See discussions, stats, and author profiles for this publication at: Phylogenetic relationships and morphological evolution in Opuntia s.str. and closely related members of tribe Opuntieae ARTICLE · JANUARY 2014 CITATION READS 1 106 2 AUTHORS, INCLUDING: Lucas C. Majure Desert Botanical Garden, Phoenix,… 47 PUBLICATIONS 200 CITATIONS SEE PROFILE Available from: Lucas C. Majure Retrieved on: 29 February 2016 Succulent Plant Research Volume Eight Phylogenetic relationships and morphological evolution in Opuntia s.str. and closely related members of tribe Opuntieae Lucas C. Majure 1 and Raul Puente 2 1Florida Museum of Natural History, Gainesville, FL 32611, U.S.A.
[email protected] 2Desert Botanical Garden, Phoenix, AZ 85008, U.S.A.
[email protected] Abstract. Phylogenetic analyses of tribe Opuntieae DC., have in recent years, refined the way that we delimit Opuntia s.str. Seven segregate genera within tribe Opuntieae have been recognized based on previous morpho - logical studies, as well as results from phylogenetic data (i.e. Brasiliopuntia, Consolea, Miqueliopuntia, Opuntia, Salmiopuntia, Tacinga , and Tunilla ). Here we underscore the major clades of tribe Opuntieae, with a specific focus on the genus Opuntia , analyze morphological evolution throughout the clade, and discuss morphological synapomorphies of individual clades, when known. Polyploidy and hybridization have been major drivers of speciation within the Opuntieae, where polyploids account for nearly 61% of recognized species. Taxonomic implications regarding phylogenetic and cytological studies also are discussed. Introduction Tribe Opuntieae DC. consists of seven currently recognized genera, Brasiliopuntia A. Berger , Consolea Lem ., Miqueliopuntia Frič ex F. Ritter , Opuntia Mill., Salmiopuntia Frič , Tacinga Britton & Rose, and Tunilla D.R.