P01.pdf 1 05/12/2012 11:03:56 NEWSLETTER December 2012 Tel: 021 4773174 Fax: 021 4773184 E-Mail:
[email protected] Web: www.kinsalecommunityschool.ie C M Y CM MY CY CMY K School Awards 2012 Booklet.indd 1 07/12/2012 10:53:12 From the Principal’s Desk Looking back over the activities in which we engage I am reminded of how deep the school has put down roots in our community. We are fortunate that in Kinsale there are so many people and organisations who wish to enhance the lives of our pupils. A good example is the work of Pádraig Fitzgerald and the Kinsale Peace Project. Courtesy of the Peace Project we were privileged to welcome two very strong women into our school, namely Sr. Stan and Sr. Consilio. At times of economic depression it’s good to see that there are people who care for others and seek no personal reward. It’s also important for our students to note that despite the complexity of modern life individuals can make a difference. Sr. Stan got stuck into issues such as homelessness, social innovation and the rights of immigrants and thus quickly became a household name. Sr. Consilio has seen at first hand the ravages caused by drug addiction and alcohol abuse. To have two women of such talent and determination address our students is a unique privilege and one that is deeply appreciated. A regular visitor to our school for many years was GAA coach Joe McGrath who absolutely idolised the children that he taught.