
Supporting Oxygenation in Acute

Neil R MacIntyre MD FAARC

Introduction Associated With Strategies to Support Blood Oxygenation and Delivery -Induced Injury Oxygen Toxicities Associated With Other Strategies to Support Oxygen Delivery to Tissues Revisiting the Physiology of Tissue So What Are Reasonable Oxygenation Targets Today? Balancing Benefits and Risks of Specific Oxygenation Support Strategies Summary

Strategies to support oxygenation can cause substantial harm through lung stretch injury, , transfusion risks and cardiac over-stimulation. Traditional goals of maintaining near normal cardiorespiratory parameters are most likely overly simplistic and are insensitive and nonspecific for tissue hypoxic effects. In order to reduce iatrogenic harm, it is conceivable that clinicians could be comfortable with lower levels of arterial oxygen content (eg, oxyhemoglobin values of < 88%: so called “permissive hypoxemia”), provided that there are ways to effectively monitor tissue hypoxia. We can learn more about hypoxic compensatory mechanisms from the fetus and from high altitude residents. We also need to learn better ways of tissue oxygen- ation, especially in “mission critical” tissues. Ultimately clinical trials will be needed to determine appropriate oxygenation targets to allow permissive . Key words: oxygenation; oxygen; oxygen toxicity; hypoxia; hypoxemia. [Respir Care 2013;58(1):142–148. © 2013 Daedalus Enterprises]

Introduction in turn, for a given alveolar-arterial oxygen difference, raises P . Positive- ventilation works through 2 aO2 mechanisms. During inspiration, alveolar ventilation is sup- In acute hypoxemic respiratory failure there are a num- ported by positive pressure breaths, improving alveolar ber of strategies to support oxygen delivery to vital organs. PO . During expiration, PEEP maintains alveolar patency, For support of the , 2 basic tools are 2 thereby improving ventilation- matching and the available: supplemental oxygen and mechanical ventila- alveolar-arterial oxygen difference.1 tion. Supplemental oxygen raises the alveolar P , which, O2

Neil R MacIntyre MD FAARC is affiliated with the Division of Pulmo- The author has disclosed no conflicts of interest. nary and Critical Care Medicine, Duke University Medical Center, Dur- ham, North Carolina. Correspondence: Neil R MacIntyre MD FAARC, Division of Pulmonary and Critical Care Medicine, Duke University Hospital, Box 3911, Dur- Dr MacIntyre presented a version of this paper at the 50th RESPIRATORY ham NC 27710. E-mail: [email protected]. CARE Journal Conference, “Oxygen,” held April 13–14, 2012, in San Francisco, California. DOI: 10.4187/respcare.02087


In addition to respiratory support, there are 2 other clin- VILI is manifest pathologically as diffuse alveolar ical strategies to support oxygen delivery to tissues: sup- damage.4 Moreover, VILI is associated with cytokine re- port of cardiac output, and support of concen- lease17,18 and bacterial translocation,19 which are impli- tration.1 Cardiac output is supported by both proper fluid cated in the systemic inflammatory response with multi- loading and inotropes; hemoglobin is sup- organ dysfunction that results in VILI associated mortality. ported through red blood transfusions. VILI most likely develops regionally when low resis- Unfortunately, while all of these approaches can help tance/high compliance units receive a disproportionately with tissue oxygenation, they all have substantial toxicities high regional in the setting of high alveolar that can cause patient harm (iatrogenic injury). As de- distending . Regional protection of these health- scribed in more detail in the next section, high inspired ier lung units is the rationale for using “lung-protective” of oxygen, high pres- ventilator strategies that accept abnormal values for pH/ sures/volumes, inotrope use, and red blood cell transfu- P and P (“permissive” and hypoxemia, CO2 O2 sions can all cause a variety of injuries that have become respectively) in exchange for lower (and safer) distending increasingly apparent over the last several decades.2–8 This pressures. has led to a rethinking of the targets for blood oxygenation and tissue oxygen delivery. Like so many other issues in Oxygen Toxicity clinical medicine, this rethinking addresses the balance clinicians want to achieve between the benefits of an in- It has also been known for decades that high concen- tervention and its toxicities. The remainder of this paper trations of inspired oxygen can produce free radicals and will focus on the injuries that can occur during oxygen- produce an oxygen injury in the .2 Indeed, in small ation support of acute respiratory failure and then will animals 100% oxygen can be lethal in a matter of hours. In revisit physiology of tissue hypoxia to reexamine what the primates, however, oxygen induced injury appears to be a goals for oxygenation and oxygen delivery might be in the slower process. For example, non-human primates develop future. clinically important lung injury in 1–2 days when exposed to F values of 1.0,20 but this injury may take up to IO2 Toxicities Associated With Strategies to Support 2 weeks to develop at an F of 0.6.21 Importantly, the IO2 Blood Oxygenation and Tissue Oxygen Delivery presence of various disease states and inflammatory pro- cesses may modulate the response to oxygen toxicity in Ventilator-Induced Lung Injury the lung. It is thus not clear what the “safe” oxygen con- centration or duration of exposure is in sick humans. Most The lung can be injured when it is stretched excessively consensus groups have argued that F values Ͻ 0.4 are IO2 by positive-pressure ventilation.3,4 The most well recog- safe for prolonged periods of time and that F values of IO2 nized injury is that of alveolar rupture, presenting as extra- Ͼ 0.8 should be avoided if at all possible. alveolar air in the , pericardium, subcutane- While we think of oxygen toxicity as being primarily a ous tissue, pleura, and even vasculature.9 A parenchymal lung phenomenon, one should not forget that high levels of lung injury not associated with extra-alveolar air (ventila- oxygen in other tissues may also produce adverse effects. tor-induced lung injury or VILI) can also be produced by Mechanisms involved could include free injury in mechanical ventilation strategies that stretch the lungs be- the tissues as well as the effects of on the dis- yond the normal maximum (ie, transpulmonary distending tribution of perfusion at the tissue level.22 These effects 3,4 pressures of 30–35 cm H2O). This is termed excessive are most obvious in the neonate developing retrolental lung “stress” in engineering parlance. Importantly, VILI is hyperplasia after exposure to high oxygen concentrations.23 most likely more than simply a consequence of excessive However, it could conceptually occur in many other organ lung stress. Excessive tidal stretch (ie, repetitive cycling of systems in both the infant and the adult. This is not a well the lung with higher than normal tidal volumes—exces- studied area, but there is evidence in the cardiology liter- sive lung “strain”), even in the setting of acceptable lung ature that routine use of supplemental O2 in patients with stress, may also contribute to VILI.10,11 acute who are not hypoxemic may Other ventilatory pattern factors may also be involved worsen outcomes.24 It is also interesting that several recent in the development of VILI. These include frequency of reports have noted that hospitalized patients who are given stretch12 and the acceleration/velocity of stretch.13 Al- supplemental oxygen that results in unnecessarily high though VILI may not be impacted by fixed , it levels of P (generally above 120 mm Hg) may actually aO2 does appear to be potentiated by a shear stress phenome- have a worsening of clinical outcomes.25,26 However, this non that occurs when injured alveoli are repetitively opened is not a universal finding, and there are conflicting data and collapsed during the ventilatory cycle (ie, cyclical about the harm from hyperoxia in post cardiac resuscita- atelectasis).14–16 tion or mechanically ventilated patients.27–30 At the pres-


Table. Regional Differences in Blood Flow, Oxygen Use, and PO2

%of Blood Flow O Use %of Arteriovenous O Venous P Organ Cardiac 2 2 O2 (mL/min) (mL/min) Total (mL O /100 mL) (mm Hg) Output 2 Heart 250 4 26 11 11 23 Skeletal muscles 1,200 21 72 30 8 34 Brain 750 13 48 20 6 33 Splanchnic 1,400 24 60 25 4 43 Kidneys 1,100 19 17 7 1 56 Skin 500 9 5 2 1 60 Other 600 10 12 5 Totals 5,800 100 240 100 4* 46*

* Average (Data from Reference 31.)

ent time, given the potential harm and the lack of benefit its ability to effectively carry oxygen and properly enter to hyperoxia, clinical targets should not exceed physio- tissue capillary beds the longer it is stored.7 logic thresholds. Cardiac output can be managed with fluid manipula- tions and inotropes. Fluid manipulations, however, can Toxicities Associated With Other Strategies “cut both ways.” Adequate cardiac filling is required for to Support Oxygen Delivery to Tissues effective ventricular function. On the other hand, exces- sive fluids can both flood the lungs and overdistend the Oxygen delivery to tissues involves more than the lungs ventricles, compromising ventricular contraction. Ino- transporting O2 from the environment to the alveolus and tropes directly stimulate the heart, and vasopressors con- into the pulmonary capillary blood. Because of the poor strict blood vessels to maintain arterial perfusion pressure. of O2 in plasma, the oxygen carrying molecule Both, however, can elicit cardiac ischemia and produce hemoglobin is required to provide adequate oxygen con- dysrhythmias.6 tent in the blood. In addition, the cardiac pump is required to deliver the oxygenated blood to the capillary beds of the vital organs. These relationships are described in the equa- Revisiting the Physiology of Tissue Hypoxia tions: As noted above, normal oxygen delivery to the tissues at ϭ Oxygen delivery (DO2) oxygen content (CaO2) rest is roughly 1,000 mL/min, and normal oxygen content

is roughly 200 mL/L with an arterial blood PO of near ϫ 2 cardiac output (CO) 100 mm Hg.1,26 As blood traverses the “average” tissue capillary bed, approximately 25% of this oxygen is ex- D ϭ (P ϫ hemoglobin concentration O2 O2 tracted resulting in mixed venous blood O2 content of 150 mL/L and a mixed venous PO of 40 mm Hg. This ϫ hemoglobin oxygen binding) ϫ CO 2 translates into a total body O consumption (V˙ )ofap- 2 O2 proximately 250 mL/min at rest. In the tissues, the P O2 Normal values: 1,000 mL O2/min falls further as oxygen traverses the intracellular struc- tures. Indeed, inside the mitochondria the P is below ϭ (100 mm Hg ϫ 0.15g hemoglobin/mL O2 10 mm Hg.27

ϫ 0.0134 mL O2 /mm Hg) ϫ 5,000 mL/min Importantly, there are regional differences in oxygen extraction and oxygen utilization. This results in quite a range of regional V˙ values and regional values for ve- Hemoglobin concentration can be augmented with red O2 nous P . Examples of this are given in the Table.31 Note blood cell transfusions. However, there are substantial risks. O2 Transfusions can produce fluid overload, carry infection that, at rest, has the highest O2 extrac- risks, and produce immune reactions from mismatched tion rate of any organ system, and skin has the lowest. As blood.7,8 Red blood cell transfusions can also cause a di- a fraction of total body oxygen consumption, skeletal rect injury to the pulmonary capillary bed (transfusion muscle consumes the most oxygen, with brain and related acute lung injury).8 Finally, transfused blood loses close behind. Different regions thus can be expected to


have different responses and tolerances for impaired O2 delivery. Under high oxygen demands (eg, exercise), oxygen delivery in normal subjects can increase several-fold.1,26 This is accomplished by an increase in cardiac output (both volume and heart rate) as well as an increase in alveolar ventilation. Regional pulmonary may also occur to optimize ventilation-perfusion match- ing. The systemic distribution of perfusion also adjusts to assure oxygen is delivered where it is needed most (eg, Figure. Relative tolerance to severe hypoxia in different tissues. (Data from Reference 32.) skeletal muscles) and away from organs that do not need it (eg, skin or reproductive organs). Tissue global oxygen extraction in normal subjects can also increase to Ͼ 60% erate much lower oxygenation levels than an elderly septic of the delivered O , but, again, there can be substantial 2 patient with high oxygen demands. Similarly, the long- regional differences.1,26 term oxygen studies of the 1970s clearly showed a mor- If oxygen delivery is compromised (hypoxic environ- tality benefit to keeping PaO above 55 mm Hg in patients ment or diseases of the cardiorespiratory system), com- 2 with severe chronic lung disease.40 pensatory respiratory and cardiac mechanisms described At the end of the day, in trying to balance adequate above for high O demand states are similarly activat- 2 oxygenation goals with the potential toxicities of oxygen- ed.31–33 Over time, other compensatory mechanisms also ation support strategies, the key clinical question is what emerge. Hypoxemia will stimulate increased red blood level of tissue hypoxia results in serious tissue injury. A cell production and an increase in red blood cell 2,3- number of important metabolic processes are affected by diphosphoglycerate (2,3-DPG) to facilitate O unloading 2 intracellular oxygen tension.32 However, when these hy- in the tissues.33,34 In the cells, hypoxia inducible factor 1 poxic effects become clinically meaningful in different (HIF1), a hetero-dimeric protein, plays a critical role in the tissues is not clear. From an overall perspective, the brain response to hypoxia.33,34 HIF1 results in up-regulation of is the organ most exquisitely sensitive to injury from erythropoietin, angiogenic factors, vasoactive mediators, hypoxia (Figure).32 Both animal and human studies sug- activation of glycolytic enzymes to produce anaerobic me- gest that intracellular PO values in brain tissue below tabolism, and even a mitochondrial hibernation phenom- 2 10Ϫ15 mm Hg are injurious.41 Brain injury is also asso- enon resulting in decreased oxygen demands. Recent work ciated with oxyhemoglobin saturation Ͻ 50–54% in blood has also implicated endogenous carbon monoxide and H S 2 sampled in the jugular venous system.42 Whether brain as mediators of intracellular hypoxic protection.33 oxygenation is the best guide to systemic oxygenation man- In healthy individuals in hypoxemic environments, these agement, however, needs further clinical outcome studies. compensatory mechanisms can be quite effective. Classic examples include the ability of humans to live at very high altitudes with P values of 50 mm Hg or less.32,35,36 Sim- So What Are Reasonable Oxygenation Targets Today? O2 ilarly, the developing fetus near delivery has P values aO2 often below 30 mm Hg.37 It is clear that, with proper As noted above, the clinical goal is to balance adequate compensatory mechanisms, human life can thrive with P tissue oxygenation against oxygenation support toxicities. O2 values lower than traditional clinical thresholds of 55– In the patient with severe hypoxemic respiratory failure 60 mm Hg. this may mean reassessing oxygenation goals in order to In diseased individuals, however, many of these com- provide the safest support. A number of approaches have pensatory mechanisms may be blunted. Systemic inflam- been described over the last half century.43 mation and organ dysfunction may impair ventilation, create Traditional oxygenation support targets have focused poor ventilation-perfusion matching, limit cardiac func- heavily on monitoring what the cardiorespiratory system is tion, disrupt proper control of systemic perfusion distribu- delivering: arterial P , arterial O content, and cardiac O2 2 tion, impair tissue oxygen extraction, and limit the hemo- output. Commonly recommended targets have been an ar- globin response.38,39 Tolerance to low levels of O content terial P of Ͼ 55 mm Hg, hemoglobin levels of at least 2 O2 and P in disease states is thus likely to be reduced, 7 g/dL (but perhaps as high as 9–10 g/dL in high O O2 2 compared to healthy individuals, although this will be vari- demand states), and cardiac indices above 2 L/min/m2. 1,26 able, depending on the patient’s compensatory capabilities These targets will keep O2 delivery near normal. It is and oxygen demands. For example, an otherwise healthy clear from the discussion above, however, that these pa- individual in the ICU with low oxygen demands (eg, a rameters are insensitive and nonspecific indicators of “safe” hypothermic victim) might be expected to tol- oxygenation at the tissue level, and efforts to normalize

RESPIRATORY CARE • JANUARY 2013 VOL 58 NO 1 145 SUPPORTING OXYGENATION IN ACUTE RESPIRATORY FAILURE these values may excessive use of potentially harm- egies, understanding these specific tissue oxygenation states ful oxygenation support strategies.34–46 would seem critical. Tissue O utilization monitoring (V˙ ) might offer more 2 O2 in-depth assessments of overall body oxygenation status Balancing Benefits and Risks of than simple O2 delivery. Using this approach, O2 delivery Specific Oxygenation Support Strategies could be deemed adequate if total body V˙ was adequate O2 (250 mL/min in a normal metabolic state: perhaps higher Regardless of the oxygenation target, it is important to in , perhaps lower in the presence of paralytics). remember that, at the present time, the most effective way Indeed, a number of clinical studies in the last 2 decades to treat tissue hypoxia is through manipulation of the var- argued that D should be increased until V˙ is no longer ious global oxygen delivery parameters. It is thus impor- O2 O2 increased.47 tant to look at the relative benefits and risks of each of ˙ these manipulations in choosing which to use. For exam- Because assessments of DO and VO utilize common 2 2 ple, a P increasing from 45 to 68 mm Hg (a 50% in- variables (cardiac output and arterial O2 content), the use O2 crease) results in a 22% increase in oxygen delivery; a P of simply the mixed venous P or mixed venous oxyhe- O2 O2 moglobin saturation has been proposed as a more focused rising from 68 to 124 mm Hg (an 82% increase), however, assessment of tissue oxygenation.48,49 With this approach, results in oxygen delivery increase of only 9%. Each of these manipulations will produce variable levels of F or a mixed venous P above 40 mm Hg or mixed venous IO2 O2 oxyhemoglobin saturation above 70% (so called “goal elevations that may or may not pro- directed” )50 might suggest the presence of ade- duce undesirable toxicities. Raising hemoglobin from 7 to quate oxygen delivery. Importantly, this approach assumes 10 g/dL (a 43% increase) results in a 48% increase in oxygen extraction capabilities are near normal—something oxygen delivery. However, this exposes the patient to risks that might not be present in a severe systemic inflamma- noted above associated with transfusions. And, finally, a cardiac output increasing from 4 to 6 L/min (a 50% in- tory response state. Serum lactate has also been suggested crease) results in a 50% increase in oxygen delivery. How- as a monitor for global adequacy of O delivery.51 It must 2 ever, this may require undesirable levels of ionotropic always be remembered that with all of these assessment support. approaches the clinician is measuring a global number, An alternative way to manipulate tissue oxygenation is not a regional number. Specific tissue beds could still have to manipulate oxygen consumption. On a global level, this substantial tissue hypoxia whose effects are diluted in global can be done through pain management, fever control, ag- measurements and thus not clinically appreciated. itation control, neuromuscular blockade, or cooling.54,55 Conceptually, then, the ideal way to guide oxygena- Each of these, to varying degrees, can lower O2 demands tion support would be to monitor the tissue PO in critical 2 in specific tissue beds to improve regional tissue oxygen- 52 organs such as the brain. This could involve the use ation. These manipulations, however, can have their own of direct intracerebral tissue P sensors.26,35,36 More in- O2 toxicities. For example, narcotics and anxiolytics can pro- direct measurements could be jugular bulb venous P or 56 O2 long the need for mechanical ventilation, and neuro- venous oxyhemoglobin saturation, or near infrared spec- muscular blockade can lead to respiratory muscle disuse 36 troscopy using sensors placed on the forehead. Direct atrophy.57 cerebral tissue monitoring, unfortunately, requires inva- In the future, techniques to manipulate the distribution sive, technically complex systems, and the noninvasive of tissue perfusion and regional oxygen extraction may near infrared surface sensor has important technical limi- also appear. One example is the use of S-nitrosohemoglo- tations relating to artifacts from scalp and skull metabo- bin to selectively target oxygen delivery to tissues in most lism. need of oxygen.58 One could also argue that hypoxic effects in other crit- ical organs might also be important to monitor, and, in- Summary deed, a number of options exist.32–34 For example, gut pH could be a useful marker for the development of bacterial Strategies to support oxygenation can cause substantial translocation across hypoxemic gastrointestinal tissue,53 harm through lung stretch injury, oxygen toxicity, trans- renal tubular function could be an important marker for fusion risks, and cardiac over-stimulation. Traditional goals the development of hypoxic acute injury, cardiac of maintaining near normal arterial oxygen content and ischemic markers could be useful indicators of hypoxic systemic oxygen delivery are most likely overly simplistic, cardiac injury, and liver function could be a useful indi- and are insensitive and nonspecific for tissue hypoxic ef- cator of hypoxic hepatic injury. As we move into the fu- fects. In order to reduce iatrogenic harm, it is conceivable ture and explore better ways to monitor the effects of that clinicians could be comfortable with lower levels of lowering the aggressiveness of oxygenation support strat- arterial oxygen content (ie, oxyhemoglobin values of


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Discussion found that I think that’s where I’d put Kevin Ward: Although this is not my money. It is the most “mission well appreciated, the splanchnic bed’s Kevin Ward: I’m going to chal- critical” organ. extraction is almost identical to that lenge you on one notion. I think it’s of the brain. The important issue is sort of counterintuitive, but I would Treggiari: I think the brain, in gen- the ability to increase blood flow to pick the brain as the last organ to eral, is already extracting a high O2 maintain oxygen extraction. And con- target, because of its ability to com- fraction, and that’s why venous sat- sumption is better in the brain because pensate. In a critical care state I think uration is lower in the jugular vein of autoregulatory mechanisms than it the splanchnic bed would reach a than anywhere else in the body. This is to the splanchnic bed. So if you level of dysoxia prior to the brain. also explains why the superior vena believe the splanchnic bed is the mo- What say you? cava has lower saturation than the tor of multi-organ failure, then you inferior vena cava. There is less ex- might get in trouble by looking at the MacIntyre: I’d rather have a brain traction reserve for the brain than brain to tell you when you’re past crit- than a stomach. I’m going to agree for other organs. One of the pur- ical O2 delivery. that the brain is capable of picking up poses of neuroresuscitation is to try extraction, perhaps more than the to “rest” the brain by reducing ex- MacIntyre: I’m going to move away splanchnic bed, but at the end of the traction, using interventions such as from the brain’s ability to compensate day the demands on the brain, its sus- sedation and paralysis and other ma- or not compensate. I think in terms of ceptibility to injury, and the conse- nipulations to allow brain metabo- the consequences of hypoxia and the quences of brain injury are so pro- lism to be less active. ability to tolerate hypoxia, the brain

148 RESPIRATORY CARE • JANUARY 2013 VOL 58 NO 1 SUPPORTING OXYGENATION IN ACUTE RESPIRATORY FAILURE seems considerably more fragile than probably happens in other organs, but MacIntyre: I’m not sure and wouldn’t the gut. Having said that, I would agree I’m not an expert in this field. want to misspeak. that hypoxia effects in other organs, such as the gut and kidney, could be Treggiari: To my knowledge, there Kallet: I think the context of all of very important in “feeding” multi- is no evidence of hyperoxia-induced this is something like permissive hyp- organ failure, and these hypoxia brain injury, but there are some ex- oxia or lowering the core thresholds may be different than the perimental data suggesting that in- to do that. But for how long? If you brain. creasing free O2 radicals is deleteri- keep somebody hypothermic, the risk ous to the brain.2 However, this topic of goes up. How do you Kallet: I think another way to ap- is not very well explored, so drawing balance those? proach this is to look at muscle tissue conclusions would be premature. oxygenation.1 In trauma patients Some preliminary data suggest that MacIntyre: The clinical trials on hy- you’re worried about splanchnic per- normobaric hyperoxia improves cere- pothermia have usually applied hypo- fusion, and if the gut is in danger, one bral and reduces intracra- thermia for 24 to 48 hours. Papazian’s of the first tissue beds affected is the nial pressure in patients with severe study7 using routine neuromuscular limb muscles. This has been demon- brain injury.3 blockade was 48 hours. That doesn’t strated in animal models of hemor- mean that going longer is necessarily rhagic shock, and monitoring muscle MacIntyre: I think one thing we’ve bad, but that’s what the data are. tissue P might be a better way to learned today is that hyperoxia is not O2 approach, or at least to balance, the only unnecessary, but is very likely Treggiari: In the neurocritical set- problem. dangerous. And there’s no reason to ting, mild has been stud- believe that that wouldn’t be true in ied in subarachnoid hemorrhage8 MacIntyre: Evolution has given us the brain as it is in other organs. and traumatic brain injury,9 and nei- a system that seems to want to protect ther of those large trials showed a the brain. That’s why the blood flow Jeff Ward: Is there any evidence for benefit with . One reason goes there. And I agree with you that therapeutic hypothermia with permis- the subarachnoid hemorrhage popula- an ischemic gut is the “fuel” and the sive hypoxemia?4 tion did not benefit from hypothermia liver is the “engine” of multi-organ is that the intervention was only im- failure. I don’t mean I want to sacri- MacIntyre: That’s an interesting plemented intra-operatively, for 6– fice the gut. My point is that I think question. It speaks to the issue of 8 hours, and the rewarming was done the brain remains the least tolerant of lowering O2 consumption to a sort of relatively quickly. So it remains a hypoxia. hibernation state, if you will. And matter of debate whether the lack of there are ample data that lowering benefit was due to the short duration Kevin Ward: And I agree with you. O2 demand improves intracellular or whether there really is no benefit. My point is that if your gut or periph- oxygenation. There is a lot of inter- eral venous saturations are good, it’s est in using hypothermia in acutely 1. Wan JJ, Cohen MJ, Rosenthal G, Haitsma likely that your brain is OK. ischemic states like witnessed ventric- IK, Morabito DJ, Knudson MM, Manley ular fibrillation, which has shown GT. Refining resuscitation strategies using Criner: So, keeping with the theme rather impressive improvements in tissue oxygen and perfusion monitoring in critical organ beds. J Trauma 2009;66(2): that the brain is the most important, survival. 353-357. are there data that show that hyper- 2. Niatsetskaya ZV, Sosunov SA, Matsiu- oxia causes brain injury? Jeff Ward: And isn’t there another kevich D, Utkina-Sosunova IV, Ratner VI, biochemical connection, beyond just Starkov AA, et al. The oxygen free radicals MacIntyre: Hyperoxia? lowered O consumption? originating from mitochondrial complex I 2 contribute to oxidative brain injury follow- ing hypoxia-ischemia in neonatal mice. Criner: Yeah: to go back to the sweet MacIntyre: Yes, it’s not just O2 con- J Neurosci 2012;32(9):3235-3244. spot of where we should be. sumption: it puts the cellular metabo- 3. Tolias CM, Reinert M, Seiler R, Gilman C, lism into a hybernative state. Scharf A, Bullock MR. Normobaric hyper- MacIntyre: Certainly, reperfusion oxia-induced improvement in cerebral injury has been well described and Jeff Ward: Am I correct that gluta- metabolism and reduction in intracranial pressure in patients with severe head in- is potentiated by hyperoxia. We saw mate and calcium are also involved in jury: a prospective historical cohort- some excellent slides earlier of that mediating central-nervous-system ef- matched study. J Neurosurg 2004;101(3): occurring in the cardiac muscles. It fects after circulatory arrest?4-6 435-444.


4. Hypothermia After Cardiac Arrest Study 6. Tseng EE, Brock MV, Lange MS, Tron- 8. Todd MM, Hindman BJ, Clarke WR, Torner Group. Mild therapeutic hypothermia to im- coso JC, Blue ME, Lowenstein CJ, et al. JC; Intraoperative Hypothermia for Aneu- prove the neurologic outcome after cardiac Glutamate excitotoxicity mediates neuro- rysm Trial (IHAST) Investigators. arrest. N Engl J Med 2002;346(8):549-556. nal apoptosis after hypothermic circulatory Mild intraoperative hypothermia during Erratum in: N Engl J Med 2002;346(22):1756. arrest. Ann Thorac Surg 2010;89(2):440-445. surgery for intracranial aneurysm. N Engl 5. Bernard SA, Gray TW, Buist MD, Jones 7. Papazian L, Forel JM, Gacouin A, Penot- J Med 2005;352(2):135-145. BM, Silvester W, Guttridge G, Smith K. Ragon C, Perrin G, Loundou A, et al; 9. Clifton GL, Miller ER, Choi SC, Levin HS, Treatment of comatose survivors of out- ACURASYS Study Investigators. Neuro- McCauley S, Smith KR Jr, et al. Lack of of-hospital cardiac arrest with induced muscular blockers in early acute respira- effect of induction of hypothermia after hypothermia. N Engl J Med 2002;346(8): tory distress syndrome. N Engl J Med 2010; acute brain injury. N Engl J Med 2001; 557-563. 363(12):1107-1116. 344(8):556-563.