8/27/2020 Ankr supports decentralization of the PROXI DeFi infrastructure | by Ankr | Ankr | Aug, 2020 | Medium

Ankr supports decentralization of the PROXI DeFi infrastructure

Ankr Aug 26 · 3 min read

Ankr is taking its next steps in the DeFi space, by collaborating with PROXI DeFi, a DeFi 2.0 project building a platform for cross-chain derivative issuance and credit lending.

This collaboration will enable PROXI users to deploy their own nodes in minutes with Ankr’s secure and simple solution, guaranteeing secure and reliable encryption without sacrificing the key features of decentralization while improving the use experience of the whole network.

Ankr’s node infrastructure will bring additional benefits to PROXI, such as decentralizing several of their future builds including moving their on-chain https://medium.com/ankr-network/ankr-supports-decentralization-of-the-proxi-defi-infrastructure-fdbbe88c3099 1/4 8/27/2020 Ankr supports decentralization of the PROXI DeFi infrastructure | by Ankr | Ankr | Aug, 2020 | Medium validation nodes to Ankr and the roll out of one-click node deployment in a future release of the staking campaign, to provide users incentives for locking their token holdings.

A quick introduction of PROXI DeFi PROXI provides a novel approach to invest in derivative assets and earn interests with credit-based high leverage tools through the decentralized secure protocol.

The mission of PROXI is to build a one-stop platform for cross-chain multi-asset collateral service, Credit-based lending, derivative issuance, trading, and asset management in the DeFi area, providing users with revolutionary, decentralized, and risk-minimized financial products.

Investments made on the PROXI platform can be managed using a simple, user-friendly portfolio dashboard. Lenders and borrowers can be connected anytime. PROXI also allows access to geo-blocked markets, further enhancing accessibility.

The PROXI DeFi system architecture contains four core modules:

Interoperability Layer

Decentralized Multi-asset Collateral Pool

Module for Credit Lending with High Leverage

Derivative Issuance and Trading Module

To improve the overall security and low latency of PROXI DeFi as well as further enhance the privacy protection of the derivative issuance and trading module, PROXI DeFi will deploy sharding in under-layer protocol as a core on-chain settlement solution. PROXI will work with Ankr in the decentralized multi-asset collateral pool and credit lending with high leverage modules.

The CREDIT token PROXI will adopt liquidity mining incentives (so-called Yield Farming) to their multi- collateral and synthetic assets issuance operations, and receive CREDIT token as rewards. CREDIT tokens are utility tokens designed to be the key indicators of users’ credit to ensure the deposit and staking of digital assets being used as locked collateral for value transfers. Also, CREDIT will be the main collateral locked in staking contracts, enabling the issuance of synthetic assets on the PROXI platform. https://medium.com/ankr-network/ankr-supports-decentralization-of-the-proxi-defi-infrastructure-fdbbe88c3099 2/4 8/27/2020 Ankr supports decentralization of the PROXI DeFi infrastructure | by Ankr | Ankr | Aug, 2020 | Medium The PROXI DeFi CREDIT community round token sale takes place today, August 19th, 2020 at 10:00 am UTC on https://hoo.com/ and 2 hours later at 12:00 pm UTC on https://mesa.eth.link/

Useful PROXI links Website: https://proxidefi.com/

Twitter: https://twitter.com/_PROXIDeFi

Medium: https://medium.com/PROXIdefi-blog

Telegram: https://t.me/PROXI_defi

Discord: https://discord.com/invite/SyrVp3a

Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/company/PROXIdefi

Token sale guide: https://medium.com/PROXIdefi-blog/PROXIdefi-credit- community-round-tokensale-guidelines-4ccf1b0ed7ca

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https://medium.com/ankr-network/ankr-supports-decentralization-of-the-proxi-defi-infrastructure-fdbbe88c3099 3/4 8/27/2020 Ankr supports decentralization of the PROXI DeFi infrastructure | by Ankr | Ankr | Aug, 2020 | Medium

https://medium.com/ankr-network/ankr-supports-decentralization-of-the-proxi-defi-infrastructure-fdbbe88c3099 4/4