Language Variation In Banjar Seraya: a Study of Sociolinguistics

Wayan Riyan Feby Asmara [email protected] Universitas Bumigora

ABSTRACT This study explains the kind of language variation that is used in Banjar seraya and the factors that influence the language variation. This study used a descriptive qualitative method in which the results of this study are descriptions. The data in this study are conversations conducted by teenagers of Banjar seraya and the data collection technique is in the form of participant observation, questionnaire, dan data recording. The data analysis technique used in this study are data transcription, data classifying, data triangulation, dan data conclusion.Based on the results of the analysis, it was found that from 10 samples of conversation, there were several language varieties used by teenagers of Banjar seraya, which are dialect, registers, and mixtures of varieties. Then, the results of this study indicated that several factors influence the use of language variations in Banjar seraya, such as 1) Habitual of using the language variation, 2) Social influence such as age, status, social status, etc, 3) Closeness with the hearer, 4) Using the language to be more polite when interact each other, 5) Adjust to the language situation.

Keywords: sociolinguistics, language variation, banjar

ABSTRAK Penelitian ini menjelaskan jenis-jenis variasi bahasa yang ada di Banjar seraya serta faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhinya. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kualitatif deskriptif yang mana hasil dari penelitian ini berupa deskripsi. Data dalam penelitian ini berupa percakapan yang dilakukan oleh remaja Banjar seraya dan teknik pengumpulan data berupa observasi partisipan, kuisioner, dan rekaman. Teknik analisis data dalam penelitian ini yaitu transkripsi data, pengklasifikasian data, triangulasi data, dan penarikan kesimpulan. Berdasarkan hasil analisis didapatkan bahwa dari 10 sampel percakapan, terdapat beberapa ragam bahasa yang digunakan oleh remaja Banjar seraya, yaitu ragam dialek, register, dan ragam campuran. Kemudian, hasil dari penelitian ini menunjukan adanya beberapa faktor yang mampengaruhi penggunaan variasi bahasa di Banjar seraya, seperti 1) Terbiasa mengunakan variasi bahasa, 2) Pengaruh sosial seperti umur, status, status sosial, dan sebagainya, 3) Kedekatan dengan lawan bicara, 4) Menggunakan variasi bahasa agar lebih sopan ketika berinteraksi, 5) Menyesuaikan dengan situasi bahasa.

Kata kunci: sosiolinguistik, variasi bahasa, banjar


A. INTRODUCTION Language and social communities are inseparable. In daily life, social communities use language as a means of communication. It is also as an identity of a community. This was stated by Halim in Rizky (2012:26) that in addition as the unifying tool, language also functioned as a symbol and identity for a community or nation. Language can be learned through a linguistic sub- study, it is sociolinguistics. According to J.A. Fishman in Abdul Chaer and Leoline Agustina (2014:3) stated that: “Sociolinguistics is the study of the characteristics of language varieties, the characteristics of their functions, and the characteristics of their speakers as the three constantly interact and change one another within a speech community”. Based on that explanation, sociolinguistics learn the language variation that exists in society, how their function, and how the speakers of these languages. In social, especially in multi-cultural places, people will use different languages according to the participant they communicate with. So do in a multi-cultural community, there will be a contact language between one language with another. One of the countries that have various islands, ethnicities, traditions, and languages is . Indonesia as a multi-cultural country has many varieties of languages. The diversity will generate language variation. According to R. A. Hudson (1996:22) language variation is a phenomenon of language differences. Language variation can be found in multi-lingual environments. This causes the discussion about language variation to be inseparable from society. In analyzing language variation, it can be seen through dialects, registers, and mixture of varieties (Hudson, 1996:22). In the other hand, according to R. Wardhaugh (2006:135) Sociolinguistics in general focuses on discussing social variations in language through regional variations. To know the pronunciation of a language used in the study of social variation, we have to pay attention to regional dialectology. This is to find out how the language variation process occurs. The study of the social variation of a language comes from the regional variation. This is in order to wider the scope and improves the flow in examining language variation which then takes


into account social class variants in a language. There are several types of limitations in examining a language variant, namely the regional variation, the linguistic variable, and the linguistic and social variation. The phenomenon of language variation can be found in multi-cultural areas. Language variation appears because of the social diversity of the speakers in society. In addition to the social diversity of the speakers, language variations also can appear because of the diversity of language functions. One of the place that exist in a multi-cultural environment is Banjar seraya. Banjar seraya is located in Mataram city, , . According to the latest data for 2019, Banjar seraya’s population is 964 with 154 population of teenagers. The chosen of Banjar seraya as the data population of the study based on the determination that the language used by the villagers is original from Seraya. Along with the time, in Banjar seraya there are people who married with other ethnic. These inter-ethnic marriages affect the language variation that exist in Banjar seraya. It is seen that in communicating, somewhile they use other languages. As a multi-cultural society, certainly Banjar seraya community will interact with other communities. One of the closest is Sasak ethnic community. In daily life, there is a lot of contact language between Balinese and Sasak in Banjar seraya. Whether in buying and selling activity or social transactions. For the in Banjar seraya, mother tongue/first language (B1) is the , second language (B2) is the Sasak language that used when interacting with traders or Sasak ethnic, and the third language (B3) is Indonesian that used in the education environment as a national language. The foreign language obtained when entering junior and senior high school levels such as English etc. This study intended to determine the language variation used in Banjar seraya as well as the factors that influence it.

B. LITERATURE REVIEW According to R. A. Hudson (1996:22) language variation is a phenomenon of language differences. Language differences occur, one of which is due to


linguistic items. Language variation can be found in multi-lingual environments. This happens because, in a multi-lingual environment, there will be social interaction between speakers with different language backgrounds. The diversity of this language will be even wider, especially if the users of the language are very large and cover a large area. This can be demonstrated in the spread of the . There are two views on language variation. First, language variation occurs as a result of social diversity. The second is that language variation already exists and fulfill their function as a means of communication. Apart from these both views, the discussion about language variation to be inseparable from society. a. Dialect 1. Regional dialect and isogloss Based on R. A. Hudson (1996:38) regional dialects is language variation that are differentiated based on geographic location and the proximity of the languages. For example, the Javanese in the Solo dialect with the Javanese Tegal dialect. Each dialect has its characteristics. When interacting, speakers of the Javanese Solo dialect can communicate well with speakers of the Javanese Tegal dialect. This is because the Solo dialect and the Tegal dialect are still in the same language, namely Javanese. In this case, through geographic dialects, the relationship between languages in an area can be seen as a result of the pronunciation equation. This is called isogloss (in Greek iso- “same” and gloss- “tongue.”). 2. Diffusion and the wave theory R. A. Hudson (1996:39) stated that wave theory discusses how language can change at the same time and place so that language change spreads to the surrounding area. Wave theory explains how the relationship between isogloss and the spread of a language in an area. For example, the mention of / r / in the word farm where in some areas some do not mention the letter / r / and it spreads in the surrounding area. The wave theory explained that language can spread and replace


existing languages in a small area (small speech community). So in this case, the coverage of wave theory only affects languages that exist in remote areas which are not large. 3. Social dialect According to R. A. Hudson (1996:41) apart from geographical location, there are 2 factors that influence dialect differences. First, geographical mobility, which is someone who moves from one area to another, brings their own dialect, and then mingles with the dialect where they are. This causes the person's initial dialect to shift as a result of contact with the new dialect in which he is located. This is like the Balinese who moved and lived in Lombok. Balinese speakers bring their dialect. When they arrive and interact with the Sasak ethnic group, over time the dialect of Balinese speakers will begin to be influenced by the Sasak dialect. This is shown by the difference in the Balinese language between the Balinese ethnic community living in Lombok and those living in Bali. The Balinese ethnic community living in Bali does not understand the Balinese language used by the Balinese ethnic community living in Lombok. This indicates a shift in the Balinese language in Lombok caused by contact with the Sasak language. The second are some factors such as social class, sex, age, and others. In this case, dialectology leads to analyzing dialects in terms of social or sociolects. 4. Types of linguistic item It is deal with R. A. Hudson (1996:43) said that by linguistic items includes lexical items and construction, while the social distribution of two items is the distribution of the two linguistic items in society. The characteristics of a language can also be shown when and how the linguistic item was used. In general, accents in linguistics can be distinguished through pronunciation, morphology, syntax, and vocabulary, which are standardized linguistic items. Pronunciation has a different social function from other linguistic items. As in the


language spoken by British singers who are influenced by American English. Although originating from Britain, singers often use American pronunciation. In this case, pronunciation with other items has a different role in identification. In analyzing language, by using pronunciation, it is possible to know the identity of the speaker. b. Registers 1. Registers and dialect In linguistic science, the register broadly discusses variations according to usage, while dialect is the variation according to the user, R. A. Hudson (1996:45). In this case, the 'register' is needed to analyze a variation used in different situations. This is because the concept of "dialect" is limited to analyzing only in terms of personal speakers. The purpose of the variation depends on its use, namely how the language is positioned according to the language situation. As in the events of informal conversations between peers. The choice of language variations used tends to use non-formal language and even uses language that tends to be rude. In registers, the is on seeing how these variations are used. 2. Diglossia R. A. Hudson (1996:49) argues that “diglossia is a relatively stable language situation in which, in addition to the primary dialect of the language (which may include a standard or regional standards), there is a very divergent, highly codified (often grammatically more complex) superposed variety, the vechine of a large and respected body of written literature, aither of an earlier period oi in another speech community, which is learned largely by formal education and is use for most written and formal spoken purposes but is not used by any sector of the community for ordinary conversation”. In society, there are 2 differences in the language used, namely formal and informal. Formal language is only used under certain conditions. Meanwhile, informal language is more often used in everyday life. So,


diglossia is a functional division of the formal and informal language variations that exist in society. An example in this case is the use of Indonesian in the home and office environment. It can be shown that when a father speaks to his family, the language used tends to be informal, whereas when he is in a meeting at the office, he tends to use formal language. This is influenced by the situation of a speech event. c. Mixture of varieties 1. Code-switching As Hudson (1996:51) said that code-switching is a change in language use from one language to another at a time to suit the language situation. This variation occurs a lot in multi-lingual environments or people with bilingualism. This is to adjust the language understood by the speech partner. For example, in the speech event speaker A, speaker B, and speaker C. Speaker A and speaker B come from Javanese ethnicity. When they speak, they use Javanese. When speaker C, who comes from Balinese ethnicity, joins the conversation, speaker A and speaker B spontaneously change the language they use when speaking in Indonesian. This allows the C speaker to understand and participate in the conversation. From this example, it is shown that the use of code-switching variations is influenced by external factors. 2. Code-mixing R. A. Hudson (1996:53) stated tha if code-switching focuses on how the language changes depending on the language situation, code- mixing does not depend on that. In code-switching, changes in the language used occurs as a whole. As in the change from Javanese to Indonesian. Meanwhile, in code-mixing different languages are used simultaneously at one time in turns. As in the sentence "Kakakmu pinter masak ya? Saya jadi insecure. " In this sentence, there is a mixture of languages between Indonesian and English. The use of


code-mixing aims to signify or symbolize a situation that cannot be explained using the previous language. 3. Borrowing Based on Hudson if code-mixing is a mixture of language use in a speech event, borrowing is how a language is borrowed and made the official language by another language, R. A. Hudson (1996:55). This is because no language can represent the meaning of the language so that the borrowing is carried out. An example is "voli" in Indonesian. The word "voli" is taken from English, namely "volley". From this example, it can be seen that the foreign sound is changed by the native sound. This can be seen in the change from / a: / to / o: /.

Banjar seraya is one of the area in Mataram city, Lombok, West Nusa Tenggara. This village is one of the Balinese traditional villages in the Mataram city. Based on I Gede Mahatma Yogandi (village chief) people from Seraya Karangasem came to Lombok around the 1600s. In the beginning, the population of Banjar seraya was less than 50 people. This is because the King who came when it only brought a bodyguard of 40 people. After arriving in Lombok, the King made a banjar called Banjar seraya and has been growing until now. The origin people in Banjar seraya come from Seraya Karangasem Bali Island. So do the language that used in Banjar seraya is Seraya Karangasem language.

C. RESEARCH METHODOLOGY The method used in this study is mixed methods. According to Creswell in Titin Ariska (2013:49) stated: " Mixed research is a research approach that combines qualitative research with quantitative research”. Based on the explanation, in mixed methods, qualitative and quantitative methods will be used. In this research, quantitative methods are used to support the data obtained through qualitative methods. This study focuses on discussing the


language variation in Banjar seraya and the language variation that is often used. The primary data used in this study are the transcripts of Banjar seraya teenagers' conversation. Besides that, there is also supporting data in the form of a questionnaire attachment. This study used teenagers between 10 and 19 years of age as the source of data. In this study, the subject of the research is 35 teenagers of Banjar seraya.

D. DISCUSSION According to result of the research, it was found there were several language variation used by teenagers of Banjar seraya, which are dialect, registers, and mixture of varieties. In addition, based on the results of the analysis, this study found some factors that influence the language variation as well, such as 1) Habitual of using the language variation, 2) Social influence such as age, status, social status, etc. 3) Closeness with the hearer, 4) Using the language variation to be more polite when interact each other, 5) Adjust to the language situation. 1. Kind of Language Variation in Banjar seraya In this section, 10 conversations were analyzed. Then the conversation is analyzed using the theory of language variation proposed by R. A. Hudson (1996:38) where there are 3 dimensions of variation, that is dialect, registers, and mixture of varieties. Conversation 01

Teenager A : Ade bukaan polisi jani? FT : Is there a registration of a member of the police? Teenager B : Juni tongose. FT : In June. Teenager A : Be ci naftar, tinggal seleksi jamak? FT : So you have done the register, just need to do the selection? Teenager B : eee.. tinggal seleksi jamak. FT : Yep, just need to do the selection.


The conversation is between teenager A (19 years old) with his friend that is teenager B. The conversation takes place at teenager A’s house. The conversation conducted was regarding registration as a member of the police. The situation of the conversation occurs in a casual situation telling stories with friends. In the third line of the conversation above, teenager A used the word “jamak”. This word is a dialect of the Sasak language, which in Balinese is “duang”. The acceptance of the Sasak language by teenagers A occurs because of the interactions with the Sasak ethnic group from both the educational environment and the surrounding environment. Teenager A is used to hearing the conversations that their friends from the Sasak ethnic group have been made. This is affecting the language variation (dialect) which is used by teenager A. As is well known, the Balinese people came with their dialect and settled in Lombok which is inhabited by the Sasak ethnic community. This has led to language contact between the Balinese ethnic community and the Sasak ethnic group. In accordance with R. A. Hudson (1996:38) which explains geographical mobility, where people who move from one area to another, bring their dialect and then blend with the dialect where they are. This causes the person's initial dialect to shift as a result of contact with the new dialect in which he is located. This is found in conversation 1 where teenager A should use “duang” but he used “jamak”.

Conversation 02 Teenager A : Pacuk Jik, malih pidan jagi mecaru ring jeroan Jik? FT : Dad, when we will do a ceremony in the temple again? Father : Rencana Ajik seh ring bulan Oktober, ring pinanggal 16. nemu punike tilem becik pisan anggen mecaru. FT : I have a plan to do it on 16 October. It is good to do that on tilem. Teenager A : Kenapi harus rahine tilem jik? Ten dados hari lain nggih?


FT : Why should on tilem dad? It can’t do on another day? Father : Dados dine napi pun dados, nanging ring tileme punike becik pisan dewase mecaru taler diko. FT : It can, but it will be better to do that on tilem.

The conversation is between teenager A (19 years old) and his father. The conversation took place in their house. The discussion in the conversation is about the schedule of the ceremony will be held again. In the conversation above, Teenager A uses a formal Balinese language variation to talk with his father. This is due to the social status of the father who is a Balinese priest. As a son of a Balinese priest, the teenager A uses a formal Balinese language variation (dialect) as a respect for the social status of the father. In accordance with R. A. Hudson (1996:49) which explains in dialect, the discussion of formal and informal language is called digossia. Diglossia is the functional division of the formal and informal language variations that exist in society. This is as found in conversation 2, where teenager A spoke to his father using polite Balinese due to the influence of his father's social status. Besides used polite Balinese, teenager A also used Indonesian, which is “hari lain”. The function of Indonesian is to maintain the level of politeness if the speaker does not know a Balinese polite word.

Conversation 03 Cousin A : Dije mandus dije? FT : Where do we go to bathe? Cousin B : Ditu se mandus tai. FT : Over there, badass. Cousin A : Bise renang Di? FT : Can you swim, Di? Cousin B : Dije? FT : Where?


Cousin A : Kolam se. FT : In the pool for sure.

The conversation above is a conversation between cousin A and cousin B (14 years old). The conversation takes place in the rice fields. The situation at which the conversation took place was an informal situation. The purpose of the conversation is to find out the location where they will take a bath. In the second line above, cousin B used the word "tai"/ ”shit” to cousin A. As it is known, the word "tai"/ “shit”, if it was meant for someone, would offend them. But in the above case, cousin A was not offended. This means that cousin A and cousin B have a very close relationship. Cousin B used this language variation because of the closeness context. In accordance with R. A. Hudson (1996:45) that registers extensively discuss variations according to their use. From the explanation above, the language used by cousin B is included in the language variation (registers). This is indicated by the use of the word “tai”.

Conversation 04 Mother : Nik, besok mau ke suranadi, kamu ikut ndak? FT : Nik, tomorrow we will go to Suranadi. Do you want to join? Teenager A : Jam Berapa? FT : What time? Mother : Ya sekitar jam 9 gitu. Kita mau pergi sembahyang sana tapi mandi dulu, habis mandi baru kita sembahyang. Ya habis sembahyang istirahat sebentar di pura terus pulang. Ato kalok mau jalan-jalan lagi, kita kelesehan ndak apa-apa. FT : Around 9 am. We want to go to pray but take a shower first, after taking a shower, and then pray. After praying, we take a rest for a while at the temple and then go home. Or if you want to stroll again, it's okay to go to lesehan. Teenager A : Lesehan mana?


FT : Which lesehan? Mother : Yang enak si katanya lesehan taufik, itu yang terkenal itu satenya enak, sekalian sama bapak sama adek. Gimana? FT : The good one that people said is lesehan taufik, the famous one is delicious satay, together with your father and your young sister. How? Teenager A : Oke. FT : Okay

The conversation above is between mother and teenager A (19 years old). The conversation took place at the house. The conversation takes place when they are relaxed. The conversation was carried out to find out whether the princess would join in to go to Suranadi. In the conversation, although they come and live in an ethnic Balinese environment, teenager A used Indonesian. Teenager A used Indonesian because his mother used Indonesian when talking to teenager A since childhood. This language situation affects Teenager A's language variation when talking to mother. In accordance with R. A. Hudson (1996:45) that registers extensively discuss variations according to their use. From the explanation above, the language used by teenager A is included in the language variation (registers). This is indicated by the use of Indonesian in the conversation because of the language situation.

Conversation 05 Teenager A : Bot, lah o. FT : Let’s Bot. Teenager B : Ain FT : Nope Teenager A : Yoh angkan mekejang ain ne? FT : Hey, why all of you said no? Teenager B : Ain mek!


FT : I said nope! Teenager A : Sunat ne sunat? (while laugh) FT : Are you circumcised? (while laugh) Teenager B : Pul basang yange. FT : My stomach is full. Teenager A : Sundel dak isinine sing pul ye. (sambal tertawa) FT : Fuck, just don’t eat if you don’t want to full.

The conversation piece above is a conversation between teenager A (17 years old) with teenager B (17 years old). The conversation took place at a wedding ceremony. In the conversation, teenager A tried to get his friends to enjoy the dishes provided. In the fourth line of the conversation, it was seen that teenager B used the word “mek!” to emphasize the previous word. Literally, the word "mek" has no meaning by itself. But when there is another word in the sentence before the word "mek", then this word will function as a reinforcement of the previous word or sentence. In accordance with R. A. Hudson (1996:45) which explains that extensively discuss variations according to their use. From this explanation, it was concluded that in the conversation above, teenager B used language variation (register). In the seventh line, teenager B used the word “sundel”. The word "sundel", if it was meant for someone, would offend them. But in the case above, teenager A was not offended. This means that teenager A and teenager B have a very close relationship. Teenager B used this language variation as an expression of the closeness relationship to teenager A. In accordance with R. A. Hudson (1996:45) which explains that extensively discuss variations according to their use. From the explanation above, the language used by teenager B is included in the language variation (registers).


2. Factors That Influence Language Variation in Banjar Seraya This section would explain the factors that influence the use of language variation used by teenagers of Banjar Seraya according to the questionnaire. 1. Habitual of using the language variation This factor is how the language variation is influenced by habits both from the surrounding environment or the educational environment. This factor can be seen from how the use of a language or words that are not the native language of the speaker is used daily. As in the use of Indonesian by one of the teenager in Banjar Seraya. He used Indonesian when interacting because he used to use the language when interacting with his family since childhood. It showed that the habit factors can influence the use of language variation. 2. Social influence such as age, status, social status, and so on This factor is how social influence such as age, social status, and so on can affect the use of language variation. This can be seen in the language used by the speaker when talking to the hearer who has a higher age and social status. As in the use of the polite Balinese language used by one teenager of the Banjar seraya. When speaking to a Balinese priest, he tends to use polite language. This is because the Balnese priest’s social status is higher, so the teenager used polite language to respect his social status. This showed that social factor can influence the use of language variation. 3. Closeness with the hearer This factor is how the relationship between speakers and speech partners can affect the used language variation. This can be seen in the use of profanity when speaking. As in a conversation conducted by two teenagers of Banjar seraya. When interacting, sometimes they used some profanity. Though used these words, there was no displeasure between them. This is possible because of the close relationship between the two teenagers. From this phenomenon, it can be seen that the closer a person's relationship is, the more often profanity were used to make them more


intimate. It showed that the closeness factor can influence the use of language variation. 4. Using the language variation to be more polite when interact each other This factor is how language variation is influenced by the goal of being more polite when interacting with each other. This usually can be seen when someone interacts with stranger. When interact with stranger, usually the interaction carried out will use semi-formal or formal language regardless of social factors. This is done to maintain a level of politeness so as to avoid displeasure when interacting. It showed that language variation can be influenced by factors that make the interaction more polite. 5. Adjust to the language situation This factor is how language variation are used to adjust to the language situation such as adjusting the language used during formal events. As in a conversation conducted by one of the teenager Banjar seraya, when he talked to his friend in informal situations like at home, he tended to use informal language. Otherwise, when he spoke in formal situations such as at activity meetings, he used formal language. This he did to suit the existing language situation. This showed that the language situation can affect the used of language variation.

E. CONCLUSION AND SUGGESTION According to the result of the data analysis, it was found there were several language variation used by teenagers of Banjar seraya, which are dialect, registers, and mixture of varieties. In addition, based on the results of the analysis, this study found some factors that influence the language variation as well, such as 1) Habitual of using the language variation, 2) Social influence such as age, status, social status, etc. 3) Closeness with the hearer, 4) Using the language variation to be more polite when interact each other, 5) Adjust to the language situation. This study can be used as a comparison or as material for other researchers and the student who wants to carry out a similar study. The


data analysis in this study is still far from being perfect, therefore another study related to language variation is needed to support the advancement of language science.

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