Reinforced Co-Training

Jiawei Wu Lei Li William Yang Wang Department of Computer Science Toutiao AI Lab Department of Computer Science University of California Bytedance Co. Ltd University of California Santa Barbara, CA 93106 USA Beijing, 100080 China Santa Barbara, CA 93106 USA jiawei [email protected] [email protected] [email protected]

Abstract Data Space Co-training is a popular semi- framework to utilize a large amount of unlabeled data in addition to a small la- beled set. Co-training methods exploit pre- dicted labels on the unlabeled data and se- lect samples based on prediction confidence to augment the training. However, the selec- Labeled Set tion of samples in existing co-training methods is based on a predetermined policy, which ig- Unlabeled Set nores the bias between the unlabeled and the labeled subsets, and fails to explore the data space. In this paper, we propose a Figure 1: Illustration of sample-selection issues in co- novel method, Reinforced Co-Training, to se- training methods. (1) Randomly sampled unlabeled ex- lect high-quality unlabeled samples to better amples (2) will result in high sampling bias, which co-train on. More specifically, our approach will cause bias shift towards the unlabeled dataset ( ). ← uses Q-learning to learn a data selection policy (2) High-confidence examples (3) will contribute little with a small labeled dataset, and then exploits during the model training, especially for discriminat- this policy to train the co-training classifiers ing the boundary examples ( ), resulting in myopic 4 automatically. Experimental results on click- trained models. bait detection and generic text classification tasks demonstrate that our proposed method can obtain more accurate text classification re- have two or more views, such as multi-lingual sults. data (Wan, 2009) and document data (headline and content) (Ghani, 2000; Denis et al., 2003). 1 Introduction In the co-training framework, each classifier is Large labeled datasets are often required to obtain trained on one of the two views (aka a subset of satisfactory performance for natural language pro- features) of both labeled and unlabeled data, un- cessing tasks. However, it is time-consuming to la- der the assumption that either view is sufficient bel text corpus manually. In the meanwhile, there to classify. In each iteration, the co-training al- are abundant unlabeled text corpora available on gorithm selects high confidence samples scored the web. Semi-supervised methods permit learn- by each of the classifiers to form an auto-labeled ing improved supervised models by jointly train dataset, and the other classifier is then updated on a small labeled dataset and a large unlabeled with both labeled data and additional auto-labeled dataset (Zhu, 2006; Chapelle et al., 2009). set. However, as shown in Figure1, most of exist- Co-training is one of the widely used semi- ing co-training methods have some disadvantages. supervised methods, where two complementary Firstly, the sample selection step ignores distribu- classifiers utilize large amounts of unlabeled ex- tional bias between the labeled and unlabeled sets. amples to bootstrap the performance of each other It is common in practice to use unlabeled datasets iteratively (Blum and Mitchell, 1998; Nigam and collected differently from the labeled set, result- Ghani, 2000). Co-training can be readily applied ing in a significant difference in their sample dis- to NLP tasks since data in these tasks naturally tribution. After iterative co-training, the sampling

1252 Proceedings of NAACL-HLT 2018, pages 1252–1262 New Orleans, Louisiana, June 1 - 6, 2018. c 2018 Association for Computational Linguistics bias may shift towards the unlabeled set, which re- experimental results in Section4. Finally, we con- sults in poor performance of the trained model at clude in Section5. the testing time. To remedy such bias, an ideal al- gorithm should select those samples according to 2 Related Work the target (potentially unknown) testing distribu- tion. Secondly, the existing sample selection and Semi-supervised learning algorithms have been training can be myopic. Conventional co-training widely used in NLP (Liang, 2005). As for text methods select unlabeled examples with high con- classification, Dai and Le(2015) introduce a se- fidence predicted by trained models. This strategy quence to pre-train the parameters for often causes only those unlabeled examples that the later supervised learning process. Johnson and match well to the current model being picked dur- Zhang(2015, 2016) propose a method to learn ing iteration and the model might fail to generalize embeddings of small text regions from unlabeled to complete sample space (Zhang and Rudnicky, data for integration into a supervised convolutional 2006). It relates to the well-known exploration- neural network (CNN) or long short-term mem- exploitation trade-off in tasks. ory network (LSTM). Miyato et al.(2016) further An ideal co-training algorithm should explore the apply perturbations to the word embeddings and space thoroughly to achieve globally better perfor- pre-train the supervised models through adversar- mance. These intuitions inspire our work on learn- ial training. However, these methods mainly focus ing a data selection policy for the unlabeled dataset on learning the local word-level information and in co-training. pre-trained parameters from unlabeled data, which The iterate data selection steps in co-training fails to capture the overall text-level information can be viewed as a sequential decision-making and potential label information. problem. To resolve both issues discussed above, Co-training can capture the text-level informa- we propose Reinforced Co-Training, a rein- tion of unlabeled data and generate pseudo labels forcement learning (RL)-based framework for co- during the training, which is especially useful on training. Concretely, we introduce a joint formu- unlabeled data with two distinct views (Blum and lation of a Q-learning agent and two co-training Mitchell, 1998). However, the confidence-based classifiers. In contrast to previous predetermined data selection strategies (Goldman and Zhou, data sampling methods of co-training, we design 2000; Zhou and Li, 2005; Zhang and Zhou, 2011) a Q-agent to automatically learn a data selection often focus on some special regions of the input policy to select high-quality unlabeled examples. space and fail to generate an accurate estimation To better guide the policy learning of the Q-agent, of data space. Zhang and Rudnicky(2006) pro- we design a state representation to delivery the sta- poses a performance-driven data selection strategy tus of classifiers and utilize the validation set to based on pseudo-accuracy and energy regulariza- compute the performance-driven rewards. Empir- tion. Meanwhile, Chawla and Karakoulas(2005) ically, we indicate that our method outperforms argues that the random data sampling method of- previous related methods on clickbait detection ten causes sampling bias shift of the trained model and generic text classification problems. In sum- towards the unlabeled set. mary, our main contributions are three-fold: Comparing to previous related methods, our Reinforced Co-Training model can learn a We are first to propose a joint formulation of • performance-driven data selection policy to select RL and co-training methods; high-quality unlabeled data. Furthermore, the per- Our learning algorithm can learn a good data formance estimation is more accurate due to the • selection policy to select high-quality unla- validation dataset and the data selection strategy is beled examples for better co-training; automatically learned instead of human designed. Lastly, the selected high-quality unlabeled data We show that our method can apply to large- • can not only help explore the data space but also scale document data and outperform base- reduce the sampling bias shift. lines in semi-supervised text classification. Our work is also related to recent studies in In Section2, we outline related work in semi- “learning to learn” (Maclaurin et al., 2015; Zoph supervised learning and co-training. We then de- and Le, 2016; Chen et al., 2017; Wichrowska scribe our proposed method in Section3. We show et al., 2017; Yeung et al., 2017). Learning to learn

1253 state st+1

unlabeled subsets {Ui} Labeled by Classifier 2 #1 #2 Classifier C1 Uat …… Q- agent #K Classifier C2 Labeled by Classifier 1 1. Shingling 2. Min-Hashing action 3. LSH at * reward

rt Evaluation Validation Set L’ unlabeled set

Figure 2: The Reinforced Co-Training framework. is one of the meta-learning methods (Schmidhu- We formulate the data selection process as a se- ber, 1987; Bengio et al., 1991), where one model quential decision-making problem and the deci- is trained to learn how to optimize the parame- sion (action) at at each iteration (time step) t is ters of another certain algorithm. While previous to select a portion of unlabeled examples. This studies focus more on neural network optimiza- problem can be solved with an RL-agent by learn- tion (Chen et al., 2017; Wichrowska et al., 2017) ing a policy. We first describe how we organize and few-shot learning (Vinyals et al., 2016; Ravi the large unlabeled dataset to improve the compu- and Larochelle, 2016; Finn et al., 2017), we are tational efficiency. Then we briefly introduce the first to explore how to learn a high-quality data se- classifier models used in co-training. After that, lection policy in semi-supervised methods, in our we describe the Q-agent, the RL-agent used in our case, the co-training algorithm. framework and the environment in RL. The two co-training classifiers are integrated into the envi- 3 Method ronment and the Q-agent can learn a good data se- lection policy by interacting with the environment. In this section, we describe our RL-based frame- Finally, we describe how to train the Q-agent in work for co-training in detail. The conventional our unified framework. co-training methods follow the framework:

1. Initialize two classifiers by training on the la- 3.1 Partition Unlabeled Data beled set; Considering that the number of unlabeled samples is enormous, it is not efficient for the RL-agent to 2. Iteratively select a subset of unlabeled data select only one example at each time step t. Thus, based on a predetermined policy; first we want to partition documents from the unla- 3. Iteratively update two classifiers with the se- beled dataset into different subsets based on their lected subset of unlabeled data in addition to similarity. At each time step t, the RL-agent ap- the labeled one. plies a policy to select one subset instead of one sample and then update the two co-training classi- Step 2 is the core of different co-training variants. fiers, which can significantly improve the compu- The original co-training algorithm is equipped tational efficiency. with a policy of selecting high-confidence samples Suppose each example in the unlabeled dataset by two classifiers. Our main idea is to improve the as document D, where D is the concatenation of policy by . the headline and paragraph. V is the vocabulary of

1254 these documents. These documents are partitioned set of actions A = 1, 2, ..., K . Based on the ac- { } into different subsets based on Jaccard similarity, tion at, the two co-training classifiers C1 and C2 which is defined as: then can be updated with the unlabeled subset Uat as described in Section 3.2. After that, the agent D1 D2 sim(D1,D2) = | ∩ |, (1) receives a performance-driven reward rt and the D1 D2 | ∪ | next state observation st+1. The goal of our Q- V agent at each time step t is to choose the action where D1,D2 R| | are the one-hot vectors of ∈ that can maximize the future discount reward each document example. Based on Jaccard similarity, the unlabeled ex- T amples can be split into different subsets using t0 t Rt = γ − rt0 , (2) the following three steps, which have been widely Xt0=t used in large-scale web search (Rajaraman and Ullman, 2010): 1) Shingling, 2) Min-Hashing, and where a training episode terminates at time T and 3) Locality-Sensitive Hashing (LSH). γ is the discount factor. After partition, the unlabeled set U can be con- verted into K different subset U ,U , ..., U . { 1 2 K } 3.3.1 State Representation Meanwhile, for each subset Ui, the first added doc- The state representation, in our framework, is de- ument example Si is recorded as the representative signed to deliver the status of two co-training clas- example of the subset Ui. Choosing representative sifiers to the Q-agent. Zhang and Rudnicky(2006) samples will help evaluate the classifiers on dif- have proved that training with high-confidence ex- ferent subsets and obtain the state representations, amples will consequently be a process that rein- which will be discussed in 3.3.1. forces what the current model already encodes in- 3.2 Classifier Models stead of learning an accurate distribution of data space. Thus, one insight in formulating the state As mentioned before, much linguistic data natu- representation is to add some unlabeled examples rally has two or more views, such as multi-lingual with uncertainty and diversity during the train- data (Wan, 2009) and document data (headline ing iteration. However, too much uncertainty will + paragraph) (Ghani, 2000; Denis et al., 2003). make two classifiers unstable, while too much di- Based on the two views of data, we can construct versity will cause the sampling bias shift towards two classifiers respectively. At the beginning of a the unlabeled dataset (Yeung et al., 2017). In or- training episode, the two classifiers are first seeded der to automatically capture this insight and select with a small set of labeled (seeding) training data high-quality subsects during the iteration, the Q- L. At each time step t, the RL-agent makes a se- agent needs to fully understand the distribution of lection action a , and then the unlabeled subset t the unlabeled data. Uat is selected to train the two co-training clas- sifiers. Following the standard co-training process Based on the above intuition, we formulate the (Blum and Mitchell, 1998), at each time step t, agents state using the two classifiers’ probability distribution on the representative example Si of the classifier C1 annotate the unlabeled subset Uat each unlabeled subset Ui. Suppose a N-class clas- and the pseudo-labeled Ua and the small labeled t sification problem, at each time step t, we evaluate set L are then used to update the classifier C2, vice versa. In this way, we can boost the performance the probability distribution of two classifiers on Si separately. The state representation then can be of C1 and C2 simultaneously. defined as: 3.3 Q-Learning Agent s = P 1 P 2,P 1 P 2, ..., P 1 P 2 , (3) Q-learning is a widely used method to find an op- t { 1 || 1 2 || 2 K || K }t timal action-selection policy (Watkins and Dayan, 1 2 1992). The core of our model is a Q-learning where Pi and Pi are the probability distribution agent, which is trained to learn a good policy to se- of C and C on S separately, and denotes 1 2 i || lect high-quality unlabeled subsets for co-training. the concatenation operation. P 1,P 2 RN and i i ∈ At each time step t, the agent observes the current P 1 P 2 R2N . Note that the state representation i || i ∈ state st, and selects an action at from a discrete is re-computed at each time step t.

1255 2 Q-values …… dimension: K L0. Then the rt is defined following the similar formulation. The final reward rt is defined as:

1 2 1 2 Q-network (multi-layer ) rt rt if rt > 0 and rt > 0, rt = × (0 otherwise. …… Note that this reward is only available during train- F ing process. …… #1 #2 #K 3.4 Training and Testing … …

N-class probability N-class probability The agent is trained with the Q-learning (Watkins distribution on SK of distribution on SK of UK based on C1 UK based on C2 and Dayan, 1992), a standard reinforcement learn- ing algorithm that can be used to learn policies for Figure 3: The structure of Q-network. It chooses a un- an agent interacting with an environment. In our labeled subset from U1,U2, ..., UK at each time step. Reinforced Co-Training framework, the environ- { } The state representation is computed according to the ment is the classifier C1 and C2. two classifiers’ N-class probability distribution on the The Q-network parameters θ are learned by op- representative example Si of each subset Ui. timizing: 2 Li(θi) = Es,a[(V (θi 1) Q(s, a; θi)) ], (8) 3.3.2 Q-Network − − The agent takes an action at at time step t using a where i is an iteration of optimization and policy V (θi 1) = Es0 [r + γ max Q(s0, a0; θi 1) s, a]. at = max Q(st, a), (4) − a0 − | a (9) where st is the state representation mentioned . above. The Q-value Q(st, a) is determined by a We optimize it using stochastic gradient de- neural network as illustrated in Figure3. Con- scent. The detail of the training process is shown cretely, in Algorithm1. At test time, the agent and the two co-training z = φ( F (P 1 P 2), ..., F (P 1 P 2 ) ; θ), (5) a { 1 || 1 K || K } classifiers are again run simultaneously, but with- out access to the labeled validation dataset. The where the function F maps state representation agent selects the unlabeled subset using the P 1 P 2 R2N into a common embedding space i || i ∈ learned greedy policy: of y dimensions, and φ( ) is a multi-layer percep- · tion. at = maxaQ(st, a). (10) We then use After obtaining two classifiers from co-training,

Q(s, a) = softmax(za) (6) based on the weighted voting, the final ensemble classifier C is defined as: to obtain the next action. C = βC + (1 β)C . (11) 1 − 2 3.3.3 Reward Function β is the weighted parameter, which can be learned The agent is trained to select the high-quality un- by maximizing the classification accuracy on the labeled subsets to improve the performance of the validation set. two classifier C1 and C2. We capture this intuition by a performance-driven reward function. At time 4 Experiments step t, the reward of each classifier is defined as the change in the classifiers accuracy after updat- We evaluate our proposed Reinforced Co-training method in two settings: (1) Clickbait detection, ing the unlabeled subset Ut: where obtaining the labeled data is very time- 1 1 1 consuming and labor-intensive in this real-world rt = Acct (L0) Acct 1(L0), (7) − − problem; (2) Generic text classification, where 1 where Acct (L0) is the model accuracy of C1 at we randomly set some of the labeled data as unla- time step t computed on the labeled validation set beled and train our model in a controlled setting.

1256 Dataset #Tweets #Clickbait #Non-Clickbait Algorithm 1: The algorithm of our Reinforced Training 2,495 762 1,697 Co-Training method. Validation 9,768 2,380 7,388 Test 9,770 2,381 7,389 1 Given a set L of labeled seeding training data; Unlabeled 80,012 N/A N/A 2 Given a set L0 of labeled validation data; 3 Given K subsets U ,U , ..., U of Table 1: Statistics of Clickbait Dataset. { 1 2 K } unlabeled data; 4 for episode 1 to M do ← 4.2 Clickbait Detection 5 Train C1 & C2 with L Clickbait is a pejorative term for web content 6 for time step t 1 to T do ← whose headlines typically aim to make read- 7 Choose the action at = maxa Q(st, a) ers curious, but the documents usually have 8 Use C1 to label the subset Ua t less relevance with the corresponding headlines 9 Update C2 with pseudo-labeled Ua ,L t (Chakraborty et al., 2016; Potthast et al., 2017; 10 Use C2 to label the subset Ua t Wei and Wan, 2017). Clickbait not only wastes the 11 Update C1 with pseudo-labeled Ua ,L t readers’ time but also damages the publishers’ rep- 12 Compute the reward rt based on L0 utation, which makes detecting clickbait become 13 Compute the state representation st+1 an important real-world problem. 14 Update θ using g ∝ 2 However, most of the attempts focus on news θEs,a[(V (θi 1) Q(s, a; θi)) ] ∇ − − headlines, while the relevance between headlines and context is usually ignored (Chen et al., 2015; Biyani et al., 2016; Chakraborty et al., 2016). 4.1 Baselines Meanwhile, the labeled data is quite limited in this We compare our model with multiple baselines: problem, but the unlabeled data is easily obtained from the web (Potthast et al., 2017). Considering Standard Co-Training: Co-Training with • these two challenges, we utilize our Reinforced randomly choosing unlabeled examples Co-training framework to tackle this problem and (Blum and Mitchell, 1998). evaluate our method. Performance-driven Co-Training: The un- • labeled examples are selected based on 4.2.1 Datasets pseudo-accuracy and energy regularization We evaluate our model on a large-size clickbait (Zhang and Rudnicky, 2006). dataset, Clickbait Challenge 2017 (Potthast et al., CoTrade Co-Training: The confidence of 2017). The data is collected from twitter posts in- • either classifiers prediction on unlabeled ex- cluding tweet headlines and paragraphs, and the amples is estimated based on specific data training and test sets are judged on a four-point editing techniques, and then high-confidence scale [0, 0.3, 0.66, 1] by at least five annotators. examples are used to update the classifiers Each sample is categorized into one class based on (Zhang and Zhou, 2011). its average scores. The clickbait detection then can Semi-supervised Sequence Learning be defined as a two-class classification problem, • (Sequence-SSL): The model uses an LSTM including CLICKBAIT and NON-CLICKBAIT. sequence autoencoder to pre-train the pa- There also exists an unlabeled set containing large rameters for the later supervised learning amounts of collected samples without annotation. process.(Dai and Le, 2015). We then split the original test set into the valida- Semi-supervised CNN with Region Em- tion set and final test set by 50%/50%. The statis- • bedding (Region-SSL): The model learns tics of this dataset are listed in Table1. embeddings of small text regions from un- labeled data for integration into a supervised 4.2.2 Setup CNN (Johnson and Zhang, 2015). For each document example in the clickbait Adversarial Semi-supervised Learning dataset, naturally, we have two views, the head- • (Adversarial-SSL): The model apply pertur- line and the paragraph. Thus, we construct the two bations to word embeddings into an LSTM classifiers in co-training based on these two views. and pre-train the supervised models through Headline Classifier The previous state-of-the- adversarial training (Miyato et al., 2016). art model (Zhou, 2017) for clickbait detection uses

1257 a self-attentive bi-directional gated recurrent unit Methods Prec. Recall F1 Score Self-attentive biGRU 0.683 0.649 0.665 RNN (biGRU) to model the headlines of the docu- CNN (Document) 0.537 0.474 0.503 ment and train a classifier. Following the same set- Standard Co-Training 0.418 0.433 0.425 ting, we choose self-attentive biGRU as the head- Performance Co-Training 0.581 0.629 0.604 CoTrade Co-Training 0.609 0.637 0.623 line classifier in co-training. Sequence-SSL 0.595 0.589 0.592 Paragraph Classifier The paragraphs usually Region-SSL 0.674 0.652 0.663 have much longer sequences than the headlines. Adversarial-SSL 0.698 0.691 0.694 Reinforced Co-Training 0.684 Thus, we utilize the CNN-non-static structure in 0.709 0.696 Kim(2014) as the paragraph classifier to capture Table 2: The experimental results on clickbait dataset. the paragraph information. Prec.: precision. Note that the other three co-training baselines also use the same classifier settings. Best Worst Average STDDEV In our Reinforce Co-Training model, we set the F1 Score 0.708 0.685 0.692 0.0068 number of unlabeled subsets k as 80. Consider- Table 3: The robustness analysis on clickbait dataset. ing the clickbait detection as a 2-class classifica- tion problem (N = 2), the Q-network maps 4-d input P 1 P 2 in the state representation to a 3-d think these pre-trained based methods learn lo- i || i common embedding space (y = 3), with a further cal embeddings during the unsupervised training, hidden layer of 128 units on top. The dimension k which may help them to recognize some impor- of the softmax layer is also 80. tant patterns in clickbait detection. (4) The self- As for the other semi-supervised baselines, attentive biGRU trained only on headlines of the Sequence-SSL, Region-SSL and Adversarial- labeled set actually show surprisingly good perfor- SSL, we concatenate the headline and the para- mance on clickbait detection, which demonstrates graph as the document and train these models di- that most clickbait documents have obvious pat- rectly on the document data. To better analyze the terns in the headline field. The reason why CNN experimental results, we also implement another (Document) fails to capture these patterns may be baseline denoted as CNN (Document), which uses that the concatenation of headlines and paragraphs the CNN structure (Kim, 2014) to model the doc- dilutes these features. But for those cases with- ument with supervised learning. The CNN (Doc- out obvious patterns in the headline, our results ument) model is trained on the (seeding) training demonstrate that the paragraph information is still set and the validation set. a good supplement to detection. Following the previous researches (Chakraborty et al., 2016; Potthast et al., 2017), we use Pre- 4.2.4 Algorithm Robustness cision, Recall and F1 Score to evaluate different Previous studies (Morimoto and Doya, 2001; Hen- models. derson et al., 2017) show that reinforcement learning-based methods usually lack robustness 4.2.3 Results and are sensitive to the seeding sets and pre- The results of clickbait detection are shown in Ta- trained steps. Thus, we design an experiment ble2. From the results, we observe that: (1) to detect whether our learned data section policy Our Reinforced Co-Training model can outper- is sensitive to the (seeding) training set. First, form all the baselines, which indicates the capa- based on our original data partition, we train our bility of our methods in utilizing the unlabeled reinforcement learning framework to learn a Q- data. (2) The standard co-training is unstable agent. During the test time, instead of using the due to the random data selection strategy, and same seeding set when doing comparative experi- the performance-driven and high-confidence data ments, we randomly sample other 10 seeding sets selection strategies both can improve the perfor- from the labeled dataset and learn 10 classifiers mance of co-training. Meanwhile, the significant based without re-training the Q-agent (data selec- improvement compared with previous co-training tion policy). Note that the validation set is not methods shows that the Q-agent in our model can available during the co-training period of the test learn a good policy to select high-quality subsets. time. Finally, we evaluate these 10 classifiers us- (3) The three pre-trained based semi-supervised ing the same metric. The results are shown in Ta- learning methods also show good results. We ble3.

1258 Dataset AG’s News DBpedia Methods AG’s News DBpedia #Classes 4 14 CNN (Training+Validation) 28.32% 9.53% #Training 12,000 56,000 CNN (All) 8.69% 0.91% #Validation 12,000 56,000 Standard Co-Training 26.52% 7.66% #Test 7,600 70,000 Performance Co-Training 21.73% 5.84% #Unlabeled 96,000 448,000 CoTrade Co-Training 19.06% 5.12% Sequence-SSL 19.54% 4.64% Table 4: Statistics of the Text Classification Datasets. Region-SSL 18.27% 3.76% Adversarial-SSL 8.45%∗ 0.89%∗ Reinforced Co-Training 16.64% 2.45% The results demonstrate that our learning algo- rithm is robust to different (seeding) training sets, Table 5: The experimental results on generic text clas- sification datasets. * Adversarial-SSL is trained on full which indicates that the Q-agent in our model can labeled data after pre-training. learn a good and robust data selection policy to select high-quality unlabeled subsets to help the co-training process. fully labeled, we implement two other baselines: (1) CNN (Training+Validation), which is super- 4.3 Generic Text Classification vised trained on the partitioned training and val- Generic text classification is a classic problem idation sets; (2) CNN (All) which is supervised for natural language processing, where one needs trained on the original (100%) dataset. to categorized documents into pre-defined classes For AG’s News dataset, we set the number of (Kim, 2014; Zhang et al., 2015; Johnson and unlabeled subsets k as 96. The number of classes Zhang, 2015, 2016; Xiao and Cho, 2016; Miyato N = 4, and thus the Q-network maps 8-d input et al., 2016). We evaluate our model on generic P 1 P 2 in the state representation to a 5-d com- i || i text classification problem to study our method in mon embedding space (y = 5), with a further hid- a controlled setting. den layer of 128 units on top. The dimension k of the softmax layer is also 96. As for DBpedia 4.3.1 Datasets dataset, k = 224,N = 14, and y = 10,. Following the settings in Zhang et al.(2015), we Following the previous researches (Kim, 2014), use large-scale datasets to train and test our model. we use test error rate (%) to evaluate different To maintain the two-view setting of the co-training models. method, we choose the following two datasets. The original annotated training set is then split 4.3.3 Results into three sets, 10% labeled training set, 10% la- The results of generic text classification are shown beled validation set and 80% unlabeled set. The in Table5. From the results, we can observe original proportion of different classes remains the that: (1) Our Reinforced Co-Training model out- same after the partition. The statistics of these two performs all the real semi-supervised baselines on datasets are listed in Table4. two generic text classification datasets, which in- AG’s news corpus. The AGs corpus of news dicates that our method is consistent in differ- articles is obtained from the web and each sample ent tasks. (2) The CNN (All) and Adversarial- has the title and description fields. SSL trained on all the original labeled data per- DBpedia ontology dataset. This dataset is con- form best, which indicates there is still an obvious structed by picking 14 non-overlapping classes gap between semi-supervised methods and full- from DBpedia 2014. Each sample contains the ti- supervised methods. tle and abstract of a Wikipedia article. 4.3.4 Algorithm Robustness 4.3.2 Setup Similar to Section 4.2.4, we evaluate whether For each document example in the above two our learned data section policy is sensitive to datasets, naturally we have two views, the headline the different partitions and (seeding) training and the paragraph. Similar to clickbait detection, sets. First, based on our original data parti- we also construct the two classifiers in co-training tion (10%/10%/80%), we train our reinforcement based on these two views. Following the (Kim, learning framework. During the test time, we 2014), we set both the headline classifier and the randomly sample other 10 data partitions instead paragraph classifier as the CNN-non-static model. of the one used in comparative experiments, and Owing to that fact that the original datasets are learn 10 ensemble classifiers based on the learned

1259 Datasets Best Worst Average STDDEV for co-training. We evaluate our models on two AG’s News 14.78 17.96 16.62 1.36 DBPedia 2.18 4.06 2.75 0.94 tasks, clickbait detection and generic text classifi- cation. Experimental results show that our model Table 6: The robustness analysis on generic text classi- can outperform other semi-supervised baselines, fication. Metric: test error rate (%). especially those conventional co-training methods. We also test the Q-agent and prove that the learned Q-agent. Note that after sample different data par- data selection policy is robust to different seeding titions, we will also reprocess the unlabeled sets as sets and data partitions. described in Section 3.1. We then evaluate these For future studies, we will investigate the data 10 classifiers using the same metric. The results selection policies of other semi-supervised meth- are shown in Table6. ods and try to learn these policies automatically. The results demonstrate that our learning algo- We also plan to extend our method to multi- rithm is robust to different (seeding) training sets source classification cases and utilize the multi- and partitions of the unlabeled set, which again in- agent communication environment to boost the dicates that the Q-agent in our model is able to classification performance. learn a good and robust data selection policy to select high-quality unlabeled subsets to help the Acknowledgments co-training process. The authors would like to thank the anonymous 4.4 Discussion about Stability reviewers for their thoughtful comments. The work was supported by an unrestricted gift from Previous studies (Zhang et al., 2014; Reimers and Bytedance (Toutiao). Gurevych, 2017) show that neural networks can be unstable even with the same training parame- ters on the same training data. As for our cases, References when the two classifiers are initialized with differ- Yoshua Bengio, Samy Bengio, and Jocelyn Cloutier. ent labeled seeding sets, they can be very unstable. 1991. Learning a synaptic learning rule. In Pro- However, after enough iterations with the properly ceedings of the International Joint Conference on selected unlabeled data, the performance would be Neural Networks (IJCNN). stable generally. Prakhar Biyani, Kostas Tsioutsiouliklis, and John Usually, the more substantial labeled training Blackmer. 2016. “8 amazing secrets for getting datasets will lead to more stable models. How- more click”: Detecting clickbaits in news streams ever, the problem is that the AGs News and DB- using article informality. In Proceedings of the 30th pedia have 4 and 14 classes separately, while the AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI). Clickbait dataset only has 2 classes. That means pages 94–100. the numbers of each class in AGs News, DBPedia Avrim Blum and Tom Mitchell. 1998. Combining la- and Clickbait actually are the same order of mag- beled and unlabeled data with co-training. In Pro- nitude. Meanwhile, in our co-training setting, the ceedings of the 11th Annual Conference on Compu- prediction error is easy to accumulate because the tational Learning Theory (COLT). pages 92–100. two classifiers bootstrap the performance of each Abhijnan Chakraborty, Bhargavi Paranjape, Sourya other. The classification could be harder with the Kakarla, and Niloy Ganguly. 2016. Stop clickbait: increase of classes. Based on these reasons, the Detecting and preventing clickbaits in online news stability does not show a very strong correlation media. In Proceedings of the 2016 IEEE/ACM In- ternational Conference on Advances in Social Net- with the size of datasets in our experiments of Sec- works Analysis and Mining (ASONAM). pages 9–16. tion 4.2.4 and 4.3.4. Olivier Chapelle, Bernhard Scholkopf, and Alexander 5 Conclusion and Future Work Zien. 2009. Semi-supervised learning. IEEE Trans- actions on Neural Networks 20(3):542–542. In this paper, we propose a novel method, Rein- forced Co-Training, for training classifiers by uti- Nitesh V. Chawla and Grigoris Karakoulas. 2005. Learning from labeled and unlabeled data: An em- lizing both the labeled and unlabeled data. The pirical study across techniques and domains. Jour- Q-agent in our model can learn a good data selec- nal of Artificial Intelligence Research 23(1):331– tion policy to select high-quality unlabeled data 366.

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