CURES! Miles Tho Routo and Lane, Koelulale," - Shortest R Into the Winlt R

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CURES! Miles Tho Routo and Lane, Koelulale, t ' XAtt, ... t(iHtMi. w- - " THE DAILY BULLETW. CAIRO CITY BINDER?, V v-vT- oo., 'r i k I !' ' , JToptnior, .Li V- rjuut BULLtriM u puUUkad my f&ss BINDERS AND BLANK BOOK pi (except roday) tm the lolttla BttUdittf, act: aw and TwehfTh . :. ' MANUTACTtmERS. .1 Waihiniton itwm ifjeel Twelfth Strao Bulletin BulldlBir. Cor. Tn BsTLUrrot is terted to illy wVeerlbtji by lalthhl earrien at Tweaty-fiT- O Casta Weak, y 9. iiMn-pull- VOL. CAIRO, SUNDAY, rti'om.tT nd HailruadWotk ILLINOIS, SEPTEMBEK 23. J877 NO. 226 payable weakly. By Mai), (la adriM), W fm uumi six months, Mi three moithl, Ml m CAIRO POBTOWICE. RKW HAN UK). ADVt.HTIAEHC!fTn.I month, tl at. tJ:3u Scribner's Monthly HftuwH-Krrn- 7:30 u.m. to gltt gutlctin. ')kick ii humluy from Money Or(li;rM:(K)a.m. to6:Wjp.m. Enterprise Savings CENTAM I tin Molllnry THE WEEKLY BULLETIH. ATMVt; MoniiiIu. AN UNRIVALED l, low Ito'tun Comiuen;lul Uulh tlu. BANK. ILLUSTRA .n. I r.u. '1 lie Spleen ImJ returned to their city Central it U 3 MO M TED MAGAZINE. ff!0 llllBola home, aii'l H till liud tjnttlail liliuhijll ilowu LINEMEtlTS Published evtry Tbtuaiaj mornlaxat tl 2.'W fira'.i.uil ulrcp. Wlib tlio LlUwful vv'ln MIS. w ijiiirc OHAKTC1UO MARCH ii ScmiiNCK Issued Its lumouHMid pat annum, lavarlably la adTaae. la peetai 'ally. t w il, 18fl! cousdoiHiitaa nut there a no "tram to auuiiiiei Holiday Number in July, aiilondly a tVeflr mnli 10;00 Cairo Vlnecnncs IS,) One thin'.' i. llioroughly established. Never Cir.n in VAnv nwn .hWn Tnmi Titie said of It: "We are not atire but nw '7)1 1)1) Olll a the Weakly will be piapaMatthli next morning, vs hi'U Mr. 8. that nee ie lit free. II. II VI.I.KT A I'll.. Port A, i'Hti:h''lh iml high-wate- r nts nsuflercd and huin.oi aen alleviated 1 00 Sckihnkii baa, touched mark. land, Maine. 10:00 CiIto, Arkauea up pam,h:ts lliere tK.en :uiylliin; whull went o tar as i "lun'.v rearcl lur lieud frmn tlia pillow W i' do uot aee what worlds are a snbsaribers wll obtain tot a sobtartptlea Texas ii it "y I, lelt to it to a pain aniuhilst'ir and curative neat at the Centaur Hlver Ronta ml fjui'iilotfil: ,;oii'Uer." me pumisners no not eon- - Ohio CITVNATTfTVAT PATtfir A TTin nut l.tncincm. 'I lic.c I.incniems have within the past year.' Daily Monday r year eure j more ol itheumatitm, Neuralgia, ilcvol 1 a ' i" ec't ". 'Sctli!"' Mti EAtra Mixed Carde, wiihaame Miss. Kivir lioute thuleofeieellehce tbey believe "there are Stiff joints, Csked Itreasts, Sweilini;. 6W 10 cte , post paid. L. JONES ft CO.. t'p, ' ln "K'naw-r-r-wl- if waitlic oiily rcipooia' Hues. Animals, etc. than all oihei remedie Nassau, N. V. ("at. other worlds to couquer, and they propone Down.'lu.'riio ('Unbilled. As the name of Centaur implies half S...Hl..M,.H,-M,HHW-w.- 6:00 'rtetli, do ht p hiiotlrK and wake up.'' 10 conquer mom." lS.I.iV,l'll ADVEBTL8LNQBATI3. Thebes lioute The the new hor and hatfman, thehename tlic Centuur Line Friday Halur.luy and S. her prospectus for volume gives menu man Hut Mi. ciiiiiulil rKiiieht with fifty are fr uul not t'ic sane ornciHs: the titles of more than papers (mostly Liniment. The White Liniment is fer irran the (j W.' Mi Ksaio, P. M. a Mift Ht In licr lord' ba:k. A II. BAITOHn. l'resldent. Illustrated), by writersoi the highest merit. yellow fur li.jrsi auj animali. Herein thil IhmiI! , I J.inimcnt (lillers from although "W Ah! yer; wbul'a narrei V H. h. TA 1 1, OK. Vine President. nder the head ol other remedies, "f the are They DAILY. ti l Sjd.xr, hroki'hly ul thi tiuiu LitZi w . M i steo' y an.i I'inie iiiredieau alike in each. ruiue "Forelvn Travel,' cuntaiit the witch hasel, arni a, carbol-- i' Bnalnau Cards, pc anmtm, ST. L0TJIS.IR0N MOUNTAIN DinairroHs: fsETHT0MJ wildly throwing out hm huiidauiid driving we have "A on , nn k oil, inenthaamt other powerful inredienui, One ev aswtloa,. I H Winter the Nile," by Oen. Wm. 11. Ilnki.x, reclor of St. John's church, squat, IiIk parliii:iMiuud P.W. lUHf Ciias. OALiMtan, Cmislanti-noph"ii- y vslllia dreadful thump, tocClellan ; "HaunUriogH About Wakefield, Clay On equate, two inMrtioaa l . M, county, Kamai, writn: "Many IN & SOUTHERN R. ' NTx:arLatii, faci. i. Henrii, 1 L It; a,niut the hemlhourd. It. Jt CuHKixuiiaJi. Charles tudley Warner; "Uul r--" - weak bai:k.caused U. h. Halucay,' of Window at 1opow," by lirm.,prai. tnnv (hull 4" year. r nave nnc IN tbi . You cIiiuiht tlilnjr,' M. PlIILLIf.. Mf tuono I the ''Oueht why don't J. Schuyler! iu Turkintan," found anything to relipvc me until commenced IM "An American I feel it my christian I tx you knock uiy lioad oil?" wuiltd the lady. etc. Three serial (torics are unnouueed' me of Centaur l.inement. I RUN I 9 duty loinform you that by iu wonderful effect I am - WEIL Tl VIM lIUa VMf A MiUo, mullled by tlio plliowti, 1S77. ii''wt''",iM ne Ii,n.lVHClro.liiil".... - "'P- - nj. wa "Nlchoi&a Mlnturn." ontirdy relieved ol pain. January Wd, WCAPLWEdtLiL Cairo i'ail '" heard to murmur, thu law," Hy Ur. Holland, Kditor, .Mciirs.J. .McLiure A Co,, druuijiits, Cincin- va (iMWifrivHil "'(liot and paid on deposit at the rate id the - aeooiomodaliou leave Cairo dully . J;0oe.m. INTKIlhST six nati. O. , lays- mi(,'KP'tlon annum, Mureh 1st and ui-j- er Lini- Woiri'idatluB arrives Ultily (exu: "wear your iwltuli to bead.'' h.U whose story of "Sevenoaks" ?avethe hijfi; "Tcainjtersprinounce the Yellow Centiur 11 "'- 1st. JnUirest not withdrawn is added umua to of ment luperior to any thins jhey have ever med. HiimUvl "' - 'I VihU I had a awikh," .Mr. S. a est satisfactiou the readers the I ffllfll.; liatcly to tlie prlDi ipul of the depoaiU, theruby We sell several doien bottle, every month, and the t Uttlo couuiouiid Monthly. On square, on lnertloa,M Hpltolully. don't you go off Jiriua! tlieu inlerest scene ot is ale i. steadily inert asinsj.'' The thli latest novel laid on upon thous- Each subMqural IbmtUob MOM R t(aiD, of These are only sample of thousands CAIRO & ST. LOUIS R. It alet'P Selli." the banks the iludson. Tho hero is a ands of similar ials reaching in every "Hahygotthe ftoinucli uche? ' inquired Harried Women and Children may young f""1 wuo been always "tied to a month. All the txiracis, embrocations, salves Depoiit woman's apron strings." but who. by the and ointments in existence are not doinrf the drowsy one. Money and no one Cen-ta- death of his mother, is left alone in the the good which i d"ne hy these admirable WORK 70S. ALL D"One inch Is a sqnar. LINE "No." eiae can draw it. on current ol lite I.inimenu. For frost bites, itings. cuts, itch, SHORTEST SHORT world to drilt the with Lini- In their own localities, canvassing for the w a salt rheum , etc , nothing is like the Ceauur (enlarned) Weekly regular rfyerttiera w ofnr enperlor I j, "liurlar'o coal dial'-- a lortune, but it'.out purpose. spavin, rhn bone, i'lrralrle Vial tor, and tJTo by ment, white wrapper. 'or Monthly. Lnrirvaf. No.' Another serial, "ilis Inheritance." Sweeny, wind aalls, poll evil, scratches, etc., on Pi(er In tlio World, with Mammoth hromos Free. Hig Commis- daouacnu, both as to rate ot akarp aad saaa-- every U S Miss Traflon, will begin on the completion horses the yellow Liniment is equally, " 0;id bueincssitay p.m. Centaur sions Amenta. Terms and Outfit Kree. Ad- "irffovcr'n eaU Liss o' by Mrs. Hodg- good. in they are to kl satunUy evenlnirs fur savings deposit onry ol "That Lowrie's," They are certain their effects, 11. riolt.-ul'iu.-- dress, ICKKHY. Amrusti, Main. ST. XiOTJIS "hiiu't he elli. 'I btre ia a roin ti to a o'clock. son Hurnett. Mrs. Burnett's story, begun pleasant lo use, ihey are handy and thty are cheap. f nar of dl spUying thslr Oirors. t So family should be without Centaur Liniments. tnilnl of this company connect 8t dreadful o In the room, and If you in August, has a pathos and dramatic power rHK and Last it. Lotus, Willi nil thcr W. HYBLOP. Treasure. which have been a surprise to the public. They are worth one hundred times their cost. do not tret up find kill him J. II. KOSF..V, iii Dry New York, sea to Hit .rU, l.eiwit anil t. lie will Idle hal.y There is to a seiiesof original and ex- CO., street. Oommnnioatlona apon eahJeoU of g all "Vir hlot lif!.' illustrated papers ol "l'opulal Sci- ptr day at home. Samples worth TIMK Hi.HEDl'LK quisitely t TOin (Oft "Tail him to eud liiiihiil in 1st January," THE ence," by Mrs. Uerriuk, each paper com- $3 $Uafri. sllN!iONftC.,Port. rat lnUreat to th pabUo ltoltad. .uveCalro - plete In iisell. land, Maine. aid hpicer, v.ith a tinal to (lodge the rYrr.fealst. ':iaip.iii. 'J here are to be, from various pi ns, paper Ijih.
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