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EDITORS Y. Cassis, Department of , University of Geneva, 1211 GENEVA, SWITZERLAND P. L. Cottrell, Department of Economic & , University of Leicester, LEICESTER LEI JRH, UK

REVIEW EDITOR D. Ziegler, University of Bielefeld


BIBLIOGRAPHER S. Noiret, Hie Library, European University Institute, Florence

EDITORIAL ADVISORY PANEL B. Anan'ich, Institute of History of Russia, M. Pohl, , , and Chief St Petersburg Executive, European Association for Banking R. Cameron, Emory University History B. Eichengreen, University of California, F. P. Pongolini, Banca Commcrciale Italiana, Milan Berkeley L. S. Pressnell, Emeritus, University of Kent at E. Green, Midland Bank, London Canterbury C.-L. Holtfrerich, Free University, Berlin A. Teichova, Emeritus, University of East Anglia, M. Levy-Leboyer, Emeritus, University of Paris and Girton College, Cambridge (Namerre) G. Tortella, University of Alcala, Madrid C. Logie, National Bank of Belgium, Brussels H. van der Wee, Emeritus, University ofLeuven, S. Nishimura, Hosei University, Tokyo and Chairman of the Academic Advisory Council, U. Olsson, University of Gothenburg European Association for Banking History

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©European Association for Banking History 1996

Downloaded from 27 Sep 2021 at 21:51:43, subject to the Cambridge Core terms of use. Volume 3, Part i, April 1996 FINANCIAL HISTORY REVIEW

Abstracts 1

Articles S. Chapman The Fielden fortune. The finances of Lancashire's most successful ante-bellum manufacturing family 7 Marco Da Rin Understanding the development of the German Kreditbanken, 1850-1914: an approach from the economics of information 29 Michael D. Bordo, Hugh Rockoffand Angela Redish A comparison of the stability and efficiency of the Canadian and American banking systems, 1870-1925 49 W. R. Garside andj. I. Greaves The Bank of England and industrial intervention in interwar Britain 69

Archive surveys Edwin Green and Sara Kinsey The archives of the HSBC Group 87

Book reviews Edwin S. Hunt, The Medieval Super-companies. A Study of the Peruzzi Company of Florence (reviewer: Guiseppe Felloni) 101 Lynne Pierson Doti and Larry Schweikart, California Bankers, 1848-1993 (reviewer: Hugh RockofF) 103 Dolores L. Augustine, Patricians and Parvenus: Wealth and High Society in Wilhelmine Germany (reviewer: W. D. Rubinstein) 104 Alice Teichova, Terry Gourvish and Agnes Pogany (eds), Universal Banking in the Twentieth Century. Finance. Industry and the State in North and Central (reviewer: Mark Spoerer) 105 Gerald D. Feldman, The Great Disorder. Politics, Economics, and Society in the German Inflation, 1914—1924 (reviewer: Albrecht Ritschl) 107 Michael D. Bordo and Barry J. Eichengreen (eds), A Retrospective on the Bretton Woods System: Lessons for International Monetary Reform (reviewer: Sylvia M. Schwaag) 108

Noticeboard no

Downloaded from 27 Sep 2021 at 21:51:43, subject to the Cambridge Core terms of use. EUROPEAN ASSOCIATION FOR BANKING HISTORY E.V. Zimmerweg 6, D-60325 Frankfurt-am-Main, Germany Tel: (69) 972 03 307; Fax: (69) 972 03 308 Tlie Association's main goals are to promote the preservation of historically significant banking archives, to foster research into banking history, and to aid discussion between academics and bankers.

Board of Management Sir Evelyn de Rothschild, N. M. Rothschild & Sons Ltd (Chairman) Professor Dr Manfred Pohl, Deutsche Bank AG (Deputy Chairman, Executive Member) Pedro Martinez Mendez (Treasurer) Hilmar Kopper, Deutsche Bank AG (Chairman, Board of Patrons) Professor Emeritus Dr Herman van derWee, e.m., University of Leuven (Chairman, Academic Advisory Council) Philippe Lagayette, Caisse des Depots et Consignations Dr Lionello Adler, Banca Commerciale Italiana Dr Amjlio Rui Viliar, Caixa Geral de Depositos Academic Advisory Council Professor Emeritus Dr Herman van der Wee, e.m, University of Leuven (Chairman) Maria Teresa Tortella, Banco de Espafia (Co-Vice Chair) Professor Dr Philip L. Cottrell, University of Leicester (Co-Vice Chair) Professor Dr Youssef Cassis, University of Geneva Professor Dr Martin Fase, Bank of the Netherlands Professor Dr Gerald D. Feldman, University of California, Berkeley Edwin Green, Midland Bank Professor Dr Carl-Ludwig Holtfereich, Free University, Berlin Christiane Logie, National Bank of Belgium Professor Dr Ulf Olsson, Gothenburg University Dr Francesca Pino Pongolini, Banca Commerciale Italiana Professor Dr Alain Plessis, University of Paris - X Professor Dr Manfred Pohl (Deputy Chairman of the Board of Management and Executive Member) Professor Dr Jaime Reis, European University Institute, Florence Jean-Marie Thiveaud, Caisse des Depots et Consignations Professor Dr Gianni Toniolo, University of Venice Professor Dr Gabriel Tortella Casares, University of Alcala Current Publications Proceedings of the European Colloquia on Bank Archives (published by the ): I The Situation of Bank Archives in West European Countries II The Organisation of a Bank Archive III Priorities in Bank Archives IV The Tasks and Uses of an Archive in a Bank (Part One) V The Tasks and Uses of an Archive in a Bank (Part Two)

Proceedings of the Academic Colloquia: Y. Cassis, G. D. Feldman and U. Olsson (eds), Tlte Evolution of Financial Institutions and Markets in Twentieth-Century Europe (Aldershot, England/Brookfield, Vt: Scolar Press/Ashgate Publishing Company, 1995). M. M. G. Fase, G. D. Feldman and M. Pohl (eds), How to Write the History of a Bank (Aldershot, England/ Brookfield, Vt: Scolar Press/Ashgate Publishing Company, 199s).

Perspectives: a Magazine of Banking History (published by the EABH), current issue 2/95: 'Eastern Europe: develop- ment of banking, economic change, new beginning'. This magazine aims to present topics in banking history in a vivid and accessible manner for a general readership.

M. Pohl and S. Freitag (eds), Handbook on the History of European Banks (Aldershot, England/Brookfield, Vt: Edward Elgar/Edward Elgar Publishing Company, 1994).

Financial History Review (published by Cambridge University Press on behalf of the EABH).

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