Archives Congressional District Visits Spring 2019

OVERSIGHT COMMITTEES FOR NATIONAL ARCHIVES & NHPRC House Oversight Committee and Government Reform Subcommittee on Government Operations (National Archives and NHPRC – Regarding NHPRC Re-Authorization) Democrats Republicans Gerald Connolly, (VA) Chair Mark Meadows, (NC) Ranking Member , (DC) (KY) (MD) (GA) (CA) (WI) (MI) (KY) (VI) (SC) (CA) W. (FL) Stephen Lynch (MA) (MD)

Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee (National Archives and NHPRC – Regarding NHPRC Re-Authorization) Republicans Democrats Ron Johnson, (WI) Chair Gary Peters, (MI) Ranking Member Rob Portman (OH) Thomas Carper (DE) Rand Paul (KY) Margaret Hassan (NH) James Lankford (OK) Kamala Harris (CA) Mitt Romney (UT) Krysten Sinema (AZ) Rick Scott (FL) (NV) Michael Enzi (WY) Josh Hawley (MO)

APPROPRIATIONS COMMITTEES & SUBCOMMITTEES House Subcommittee on Financial Services and General Government (National Archives and NHPRC) Democrats Republicans Michael Quigley, (IL) Chair Tom Graves, (GA) Ranking Member , Jr. (GA) Mark Amodei (NV) Matthew Cartwright (PA) (OH) (FL) Chris Stewart (UT) (AZ) Jose Serrano (NY) (CA)

APPROPRIATIONS COMMITTEES & SUBCOMMITTEES (Continued) House Subcommittee on Labor, Health & Human Services, Education (Institute for Museums and Library Services) Democrats Republicans Rosa DeLauro, (CT) Chair , (OK) Ranking Member (IL) Tom Graves (GA) (MA) (MD) (FL) (WA) (CA) (MI) (WA) Lucille Roybal-Allard (CA) (NJ)

House Subcommittee on Interior, Environment and Related Agencies (National Endowment for the Humanities) Democrats Republicans Betty McCollum, (MN) Chair David Joyce, (OH) Ranking Member (WA) Mark Amodei (NV) Brenda Lawrence (MI) (ID) (ME) Chris Stewart (UT) Mike Quigley (IL) Jose Serrano (NY) Bonnie Watson Coleman (NJ)

Senate Subcommittee on Financial Services and General Government (National Archives and NHPRC) Republicans Democrats John Kennedy, (LA) Chair Chris Coons, (CT) Ranking Member Jerry Moran (KS) Richard Durbin (IL) John Boozman (AR) Joe Manchin (WV) Steve Daines (MT) Chris Van Hollen (MD) James Lankford (OK)

Senate Subcommittee on Labor, Health & Human Services, Education (Institute for Museums and Library Services) Republicans Democrats Roy Blunt, (MO) Chair Patty Murray, (WA) Ranking Member Richard Shelby (AL) Richard Durbin (IL) Lamar Alexander (TN) Jack Reed (RI) Lindsey Graham (SC) Jeanne Shaheen (NH) Jerry Moran (KS) Jeff Merkley (OR) Shelley Moore Capito (WV) Brian Schatz (HI) John Kennedy (LA) Tammy Baldwin (WI) Cindy Hyde-Smith (MS) Chris Murphy (CT) Marco Rubio (FL) Joe Manchin (WV) James Lankford (OK)

Senate Subcommittee on Interior, Environment and Related Agencies (National Endowment for the Humanities) Republicans Democrats Lisa Murkowski, (AK) Chair Tom Udall, (NM) Ranking Member Lamar Alexander (TN) Dianne Feinstein (CA) Roy Blunt (MO) Patrick Leahy (VT) Mitch McConnell (KY) Jack Reed (RI) Shelley Moore Capito (WV) Jon Tester (MT) Cindy Hyde-Smith (MS) Jeff Merkley (OR) Steve Daines (MT Chris Van Hollen (MD) Marco Rubio (FL)