State of Alaska OFFICIAL ELECTION PAMPHLET Supplemental Information General Election November 4, 2014 PAGE 1 2014 SUPPLEMENTAL INFORMATION Director’s Office Regional Offices PO Box 110017 Anchorage 907.522.8683 Juneau, Alaska 99811-0017 Fairbanks 907.451.2835 907.465.4611 907.465.3203 FAX Juneau 907.465.3021
[email protected]’s Office RegionalNome 907.443.5285 Offices PO Box 110017 Anchorage 907.522.8683 Juneau, Alaska 99811-0017 Fairbanks 907.451.2835 907.465.4611 907.465.3203 FAX STATE OF ALASKA Juneau 907.465.3021
[email protected] Division of Elections Nome 907.443.5285 Office of the Lieutenant Governor STATE OF ALASKA Division of Elections Dear Alaska Voters: Office of the Lieutenant Governor The Division of Elections recently sent the Official Election Pamphlet to each registeredDear Alaska voter Voters: household. The pamphletDivision of contains Elections information recently sent about the theOfficial November Election 4, Pamphlet2014 General to each election, includingregistered informationvoter household. about the candidates appearing on the ballot. Unfortunately, the pamphlet did not contain a page for one of the governor candidates. The pamphlet contains information about the November 4, 2014 General election, Thisincluding supplemental information pamphlet about thecontains candidates the candidate appearing statements on the ballot. for all Unfortunately, governor and lieutenantthe pamphlet governor did not candidates contain a pageappearing for one on of the the general governor election candidates ballot. ThisWe apologize supplemental for the pa inconveniencemphlet contains but th wantede candidate you, statements as a voter, forto haveall governor complete and lieutenantinformation governor in order candidates to make an appearing informed onchoice the generalon November election 4th.