Eazy-E - Victim Deceased!; Act of Terrorism Domestic Terrorism - Death Threats Q" Office of Origin: Los Angeles

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Eazy-E - Victim Deceased!; � �� Act of Terrorism Domestic Terrorism - Death Threats Q FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION FREEDOM OFINFORMATION/PRIVACY ACTSSECTION c0vER sHEET SUBJECT: EAZY E; AKA, ERIC WRIGHT ~ <|w|-&#39;|&#39;|-y-&#39;- - . > r I K _ I. > V AW _ if __ V, , _, _ . :.:,&#39;.;L73:&#39;.2 j;!;é:.;2k;»5%_v-Ki .;_.-;_-&#39;,3_.:&#39;.,,,. "_v_;.,_;,L»,_~»..;..3;~.;_-,¢t"_";&#39;{v, K ~.*.7 - , J."-;- 1.27» - -&#39; 1151~» =-&#39;--~"v"/*4» <. -., » -.~@ .. 92,e. ,1r&#39;»_> -~ I-.-,»¢ &#39;-~ &#39;.p.,,~I1-~f&#39;- --»-.~-1»-&#39;~. .»_. &#39;-¢¢3,- -- v_~.-~&#39;-!~"~4" ~&#39;-in V W4-. * .-.~-: ; .=.- 1-»-p A -~= 1w, . » =~:-- _.=. » > 4&#39;> .7.»- rm 7- wr--.~ 92-.>&#39;»4q- »&#39;-~?.*.-&#39;-1-. __..<..-.~..92<~< 1 *&#39; .~:- __.- W a~. ,- &#39; u=1 &#39;.~-1.1;. _ .1-~ ».r -r. 4 Complaintit it Form &#39; FD-71 Rev.2-12-86&#39;! C . .4 I NOTE: Handprint nameslegibly; handwritingsatisfactory remainder.for . ¥ :7&#39;1 Indices: E] Ne§ative [:1 See below Subjecta nameand aliases Character ofcase UNSUB; COPYRIGHT COPYRIGHT MATTERS . INFRINGEMENT MATTERS ~ Complainant U Protect g Complaint receivedg » _ V EiPcraonal $1 Tcicphonic me 6/s/95 rims 12:40PM Address ofsubject Race Sex Height Hair Male Weight Eyes Complexion Social Security Number E Age » - WT-,» Jpig D Female Scars, marksor other data -,, -.y,;.,r.1 Y" ,*5 ;!¢;~¬> E92_~_4r . 92 . Facts ofcomplaint C advised;heis epresenting aclient whohas a case involving Copyright in ringemen and would like to speak to an FBI __ Agent regarding the matter. A i n / l° A I __ 59? D X l QQA ~u1*92»~/g1 ,m92- K 92 I/5 Complaint receivedby! . W S1,"-"=;?,,.».&#39;..~: »-~.,~_,.,,&#39;-¢ 5:9. 3-,7,",&#39;;>,=,"?,5&#39;.*,,5,Q ii V&,»,-t,?,¢@Y=i,~~,,§~- "g .7&#39;I,=_92~,,"&#39;~,,,&#39;T-;;¥»=,..,.,¢,="-,3;--=&#39; &#39;* " *&#39; ,-,,.,,, &#39;~,,~,,_,,,5-- ,_ "»=-3,-he ,~,;,,,,§ - v . &#39; t ~ x * &#39; t WH|TER&#39;5 DIRECTDIAL NUMBER _ July 5, 1995 &#39;*7f.."T&#39; . e er ureau ofInvestigation 11000 WilshireBoulevard, Suite 1700 g Los Angeles,California 90024 vi: Re: Estate of Eric Wright/ExtraordinaryProbate a D63-1- A < T Encloseda copy is of thefax receivedby Ruthless Records froma Canadian radio stationconsisting the of &#39;ons weekly playlist. As we discussed,this play listbegan l¢Qt arrivingthe around surfaced.addition, In are enclosedanswering the W, tapes from thevoice messagemachinein service at thetime the messagechanged was re-direct to V Ruthless callersto theCanadian phonenumber previouslyprovided to you. I havemarked with post-itthe tapethat containsthe recording oftones apparently pressed in an effort to change thevoice announcementon the message machine. Please keepus apprised of theprogress your of investigationas we have advisedcourt the thatupon direction to do so,the SpecialAdministrator, ChemicalTrust CompanyCalifornia, of will report on the progressits ofinvestigation provided thatit does so privatelywith thejudge withoutthe presence of anyof theparties involved. r , 91 L. i zm &#39;14- /r7¢<~*A0..,. _ l . .._..»».~¢=..~,-.--~,__.. r-92,,92;&#39;:.:,..-_,. 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Z5 11.8 555&#39;!/ZZ/99 11 339Vd l 501 BOOLOLL 9L8 1WOH:l QSBL LO360 Z2/90 ~"-~<=--» =<m»-,.-~--="&#39; &#39;<~,-==r._-- K.-~.-¢.,. ~ -1~~z-§-.,=g-13!";-»_."~:-..> V _ ___;__. f_:_~:-..9292 W ..-.._»i. _,____, __ .-_~_»-V f V . 1 , J _ V_ P 1%&#39; 1 !¢NEmomn&m1&#39; / {%%92 . ,§I 1 175? I; 92_92mi,;,-;.. r W = I sAc, LOS ANGELES8ALANEW! Dm=y 7/5/95 k__ . I k . ,_ , _ .. ._ > ». , .,_..92., &#39;1», ° SA Muu UN5UB!; &#39; if I ITSP; COPYRIGHT INFRINGEMENT OF ERICSOUND WRIGHT,RECORDINGS;aka EAZY E victimideceased! "i , RUTHLESS RECORDS Victim!; -~->~~-?~7~>~-I>»;»~@~~~- M Woodland Hills, California OO: LOS ANGELES the >ba¬ E" and%l;1gi,s_record, company evard, Suit Oofiwoodland 1 C§l1f ,__ ephone 818! 7 f_fOQ,6&#39;_Q2~I While hospitalized at C AR SINAI MEDICAL CENTER,where ERIC was in the advanced stages of AIDS and cl got married and changed his 1~ claims that she and her i made the executors being e pr e is claimingtha in 11 H estate. tion, there are known offspring of ERIC&#39;s,from several different relationships, all of whom will be claiming an interest in the estate. the estate,Durin investigation that there wereinto who several has what claims masterto recordings of unpublished songscontained in suitcases in the»: trunk of ERIC&#39;s- leasedMercedes. These master recordings are» believed tobe worthseveral millionsof dollars each. When&#39;»: attempted todetermine thelocation of the recordingssince they are considered part of the estate and underthe protection of the Court,and thathe learnedan individual that theknown suitcases onlyas were as" missin from the carat» currently residing in Canadaand wasallegedly in possession of", the suitcases and recordings. ii;/Lg?Ange les 92 5 > A _ , A 1 45- Fa»-.-..:4>8 . ...., ..:> w_-=_:&#39;"&#39;1&#39;_r;&#39;5*:, .. ~ -" , .. , . ._.- < _ ~- , . _ . ._,,, U..<4-_..~, A, ,_ .1 t ,J_,1 _._,_:k_. » _ y _ H < ._m,_!- ~ -.92.*_,_;-. __.__Lr,"S92. ~._*¢§..u92,m-< 95; ,.§-:.g_-Q-*3,.!,92mQ,A,,;:H7;&#39;,_k92}_A:45_:,: -./.:§:4_~_;-.a ,.,,,,,_4_,_,|,,,;,,m_,,,,,;,,,,¢,,.w._,:; ,2 ~92-,=*.~:&#39; M-&#39;A ,,,,¢_; -.~..~ - , ih,, m , =, . / . ,, ,,,,,;,~Q;g.|-uh,,,,,;,;,__,g¢-g.._ ._ . , ,§*g,;5im|, :_ _ v--Z1 ;.3 _ 92 _ »_&#39; " 92 2$A=LA-NEW ,,_@ -> * 4%; 2 PLS/pls V, p .:%@§L l . .,-u1»...;..;...92 .. > ..-N .. .. 92A, .. ~_,.,. 5» _, ...,t_..A I ,_-.__,..l,...,.. .,.. I; Someone had changedthe voice message onthe answering machine at RUTHLESS RECORDSin Woodland Hills, and requested callers to call a number in or*inf , LE When- called the number I __ answered the phone.and a : % setting_up, 1 gs i 1. &#39;1 I! 1 i :7 E. a I chang i questionedhad told to et bothwanciandu the com any, both giving him any recordings. then contacted the FBIto determineif the FBI . wouldcould be identifiedconsiderinvestigating and interviewedmatter tothe see determineifto he in fact as if?the recordings and how hecame topossess them. He considers the recordings, if they are in the possession of to be stolen. Accordingtopthe recordingsare consideredpart . i_,- of the estate and shoul only be in the possession of CHEMICAL I TRUSTNeithezanorwhave uni jud de ermines a legal to whom theyright rightfullytopossess belong. the 5 recordings muchless distribute them until the Court has madea determinationas to ownership. -"{ On June14, 1995,the writer contacted AUSAJEFFh Qd discussedEGLASH, Unites informationtheStates Attorney&#39;s containedOffice,herein. Los Angeles EGLASHstated that and. ,1@§% he was interested in pursuing this matter as a preliminary investigation, to determine if there are possible ITSPviolations since the recordings were taken across state and international lines. In addition, he would consider copyright violations depending onthe dollar loss as a secondary violation. ? ,» "»&#39;:~§é 92 2 _ z _!.V "5 _. V.-. r Y I 1 I _ ,3 .,u~_ Y f -I .1 --~.-Y--..v..._. wwv». ~ &#39; . -""9292. ,,.,_ ..,.-V. .~_~;. A - _ V- . I ~ ___, _~_jv~_-:_::..92-_. z ¢_,_;. &#39;3I ~,q-1-; ;>,_4#~&#39; --~,,:.-;h_3l_f<; v I >>&#39;92 1"-_.~.~,.,;§v-f-;;-_,};_;_ _ ,.,..;,v,L.»____, , . _.- &#39; -. &#39;,Lv-i>i;<- -4. ._: E.-&#39;. .1-A,-3 -.-1| I I ~, &#39;i-~: » i i I ii i E _ l:H 1 9 r 28£LA-NEW PLS/pls reiuest<1 The writerOttawaLegat advisedcontact AUSAto EGLASH tthat the FBI would A " interviewbtoand re uest theirdetermine assistanceif he 1nhas attempting themaster to locate recordings and and how hecame into possession of th recor &#39; In addition, the writer will attem t to intervi the person currently to presentdeterminethe theirfacts knowledge to AUSA ofEGLASH the matter.
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