engineering Research ference proceedings outside of these databases, nor physical Center (RERC) program funding mechanism: Collaborative Machines En- hancing Therapies (COMET), Grant number 90REGE0005-01-00. copies of non-digitized papers. We did not include patents Corresponding author: Heike Vallery, address: Mekelweg 2, 2628CD Delft, either. We did include related work through hand-searching The Netherlands, phone: +31 15-27 83517, email: [email protected] the reference list of included records. Jens Vertongen, Gerwin Smit and Heike Vallery are with the Department of BioMechanical Engineering, Delft University of Technology, Delft, The 3) Search strategy: The full-search database query was: Netherlands. Heike Vallery is also with the Department for Rehabilitation [Orthos?s OR Orthotic OR Prosthes?s OR Prosthetic OR Medicine at Erasmus MC in Rotterdam, The Netherlands. Robot* OR Exo* OR Glove OR Artificial*] AND [Develop* Derek Kamper is with the Joint Department of , University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill and North Carolina State OR Design OR Construct* OR Mechanic* OR Active] AND University, Raleigh, United States of America. [Hand OR Grasp* OR Grip*] 1 c 2020 IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. Permission from IEEE must be obtained for all other uses, in any current or future media, including reprinting/republishing this material for advertising or promotional purposes, creating new collective works, for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or reuse of any copyrighted component of this work in other works. The ’?’ and ’*’ in the query are wildcards for database 2) Exclusion and eligibility: Fig. 1 shows the full exclusion searching. We adapted this string slightly to each database’s process, indicating the removal of duplicates as well as irrel- search string restrictions. evant and non-eligible papers, leading to the full overview. It also shows the exclusion due to keyword selection and full- B. Study Selection text paper removal. Several old records had no available digital 1) Screening and eligibility: We removed duplicates and full-text paper other than a citation. The full overview contains irrelevant records by screening titles in EndNote. We also 510 eligible papers. The remaining 72 papers, after selection, excluded non-eligible records by screening titles and abstracts. form the focused overview. The full overview, presented in section III-B, contains the remaining records. 2) Keyword selection: We searched titles and abstracts of the records in the full overview for relevant keywords (force, performance, weight, power, experiment, evaluation, verify, test) in Rayyan [6]. These keywords indicated numerical results and simplified the selection process. We excluded the records that did not match any of these keywords and examined the full-text papers of the remaining records. Papers that described the mechanical design and reported numerical values of force and weight were included in the focused overview, presented in section III-C.

C. Data collection 1) Collection process: For the full overview, we searched through the title and abstracts for different technologies. For the focused overview, we retrieved relevant information of the mechanical aspects from the full-text papers, by using a data collection checklist. We classified this information in a structured spreadsheet. 2) Data items full overview: Using the following data items, we extracted information from the papers in the full overview, to identify general publication trends, actuation methods, transmission types and other notable developments: • Number of publications per year • Electric, Pneumatic, Hydraulic, Shape memory alloy (SMA), Twisted and coiled polymer muscle (TCPM) • Underactuation, cable transmission (tendon, wire) • 3D printing (additive manufacturing/rapid prototyping) Fig. 1. Flowchart of the study selection. 3) Data items focused overview: We used the following data items for the focused overview, to extract mechanical The following list indicates the number of records excluded domain characteristics, important morphological features and per criterion of the 549 excluded records: Controller design numerical values of performance: (145), non-mechanical design (81), finger design (55), sensor • Device information (author, date) design (51), actuator or mechanism design (47), review paper • Actuation, transmission, mechanical structure or clinical trials (47), aerospace application (30), glove design • Thumb and wrist, force, weight, DOF, ROM (25), haptic input devices (18), foreign language (18), less • Bandwidth (frequency of opening and closing the hand) than 3 fingers (10), passive devices (10), less than 3 DOFs (7), wrong publication type (3) and not functional (2). III.RESULTS A. Study Selection B. Full overview 1) Screening: The search of Scopus (1307), ScienceDirect (999), Web of Science (888) and PubMed (212) delivered a The 510 papers of the full overview consist of 91 orthoses, total of 3406 records. Through the reference lists of several 159 prostheses, 234 robot hands and 26 papers of both included papers, we added an additional eight records. These prostheses and robot hands, indicated as P&R. are related to some database papers, such as previous work 1) History of research output: Fig. 2 shows the number of and other publications from the same authors. They went publications for each device category per decade. through the same selection process described in section II-B. 2) Actuation: Fig. 3 shows the number of publications We searched them for additional information on some devices reporting various actuation methods such as electric motors, from the initial database search. pneumatic actuators, hydraulic actuators, SMAs and TCPMs. 2 3) Trends in technologies: We searched for the following technologies in the full overview: underactuation, cable trans- mission and 3D printing. Fig. 4 shows the percentages of the total number of papers reporting these technologies in the title or abstract.

C. Focused overview Tables I, II and III present the results and characteristics of 17 orthoses, 28 prostheses and 27 robot hands of the focused overview, respectively.

IV. DISCUSSION Fig. 3. Number of papers reporting specific actuation methods. A. Full overview

1) History of research output: Fig. 2 shows the progression 3) Trends in technologies: An underactuated mechanism of publications over time. Research into hand orthoses is has more DOFs than actuators [13]. This way, the grasp adapts very recent with more than 90% published in the last 10 to the shape of an object. However, there is an inherent loss years, compared to a more gradual increase in publications of controllability that makes precise grip positions hard to of prosthetics and robotics. achieve. The fewer number of actuators results in a lightweight Active prosthetic hands have a long history of development design and is therefore commonly used, as shown in Fig. 4. dating back to the 19th century [7]. The earliest paper in this The use of cable transmission is increasing, which can review is a hand , published in 1917. Since 2009, be explained by its simple and lightweight nature. Cables development accelerated in both prosthetics and robotics that are often called tendons, because they replicate the natural benefit from technologies such as 3D printing, lightweight transmission of the human hand. actuators and accessible EMG sensors. Although 3D printing has been used for several decades, it became more popular in 2015. In the years leading up to this increase, several key patents of 3D printing technologies expired [14]–[16]. This drastically lowered the cost of 3D printing, and the technology was quickly adopted to produce complex lightweight structures for artificial hands (Fig. 4).

Fig. 2. Number of orthoses, prostheses and robot hand papers published over time.

2) Actuation: Fig. 3 shows the actuation methods per artificial hand category. Electric actuators are the most popular, followed by pneumatic actuators, mainly in robot hands where access to a pneumatic source is possible. Attempts have been made towards implementing small pneumatic artificial Fig. 4. Percentage of papers from full overview reporting underactuation, cable transmission and 3D printing in the title or abstract. muscles (PAMs) [8] or gas-type actuators with a portable fuel cartridge [9] to improve portability. Hydraulic actuation is not common in artificial hands. However, miniature cylinders that can be applied to hands [10] B. Qualitative Focused Overview provide potential for future devices. 1) Actuation: The majority of artificial hands are actuated Lightweight compliant actuators that deform with heat, such by electric motors. Many different motor configurations are as SMAs [11] and the recently developed TCPMs [12], are used, which results in a wide power range. Fig. 5 shows not often used. These actuators have drawbacks such as low the average values and the range of characteristics of electric force, low bandwidth, and the placement of heating elements actuators. Prosthetic hands are developed for a more specific close to the user. Overcoming these issues may allow these application with more constraints than robot hands. Orthoses lightweight and inexpensive actuators to improve the design use fewer actuators than prostheses and robots, and therefore of future artificial hands. need more powerful motors to achieve sufficient grip strength. 3 The actuation categories are shown in Fig. 6. Electric 1. Actuation 2. Transmission 3. Structure consists of stepper, servo, AC, brushed DC and BLDC motors. 100% 90% Fluidic actuators are more common in robot hands, SMA and 80% TCPM are used in the remaining orthoses and prostheses. 70% 60% A notable method is the dual-mode twisted string actuation 50% (TSA) [17], [18], which combines a fast mode, for rapid 40% motion of the fingers, and a force mode that produces a 30% 20% stronger grasp. Other examples of this dual-mode actuation 10% include the flexion (screw and slider) and force-magnification 0% drive (pulley and eccentric cam) [19], joint servo motors OPROPROPR and a drive tendon [20], and two pneumatic cylinders with 1. Electric | 2. Cable | 3. Metal 1. Fluidic | 2. Rigid | 3. Plastic different effective areas [21]. Many devices use a spring- 1. SMA | - | 3. 3D printed 1. TCPM | - | 3. Other return mechanism, which is useful for underactuated hands Fig. 6. The distribution of actuation methods, transmission and structures of to passively extend the fingers. the artificial hands in the focused overview.

Fig. 7(A) shows that orthoses and prostheses have an average ratio close to 3 and are more frequently underactuated than robot hands, that could be explained by the weight constraints affecting performance and user acceptance. The ratio of orthoses and prostheses is close to a distribution of 1 actuator for each 3-DOF finger. The most underactuated artificial hand has a ratio of 9 [27] and the most over-actuated hand has a ratio of 0.5 by using 40 actuators for 20 DOFs [28]. 5) Grasping and dexterity: A hand’s dexterity determines Fig. 5. The average values and range of power (in W) per hand, motors per hand and power (in W) per motor for electric motors of the focused overview fine movements and precise grasps and is classified in two for orthoses (O), prostheses (P) and robot hands (R). categories: power and precision grasp [29], [30]. Fig. 7(B) shows the number of devices that feature a thumb or a wrist. 2) Transmission: More than half of the devices use a cable The thumb is fundamental to the stability of both power transmission instead of rigid linkages (Fig. 6). The cable, or and precision grasps. It opposes the force of the fingers for tendon, is attached at the fingertip, runs along the finger and is a power grasp and allows precision grasps such as the lateral actuated by a motor-driven pulley. This mechanism is inspired pinch [31]. Therefore, a thumb is present in most prostheses by the tendons of a human hand. Several materials are used for and robot hands but in only 60% of orthoses, which can be the cable, where steel is the most common, but Spectra Fiber, explained by the complex movement and location of the thumb Dyneema and Kevlar are used for their various properties. on a human hand. Some notable mechanisms are the electromagnetic (EM) The wrist plays a minor role in grasping objects, but it helps joint locking mechanism [22] and the circuitous joint [23] that perform certain actions such as writing, eating and opening can both rotate and translate. Differentials are used to facilitate doors [32]. Few artificial hands have an active wrist which can underactuation and reduction mechanisms to increase output be explained by their complex design. The mass-DOF ratio is torque. Most devices use bevel or epicyclic gears, but some shown in Fig. 7(C). include harmonic drives, screws, and crank-slider mechanisms.

3) Mechanical structure: Most devices in the focused (A) 10 (B) 100 (C) 450 overview have rigid structures. Orthoses are placed over the 9 90 400 80 8 350 human hand and display a wide design range: on one end of the 70 7 60 300 spectrum, rigid dorsal structures that strap around the fingers, 6 50 250 on the other end more typical soft structures or gloves, and 5 40 200 4 30 in between hybrid compliant combinations. In contrast, most 150

3 20

Mass (g) / DOF / (g) Mass Percentage of papers of Percentage prosthetic and robot hands have fully rigid structures. Orthoses 2 10 100 Underactuation Ratio Underactuation 0 1 50 mostly use plastic structures, and prostheses and robot hands Thumb Wrist metallic structures (Fig. 6). Most recent prostheses have 3D- 0 0 OPR O P R OPR printed structures. Several alternative structures and materials are used: compliant silicone [24], carbon fibre [25] and a 3D- Fig. 7. The average values and range of the underactuation ratio (A), the printed steel monocoque [26]. percentage of papers reporting a thumb or wrist (B) and mass-DOF ratio (C). 4) Underactuation: To quantify underactuation, we look at the ratio of DOFs per actuators of a device. This underac- tuation ratio is 1 for fully actuated hands and higher for an C. Quantitative Focused Overview underactuated mechanism. These mechanisms could result in 1) Force: Artificial hands employ a variety of actuation a lightweight design because fewer actuators are used. methods that result in a large range of forces, especially in 4 orthoses and robot hands. Electric motors achieve the highest output force in contrast to the low force produced by SMAs, pneumatics and TCPMs. Fig. 8 (A) and (B) shows the average fingertip and grip forces together with the range. Robotics have a higher range of fingertip force and average grip force compared to prostheses that can be explained by the use of more powerful and remotely placed actuators. Prostheses are limited in weight and usually have smaller, locally-placed actuators. Higher average fingertip forces of orthoses could help to overcome residual forces of the human hand. The grip force of orthoses was generally not reported and is absent in Fig. 8 (B). To compare these values to the human hand; the highest average grip strength is 347 N for women and 534 N for men [33], resulting in an average grip force of 440 N. 2) Weight: Both orthoses and prostheses have to be lightweight; the comfort of a prosthesis is negatively affected with high weight, and orthosis users often have limited force in the impaired arm. Weight restrictions for robotic arms are less tight. Despite the higher grip force that robot hands often Fig. 8. Average values and range of the fingertip force, grip force, force-mass have, Fig. 8 (C) shows that their force-mass ratio is the lowest. ratio, mass, DOFs and bandwidth of orthoses (O), prostheses (P) and robot This is due to their high mass, shown in Fig. 8 (D). hands (R). The average mass of a human hand is 426 g [34] and the average force-mass ratio is above 1000 N/Kg. To define mechanisms [17]–[21] and seems to make artificial hands more a lightweight orthoses and prostheses design, we use the versatile. proposed desirable mass limit for prostheses of 400 g [35]. Fluidic actuators such as PAMs and cylinders could lead to a More than 80% of orthoses and 43% of prostheses in this flexible or lightweight design [10], [39]. Compliant actuation, overview classify as lightweight. Particularly alternative ac- where a spring is placed in series or in parallel with the tuation methods such as SMA, TCPM and electrohydraulics actuator may also help make artificial hands more compliant appear to enable lightweight solutions. and shock-absorbing. Several devices using SMAs and TCPMs 3) DOF: Fig. 8 (E) shows that robot hands have the highest are very lightweight and could be effective once their force and average DOFs and orthoses the lowest. bandwidth is improved. 4) ROM: The range of motion of a hand depends on the Cable-driven hands, using a motor and pulley, have benefits rotational limits of the three finger joints: MCP, PIP and DIP over traditional linkage transmissions, e.g. they are simple and and for the thumb: MCP and IP. The normal ROM of a human compact [40]. Several materials with high tensile strength are hand is 100◦ (MCP), 105◦ (PIP) and 85◦ (DIP) [36]. Most of used (Dyneema, Kevlar), but out of the reported materials prostheses and robot hands report a ROM close to the normal only steel cables can both pull and push. These cables are ROM. The difficult interaction between a paretic hand and an composed of several coiled steel wires that can transmit push orthotic structure can lead to a challenging alignment of the forces [41]. Circuitous joints that rotate and translate allow joint centers and could explain the lower values of orthoses. better joint alignment of orthoses [23]. EM joint locking Furthermore, orthoses are often designed to achieve functional is currently used in robotics and could add functionality to ROM, which is 73◦ (MCP), 86◦ (PIP) and 61◦ (DIP) [36]. prosthetic hands [22]. 5) Bandwidth: Fig. 8 (F) shows the bandwidth in Hz, which is the frequency of opening and closing the hand. We define Hybrid combinations of materials or 3D-printed structures the bandwidth to be high if it is more than 1 Hz. All three may be lightweight, strong and customizable. A 3D-printed categories have a high average bandwidth, and the use of monocoque protects delicate mechanisms inside and can be electric motors and pneumatic actuators often result in a fast- used for both prostheses and robot hands [26], [42]. grasping hand. In contrast, SMAs and TCPMs report low 2) Current Challenges: Both orthoses and prostheses have bandwidths that can be explained by their slow heating cycles. to be lightweight, portable and comfortable, and they need Devices with the highest bandwidth use electric motors and a a high grip force to be effective and to be adopted by their steel cable or rigid transmission [37], [38]. users [43]. Furthermore, there is a desire in orthoses for a limited profile, easy donning and doffing, and active thumb assistance. Implementing an active wrist is uncommon and D. Design Recommendations seems challenging for all artificial hands. 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Her research interests in- IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems, clude bipedal locomotion, compliant actuation, and rehabilitation robotics. Oct 2012, pp. 4776–4782. 8 TABLE I DATA OF THE ORTHOTIC HANDS 0.1 Hz N/A 0.1 Hz N/A 0.033 Hz N/A 0.033 Hz ◦ ◦ ◦ ◦ ◦ ◦ ◦ ◦ ◦ ◦ ◦ ◦ ◦ ◦ ◦ ◦ ◦ ◦ ◦ MCP: 37 PIP: 67 DIP: 43 MCP: 93 PIP: 89 DIP: 85 MCP: 37 PIP: 67 DIP: 43 MCP: 80 PIP: 90 MCP: 35 PIP: 80 DIP: 35 MCP: 80 PIP: 90 MCP: 50 PIP: 40 DIP: 15 12 12 9 N/A 8 Hz 256 g (hand) 201 g (act.) 113 g (hand) 754 g (act.) 205 g (hand) 420 g (act.) Force Mass DOF ROM Bandwidth Thumb / Wrist Yes / No 3 N 298 g 3 No / No 40 N 300 gYes / No N/A 1.5 N 100 g N/A GloveGlove Yes / No 5 N Yes / No 1100 g3D 18 N printed structure 80 g3D printed 3 structure Glove No / No N/ACompliant 12.5 N/A plastic N structure 414 g No N/A / No 25 Hz 3 N 3D 3 printed structure 1Straps Hz N/ARigid plastic structureGlove Yes / No 3–53D Hz printed structure Glove 50 NStraps 400 g No / No 5 1.4 N N/A 390 g 0.8 Hz 8 N/A N/A Capstan pulley Cable transmission (steel) Double four-bar linkage Capstan pulleys Differential mechanism Cable transmission Rigid structureEpicyclic gears Pulley and cable transmission (Spectra) Linkage structure (dorsal) Bowden Titanium cable alloy transmission structureSliding spring mechanism Yes / No 2 NLinkage structure Rotating and sliding 100 g joint Gearhead Cable transmission Epicyclic gears N/APulley and cable transmission N/ACable transmission Locking mechanism 17 Hz 1 BLDC motor (5.6Extension W) springs Shape Memory Alloys (SMA) Titanium-Nickel (3 Amp DC) 2 BLDC motors (9.9Extension W) springs 5 Series elastic actuatorsExtension (SEA) springs 4 Linear DC motors (3.45 W) (remote) Twisted and coiled polymer muscles (TCPMs) (0.6 Amp) 2013- 2016 First AuthorFontana [45] YearIn [40] Actuation 2009Arata 3 [46] motors Zheng [47] 2011 Lee [48] Transmission 2013Gasser [49] 1 Linear DC motor 2013 (10 W)Jo [50] 2014 Sliding spring 2015 mechanismNycz 4 [51] Linear motors (1.3 W) Structure Park [52]Sandoval-Gonzalez [53] Cable transmission Compliant (steel) 2016 plastic structureSarac [54] 2016 10 No DC / motors NoGasser [55] 2016 3 N 3 DCLince motors [56] (16.2 Rigid W) structure 2016Saharan 4 [57] Linear 2017 actuators (7.8 W) Worm gear 2 Pulley DC and motors cableSarac transmission [58] 2017 No / No 1 Servomotor 2017 (51 W) 24.3Sharma N [59] 300 g Rigid plastic structureXiloyannis [60] 2017 4 Linear 9 Yes motors 2017 / No Rigid plastic structure 5 2017 TCPMs 10 N (0.6 Amp) N/A 1 DC motor 238 g (5 W) Yes / No 10 Direct N drive N/A Cable transmission 8 731 g Cable transmission N/A 14 normal N/A ROM Glove and N/A rigid rings Rigid structure Glove Yes / Yes 8 N No / No 110 g 40 N Yes / 300 No g 9 2 N m 8 9 TABLE II DATA OF THE PROSTHETIC HANDS Bandwidth N/A N/A 22 Hz 0.17 Hz N/A 0.7 Hz N/A 2.8 Hz N/A 0.5 Hz 0.67 Hz 0.2 Hz ◦ , 25 , - N/A , - N/A ◦ ◦ ◦ , 75 , 50 , 100 ◦ ◦ ◦ ◦ ◦ ◦ ◦ ◦ ◦ ◦ ◦ ◦ ◦ ◦ ROM (MCP, PIP, DIP) DOF 850 g580 g 10 90 16 N/A 4 Hz Mass (hand, act.) 16.6 NTip: 400 g 15 N Grip: 35 N Tip: 20 N Grip: 80 N 12 90 Force No / Yes Yes / No Yes / Yes Yes / Yes Grip: 20 N 336 g 8 N/A 0.4 Hz Yes / No Grip: 34.5 N 980 g 10 N/A 0.6 Hz Thumb / Wrist Rigid metal structure Yes /Rigid No polymer structure Tip: 10 NAluminium alloy structure Carbon 500 g fibre shell 3D printed monocoque Nickel coated thermoplast 133D printed structure N/AIntegrated motors Rigid metal structureRigid aluminium structure Yes N/A / YesRigid / No metal No structure 10 N Grip: 54Rigid N plastic structure Yes / No 230 g Tip: Yes 500 10 g / N No 16Rigid N metal 3 structure 420 g 15 N/A Yes / 115 350 Yes g N/A Tip: 20 N 87 Rigid metal structure 15 398 g N/A 90 Aluminium Yes alloy / links NoABS plastic cover 14 Tip: 12 NRigid metal structure 90 450 g N/A 11 Tip: 12 N 2 Hz 90 450 g 6 100 Epicyclic and bevel gears Coupling linkage Linear sliding mechanism Pulley and cable transmission Gears and screw Cable transmission Epicyclic gears Cable transmission (Spectra) Differential reduction gears (wrist) Worm gear (fingers) Epicyclic and bevel gears Coupling linkage Linear transmission and gears Epicyclic and bevel gears Four-bar linkage Gear head Cable transmission Spur and epicyclic gears Feed screw and eccentric cam Epicyclic gears, Worm drive Cable transmission (steel) Crank-slider, four-bar mechanism and harmonic drive Epicyclic and worm gears Cable transmission 3 DC motors (3.1Torsion W) springs 4 DC motors (2Torsion W) springs 5 Brushed DC servomotorsTorsion (6 springs W) 6 stepper motors (0.023 W) AC SEA motors (7.5 W) (thumb/wrist) 5 DC motors (0.752 W) DC (fingers) motors (3 W) (thumb/wrist) 6 DC motors Torsion spring First AuthorLight [61] YearLaurentis [62] ActuationSebastiani [63] 2000 2002Carrozza [64] 6 2003 5 DC Shape motorsPons memory [35] alloys (14.5 RTR3: W) 1 actuator 2004Pylatiuk and [39] springs 1 Cable DC transmission motorHuang [65] 2004 2004 Cable transmissionKargov 3 [66] and DC Transmission 6 slider motors Electrohydraulic (5.3 actuators W) 2006 O’Toole [67] Worm 2007 wheel and Rigid four-bar metalRoccella linkage structure [37] Rigid structure 1 Direct Electrohydraulic 2007 drive actuator RigidZollo plastic [25] Shape structure memory Pulley 2007 alloys Pulley and (SMAs) Yes and cable / cable transmission No transmission 6Dalley DC Structure [42] motors (4.5 Yes W) Tip: / Direct 10 No drive N Yes 2007 / NoLi [68] Rigid Rigid metal metal Grip: structure structure 9.2 N 10 2009 N 400 gHioki [69] 400 g Rigid metal Yes / structure YesHuang / No [70] Yes Worm 2010 and cable 8 1360 transmission g 2011 Grip: Tip: 10 60 5Polisiero N N DC [71] 6 motors Yes / No 2012 N/A RigidLiu 1200 metal g [72] Rigid structure 400 g 20 metal 2013 structure 3 10 N/A N Stepper motors 1Liu DC [73] motor 90 (18 W) 15 Yes / No Yes 8 /Andrianesis No 2014 [74] 860 g Grip: N/A N/A 110Slade N 5 Grip: [75] DC 2015 35 N motors (1.3 90 W) N/A 2014 Direct 353 drive, 9 g CouplingTakaki SMAs linkage [76] (50 W, 4 320 140 g W DC 8 peak) motors 2015van der Riet [77] Rigid metal 6 7Williams 2015 structure DC N/A 0.8 [20] Hz motors 2015 (3.6 W) 16 Cable transmissionArjun [78] 6 DC N/A motors 2015 (1.3 W) 90 Yes /Zeng No [41] 22 DC motors (1 W) 1 2016 NFourie m [79] N/A 5 Cable TCPMs transmission, CouplingWattanasiri 2016 [80] link 3D printed 1 structure Hz Worm 2017 420 g gears 3D 2018 printed structureZhang [81] 5 DC 1 motors BLDC (3.3 Cable motor W) transmission (30 W) Yes / No 15 Yes / 2018 No 11 N 6 N/A Brushed Tip: DC 4.21 N motors (3.4 W) Cable transmission 350 Linkage g transmission 350 3D g Rigid printed metal structure structure N/A 11 15 Yes / Yes / Yes Yes 90 3D 21.2 3D N printed Grip: printed 100 structure 2.5 N structure 1600 g 1048 g Yes Yes / / Yes No 18 16 N 1.44 N 16 Normal ROM 80 290 g 513 g, 593 g N/A 11 15 N/A 85 N/A 10 TABLE III DATA OF THE ROBOT HANDS Bandwidth N/A N/A 0.5 Hz N/A N/A 0.88 Hz N/A N/A 2.1 Hz 2.9 Hz N/A N/A 3 Hz ◦ ◦ , 95 , 90 ◦ ◦ ◦ , 95 , 90 ◦ ◦ ◦ ◦ ◦ ◦ ◦ ◦ ◦ ◦ ◦ ◦ ROM (MCP, PIP, DIP) 8 45 DOF 20 90 1400 g 20 N/A 13 Hz 100 g w/o act. 380 g 11437 g N/A 11 N/A 2 Hz 2.6 Hz Mass (hand, act.) 660 g w/o act. 1.1 N (finger) 8.8 N (thumb) Tip: 31.3 N Grip: 128 N Tip: 35–44 N Grip: 146 N Force Tip: 7 N Grip: 75 N Yes / No Yes / No Tip: 7.8 N 383 g 13-15 80 Yes / Yes Tip: 10 N 665 g, 3300 g 21 MCP: 90 Yes / No Tip: 2.6 N Yes / No Yes / No Yes / No Tip: 29.1 N 420 g N/A N/A 5.2 Hz Thumb / Wrist Rigid metal structure 5 fingers Aluminium frame 5 fingers Aluminium plate structure Stainless steel joint shafts Rigid metal structure Yes / No Tip:3 20 N fingers 328 g5 fingers 14 Yes / Yes 18 N 90 3D printed structure 2 fingers and a thumb Yes / No N/A Tip: 36.5 NRigid metal structure Plastic covers, 5 fingers 362.1 g 9Monocoque (steel 3D 10 printed) Shock 45 absorbers N/ARigid metal structure 5 fingers 4 Hz Epicyclic and worm gears Four-bar linkage N/A Pulley and cable transmission Wrist gear and joint coupling Feed screw and eccentricPulley cam and cable transmission Feed drive (screw-nut-spring) Cable transmission Force conversion mechanism Reduction gears Four-bar linkage EM joint locking mechanism Cable transmission 3D printed structureCable transmission (Spectra) Four-bar linkage Yes / Yes Harmonic drive reducer Bidirectional one-way clutch Cable transmission (Dyneema) Differential pulley mechanism Rack and pinion clutch Cable transmission (Kevlar) Four-bar linkage 8 Flexible fluidic actuators Extension springs 1 DC motor (3Extension W) springs 6 Dual-mode twisting actuation with electric motors (8Extension W) springs 36 Pneumatic cylinders (hand) 4 cylinders (wrist) 4x Active dual-mode twistedact. string (8 W, 1.5 W), 2 thumb motors 5 BLDC motors (9.6Torsion W) springs SEA 3x Pneumatic dual-mode actuation mechanism 1 Single-acting piston Torsion spring First AuthorHashimoto [82] Year 1993 ActuationKawasaki [38] 16 DC motors 2001Schulz [44] 16 DC servomotors Kargov [83] 2004 Mouri [84] 2005Carrozza [85] 1 FlexibleFukui 2005 fluidic [86] actuator Transmission 2006 Gears,Kaminaga 15 pulley [87] and DC cable motors 6 DC motors (5.3Lee W) 2009 [88] 2009Takeuchi DC [89] 3 motors Fluidic Direct actuators drive 4 fingers, 4Kurita DOFs 2010 [90] each 2009 Structure 12 8 DCNagase DC motors [91] motors (8x Yes 3.5 W, Pulley / 4x and 2011 Yes 0.5 cable W) transmissionTakaki Gearbox [19] Tip: 16 8.8 2011 Actuators N Differential (remote) and Carbon rigid fiber linksThayer structure Direct 3 [92] drive Pneumatic Rigid actuators metal 2011 structureBae 1710 g [93] Torque 6 limiter Rigid DC mechanism metal Yes 2011 motors structure / (1x No 3 W, 5xKo 1.2 [27] Yes W) 19 / Servomotors No (2 Grip: W, 70 1.44 N W) 16 2012 Screw Rigid and metal guide Yes structure Tip: /Kang 1 No N [94] 16 Cable Rigid DC transmission structure motors 360 N/A Rigid g, Tip: metal 2012 1440 g 7 structure N CablesShin and [17] four-bar Yes / links No 16 2013 490 g 8 Tip: 3.3 Linear Yes N /Xu and 1500 g No [28] Rigid 2 90 metal DC Yes ABS-Kevlar 2013 / Rigid structure motors composite No structure (0.61 W) Tip: N/A 10 N 8Dalli 1323 Tip: g Lead [31] 0.86 screw N Yes / 12 No Yes / 2013 GearboxHirano No [95] 3400 N/A g 655 0.14 g N mKrausz Grip: 2014 [96] N/A 40 Yes 16 N / Yes 2016 8 LinearJeong actuators Tip: [18] (remote) 15 N 110 6 270 8 2016 740 g g Micro servomotors 15Tian [24] 6 DC Rigid motors structure (6 0.64 W) Hz 2017 90 g, 90 960 g 90 N/A Wiste Cable [26] transmission 8 Rigid 9 structure 2017 19 8 Pneumatic actuators 2017 Gears 75 85 and YesKim rigid / [21] 70 links No Gears 0.36 N and Yes m / belt No driveHuang [97] 2018 Tip: 50 N 3D printed 670 Direct structure g 2019 12 3D 900 DC g printed motors structure (1.2 W) SEA Yes / No 10 5 N Yes / 16 Normal No ROM Cable transmission Tip: 4.12 N N/A Soft 1.16 Hz silicone structure 458 g 5.84 g Rigid Yes metal / structure No N/A 15 10 7 N Yes / No N/A N/A 6 N 380 g N/A N/A 1065 g 8 N/A 19 N/A N/A N/A