Life has changed…

Premier Annual Review 2017-18

Premier Annual Review 2017-18 2017-18 Review Annual Premier Life has changed… has Life Premier Annual Review 2017-18

Life has changed… In the past 12 months Contents

1.2 million listeners 6 million views Life has changed… A ComRes survey of over 8,000 There were 6 million views of Introduction 4 adults in 2018 revealed 1.2 million Premier videos on YouTube listeners to Premier Christian Radio for the UK and the Church 6 every week 765,000 listeners for Julie forever 8 A ComRes survey of over 3 million views we read scripture less 10 8,000 adults in 2018 revealed The Big Conversation video debate 765,000 listeners every week for Ken and Lucy 12 series from Unbelievable? which to Premier Gospel launched in 2018 has had over 3 in this digital age 14 million views on YouTube 750 leaders for our digital users 16 10,000 minutes Over 750 church leaders, charity workers and politicians were in our 24-hour news culture 18 Over 10,000 minutes of Bible interviewed live on our News Hour readings broadcasted on Premier radio programme Premier is reaching more people 20 Praise, with a scripture portion every hour around the clock for the lonely and isolated 22 3,000 stories financial review 24 8.2 million visits More than 3,000 stories with a Christian perspective were your support impacts lives 26 There were over 8,250,000 visits to posted on our news website Premier websites

600,000 magazines 950,000 listeners 600,000 copies of Premier A ComRes survey of over 8,000 Christianity magazine, Voice adults in 2018 revealed nearly of Hope and Premier Youth and one million (950,000) listeners to Children’s Work were published Premier Praise every week – only two years after its launch

2 3 Premier Annual Review 2017-18

beyond words for the thousands that pray and give to keep this ministry going and growing during such changing and challenging days.

One individual whose life has changed is Julie, who Life has bought a car, started a long journey, turned on the radio and was annoyed to realise it was tuned into a Christian radio station. Not a Christian and not remotely interested in listening to worship songs on Premier Praise, Julie’s journey took an amazing turn, changed... which you can read about on page 8. As you read of the ways our radio stations, remier exists to enable people to put their faith at the heart magazines, events, digital platforms and telephone Pof daily life and to bring Christ to their communities. Much helplines have touched millions of lives, you will learn has changed in the last year, so achieving that mission statement of the new opportunities that Premier is using to has not been easy. However, with God’s help, more lives have been share the good news of Jesus. The methods to share touched with the gospel message than ever before: the following the gospel may change but the message does not, pages unpack the ways in which that has happened. as: “Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and for ever” (Hebrews 13:8).

New technology, uncertainties the results of a survey* which I hope you will feel able to stand with us as we enter over Brexit and a squeeze on revealed that the audiences to all our 24th year of communicating the unchanging truth services that support the more three of our radio stations have of the gospel of Jesus to a culture and people going vulnerable members of our grown; Premier Christian Radio through massive change. society caused life to change now has over a million listeners for most of us during 2018. Like each week. other Christian charities and Hearing from people whose organisations, Premier had to lives have changed for good navigate through changes in the because of the ways God uses law regarding data (GDPR) and Premier never ceases to amaze Peter Kerridge, CEO tougher trading conditions. At the and encourage me. I am grateful same time we have celebrated

*Statistical source: ComRes survey of over 8,000 adults, January 2018, Premier Christian Radio has 4 1.2m listeners each week. 5 Premier Annual Review 2017-18

Life has changed…

On a typical week, more people listen to for the Premier Christian Radio than attend a Church of service, in all of the UK and Church of England churches put together. the church

s the UK approaches all of the uncertainties Amid the sad and bad news, Premier has had some Aof leaving the EU, whether we live in England, real encouragement. A 2018 ComRes survey of a Scotland, Wales or Northern Ireland, British people cross section of 8,000 people in the UK revealed are generally more uncertain and apprehensive that the numbers listening to a Premier radio station about what the future holds than probably at any have grown. In fact, more people listen to Premier other time since the end of World War II. Christian Radio or Premier Praise on a typical week than attend a Church of England church service. (Less Leaders in business and politics As Christians we believe that faith Listener figures than 1 million people attend the Church of England for a service during a typical week*. However, during are divided over the best way in Christ changes everything, in a typical week the UK can bring economic bringing hope to the bleakest a typical week 1.2 million people listen to Premier renewal and heal the fault situation. However the numbers Christian Radio, 950,000 listen to Premier Praise lines in our urban and rural of people attending a church (which was only launched in 2016) and 765,000 listen communities. While some crime in the UK continue to decline. to Premier Gospel.) At a time of uncertainty for our has fallen, others (including knife Even those Christians who do country, and amid ongoing church decline, growing crime, cyber fraud and child attend church services do so less 1.2 million numbers of Christians and people on the fringes of pornography) have escalated regularly than before. Despite faith are listening to a Premier radio station. alarmingly. Rising demands some encouraging hot spots of Premier seeks to serve and compliment the Church have stretched the NHS close to growth in London and elsewhere, in many and various ways. One example is Premier breaking point in A&E and mental and despite the hard work and Youth and Childrenswork magazine, which offers a health departments, while social commitment of church leaders, monthly diet of ideas, resources and guidance for care of the oldest and frailest has year on year fewer people are 950,000 those passionate about raising the next generation been pared back to the bone. committed to a local church. In in the Christian faith. A range of meeting plans and Prison officers, school teachers the UK, the numbers who die or curriculum to use with toddlers to teens is free to and police officers, to name just leave church continue to outstrip download from three professions, are in turmoil biological or conversion growth. over tight budgets and rising workloads. New threats from 765,000 Get resources for your church and find out Russia simply add to the rise in how you can help Premier support more terrorist attacks that our security church based ministries. services are struggling Contact: Claire Southall, to neutralise. Key Relationships & Sales Manager Call: 0207 316 1390 Email: [email protected]

6 *Statistical sources: Church of England Statistics for Mission 2016, ComRes survey of Premier 2018 7 Premier Annual Review 2017-18

Life has changed… I realised that Jesus wasn’t going to let me go. for Julie forever

hen Julie bought a car, she turned on the radio and was annoyed to Wrealise it was tuned into Premier Praise. Not a Christian, and not remotely interested in listening to worship songs, this was the start of an amazing journey for Julie.

For many years I was an organist I remembered that I had been radio and it took my breath and choir director in a church, given a Bible back in 1979 – a away. I pulled over into the layby but I had no faith at all. Then 20 ‘Good News Special Edition’. I’d and wept. I realised that Jesus years ago I walked away from the never read it but I remembered wasn’t going to let me go. By the church, determined never that it had some nice photos and beginning of June 2018 I opened to return. maps in it. I searched the house the door to Christ and I knew high and low but couldn’t find it. things would never be the In April this year I changed my car Then I realised: four years ago same again. and, as I set off to work on my when my daughter was a student, So many remarkable things have first long journey in it, I turned on she’d asked if I had any old books the radio. It seemed to be stuck happened this year: I have joined she could sell to raise some on a station called Premier Praise. a church, been baptised and funds. I gave her a box of books; As I left the driveway, I said to my am genuinely part of a family. I the Bible was in that box so was husband Pete: “This radio’s stuck am truly blessed that Pete made gone forever. on some sort of Christian music the decision to join me on this station. I can’t think of anything I decided that I wanted another journey. Also, after 40 years of worse.” Trying to change the Good News Special Edition. Pete suffering from clinical depression, station didn’t work; I just couldn’t did some research and told me I have experienced true healing. In get rid of it. I ended up listening that it had been discontinued the past, even when I felt relatively to the music, prayers and Bible many years ago; there were a happy, I was never far from the readings all the way from home few secondhand copies for sale edge; every day I was fearful that to Lincolnshire and then later on in the United States and just I might break down. Now, for the to Birmingham. one copy from a book dealer first time, I am able to live my life in Lowestoft, which I bought. without the cloud of depression Even though, over the following When it arrived I recognised it over my head and no longer have weeks, I reluctantly admitted that immediately as the exact same that awful sense of fear in my life. some of the songs weren’t too Bible I’d given away four years bad I was certainly not going to And the car radio is earlier. It had come home! be drawn into any sort of ‘religious permanently tuned to Premier! stuff’. I told myself I didn’t need it Some weeks later I was driving, and definitely didn’t want it. Even listening to Premier as usual, but I though I resisted, I began to find was feeling scared of commitment myself wondering what it would be and determined to resist Christ like to be a Christian. when the hymn ‘Oh love that Photo right: Julie visited our radio will not let me go’ came on the studios in the autumn of 2018. Here she is with her Bible that had ‘come home’!

8 9 Premier Annual Review 2017-18

Life has changed…

Increased amounts of scripture we read read out on air and a Premier New Living Translation Anglicised scripture Bible published in 2018. less

here can you read about the birth of Jesus? The ‘Be Still & Know’ devotionals which Premier “For the word of God A generation ago almost every child and broadcasts, publishes quarterly in Voice of Hope W is alive and powerful. adult in Britain would have known. But three in ten magazine, and distributes to tens of thousands in It is sharper than the secondary school children don’t know the Nativity is e-sends is another Bible-based resource which we sharpest two-edged a Bible story. What’s more 43% of children have yet to continue to resource to encourage scripture reading hear, see or read about the Crucifixion. There has been and a growing relationship with Jesus Christ. sword, cutting between soul and spirit, between a decline in Bible reading in school and the home*. A new regular series on ‘decoding scripture’ by joint and marrow. It British Bible translator Dr David Instone Brewer A UK society-wide decline in Because we believe that the Bible began in Premier Christianity magazine during exposes our innermost biblical literacy is also present is so important, and reading or 2018. These articles aim to help readers better thoughts and desires.” among Christians. A 2017 listening to the word of God can understand what scripture says about vital issues Hebrews 4:12 ComRes survey revealed that transform lives and our wider like; ‘Why God allows good people to suffer?’ even among ‘practising’ Christians society, the amount of scripture (those who say they read the read out on Premier stations Also in September 2018 our first Premier-branded Bible and pray at least weekly and has increased significantly over 5,000 Bible was published. In a partnership with Tyndale attend a church service at least the past two years. On Premier and SPCK, Premier’s Anglicised edition of the minutes of scripture monthly), almost half (44%) only Christian Radio and on Premier New Living Translation (NLT) features 32 pages of readings broadcast read the Bible once a week. Gospel we broadcasted over additional Bible-based helps to explain why the Bible 5,000 minutes of scripture is the inspired word of God, how to develop a healthy Because life has changed and readings in the past 12 months. Bible reading habit, why the source manuscripts the vast majority of people read While on Premier Praise, which Bible translators use are reliable, and how to read the scripture less, Premier has put celebrated its second birthday whole Bible in a year. more time and resources into in 2018, we broadcasted over broadcasting and printing the 10,000 minutes of Bible readings, 10,000 Bible. The apostle Paul writes; Get resources for your church and find out with a scripture portion every hour minutes of Bible ‘All Scripture is inspired by God how you can help Premier support more 24/7. This does not include the readings broadcast and is useful to teach us what is church based ministries. scriptures that are read out during true and to make us realize what Premier Christian Radio’s Bible Contact: Sylvia Walters, is wrong in our lives. It corrects us teaching programmes. Regional Director when we are wrong and teaches Call: 0207 316 1390 us to do what is right.’ (2 Timothy Email: [email protected] 3:16 NLT)

*79% of people aged 55 or over say they read, listened to or watched Bible stories in school when they were children. This percentage is halved (39%) 10 among 18-24-year-olds. Statistical sources: YouGov / Bible Society 2014, ComRes / Talking Jesus, Mapping Practising Christians 2017 11 Premier Annual Review 2017-18

Life has changed…

There have been times when I’ve for Ken and Lucy been driving and I know it’s an area

ife has changed for two Premier listeners; Lucy and Ken. Lucy had a tough with no signal and yet Premier Lyear coming to terms with losing a baby. Meanwhile, Ken who listens to Christian Radio has miraculously Premier as he drives in Northern Ireland, has come to appreciate the news and teaching programmes. As they each explain below, Premier Christian Radio remained audible. played a helpful part in the process.

’ve been a Christian for most of my life, but ’m a new listener to Premier Iover the past year Premier Christian Radio IChristian Radio since I got has become a consistent part of my life. I believe a new vehicle, which includes that God has used Premier to reach out to my a digital radio. It’s been a real husband and me in the most challenging times. pleasure listening to the news with a Christian dimension to In February last year my husband and I lost our baby through it in the morning and at other miscarriage. This was a shock, and the pain was excruciating. For times of the day. I also enjoy a while I was really angry and disappointed with God. This loss the teaching programme Grace impacted us both, but in different ways. My husband struggled to You with John MacArthur. with anxiety, and disconnected from the world. I felt very low and hopeless at times. This inevitably impacted our relationship. With so much opposition to all things Through these times God reached out to me when I couldn’t reach Christian, it’s important that Christians are out to him. God has used Premier Christian Radio to speak to me. encouraged in every way possible. And God has spoken hope, trust, faith and restoration of relationships where there is an opportunity to have a with him at the centre. This has been such an integral part of national station such as Premier bringing maintaining my relationship with Jesus and not letting go. a Christian message of hope it needs to There have been times when I’ve been driving and I know it’s be supported. Clearly the opportunity is an area with no signal and yet Premier Christian Radio has there for those who want to encourage miraculously remained audible. It’s in these times when I feel so such a work, to give – even in a small way; connected with God and I’ve heard some of the most important which can make a big difference if many messages. It’s really amazing to have Christian radio available to contribute. help us and others reconnect with God. It’s something God can use Ken, Northern Ireland to reach out to people, especially when we feel like we are weak and not able to reach out to him.


12 Names have been changed. Photos posed by models. 13 Premier Annual Review 2017-18

Life has changed…

64% of British adults describe a in this constant internet connection as digital age an essential part of their life.

he smartphone has, in recent years, become the Following the Premier Lecture: Rebuilding Premier is committed to communicate Tmost used digital device. Catch a train, sit in a café, Community after Grenfell, which was across digital platforms in innovative walk down a street and you will see people of all ages delivered by Bishop Graham Tomlin in ways while offering resources and help to emailing, texting, posting on social media, surfing the June 2018 (one year after the terrible churches, youth and children’s workers and web or talking to a friend. Grenfell Tower fire), Premier not only individuals to mitigate against the digital broadcast the lecture, but also made it and downside. With over three quarters of all other community resources available to 55 to 75-year-olds using a smartphone in A fifth of British adults now spend over 40 hours a download. 2018 (up from 40 per cent in 2013), we week online, and smartphones are checked every recognise that life has changed: Britain In the past 12 months Premier has sent 12 minutes according to Ofcom. A decade of is well and truly living in a digital age. over 100,000 prayers and Bible verses by technological revolution has transformed the way Premier plans to continue to innovate using text message. most Britons shop, read, work, listen to music and digital devices for good through apps, interact with family, friends and work colleagues. Is The Big Conversation video debate series texts, podcasts, websites and any other this change more of a threat or an opportunity for our created out of Premier Christian Radio’s opportunities that appear. society and the Christian faith? Unbelievable? show has had over 3 million Premier has been at the forefront of helping views on YouTube since May 2018. 100,000 churches, charities and Christian individuals to learn That said, Premier recognises that digital prayers and Bible about and use the opportunities to build and share and mobile technology can damage and verses by text message Christian faith in this digital age. The annual Premier harm. All commentators seem to agree that Digital Conference and Awards have, since 2007, cyber bullying is increasing 3,000,000 offered inspiration, advice and practical support to and has a negative impact on most children YouTube views for the Christian community. and young people. The Big Conversation Premier was an early adopter of mobile technology; video debate series the Premier app has been making it possible for smartphone users to listen to Premier radio stations on the move since 2011. And since 1999 Premier’s suite of websites has provided a range of resources Get resources for your church and find out to listen to, read, watch and download. Here are how you can help Premier support more church based ministries. some of our digital highlights from the past year... Contact: Claire Southall, Key Relationships & Sales Manager Call: 0207 316 1390 Email: [email protected]

Statistical sources: Ofcom Communications Market Report 2018, Deloitte 14 Mobile Consumer Survey 2018, Ditch The Label Bullying Survey 2016. 15 Premier Annual Review 2017-18

Life has changed… for our digital users

A selection of comments from the 500+ that attended A selection of comments from the 8,500-plus who received ten days of Bible the 2017 Premier Digital Awards and Conference… verses sent by text messaging direct to their mobiles...

Thought provoking, affirming, An excellent day for church My husband, who has not been Each day as I paused to read the challenging, like being in another leaders and online creators to saved long, has found these a huge scripture, my heart slowed and I world for a a good way. come and find out how digital, help in his walk with the Lord. was focused on God in that with a heavy emphasis on social moment. The rest of my day has Inspiring, equipping, media, could enhance the impact The Bible verses were often been easier as I’ve been topped up relevant and essential for churches of what they do. very appropriate for what was with the grace of God. and organisations that are happening in my day. I forwarded developing digital communities I listed 15 fairly easy-to-achieve some to bless others. Premier is so I forwarded one to a friend in and online outreach. action points, which is a record for well named. This strengthened my dire straits. It spoke right into her any day conference I’ve been to! faith ever closer to our Saviour. circumstances. A window into the future, whether we like it or not! I found the scriptures uplifting; just what I needed. Hope you do this again.

16 17 Premier Annual Review 2017-18

Life has changed…

in our 24-hour On a typical day Premier journalists release a host of new news culture stories across our media formats.

ot so long ago if you wanted to know the news you had to wait for Premier releases a host of news stories Nthe daily newspaper to land through your letter box, or for the on a typical day from across the UK and next news bulletin on TV or radio. Now, thanks to digital technology, the world. Our journalists sift through our mobile phones ping as notification arrives of a breaking news mountains of reports to create the stories story, while TV and radio channels offer rolling news programmes 24 they believe Christians want and need to hours a day. In the UK today the problem isn’t getting news; rather know about. They then distribute these it is discerning what is ‘fake’ news, avoiding information overload or through radio, print and digital formats. compassion fatigue, and, in a secular post-Christian culture, finding Premier exists for all Christians, including stories of faith and hope. those on the fringes of faith and across denominations and theological streams. As well as informing, we aim to equip people to pray into the real needs and opportunities of a wide range of situations.

Premier also employs regional reporters to reflect what churches and Christians are Will you help Premier doing across the UK. In the past year we fund its regional added a new Midlands and Wales regional reporting growth into reporter to our staff. Rachel Matthews Northern Ireland and joins our Scotland and northern England other areas in the future? reporter Ian Britton (photo right); both travel Caroline Greer, who extensively across their local regions to comes from Northern Ireland herself, is our head of fundraising and would gather stories for Premier. love to hear from you. Premier is aware that news media is Contact: Caroline Greer, constantly changing and, with so much Director of Fundraising competition around, it’s more important Call: 020 7316 1411 than ever to stay ahead of the curve. That Email: [email protected] is why in the year ahead we’ll be making changes in our digital offerings to make news more accessible and varied.

18 Photo: PA 19 Premier Annual Review 2017-18

Life has changed… Premier has my full I love how Premier keeps The National Prayer backing. I know a number of people in touch with both Breakfast for Scotland really young Christians in national issues and local appreciated the support and Cornwall who listen to events. It’s great to hear and presence of Premier Premier all the time. Premier read reports of what our Christian Radio at the 2018 is a wonderful tool for local churches are doing and event. Premier is a great way Premier is discipleship in the 21st the impact they are having for people from many Century. May the Lord richly in our communities. backgrounds to hear the bless all the excellent work message of all that is going Rev Joanne Thorns, you do. on in Scotland. reaching more Regional officer, North East Rev Steven Wild, England Churches Andy Witty, District Chair, Cornwall Acting Together Chairman of The National Methodist District, Prayer Breakfast for Scotland people across past president of the Methodist Conference

the UK I’m very grateful for I commend Premier as a One of the things I love Premier Christian Radio’s unique force of new about Premier is its coverage both of specifically evangelisation, bringing commitment to all things remier began as a medium wave Christian Christian stories but also together Christians from digital and equipping people Pradio station broadcasting to London. the wider news from a across the spectrum of belief in a whole host of ways for Over two decades later, Premier broadcasts Christian perspective. It’s in the Lord Jesus into one the digital world as a throughout the UK on multiple platforms, the only radio station where great effort of mission. I am mission field. publishes magazines, runs events and I sometimes get to talk about honoured to be a friend of Hannah Barr, conferences, takes phone calls from across an issue and then lead a Premier and have been Winner of Young Blogger of Scotland, Wales, Northern Ireland and prayer on it as well. profoundly encouraged by the Year at PremDac 2017 the faith and daring of those England to its Lifeline ministry, employs two Rt Rev David Walker, at its heart. regional radio producers with ambitions to Bishop of Manchester hire more, and, through its digital platforms Bishop John Keenan, (websites, apps and podcasts), has a growing Roman Catholic Bishop worldwide reach. of Paisley

Premier is able to bring The daily email update Thanks Premier for all you the gospel to frontline prompts me to pray for do; I particularly appreciate officers and staff who current issues and connects Premier Praise as I spend a cannot attend church and me with what God is doing lot of time driving and it’s worship on a Sunday due to through his people – such great to tune in, join in shift work and the demands an encouragement! It keeps worship and share of their role. Premier is an issues on my radar causing fellowship with Christians essential and valued me to reflect theologically from around the country. partner of the Christian on how I should engage Rt Revd Mark Tanner, Police Association and we and respond. Bishop of Berwick are grateful for its support John Hawksworth, to officers and staff who are Senior Manager of Youth protecting and serving our For Christ Scotland & communities 24/7. North England Lee Russell, Executive Director of the Christian Police Association

20 21 Premier Annual Review 2017-18

Life has changed… for the lonely and isolated

ver 9 million people in the UK say they are always or often Olonely*. That’s almost a fifth of the entire population. With over half of all people aged 75+ living alone, you might assume that most of the callers to Premier Lifeline ministry are retired. But you would be wrong.

The Mental Health Foundation the problems they raise and the 73,000 found loneliness to be a greater sound of their voices, Premier Lifeline volunteers calls answered by Premier concern among young people we believe that over half of the spent over 1 million minutes Lifeline telephone volunteers than the elderly. The 18 to calls we receive come from 34-year-olds they surveyed people aged under 50. were more likely than over-55s listening to callers to our Calls to Premier Lifeline can be >50% to feel lonely often, to worry about a wide range of issues, of all calls come from about feeling alone and to feel helpline in the past year. although loneliness and social people aged under 50 depressed because of loneliness. isolation is a common theme. This chimes with anecdotal Research shows that loneliness In June 2018 we made a special financial Despite, and sometimes because of, digital evidence from our trained Lifeline increases the likelihood of appeal to support the vital ministry of connectivity, it seems more and more people telephone volunteers, who mortality by 26 per cent and is as Premier Lifeline. The response to that has feel isolated and lonely in the UK today. answered over 73,000 calls in comparable a risk factor for early released funds to recruit, train and then With pastoral support networks in many the past 12 months. Callers to death as smoking 15 cigarettes support new volunteers to help us with the churches already stretched, trained Premier Lifeline are guaranteed a day. increased call levels to our helpline, which is volunteers at Premier Lifeline are providing anonymity so we don’t ask open from 9am to midnight on every day of vital help and support. their age; however based on the year.

In the 12 months leading up to 30th Would you like to volunteer September 2018, Lifeline volunteers spent to be trained as a Premier a staggering 1 million minutes listening to, Lifeline volunteer, or could and, if requested, praying with callers who you give a gift to help us called our National Christian Helpline on train even more Lifeliners? 0300 111 0101. Contact: Jonathan Clark, Director of Lifeline Email: [email protected]

22 Statistical sources: Red Cross 2016, Mental Health Foundation, Campaign to End Loneliness 23 Premier Annual Review 2017-18

Life has changed… TOTAL INCOME 2017-18: £8,964,000 DONOR INCOME: £6,028,000 EXPENDITURE: £8,860,000 financial review

remier is a supporter enabled charity – two-thirds of our funding continues Monthly Donations 36% Broadcasting & Digital 76% to come from donations and legacies. We rely on Christians across the UK to Commercial Income 35% P General Donations 33% Appeals & One off Donations 32% Fundraising 8% stand with us in this God-given mission. Regular Giving 29% Major Donors/ Trusts 17% Premises & Maintenance 6% Legacies & Trusts 3% Gift Aid 13% Magazines 5% Reflections on a challenging year This spreads the risk of being negatively impacted Legacies 2% Other 2% by external influences. Events & Conferences 1.5% May 2018 was a key month for Premier, as changes Staff support costs 1.5% to data protection legislation came into effect. Donations Thanks to careful preparation in advance of the Around two thirds of income in 2017/18 came from Commercial revenue Legacies deadline, we safe guarded our supporter base. one-off gifts and committed giving. Currently we have The remaining 35 per cent of income came Premier continues to be blessed with a number of Our supporters have told us how and when 16,200 ‘Partners’ who make regular gifts, equating from commercial sources including advertising, legacy gifts, which have often been incredibly timely they would prefer to hear from us. We were so to just over 40 per cent of our core supporters. sponsorship, magazine subscriptions, event tickets – arriving just when we needed a financial boost. encouraged by their response. Retention through 2017/18 has been excellent. and ministry sales. All legacy gifts are received into our Inspiration fund from where we ensure these gifts are used to Life has changed: Our three-year pledge programme continues to fuel Subscriptions to Premier’s two monthly magazines maximise their impact for the ministry. many of our income streams. A small Major Donor achieved £518,000 in subscriptions income and • We have to be smarter and more impactful in our Team continues to work with individuals and families fundraising communications to supporters as we Premier Christianity magazine remains the biggest- Expenditure who have the desire and capacity to make gifts that are not able to communicate in the same way we selling monthly Christian publication in will have a significant impact on the work of the Premier had significant extra one-off costs as we once could. the UK. ministry. prepared for GDPR. We contacted everyone on our • We need to continue to get to know our audience. Premier continues to generate revenue from database by phone, letter or email. These significant Over 1.2m now listen to Premier Christian Radio Life has changed: ticket sales for our events programme, although but necessary extra costs ensured that we alone. Although our audiences have almost Premier has a core support base of almost ticket prices are subsidised to ensure maximum maintained a large database of contacts who have doubled, the number of donors is not keeping • 40,000 donors. While we have seen an increase accessibility and affordability for all. told us that they wish to continue hearing from us. pace with this exciting growth. We need to in the size of the supporter base, the value of Life has changed: The cost of national transmission on DAB radio understand better how to encourage financial giving was down across the year culminating in a support from this new and larger audience. is significant. It costs over £1.2 million to ensure dry period over the summer months. • It’s been a challenging year for Sales with a we continue broadcasting to our growing national • Digital transformation is a priority, as giving moves nine per cent decrease in income year on year, • Premier experienced a phenomenal response to our audience. increasingly in the digital sphere. We must primarily due to a loss of economic confidence end of financial year appeal in September 2018. communicate our need for support effectively online. and the Brexit-effect. The effects of the falling pound against the dollar, • In 2018 and in the years to come we will focus • We experienced success in the following areas: and a worldwide trend of increasing demands for We remain committed to delivering the best possible on creating a stable financial foundation for the delivering another highly successful Charity paper has led to increased costs in magazine-grade experience for our supporters. We believe that our ministry by encouraging donors to convert their Of The Year partnership; growing the numbers paper. Increasing postage costs also negatively excellence in supporter care has been a significant cash giving to a regular gift. of national advertisers; and retaining a steady factor in coming through the data protection process affected the costs of posting magazines and other • Online donations have generated £1.1 million this print advertising income to Premier despite the printed matter. as well as we did. We have listened, taken on board year; this is an area of potential growth. challenges from digital advertising options. feedback and actioned ideas for improvement. • Premier submits applications to charitable trusts We have endeavoured to be as cost effective and focused as possible across all activities this year, In January 2018 Premier joined the Fundraising and foundations. A significant grant received from which has resulted in a smaller but more targeted Regulator and is proud to stand with the charitable the John Templeton Foundation this past year events programme, a streamlined mailing programme sector in making a commitment to practise has enabled Premier to reach new audiences and a more selective programme of campaigns. responsible fundraising. internationally. We are excited to see signs of potential for a US supporter base. We have continued to develop our four established Premier is wholly owned by the Premier Christian Media Trust and is not for profit; therefore every pound income streams: donations, committed giving, received by this ministry is used to sustain and expand our reach across every area of our ministry. commercial revenue and legacies. Despite a challenging year for income generation, we trust in God’s timing. These figures are unaudited. Our annual audited statutory accounts for the year ended 30th September 2018 will be available by 30th June 2019 on the Charity Thank you for standing with us. Commission’s website. 24 25 Premier Annual Review 2017-18

Life has changed…

All legacy gifts are received into your support our Inspiration fund from where we ensure these special gifts are used in impacts lives the most effective way possible to maximise the work of this ministry. od has blessed Premier with the prayerful and financial Gsupport of so many from across the Christian community, from every part of the UK. This commitment has made it possible As we look back to 1995, God made “By leaving a legacy to Premier we believe, for Premier to grow and reach more people than ever before with possible what many thought was along with other like-minded Christians, we the life-saving message of Jesus. impossible... the licencing of the first can help ensure this vital ministry continues Christian radio station in the UK. It is the to bless people into the future.” Some of the storms Premier has weathered Knowing what’s coming to the ministry commitment and generosity of the Christian Peter and Joy each month enables us to make good community that helped bring this ministry over the years have been financial, and it is We would like to thank all of our true that a growing ministry has not always decisions on how we can best use the into being and which continues to sustain it supporters for your commitment to pray support. to this day. sat comfortably with our limited finances, and give. It is only through the grace of as we have stretched to meet a growing In addition to this, Premier’s Three Year God that we are here today. But we would spiritual need across the UK in these Pledge Programme ensures we have not be able to do it without you. challenging and increasingly secular times. income we can rely on. So far 1,750 Because of God’s grace A special thank you to those supporters That is why committed giving Christian men and women have pledged to me, I have laid the who have left a legacy gift to Premier in programmes are a powerful way to help to support Premier for three years at foundation like an the year that has gone by. We are deeply various levels. The pledge programme Premier plan its activities and finances grateful for every one of these special gifts. currently we have 16,000 Premier Partners now accounts for £1.4m of essential expert builder. Now Many came at a time when we needed who give regularly either monthly or funding every year. This generous support others are building on it. them the most: God’s timing is perfect. quarterly, something Premier can rely on. is steadily helping to transform Premier’s (1 Corinthians 3:10a, NLT) finances and ensure a stable financial foundation for the future. Leave your legacy for If you would like to join Peter and Joy: “I have a friend who gets up early; the first the future Contact: Claire Southall, thing to go on is Premier Christian Radio, Join 350 Christian men and women who Key Relationships and which is always there no matter what day have made a very special commitment to Sales Manager. or time. I like to think my support will help ensure a strong Christian voice is heard in Call: 0300 777 1221 Premier reach into more lives like my friend. the UK for generations to come, and have Email: [email protected] That is why I am a Premier Partner.” let us know thay are including a gift in their Margaret will to Premier. One of the things every generation considers is the legacy they will leave for their children and grandchildren, knowing that the decisions we make today will impact our children and their stories.

26 27 We are grateful to all our supporters and to those who have pledged their support for three years. To donate visit: or call: 08000 74 77 77

Susan, Bassetlaw • Pauline, North Kesteven • Winifred, Barnet • Elizabeth, West Dunbartonshire • Atinuke, Sefton • Paola, Edinburgh • Joan, Haringey • Gary, • Alicia, Kingston upon Thames • Jennifer, Solihull • Peter, Daventry • Geoffrey, Derby • Michaela, Lambeth • Horace, Cornwall • Paul, Leicester • Joyce, Newham • Judith, • Brian, Woking • Frederick, Hounslow • Jonathan, Greenwich • William, Basildon • Timothy, Cheshire East • Christopher, Castle Point • Columbine, • A, Walsall • John, Bath and North East Somerset • Sharon, Lambeth • Mabel, Hackney • Matilda, Rhondda Cynon Taf • Graham, Reigate and Banstead • Jennifer, Bedford • George, • Violeta, Ealing • William, Bromley • Neil, Erewash • Elizabeth, Bradford • Primitiva, Newham • Michael, Hart • Audrey, Harrow • Coral, Waltham Forest • Anne, Three Rivers • Pauline, Merton • John, Sutton • Sandra, Epping Forest • Susan, Guildford • Donald, Greenwich • Braz, Greenwich • Jan, Wokingham • Veda, Brent • Nkechi, Enfield • Pamela, Enfield • R, Guildford • Robert, Worthing • Joy, Enfield • Aleyamma, Bromley • Jane, Bexley • Michael, Enfield • Jacinta, South • Marilyn, Barking and Dagenham • Juan, Ealing • Jennifer, Arun • Angela, Merton • Maureen, Lewisham • Melissa, Croydon • Yetunde, Ealing • Iris, Brent • Julie, Greenwich • Jane, • Elizabeth, Ely • Gid, Lewes • Mark, Lambeth • Christopher, Heath • Rita, Newham • Theresa, Redbridge • T, Belfast • Roy, Redbridge • Jerome, Harrow • Merdelyn, Enfield • Brenda, • Stephen, Southend-on-Sea • Jean, Croydon • Sheila, Hounslow • Stephen, Hampshire • Margaret, Lambeth • Alice, Strabane • Iris, Lewisham • Paul, Lambeth • Omowonuola, • Nicholas, Hertsmere • Urla, Gedling • Jean, Chelmsford • Rose, Lambeth • Selinah, Watford • Alan, Somerset • Josephine, Calderdale • Milhem, Spelthorne • Muriel, York • Heather, Bromley • Peter, Chiltern • Rebecca, Barking and Dagenham • Sally, South Buckinghamshire • Cyril, Havering • Geoffrey, Waltham Forest • Frances, Merton • Jennifer, Mendip • Alan, • Naomi, Hereford • Stephen, West Lothian • Patricia, • Marilyn, New Forest • Susan, Bromley • Rene, Waverley • Tony, • Marcia, Redbridge • Yomi, Bromley • Rita, Ealing • Lee, East Riding of Yorkshire • Vicki, Shropshire • Jean, Waltham Forest • Rudolph, Ealing • Ross, Newcastle • Eileen, Islington • Dora, Enfield • Nigel, Birmingham • Samuel, Havering • Esther, Haringey • Achamma, • Winifred, Trafford • Rose, Enfield • Calistus, Gravesham • Dorothy, Welwyn Hatfield • William, • Rosemary, Bromley • Amani, Enfield • Nance, South Kesteven • Murdo, Comhairle nan Eilean Siar • Martin, Newark and Sherwood • Mark, St Albans • Juliette, Havering • Kevin, Swindon • Christine, Croydon • David, Woking • Timothy, Lewisham • Betty, Fenland • John, Pendle • Peter, Aylesbury Vale • David, Horsham • Elaine, South Derbyshire • Velma, Tower Hamlets • Neville, Croydon • Herman, Wandsworth • Mary, Boston • David, Chelmsford • Dianna, Croydon • Raju, Lewisham • Jean-Pierre, Croydon • Meity, Richmond upon Thames • Victor, Crawley • Rita, Croydon • Jolade, Newham • Ferai, Bexley • Alexander, Merton • Clive, Basildon • Paul, Spelthorne • Varnan, Redbridge • Paul, West Norfolk • Margaret, Birmingham • Judith, Kettering • Janice, Birmingham • Ivy, Coventry • Clare, Wolverhampton • Uwem, Liverpool • Frank, Adur • Anna, Birmingham • Janet, Wirral • Ruth, Lambeth • Margaret, Bexley • Robert, Somerset • Hazel, Waltham Forest • David, Redbridge • Peter, Leicester • Dorothy, Hounslow • Terence, Harrow • Stewart, Crawley • Lennox, Redbridge • Ian, Croydon • Gloria, Merton • Charmaine, Lambeth • Barry, Worthing • Josephine, Croydon • Emma, Bracknell Forest • Oluwakemi, Bromley • Sandra, Croydon • Charles, Sutton • Alistair, Warwick • Gillian, Hackney • Stephen, Bromley • Barbara, East Dorset • David, Worthing • Vince, Elmbridge • Gillian, Hammersmith and Fulham • Loris, Merton • Dereck, Kent • Cyville, Greenwich • Isabel, Eastbourne • Lorna, Maldon • Veronica, Croydon • Wilhelmina, Enfield • William, Torbay • Minerva, Newham • Arul, Havering • John, Bromley • Simon, Newham • Lori, Redbridge • Ferris, Redbridge • Robert, North Hertfordshire • Irene, • Keni, Redbridge • Charmaine, Huntingdonshire • Daniel, Manchester • Maynard, Bromley • Brenda, Huntingdonshire • Patricia, North Somerset • Kwan, Barnet • Maria, Lewisham • Victoria, Lewisham • Hazel, Bristol • Daphne, • Joyce, Camden • Jeremie, Lambeth • Josephine, Belfast • Jenny, Bromley • Detta, Arun • Shirley, Kingston upon Thames • Jacob, Newham • James, • Dianne, Croydon • Margaret, Guildford • Dorothy, Wyre • Janet, Broxtowe • Mary, Barking and Dagenham • Evron, Bromley • Marianne, Ipswich • Gideon, Redbridge • Grenville, Enfield • Roberta, East Riding of Yorkshire • Anna, Crawley • Barbara, Kennet • John, Wiltshire • Florence, Hounslow • Gloria, Ealing • Andrew, North Yorkshire • Rachel, Bexley • Bertha, Barnet • Che, Merton • Roy, East Lindsey • David, Gravesham • Saliane, Hackney • Valerie, Fylde • Christine, Haringey • Cherie, Rother • Robin, Purbeck • Agnes, Braintree • Jean, Tandridge • Alan, Dacorum • Soon, Harrow • Stella, Newham • Annette, Newham • Margaret, North Down • Giuliana, Sutton • Peter, Northumberland • Bernadette, Enfield • John, Hackney • Michelle, Greenwich • Elizabeth, Ealing • Norah, Highland • Jacqueline, Sutton • Jebanandham, Barking and Dagenham • Alan, Havering • Kathleen, Spelthorne • Doretha, Enfield • Valerie, Reigate and Banstead • Victoria, Milton Keynes • Lily, Southwark • Vivian, Greenwich • Alfred, Bromley • Matthew, Rochford • Graham, Barnet • Juliana, Enfield • Manoharan, Barnet • Olabode, Havering • Yvonne, West Lindsey • Joan, Guildford • Avis, romleyB • Richard, Sussex • Dennis, Haringey • Andrea, Nottingham • Thomas, South Buckinghamshire • Henry, Corby • Henrietta, Corby • Adebayo, Havering • Maria, Brent • Michael, Brentwood • Abidemi, Southwark • Thomas, Croydon • Lily, Camden • Moyra, Preston • Lynn, Mole Valley • Fay, Camden • Alison, Bradford • Jackie, Medway • Ian, Runnymede • Gena, Merton • Fiona, Lambeth • Nicola, Norfolk • David, Wiltshire • Euphemia, Wandsworth • John, Wandsworth • Eric, Hounslow • Toyin, Waltham Forest • Urma, Wokingham • Michael, Bournemouth • Marie-Rose, Lewisham • Sharon, Lambeth • Holly, Bedford • Brian, North Somerset • Pamela, Dudley • Katharine, Brighton and Hove • Onsy, Hillingdon • Jennifer, Lambeth • Yetunde, Haringey • Lizette, Ealing • Camilla, Enfield • Tatiana, New Forest • Jennifer, Camden • Sylvia, Exeter • Enid, Haringey • Remi, Southwark • Esther, Haringey • Helen, Horsham • Sarah, Bromley • Manal, Hillingdon • Natasha, Haringey • Melvina, Slough • Richard, Wychavon • Robert, Hounslow • Mary, Lambeth • Anthea, Ealing • Maureen, Enfield • Marjory, North Lanarkshire • Marcus, Thurrock • Dorothy, Enfield • Denis, Wakefield • Ernest, Bournemouth • Melvin, Merton • Evelyn, Spelthorne • Dennis, Bromley • Greame, Runnymede • Vilma, Redbridge • Marie, Epsom and Ewell • Diana, Epsom and Ewell • Chris, Cheshire West and Chester • Robert, Eastbourne • Julie, Hertsmere • Paula, Elmbridge • Violet, Islington • Clare, Exeter • Luke, Tower Hamlets • Osagie, Greenwich • Ify, Waltham Forest • M, Havering • Andrew, Castle Point • Margaret, Southend-on-Sea • Joanna, Richmond upon Thames • Sally, Hounslow • Eureka, Westminster • Sonia, Bromley • Alan, Rugby • Cynthia, Somerset • Sarah, Lambeth • Stella, Plymouth • Frank, Basildon • Judith, Babergh • Cheryl, Lewisham • Clarisse, Newham • Sandra, Liverpool • Derek, Cambridge • Rosemary, Gloucester • Claudio, Harrow • Sophie, South Buckinghamshire • Hannah, Waltham Forest • Tom, Falkirk • M, Enfield • Nicola, Calderdale • Gerald, Norfolk • W, Kingston upon Thames • Robert, Mid Sussex • Sharon, Wycombe • Lucy, Mid Sussex • Judith, Exeter • Clare, Watford • Charanjit, Newham • Wilhelmina, Gravesham • Mary, Torbay • Janet, Hillingdon • Brian, Medway • Brian, Medway • Anthens, Lambeth • Sandra, Torbay • Anthony, Windsor and Maidenhead • Dami, Bromley • E, Guildford • Mercy, Redbridge • Joan, Sheffield • Carl, Wandsworth • Adrian, Mole Valley • Prisca, Bedford • Josefina, Lambeth • Catherine, Croydon • Cheryl, Croydon • Henry, Lambeth • Colin, • Simon, Sevenoaks • Marion, Mansfield • Thelma, Hillingdon • Alan, Croydon • Rosemary, Somerset • Mavis, Bromley • Mark, • Janice, Wandsworth • Bola, Haringey • James, Croydon • Avril, Torbay • Janet, Sevenoaks • Raymond, Waltham Forest • Elvira, Newham • Gertrude, Croydon • Sandra, Barnet • Henderson, Brent • Susan, Camden • John, North Down • Robert, Hampshire • David, Waltham Forest • Marian, Mole Valley • John, Redbridge • Sheila, Richmond upon Thames • Oluwole, Havering • Peter, Hillingdon • Tim, Bedford • Valerie, Merton • Scott, Spelthorne • Marie, Tamworth • Timothy, Greenwich • Simon, Cardiff • Dorothy, Hounslow • Ruth, Kennet • Estelle, Kingston upon Thames • Christopher, Poole • Anne, Cheshire East • Shervin, Kingston upon Thames • Donna, Greenwich • Muriel, Havering • Peter, Bromley • Ellen, Barking and Dagenham • Bernard, Mole Valley • Roger, Tewkesbury • Raymond, Huntingdonshire • Margaret, Wychavon • Jennifer, Newark and Sherwood • Imogen, Kent • Peter, Brentwood • Patricia, Croydon • Elaine, Slough • David, Weymouth and Portland • Rosemary, Richmond upon Thames • Michael, Lambeth • Deborah, Waltham Forest • Keith, Basildon • Penelope, Lambeth • Barbara, Wrexham • Edmund, Wandsworth • Ruth, Redbridge • Richard, Wirral • Shernaz, Sutton • Pat, Sefton • Azieb, Croydon • Linda, Suffolk • Alison, Sutton • Emmanuel, Lewisham • Norma, Bristol • Ulrike, Norfolk • Penny, Colchester • Jane, East Riding of Yorkshire • Theresa, Merton • Jenny, Enfield • Wendy, Cardiff • John, Ashford • Rex, Horsham • Kofo, Brent • Hector, Barnet • Mary, Epsom and Ewell • Tanya, Newham • Christopher, Bromley • Dave, Basildon • Christopher, Purbeck • Anne, Enfield • Emily, Hackney • Jan, Barnet • Andrew, Ealing • Debra, Hackney • George, Ealing • Peng, Hillingdon • Daphne, Eastbourne • Anna, Enfield • Michael, North Lincolnshire • Robert, Redbridge • Thangavelu, Harrow • Samson, Bromley • Andrew, Richmond upon Thames • John, • Horace, Maidstone • Jonathan, Redbridge • Andrew, Brentwood • Jonathan, Elmbridge • Praneetha, Hounslow • Helen, Waverley • Christine, South Buckinghamshire • Thomas, Barnet • Lilmatee, Newham • Gillian, Spelthorne • Joan, Haringey • Mary, Ceredigion • John, Monmouthshire • Pauline, Moray • Carina, Hillingdon • Olubunmi, Bexley • Martin, Birmingham • David, Waverley • Ian, Wandsworth • Wendy, Kensington and Chelsea • Oliver, Wandsworth • Ann, • Prudence, Greenwich • Sally, Runnymede • Gordan, Cambridge • Claire, Ealing • Malcolm, Waltham Forest • Roger, Birmingham • Jennifer, Dungannon and South Tyrone • Mark, Aylesbury Vale • Bobby, North Lanarkshire • Jerry, Brent • Michael, Camden • Xin, Hounslow • Michael, Darlington • Wendy, South Buckinghamshire • Brenda, Horsham • Christopher, Rotherham • Carmen, Nottingham • Stella, East Northamptonshire • Peter, Hammersmith and Fulham • George, Lambeth • Cindy, Thurrock • Andrew, Hounslow • Margaret, Hounslow • Molly, East Hertfordshire • Helen, Guildford • Joan, Broxtowe • Kheng, Bromley • Ibi, Lambeth • Humphrey, Dacorum • Kevin, Rushcliffe • Carol, Harrow • Claire-Angela, Barnet • Surinder, Spelthorne • Omolola, Haringey • Olufunke, Camden • Betty, Greenwich • Faith, Croydon • Roland, Kingston upon Thames • Vimalaranee, Kingston upon Thames • Chinedu, Bromley • Anthony, Mid Suffolk • Swee, Watford • Sinnasamy, Westminster • Frances, Lambeth • Stella, Enfield • Douglas, Mid Sussex • Derek, Boston • #N/A • Lionel, Bexley • Pearl, Birmingham • Daniel, Hounslow • Susan, Tunbridge Wells • John, Fermanagh • Barbara, Guildford • Alan, Barnet • John, Hertsmere • Nagi, Ealing • Nadine, Greenwich • Marjun, Ealing • Valerie, Hillingdon • Andre, Bromley • Emmanuel, Lambeth • Ian, Guildford • Roger, Woking • Gillian, Epsom and Ewell • Philip, Guildford • Sharon, Hounslow • Annabelle, Basildon • Victor, Enfield • John, Ealing • Ursula, Newham • Tim, Dudley • Sha, Croydon • Chinyante, Dacorum • Lorna, Bristol • David, West Lothian • LEE, Havering • Dennis, Gateshead • Janet, Leeds • Simon, Islington • Bernard, Newham • Donald, Sevenoaks • Sonja, Greenwich • Adeola, Greenwich • Geoffrey, Redbridge • Marie- Claire, Hillingdon • Anne, Croydon • Patience, Kensington and Chelsea • Irene, Basildon • Josephus, Gravesham • Norma, Poole • David, Derby • Monica, Lambeth • Deborah, Enfield • Sheela, Barnet • Geoff, Liverpool • Lauraine, Barnet • Harvey, Bromley • Alison, Norfolk • David, Bromley • Sheila, Hampshire • Margaret, Rother • Paula, Enfield • Eric, North Yorkshire • Mark, East Hertfordshire • Stephanie, Teignbridge • Christopher, Exeter • Ken, Reigate and Banstead • Fiona, Woking • Judy, Wakefield • Mary, Bromley • Louise, Colchester • Lindsay, Sutton • Ian, Wokingham • Winklet, Enfield • Frank, Enfield • Simon, Warrington • Codlin, Birmingham • Graham, Angus • Carol, Carlisle • Tim, Guildford • Lauretta, Brent • Michael, South • Tracy, Spelthorne • Betty, Christchurch • Iyefe, Harrow • Lavinda, Somerset • Thomas, Waltham Forest • Julia, Wandsworth • Elizabeth, Epsom and Ewell • Anthony, Thurrock • Christine, Bexley • Pamela, Cambridge • Karin, East Hertfordshire • Ginny, • Daphne, Sussex • Elizabeth, Ballymena • Jonathan, Croydon • Malcolm, Reigate and Banstead • Alexandria, Richmond upon Thames • Alexis, Harrow • Ingrid, New Forest • Andrew, South Derbyshire • Gemma, Northumberland • Karen, Birmingham • Philippa, Southampton • David, Maldon • Jennifer, Hounslow • Dawn, Croydon • Andrea, Southwark • Harold, Ipswich • Ilecia, Halton • Michelle, Lambeth • Carol, Sevenoaks • Adejumoke, Nottingham • Robert, Staffordshire • Mary, Islington • Jonathan, Worthing • Valerie, Epsom and Ewell • Joy, Lambeth • Pamela, Reigate and Banstead • Peter, Wycombe • Derrick, Bedford • Jane, Hart • Lucy, Reigate and Banstead • Mobolaji, Birmingham • Anthea, New Forest • Michael, Hertsmere • Bessie, Norfolk • Frances, Southampton • Ruth, Hounslow • Doug, East Dunbartonshire • Moira, Eastleigh • Jane, Harrow • Stephen, Chiltern • Anthony, Epping Forest • Bella, Northampton • Elisabeth, Wycombe • Helen, Wiltshire • Shirley, Haringey • Ernestina, Brent • Helen, Wealden • Bishnu, Greenwich • Jean, Worthing • Ian, Sutton • Shirley, • Theresa, Lambeth • Manuel, Kingston upon Thames • Elizabeth, West Lothian • Marlene, Croydon • O, Enfield • Errol, Brighton and Hove • Brian, Dacorum • John, Suffolk Coastal • Christopher, Epping Forest • Jenis, Ealing • Brenda, Enfield • Margaret, Harrow • Caseta, Redbridge • Beverley, Sandwell • Nigel, Newham • Wilfred, Flintshire • Kester, St Albans • Ifeoma, Enfield • Andrew, South Gloucestershire • Frances, Bromley • David, Gravesham • Godfrey, Bromley • Phyllis, Trafford • Serine, Brent • Samuel, Barking and Dagenham • Lionel, Bromley • Beryl, Harlow • Paulette, Waltham Forest • Patricia, Chiltern • David, Berkshire • Susan, Ripon • James, Carlisle • Michael, Havering • John, Mendip • Trevor, Bromley • Jane, Lambeth • Geoff, Bromley • Lloyda, Wandsworth • Kamila, Woking • Konrad, Rother • David, • Irma, Croydon • Daniel, Milton Keynes • Richard, Sefton • Alastair, Hillingdon • Abigail, Luton • Ruth, Harrow • Steven, Ealing • Carol, Croydon • Josephine, Dartford • Hilarine, Kingston upon Thames • Joyce, Slough • David, Tewkesbury • Jesse, Thurrock • Tony, Hampshire • Theolonius, Camden • Owen, Crawley • Angela, Cheshire East • Maja, Hackney • Gillian, Kingston upon Thames • Paul, Hillingdon • Daphne, Enfield • Vikram, Kensington and Chelsea • Cameron, Epsom and Ewell • Sherif, East Hertfordshire • Ying, Barnet • Sheila, Islington • Coral, Hillingdon • Roy, Havering • Timothy, Medway • Brian, Coleraine • Moyra, South Ayrshire • John, Sussex • Claire, Dartford • Maureen, Chiltern • Akosua, Hammersmith and Fulham • Enoch, Enfield • Maria, Kingston upon Thames • Teju, Enfield • Stephen, Woking • Genevieve, Hillingdon • Kirstie, Cheshire West and Chester • Keith, Kingston upon Thames • John, Hampshire • Philip, Cambridge • Aimee, Rugby • Keith, Derby • Antoinette, Hackney • Judith, Woking • David, Epping Forest • Charlotte, Bexley • Lesley, Basildon • Joseph, Sheffield • David, Chiltern • Raymond, Lewisham • Lynette, Croydon • Valerie, Croydon • Marion, St Albans • Ashley, Watford • Blessing, Tameside • Jacqueline, Pembrokeshire • Claudette, Waltham Forest • Jean, South Lanarkshire • Bernard, Stroud • Mardina, Hounslow • Pamela, Banbridge • Robert, Erewash • Rolston, Sutton • Christina, Haringey • Pat, Aylesbury Vale • Oluwole, Bexley • Margaret, Gravesham • David, Runnymede • Irene, Redbridge • Ingrid, Dartford • Rob, Colchester • Jean, Redbridge • Ayotomi, Bexley • Julie, Milton Keynes • Janet, Fylde • Clara, North Somerset • Karen, Birmingham • Erica, Chorley • Angela, Epping Forest • Marian, Leicester • Christopher, South Buckinghamshire • Maxine, Chelmsford • Catherine, Waltham Forest • June, Caerphilly • John, Tandridge • Pearl, Barking and Dagenham • Helen, Rhondda Cynon Taf • Rebecca, Enfield • Jacqueline, Lewisham • Audrey, Haringey • Vanessa, Barking and Dagenham • Maureen, Mid Sussex • Emma, Bromley • Christopher, Mid Suffolk • Claudette, Newham • Myrtle, Lewisham • Michael, Wirral • Relinda, Waltham Forest • Aseye, Greenwich • Heather, Richmond upon Thames • Allan, High Peak • Lilian, Thurrock • Elizabeth, Greenwich • Albert, Newtownabbey • Kim, Cherwell • Olukayode, Greenwich • Colin, Daventry • Violet, Colchester • Barbara, Shropshire • Florelda, Epping Forest • Heather, Wyre • Anita, Mid Sussex • Catherine, Barnet • Bryn, Cardiff • Lynwen, Bridgend • Susan, Birmingham • Evadnie, Ealing • M, Croydon • Sheila, Woking • Michael, Hertsmere • Robina, Greenwich • Estella, Bradford • Colin, Hounslow • Valerie, Haringey • Muriel, South Hams • Lucy, Bromsgrove Worcestershire • Hazel, Islington • Janet, Lewisham • Valerie, South Tyneside • Hugh, Croydon • Sandra, Wakefield • Peter, Bristol • Anthony, Richmond upon Thames • Michael, Tewkesbury • Marjorie, Rugby • David, Wigan • Ada, Wiltshire • Claire, Hounslow • Ephraim, Thurrock • Bill, Redbridge • Raymond, Ealing • Jackie, Coventry • Hanore, Tower Hamlets • John, Staffordshire • Vivienne, Enfield • Emma, Wandsworth • Ruth, Wycombe • Catherine, Waverley • Christopher, Sevenoaks • Hyacinth, Enfield • Unel, Enfield • Michael, Welwyn Hatfield • Tim, Swindon • Johanna, Chiltern • Maria, Lewisham • Henry, Coleraine • Victor, Bournemouth • Narin, North Hertfordshire • John, Sutton • Chris, Bromley • William, Richmond upon Thames • Lynn, Merton • Philip, Redbridge • Alison, Croydon • Linda, Harrow • Jennifer, Maldon • Rebecca, Barking and Dagenham • Robbie, Brighton and Hove • Donat, Middlesbrough • Mary, Dundee • Annie, Falkirk • Ayo, Milton Keynes • Jonathan, Hillingdon • Audrey, East Northamptonshire • Beryl, Blackburn with Darwen • David, Enfield • Doreen, Barrow-in-Furness • Veronica, Manchester • Angela, Lambeth • Cecilia, Newham • David, Waverley • Christiana, Merton • Gail, Enfield • Marian, Croydon • Esther, Broxbourne • Ian, Windsor and Maidenhead • Elaine, Manchester • Roger, Shropshire • J, Somerset • Caroline, Bexley • Pandora, Westminster • Anne, Waltham Forest • Susan, Hounslow • Shirley, Dacorum • David, Rother • Maria, Wandsworth • Cathy, Aylesbury Vale • Peter, Redbridge • Aletta, Gravesham • Ethel, Lambeth • Muriel, Haringey • Jon, Crawley • Bernard, York • Jackie, Hounslow • Ruth, Gloucester • Bolanle, Greenwich • Veta, Haringey • Augusta, Bexley • Iqbal, Ealing • Rosemarie, Merton • Gloria, Lambeth • Roxene, Lewisham • Peter, • Clive, Woking • Catherine, Hammersmith and Fulham • Peter, Kingston upon Thames • Robin, Cornwall • Alistair, Hillingdon • Sandra, Gwynedd • David, Warwick • Joyce, Sevenoaks • Keith, Sutton • Corina, Waltham Forest • Rex, Basildon • Valda, Havering • Joseph, Ealing • Brenda, Shropshire • Pamela, Lewisham • William, Windsor and Maidenhead • Paulina, Bexley • Marcia, Wandsworth • Jacqueline, Worthing • Daisy, Lambeth • Nicholas, Bromley • W, Waltham Forest • De, Hounslow • Peter, Guildford • Peter, Kingston upon Thames • Brian, Rushmoor • Tom, Elmbridge • Neva, Harrow • Flora, Lewisham • Aurore, Camden • Grace, Swindon • John, Bromley • Patricia-Ann, Harrow • Barbara, Merton • Lesley, Havering • Anthony, Lewisham • Jennifer, Lewisham • Olukemi, • Olayiwola, Thurrock • Anne, Ealing • Sharp, Walsall • Ashley, Bexley • Carol, Birmingham • Allyson, Sussex • Richard, Enfield • Alice, Bury • Lily, Birmingham • Terence, Northumberland • Florette, Lewisham • Nezlin, Ealing • Peace, Birmingham • Peter, Hounslow • Steven, Croydon • Martine, Hackney • Enid, Cambridge • Sarbeana, Enfield • Brian, South Buckinghamshire • Duncan, Windsor and Maidenhead • Norma, Fife • Rose, Bristol • Balette, Wandsworth • Nicholas, Bromley • Sue, Mid Devon • Oyewole, Bromley • Malcolm, Havering • Ganasophy, Kingston upon Thames • Maxine, Hackney • Arthur, Bexley • John, Berkshire • George, Enfield • Hazel, Chelmsford • Olga, Bromley • Richard, Hackney • David, Gloucester • Grace, Lewisham • Jean, Leicester • John, Newham • Carver, Peterborough • Nigel, Havering • Victoria, Tower Hamlets • Abidemi, Dartford • Richmond, Hounslow • Vicky, Lambeth • Martin, Three Rivers • Keith, Croydon • Sandra, Ealing • Janet, Sussex • Veronica, Haringey • Margaret, Hackney • Eleanor, Lambeth • Matthew, Harrow • Olufemi, Greenwich • Mohan, Ealing • David, Reigate and Banstead • Raymond, Croydon • Margurite, Wokingham • Iris, Spelthorne • Eulith, Hackney • Anne, Epsom and Ewell • Daphne, Gedling • Sarah, Epping Forest • Gerald, Croydon • Emma, Croydon • Indra, Islington • Janet, Greenwich • Bernard, Rushmoor • Makeda, Croydon • Gillian, Reigate and Banstead • Graham, Kingston upon Thames • Henry, Hammersmith and Fulham • Mehari, Barnet • Shashi, Leicester • Graeme, Berkshire • Pamphilia, Merton • Joanne, Merton • Matthew, Bridgend • Caroline, Dacorum • Hedley, Watford • Titilope, Aylesbury Vale • Joan, Broxbourne • Michele, South Buckinghamshire • James, Bristol • Coleen, Richmond upon Thames • Alysoun, Rother • Goitsemang, Torbay • Adam, Epsom and Ewell • Carol, Southampton • Mark, Sutton • Terence, Chelmsford • Cynthia, Haringey • Robert, Barking and Dagenham • Marguerite, Barking and Dagenham • Gillian, Folkestone • Beverley, Basildon • Kenneth, Berkshire • Joanne, Havering • Irene, Belfast • Amma, Havering • Luciana, Newham • Monica, Slough • June, Guildford • Christine, Lanarkshire • Joan, Croydon • Cyrilene, Bromley • Kim, Hillingdon • Dorcas, Croydon • Norah, Croydon • Guy, Spelthorne • Peggy, Hounslow • Laura, Worthing • Nelly, Lewes • Anthony, Surrey Heath • Alan, Sevenoaks • Muriel, Amber Valley • Pauline, New Forest • Simon, Wychavon • Afusat, Sutton • Adebajo, Newham • Colin, Caerphilly • Daphne, Haringey • Ruth, North Somerset • Alison, Chorley • Samantha, Northampton • Pawel, Wakefield • David, Kingston upon Thames • Stuart, Basildon • Neil, Richmond upon Thames • Clarissa, Chichester • Stanley, Waltham Forest • Harry, Mid Sussex • Shirley, Waltham Forest • Peter, Epping Forest • Carol, Harrow • Keith, Epping Forest • Nivic, Norfolk • Olubunmi, Thurrock • Pamela, Spelthorne • Faith, Waltham Forest • Harriet, Reigate and Banstead • Ken, Elmbridge • Stuart, Surrey Heath • Joyce, Barking and Dagenham • Judy, Berkshire • Robert, Wokingham • Francis, Barking and Dagenham • Griffith, Tewkesbury • Lilian, Lewisham • Anthony, Barking and Dagenham • Robert, Merton • Feona, Epping Forest • Vy, Richmond upon Thames • Barry, Mole Valley • Jason, Lewisham • Jennifer, Haringey • Robert, Hastings • Elizabeth, Somerset • R, Wandsworth • Philip, Tendring • Elsie, Hounslow • Anthony, Southend-on-Sea • Kandasamy, Ealing • Alison, Welwyn Hatfield • Ayodeji, Medway • Katherine, South Northamptonshire • Andrew, Spelthorne • Eleanor, Epping Forest • David, Hampshire • Kathleen, Bromley • Beverley, Hounslow • Balwant, South Buckinghamshire • Elizabeth, Sevenoaks • Pat, Dartford • Brian, Bromley • Jesse, Barking and Dagenham • Brenda, Camden • Rosemary, Lewisham • Patricia, Richmond upon Thames • Peter, Hillingdon • Derek, Wealden • Elizabeth, East Dorset • Audrey, Enfield • Caroline, Newham • Zoe, Barnet • Robert, Cornwall • Frances, Dartford • Brian, Bexley • Robert, Sevenoaks • Abiola, Bexley • Gillian, Barnet • Jennes, Greenwich • Aruna, Harrow • Seyoum, Hammersmith and Fulham • Joan, Croydon • Brenda, Croydon • Benzer, Crawley • Lavinia, Spelthorne • Gloria, Southampton • Damon, Oxford • Elizabeth, Lambeth • Lisette, Merton • Barbara, Hackney • David, Wandsworth • Victor, Greenwich • Nicola, Basildon • Karen, Gravesham • Susan, Harlow • Paul, Lewisham • Alex, Reigate and Banstead • Keith, Havering • Oby, Enfield • Hannah, Enfield • Josephine, Cheshire West and Chester • David, Croydon • Graham, Sevenoaks • Thomas, Croydon • David, Enfield • Moya, Melton • Oladunni, Greenwich • Elizabeth, Lambeth • Melinda, Epping Forest • Sarah, Wiltshire • Virginia, Colchester • Elizabeth, Ribble Valley • Wesley, Ealing • Kudirat, Redbridge • Armstrong, Waltham Forest • Sophie, Greenwich • Ian, Havering • David, Cornwall • Sonia, Croydon • Blessing, Greenwich • Dulcie, Bromsgrove Worcestershire • David, Kirklees • Theresa, Harrow • Alison, Greenwich • Hannah, Waltham Forest • Lorna, Ealing • Hannah, Lambeth • Reuben, Tewkesbury • Iain, • Sandra, Camden • Fiona, Stroud • Roy, Croydon • Roy, Croydon • Festus, Bexley • George, Harrow • Amarh, Waltham Forest • Stephanie, Camden • Sheila, Horsham • Roslyn, Sutton • Alan, Hillingdon • Elizabeth, Chelmsford • Abraham, Harrow • Mary, Barking and Dagenham • Alison, Wiltshire • Anna, South Hams • Harriet, Newham • Ivan, Epping Forest • Beatrice, Lambeth • Jan, South Oxfordshire • Margaret, Belfast • Anne, Tendring • Funmilayo, Croydon • Giles, Eastleigh • Lisa, Horsham • Shelley, Calderdale • Ruby, Suffolk Coastal • Bjorn, Barnet • Sarah, Havering • Sandra, Nottingham • Abisola, Havering • Hiba, Wandsworth • Yemi, Greenwich • Surina, Wycombe • Sarah, Newham • Stella, Eastbourne • Martin, Crawley • Benjamin, Reigate and Banstead • John, Waverley • Elaine, Berkshire • Bamidele, Croydon • Michael, Lewisham • Joseph, Havering • Angela, Lambeth • Agatha, Brent • Anthony, Croydon • Catherine, Ealing • Stephanie, Wandsworth • Robert, Aylesbury Vale • Patricia, Bradford • Elizabeth, Croydon • Akindele, Dartford • George, Bolton • Mary, Waltham Forest • John, Salford • Sandra, Kirklees • Beryl, Havering • Gillian, Newark and Sherwood • Adeola, Enfield • Grace, Greenwich • Angelina, Camden • Philip, Purbeck • Jide, Broxbourne • Bill, Leeds • Melony, Hillingdon • Mary, Lewisham • Barry, Hillingdon • James, Redbridge • Veronica, Croydon • Jamie, Renfrewshire • Bill, Charnwood • Michael, East Lothian • Emile, Cheshire East • David, Bromley • Joan, Northumberland • Gillian, Tunbridge Wells • Steve, Bedford • Kenneth, Cardiff • Papronya, Ealing • Debbie, Westminster • Abimbola, Croydon • Andrew, Stroud • Roderick, Watford • Gerald, Barking and Dagenham • Roy, and Malling • Diana, Wakefield • Melanie, East Devon • #N/A • Jamal, Bedford • Rebecca, Croydon • Peter, Wokingham • Francesca, Kingston upon Thames • Christopher, Colchester • Timothy, Derbyshire Dales • Deborah, Hertsmere • Olusoga, Newham • Brian, Craigavon • Gerald, Stockport • Jim, Eden • David, Merton • Mary, Wiltshire • Alexander, Kingston upon Thames • Omonike, Guildford • Noreen, Birmingham • Carole, Kensington and Chelsea • Barbara, Barking and Dagenham • Gail, Redbridge • Diane, Greenwich • Iraj, Barnet • Benjamin, South Kesteven • Acha, Sheffield • Anne, St Albans • Edwin, Shetland • Dawn, Redbridge • Edward, Mid Sussex • William, Enfield • Robin, • Humphrey, Hampshire • Steven, Peterborough • Kingsley, Barnet • Juliet, Newham • Richard, Woking • Robin, Bromley • Debra, Ealing • Alison, Bromley • Wesley, Stockport • Monica, Barking and Dagenham • Rachel, Surrey Heath • Roma, Barking and Dagenham • Andrew, Solihull • Della, Epping Forest • Theo, Waltham Forest • Janet, Jersey • Andrew, Wokingham • Gerard, Harrow • Martin, Chiltern • Julie, North Tyneside • Selina, Wiltshire • Diana, Dartford • Adrienne, Anglesey • Paul, Lisburn • George, East Dunbartonshire • Anne, Wycombe • Rachel, East Dunbartonshire • Miranda, Woking • Sharon, Enfield • Maureen, Ealing • Wendy, Leicester • Nkosilathi, Bromley • Rose, Barking and Dagenham • Joy, Epping Forest • Elizabeth, Wandsworth • Sarah, Enfield • Ene, Waltham Forest • Stella, New Forest • Chioma, Lewisham • Ruth, Coventry • Ferry, Edinburgh • Roger, Bexley • Mark, Luton • Ivy, Tower Hamlets • D, Epsom and Ewell • Cecil, Wirral • Sandra, Enfield • Ofon, Barnet • Carol, Basildon • Tuula, Bromley • Margaret, Newham • Margaret, North Yorkshire • Medina, Lambeth • David, Cambridge • Raymond, Kensington and Chelsea • Pat, Cheshire East • Kyoko, Newham • Angela, Poole • Alma, Ealing • Moira, Pembrokeshire • Basil, Waverley • Julie, Basildon • Claudia, Redbridge • Brian, Epsom and Ewell • Christopher, Leeds • Evelyn, Waltham Forest • Ian, West Lindsey • Chris, Poole • David, Sutton • Joanne, Horsham • Radhika, Dartford • Olufunmi, Bromley • Peter, South Buckinghamshire • Ron, Kirklees • David, Pembrokeshire • Shabnam, Havering • Patience, Sutton • Maureen, Reigate and Banstead • Adina, • Gordon, Lincoln • Christopher, Shepway • Andrea, Brent • Nelson, Hackney • Michael, Epsom and Ewell • David, Lambeth • Lorimer, Guildford • Bruce, Harrow • Inderjit, Tower Hamlets • Jennifer, Ealing • Beryl, Sheffield • Lynn, Bromley • Enid, Enfield • Alison, Epsom and Ewell • M, Gravesham • Christopher, Hertsmere • Elsie, Barking and Dagenham • Emmanuel, Stevenage • Jennifer, Croydon • Christine, Renfrewshire • Robert, Fermanagh • Mitchell, Bristol • Glenn, Arun • Andrew, Fife • Aidan, Waverley • Olufunmilayo, Ealing • Sandra, Leicester • Fiona, Mole Valley • Phaedra, Bexley • Simon, Kingston upon Thames • David, Hampshire • Wendy, Dacorum • Ridgely, Three Rivers • Steven, Waverley • Anthony, Spelthorne • Eleonora, Croydon • Margaret, Cheshire East • Philomena, Cambridge • Shan, Richmond upon Thames • Diana, Slough • Richard, Ealing • Robinah, Lambeth • David, Crawley • Henry, Newham • Josephine, Merton • Dolly, Waltham Forest • Vincent, Harrow • Peter, Babergh • Darrell, South Oxfordshire • Elisabeth, Exeter • Jill, Redbridge • Joyce, Bromley • Vivien, Enfield • Sheldon, Reigate and Banstead • Joanna, Hampshire • Susan, Ealing • Kavitha, Elmbridge • Ann, Spelthorne • Margaret, Crawley • Marilyn, Lambeth • Yvonne, Bracknell Forest • Jacintha, Hammersmith and Fulham • Wellesley, Southwark • Bertha, Redbridge • Diana, Poole • Marilyn, Somerset • Uche, Havering • Joji, Reigate and Banstead • Sylvia, South Oxfordshire • Jonathan, Wyre • Rachel, Cambridge • Amanda, Enfield • Muriel, Greenwich • David, Croydon • James, Chelmsford • Hilary, Derby • Richard, • Isabel, Guildford • Malcolm, Stratford-on-Avon • Stephen, Richmond upon Thames • Anna, Wandsworth • Sonia, Birmingham • Ify, Greenwich • Kaye, Haringey • Marigold, Mid Sussex • Colin, North Down • Enid, Enfield • Jill, Basildon • Michael, Hampshire • Doreen, Medway • Carmen, Medway • Lydia, Lewisham • Dorothy, North Hertfordshire • Michael, Elmbridge • Joy, Newham • Oswald, Lewisham • Sheila, Reigate and Banstead • Christine, Mid Suffolk • Kathryn, Exeter • Linda, Ely • Victoria, Barnet • Suzanne, Merton • Susan, Reigate and Banstead • Carole, Sutton • Roma, Newham • Adelin, Merton • Karen, Surrey Heath • Ann, Bracknell Forest • Maureen, Chiltern • Tessa, Watford • Myra, Havering • Titilayo, Sutton • Elizabeth, South Hams • Susan, Eastbourne • Crucellina, Haringey • Mark, Sevenoaks • Diane, Runnymede • Hong-Yoke, Waltham Forest • Hansa, Harrow • Ken, Waltham Forest • Ian, Epsom and Ewell • Cheryl, Redbridge • Jean, Bromley • Rose, Brent • Doreen, Enfield • George, Redbridge • Christopher, Horsham • Jen, Ealing • Jennifer, Chelmsford • Roger, Three Rivers • Ann, Harrow • Adrian, Runnymede • Maza, Barnet • Adetutu, Greenwich • Samuel, South Gloucestershire • Enitan, Croydon • Heather, Swindon • Johan, Elmbridge • Gordon, Havering • Powlas, Ealing • Olive, Waltham Forest • Sheila, Cheshire West and Chester • Noeline, Lambeth • Aruere, Lambeth • Rita, South Oxfordshire • Anne, Waverley • Costella, Brent • Joanna, Harlow • Rosemary, Enfield • Reina, Wycombe • Mercel, Chesterfield • Tombi, Dartford • Paola, Uttlesford • Sara, Epping Forest • Joyce, Wandsworth • Glenroy, Redbridge • Brendon, Barnet • Elizabeth, Mid Devon • Magdalene, Guildford • Jocelyn, Enfield • Patricia, Wakefield • Pamela, Broxbourne • Michael, South Somerset • Frances, Epping Forest • Eunice, Greenwich • Kathleen, Enfield • Francis, Haringey • Philomena, Brent • Martin, Broxbourne • Angela, South Buckinghamshire • Barbara, Wealden • Cosmas, Lambeth • Ena, North Lincolnshire • Anne, Fylde • Williams, Newham • Josephine, Watford • Sunil, Ealing • Sirbjit, Hounslow • Christine, Oxford • Rosamound, Sutton • Abayomi, Swale • Alex, County Durham • Lisa, Barnet • Lynn, Lewisham • Michael, Cornwall • Beryl, Brent • Helen, Fife • Joan, Exeter • Beatrice, Ealing • Simon, Kingston upon Thames • Jean, Sutton • Philip, Waltham Forest • Storm, Uttlesford • Enid, South Staffordshire • Dorothy, Cherwell • Stella, Welwyn Hatfield • A, Norfolk • Lan, Sutton • Adeyemi, Lambeth • Carmen, Lewisham • Chienyeze, Tendring • Stainer, Brentwood • Headley, South Buckinghamshire • June, Thurrock • Lyneth, Hounslow • Hilda, Lambeth • Shelagh, Belfast • Marilyne, Wiltshire • Elizabeth, Hereford • Anthony, Newham • Wilkus, Bromley • John, Sutton • Anna, Bromley • Timothy, Richmond upon Thames • Peter, Daventry • Robert, Manchester • Richard, Staffordshire • James, Runnymede • Griselda, Croydon• Brenda, Mole Valley • Lewis, Westminster • Sheila, Havering • Deborah, Brent • Jean, Copeland • Andrew, Barnet • Esther, Bexley • Margaret, Dacorum • Leonie, North Hertfordshire • Uche, Bexley • Lorna, Newham • Anne, Leicester • Verily, Southampton • Cynthia, Barnet • Pamela, Southend-on-Sea • Julia, Elmbridge • Yolanda, Redbridge • Elizabeth, Enfield • Kemigisa, Enfield • Sylvio, Hillingdon • James, Enfield • Denise, Enfield • Elaine, Dartford • Neville, Dungannon and South Tyrone • Julia, Liverpool • Frank, Croydon • Bridget, Newham • Andrew, St Albans • Silvia, Aylesbury Vale • Katie, Lambeth • Felipa, Westminster • Li Yen, Wokingham • Lewis, Cheshire West and Chester • Chris, Camden • Jill, Warwick • Timothy, Guildford • May, Hart • Felicity, Bromley • Doreen, Harrow • Richard, Epsom and Ewell • Geoffrey, North Hertfordshire • Babs, Newham • Helen, Thurrock • Stuart, Kirklees • Amanda, Haringey • R, Woking • Keith, Broxbourne • Glenda, Enfield • Susan, Bexley • Moyinoluwa, Doncaster • James, Aberdeenshire • Simon, Croydon • Kwabi, Lewisham • Shirley, Redbridge • Jean, Kent • Esme, Bexley • Sue, Somerset • Joel, Croydon • Gloria, Hart • Randy, Kirklees • William, Epping Forest • William, Epping Forest • Keith, Thurrock • Kinful, Lewisham • Annabel, Chichester • Hilary, Reigate and Banstead • Ernetha, Mole Valley • James, Guildford • Zita, Wandsworth • Rasheed, Enfield • Pearl, Nottingham • Nanette, Enfield • Barbara, Oxford • Shelagh, Newcastle • Bosede, Aberdeen • Mona, Epsom and Ewell • Robert, Enfield • Peter, Southend-on-Sea • Coecilia, Wandsworth • Sarah, Croydon • Ivan, Banbridge • John, Hertsmere • Alison, Reigate and Banstead • Anne, Calderdale • Priscilla, Hammersmith and Fulham • Elaine, South Buckinghamshire • Sharon, Ards • Patrick, Warwick • Sheena, Lambeth • Daniel, Dacorum • Catherine, Barnet • Michael, Haringey • Anne, Berkshire • Samuel, Harlow • Gloria, Brentwood • Moni, Harrow • Elizabeth, Lewisham • W, Wandsworth • Alan, Peterborough • Stephen, Northumberland • Joan, Ealing • Andrew, Rother • Samuel, Westminster • Richard, Enfield • Louise, Maidstone • Michael, Enfield • James, Angus • Leon, County Durham• Stuart, Worcester • Ruth, Southwark • Cheong, Bromley • Bruce, Norfolk • Rita, Havering • Abosede, Bromley • Christopher, • Wendy, Bristol • Jennifer, Waltham Forest • Patricia, Enfield • Joffie, Ealing • Gill, Cardiff • Janet, St Albans • Martin, Bracknell Forest • Tendai, Havering • let,Vio Westminster • Evelyn, Redbridge • Jeavon, Westminster • Nancy, Lambeth • Merlyn, Sefton • Ezra, Haringey • Susan, South Kesteven • Claudia, Merton • Margaret, Merton • Mark, Luton • Una, Brent • Patricia, Lambeth • Robert, Bromley • Elizabeth, Wolverhampton • Sylvia, Ealing • Elaine, Lewisham • Jolly, Ealing • John, Harrow • Daniel, Basildon • Isoken, Hounslow • Marion, Lewisham • Shirley, Haringey • Petan, Bromley • Joan, Somerset • Maureen, Bexley • Mark, Enfield • Andrew, Tewkesbury • Dawn, Lewisham • Buniyan Titus, Newport • Leslie, Pendle • Joyce, Tendring • Adelaide, Greenwich • Sharon, Runnymede • Olusola, Medway • Eulalie, Waltham Forest • Eunice, Bath and North East Somerset • Marie, Hackney • Meyrick, Aberdeen • Maurice, Dudley • David, Waltham Forest • Jean, Carmarthenshire • Allan, Bristol • Rosamund, Newham • Gillian, Cotswold • Romero, Berkshire • Ian, Greenwich • Margaret, Newcastle • Emmanuel, Greenwich • Yolande, Wandsworth • Daria, Sheffield • Karen, Salford • Victoria, Kensington and Chelsea • Navellete, Sutton • Derek, Weymouth and Portland • Lynne, Nottingham • Louise, Hammersmith and Fulham • Catherine, Epping Forest • Dean, County Durham • Jennifer, Woking • Antony, South Buckinghamshire • Gillian, Pendle • Julianna, Lambeth • Erdmuthe, Swale • Leslie, Barnet • Josephine, Greenwich • Margaret, North Dorset • Howard, Wiltshire • Ijeoma, Greenwich • Caroline, Wandsworth • Edward, Bexley • Pauline, Greenwich • Carolyn, Sefton • Douglas, Bexley • Carol, Hackney • Vinice, Hammersmith and Fulham • Carol, Leeds • Rose, Greenwich • Colin, Highland • Sabrina, Greenwich • Jerome, Waltham Forest • Beatrice, Dartford • Anne, Elmbridge • Sue, Hertsmere • Anthony, Dudley • Judith, Mid Sussex • Sadie, Merton • Miriam, Bromley • Achim, Hillingdon • Olufemi, Waltham Forest • Stefan, Medway • Pamela, Stroud • Keith, Bexley • Doreen, Islington • Angela, Croydon • Velda, Hackney • Coral, Merton • Lyn, Cheshire West and Chester • Eunice, Barking and Dagenham • Annabel, Winchester • James, Chelmsford • Rosemary, Bromley • Adetola, Hillingdon • Kim, Crawley • Monica, Merton • Christine, Hounslow • Grace, Barking and Dagenham • Patricia, Brent • Angela, Hillingdon • Judith, Edinburgh • Alfred, Leeds • Anna, Berkshire • Love-lilly, Croydon • Yvonne, Southend-on-Sea • Chris, Coventry • Elroy, Newham • Ann, Slough • Yvonne, Lambeth • James, Bristol • Cordelia, Croydon • Cynthia, Chiltern • Simon, South Buckinghamshire • F, Chelmsford • Angela, Westminster • Dennis, Redbridge • Donald, Havering • Lorraine, South Buckinghamshire • Edith, Lewisham • Maria, Redbridge • Imo, Newcastle • Ginta, Harrow • Jacqui, Barnet • Patricia, Waltham Forest • Maisie, Birmingham • Deirdre, Eastleigh • Jane, Harrow • David, South Buckinghamshire • Jackie, Leicester • Afsatu, Islington • Robert, South Lanarkshire • Patricia, Redbridge • Angela, Chelmsford • Esther, Sutton • Anthonia, Lewisham • Raymond, Hillingdon • Julian, Hounslow • Shirley, Harrow • Antony, Bromley • Olabisi, Redbridge • Catherine, Barking and Dagenham • Sonia, Ealing • Christine, North Somerset • Ian, Waverley • Emmanuel, Croydon • Robert, Nuneaton & Bedworth • Anne, Colchester • Mervyn, Denbighshire • Deborah, Islington • Nicole, Luton • Maureen, Tunbridge Wells • Yikuno, Hillingdon • Merle, Elmbridge • Jim, Wolverhampton • Robin, Richmond upon Thames • Olutoyin, Kingston upon Thames • Jim, Conwy • Olufunmike, Greenwich • Dorothy, Gateshead • Catherine, Hart • Elizabeth, Croydon • Janet, South Kesteven • Michael, Croydon • Juliette, Bromley • John, Wiltshire • Pat, Hertsmere • Michael, Belfast • Christina, Windsor and Maidenhead • Dua, Newham • Lavern, Lambeth • Ann Hilda, Harrow • Rita, Runnymede • Sheila, Solihull • Tracey, Croydon • Rosemary, Ealing • Geraldine, New Forest • Florence, Bexley • Michael, York • J, Hillingdon • Maureen, Preston • Janice, Tameside • Sonia, Westminster • Elaine, Tower Hamlets • Richard, Bath and North East Somerset • Andrew, Winchester • Andrew, Warwick

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