Director of Services Planning Headquarters, PO Box 3000 Johnstown Castle Estate Aras an Chontae County Wexford, Ireland Cnoc na Radharc Ceanncheathru, Bosca Poist 3000 Eastat Chaislean Bhaile Shedin Cia i I I i inh Contae Loch Garman, tire T: +353 53 9160600 F: +353 53 91 60699 E: [email protected] W: LoCall: 1890 33 55 99

I S Noveinher 20 I4 Reg. No. P I000'-0 I

Dear Director,

In accordance with the provisions of Section S7( I D)(a) of the EPA Act, as amended, you are being notified that an application for a licence, to wliicli Section S7 (I B)(a)(i) of the EPA Act as amended, applies, was received by the Agency on 12 November 201 4. The details of the application are set out below:

- Name and address of applicant: G a I way M eta I Coin pan y L i in i tetl , Carrow in on eash , Oran more, , - Location of facility: Carrowinoneash, , County Galway, - National Grid Reference: EE1385N2261 - Class and Nature of the Activity: I I .4 - Recovery, or a mix of recovery and disposal, of non-hazardous waste with a capacity exceeding 75 tonnes per day involving one or more of' thc following activities, (other than activities to which Urban Waste Water Treatment Regulations 2001 (S.I. No 254 of2001) apply): (iv) Treatment iii shredders of metal waste, including waste electrical and electronic equipment and end-of-life vehicles and their coinponents. - Relevant Inspector: Brian Meaney - Licence Application Reference No: P IOO6-01 - Planning Application Reference No: I4/1055

A copy of the application, the Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) submitted by the applicant and associated correspondence are available for inspection by you on the Agency's website

In accordance with Section 57( I D)(a) of the EPA Act as ainended, you are requested to respond to the Agency within 4 weeks of receipt of this notice and fui-nish any observations your authority has in relation to the licence application and EIS. Where it is intended to submit a large amount ofdocuinentation with your observations, it would be much appreciated if you could also include an electronic copy of all documents in pdf fonnat on a CD ROM in order to facilitate the publishing of your observations and attachments to the Agency's website.

Please note that a response to this notice is required even if you have no observations to make.

Please note that all fui-ther i'nfonnation reccivetl on this licence application will be made available on the Agency's \vehsi te.

The application is being processed by the Agency and your observations, if any, will be considered as part of the licencc application assessinelit process. You will be notified ofthe proposed tletennination in due course.

Yours sincerely

Environmental Licensing Programme Office of Climate, Licensing 6: Resource Use