APCM 28th April 2019

Ellasdale Road ℡ 01243 841275 Bognor Regis  [email protected] PO21 2SG  www.wilfrid.com

A meeting for the election of Churchwardens followed by the APCM to be held in the Parish Hall of St Wilfrid's Church on Sunday 28th April 2018 immediately following the Eucharist. Opening prayer and remarks - VESTRY MEETING Election of Churchwardens APCM AGENDA

1. Apologies for absence 2. Minutes of the APCM held on 22ⁿd April 2018 Page 2 3. Matters arising 4. Adoption of Electoral Roll 5. CW’s Report (in lieu of Vicar’s Report) Page 4 6. Finance 6.1 Treasurer’s Report Page 6 6.2 Annual Report and Accounts for 2018 (Attached) 7. Fabric Report Page 7 8. Deanery Synod Report Page 9 9. Election of Deanery Synod 10. Elections of lay representatives to Parochial Church Council 11. Appointment of Sidesmen 12. Appointment of Independent Examiner 13. Safeguarding Report Page 9 14. Sunday School Report Page 9 15. House Groups Page 10 16. Nyewood Infant School Report Page 11 17. Nyewood Junior School Report Page 11 18. Social and Fundraising 18.1 Social Committee Report Page 11 18.2 100 Club Page 14 19. After-School Club Page 15 20. MAP Report Page 16 21. GDPR Page 16 22. AOB

The Grace

1 APCM 28th April 2019 2. Minutes of the APCM 22rd April, 2018 Chaired by Fr Mark from Pagham Opening prayer Fr.Mark Vestry Meeting, Minutes from last year taken as read. Election of churchwardens Nominations – Elaine Green. Proposed by Malcolm Vernone, seconded by Louise Smith Malcolm Vernone. Proposed by Elaine Green, seconded by Louise Smith As there were no other nominations, they were duly re-elected as Churchwardens. APCM Apologies for absence Hazel Barkworth, Jonathan Tamblyn, Avril Tamblyn, Linda Beckley, Keith Richards, Margaret Richards, Rosemary Hawkes, Anne Latter, Denis Shephard, Chris Shephard, Angela Triggs, Gordon Smith

Minutes of the APCM held on 23rd April 2017 The minutes were taken as read. Janet Tate proposed, and John Wood seconded that the minutes be accepted. No matters arising. Adoption of Electoral Roll Now at 162 as of today., but as of 31/12/17 there were 171. There were 10 new members during the year and 28 people removed from the Electoral Roll. Malcolm Vernone proposed and John Wood seconded that the Electoral Roll be adopted. Those present were content. Vicars Report: The report was taken as read. No matters arising Finance: A) Annual Report & Accounts 2017 Income was up 31.7%. Ian Burrows and Peter Green ran through the accounts. With Alistair McClean resigning we were left in a very sticky situation but with changes implemented the Churchwardens were able to keep accounts up to date alongside Peter Green. A huge thank you to the churchwardens and to Nigel Neville for getting the accounts all up to date and sorting out all of the bank accounts name changes. B) Treasurer Changes James Huddlestone is to replace Alistair McLean as treasurer. A huge amount of thanks needs to go to Peter Green and Ian Burrows for all their hard work as if it had not been for them then we would not be in the very good situation we are in. Fabric Report Taken as read. No matters arising. Deanery Synod Report Taken as read. No matters arising. Election of Deanery Synod members No Election, There are still two vacancies. Election of Lay Representatives to Parochial Church Council There are four nominees for the four vacancies on the council. Louise Smith. Proposed by Glenda Richards and seconded by Elaine Green Stuart Hutchison. Proposed by Gillian Hutchison and seconded by Linda Beckley Glenda Richards. Proposed by Keith Richards and seconded by Louise Smith

2 APCM 28th April 2019 Julie Starmer. Proposed by Elaine Green and seconded by Peter Green. Appointment of Sidesman Elaine Green proposed that the following should be appointed as Sidesman:- Cherry Ward, Shelly Burford, John Wood, Louise Smith, Roger Hollingshead, Stuart Hutchison Julie Starmer and Keith Richards could be called upon if necessary. Appointment of Independent Examiner Malcolm Vernone proposed that Kreston Reeves LLP be re-elected as Independent Examiners. Elaine Green seconded the motion and it was approved unanimously. Safeguarding Report Taken as read. No matters arising. Sunday School Report Taken as read. No matters arising. House Groups Report Taken as read. No matters arising. Nyewood Infant School Report Taken as read. No matters arising. Nyewood Junior School Report Taken as read. No matters arising. 100 Club Taken as read. No matters arising. Thank you to all who has contributed. Social & Fundraising Committee Report Taken as read. No matters arising. Elaine Green stated that the Social and Fundraising Team are small but a lot of work goes into all the events planned. The PCC need to look at the amount of finance raised by social team. After School Club Taken as read. No matters arising Thanks were given to team who organise church effort for the after school club. MAP Report Taken as read. No matters arising Home Communions Report Taken as read. No matters arising Elaine Green proposed and Roger Hollingshead seconded that all the above reports be adopted. AOB Malcolm Vernone proposed that we should say a big thank you to Father Andrew for everything he has done for this parish in his time here. Stuart Hutchison asked if reports for APCM could be available a week before so that everyone has a good chance to read them. Louise Smith explained that sometimes things are changed up until a couple of days before but that she would look into the requirements that we need to follow.

The meeting was concluded at 12.45pm.

3 APCM 28th April 2019 5. CW’s Report

In lieu of Vicar’s Report this is by the CWs acting as sequestrators during the interregnum and incorporating the notes of Fr Ray Whelan who has covered a large number of the services and incumbent duties such as liaison with schools. Overview. The year opened with the announcement, just before Christmas 2017, that Fr. Andrew Wadsworth would be leaving after Easter 2018. The Parish wished Fr. Andrew and Rachel well for their retirement after the Easter Sunday service at a drinks’ reception. Further to a letter on the Parish Status by Fr. Andrew to the diocese and discussions with Archdeacon Fr. Douglas McKittrick the PCC was approached by Brighton & Lewes Archdeacon Fr. Martin Lloyd-Williams regarding the suggestion of a partnership with St. Peter’s Brighton & their wing organization of H.T.B. (Holy Trinity Brompton) under the auspices of Canon Archie Coates. From this the Bishop of Fr. Martin Warner decided to suspend the Living of St. Wilfrid’s under the Mission & Pastoral Measure 2011 for one year from 11 May 2018 enabling the Parish to explore this potential way forward. During the summer meetings with Archdeacon Martin and our Acting archdeacon, Rural Dean Mark Standen, Fr. Douglas having retired at the end of June, were held to explore An Apostolic Partnership with the Brighton H.T.B. organization. The PCC discussed this opportunity and were unanimous in deciding that this would be a way forward for the Parish considering the recent steady fall in numbers of the congregation. A public meeting was held on the 29 November 2018 where the whole Parish learnt about what is intended and were able to question the interested parties, which also included the University of Chichester Deputy Vice- Chancellor Seamus Higson and University Chaplain Alison Green, to allay any fears or misconceptions that may have arisen and the assure the present members of the continued worship tradition of St. Wilfrid’s. The feeling of the meeting was very positive and from this the PCC formally decided to take this path forward for the Parish. The Archdeacons and Canon Archie have explored possible candidates to become the new incumbent and leader of the Partnership Initiative. Interviews will take place during the winter of 2019 with selection in early summer and Institution sometime in early autumn of 2019. The Apostolic Partnership would be officially launched in the second half of 2020. It has not been an easy year as we await the appointment of a new Incumbent and we have maintained the life of the parish under the inspiration and help of the Holy Spirit, albeit in a slightly reduced state than we were able to achieve in years gone by. Particular mention goes to the Parish’s volunteers with whose efforts St. Wilfrid’s mission in the town could not happen and specifically our volunteer Administrator and Acting Treasurer Peter Green who has done a mammoth task of updating the Parish’s finance system with our accountants Kreston Reeves and bank HSBC.

Schools. We have maintained and developed our link with Nyewood Infants school. Fr. Ray Whelan has only felt able to conduct a monthly Assembly (instead of Father Andrew’s weekly Assemblies) and this seemed to have been fruitful especially in conjunction with Nyewood Infants continued and enthusiastic attendance at our Family Eucharist. We are especially grateful to the inspired leadership of Anna Wells, the Head Teacher and her dedicated team. We held their ‘Leavers Service for year two on 18 July 2018, their Christmas carol service on 12 December in church and their School Easter service in Church on 2 March 2019. Sadly, Nyewood Junior School cannot get families or pupils to attend the Family Eucharist and have requested a mid-week Service in school time to secure, develop and encourage the children and the school’s link as a ‘Church Aided School to St Wilfrid’s as the Parish Church of Bognor. He has felt unable to pursue that idea and request as it would be difficult, although not impossible, to celebrate an appropriate Eucharist in those circumstances. To accommodate such a service which would presumably be based on a ‘Service of Word, Song and Prayer’ thus departing from Father Andrew’s policy of Eucharistic centred

4 APCM 28th April 2019 schools’ worship in Church. This will obviously be an area to be addressed by the new incumbent and proposed team. However, an exciting new development is our link with the Southway Primary school. This is a state school, opened in summer 2010, replacing Michael Ayres Junior School and Glade Infant School, and became an academy in 2012. Two years ago, we were asked to conduct a Harvest Festival Assembly at the school, which I did with PowerPoint presentations for both infant and junior years. Fr. Ray Whelan thought there were about 700 children involved. He repeated this in 2018 with a different PowerPoint presentation and it seemed to be appreciated. We were asked to host a Carol concert for the school on 4 December 2018 as although the school is situated in the parish of Holy Cross North Bersted, their church is too small to accommodate all the pupils, staff and parents This has also led to Southway school requesting a visit of year 4 to St Wilfrid’s for an overview of Christianity as part of their ongoing work. We were able to provide this as an interactive/dramatic presentation beginning with a PowerPoint overview followed by six ‘stations’ covering Baptism, The Bible, The Sacraments, The Churches year and colours, St Wilfrid bringing Christianity to and Music in Worship. That was highly appreciated by the school with some excellent comments and feedback. A huge thank you for our team who made it so successful: Stuart Hutchison, Father Mark Everitt, Elaine Green and Julie Starmer, Peter Green and Roger Hollingshead and Chris Wall - the children returned to school happily and enthusiastically singing the song they had learnt “When I needed a neighbour”. Care Homes and Home Communions We have several care homes (14) and warden-assisted retirement complexes (6) in the parish, with many more in the surrounding area, and have endeavoured to maintain or even increase to some of them who have requested or facilitated our ministry to them. The ministry of Home Communions is ever increasing... At the moment 9 care homes are served at least once a month. The Pastoral Team comprises Alan Baker, Peter Green, Paul Kottaun, Fr. Raymon & Joy Thomas, Fr. Ray Whelan and John Wood. They also visit a number of the congregation at their private homes and are due the utmost appreciation and thanks for all their care and attention. Church Attendance There has been a reduction in numbers attending church following the trend of previous years although compared with most Anglican parishes and other denominations, our numbers are fairly healthy. Several our people have gone to be with the Lord, but new families have come in and this year we have four confirmation candidates compared with three last year. Confirmation preparation provides an excellent opportunity for teaching the faith and the response has been deeply spiritual and exciting. Baptisms continue apace and these are rejoicing occasions affording New Life to the candidates and opportunities of evangelising families and friends. Family Support Work There is a comprehensive report on this excellent work under the leadership of Jacqui, John, Linda and their helpers. Their support of the family Eucharist and bringing new children in is highly appreciated

Sunday School Although temporarily suspended because of staffing numbers and qualifications required under Child Protection Legislation, there are certainly children crying out in need for this ministry. Retired Clergy The Churchwardens and PCC are extremely grateful for the support given during the interregnum by the three retired clergy, Fr. Mark Everitt, Fr. Raymon Thomas and Fr. Ray Whelan. We must record the exceptional support provided by Fr. Ray Whelan who has done the majority of the services including all Sunday services from June and his work in the local schools and in particular his developing involvement with South Way School with special assemblies and church visits like the Harvest Festival and an educational morning.

5 APCM 28th April 2019 6. Finance

6.1 Acting Treasurer Report

In September 2017 Alastair McLean, the PCC Treasurer, resigned and I, without any handover, undertook the role of Acting Treasurer to keep the church finance operational and with the invaluable support of Kreston Reeves, CWs and Nigel Neville, set about the clearing and ongoing payment of bills, the clearing up and bringing up to date of the financial accounts in the cloud based Quickbooks software, the reconciliation with bank statements and investment records and the timely production of the Financial Reports and Accounts for 2017. Working with Kreston Reeves the whole process of recording transactions was changed to streamline the bookkeeping process. Two new software additions were implemented - ‘Bank Feed’ and ‘Auto Entry’- bank feed to automatically post bank transactions (making bank reconciliation a thing of the past) and Auto Entry to scan all invoices so they could be easily matched with bank transactions. It had been hoped that a new treasurer would start after the APCM, Mr James Huddlestone but apart from attending one PCC meeting he did not actually carry out any financial duties and had to resign in view of his other work commitments. The PCC have not yet found a Treasurer so I have had to continue as Acting Treasurer for another year and this has included the production of the 2018 Accounts with Kreston Reeves. During the year I have had the much appreciated support on the bookkeeping aspects from John Haste. A further improvement in the accounting aspects has been the incorporation of electronic invoicing direct from the Quickbooks software. This means a number of things like hall hire, wedding invoices etc are billed and paid in advance. At every PCC Meeting I have produced the special Management Report produced by Kreston Reeves with up to date data and quarterly accruals. This year with the assistance and cooperation of Kreston Reeves and despite the extra work this has entailed, we have been able to produce the accounts in the Church of suggested standardised format for SORP Accrual Accounts (Statement of Recommended Practice (SORP) on Accounting and Reporting for charities which prepare their accounts on an accruals basis) which will help a great deal with passing on our financial data to the Diocese, to the COE and to the Charities Commission. 6.2 Trustees Annual Report and Accounts for 2018 Attached to this report.

6 APCM 28th April 2019 7. Fabric Report There have been no major refurbishment works during 2018 unlike the previous year when extensive replacement stonework in the mullions of the great East Window had to be done involving high access scaffolding both inside and outside the church East wall. All the inspection points raised in the 2014 Quinquennial had been dealt and more (neither the East window repairs or the guttering issues described below were covered in the report). 7.1 Complete Changeover to LED Lighting What was addressed in 2018 was completing the changeover to LED lighting in the church. The church is saddled with what was an extremely expensive and over the top lighting design and very bad design requiring high level expensive access for maintenance - based on a huge number of tungsten halogen lamps, mercury iodide roof uplighters (all of which have failed and completely impossible to replace as at roof height) and chandelier type mercury iodide fittings in the nave of which one had failed and another intermittent) and again requiring expensive access equipment, and using Lumitron ‘theatre type’ dimmers. The Lumitron dimmers are now really obsolete as technology has moved away from Triac voltage dimming of tungsten halogen circuits to using LED lamps that are not dimmed by voltage regulation but using a DMX (Digital Multiplex communication) network (wireless or wired) to send coded signals to change the intensity and colour of the lamp - as used now in theatres and large buildings like churches. LED is around 80% cheaper in running costs and gives much longer lamp life. The challenge has been to move away from the old technology of tungsten and discharge lamps to LED without incurring a huge cost to replace the Lumitron control system. All the 90 odd small circular 100w tungsten halogen GES (Giant Edison Screw) spot lamps around the church had already been changed for GES LED lamps and the numerous tungsten halogen spotlights in the transepts removed. The remaining 8 linear tungsten halogen lamps in the nave needed to be replaced - all had failed many times over the years, all were defective at the beginning of 2018 and unlike the GES lamps, the linear 100w tungsten halogen lamp have no natural replacement available in LED which can be dimmed using the existing elderly Lumitron dimmer controllers. The proposal was to replace the 8 fittings with 40w LED PAR lamps under DMX lighting control as already done with two 80w LED PAR fittings on the east nave pillars illuminating the dais but first divert the existing 8 circuits from Lumitron dimming modules to 100% on circuits using non dimmed circuits that had been feeding the defective mercury iodide uplighting of the church roof and now redundant because they are completely uneconomic to repair- needing very for expensive scaffolding at roof level. DMX control was achieved not with a separate DMX circuit but using wireless control (as already done on the 2 mounted on the front piers) with D-Fi USB wireless DMX transceivers giving the facility to control the lamps from a wi-fi controller or an iPhone app. The remaining lighting task was to find an economic solution for the replacement of the 6 mercury iodide discharge chandelier (artichoke) fittings which were beginning to fail and very expensive to maintain due to the need for high access scaffolding. An economic solution was worked out with Bradley Electrical involving the replacement of the mercury iodide lamp housing and control gear with an LED COB fitting by re- engineering the chandelier rather than replacing it (they cost originally over £3k each fitting). Early in the year a pilot was successfully completed with Bradley involving the hire of a high access tower, re-engineering of one already defective (north west) chandelier to LED COB and replacing two of the 100w tungsten halogen spotlamps (south west and north west ones) with Chauvet 40w PAR LED fittings and altering the Lumitron Dimming panels so that the nave spot lamps were taken off a dimming to a 100% on regime. The pilot proved very successful and at the Finance Meeting on 17th July, 2018 the cost to complete the changeover with 4 x 40watt PAR lamps, 4 x DMX transceivers and 5 x COB LED fittings and factoring in the cost of the hire of the high access platform £2,162 + VAT was agreed.

7 APCM 28th April 2019 The work was carried out but immediately on completion ran into problems with noise from the chandelier fittings - each of the 100w LED COB fittings had an internal fan to cool the power supply and controller and whereas the one pilot COB did not create obtrusive noise the effect with 6 was noticeable. We now had a serious problem - all six chandeliers had been modified and very expensive scaffolding on sort term hire and the solution was to immediately remove the COB LED lamps, with a refund from Bradleys and install ordinary GES LED lamps as used elsewhere in the church. On their own the reduction in light output from the chandelier fittings would have been a concern but the 6 additional DMX controlled PAR lamps provided the required extra illumination. Another problem encountered has been spurious flicking on and off of one or two of the wirelessly controlled PAR fittings. Overall the changes have not been entirely successful and still a work in progress. What will be proposed for 2019 is to change from wireless to wired DMX control of the 8 LED PAR lamps to remove any problems encountered with wireless control and install a few more of the DMX PAR lamps to increase the nave lighting illumination level, add extra lighting effect in the sanctuary area and install the hard wired DMX controller for all the lighting that we have but not yet fitted, 7.2 Complete the Church Guttering Refurbishment. As a result of the re-roofing of the church October 1999 - April 2000 when the roof guttering was put back it was not placed on lead seating and the gap between the guttering and the perimeter stonework was sealed with a filler. This meant that any leaks in the cast iron guttering connections leaked directly unto the stonework seating and had no natural outlet to the external stonework but congregated internally. After a successful pilot project on the west face of the south transept area with Taylor Construction involving taking the guttering down, refurbishing it and placing back on new lead seating, the whole of the south façade guttering was similarly completed in 2016. The intention was to complete the other guttering above the sacristy and the north elevation in 2017 but unfortunately the urgent repairs needed to the great east window had to take priority. In 2018 the quotations were updated for this additional work to be done: (a) North West/North Nave - £10,542 + VAT (b) North East over Lady Chapel, North Choir Gallery and Transept - £13,159 + VAT (c )South East £6,523 + VAT (d) Plus 3m security hoarding now required by Ecclesiastical Insurance around scaffolding accessible to the public - a PC sum of £4,000 + VAT had been suggested A total of £41, 069 of works which would need Form B diocesan approval. After discussions with the Church Architect Richard Andrews, it was agreed that the main guttering leakage problems had been on the south side of the church and already addressed and completed and it was not necessary to complete the additional work in 2018, particularly in view of the continuing annual financial deficit. In 2019 there will be a new Quinquennial report and guttering will be considered and prioritised as part of the 5 year period covered in that report. Peter Green

8 APCM 28th April 2019 8. Deanery Synod Report Apart from the ordinary business of the Deanery, the following meetings took place: 24th February - 'Prayer for All People' Deanery Prayer Event for the beginning of Lent. Rev'd Andrew Wadsworth led the event at St Mary's Church Centre in Felpham. This was not a business meeting, so was not minuted. 5th June 2018 at Clymping, 'Setting God's people free'. The presentation was given by Worthing Deanery Lay Chair, Janine Hobbs, on behalf of Jayne Prestwood (Jayne was unable to attend last minute). 14th November at East Preston, Local Housing with Diane Watts. We still need one more Deanery Synod representative as I am the only one. 13. Safeguarding Report You will recall that I said last year in my Annual Report that I wished to hand over my responsibilities as Safeguarding Officer by January 2019 (when I reached the age of 80) having taken on the role in 2002. I am very pleased to report that Jan Slough has now been appointed by the Churchwardens and PCC and we are currently involved in the handover in conjunction with the Safeguarding Team at Church House, Hove. In the absence of an Incumbent, the Churchwardens will be managing and supporting her, with the involvement of the PCC. I wish Jan every success in the role and know she has a lot of experience and talent to contribute to what has become a high profile and important post. I know, too, that all at St. Wilfrid's are aware of the importance of keeping our church safe for all who attend and will also give her their encouragement and support. Since Father Andrew's departure, the Safeguarding Group has tried to maintain momentum and has continued to meet for routine business or for joint working with the SQP (Simple Quality Protects) Group. We are endeavouring to meet the Diocesan deadlines and we have made significant progress, but there it still work to be done. Meetings were held in April, July, October and January and the next meeting will be in May. At these meetings we have discussed local and national developments and have received progress reports from the Churchwardens and PCC; the Sacristy, the Choir; the Sunday School and the After School Club. We discuss Training needs and courses available and can report that in house training was arranged in conjunction with the Safeguarding Team during the year for PCC members. At the next PCC meeting, the Parish Child Protection Policy Statement will again be discussed and approved and a copy will be displayed on the Notice Board in the Entrance Hall for all to read. I should like to thank all those who have supported me in my role since 2002 and ask you to continue to pray for those suffering from abuse; those who feel the scars of abuse, and all those involved in Safeguarding in the Church and in the Diocese. Ruth Wood 14. Sunday School Report The attendance at Sunday school last year had an average of 4 children. The attendance fluctuated with some Sundays 6 children attending and other no children attending. The ages range from 4 to 12 years old. The children who attended were always very enthusiastic and love taking their work to show the congregation the activities they have been doing and the teachings they have learnt. We tried to encourage attendance through the schools and open invitations at any church events. The children I speak to about Sunday school are very keen to attend but their attendance is reliant on their parent or guardian attending church on Sundays. We had two new helpers who work as Teaching Assistants at Nyewood CofE Infants School but due to lack of child attendance the helpers decided to put their offer of help on hold. Unfortunately we require a least two adults every Sunday to run the Sunday school and obviously we need children to attend. It was decided at the beginning of January this year to put the Sunday school on hold until there was more support available. From speaking to parents, seeing how other Sunday schools run and seeing how successful the after school club is I do feel that we need to really rethink our family services and look at what modern day families look for in a church. Julie James 9 APCM 28th April 2019 15. House Groups Thursday Evening Housegroup Report We continue to meet every fortnight at Linda Beckley’s home. There are elven regular members who meet together for fellowship, bible study, discussions and prayer together with tea, coffee and biscuits! Since April 2018 APCM we have studied the gospel of Mark and the books of Ruth and Malachi. After the summer break we met again in September and studied some of our favourite psalms, taking turns to share with the group our personal choices. This was particularly good. We had a break in December and started again in January this year when Stuart Hutchinson brought and shared communion with the group. This was a very special evening for us to begin the New Year. During January and February we chose the book of Esther to study, taking turns to lead. This March we began a five week York Lent course of study entitled ‘Daring to see God now’ which will take us up to Easter. As always, these courses are challenging and provoke much discussion. As a group we dearly miss one of our members Malcolm Nixon who sadly died in February. We continue to pray for his wife Rachel. We continue to be encouraged by God’s Holy Spirit present with us in our fellowship together and we always welcome new members. Linda Beckley and the Thursday Group Members Monday Housegroup (Termination as reported in the August 2018 Parish Magazine) The members of the Monday House Group have become fewer over the years since we started meeting in Lent in 2008. Inevitably as we have all get older, some members have become disabled or too frail to attend, some have moved away to be nearer to relatives .However four of us have been meeting regularly the last few years with additional people occasionally joining us. We have enjoyed hosting an ecumenical group in Lent this year which enriched our discussion and prayers. After much thought, prayer and discussion with our members, I have decided to retire from leading the group. We are all in agreement about this decision which will mean an end to the Monday House group meetings. There is a fair amount of organisation, planning and much preparation required in being responsible for meetings so regularly twice a month. All our members have taken turns to share the load, Jocelyn in sharing in the leading of sessions and prayers and Anne and Joy preparing and leading the prayer times regularly too. I have been very grateful for this shared ministry. Joy Brown has been a generous hostess for the House group especially as the committee room at church is a cold and unsuitable place to meet in winter months especially. Our Last session was Monday 16th July 2018. We have all much enjoyed the Bible study and the fellowship we have shared over the years. I think we all feel we have learnt much from our discussions and have appreciated the input and presentations from our Clergy over the whole time. In the past, we also appreciated our occasional Away Days to local churches and we give thanks for the support and ministry of many of our Priests. Our Bible reading and study has covered most of the major books of the Bible from both Old and New Testaments. I think we have all valued the new insights and reading the Bible aloud as well as revisiting well remembered Bible stories from school or Sunday School too, in all the times we have been meeting together. We have been much supported for many years by the inspiration and knowledge of wonderful Christians, Dr Clive Bratt and Brenda Richards particularly in our group and also Neil Macdonald in helping me set up the group originally. We owe so much to them all in our early years together especially for their extensive learning and knowledge and their exemplary Christian love and living . We give thanks to all those who have been participants in the group and all those who have supported us in prayer in the past 11 years. I feel sure there will be further opportunities for group prayer and Bible study in the future at St. Wilfrid's Church. Gillian Hutchison 10 APCM 28th April 2019 16. Nyewood Infants School Report At present the Infants School has 243 children on its roll which is not at full capacity (270) as the September Reception Year intake was lower than normal but that does seem to be in line with some other schools in the area. The school is working hard to find ways to deal with budget cuts and to keep the high standard of teaching within the school. The new Head Teacher, Miss Anna Wells and a new Deputy Head, Miss Adlam, have both settled into their roles very well. The school is keeping good links with St Wilfrid's Church though it is still very difficult to get families to attend the Family Services. Father Ray is taking a Worship Assembly regularly. The school is continuing to promote and support church events and special services. The School's Worship Council, made up of pupils, meet regularly, planning ways which they can lead worship in different ways across the school. This is following up from the schools SIAMS report which was graded as outstanding. The school are continuously working on areas to improve including a SIAMS mock inspection to be held in May. The Governors continue to work closely with the new Leadership Team of the school to support them in their first year in their new roles. The Head Teacher Jacqui Cobb will be retiring at the end of this school year and so plans are underway to find a suitable replacement to continue leading the excellent team at Nyewood C of E Infants School and to ensure the close working relationship with St Wilfrid’s Church continues. By Julie James Foundation Governor 17. Nyewood Junior School Report There was no PCC Representation during 2018. The Junior School now have difficulties attending the Sunday Family Service and the school want to consider an alternative proposal for each year to visit St. Wilfrid’s each year in school time - see section 5 (CW’s Report) 18. Social and Fundraising 18.1 Social and Fundraising Committee January Quiz: A mixture of adverse weather and seasonal ailments caused the cancellation of the proposed Parish Quiz in January, which was not the great start to the year that had been hoped for. February: A superb Pre-Lenten Lunch was enjoyed by many and surprisingly quite a few who attended, were not regular church goers. It was very lovely to see fresh new faces enjoying our Church. April 2nd: We said our goodbyes to Father Andrew and Rachel which was celebrated with wine, nibbles and a beautiful cake. It was a beautiful send off for dear Andrew after 12 years at St Wilfrid's Church. April 21st: The Quiz that had been reluctantly deferred in January took place on April 21st accompanied by a Fish and Chip supper. As it was the Queen's Birthday there was a Royal theme and the National Anthem was played on departure. May 12th: Christian Aid Coffee morning. Homemade cakes, biscuits, jams and pickles were all beautifully crafted and were sold quickly to the enthusiastic attendees. A Bric-a-Brac Stall was also used and many thanks go out to everyone who donated items for this. May 19th: A wonderfully entertaining Jazz Evening featuring Colin Bryant and his Jazz Quintet. A delicious hot supper was served and fantastic time had by all. Low uptake to this event was disappointing as the Band are superb but this may have been due to the Royal Wedding running at the same time and alternative events were running simultaneously. September 15th: A Sing-Along-Film Night of "The Greatest Showman". A fantastic turnout enhanced by many of the children in the audience who knew every word of each song and delivered them with gusto. A joy to behold! September 25th: the Macmillan Coffee Morning. Our members joined in the annual national event that is registered as the biggest coffee morning of the year. This event supports the great work of the Macmillan Society. We receive a party-pack in the post which included balloons, games and game ideas, recipes and money collection packs. All money collected was paid directly to The Macmillan Fund. As ever this was very 11 APCM 28th April 2019

12 APCM 28th April 2019 well supported by our community and many thanks go out to everyone who baked cakes or provided goods for the Pre-Love Items sale. October 7th: The Pets Service. The service was conducted by Fr Ray who blessed all the animals. We welcomed Derek Oscar Wilde and his dog Zak from Pets-For-Humans. Derek gave a very interesting presentation and discussed how Zak spends his days visiting patients in nursing homes and hospitals. Incidentally this is how I first met him when he was visiting Dorothy Smith at The Bognor War Memorial Hospital. October 20th: A Musical Evening by the Silhouettes, an absolutely tip-top ladies trio who performed beautifully in outstanding costumes, and sang to a melody of well-known war time songs. A corned beef hash supper was served during the interval. The Cooks were very much praised for their culinary delights. November 17th: At the Autumn Fair the entertainment was provided by the newly formed "Just Sing Bognor" from the Music Smart Bognor Company. Lovely Soup, Rolls, Mince Pies and Mulled Wine were served. These were all the more appreciated as the weather was atrocious. The stall holders made a sterling effort in presenting their goods in addition to a Tombola Stall and a lovely Raffle. December 2nd: Pre Christmas Lunch was held early in December to avoid clashing with other seasonal activities. Food seems to be what the committee does best so again, our superb cooks made a fabulous three-course-lunch with a Chicken Chasseur stealing the limelight. December: Creative Cribs. One of our favourite events of the year as the submissions entered by the children of Nyewood Infants School and our own St Wilfrid's After School Club are always a delight. It is so encouraging to see the amount of effort that goes in to each crib. There seems to be no-end to the children's imagination. How rewarding for the Parents and Helpers who are supporting them. The job of judging the cribs is always difficult but heart- warming. In addition to our own in-house events we are fortunate enough to be donated proceeds from collections taken at the end of some concerts by The University of Chichester, Southway School and The Bersted Choir. Two other events that have fund-raising collections for the Church are The Bognor Motor Gala and The Bognor Carnival. Children from The After School Club and The Sunday School plus their helpers take part in both of these two local activities. As Chairman may I offer my genuine and sincere thanks to the incredible and enthusiastic members of the Social and Fund Raising Committee. Also to all the additional people that help and support the Team in so many different ways. You are noticed and very much appreciated. Last, but by no means least, may I say another significant message of thanks to each and every one of you that come and support our events. Elaine Green

13 APCM 28th April 2019 18.2 100 Club This report is based on the calendar year January to December 2018 but the 100 Club year starts on 1st June each year and from 1st June 2018 the prizes were based on a membership of 48 (down from 52) numbers at £60 each with half the proceeds awarded as prizes - 1st prize £48 (previously £50) and 2ⁿd prize £24 (previously £25) each month and a bonus prize of £288 (previously £300) twice a year i.e. a total value of prizes of £1,440 from 1st June 2018 and an equal amount to fund-raising. For the year starting 1st January, 2018 total prizes were £1,467 and an equal amount collected for church funds. More members are needed to try and get membership nearer to the 100 by the end of May 2019. The prizes were allocated as below. First Second Half Year Month Winner Number Adjudicator Prize Prize Bonus January Nigel Neville 12 Peter Green £50.00 Gill Hutchison 54 £25.00 Rachel February David Tomsett 32 £50.00 Wadsworth Rosemary Hawkes 15 £25.00 March Margaret Bateman 58 Linda Beckley £50.00 Colin Greaves 26 £25.00 Caroline Brindley 9 300 April Gill Hutchison 54 Anne Latter £50.00 Nancy Tomsett 39 £25.00 May Janice Slough 34 Peter Green £50.00 Andrew Wadsworth 14 £25.00 Roger June Alan Baker 2 £48.00 Hollingshead Clive Blackman 33 £24.00 July David Tomsett 32 John Wood £48.00 Rosemary Hawkes 15 £24.00 August Anne Latter 1 Elaine Green £48.00 Andrew Wadsworth 14 £24.00

September Sergio Perrone 55 Linda Beckley £48.00

Gordon Smith 28 £24.00 Denis Sheppard 50 £288 October Rachel Wadsworth 24 Peter Green £48.00 Helen Woods 27 £24.00 November Jean Rose 30 Keith Richards £48.00 Margaret Richards 7 £24.00 December Sergio Perrone 55 Clive Blackman £48.00 Rachel Baker 38 £24.00 14 APCM 28th April 2019 19. After-School Club The After School Club has continued to meet regularly on the first Thursday of the month excluding January, August and September during school holidays. The sessions are between 3.30 and 5.30pm and include a variety of craft activities for the differing ages of the children and their parents to join in together. Tea is served around 4.30 when everyone sits at the tables to enjoy the lovely sandwiches, cakes, fruit and crisps so kindly donated by our lovely ladies. After tea, the Family Support Worker Jacqui Harrington, organises a game for the children to play before going home at 5.30. We continue to have families with younger children in pushchairs and toddlers together with some children with special needs. We are constantly challenged in keeping them all involved, happy and safe. In the year 2018 1- 2019 the themes for each month have been: April 2018 - Good Friday Workshop (10.00 - 12.00) There were 54 children and 40 adults present who took part in six craft activities and shared the Easter story with drama in the church with Father Andrew. Father Andrew was given a special goodbye card from the children and every child was given an Easter egg to take home. May 2018 Windy Weather 23 children and 13 adults took part in four craft activities. June 2018 God's Wonderful World 21 children and 11 adults took part in four activities and in the making of a collage for church. July 2018 Holidays - Seaside There were four craft activities and games in the garden. During the summer school holidays, the Family Support Workers Jacqui Harrington and John Bird organised an all-day activity for the families and some of our volunteers were able to help them. October 2018 Pets and Animals 19 children and 12 adults attended and were involved in four craft activities and in the making of a collage for church. October 7th Pet's Service Some of the families were able to join in the service. November 2018 Lights and Fireworks 14 children and 9 adults attended and joined in four craft activities and games. December 2018 Christmas 39 children and 23 adults joined in three craft activities and in the making of Nativity Shoe Boxes for display in church. Every child was given an advent calendar. December 2018 Christmas Party The Family Support Workers organised the party with the help of parents. The children joined in a disco, sensory book bus and games. Father Christmas gave out presents and the children wrapped presents to give their parents. It was a very special and busy time and was most successful. As always, we say a big thankyou to the faithful volunteers and helpers who attend every month. They are the ones that help to make the After School Club so successful. A special thankyou for those who bring food they have prepared and to Roger Hollingshead who sets up all the tables and chairs each session.

15 APCM 28th April 2019 We greatly miss Caroline Brindley who regularly organised the kitchen for food and drink for everyone. She had to stop coming when she started her cancer treatment. We thank her for all her support over many years. We are very appreciative of the Family Support Workers who help us throughout the year. We couldn't run the Club without their expertise and knowledge of the families that attend. We still need more helpers to keep the After School Club running successfully. I would be more than happy to tell you more if you are interested to join us. Linda Beckley 20. Mission Action Plan (MAP) Report There were two meetings of the MAP group in May and September 2018 Each meeting agenda was divided into four main headings for feedback, discussion and action planning: Diocesan Mission Strategy - Developing ministries; Churches together; Nursing home strategy Discipleship - The parish day; house groups; pilgrimages and retreats Mission -Parents and children; Sunday school; After School Club; Youth project work; carnival outreach. The Common Good - Town organisation; church magazine; publicity and media The group was disbanded in January 2019 as it was felt that there was too much overlap between other groups. The difficulty also being that it was difficult to move forward with new strategies during the interregnum. 21. GDPR Report GDPR, or General Data Protection Regulations, came into force on 25th May 2018, although implementation did not have to be fully completed by that date, and the authorities have allowed for a gradual roll out. These new rules, added to the existing laws, require data holders to have explicit rather than implicit authority to hold/use personal data. As the Compliance Officer for the Parish I have been endeavouring to implement these rules in regard to the new Electoral Roll, with which each applicant was handed a Privacy Notice, detailing what can and cannot be done with the data and how it is held. Also the Parish is in the process of creating a General Data Authority Form which will explicitly detail what the Parish can do with any personal data held. This is yet to be fully implemented as at the end of 2018, but it is envisaged that it will be fully in use during 2019. Susan Blackman