J Comp Physiol A (2005) 191: 231–239 DOI 10.1007/s00359-004-0585-5


Robert Huber Amines and motivated behaviors: a simpler systems approach to complex behavioral phenomena

Received: 2 March 2004 / Revised: 15 October 2004 / Accepted: 30 October 2004 / Published online: 1 February 2005 Ó Springer-Verlag 2005

Abstract Recent investigations in invertebrate neurobi- Introduction ology have opened up new lines of research into the basic roles of behavioral, neurochemical, and physio- ‘‘Under carefully controlled experimental circumstances, logical effects in complex behavioral phenomena, such an will behave as it damned well pleases’’—E. O. as aggression and drug-sensitive reward. This review Wilson’s Basic Law of Animal Behavior effectively sums summarizes a body of quantitative work, which identi- up our combined sense of wonder and frustration as fies biogenic amines as a pharmacological substrate for multiple presentations of a specific stimulus rarely evoke motivated behaviors in the crayfish, Orconectes rusticus. identical responses, even under rigorously specified Specifically, this paper details progress that has (1) environmental conditions. Thus, altered responses must explored links between serotonin and an individual’s be attributed to changes in the internal state of an aggressive state, and (2) demonstrated the existence of individual. Terms such as ‘‘specific arousal’’, ‘‘motiva- crayfish reward systems that are sensitive to human tion’’, or ‘‘behavioral state’’ collectively refer to the drugs of abuse, such as psychostimulants. First, we subset of reversible, short-term alterations in behavior summarize a set of experimental approaches that explore that are not associated with fatigue or learning aggression in crayfish and the significance of aminergic (Immelmann and Beer 1989). Used purely as an inter- systems in its control. Agonistic behavior in crustaceans vening concept and without regard to its neural under- can be characterized within a quantitative framework; pinnings, the predictive value of a ‘‘motivation’’ depends different types of behavioral plasticity in aggressive on whether it provides a simpler representation of rela- behavior are in need of physiological explanation, and tionships within the given system (Hinde 1982). It is of pharmacological intervention involving serotonergic little use when we are forced to postulate a separate systems bring about characteristic changes in behavior. motivation for each pattern we wish to explain. Indeed, A second set of experiments demonstrates that psycho- with a full understanding of a particular behavior’s stimulants (cocaine and D-amphetamine) serve as re- causes, we would have no need for such a term at all wards when an intra-circulatory infusion is coupled to a (Dawkins 1995). distinct visual environment. Work in novel model sys- Traditionally, motivations were viewed as individual, tems such as crayfish constitutes a useful comparative unitary properties corresponding to broad behavioral approach to the study of aggression and drug addiction. categories such as eating, parental care, or fighting (Tinbergen 1951). These forces were thought to interact, Keywords Biogenic amine Æ Aggression Æ Agonistic and thereby guide behavior, in a ‘‘great parliament of behavior Æ Motivation Æ Addiction instincts’’ (Lorenz 1966). This classical ethological view of the term ‘‘motivation’’ has not been without its critics, and such models have now largely been superseded by a more complex, multidimensional view, where each par- R. Huber ticular behavioral response arises from the close inter- Center for Neuroscience, Mind and Behavior, action of several independent physiological or stimulus Department of Biological Sciences, axes. In the present paper, we view behavior as a set of Bowling Green State University, individual decisions—each with a particular probability Bowling Green, OH 43403, USA E-mail: [email protected] of occurrence, a motivational context, and controlled by Tel.: +1-419-3727492 the interplay of distinct underlying causative mecha- Fax: +1-419-3722024 nisms. Motivational states thus simply refer to intrinsic 232 forces that promote the occurrence of defined sets of has become increasingly clear that neither the classical behaviors within an adaptive context, without implying ethological nor a traditional neuropharmacological ap- a specific underlying framework (e.g., psycho-hydraulic proach will suffice alone. For an integrated analysis of model—Lorenz 1966, neuro-evolutionary con- neuromodulators in complex behavior, it is essential that structs—MacLean 1990; Panksepp 1998). It is important we combine studies of physiology, biochemistry, phar- to note that without knowledge of their underlying macology, and molecular genetics with quantitative substrates, action tendencies cannot be measured di- behavioral analyses (Lederhendler and Shulkin 2000; rectly but can only be assessed a posteriori through Chen et al. 2002; van Staaden and Huber 2001). observations of behavior under defined circumstances of Aminergic mechanisms that generalize across broad stimulus (Seitz 1940). In some instances, however, esti- taxonomic boundaries reflect an ancient evolutionary mates of behavioral states may be gained via known emergence of amine-signaling mechanisms predating correlates, such as color patterns (Summers and that of the lineage. Specifically, such systems Greenberg 1994; Belthoff and Gowaty 1996; O’Connor share significant commonalities in their neurobiological et al. 1999), social status (Raab et al. 1986; Saltzman substrates: sequence homologies of key receptor ele- et al. 1996; Yang et al. 2001), territoriality (Wazlavek ments (Hen 1992, 1993), pharmacological properties and Figler 1989; Bolyard and Rowland 2000; Ratti (Tierney 2001), methods of inactivation (Porzgen et al. 2000), or neurochemical measures (Yodyingyuad et al. 2001), general modes of action (Vernier et al. 1995, 1985; Dillon et al. 1992; Lopez et al. 2002). 1997), and association with similar behavioral contexts A comprehensive understanding of the causation of (Kravitz 1988, 2000). G protein-coupled, metabotropic behavior, beyond the intervening level of motivations, monoamine receptors appear to have arisen during the requires that behavioral variability is ultimately mapped evolutionary transition to multicellular life (Vernier onto its underlying proximate mechanisms. Monoamine et al. 1995). Presumably, early metazoans adopted systems are attractive candidates for the control of such monoamine systems to represent global motivational motivational axes as they modify neural function at states, which coordinate functions of individual cells in multiple levels and may thereby bring about coordinated different parts of the body for adaptive responses to- responses to environmental perturbations (Libersat and wards environmental perturbations. Due to phyloge- Pflu¨ ger 2004). Neuromodulators and neurohormones netic conservation, vertebrates and invertebrates offer are generally considered to selectively sensitize or de- significant homologies within functional sets of receptor press sensory elements, organize neuronal activity in families (Peroutka and Howell 1994; Walker et al. 1996; central circuits, or bias motor systems towards contex- Chan and Jan 1999). Since the Precambrian, however, tually appropriate states (e.g., Harris-Warrick and independent evolutionary paths have given rise to the Kravitz 1984; Beltz and Kravitz 1986; Beyer and Feder present-day diversity of (ortho as well as paralogous) 1987; Bicker and Menzel 1989). In this manner, amines subtypes, their respective pharmacological profiles, and are thought to alter the activity of specific neural deci- individual links with specific behaviors. sion-making centers (Nader et al. 1997). Rather than Crayfish have continued to play a unique role among produce behavior per se, these substances appear to tune invertebrate models for studies of mechanisms due to a ongoing activity and, in a given context, promote the nervous system that is uniquely accessible to a wide occurrence of adaptive behaviors (e.g. feeding, flight, range of behavioral, neural, and neurochemical ap- fight, or mating) over contraadaptive ones (Kravitz proaches. Behaviors contain stereotyped elements and 1988; Libersat and Pflu¨ ger 2004). Considerations about its CNS consists of relatively few, large, recognizable their specificity reflect shifts in our expectations from a neurons embedded within a well-characterized func- view of neural mechanisms ‘‘for’’ a particular behavior, tional neuroanatomy for modulatory substances (Kra- to one that modifies neural environments ‘‘fostering’’ the vitz 1988, 2000; Libersat and Pflu¨ ger 2004). Offering occurrence of specific behaviors (Heinrich et al. 2001; greatly reduced complexity compared to any other ver- van Staaden and Huber 2001). Such systems are par- tebrate, its main strength lies in experimental opportu- ticularly difficult to study in behavioral contexts since nities to first identify and then obtain a detailed aminergic neurons send extensive projections across understanding of the inner workings at key neuronal large areas of nervous tissue (Azmitia and Segal 1978; sites for the behavioral plasticity in question. However, a Lidov and Molliver 1982; Beltz and Kravitz 1987)to comprehensive framework linking neuromodulator respective targets that possess a full complement of function with motivated behavior has remained elusive. receptors, each with a unique coupling mechanism and Recent work has helped to extend basic neuroetho- binding profile (Hen 1992, 1993; Kroeze and Roth 1998; logical generalities towards an ethopharmacological Tierney 2001). Moreover, depending on the precise exploration of increasingly complex behavioral phe- context and species, amines such as serotonin serve as a nomena. The present paper addresses such fundamental trophic factor during development, a classical neuro- issues by reviewing recent findings from (1) studies transmitter, a neuromodulator, or a neurohormone. exploring the role and specificity of serotonin in crayfish Thus, the very properties that make neuromodulators aggression, and (2) work characterizing natural reward attractive for hypotheses relating to the coordination of mechanisms in crayfish that are sensitive to human drugs behavior also make them inherently difficult to study. It of abuse. 233

effects associated with acute serotonin infusion were Serotonergic modulation of crayfish aggression blocked in the presence of fluoxetine (Huber et al. 1997a, b; Huber and Delago 1998). This finding suggests that a Views on the behavioral importance of the indoleamine functional high-affinity serotonin reuptake mechanism serotonin have converged on its importance in orches- (Livingstone et al. 1980) is a prerequisite, that serotonin- trating social behaviors such as aggression and affiliation associated behavioral plasticity required the preloading in a wide range of taxa (Insel and Winslow 1998; Nelson of synaptic terminals (which can be blocked by fluoxe- and Chiavegatto 2001). Precisely where, how, and under tine), and that they were possibly mediated through the what conditions these substances exert their effects, activity of slow acting, metabotropic receptors. How- however, remains unclear. Increased serotonin function ever, this work serves as a reminder not to view amin- is often considered to lower aggression in vertebrates, ergic neuromodulatory systems as too simplistic. For while the opposite scenario appears to hold true for instance, fluoxetine, which by itself would be expected to invertebrate taxa (Edwards and Kravitz 1997; Weiger result in similar short-term effects as serotonin infusion, 1997). Although it is possible that serotonin systems did not produce an increase in fighting. We should keep underlying aggression simply underwent a sign change in mind that the control of amine levels and release during early vertebrate evolution, a more complex pic- constitutes only one component of a highly dynamic ture is emerging. In both vertebrates and invertebrates, system in action. Although intriguing, the particulars of either enhanced or reduced aggression may result from such associations are not yet clear and await further elevating or lowering levels of serotonin depending on clarification perhaps using pharmacological manipula- the particular taxa studied (Eichelman 1990; Ison et al. tion of specific 5HT-receptor subtypes. 1996; Doernberg et al. 2001), the brain region involved To further distinguish between specific aggression- (Romaniuk et al. 1987; Wieczorek and Romaniuk 1994; enhancing effects of serotonin and more global effects Koprowska and Romaniuk 1997), the individual’s social on motor activity/coordination, the present study has status (Ison et al. 1996), the method used to manipulate explored levels of activity, movement patterns, and serotonin levels (Cases et al. 1995; Panksepp and Huber space utilization in individuals receiving serotonin in 2002), or the precise behavioral paradigm examined ways that corresponded in dose, mode, site, and time (Raleigh et al. 1991; Harrison et al. 1997). Disagreement course of infusion to our earlier fighting studies. Un- also arises from the use of disparate, incompatible, and der these conditions the present studies failed to detect often poorly defined, perspectives of ‘‘aggression’’ (e.g., significant differences in locomotion and movement aggressive state, risk taking, lack of control for impul- patterns compared with controls. For instance, neither siveness, violence, negative effects of stress, an ability to mean speed nor mean distance traveled differed sig- win single agonistic encounters, or achieving and nificantly (Fig. 1c, d) for individuals who received maintaining social dominance). saline at 3 ll/min for 60 min (control, C), containing Crayfish offer a system in which to characterize 3 lg/min of octopamine (OA), or serotonin (5-HT). serotonergic effects in the causation of aggression using Subsequent work using chronic augmentation or a simplified scenario. Our initial work examined fighting disruption of serotonin function explored to what behavior in crayfish pairs with large size asymmetries degree considerations of time scales and dynamic (>30%), where the smaller (subordinate) individual properties enhance our understanding of the links received acute serotonin infusions via a fine-bore, fused between amines and behavior. Pharmacological inter- silica cannula (Huber et al. 1997a, b; Huber and Delago vention of the amine system function appears to be 1998). During such treatment, infused individuals again accompanied by a rapid induction of compensatory reengaged their larger opponents, resulting in longer mechanisms that counteract any such treatment. Dif- fights that reached higher levels of intensity compared to ferences in fighting behavior resulting from chronic controls (Fig. 1a). Multivariate techniques (e.g., discri- infusions of serotonin were initially accompanied by minant function analysis) revealed that serotonin treat- predicted effects for behavior and pharmacology, fol- ment had specifically altered the decision to retreat from lowed by a steady decrease in serotonin’s effectiveness an opponent, without affecting how likely the animal (Panksepp and Huber 2002; Panksepp et al. 2004). was to initiate fights, how individual fights progressed to Infusions from silastic tube implants containing sero- higher intensities, or in the case of large size asymme- tonin (Panksepp and Huber 2002) and lasting up to tries, the eventual social rank that was achieved. Sero- several weeks initially boosted absolute amine levels tonin appears to act upon key sites for agonistic (Fig. 1e, f). Within a week, however, the system ac- ‘‘decision making’’ in the crayfish’s central nervous quired an ability to counteract the effects of constant system. Although arriving at similar empirical outcomes, infusion and absolute levels of serotonin returned to alternative interpretations have been advanced (e.g., pretreatment levels. Moreover, with continued seroto- Peeke et al. 2000) holding rather that an inhibition of nin infusion, some individuals even showed evidence retreat occurs through global downregulation of activity of serotonin depletion as compensatory mechanisms or motor coordination. evidently brought about a decrease in serotonin. Such It is likely that serotonin reuptake mechanisms play a neuronal compensation may involve changes at a crucial role in this behavioral change as the behavioral variety of levels, including synthesis (Stachowiak et al. 234

1986; Sivam 1995), amine release (Lent 1984; Hall for environments in which they received cocaine or et al. 1999), metabolic activity (Ase et al. 2000; D-amphetamine (Panksepp et al. 2004; Panksepp and Fickbohm et al. 2000), or receptor turnover (Patel Huber 2004) has remedied this deficit. et al. 1996; Woo et al. 1996). Behavior in studies Success of the present exploratory venture will result using chronic treatments did not track the aggression- in a formal characterization of drug-sensitive reward enhancing effects of serotonin that have emerged from and develop our initial observations into a validated, acute infusions (Fig. 1b). Although this advises cau- well-characterized research model. With highly accessi- tion when discussing the presence of links between ble, modularly organized, and neural/neuromodulatory amines and behavior in general, it more likely reflects systems of relatively low complexity, crayfish may pro- the essential constraints and properties of a dynamic vide a comparably efficient, simplified model for cross- system where the relative size of a signal relative to a species insights complementing investigations into given setpoint as well as its timing are critical. mammalian systems. Neuronal ‘‘simplicity’’ combined with the potential for elegant behavioral analyses sug- gest that this model is highly suited for comprehensive, experimental analyses of specific mechanisms underlying Psychostimulants activate crayfish reward drug reward and addictive properties at the level of single neurons and identified synaptic sites. Clearly, this The usefulness of this model system for studies of work is motivated by the promise of enhanced under- addiction was not previously recognized because a drug- standing at increasingly reductionistic levels of analysis, reward phenomenon had not been documented. How- such as the identification of drug-induced plasticity in ever, the demonstration that crayfish are indeed fully cellular properties of identified neurons, circuits, and capable of exhibiting conditioned place preference modulatory systems. Success in this endeavor will 235 b tion of drug craving in mammals (Robinson and Fig. 1 Composite figure illustrates differences in fight duration Berridge 1993). Consistent with work on both mammals resulting from pharmacological manipulations of crayfish serotonin and flies, presynaptic catecholaminergic mechanisms systems. a Fine-bore fused silica capillaries were used to infuse serotonin into freely moving, subordinate at 3 lg/min. appear to modulate the formation of behavioral sensi- Serotonin infusion resulted in longer fighting that persisted well after tization, while postsynaptic elements act in its mainte- the infusion pump was turned off. b Duration of fighting in nance. individuals, which received chronic silastic implants containing either Besides underscoring the neurochemical similarities 5-HT synthesis inhibitors (5,7-dihydroxytryptamine or alpha-meth- yltryptamine) or serotonin at one of two different rates. No of vertebrate and invertebrate lineages, work with psy- significant differences in fight duration existed among these groups chostimulants in Drosophila has also contributed new (F(4,314)=1.06, P=0.374). c, d Measures of locomotion were hypotheses and insights concerning the roles of trace obtained for crayfish (Orconectes rusticus) during infusion of 3 ll amines and circadian mechanisms in drug addictions. vehicle/min (control, C) or with an equal volume containing 3 lg/ min OA or 5-HT. Movements of treated individuals (masses: 8.1– Tyramine, the monohydroxyphenol analog of dopa- 17.0 g) were videotaped from above for 60 min. Locations (x and y mine, is essential for behavioral sensitization of Dro- coordinates) were obtained every 5 s from a series of digitized frames sophila. Mutants with reduced levels of this trace amine using video-tracking software (freely available at http://cas- exhibit a normal initial response to cocaine exposure, par.bgsu.edu/software/java/ based on Quicktime for Java libraries). The average straight-line distance in screen pixels between consec- but do not sensitize, while an increase in tyramine mir- utive captures was used to obtain measures for c mean distance and d rors behavioral sensitization of wild-type flies (Mcclung speed of locomotion for each individual. ANOVA revealed no and Hirsch 1999). Moreover, behavioral sensitization in significant main effects for treatment (distance: F(2,18)=0.229, flies depends on tyramine interactions with members of P=0.797; speed: F(2,18)=0.487, P=0.623). e, f 5-HT content [log of 5-HT(pg) ±standard deviation (SD)] for e brain and f the the circadian gene family. In contrast to wild-type flies, remainder of the CNS tissues in experimental groups, which had those lacking the per gene do not exhibit a normal sen- received serotonin chronically for 1–50 days. Levels of serotonin in sitization response when challenged with postsynaptic untreated controls are indicated by the horizontal gray region stimulation of a vertebrate D agonist (Andretic et al. (mean ± SD). Brain levels have remained unchanged throughout 2 this study. Levels in the remainder of the nervous systems were 1999; Andretic and Hirsh 2000). With attention focused initially higher than controls but over time returned to control levels on these processes in mammals, recent work has sug- gested that the validity of such findings could well span depend critically on the more immediate characteriza- wide, taxonomic borders. Tyramine occurs at trace lev- tion and validation of this general study system with els in the mammalian brain (Durden and Davis 1993), respect to its behavioral phenomena in addiction. mostly supplied through food intake. Its pharmacolog- Except for some recent initiatives (e.g., Hill and ical profile in vertebrates is ‘‘amphetamine-like’’, as it Newlin 2002), evolutionary factors in addiction research augments synaptic catecholamines through inhibition of have received scant attention compared with cultural, membrane transporter uptake (Sitte et al. 1998). More- environmental, biological, or pathological concerns over, some of the 15 trace amine receptors that have (Nesse and Berridge 1997). As with humans, it has since been cloned in both rats and humans are located in become clear that a wide range of animals will work long the ventral tegmental area (Borowsky et al. 2001). and hard to obtain psychostimulant drugs through Finally, upregulated transcription of per, a circadian compulsive self-administration (Johanson et al. 1976; gene required for sensitization in flies, has been dem- Wise 1998). Such addictive properties likely involve the onstrated in mammalian dorsal striatal regions receiving action of specific reward pathways. As a result of input from midbrain dopamine neurons (Nikaido et al. selective pressures, activation of natural reward systems 2001). Such work highlights how an exploration of basic is usually aligned with an individual’s adaptive purpose, processes in simpler systems can advance unanticipated enticing it to satisfy inherent motivations for nourish- hypotheses for a study of related phenomena in mam- ment, sex, or ‘‘contact comfort’’ (Panksepp et al. 2002). mals. Few studies, however, have addressed an associ- Addictive compounds are thus likely to act on evolu- ation between reward and drugs of abuse in tionarily conserved brain substrates for reward beyond invertebrates using behavioral criteria. A study of nat- those unique to humans. During the addictive process, ural substrate preference in planarians demonstrated a natural reward systems are being commandeered by switch to the nonpreferred environment when it was highly purified chemical compounds, which promote paired with methamphetamine, an effect that was compulsive behavior, even as they result in negative blocked by pretreatment with selective vertebrate D1 outcomes, such as starvation (Wise 1998). and D2 antagonists (Kusayama and Watanabe 2000). Behavioral stereotypes following exposure to addic- Crayfish, where a complex behavioral repertoire com- tive drugs have recently been reported for several bines with detailed knowledge of neurochemical systems invertebrates (Palladini et al. 1996; Mcclung and Hirsch and a body size that supports in vivo handling, offered 1999; Torres and Horowitz 1998). Fruit flies exposed to distinct advantages for an ethopharmacological dissec- high doses of cocaine derivatives exhibit conspicuous tion of invertebrate reward. behaviors such as grooming, stereotypical locomotion, We have demonstrated that both cocaine and and akinesia. These behavioral changes are subject to amphetamine are able to serve as reinforcers when sensitization upon repeated application (Mcclung and crayfish are subjected to a place-conditioning schedule Hirsch 1999), which is thought to reflect an intensifica- (Panksepp and Huber 2004; Panksepp et al. 2004). For 236

Fig. 2 a An arena with two distinct visual environments (white or ronmental preference due to individual differences. striped). b On each of five consecutive days, crayfish with a cannula Treatment effects were thus analyzed as a biased design implanted into the pericardial sinus, received two conditioning trials a day in random order and separated by 8–12 h. Individuals (viz., ‘‘Can the negative preference for the striped envi- were confined to one environment for 30 min where they received a ronment be reversed by pairing it with drugs of abuse?’’). 5-min infusion followed by 25 min without treatment. In control Individuals exhibited a robust shift to the striped envi- individuals (n=13), both environments were paired with saline (i.e., ronment (Panksepp et al. 2004) when it was paired with vehicle). One experimental group (n=12) received infusion of D- amphetamine or cocaine (Fig. 3a). Even a single condi- amphetamine (5 lg/g body mass) in the striped environment, with its strong visual cues and naturally aversive properties, whereas the tioning trial for control (n=8) and amphetamine (n=10) white environment was associated with the infusion of vehicle. produced a noticeable, although nonsignificant, shift Cocaine (2.5 lg/g body mass) was applied to a second experimental (ANOVA F[1,16]=3.46; P=0.08; power=0.42) to the group (n=5) in the striped environment instead. c After 5 days of conditioned environment (not shown), suggesting that conditioning, crayfish were allowed unrestricted access to the entire arena for 60 min in a ‘‘drug-free’’ state with locations monitored effect strength increases with repeated application. A continuously using a video-tracking system temporal analysis (Fig. 3b) illustrated that crayfish first explored the experimental field, irrespective of treatment. As exploration slowed, both amphetamine- and cocaine- these initial experiments, we used a particular combina- conditioned animals progressively settled into the con- tion of conditions (Fig. 2), i.e., we used drug doses that ditioned quadrant, while controls settled on white. We were large but did not impair motor systems. We paired anticipate that larger treatment effects will result from drug with distinct visual cues, and we applied repeated further optimization of experimental conditions. Five- training trials over 5 days. Results for the control group day conditioning experiments, nonetheless, were associ- following a 5-day conditioning schedule indicated the ated with a high degree of power (value=0.97) indicating presence of a small, natural aversion to the striped visual a robust and replicable phenomenon (i.e., where all environment, with a mean of 42% of the time spent there. individuals showed some drug-rewarded place condi- This result was replicated in two additional experiments. tioning) even in individuals caught in the wild (Panksepp The slight bias against the striped environment is and Huber 2004). Power analysis also allowed us to expressed as an average preference for individuals across suggest minimum sample sizes needed for experiments days rather than being the result of variability in envi- using independent groups of individuals. The development of robust behavioral paradigms for measures of reward strength associated with drugs of Fig. 3 a Mean proportion of time (out of 60 min) spent in the abuse will offer a powerful model for subsequent striped environment (±SE) after 5 days of conditioning with behavioral, physiological, biochemical, pharmacologi- vehicle (n=13), amphetamine (n=12), or cocaine (n=5). Pairing with drugs of abuse produced a significant shift towards the cal, or molecular dissections of reward systems in cray- conditioned environment (ANOVA F[2,27]=10.08; P<0.001; fish. Neuro-pharmacological systems of crayfish, which power=0.97). b Amphetamine-conditioned crayfish initially are comparatively less complex, and more accessible explored the tank, but slowed down (i.e., walking speed decreases) than those in mammals, will allow us to direct our and progressively settled into the drug-conditioned environment attention towards a subsequent comprehensive phar- (partially striped) 237 macological deconstruction of reward mechanisms in Beyer C, Feder HH (1987) Sex steroids and afferent input—their crayfish. With the success of the experiments described roles in brain sexual differentiation. Annu Rev Physiol 49:349– 364 above, a large number of studies become feasible. We Bicker G, Menzel R (1989) Chemical codes for the control of may (1) block or interfere with the strength of reward behavior in arthropods. 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