South & El-Nabatieh Governorates Profile
Lebanon October 2018 South & El-Nabatieh Governorates Prole POPULATION OVERVIEW 1,029,562 GENERAL OVERVIEW Southern Lebanon consists of People living in South and El Nabatieh two governorates, South and El Governorate Nabatieh; the area spans over Akkar 3,000 square km, with 264 748,210 municipalities and 12 unions of Lebanese municipalities. As of October North 72% 2018, the area hosts nearly 115,000 registered Syrian Baalbek/El-Hermel 345,485 refugees (71,500 in the South Mount Deprived Governorate and 43,500 in El Beirut Lebanon Lebanese Nabatieh Governorate), the Refugees majority of whom live in Saida, Bekaa 27% Tyre and El Nabatieh Districts. Ain El Hilweh Southern Lebanon also hosts Saida PP Jezzine Mieh w Mieh Governorate boundaries more than 345,000 deprived South Capital 1 Lebanese . The South El NabatiehHasbaya Major Towns El Buss El Nabatieh Marjaayoun Saida Jezzine Sour Hasbaya Bent Jbeil Governorate hosts the highest Tyre P P P Chebaa Palestinian Camps concentration of Palestine P Marjaayoun Official border crossing status refugees in Lebanon, with ve Bent Jbeil Open 34% of the 12 ocial Palestine 27% Burj El Chemali Closed Lebanese refugee camps (PRCs) and 24 of Rachidieh the 42 gatherings located there; Unofficial over 160,000 registered crossing Disclaimer: This map has been produced by OCHA based on maps and material Palestine refugees, including provided by Lebanon Inter-Agency and the government of Lebanon for operational Registered Syrian purposes. It does not constitute an ocial United Nations map. The designations 37% 150,000 Palestine Refugees employed and the presentation of material on the map do not imply the expression of Refugees any opinion whatsoever on the part of the Secretariat of the United Nations from Lebanon and over 10,000 concerning the legal status of any country, territory, city or area or of its authorities, or Palestine Refugees from Syria, concerning the delimitation of its frontiers or boundaries.
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