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PICKERING’S COMMUNITY NEWSPAPER SINCE 1965 NEWS ADVERTISER Mazda is music Footballers run to the ears... into some Thunder WHEELS/PULLOUT SPORTS/B2 PRESSRUN 45,600 36 PAGES WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 10, 2001 OPTIONAL 4 WEEK DELIVERY $6/ $1 NEWSSTAND AT A GLANCE Sayv some memories for store’s fifth reunion ‘This is not Islam’ PICKERING — If you used to work at a Sayvette store, your for- gion and denounce the wanted As U.S. bombs and cruise threats to U.S. security and mer co-workers invite you to the Muslims denounce terrorist. missiles began descending on offered praise for those who fifth annual Sayvette reunion. bin Laden, fear “This is not Islam,” said already war torn Afghanistan, breached it Sept. 11. The Ajax store, once located at Kazim Qureshi, a member of a pre-taped reaction from Mr. As for the country’s Tal- the corner of Harwood Avenue and effects of military the Pickering Islamic Centre’s bin Laden filled television iban regime, under criticism Bayly Street, closed 24 years ago board of trustees, in con- screens in the Arab and West- and now attack, for their treat- and was replaced by Woolco and retaliation demning the rhetoric and re- ern world. ment of the Afghan people then Wal-Mart. actions of Mr. bin Laden, who The ex-Saudi militant and for providing a safe haven Catch up with old friends and BY MARTIN DERBYSHIRE share a few laughs at the reunion, Staff Writer is wanted in the Sept. 11 at- called for Muslims worldwide for Mr. bin Laden and his Al Oct. 14 between 1 and 4 p.m. at PICKERING — Once tacks on the United States, to take up arms against Amer- Qaeda terrorist network, Mr. the Royal Canadian Legion Branch again, the words of Osama bin and his followers. “This is ica and its allies, saying Qureshi said he feels very lit- KAZIM QURESHI 606 (Bay Ridges), 1555 Bayly St., Laden have put Muslim Cana- one person, one group and we strikes against Afghanistan tle connection to the type of ‘This is one person, do not agree with what they were strikes against Islam. In in Pickering. dians in the awkward position one group...’ For more information call of having to defend their reli- are saying.” addition, he vowed continued See DURHAM page A2 Denise at 905-683-3316, or Sandy at 905-686-2910. Families talk autism Fire rips OPG officials at upcoming meeting DURHAM — Families of indi- through viduals living with autism can listen to the thoughts of a developmental make final pediatrician at an upcoming meet- ing. Pickering The Durham Chapter of the Autism Society Ontario meets Oct. 25 at 7 p.m., featuring guest speak- restart pitch er Dr. Wendy Roberts. The meeting home is at the Steel Workers Hall, 125 Al- bert St. in Oshawa. Residence was raided Federal regulator’s The cost is $10 for members or $20 for non-members. For more in- by police last month decision on four ‘A’ formation, call Sandra at 905-666- 6870. PICKERING –– An units expected $80,000 fire on Sunday gutted a Help battle predatory Rosebank Road residence that in a month police said housed a sophisticat- vine in Frenchman’s Bay ed marijuana-growing operation. PICKERING — A decision The blaze broke out prior to is expected in three to five PICKERING — It’s time to 3:30 a.m. at the southwest Pick- weeks on the restart of four laid- give our local native plants a breath ering home that had been raided up reactors on the ‘A’side of the of fresh air. Sept. 20 by the Durham Region- Pickering Nuclear Generating Members of the Frenchman’s al Police drug squad. Station. Bay Watershed Rehabilitation Pro- The detached bungalow was Pat O’Brien, manager of ject noted the plants have been in- unoccupied at the time of the public affairs at the station, said vaded by ‘dog strangling vine’. fire, which is being investigated Ontario Power Generation The vine is extremely aggres- by police and fire officials as (OPG) officials are “as confi- sive and as it grows, it wraps itself around other plants and strangles possible arson, police said. dent as we can be” about getting PAT O’BRIEN them. Police last month seized approval. The final day of hear- ‘We answered all more than 1,200 marijuana ings into amendments to the li- The public is invited to join pro- the questions...’ ject staff tonight (Wednesday) to plants with an estimated cence for the ‘A’ side was last battle the vine from 6:30 to 7:30 $200,000 street value and Wednesday at Canadian Nu- p.m. at the West Shore Community $15,000 in hydroponics grow- clear Safety Commission next year and producing power Centre, on Bayly Street between ing-related equipment during a (CNSC) headquarters in Ot- by March. The other reactors Liverpool Road and Whites Road. search of the Kingston Road- tawa. In addition to OPG, more would be started in six- to nine- For more details on the pro- Sheppard Avenue residence. than 40 other groups and indi- month intervals. gram, call Frenchman’s Bay staff at At the time, police alleged ANDREW IWANOWSKI/ News Advertiser photo viduals made oral or written “CNSC staff recommend the 905-420-4660. the home had been converted submissions to the commission. restart, based on the improve- into a “fortified” indoor drug op- The current 27-month li- ments and mitigation mea- WHERE TO FIND IT eration and that hydro had been cence requires the ‘A’reactors to sures,” Mr. O’Brien said. “We Editorial Page/A6 illegally hooked up to the house Monkeying around be laid-up. The amendment answered all the questions and Sports/B1 from the main supply line to sought by OPG would allow the we’re doing the work.” conceal increased power usage. AJAX –– Twins James and Alexander Clarke had dou- utility to fire up the reactors for Improvement and mitigation Entertainment/B3 George Rudolph Herrmann, the first time since late 1997. If measures were described in the Classified/B4 38, was charged with production ble the fun on the monkey bars at Rotary Park on the approval is given, OPG hopes to environmental assessment the of marijuana, possession for the weekend. The six-year-olds were out with their father on bring the units on one at a time CNSC approved earlier this purpose of trafficking and theft Saturday making the most of their long holiday week- over the next two years, with the year. OPG is spending about $1 GIVE US A CALL of hydro. end. first going online in January of billion refurbishing the four re- General/905-683-5110 actors. Distribution/905-683-5117 Sierra Club of Canada nu- General FAX/905-683-7363 clear researcher Irene Kock is Lifeguard’s actions earn national honour critical of the restart, but she ex- Death Notices/905-683-3005 pects the nuclear regulator to Sincerely Yours Pickering that cause people to get OK the restart. “We will be pay- 1-800-662-8423 dragged out too far into the ing for this uneconomic and un- WEB SITE AND EMAIL woman helped lake or caught between the safe government decision for save eight swimmers rocks and the waves. generations. Before we take a At around 2 p.m. she no- risk like this all the alternatives [email protected] at Toronto beach ticed two children in trouble should be explored,” Ms. Kock about 50 metres out and dove said. “Instead, the CNSC con- TIMING BELT BY MARTIN DERBYSHIRE in the lake with her partner, tinues to ignore the real con- Staff Writer lifeguard Phillip Oree, to bring cerns of the public and rubber PICKERING — It was a the kids to safety. However, stamp nuclear recklessness. sunny and windy summer Sun- that was just the beginning. Pickering ‘A’ is unsafe, uneco- $ .00 day in August 1998 as tonnes After passing the children nomic and unnecessary.” of people hit the beach at Scar- over to another lifeguard, a Mr. O’Brien dismissed the OFF borough Bluffer’s park. woman and young boy in dis- comments, saying, “Everything 25 Lifelong Pickering resident tress were spotted and the two can be done to ensure the restart REPLACEMENT Christine Steinwall, the went right back in the water, is safe and environmentally be- PICKERING HONDA beach’s head lifeguard, said towing them to shore. nign.” 575 Kingston Rd. she saw the same regulars as Now back on shore they Ms. Kock called the EA “a E. of Whites 831-5400 most days, but the smiling face spotted another four people in total whitewash of important of the neighbourhood kid who trouble close to the rock jetty safety issues. Severe nuclear ac- FOR YOU TWO she had saved from the water about 75 metres out, and, while cidents at Pickering are a real so many times before changed fighting fatigue and the ele- risk to the entire Great Lakes MATERNITY that day, and she will never for- ments, Ms. Steinwall said they basin. Many things could lead to get it. went back in the lake again. a catastrophic accident, includ- OVERALLS “I knew she was watching it They dragged the first two ing terrorism, aging equipment, all,” she said. “Her face just to shore and swam back out to human error and earthquakes. $ OFF looked so scared.” find a man on the rocks pre- It’s a risk we don’t need to size 6 - 18 Ms. Steinwall said there pared to jump in and help.