Operations update

Possible Level Fluctuations in River

8 January 2020

WaterNSW is advising customers and community that stream levels in the Tumut River may vary at times when the power station availability at is impacted by bush fire emergencies over the next few days.

Commencing 8 January 2020, 2,500ML/day shall be released through the valves at Blowering Dam, with the remaining demand met from power station releases.

Due to the current bushfire threats in the region around Blowering Dam, a potential risk of unexpected shutdown of the power station has been identified by WaterNSW.

In the event that the bush fire emergency does impact the power station operation in coming days, this action will ensure that a release of 2,500 ML/day is maintained in the Tumut River. If there is no impact from bush fire, then flow would remain relatively steady as per normal operating conditions.

WaterNSW has consulted with the Snowy Valley Council to ensure risks for firefighting actions are not at risk, prior to taking this decision and will regularly review the release strategy while the bush fire threat persists.

In addition, WaterNSW has increased release from in an effort to manage risk of supply to irrigation customers that may also arise from the unexpected shutdown of the Blowering Dam power station. Transfer of demand from Blowering to Burrinjuck is not desirable at this time, as WaterNSW must continue to manage the long-term resource availability for the Murrumbidgee Valley.

WaterNSW advises customers, landholders and community to monitor river levels closely and to make necessary arrangements to ensure infrastructure, livestock and personnel safety are not impacted by the fluctuating river levels.

Authorised by

Vincent Kelly, Water Systems Operation Manager South

WaterNSW ABN 21 147 934 787 169 Macquarie Street Parramatta NSW 2150 PO Box 398, Parramatta NSW 2124 T 1300 662 077 E [email protected] waternsw.com.au