

v-vT- oo., A..w.ar 'r k I !' ' , JToptnior, .Li V- rjuut BULLtriM u puUUkad my f&ss BINDERS AND BLANK BOOK pi (except roday) tm the lolttla BttUdittf, act: aw and TwehfTh . :. ' MANUTACTtmERS. .1 Waihiniton itwm ifjeel Twelfth Strao Bulletin BulldlBir. Cor. Tn BsTLUrrot is terted to illy wVeerlbtji by

lalthhl earrien at Tweaty-fiT- O Casta Weak, y 9. iiMn-pull- VOL. CAIRO, SUNDAY, rti'om.tT nd HailruadWotk ILLINOIS, SEPTEMBEK 23. J877 NO. 226 payable weakly. By Mai), (la adriM), W fm uumi six months, Mi three moithl, Ml m CAIRO POBTOWICE. RKW HAN UK). ADVt.HTIAEHC!fTn.I month, tl at. tJ:3u Scribner's Monthly HftuwH-Krrn- 7:30 u.m. to gltt gutlctin. ')kick ii u.in.1 humluy from 7to9a.ni. Money Or(li;rM:(K)a.m. to6:Wjp.m. Enterprise Savings CENTAM I tin Molllnry THE WEEKLY BULLETIH. ATMVt; MoniiiIu. AN UNRIVALED l, low Ito'tun Comiuen;lul Uulh tlu. BANK. ILLUSTRA .n. I r.u. '1 lie Spleen ImJ returned to their city Central it U 3 MO M TED MAGAZINE. ff!0 llllBola home, aii'l H till liud tjnttlail liliuhijll ilowu LINEMEtlTS Published evtry Tbtuaiaj mornlaxat tl 2.'W fira'.i.uil ulrcp. Wlib tlio LlUwful vv'ln MIS. w ijiiirc OHAKTC1UO MARCH ii ScmiiNCK Issued Its lumouHMid pat annum, lavarlably la adTaae. la peetai 'ally. t w il, 18fl! cousdoiHiitaa nut there a no "tram to auuiiiiei Holiday Number in July, aiilondly a tVeflr mnli 10;00 Cairo Vlnecnncs IS,) One thin'.' i. llioroughly established. Never Cir.n in VAnv nwn .hWn Tnmi Titie said of It: "We are not atire but nw '7)1 1)1) Olll a the Weakly will be piapaMatthli next morning, vs hi'U Mr. 8. that nee ie lit free. II. II VI.I.KT A I'll.. Port A, i'Hti:h''lh iml high-wate- r nts nsuflercd and huin.oi aen alleviated 1 00 Sckihnkii baa, touched mark. land, Maine. 10:00 CiIto, Arkauea up pam,h:ts lliere tK.en :uiylliin; whull went o tar as i "lun'.v rearcl lur lieud frmn tlia pillow W i' do uot aee what worlds are a snbsaribers wll obtain tot a sobtartptlea Texas ii it "y I, lelt to it to a pain aniuhilst'ir and curative neat at the Centaur Hlver Ronta ml fjui'iilotfil: ,;oii'Uer." me pumisners no not eon- - Ohio CITVNATTfTVAT PATtfir A TTin nut l.tncincm. 'I lic.c I.incniems have within the past year.' Daily Monday r year eure j more ol itheumatitm, Neuralgia, ilcvol 1 a ' i" ec't ". 'Sctli!"' Mti EAtra Mixed Carde, wiihaame Miss. Kivir lioute thuleofeieellehce tbey believe "there are Stiff joints, Csked Itreasts, Sweilini;. 6W 10 cte , post paid. L. JONES ft CO.. . t'p, ' ln "K'naw-r-r-wl- if waitlic oiily rcipooia' Hues. I..me Animals, etc. . than all oihei remedie Nassau, N. V. ("at. other worlds to couquer, and they propone Down.'lu.'riio ('Unbilled. As the name of Centaur implies half S...Hl..M,.H,-M,HHW-w.- 6:00 'rtetli, do ht p hiiotlrK and wake up.'' 10 conquer mom." lS.I.iV,l'll ADVEBTL8LNQBATI3. Thebes lioute The the new hor and hatfman, thehename tlic Centuur Line Friday Halur.luy and S. her prospectus for volume gives menu man Hut Mi. ciiiiiulil rKiiieht with fifty are fr uul not t'ic sane ornciHs: the titles of more than papers (mostly Liniment. The White Liniment is fer irran the (j W.' Mi Ksaio, P. M. a Mift Ht In licr lord' ba:k. A II. BAITOHn. l'resldent. Illustrated), by writersoi the highest merit. yellow fur li.jrsi auj animali. Herein thil IhmiI! , I J.inimcnt (lillers from although "W Ah! yer; wbul'a narrei V H. h. TA 1 1, OK. Vine President. nder the head ol other remedies, "f the are They DAILY. ti l Sjd.xr, hroki'hly ul thi tiuiu LitZi w . M i steo' y an.i I'inie iiiredieau alike in each. ruiue "Forelvn Travel,' cuntaiit the witch hasel, arni a, carbol-- i' Bnalnau Cards, pc anmtm, ST. L0TJIS.IR0N MOUNTAIN DinairroHs: fsETHT0MJ wildly throwing out hm huiidauiid driving we have "A on , nn k oil, inenthaamt other powerful inredienui, One ev aswtloa,. I H Winter the Nile," by Oen. Wm. 11. Ilnki.x, reclor of St. John's church, squat, IiIk parliii:iMiuud P.W. lUHf Ciias. OALiMtan, Cmislanti-noph"ii- y vslllia dreadful thump f.ar, tocClellan ; "HaunUriogH About Wakefield, Clay On equate, two inMrtioaa l . M, county, Kamai, writn: "Many IN & SOUTHERN R. ' NTx:arLatii, faci. i. Henrii, 1 L It; a,niut the hemlhourd. It. Jt CuHKixuiiaJi. Charles tudley Warner; "Uul r--" - weak bai:k.caused U. h. Halucay,' of Window at 1opow," by lirm.,prai. tnnv (hull 4" year. r nave nnc IN tbi . You cIiiuiht tlilnjr,' M. PlIILLIf.. Mf tuono I the ''Oueht why don't J. Schuyler! iu Turkintan," found anything to relipvc me until commenced IM "An American I feel it my christian I tx you knock uiy lioad oil?" wuiltd the lady. etc. Three serial (torics are unnouueed' me of Centaur l.inement. I RUN I 9 duty loinform you that by iu wonderful effect I am - WEIL Tl VIM lIUa VMf A MiUo, mullled by tlio plliowti, 1S77. ii''wt''",iM ne Ii,n.lVHClro.liiil".... - "'P- - nj. wa "Nlchoi&a Mlnturn." ontirdy relieved ol pain. January Wd, WCAPLWEdtLiL Cairo i'ail '" heard to murmur, thu law," Hy Ur. Holland, Kditor, .Mciirs.J. .McLiure A Co,, druuijiits, Cincin- va (iMWifrivHil "'(liot and paid on deposit at the rate id the - aeooiomodaliou leave Cairo dully . J;0oe.m. INTKIlhST six nati. O. , lays- mi(,'KP'tlon annum, Mureh 1st and ui-j- er Lini- Woiri'idatluB arrives Ultily (exu: "wear your iwltuli to bead.'' h.U whose story of "Sevenoaks" ?avethe hijfi; "Tcainjtersprinounce the Yellow Centiur 11 "'- 1st. JnUirest not withdrawn is added umua to of ment luperior to any thins jhey have ever med. HiimUvl "' - 'I VihU I had a awikh," .Mr. S. a est satisfactiou the readers the I ffllfll.; liatcly to tlie prlDi ipul of the depoaiU, theruby We sell several doien bottle, every month, and the t Uttlo couuiouiid Monthly. On square, on lnertloa,M Hpltolully. don't you go off Jiriua! tlieu inlerest scene ot is ale i. steadily inert asinsj.'' The thli latest novel laid on upon thous- Each subMqural IbmtUob MOM R t(aiD, of These are only sample of thousands CAIRO & ST. LOUIS R. It alet'P Selli." the banks the iludson. Tho hero is a ands of similar ials reaching in every "Hahygotthe ftoinucli uche? ' inquired Harried Women and Children may young f""1 wuo been always "tied to a month. All the txiracis, embrocations, salves Depoiit woman's apron strings." but who. by the and ointments in existence are not doinrf the drowsy one. Money and no one Cen-ta- death of his mother, is left alone in the the good which i d"ne hy these admirable WORK 70S. ALL D"One inch Is a sqnar. LINE "No." eiae can draw it. on current ol lite I.inimenu. For frost bites, itings. cuts, itch, SHORTEST SHORT world to drilt the with Lini- In their own localities, canvassing for the w a salt rheum , etc , nothing is like the Ceauur (enlarned) Weekly regular rfyerttiera w ofnr enperlor I j, "liurlar'o coal dial'-- a lortune, but it'.out purpose. spavin, rhn bone, i'lrralrle Vial tor, and tJTo by ment, white wrapper. 'or Monthly. Lnrirvaf. No.' Another serial, "ilis Inheritance." Sweeny, wind aalls, poll evil, scratches, etc., on Pi(er In tlio World, with Mammoth hromos Free. Hig Commis- daouacnu, both as to rate ot akarp aad saaa-- every U S Miss Traflon, will begin on the completion horses the yellow Liniment is equally, " 0;id bueincssitay froniAa.ru. p.m. Centaur sions Amenta. Terms and Outfit Kree. Ad- "irffovcr'n eaU Liss o' by Mrs. Hodg- good. in they are to kl satunUy evenlnirs fur savings deposit onry ol "That Lowrie's," They are certain their effects, 11. riolt.-ul'iu.-- dress, ICKKHY. Amrusti, Main. ST. XiOTJIS "hiiu't he elli. 'I btre ia a roin ti to a o'clock. son Hurnett. Mrs. Burnett's story, begun pleasant lo use, ihey are handy and thty are cheap. f nar of dl spUying thslr Oirors. t So family should be without Centaur Liniments. tnilnl of this company connect 8t dreadful o In the room, and If you in August, has a pathos and dramatic power rHK and Last it. Lotus, Willi nil thcr W. HYBLOP. Treasure. which have been a surprise to the public. They are worth one hundred times their cost. do not tret up find kill him J. II. KOSF..V, iii Dry New York, sea to Hit .rU, l.eiwit anil t. lie will Idle hal.y There is to a seiiesof original and ex- CO., street. Oommnnioatlona apon eahJeoU of g all "Vir hlot lif!.' illustrated papers ol "l'opulal Sci- ptr day at home. Samples worth TIMK Hi.HEDl'LK quisitely t TOin (Oft "Tail him to eud liiiihiil in 1st January," THE ence," by Mrs. Uerriuk, each paper com- $3 $Uafri. sllN!iONftC.,Port. rat lnUreat to th pabUo ltoltad. .uveCalro - plete In iisell. land, Maine. aid hpicer, v.ith a tinal to (lodge the rYrr.fealst. ':iaip.iii. 'J here are to be, from various pi ns, paper Ijih. on Bnsinaa saould be ta East DC I. uU :' '" Gastoria ttAll Lttteri aUiMl Uv .Mr'.S., hovt'vr, a In lm Xf.iil,le, City National Bank "Home Life and Travel" 1 ttUm i;:""i.n and .Molhrrs will liavo re.st and their Tubie may have YV II. M (,l Alll.AND, .'spiefcr rolled out id hod, nawled iato a health, iftli'y will use Ir. Pitcher's Casturia for Oalr Ballotlai twsur Ticket and Kn ight Agent, (alio. Also, practical suggestions as to town and or , win'lcolic. vorm. mouth, crouo dremlni; jrown and Hilj i .1. A. WEST. inrnl I'aaseriger Agent. turned up the CAIRO, ILLINOS. country life, villaze improvements, etc., by totnarhc cnmlamt. It entirely a vegetable prt- - .f. AllKI.I,. Agent at Cairo os and hc'an n Kan h lor that tunnn n specialists. pamttoii, and couiatus niittlier mmcr;u morpninr, THE IdJ) POWSH on Indus-trie- s Ik if tiend, nolitary Mr. Haruurd's articles Tarlous nor alcohol. It as plcatuut t j take an hmy, the inuuiio, who a!wuy ot (ireat Britain include the history ol neither iagn nor gr'n4t and in superior to any reme- o'AIRO & VINCENNES R. R dy in ciirvives JiU eouipaiiioo and lays in wait lo Kxperiinents in Co-o- ration," existence. "Sonic "A 1C. h.ir the unhappy Scotish Loaf Factory" in the Novembt.l It, Iimof:h, of !Hpont, Ohio, ays: 61 "1 am u.int; t'astoriaui my practice with the CURES! Miles tho Routo and Lane, Koelulale," - Shortest r into the winlt r. CAPITAL0.000 number, "Toad in most Mnul r"Litth, anl find it a perfect substitute if iTUVTTTjr.Vai- December. Other papers are, "Tbe British for ('astor Oil." Spic r juiini'iitfd thai ri'xu-latio- n TO EVANSVILLE, i.r hunt iu tin; Workingman's Home," "A Nation ol Shop Thi ii what every one say. Many nurftr in I am only Billon, says the debllitatattd HOMEOPATHIO SPECIFICS Child,'-eta1- . York me the ( victim lnaner, hy walking about the room orruins. keepers," "Ha'penny aWeek for the NW iisioria. Il is prepared by of sick headnch, pain n th. right side, In erenernl 11. . Mir twenty W . P. HALM resident. Messrs, lleen ftmnt. DAY, f , .1, liof.c t Cu.f mcce.iors to bainuel constriction of the bowels and hypochondria. Everywhere nroveo iU m- - stAm 47 Miles the Shortest to withulo;el lnhihand and hi eyes h'xed 1. HALLlUAV, ViiPrat, A richly illustrated series will be given on 1'itthcr, M. Are these trifles, then? No; unchecked they M.Ul'Li:. M'ASuslCLaa IKl I A. H nxthoKD, (rubier. lead to mental disease. as the IJIflt UJ.'.n tl,o rrilim;. At tlic thiid stride he by Field," by And iet as aurly medic. lies Tl ere wtutt WAI 'l kK HVsl.uI', Cahlcr. "American Sports Flood and dawn EfTer-vecei- it Aa'l dipl the ilurkness, Tnrrant'e people kon. J(- I! trod upoa tho rockinjchalr. wliieli respond- various writers, and each on a different remove the want, sunn u.ix- iOiw, ill Tslk'i.lsiait .UK Neliaer Aperleut will Irk 11 ess mid anilrliitr. very attitrle ed promptly with a blow in tho Hoinach, theme. The subicct of A.SK tiie rnvvered them. Try it. specific the welt tried pesi .erlsKiuis l AND WASHINGTON lniii with no wind -- wpitr "Hi njiijli aal Hamnocoration" dysoepti'B, bl inns hu cuslneut pbyaiclun. tint lelt to with. bihKCTOits: a day at noma. Agents wanted. OutS A w ill have a promiueut place, whilst thu suOertr, victims of No. . 0r.l he Ktraightent-- up, bin eye aught iiglt H. II. and terms fre. TRUE ft CO., Augusta 1. . Miles to Htaats Tatloii, It. Co mi'ohim. productions ol American humorists will ap- ague, Maine, Fcvera, C'oigestlon, li,atinmtkns, . 34 the Shortest 11 fever and the VVOHi. '. of un Inn'trt oor the waer llxture, and L. rlAU.I0AV, W. I', llau.ioar pear I rum month to month. The list ol it a. Worn, Fever, Wiu s'o.ki, (J. WllLLAMSijH, HTli'lfaN HlHO, mecnrial diseased 8. t'rylnat-l'Oli- c. or Tctlunsjol lufat,u,. toward it. he a i. shorter stories, biographical and Dr.A.O. ata'eriiii dealt blow that A . B. fiArKfliu, otiul , 4. oChildren or Ai al . . sketches, etc, Is a long one. how tbey rceov OIL-- IliarrhtrH, would have lelled uaox, but an there wua NO CURE-N- O prim (u Uysenlerv. Ortpii, Hilurns Colic, . . 'the editorial department will continue lo ered houltli, checrfltl FEE! 6. V.imitln no ox Mnu'-li- I there, be only a rhina employ the ablest pens both at home iplrits, it lull t1 Tm WMbmriua itmt, ChUo. IW Ibt tan f U 7. I'oUhtj Bronx hlihs, . . . . . iuuk Exchange, Coin aod United States aui and rod IVitrstr, Cbrofiif1 Rod I4I f'au :h, AND BOSTON. Sjm DfomM, St?alai WMkatM, 8. N . and a oap More abroad. There will be a series ol letters will M IkbtUtje tut! ural ft, Tooihaih. FMa k, . dih. the baby woke up XJonda Bought and Sold. ttey Mumkomit (wmwwitif 9. - 11 n Lt muQ Kick BVartor lw, djsv., literary matters, from Loudon, by Mr. Wed- - j. fmiuate 01 neiufiu rs'Plxil, UMI tk0 Ileadacise. --AM adjoined in ihj exerci,e wdth a il you by tus ing Sim- Wnuvihi th linrnt pnrtic in lb I'nittd Sulci. LA 10. Uraiseiwla. Bl inn. htaiack. . ford. IIKfqiilHn( wtia konw kward, pll an I r. tatnjnt tad orr1U. It. MMMireaae or rainflil I'erhid; . howl, Mrs. Si!ier remarked that she pages will bo open, ,,mon's Liytr K rry ronvtriUnr for rmUvnu. Fiflv Ut ... L. . . , I .. . .1 I. .. . The of the magazine bd Ctm 14. v unen.. hm s as. ruojre.1 and a general Uai.Llbl I1IRI imcm. ulitrtrt). MAKKUiU r'liw srvni", .... HOURS SAVED did not lor tho life of why as heretofore, so far as limited space wilt r 13. Coukdi, Diflicult ilnritihliig, . .1 aW fee htr a uun DEFOS1T8 LAU1KH mil mlnwn trnd Vihv CnUfot SmmvU ol hut rrtu. . THK CHLAPts ANOllESX FAMl.Y.ilKD- - (itKi.1 -- iiear-si-fhu- permit, to the discussion of all themes f, Wr tntl V ulw oflmrwcUrii ItifMtntUan b 14. UVMl TRAIN OK who wu o d that be could uot tifM. nnii nnrsii.s. &r?iiKia, a.ruufioaA the social and religious Hie ol the IC1N E IN THE WOP LI). frr Abd vbtskuiUl. RelliMt foil hlUsStafev 13. RbciunntUlil. Itlieuuiaile Tulnj. n e aero-- t tho room did not put o'l bin Itroaa, President. H. Wella, Cashier. world, and specially to the freshest thouirhl KorlYsPEPiIA,CON8TIPATUN,.Jaudir.e, 16. Fever mid Asrur, Ctiil; Fever, Ajuas, ALL OTHER ROADS 17. bllnsi ktrettlny. . . , . irlainea l. Self. Vic I'rva't. T. J. Kertti, Asst. sh'r Ot and SICK IIEAUAt UK, c olic, File, or l.Plo. inwlicl M the i haiiibcr the Christian thinkers scholars ol. : Anhlliatbuy, er Wi bou-- e. 1UG4U u mo magazine - -r and Hire akKW, and woke up iha mime bucl unf'i?aneit- 41. J.1...... M, -- rr- . -- 1 - -- ... - na-- v Connections, nobler, more genial Mercury, Makiag barae -- and purer, higher and ranted not to contuln a rnrlicle ol S3. Kar Impat.vd hcaniu, i Mi made no reply, ,Mit the manner in ililltl-enct- s, Ulaehare. and generous in all iu utterances and r any Injurious luostance, oui ta Si M'rolulM, enlarted c'siUs, malm hi- FALLING SICKNESS by other route to which he nettled - on bin and a more welcome visitor than SI. (General ndiility, I In lcl Weakscaa ItaciiKni night wait- Permanently cured no humbug by oni .. Con:, lion must ride all ncse and grabbed the towel, Indicated that ever before In homes of refinement and cul- PURELY VEGETABLE Si. Ilrstpay and entv . af from One to Si Hour, at month's usage of Dr. Goulord'i Celebrat- Sii. aUk. iruiu riding , ing Ave. and Bt Street us country atutiona for ino-uit- o had been an elepbmt, he Corner Commarolal ture containing those s.iulhern roots ana ner wnicn lufferen ST. Kldney-OlaeaM- ', tiiavel, email if the MONTHS for ed Fit Powders. To convinee of oonneottng roada. FIFTEEN II. nail wtM urnvideuce lias placed in couniries all claim tor SS. ervoua neblllty, Vlul.W 1 akfters. tfc' trams would have quailed before him IhtD. lie cure an that these powders will do we v.. ScmnxKR lor December, now ready, where Liver Diseases prcv.il. It will them, we will tend them by mail, pott i sir liuuin. l anaar...... our 6iUinted behind iseases cjiuied by derangement OS me an. wettii.g Hie bad, n Hamombor that fact and tako ne.arehed the teilii:' asaiu. and which coutalnithe opening chanters ol paid, a free trial box. As Dr. Goulard ii I'plnitrv Veaknraa. a. Train,.reaclung headboard. joked under the bead and eagor and bowels. Palnlul Prrlada, orwlth Spanns, 5:00 ni. the "Nicholas Minturn." will be read with i'lis syinp'oms ol l.iver complaint are a ou the only physician tbat has ever made tbis ta of , palpliatln. te. . I no oaca, our Diaraxe into the violet, behind the door and along curiosity and interest. Perhaps more ter or liud taste in the mouths l ain in me disease a special rtudy, ssi s to 81 FulleiMcy, , Spasms, hi. Itu.' Dane, . I f.. LsuiiTille has ye misuiken for rheuma- perma- 81. . . M: Gin:iirati, at the mirror and on the readable number of this magazine Miles or Joints, often knowledge thousands have been niplituerla, nlera.t1or throat, tells, !E:p:li; the iuo;iboard, ot Scrib tism) sour stomach, loss ot appetite, bowels use these powd ars, av 9 . DIIlKCTOltS been issued. The three numbers nently cured by the of ' th loss of window curtain, at the ceiling for the September, and October alternately costive and lax, headache, we will guarantee permanent cure ir Vllllf W Cls? SAME DAY. K. Cairo. Wm. Klupe tjiiro. ner lor August, having a rajum wm. ' l'.ross, mem ry, witn a painful Bensation of all money ex- ahov ana : time anJ there ipiletl; Laniiu; by Wo He siro. containing the opening chapters ot "The - every rase, or relund you Morocco, with 5 tturf rljta T and arrive at Cairo, us follow P. Nell, Cairo. Win. I'uiled to do BomcUiina- which ought to have ro, rains Lave , K. L. Iiillinfrsli-y- t. U.Uia. Lowrie's," will be given to every yel- pended. All sufferers should give these Manual of directions, . 110.09, ' le.i."i, w as his toi mentor. The In A. Susanku, Calio. Lasf o' been dine, debility, low spirits, a thick ... WuilUav.s K. iluder, Uiiru H. Wells, Cairo. new subscriber (who requests it), and low apiiearance of the skin and eyes, a dry Powders an early trial, and be convinced raNeMorocco,ofM)arpvlulantBk. 4Jt), ,ud 7:.Ji.m. man w drew a chair under this Hrlnkman, St. w !(:'..p.m. jured ari'y r. H. l)Uis, whose subscription begins ith the present cough ulten niietakt 11 for consumption. of their curative power. These rcmedtea are sent by the rose U.lar,iw "- Y. Clennon, Calolonia. nr. aueuu 4 101 ,xe.1 - spot. J. volume, i.e., with the November number. Some.imes ninny these Bympionis Price, for large box, 3, or boxe BliiBie box or vlnl.M as'.y part tat. if a 3,'i cents a tin- - disnLsn. ut others verv few. but the liver, the 10, any part of United receipt rhoclci to all iiiii'ortaiit Isn't high enough," murmured lire. SitbserliTion price, i year the seat 1 lent by mail to country, free of rburire. on lliruiiKit tickcta tii't "Jt Special terms on bound volumes, largest organ in ihehody, is States Canada on receipt of price, or by Addreaa citiei. number. of diseases and if not regulated in time, great w S,, In a u of horrible suspense. subscribe with the nearest bookseller, oi Will en. express, C. O. Address, inmp"'H'eHttil'MHWntJ)t. L, MOERILL, sintering, wretchedness andDKAlU I. and Xtepot, 10s Kuli. i I. New Vo.-- f. A. ttCILLEB, H. .Se'.h till or O. money order to & BOBBINS, Oilice (iencrul Sup added the baby arm chnir. but .1 Buiiklut; Buslnesa Hon send a check I. sue. ASH hale by all nriixytat. Gen' l'atfc. Ajt't Menernl 8CKIBSKB it CO., cniniiifnil as an efjcadous remeily for 3C0 Street, N, Y. Tor II. l liLltUH, the bali d insect was beyond reach. The n Fulton lintoklyn, Humphreys' Bpecdflo Manual on tha paid Broadway, '. Y. diseases of the Liver, Heartburn and DvSTiaia, tar crnra--, Caaa. lus-oc- sold and bouKht. Interest 73 diseaao Awiit. k piled upon the arm chair, the l.iver Itegclalor. w care and treatment of aad ha Savings Deimrtiufnt. Collections made, Sinunons' lkwis cndib. - n Uic lTiii Master street, Assistant Postmaster, I'hll-- sent FB on application. pui.-t- d atteuileil to. hunter mounted the ticklish ediricc, n lull hiisinesa uroniutlv ailelphlu. CITY ROUTE" hiiii-e- ll "THE WASHINGTON a moment like Ulundin on the top, w e. Have tested...us virtues, jwrsoaun, ' Repository ox Fashion. Fl , ,,1nnu To Consumptives. was. a blow, a spot up now tor U8)ep-1- liilinusnees there terrible blood ' that Consumption, scourge humanity. Is wall, nomc and Instruction T hrobbing Headache it n the nest meuicine inn that of Ayer'o on the a d'Cadlul crash, and the great uread ot tlie human family, in all civll-a- ed a. frightful remarkc. which Mrs. ,S. heard in world ever saw. We huve tried forty other ft I. remedies before Simmons' Liver Regulator, countries. M iO the feel am in possession of th shuddering tilence. Then head of the R. SMYTH & CO., but none of them guve us more ttian tunporarr I confident that I house limped oil into the spare room. Mm. Regulator not only relieved only sun, infallible remeily now knewn to relief; but the cure ol mother's refrain of and Uetail Dealers In us."-K- i'KLEogii'ii Mksskh- - he profession lor the speedy, positive Sarsaparilla ant' tho "There, there, Wholesale butciired d. Harper's Bazar. ad hat dread disease, and ii unwelcome concom- QUICKEST there," lor an hour, and peace was upon xh, Macon, t,n. Ner- all THE SIIOUTEST. LLUSTKATKI). itants, vizi Catarrh, Asthma, bronchitis, For Scrofula, and that house. vous Debility, etc., etc. I am old fogy. I be- scrofulous diaeoaesry- - The next morning tho boys said the Domestio Twenty-eig- ht years ' l.VIl Foreign and BAD BREATH lieve in medicine. An- ofllce could not have smelt w orse ot arnica a a busy practitioner in the best con- . sipelns, Rose or St sn unnlcflsant. 10 common it the old man hud played a base baH match NOTtcas or tub mass. Vnibinir is nntluni! sumption hospitals in the old and new world, thony's Fire, Eruption ONLY DIRECT KOUTE as had breath, and in nearly every case it cornea has taught me (lie value of proper medic lion the day before. household matters Hao-raa- 's eorrect-e- and Eruptive tliseaaea LZQVORS Foralrictly anddress, from the Stomach, und can be bo easily d both local and constitutional in the cum of this TO liAZAit is altogether the liest thing if you will tuke Simmons' Liver Regulator, enemy of our rac. Ibavfoundlt But ' of the ikm, Ulcerations To take it is a matter of economy. No Do not neglect so sure a remedy for Wis re- freat digressing. I started eut to say to thos Stomach, lady can all'oiil to be without it, fur the - pulsive disorder. It will alao improve vour any the abovt of the Liver. AND very money sullering with consumption or of - Washlngtoxi D tion it iriverwill save her much more Appetite, complexion, wmniicriu iioum. maladies, that by addressing, me, giving syrups fl Kidneys, Lungs, Tint- 0. WILLIAMSON, 'ban tlie suuscriptKn price, nesiiics giving trie toms, they shall be put in possession jothis Household an interesting literary visitor. Chi yles, I'ustuics, nous, KINUH great boon, without charge, and shall bar th Tet- and Baltimcro WI2VKN OF ALI, jigo Journal. SICK HEADACHE benetlt of my experience In thousand of cas BlotchesTumors, Groce; lliiieaKS tiAZAn is prniueiy iiiustnuca, ani successfully treated. Full particular, direc- Salt Rheum, Scald Wholesale poems, sketches, cssnys fre- - ter, Willi dirirt Cunnectloin lor ontuins stories, end ol This distressing atuiction occurs most tions for preparation and use, and advlc and most attractive enuraeier. inilsiittr-r- v niiently. The disturliance ol the stomach, at your Head, Ringworm, Ulcers, Bores, And Dialer in No. 60 Ohio Levee, Instructions for successful treatment and artistic features, Die Hakzaii is iiniiiies- - arising irom iniissriectiy uigesieu icuu. own home, will be received by yon by retain Rheumatism, Neuralgia, ram tn the llonauiy llie uetii juuiuui n lie mitu in mu cuuu causes a severe pain in iu neau, uccoiupauieu mail, tree ot charge, by atldreesing Side anIIead.Female Weak- ry. suturuay r.veninK is uithriisiiirre-ali- l and this constitutes Rones, BOAT STORES, CAIHO, ILLS. uazeite noil. naueeu. DK. JOHN 8. BURNETT, Leucorrhaii. ariaing what is popularly known as Sick Ueuilachc. For willy 107 Jefferson street Louiavill ness, Sterilitv, prompt interaalulceratioB.ajia uteris ' reiiei from 1 i ANI Syphilitic and Mercurial dis- sonsUntly 1 fre to all Hubaciibera In the disease. .TE38HS. BMTTH ft CO. have lkinaci-tion- , sYL a large stock ol the best goods in Hie niar-e- t, Unltea states. TAKE SIMMONS LIVER eases, lJTopsy, Dyspepsia, THE SOUTHEAST Commission Merchant and frive eapcclal attention to the wholesale llAiti'Kit s rtAitXAii. one vear no GENERAL -- DEBILITY. General Debility, and. for Jurii auch of the hustuuas. 11 isi Includes preiiaymen. f C. S. nostuge.by REGULATOR, OR MED fyinr the' Rlood. ANI llie pntiiisners. VITAL WRAKNltSS OR PEPRBSSIOS : a iiahi-kj- i is combination of 16 OHIO LEVEE. niiimit tiiiiti s ii, s in ai sz si. v. Misre weak exhausted feeling, no ptivrgy or conragei This Sarsaparilla a R. to one v V, and IIa:'.aii, address lor one year, $10; OVKR-WOR- K. INDh.8-- ( aUeratiTestillingktIa-drakc,Yc6- YORK EDSTCN3 ICINE, the result cf MENTAL vegetable ?H1LADLFH1A. or, two ol Harper a I'erioiucHia, to one address KF.TIONS OR EXCESSES, oriome drain oa M irw-- . Dock with the Udides ir one year, Vi "', liosiage contain four medical elements, never the system, is always cured by Humpnryi 1 V 1. and An ( onv of either tlie Magazine. Week ' AND l .t m r.tii i i iiq icoijl6r,n ettn Kvtni d in the same happy proportion In any ilonienpathic bpecillc No. It tones up and of Potassium and Iron, and is the til'rg Mi't'a ly, or Hitzarwn) be supplied gratia for fvery via: a gentle Cathartic, a in.iiroratiis tha avstein. iniuarts strength and vet known -l . preparation, most oiHoacious medicine l .III 11 (11 r VE t;nilir-n- r, .1 . in one tonic, an unexceptirnahle alteruitve nvrir Htona tha drain and rejuvenate the Six Copies for $ Jo ilerliu it is Intended to cure. TlIIlBAflT. remittance i.r, ij, without a certain Corrective of all impurities of entire man. Heen used rwenty year With per- for the diseases STRATTON & BIRD, Louis, Mo. extra copy posmge siKhsigiuil success has attended its by thousands. Sold by dealer. ingredient are so skilfully Travelers ''siring a St tn.e any oily. fect success Its Hues can snuiuicu ni Numbers nine regarded as th i or per package ol Bazak commence thin it is now Price perstngl vial, H combined that the full alterative TlielVoliiiues ol the with live a viai Bosvoer wu, CEstiblShedlii W It tKFKClb'AL SPKCIFC vtuia and oi while 1M.KAHANT COMKOItT-AHLKTHU- . 1S59.) the vear. hen no time is mentioned, will n rai,,t Address IIUMFUKKYS effect of each is assured, and BPKKDV, and wishes to com nf nrlc. Wholesale Grocers be underatoori that the subserllier As a ltemedy in IIDMEOI'ATHIC MED1CLNK COMPANY, lull an be harmless even with the number next alter the receipt ol it is so mild to A, nience M VLARIOCS FEVKKS. HOAKf. Fulton street, N. Y. so effectual aa - THOS. A. BICE. M. 1. 1. B..1 r to children, it Is still Should remember thatthe ''niir An'niml Vnlnnuis of llAHPin's TUzar. In DYM'KI'SI A, MKNTAL DKI'KsS-Si- -- And- IAS. RICE, A. M iTiiieipnia NAl'-SK- 1, out from the system those binding, will lie Bent by exprcas, free S, KKV1LKS.SNKSS, JAl .MllCK. to purge ' J, HUKWOOD, nent cloth HK. COLIC, CNfTii-ATlO- which PHI TIMORP RKII H. 7 mi each. A complete Hct, SIClv IIKADM lNHVBAKCE. impurities and corruption t fill Ifl Rnitn ol expense, lor and Commi ssion Merc comprising isine soiuuno, .u iwiji, ui develop iuto loathsome disease. ban th. rate of .i a volume, freight at IT HAS SO EtJl'AL. Is celebrated far 118 FULL S8I cushat r reputation it enjoys Is derived LIFE SCHOUriSHIPJ 00 exiietse Olpurelii.ser, Armed with this ANTIDOTK, all changes of The i, .ii, CiuuHi oueli volume, suitablefor bind Iks w llh- cures, and the confldeace fclegant Coaches, Splendid (I rami POWOH 0 i for ellmate ami wafer anil food nmy fuiiejl INSURANCE. from its Hotel, AQHri AMERICAN o pustpaid, on receipt M H all er Beautiful HTOST Complete, Thorough and l'ractlca tl wll lie sent by ma ol out lear. As a Hemedy in ALARIOI which prominent physicians vf and Mountain ami Valley sj 1VL course of mudy in the United Suites at .(Ml parti. IIOvVKL CuMPLAINXS, KLV1'-LKS- S . .. FKVKRfi, repose iu It proves their Heeneiy, and the many points un N N V S K A , the country course Indists'itsiiiie to every young man era indexes 10 eacn VOUlumc win recaiiui N KSS, J A V DICK, A usefulneea. lllstorloal Interest Alone liarkinKon tlie sea ui me of stump . , . MASlKACTUeKO OSJLV IIY experience of its '" ' Its Lino. hi Ohio IiAvep. Newspapers are not to copy iiiiaMiiverilseiircni J. II. .E1LC5, 3ATF0RD M0REI3 attesting ita virtue express order of II.AKi'aa 4 linoTU-- Philadelphia, Certificates llhout the P. have accumulated, ' and are con- Fart will ALWAYS be ai LOW For Illuitratt Circular Price l.o0. Bold by all DrugggU. JACOB WALTER. , luitPKS DHOTllEl.New York AND CANDE? stantly being roceivod, and aa snany as by any bar line. t kaowtv BUTCHER 'Address, Atlinlnlatrntor'a Notice. of these cases are. publicly M It., wGenertJ convincing evideace ec PULLMAN PALACE CAR THOS. A. ltlCE.'A. ,t. Actminlatrator'a Notiee. Estate oi Bridget Clark, deceased. they furnish AHD OctU-dl- T President. of this Samparllla ; :' - ' ltun Thron:h Katnta of Hubert .T. Cundlir, deceased. Th undersigned, bavlne been appointed the superiority, over every other aKeratlv medicine. ' The under. igneil.lwvlng been appointud administrator Cum Tcitumento Annexo Agents Dealer Fresh Meat .1 Bridget Clark, late of Insurance to any j ., . WITHOUT CHANGE in administrator ot the esinto oi uoiieri of the estate of Ho generally h iU superiority JOHN SPROAT, ( tmtiirt. Intfl nf tho county of Alexander the county of Alexander and other mediuine known thai we aeosl . , , , Hctwcen'thell'rliielpal EIGHTH! STREET, Illinois, hereby Illinois, deceased, hereby Wholesale Uealer in and state ol deceased, SUte ot T3 OHIO LEVEE. do no more than, to aetnty the publk Waehlna-to- elves notlco that be will appear before the give notice that be will appear belore Between andl.Oommeroiii county, at ' that tho best fjualltlei it baa ever Western and Eastern Cities. nntintv eniirt of Aloxander at tho the county court of Alexander count, City MaUwal luk WUiMg, vpttln.': Ave adJolnlnkT Hcxny'a. i.niirt'hiiu.n in Cairo, at tlio November tho court bouse in Cairo at the October term possened are tttctly ifaaintaiaed. t Monday in November Monday in Oot next, at which Kor throiiRU tickets, toaggagfl cheek!', Ice term, on the second on the third or tratna, rteeplng ear aecom Northern next, at which tlmo an persons naytnu time all persons having chums against said move ment are requested to attend AaTMy ta Boatk inudiiUona, U!., tc, tpply at ticket olbcee A8TffVaiS9 dutms aiminat aaid estate nolilled and estate are notliied and 7be Oldeet Katabliahed asthma ugm tbo purpose of purpose ol bavlntf the initio ad- era IUlaola, lemea tia m at all priniilftl points. reotiested to attend for for the 1 OH)), Cjrior Twelfth and havlniMhn same adlusted. All persona justed. Ail persona lndepted to Mid es , 4fratlalaw4 A or WEST MMTM Ohio Levee. Indebted to said ostato are requested to tate are requested to make Immediate pay aoLB a Ati. nauosuwra ay 4'M0aTK, totJtH.vKAST undersigned. I ( J t J w ' make Immediate payment to the under went to the I. J IX ".' Iiorscv. li. m coie slKiied. Dated this UtU day of seplem Dated, thl 811 day ot August, A. . (len.'iic.ket COMINGS, Adm r. Maaa.vaaa a'tlii-n- TlcketAgt, Kt' Car Load Ton or Will her, AD.1K77. OiOROB'tBHiK, 1877. ALFKKD Thos, It. Sharp, 1CK by tbo Administrator, Cum Testamento Annexo . r. Harry. 1 Tl JIMt ptuij mvTwl. ceded, forshlpplug. w:)w wilt. j araaea.s Aitt. Muster of Transp'a wrara MaTlait toaWtkisuaM,