Commercial Collection of Pinnipeds in the Channel Islands, 1877-1981

Peter C. Howorth Marine Mammal Center 3930 Harrold Avenue, Santa Barbara, CA 93110

and Herder (1983), neither discussed historic Abstract - From at least 1877 to 1981, Santa methods and equipment, nor did they discuss Barbara, California was the center for collecting- contemporary commercial practices of Santa pinnipeds for zoos, circuses, oceanaria and Barbara collectors in particular. I described research institutions worldwide. Three primary historical and contemporary methods used by collectors, with numerous assistants, dominated commercial collectors at in this trade for a century. Their methods and an unpublished report prepared for The equipment were trade secrets handed down Nature Conservancy (Howorth 1985). from each collector to his successor. This paper Up until passage of the Marine Mammal reviews the commercial collection of pinnipeds Protection Act in 1972, commercial collections at the northern Channel Islands both for were carried out under the authority of special historical interest and for researchers interested permits issued by the California Department of in various collection techniques. Fish and Game. Government observers were not required to monitor such collections. Reports were filed by collectors with the Introduction California Department of Fish and Game only Santa Barbara, California was the center for in the two decades preceding the Marine the commercial collection of pinnipeds for Mammal Protection Act. Thus, catch statistics, zoos, circuses, oceanaria and research institu- including species, numbers, sex, size, age and tions from at least 1877 to 1981 (Santa Barbara area of collection, virtually went unmonitored News-Press 1969). California sea lions (Zalophus for decades. Aside from occasional reports in californianus), often simply referred to as "seals" the Santa Barbara News-Press (see below) and in various accounts (which will be discussed in brief sketches in regional history texts (Gidney detail later), were the most sought-after and by et al, 1917; Phillips 1927), virtually nothing far the most numerous species caught, although seems to have been published on the activities harbor seals (Phoca vitulena) also were collected of the early collectors. on occasion (R. Headley, pers. comm.). Men- tion of commercial collection methods in Following passage of the Marine Mammal technical papers is sparse (Cornell 1987; Protection Act in 1972, commercial collections Herder 1983), and even popular accounts of were carried out under the authority of permits commercial collection activities at the northern issued by the National Marine Fisheries Channel Islands are scarce (Santa Barbara Service, under the Department of Commerce. News-Press, July 1877; Holder 1910; AshkenazThesy e permits were issued to the facility where 1980; Howorth 1974, 1988). One article on each animal would ultimately be kept rather collecting California sea lions at the Coronados than to the collectors themselves. Collectors Islands off Baja California, Mexico was were authorized by the National Marine published in the Los Angeles Times (Dunn 1931). Fisheries Service on the basis of their expertise. Although specific contemporary methods and Only collectors of record were allowed to equipment were discussed by Cornell (1978) capture pinnipeds along the west coast..

579 National Marine Fisheries Service observers In 1976, I established the Marine Mammal were sent on nearly all collection trips after Center, both to temporarily house captured 1972. Their main purpose was to make certain animals and to serve as a nonprofit clinic for that the animals were collected and held in a distressed pinnipeds which were to be humane manner and were caught only in areas rehabilitated and returned to the wilds. During approved for collection activities. The the same period I began collecting for collections were carried out in accordance with International Animal Exchange, Inc. (Ferndale, the provisions of the Marine Mammal MI) which acted as a jobber for commercially Protection Act and with prevailing' National collected specimens. I continued to collect Marine Fisheries Service policies. Catch pinnipeds until March 1981, when I made the statistics were only of secondary interest to last commercial capture of pinnipeds at the National Marine Fisheries Service observers at northern Channel Islands, During the period the time (D. Beach, pers. comm.). from 1974 through 1981, I kept detailed records of each collection activity. Methods History and Techniques A literature survey was conducted to gather data on commercial pinniped collections. In 1846, Capt. F.A. Eastman, a veteran of Unpublished literature was examined, including the Mexican War, crossed the Santa Ynez internal reports made by National Marine Mountains with Fremont. Sometime afterward, Fisheries Service observers following collection he claimed to be the first person "who captured activities. I examined material in the archives of a sea lion alive" (Santa Barbara News-Press, 16 the Ventura Historical Society March 1969). Eastman continued to collect sea Museum, the Santa Barbara Historical Society lions until at least 1889, when a newspaper and the Channel islands Archives of the Santa account mentioned that Eastman had Barbara Museum of Natural History. Accounts constructed a 1,000 gallon water tank on a on the subject were checked in the Santa boxcar for shipping sea lions to the east coast Barbara News-Press and other newspapers. In all (Santa Barbara Weekly Herald 1889), The sloop cases, I surveyed the literature on: 1) collection Challenge had been sent out to capture 10 sea activities; 2) collectors; 3) the Channel Islands lions for Eastman as he made his preparations. in general; 4) the species of pinniped and 5) the Meanwhile, in 1875, Capt. James P. Mullett boats used in collection activities. (sometimes listed as James R. Mullett) arrived In 1969 I began working with Richard in Santa Barbara, to stay for four years {Santa Headley, last of the three primary collectors, Barbara Daily News 1891). By July of 1877, who owned a company called Sea Lions Mullett had captured several sea lions at the International. During the next eight years I Channel Islands from the schooner Reliance, He learned a great deal about the methods and delivered some of the animals to New York, equipment used to capture pinnipeds then sailed with the others to Europe to set up a commercially through first-hand accounts from market there. Once Mullett established the Headley and his assistant, Louis Nelson. business, he worked as a jobber out of Phila- Headley was able to provide considerable delphia and London, returning to Santa Barbara historical background on the commercial periodically for more animals which were collection of pinnipeds. In 1974, I began shipped overland to New York. Reportedly, in collecting for Lawrence Bond, one of Headley's each shipment, nearly half died before reaching former assistants who in 1968 formed his own the east coast (Santa Barbara Daily News 1891). company, called Global Sea Lions. I continued In 1879, the Rogers brothers, local entre- to work for Headley at the same time. preneurs, purchased the schooner N.B. and

580 dispatched it to the northern Channel Islands Eaton to fill an order for sea lions for him to hunt for sea lions. By June of the same year, (Eaton 1980). This person could have been one such forays were common enough for the of the Rogers brothers. A Herbert Rogers was newspaper to remark that "another lot of sea in the sea lion trade as hate as 1914 (Santa lions" had arrived for shipment to the eastern Barbara News-Press, 16 March 1969). states (Santa Barbara News-Press, 30 June 1879). Whether Mullett was involved with the At least one specimen came from Anacapa Rogers brothers remains unknown. However, Island, according to the account. In September, one account mentions that a schooner, char- the Rogers brothers again sent N.B, to the tered by Mullett, caught 32 seals at Anacapa northern Channel Islands, this time to fill an Island only days after the Rogers brothers' order for 37 animals (Santa Barbara News-Press, schooner Surprise was wrecked at San Miguel 25 September 1879). On 23 December 1879, Island. Moreover, Eaton (1980) mentions that however, the schooner N,B, was driven ashore Ira Eaton caught sea lions for George McGuire, at and completely destroyed Mullett's successor, as well as for "Mr. Rogers," (Howorth 1985, 1993; S. Haller, pers. comm.) as late as 1911. Mullett and the Rogers brothers The undaunted Rogers brothers purchased were likely business rivals. Mullett, however, another sealing schooner, the Surprise, in 1880, was the first "big dealer" in sea lions, at least One account mentions that the Surprise was according to newspaper accounts (Santa Barbara prowling around the northern Channel Islands News-Press, 16 March 1969). From the period looking for "hair" seals (Santa Barbara News- 1877-1905, Mullett reportedly had captured at Press, 11 February 1880). The article stated "The least 600 sea lions (Santa Barbara News-Press, 15 animals are rather scarce at this time of year, and May 1905). In 1905, J.E. Slinkey joined Mullett a large capture is not expected." On 13 March in his endeavors. 1881, the Surprise was swept ashore at San Not much is known about the techniques Miguel Island and wrecked (Howorth 1985, used by these collectors. However, one Howorth & Hudson 1993; Haller, pers. comm.). newspaper account is revealing-—"Three The Rogers brothers were not engaged vaqueros will approach a seal lying on the solely in the live capture of pinnipeds, They rookery; one of them throws his reata over the also sold seal oil and "trimmings," such as dried seal's flippers, which give him [the seal] his genitals of male sea lions, which were used in motive power, and the other two vaqueros at Asia as aphrodisiacs. Several other schooners the same time—one on each side of the seal— wrecked on the northern Channel Islands also fling lassos over the neck and fin [presumably were listed as sealers, and could have been the fore flipper]" (Santa Barbara News-Press, engaged in live capture activities as well. These July 1877). The captive then was placed in a ships include: 1) the Leader, wrecked on San box and the lid "nailed down." Holder Miguel Island on 7 June 1876; 2) the Kate and (1910:255-256) described this technique in a Ann, also wrecked at San Miguel Island on 9 more colorful manner - "The moment the April 1902 and 3) the Ella G., wrecked on Santa reata falls and the game is caught, the men dash Rosa Island on 2 February 1908 (D. Morris, for the rocks, where they can take a turn with pers. comm.; Howorth 1985, 1993). The Kate their ropes. ...After a long struggle the sea lions and Ann had a notorious reputation for are mastered; the ugliest are gagged, bound, smuggling opium and Chinese immigrants into thrown over, and towed to the boxes, into America (S. Haller, pers. comm.). Reportedly which they are placed," the Rogers brothers continued in the seal trade The newspapers also described catching seals into at least the 1890s, assisted by a man in the "big cavern at the islands," quite possibly referred to in newspaper accounts as Fred Painted Cave at Santa Cruz Island. "A seal net Forbush. About 1911, a "Mr. Rogers" asked Ira was spread at the entrance to the cave and then

581 the hunters shot off a gun, scaring the seals so southeaster off Santa Barbara in 1928 (Eaton that they made for the net, where four large 1980). Eaton named his boat after Jack hulls were caught. These were lassoed and London's fictional sealing schooner in his secured in cages let down into the water and memorable novel, The Sea Wolf. After Eaton's thus brought into captivity" {Santa Barbara Sen Wolf foundered, Eaton leased the schooner News-Press, July 1877). Interestingly, this Santa Cruz from the owners of Santa Cruz account precisely describes methods used by Island. In 1933, Eaton purchased the Pelican, collectors more than a century later in the same which he owned until his death in 1938 (Eaton place, except that whistles, horns or sticks 1980). Sometime during this period or possibly rapped against the gunwales of a skiff, instead later, a vessel called the Husky was used for of firearms, were used to spook the animals collecting sea lions (Fig. 1). into the water (R. Headley, pers. comm.). Eaton collected numerous sea lions for In 1904, Capt. George McGuire purchased McGuire along the north shore of Santa Cruz Mullen's operation. Mullett worked with Island. He worked on occasion at "Black McGuire at least into the following year Point," west of Potato Harbor, where he "had because a newspaper account mentions Mullett caught many seal[s] there to fill orders for and Slinkey catching a number of sea lions at Captain McGuire" (Eaton 1980). He also the northern Channel Islands. One of worked at Painted Cave and in the cove McGuire's first moves was to eliminate the use immediately to the west. A net was stretched of "corral cages" because he felt they were across the entrance of the cave to trap sea lions cruel (Santa Barbara News-Press, 14 March (Eaton 1980). This method was used as late as 1955). What corral cages were is unknown, but 1937 by "Dutch" Fredericks, one of Eaton's one account (Santa Barbara News-Press, 4 assistants. The Santa Barbara News-Press, 29 December 1955) implies that they were November (1937) succinctly described actually used to catch animals. Headley (pers. Fredericks' technique: "His method is to fire comm.) feels the corral cages might instead shots to scare the seals out of the caves into have been floating receivers (pens) moored in nets." Fortunately, Eaton (1980) provided a island coves for holding animals prior to good description of the net, It was 38 m long, shipping them to Santa Barbara. 15 m deep, with 100 cork floats and 100 5 cm- McGuire did switch to a "three-mesh net" long lead weights. It weighed about 91 kg. designed for catching sea lions. This very likely During this same period, Capt. Pietro was a trammel net, consisting of three panels, Margolis collected sea lions at the Coronados with larger mesh on the outside panels. Such Islands, off Baja California, Mexico, from his nets are still used by commercial gill net 15m fishing vessel Ventura. The operation fishermen today (M. Vojkovich, pers. comm.). was described by Dunn (1931). At "Lesser Quite a number of Santa Barbara fishermen Coronado," four men would drop a net into worked for McGuire over the years, including the water from rocky ledges above either side Capt. Colis Vasquez, Capt. Ira Eaton, "Dutch" of a water-filled crevice. A fifth man would Fredericks and J.E. Slinkey, mentioned earlier. walk up to the cave at the mouth of the Vasquez worked off the schooner Peerless until crevice and beat the water with a long 1907, when McGuire purchased the Gussie M. bamboo pole to frighten sea lions hiding in a steam schooner, for his use (Santa Barbara the cave out into the net. Sometimes a pistol News-Press, 15 May 1907). Ira Eaton worked was used instead to scare the animals. The off his Irene from 1905-1913, at which time he rectangular net was manipulated with hand purchased the Gussie M. from McGuire (Eaton lines secured to each corner. Two men were 1980). The following year, Eaton purchased stationed on each side of the crevice, one the Sen Wolf, which finally was lost in a holding a line secured to the top of the net,

582 Figure 1. Unidentified workers from the Husky pulling a subadult California sea lion into a floating cage, Photograph courtesy of the Santa Barbara Historical Society.

the other man holding a line leading to the jobber of sea lions. He continued to market sea bottom of the net. When an animal struck the lions until his death at the age of 102 (Santa net, the men would quickly form the net into Barbara News-Press, 4 December 1955). a bag by bringing all four corners together According to a newspaper account, McGuire with the hand lines. The animal was then sold "more than 2,500 seals" from the time he hauled onto the ledge and placed in a cage. started in the business in 1904 (Santa Barbara Some 200-300 animals reportedly were News-Press, 14 March 1955). Phillips (1927) caught by Margolis, although how long he mentions that McGuire sold seals to 3,005 collected in the area is unknown. different markets worldwide, so the first figure Margolis' net was about 9 m long by 2.5 m may be conservative. McGuire, with over halt a deep, woven of 12 mm tarred line with a 15 cm century of experience in the trade, certainly mesh. The ends of the hand lines were wrapped earned his nickname of "Seal King." to form, a better grip. The bottom line, or lead Walter Miller purchased the collecting part of line, was weighted with 3 0 cm lengths of 25 the business from McGuire in 1940 (R. Headley, mm diameter lead pipe to make it sink rapidly. pers. comm.). Miller collected sea lions near McGuire retired from active pinniped Potato Harbor (probably the same "Black Point" collecting work in 1940, serving instead as a mentioned by Eaton) at Painted Cave and at

583 Gull Island, all off Santa Cruz Island, and from a retrieval with a buoy on their crowns. One cave west of Frenchy's Cove, on the north shore anchor was set at each end of the net, although of west Anacapa Island (R. Headley, pers. sometimes two nets were tied together to form comm.). Miller reportedly collected a few Steller one long net. Occasionally the nets were set in sea lions (Eumetopias jubatus) on two occasions at an L- or V-shape using a third anchor. The Ano Nuevo Island, in Santa Cruz County, nets were tied to rocks or cliffs when California (R. Headley, pers. comm.). convenient rather than anchored. Headley (pers. comm.) said that Miller used When a sea lion blundered into the net, cotton trammel nets to collect sea lions. The Headley and his assistant would tie up to the outer panels were of 60 cm mesh (stretched cork line in a skiff, seize the animal by its hind knot-to-knot), while the inner panel was 25 cm flippers, then place a lasso around its flippers. mesh. Cork floats were used along the top of The lasso was drawn through the back of a the net, while lead weights were used along the slatted wooden cage floating in the water. The bottom. The nets were set with anchors or tied animal then could be pulled by the lasso to the rocky cliffs when convenient. attached to its hind flippers into the cage as the Miller sold his sea lions through Louis net was removed from the animal with blunt- Goebel, of Jungleland (Thousand Oaks, CA); tipped, stainless steel hooks on the ends of Art McBride, of Pacific Ocean Park (Santa stout wooden poles. Blunt-tipped net knives, Monica, CA); and probably through McGuire, also on the end of poles, sometimes were used who continued to market sea lions from his to safely cut net away from an ensnared animal. home in Santa Barbara at the time. According A plywood guillotine door was slid into place to Headley (pers. comm.), Miller generally sold once the animal was freed of the net and drawn between 75-100 sea lions per year. alt the way into the cage. [Headley donated an In 1958, Richard Headley purchased the 8mm film of one of his collections to the business from Miller. Headley also acquired Channel Islands Archives at the Santa Barbara the 11.5m fishing vessel Seal (Fig. 2), built by Museum of Natural History.] Larson in San Pedro in 1916. Headley worked On rare occasions, harbor seals were caught Miller's collecting sites at Santa Cruz Island, in the nets although they were set specifically to and Miller's spot near Frenchy's Cove, west catch sea lions (R. Headley, pers. comm.). At Anacapa Island. Headley did not visit Ano San Miguel Island, northern elephant seals Nuevo Island, however. Headley did work (Mirounga angustirostris) and northern fur seals Santa Barbara and San Nicolas Islands on a few (Callorbinus ursinus), occasionally were caught in occasions, along with the south side of Anacapa the nets, but these were immediately released, Island (R. Headley, pers. comm.). Headley also On the beaches Headley collected pinnipeds began collecting extensively on San Miguel using 1 m diameter hoop nets. Headley found Island, at Tyler Bight and Adam's Cove. that small sea lions could be captured by Headley was an innovator, quick to try new seizing their hind flippers by hand, although areas and methods, Headley switched to single- this was risky. Headley also used hoop nets to panel nylon nets, with foam floats instead of collect harbor seals on beaches, but he found corks. The mesh size was about 25 cm, knot- them difficult to collect in numbers, so he to-knot. Each net was about 75 m long and 15 never developed a large market for them (R. m deep, although "suspenders" placed every 2 Headley, pers. comm.). m or so cut the depth of the nets to about 7.5 Headley collected some 200-300 sea lions m. This put huge bulges in the net, increasing per year until the passage of the Marine its catching qualities according to Headley Mammal Protection Act in 1972 (R. Headley, (pers. comm.). The nets were anchored in place pers, comm.). At this time, the demand with 20 kg old-fashioned anchors, marked for dropped dramatically because of stiffer

584 Figure 2. Upper: The fishing vessel Seal tied up beside floating sea lion holding pens in Santa Barbara Harbor. Lower: Louis Nelson, chief collector for Richard Headley, tending a water net off San Miguel Island. Photographs by Peter C. Howarth.

585 government regulations on permanent holding nonprofit operation devoted to rehabilitating and exportation of marine mammals. pinnipeds and returning them to the wilds. When Headley first entered the business, As chief collector for Headley, I gradually Joseph Gorgita, a fisherman from Port initiated a lew changes in collecting methods Hueneme, CA, also was capturing sea lions off and equipment over the years. For the the northern and southern Channel Islands (R. collecting net, I reduced the number of lead Headley, pers. comm.). Gorgita reportedly sold weights so captured animals more easily could his animals through jobbers, just as Miller had reach the surface to breathe. Lighter twine was done. Headley, however, became his own used so that large, unmarketable specimens jobber, forming a company called Sea Lions could break through the net safely, and escape International. Headley expanded the worldwide without leaving any part of the net stretched market developed by his predecessors. over their neck. I eliminated the use of stout Personnel from Marineland of the Pacific wooden cudgels use to stun large, belligerent (Palos Verdes, CA) and from Sea World (San specimens. I built lighter, more portable Diego, CA) captured pinnipeds as well as equipment because I used small (8-10 m long), cetaceans, for their own display purposes fast boats for collecting. Such boats did not during the 1960s and 1970s. Hoop nets were handle heavy loads as well as larger vessels. used to collect smaller pinnipeds (Cornell Everything was designed in such a way as to 1978; B. Andrews, pers. comm.), At Sea World, avoid snagging the nets, including building a "Wally" nets were used to collect larger skiff and floating cage with smooth sides. For pinnipeds. The Wally nets were large, circular hoop nets, I made rings and handles of 3 cm, throw nets with a noose around their perimeter schedule 80, plastic pipe so animals would not (Cornell 1978). Both types of nets were used on damage their teeth if they bit the hoop during beaches rather than in the water. their struggles. As a result of these measures, Lawrence Bond, one of Headley's assistants, mortality was reduced to one animal, out of started his own Santa Barbara-based company 220 caught during the period 1974-1981. in 1968 called Global Sea Lions. Bond used I developed a new approach to capture much the same methods as Headley, although during this period. With several assistants, I he Favored capturing animals on beaches with would swim to animals dozing on rocks or on hoop nets rather than collecting them in the beaches, By staying in the water until the last water (L. Nelson, pers. comm.). Bond worked moment, it was possible to approach animals, mainly at San Miguel Island, although he did quite closely. This method proved very make at least one land-based collection at San effective for capturing California sea lions as Nicolas Island. well as harbor seals, Also, many areas that In 1969 I started working for Headley. First would not have allowed setting the water net as an assistant to Headley and his chief because of physical obstructions were opened collector, Louis Nelson (Fig. 2), later as an up to us. Then, too, areas in which only a few assistant to Nelson, and finally as chief animals were hauled out became feasible for collector, In 1974 I also began collecting for collecting efforts because each attempt could Bond, and in 1976, for International Animal be made in minutes, whereas setting the water Exchange Inc. (Ferndale, MI) who acted as net would have taken up to an hour. jobbers. In 1976 I established the Marine At Painted Cave, Santa Cruz Island, we col- Mammal Center of Santa Barbara to temporar- lected sea lions by having one person shine a ily house animals collected for commercial powerful, narrow-beamed light on sea lions hauled, purposes. That same year I organized the out on a narrow ledge in the inner chamber of the marine mammal rehabilitation program, a cavern. We would swim over to the animals in

586 darkness, to either side of the beam of light, and we employed several strategies, including use of catch them in the hoop nets. (A reliable light was a the water net, the skiff as a rapid landing craft necessity.) For specific collecting sites, I made for collectors with hoop nets, and the swimming special nets shaped to prevent escape, then approach. This, too, was quite successful. stretched them across the mouths of certain coves During the course of this project, we were able and caves. In some areas, these nets were set before to capture a young male California sea lion that I attempted a beach capture, thus bolstering our had a severe wound around its neck inflicted by chances of a good catch. a commercial fisherman's gill net. The net was I collected animals at all of the sites Headley removed and the animal recovered, according to had shown me. In addition, I made a land-based the Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to collection at , and at Gull Animals (Monterey, CA). Island and West Point off Santa Cruz Island. The multifaceted approach to capture proved very useful in the Monterey project, particularly Discussion since the collecting efforts took place over several days. Collectors repeatedly using a single Historical interest aside, the methods devel- technique and one type of gear, especially in the oped by commercial collectors can be applied same area, have invariably met with quite successfully to research efforts. In 1981, progressively less success (R. Headley, Daniel Miller of the California Department of L. Nelson, R. DeLong, G. Antonelis, D. Fish and Game (Monterey), consulted with me DeMasters, K. Nicholson, pers. comms.). In concerning the proposed capture of harbor seals 1986, variations of one approach were used in at the mouth of Klamath River. The animals the Seattle, Washington area in an attempt to were to be captured, tagged and released as part remove a few California sea lion bulls preying of a National Marine Fisheries Service study on upon a steelhead (Salmo gairdnerii) run (11. the effects of harbor seals on the local salmon DeLong, pers, comm.). The animals became fishery. Miller and I went over capture strategies progressively more wary and were not caught and I loaned the department my largest (G. Antonelis, pers. comm.). collection net. The department's efforts were From the standpoint of efficiency, the quite successful (D. Miller pers. comm.; Herder greater the variety of methods, equipment and 1983). In 1982, I consulted with Douglas collecting sites, the better the chances of DeMasters of the National Marine Fisheries success. Having enough equipment and per- Service (La Jolla, CA). DeMasters was sonnel to adapt to local conditions, including coordinating the radio tagging of harbor seals at the size and configuration of the collecting site, San Miguel Island with Brent Stewart of what its accessibility, the number and species of was then the Hubbs-Sea World Research animals present, and the weather and sea Institute (San Diego, CA). We collected and conditions, is essential to consistent success, radiotagged several harbor seals using the especially when one area is repeatedly worked swimming approach with wetsuits (B. Stewart, over a period of time. Pinnipeds definitely pers. comm.). This method was also used by become wary of repeated collection attempts Brent Stewart and Pamela Yochem in later using only one method. In fact, pinnipeds may studies. In 1983, I brought my collection skiff, become so disturbed by repeated human water nets, hoop nets, cages and other gear to presence that they temporarily or permanently Monterey, California, where the National abandon haul out areas (Peterson & Marine Fisheries Service was conducting a Bartholomew 1967; R. DeLong, pers. comm.). mark/recapture, food habits, and feeding cycle This is all the more reason why every attempt duration study on California sea lions (K. should be made to capture animals in the Nicholson, pers. comm.). During this project, swiftest, most efficient manner.

587 Nets set in the water are extremely efficient infected. In young animals the tightly stretched when not used in the same area over a period of net acts like a garrote, slicing its way through a few days. At San Miguel Island, it was not tissue as the animal grows. Surgical removal of unusual to catch more than 100 sea lions in a the net, followed by lengthy convalescence, day's set. Captured animals were culled to meet often saves such animals, providing infections each client's requirements as to size, age and arc not too severe. sex, so the majority often were released Persons engaged in the collection of pinni- unharmed. On one particularly productive day, peds should use nets made of twine rather than however, nearly 300 sea lions were caught but monofilament. Twine does not seem to stretch, only 78 were kept. as much and is comparatively larger in diameter, Water nets (Fig. 3) are discriminatory only if for a given strength. Twine made of natural deployed when one species of pinniped is fibers is biodegradable and will break down over present. Nets set in the presence of several time, whereas nylon twine lasts much longer. species are not discriminatory, Hoop nets (Fig. Mesh size should be selected according to the 3), on the other hand, can be used to select for species sought. By using twine with a small species, size, approximate age and even sex in the mesh size, even animals will not be case of mature specimens. When handled able to get the net around their necks (Fig. 3). carefully, hoop nets pose virtually no threat to Commercial collection methods and equip- the well-being of the animal being captured. For ment have been employed in capturing several reasons, specimens can easily be drowned distressed pinnipeds on mainland beaches. The with waternets. If the net is not watched animals usually are captured with hoop nets or diligently and ensnared animals removed by hand, although the swimming approach and promptly, they may become exhausted and water nets have been used when more drown, especially if a heavy lead line is used. The conventional methods failed. During the period lead line should be only heavy enough to sink the 1976 through 1987, hundreds of distressed bottom of the net, Large specimens caught in a pinnipeds have been captured, rehabilitated. net often drown smaller animals by placing so and released. The experience gained during the much tension on the net that the smaller ones years of commercial collection activities have cannot reach the surface. If a net becomes fouled proved very useful for this nonprofit endeavor. on rocks, an animal trapped toward the bottom of the net may not be able to reach the surface to Acknowledgments breathe. For this reason, collecting sites should My sincerest thanks go to Richard Headley, be surveyed carefully for underwater obstruc- who introduced me to the commercial collection tions before the net is deployed. of marine mammals and provided considerable Another clanger that arises through the use of historical insight into the subject, and to Louis water nets is that animals may break loose with Nelson, whose enthusiasm and warm regard for part of the net stretched tightly around their his captives led me toward a deeper involvement necks. This happens frequently when pinnipeds with marine mammals. Special thanks go to are incidentally caught in commercial mono- National Marine Fisheries Service biologists filament gill nets used by the fishing industry Robert DeLong, George Antonelis and Douglas (Ford, Andrews, Barrett, pers. comms.). Over DeMasters and observers Doug Beach, Gene time, the net chafes its way through the tissues, Nitta, and Dana Seagars. The Nature Conser- creating a large open wound which may become vancy funded an initial study of the subject at

Figure 3 (facing page). Upper: A water net deployed by tying to rocks at the entrance of a off Santa Cruz Island. A California sea lion is caught in the net just behind the outboard motor. Lower Left Author Peter Howorth retrieving a subadult sea lion from the water net. Lower Right: A subadult sea lion being transferred from a hoop net to a wooden cage by author and assistant Jon Holcomb (on right). All photographs by Dick Smith.

588 589 Santa Cruz Island, and the National Park History of Santa Barbara, San Luis Obispo and Service, Channel islands National park, has Ventura Counties, California: Vol. 2. Lewis. provided continued support. Staff at the Ventura Publishing: Chicago, IL. 651 pp. and Santa Barbara County Historical Societies, Holder, C.F. 1910. The Channel Islands of California. A.C. McClurg & Co.: Chicago, IL,. as well as, Susan Dixon, librarian at the Santa 397 pp. Barbara Museum of Natural History's Channel Howorth, P.C. 1974. Sealing. Aquarius. 3(5):18-19;. Islands Archives were very helpful in tracking 34-35 [May]. down historical information. Brent Stewart . 1984. Pinniped collection methods and equip- (Hubbs Research Institute) and Charles ment used by commercial collectors in the Woodhouse (Santa Barbara Museum of Natural southern California Bight from 1878 to 1983. History) provided encouragement and support- Unpubl. Report prepared for The Nature through numerous projects involving Conservancy. 20 pp pinnnipeds. Finally, I thank fellow participants . 1986. The infamous Kate and Ann. Water- of the Marine Mammal Stranding Network, front, 7(9):20 [March], whose efforts have immeasurably deepened our and D.T. Hudson. 1993. Submerged archaeological and historical sites in the Channel understanding and awareness of pinnipeds. Islands National Park and Channel Islands National Marine Sanctuary, In: F.G llochberg (ed.), Third California Islands Symposium: recent advances in research on the California Islands. Literature Cited Santa Barbara Museum of Natural History: Santa Barbara, CA. Ashkenazy, I. 1980. On safari off Santa Cruz Island. Hudson, D.T. and P.C. Howorth. 1985. A Oceans 12(5): 25-28 [May]. preliminary survey on sensitive marine Cornell, L. 1978. Capture, transportation, restraint, archaeological and historical sites located within and marking. Pp. 573-580. In: M.E. Fowler (ed.), the boundary of the Channel Islands National Zoo and wild animal medicine. W.B. Saunders: Park and Marine Sanctuary. Pt. 2. Unpubl. Philadelphia, PA. Report prepared for Channel Islands National Daugherty, A, 1972. Marine mammals of California. Park and Channel Islands National Marine. Calif. Dept. Fish & Game. 66 pp. Sanctuary. 22 pp. Dunn, R. 1931. Hunting seals off California's coast. Peterson, G.A. and G.A. Bartholomew. 1967. The Los Angeles Times, 11 October. natural history and behavior of the California sea Eaton, M.H. 1980. Diary of a sea captain's wife. lion. Amer. Soc. Mammal. 79 pp. McNalley & Loftin, West: Santa Barbara, CA. Phillips, M. 1927. History of Santa Barbara County, 256 pp. California. Vol. 1. SJ. Clarke Publishing: Los- Gidney, C., B, Brooks and E. Sheridan. 1917. Angeles, CA. 556 pp.