Meeting of and the Sage - Part 3

Date: 2014-01-10 Author: Sudarshana dasi

Hare Prabhujis and Matajis, Please accept my humble obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada and Srila Gurudeva.

This is in conclusion of the previous offering titled, 'Meeting of Bharata and the Sage Bharadvaja'. In the previous offering we saw how

1. Bharata approached the sage with great humility. 2. Bharadvaja muni enthusiastically served Bharata and his entourage who had come to the forest in search of their beloved Lord Ram.

Now let us continue to learn few more lessons from this transcendental meeting.

3. Seeing the Lord in everyone: Bharata and all his people voluntarily accepted the difficult task of travelling in the forest for many days. They were not worried about their bodily requirements like hunger, thirst and sleep. Sage Bharadvaja could understand the sincerity of their purpose of travel and he extended all of them a warm welcome, and made necessary arrangements in every possible manner to help them. He also wanted to show the subjects of Ayodhya about how strong was love and devotion of Bharata towards . He then told them that they will be able to meet Lord Ram in a place called Chitrakut, near the banks of Mandakini river.

As they were about to leave, the mothers, Kaushalya and Sumithra came near the sage and offered their pranams. Kaikeyi also came to the sage and shamefully bowed before him, feeling guilty at heart. Looking at her with the sage asked Bharata, "Please tell me, who are these noble ladies?" Bharata introduced Kaushalya as the glorious mother of Lord Rama and Sumithra as mother of Lakshmana and Shatrugna. Becoming angry, hissing like a cobra as He spoke, Bharata indicated Kaikeyi. "This one here is My own mother, the wicked and vulgar Kaikeyi. It was by her intrigues that the great emperor Dasharatha died from anguish and the mighty Rama now resides in a lonely mountain reach." Bharadvaja, who knew the plans and the divine arrangements of the Supreme Lord, said to Bharata, " You should not censure Your mother, O great prince. Do not think her guilty, for Rama's banishment will result in good to the entire universe. Indeed, it will bring happiness to the demigods, demons and Rshis, along with the whole of the creation." In verse 6.30, Lord Krishna declares:

yo māṁ paśyati sarvatra sarvaṁ ca mayi paśyati tasyāhaṁ na praṇaśyāmi sa ca me na praṇaśyati

For one who sees Me everywhere and sees everything in Me, I am never lost, nor is he ever lost to Me.

Bharata scolded his own mother Kaikeyi, for committing the grave mistake of sending Rama to the forest. That shows his love and attachment for Lord Ram. But on hearing the words of the sage Bharadvaja, Bharata tried to assimilate his instructions and learned to see Kaikeyi as an instrument in the inconceivable plan of the Lord. He could understand that Lord will be more pleased when we try not to blame others, but to see Krishna's hands even when they cause harm to us. He stood up and walked respectfully around the sage. Receiving his permission to leave, Bharata ordered the army to depart and mounted upon His chariot. Slowly approaching the Chitrakuta mountain they all thought only of Rama, longing to see Him again.

When we are free of negative thoughts like grudge and anger towards others, then automatically our hearts becomes a suitable place for Lord to reside and we are blessed with darshan of the Lord. So as soon as Bharata and his army gave up ill-feelings for Kaikeyi, upon the advice of the sage, their minds became completely absorbed in the thoughts of Lord alone and soon they were able to get His darshan. In case of Kaikeyi, the fact that she started feeling guilty and repentant made her qualified to have darshan of the Lord again. So we must also introspect ourselves and repent for our mistakes, see Krishna in everyone and give up ill-feelings for others. Then by the mercy of Guru and Krishna, we will also get the gift of Lord's darshan.

Thank you very much. Yours in service of Srila Prabhupada and Srila Gurudeva, Sudarshana devi dasi.