IS SUNK in SOUND Be the First in the United States, Was Conducted Yesterday in the Schenectady to Anstriaha Public Criticism Over Re­ Sen-Buddhist Temple

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IS SUNK in SOUND Be the First in the United States, Was Conducted Yesterday in the Schenectady to Anstriaha Public Criticism Over Re­ Sen-Buddhist Temple BBfeoaat by V. B. WeaikpB B 1 3 N Hartford.- 4.ViaU k0B d a i l y OlBGITIiATiON l®r the Month of Maji 1980 Showen late tonight or Tnwdayi 5,518 cooler Tuesday. X e m b o n of the A«dlt Bnroas of k oiui Clrcolotloiui _____ _ P . state Library—Comp, ............... t w e l v e p a g e s PRICE THREE CENT$l SOUTH MANCHESTER, CONN., MONDAY, JUNE 16, 1930. VOL. XU V., NO. 219. (Claseifled AdrertWng on Page 10) TWO IDAHO YOUTHS DEATH RODE WITH SEGRAVE RUSSELL Q U nS NOW BUDDHIST MONKS. SAVE SCREEN STAR San Francisco, June 16.— (AP^ Two Boise, Idaho, youths, or­ dained as celibate Buddhist UNDER FIRE AS monks, today began accomplish­ AS PLANT’; ment of their avowed ideal, bringing the east and west in m f 0 CHIEF closer relationship. Theordination ceremony, said to IS SUNK IN SOUND be the first in the United States, was conducted yesterday in the Schenectady to Anstriaha Public Criticism Over Re­ Sen-Buddhist Temple. i - ' Two Way Conyersatioh to n u c E S F U L i m Millionaire Yachtsman ^ porter’ s Murder Forces Be Broadcast By Stafion Thrown Into Water; Police Head to Resip; GIRL HERE WINS ON S iioa HUMET WGY So AD Can Hear: in Boy Lost; Other Boat Detective Chief Demoted. COLLEGE FUNDS I Tom Hayes was off for Schenec- Scores of Issues Plunge In Collision Rescues Crew • ■ Chicago, June 16.— (AP)—Wil­ j tady this morning as happy as a ! and Guests; Plant Was liam F. Russell announced his resig­ FOR HER ESSAYi Death rode In the Miss England U.. world’s fastest motor boat ^ I lark over the possibility of talking } from $5 to $20 a Share; Se^rave nation today as commissioner of Md^twreomp^ionT gavelt a ’trim'run'on Lake Windermere. England Crow^ of small craft lined I with his brother, John, from«whom j i threourse when it was announced that the British speed king, j he has not heard in 56 years. • Tom | police. New low Levels. Piloting His Own Boat at j faces the microphone of Station i Faced by severe public. criticisin | [^ 5 5 Patlicia S. Moroney ■ t o S ^ b S t proved Ti^be^the^paU^S ^leT^^For S egr^ve. s h o ^ in the i^et upper left, was fataUy in- of his conduct of the department ■ W2XAF, the short wave station of j I WGY in Schecnectady, at seven ' Tune. and apparent failure of the po’ice New York, June 16.— (AP) — to cope with the gang rule of Chi­ One of Winners of Fran-i « S.h“ pe?d. o’clock tomorrow morning, daylijrht Stock prices were swept into one of cago, the commissioner said be ha,d I time. At the same time his broth- Greenwich, June 16.— (AP)—An I er John will face the microphone of the most precipitour declines of the prepared a statement offering his unidentified boy was believed resignation to the mayor. cis Ganan Prize— One of I Station 2ME, Sydney, Australia, year by a torrent of selling orders and a two-way convefsation be- drowned and Philip W. Plant, mil­ Stege Demoted. PRESS IN BRITAIN today. A long list of pivotal issues 1 tween these two brothers, who have Commissioner Russell's retire­ Six Successful DEFENDS COLLEGE BOYS; established new low levels for 1930 lionaire sportsman, together with been lost to each other over half a Claire Windsor, New York actress, ment carried with it the demotion century will be attempted. , or longer, and the selling was so of John Stege, chief o f the Detec­ TALKS ON TARIFF To Be Broadcast. heavy the ticket fell nearly half an were rescued . from Long Island tive bureau, whom he assigned to­ Today brought great happiness Manchester people may listen in hour behind floor transactions. Sound early today after two fast day to captaincy of the Irving Park NOT WHAT PUBLIC SEES Scores of issues plimged 85 to into the home of Mrs. Gertrude H. * a --------------------------- ---------------------- — on the conversation by tuning in on cabin cruisers collided off Great police district. Moroney in Hillstown for with its Station WGY, Schenectady, at 7 a. nearly 8?0 a share. U. S. Steel de­ John H. Alcock, first deputy com­ clined $2.50 to $160, where powerful Captain’s Island. missioner, was expected to take dawning came the welcome news efforts were made to support it. Pdant’s yacht the Loleta, sank charge of the department pending ; B e d . f The stock was taken at that price in almost immediately after the col­ appointment of a new commission- ! Hurt American Foreign large blocks, but shortly after mid lision. The other boat the Chang cr. .1 day it broke slightly below that Wang n i of New York, remained Retirement ■ of the police head tion Declares They Are j ---- level. This' compared with a bot­ afloat and picked up the two sur­ came as no surprise to the city de-1 Robbers Lock Trade— The Comments.. | tom ot $150 a share reached in the vivors from the Loleta. spite RusseU’s frequent assertions i Not All Cheer Leaders In Big Safe and It Cannot Be November crash, at which level it Plant is a nephew of the lats that he w'ould never quit under fire. ■ Opened— Fear They Will Be was rumored a supporting order to Morton F. Plant, millionaire yachts­ Whether his action came upon de- ' buy 200,000 shares was placed. man. Suffocated. London, June 16 — (AP) — Al- j mands of Mayor William Hale j Nor Even Flask Toters. though the British press as a whole Telephone Tumbles Body Not Found Thompson w£is not known, for the r American Telephone tumbled $5 Plant, Miss Windsor and the Warsaw, Poland, June 16 — has not yet reacted to patesage o f ! mayor has maintained silence j the tariff bill by both Houses of | a share to a new low for the year missing boy, a youth of 18, known through the w^eek of public and [. Cambridge, Mass., June 16.— (AP) — Several professional close to $210. Last November, how­ only as "Ernie” were thrown into safebreakers today are hurrying Congress, some of the principal press attacks on gang acti\atie3 I (AP)—An optimistic view of the j ever, the stock touched $197. the water of the sound by the im­ to Lodz to attempt release of organs have voiced their \iews of that followed the killing last Mon­ modern trend in liberal education i the effect the new rates will have on Shares declining $7 Lo $10 included pact. The actress and the millionaire three members of the- largest American Water Works, Westing- day of a Chicago Tribune reporter. I which is bringing the masses to the | American foreign trade. Such ex­ sportsman were rescued by passen­ Alfred "Jake” Lingle. i private bank of that city who house Electric, Union Pacific, Gen­ apparently were locked in a pressions as have appeared take the gers of the Chang Wang m , but no universities, was taken by George eral American Tank, Worthington trace was found of the boy despite Results of Roundup. j E. Vincent, president of the Rocke- | safe by burglars yesterday. view that the effect will be decided­ Commissioner Russell was to ap- ; ly adverse. Pump, Vanadium, American Tobac­ a search of more than two hours. feller Foundation and former head j Discovery of tiie burglary co’ ®,""and Houston Oil, J. I. Case pear before the a t y Council police , was made-when-an' employee- - Thb Times,-^pointing out that Later today Indian Harbor police of the University of Minnesota, i. dropped $15 and Allied Chemical joined in the hunt for the boy. committee this afternoon to report an address before-the-Harvard-Fkij who 'descoided to ’‘'the vaultir." more than a score of foreign com tides already have protested aganist i nearly $20. The collision came Eis a climax the results of the seven day round- | Beta Kappa Society today. “ ^ " i There' he 'bteard muffled 'drldV By 1:30 o’clock efforts to support up of hoodlums, begim 24 hours] Dr. Vincent took exception with I for help.' the provisions of the tariff, says j to a week-end celebration on Great that several of them “have made i t , the market appeared to be meeting Captain’s Island, an exclusive re­ after lAngle’s death. Aldermanj the critics who claimed mediocrity ] The robbers seemingly had with some success. U. S. Steel Arthur F. Albert had announced be i was- fiooding the institutions of j opened the safe and put inside plain that if the United States is | sort, over the opening Saturday of resolved not to buy from them, they after reaching a new low . for the a new yacbt club and bathing w'ould demand a sixty day furlough j higher learning and summed up it a director and two other em­ movement at $159.25, rallied above for both Russell and Stege to per- | their disgust with the phrase, "the ployees. will have to reduce their buyings beach there. mit some other commanders to [ from the United States.” The paper $160, and slight rallies appeared in very term Collegiate which used to As no one outside could open several other pivotal issues. Selling Plant was piloting his own boat clean the city of gang domination suggest books, studies and a serene, the safe urgent calls were sent then continues: Thomas Hayes at the time of the collision while and corruption within the •depart­ Altered Conditions pressure slackened a little, and the Miss Patricia S.

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    -· 0 LOUIS TARLO No. 6 APRIL, 1951 118 fiR Ill 1/Q.,G liE 0 '1001 extra uses for this versatile bridge table ~ t/ Games table v' Tea parties t/ Children at mealtime ~Homework tl' Letter writing ~ Package wrapping ,/Family ironing :V' Sewing \~ Ca fe or Hotel use 1001 ADDITIONAL USES TT'S too good for Canasta- it's the 1 finest folding table made I It's Vono's famous "Foldaway," designed to make 0 a perfect bridge table with 1001 extru uses that make it indispensable in the borne. The "Foldaway" is constructed with a handsome oak finish over its sturdy Whether for a bridge party or your young­ hardwood frame. It can be obtained in ster's homework, "Foldaway" u perfect. two siz.cs with a variety of covers, as specified below. See this versatile Vono "Foldaway" at your dealer's tomorrow. ORDER BY THESE NUMBERS SIZE HEIGKT TOP COVER. NO. Standard Green Felt 1713 '27" 30" II JO" Brown Felt 1717 Standard Green Felt 1913 '2.... 1... '27" Brown Felt 1917 Occ:ulonal Be lee '21" l ... xl.. leathcrcloth '2.. 11 Phosphor-bronze triggen and mild steel Brown locking plates ensure rigidity and ease of luthercloth '2.. 17 operation-for each folding leg. FOLDA""AY FOLDING TABLE A VONO PRODUCT 'VONO Is the registered trade mark of Vono Limited· Dudley Port· Tipton' Staffs. CONTRACT BRIDGE JOURNAL , ~ JUST PUBLISHED REESE ON CANASTA The Official Dulletln By of tlte TERENCE REESE A ttthor of " Reese 01~ Play" BELGIUM BRIDGE For everyman from FEDERATION beginner to expert .. 5s. net • Edward Arnold & Co.
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