US Reporter, Cameraman Killed in On-Air Shooting
SUBSCRIPTION THURSDAY, AUGUST 27, 2015 THULQADA 12, 1436 AH US reporter, cameraman Min 30º Max 46º killed in on-air shooting High Tide 09:05 & 22:50 Gunman kills self after posting attack video online Low Tide 02:25 & 16:05 40 PAGES NO: 16622 150 FILS MONETA, Virginia: A TV reporter and cameraman were shot to death during a live television interview yester- Saudi suspect in day by a gunman who recorded himself carrying out the killings and posted the video on social media after Khobar Towers fleeing the scene. Authorities identified the suspect as a journalist who had been fired from the station earlier attack arrested this year. Hours later and hundreds of miles away, he ran off the road and a trooper found him with a self-inflict- WASHINGTON: A man suspected in the 1996 ed gunshot wound. He died at a hospital later yester- bombing of the Khobar Towers residence at a US day. military base in Saudi Arabia has been captured, a The shots rang out on-air as reporter Alison Parker US official said yesterday. Ahmed Al-Mughassil, and cameraman Adam Ward were presenting a local described by the FBI in 2001 as the head of the mili- tourism story at an outdoor shopping mall. Viewers saw tary wing of Saudi Hezbollah, is suspected of lead- her scream and run, and she could be heard saying “Oh ing the attack that killed 19 US service personnel my God,” as she fell. Ward fell, too, and the camera he and wounded almost 500 people.
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