22 Die in Indiana in Coal Mine Blast
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Weattier Distribution Today Mostly fair with ram doudj- 17,450 MM today aid tonight Iacrea*- RED BANK Ing cloudineli tomorrow.'High both d»yi around St. Low to- 1 Independent Daily f night, 4». , (^ MONDAY THBOUOH MIDAY-tST in J SH .1-0010 luutA d*Uj. Itondty ttonugft Friday, attood Clus Poauga 35c PER WEEK VOL. 83, NO. 172 R«i Buk wit tx idaiuonu luuuii oimi. RED BANK, N. J., FRIDAY, MARCH 3, 1961 7c PER COPY BY CARRIER PAGE ONE Exec Mansion Fire Grocery Details 22 Die in Indiana Routs Rockefellers Halted $250,000 GIs Are Freed From Clerking In Coal Mine Blast Worth of Art In Commissary FORT MONMOUTH — Gro- Is. Destroyed ceries are now being bagged at Remove the Fort Monmouth commissary ALBANY, N. Y. (AP)— on a customer do-it-yoursell I Gov. and Mrs. Nelson A sis, it was disclosed today. ' Rockefeller fled to safety Following a furor raised by Burned early today as a flash fire Rep. Frank Kowalski (D-Conn.) over assignment of soldiers to wrecked New York's his- the commissary, J. Peter Hoff- toric old executive mansion man, Fort Monmouth Public In- Bodies and destroyed picture's and formation Officer, said today GI details were cancelled on orders TERRE HAUTE, Ind. art objects valued at more than from top Army officials in Wash- AP) — Twenty-two coal $250,000. ington. miners died in a searing, The governor, roused by his As of last Friday, customers tearing explosion deep in wife, climbed from a cecond- —with the help of civilian cash- , floor bedroom window to the roof iers at check out counters and shaft last night. Masked I' of a shelter over the main en- with no help from Instruction rescue workers hauled out trance and directed firemen in sheets the Army had Issued to their torn, burned bodies in the rescue of three servants, soldier-baggers—Jiaye been' help- temporarily isolated by flame Ing themselves. hazardous 10-hour operation. in their third-floor quarters. The 22nd body was carried out Mr. Hoffman said that teen- All occupants of the turreted, in a clattering mine rail car at age boys who live with their Victorian-style residence thai :35 a.m. (CST) today. It had families on the reservation have once housed Presidents Grove been about six hoars since the been invited to help carry bun- Cleveland and two Roosevelts, first body was found. dles to cars in return for tips Theodore and Franklin D., es- Pockets of intense heat and which might be offered by cus- caped down ladders without in deadly coal gas threatened the tomers. operation and forced the rescuers "This is the way it will have Paintings charred by flames HAT IN THE RING —Sen. Walter H, Jones IR-Bergan), one of the three leading to push forward with the great- to be until funds are authorized that apparently originated in th est care. to employ additional civilian candidate* for the Republican gubernatorial nomination next month, is flanked by main-floor drawing room am Wasn't Heard workers," Mr. Hoffman said. Dr. Warren Fowler, Jr., left, and Hubert M. Farrow, Jr., both directors of the Red swept up the wide, main stair- The explosion was so far un- case included numerous old mas- Bank Rotary Club. Sen. Jones, the preisnt Senate majority leader, addressed a derground that nobody heard it, ters valued at about $7.00,000 club luncheon yesterday at the Molly Pitcher Hotel. and mine officials were unable They were given to the mansio Thompson to pinpoint the time it occurred. by W. Averell Harriman, Rocke- TrouWe was first discovered feller's immediate predecessor i between 9 and 10 p.m. (CST) office. i Indicted For when the miners failed to answer U. S. NAVY SUBMARINE TENDER Prot.uj, above, moved Cause Unknown Opposes Broad Base Tax a routine telephone check. info Scotland1! Holy Lech today to set up a floating bas« The cause of the fire was no' Murder Twenty-two other miners in determined. another sectaort were immediate- for Polaris-carrying submarines. It was under protection The fire was brought undei Chair Mandatory Jones Challenges Rivals to Air Views on Issue ly ordered to the surface. of a British wariMp against a mosquito armada of Eng- control about an hour after r What touched off the explosion nomination, former I). S. Labo lish pacifists. The Protaus will be used to supply and was discovered. On Conviction RED BANK-State Sen. Walter senator, a leading candidate for was not known. There was spec- The disheveled governor toured H. Jones (R-Bergen) expressed the Republican nomination, told Secretary James P. Mitchell o] ulation that the miners broke load missiles aboard U, S. nuclear-powered submarines the lower floors of the 40-room Under Charge opposition yesterday to a the Rotary Club at the Molly Little Silver. through into an old shaft In roving the seas off European coasts. (AP Wirephoto) (See FIRE, Pg. 3) broad base tax in New Jersey Pitcher Hotel. "Voters have a Mr. Mitchell, who addressed which deadly coal gas had ac- NEW YORK (AP) - Child kill- and challenged the other guber- right to know the candidates' po- the local club last month, said cumulated. er Fred J. Thompson was called natorial candidates to announce sitions." he had "no pat answer, no pana- As soon as the explosion was to court today to face a first de their views publicly. < Sen. Jones' call for a tax stand cea" to the state's financial prob- discovered, fresh air was poured gree murder indictment. "The people shouldn't have to was a thinly veiled challenge to lems and stated he would cam- into the mine, but it had no Lively Hearing Precedes Conviction- would make a death vote on a question mark," the another aspirant for the GOP paign on his record of public chance of penetrating the wall ot chair sentence mandatory. service, swirling dust, smoke and fumes The 59-year-old alcoholic drift- 'Not EnougV —and, anyway, all 22 men ap- er was expected to be sent to a Call Prosecutor Sen., Jones charged ;.,VI jiareaWy •#«**.-the blast. mental hospital for examitiatioa that it was not enough for Down »J Feet to determine whether he is fit to Budget Okay candidate to say 'he has no pai The mea werjr.265 feet below stand trial. answer" to the tax situation. Widespread public hostility Start Investigation tie surface and about three miles 1 ' VEV SHREWSpURY - After the budget. Mr. Cole voiced-a]081 item for "reserve for unco! the killer led authorities to ordei Sen. Jones then qualified hi; back in -the" sloping shaft. a lively two-hour public hear- reluctant "Aye." lected taxes. a bulletproof steel van for hii stand against a broad base ta: Birch Brooks, vice president ing. Borough Council last night Opposition to the budget from Councilman Herbert L. Willetl ride from the men's house of de by indicating he might favo and general manager of the Vi- adopted th* 1961'budget of $443, the public was led by Conrad 3d, explained this amount tention in the Bronx to the Crim- On Unsigned Flyers some type of sales tax it tin (See 22 KILLED, Pg. 2) 729.19 for jnflhicipal purposes. Smith, Tinton Falls, who said he fixed by state taw at an amounl inal Courts Building in'Manhat- funds could be rigidly designated UNION BEACH — The Board the board's opinion that such un This, plus school and county could show the council how to governed by actual tax collec- tan. for use in the educational area of Education has instructed, its signed flyers, "which contain The Bergen County candidati taxes, will bring the total budg- save $100,000 on municipal ex- tions of the previous year. A Manhattan Grand Ju^ry, act- Brett to Rim attorney to start an investigation distortions, misinformation, half- said that educational expend! et f to $1,313,310.21, of which penses. Last year, he said, borougl ing with extraordinary speed, into the question of the legality truths and outright falsehoods." turcs consume up to 75 per cen tS per cent must be raised by tax collections dropped for thi handed up the Indictment yester- For Committee His suggestions Included con- of unsigned election campaign are illegal and tfeat persons re- of local budgets and betweer property taxes. first time in years. Therefore, day a few hours after the burial tracting for garbage collection, flyers. Edward J. Scullion, board sponsible can be prosecuted. 25 and 30 per cent of the state's ATLANTIC TOWNSHIP' — ~" tax rate will go up by he continued, the borough has ol Thompson's victim, 4-year-oli secretary, revealed yesterday. and challenging the legality of Mr. Scullion noted that there He declared that some waj Peter Brett will, be the Demo- about 15 per cent. the legal obligation to pdt aside Edith (Google) Kiercorius. the state requirement for a re- Mr. Scullion said it is "quite have been many such flyers dis- must be found to bring tax reliel cratic party's Candidate for Town- The budget passed after money to meet the possibility The indictment, in line wit ship Committee here. g serve for uncollected taxes. likely" that the matter will be tributed in the borough in re- to tile property owner, but thai that collections may be as low customary procedure in sucli speeches by two councilman, presented to the county prosecu- cent years. any broad base tax,, "must be George Ulmensee, Jr., party Suggests Prep School again this year. cases, charged rape and feloniou who said it was too low, tor for action at that level.