Balaam’s Wood LNR Management Committee Held Balaam’s Wood Thursday 1 st March 2012, 7pm Local Nature Reserve (New in Parish Council Office, Arden Road, Frankley)

Present: Sue Amey – BCC Constituency Parks Manager Cyril Ashmore – Rea Valley Conservation Group Sue Barton - Resident Steve Hinton - Lickey Hills Ranger Hub Roy James – Lane Residents Association Ken Moore (Secretary) _ Frankley Forum Penny Moore – Friends of Balaam’s Wood LNR Bruce Pitt (Treasurer) – Resident

Apologies: Cllr Andy Cartwright- Ward Cllr Ian Cruise – Longbridge Ward Cllr Ken Wood- Longbridge Ward Stephen Trefor- Jones (Chair) – New Frankley in Birmingham Parish Council Jo Walker – New Frankley in Birmingham Parish Council

1… Welcome

Stephen was absent due to a hospital stay (everyone present sent Stephen their best wishes and a card) and Roy kindly stood in as acting chair.

2… Review of Minutes

(I) Frankley Carnival

Monthly carnival meetings are now taking place. The date for this year’s carnival is Saturday 14 th July.

3… Ranger Report

Steve informed the meeting of ranger activities in the last three months. The rangers Tuesday volunteer group had been to work five times in Balaam’s Wood, the New Street edge of the woodland had been cut back. This had improved the pathway for pedestrians and visibility for motorists.

The Orange Rock Corps had spent the day volunteering in the woodland and cut a massive amount of holly! 6 x 5 tonnes trailer loads had been chipped and removed. The woodland is now much more open and the bluebells have more light. Trees have been cut down on the pathway through Balaam’s Wood by a householder. The job was not done well nor with permission from BCC, this is being investigated.


Roy asked about a large amount of fly-tipping that had taken place behind the houses on Rubery Lane. He was told that enforcement is very difficult.

Steve had brought along a few copies of the management plan, he was thanked for all his hard work putting it together.

Steve and Adam were also thanked for organising the volunteer work parties on the nature reserve.

4… Community Orchard

Sue Amey passed on the very good news that we now have £10,000 funding towards the community orchard. Thanks to Sue and Cllr Ken Wood there was now enough money to clear the ground, and secure in with a boundary rail, in the autumn.

Sue suggested we spend the intervening time making a plan for the project. Consultation was to take place through the website, twitter and the parish office.

Roy questioned the cost of a metal trip rail; which was quite expensive.

The idea of asking St Modwen if they have a small piece of rail track left we could us in the orchard was raised.

A clean up of this area was planned for 30 th March.

5… Needle Update

The problem of needles being found at the Arden Road end of the nature reserve continues. The amount of drugs paraphernalia being found was not large, but the problem is persisting. It was suggested we ask Sgt Pierpoint to join us at the next meeting.

6… Any Other Business

(I) Dates:

9th March RVCG monthly talk Roland Kedge ‘Rea Valley Under Ice’ 7.30pm Friend Meeting House.

30 th March next NCEF meeting 26 th May Birmingham Open Spaces Forum AGM and spring conference



Cyril was pleased to report the Rea Valley Conservation Group are making good progress with their small nature reserve on Coley’s Lane.

(III) Trolleys

Bruce, Roy and Bob were going to look at the problem of trolleys in the .

(IV) Litter Bins

Bruce reported that the plan to install litter bins around Frankley by the HLB had been turned down on health and safety grounds.

(V) Boxes and Benches

We now have the funding for the boxes and benches project, the check will be in the bank shortly.

Roy thanked everyone for coming and the meeting was then closed.

Next Meeting: Thursday 7st June 2012 venue and time as above.

(Thanks to the New Birmingham Parish Council for the use of the parish office)