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The BG News July 20, 1977

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REMEMBER JANUARY? The Icy winter snowstorms which cancelled classes, caused thousands ol BG students to remain on the semi-frozen, Arctic-like campus for at least one weekend during the quarter. It's July now and the tables are turned-the temperature tables, that is. Major blackouts, droughts and raging forest fires have plagued the nation in the last few weeks due to the extreme temperatures ranging in the high 90s. According to Miles Flet- cher of the Wood County Historical Society, the county experiences a heat spell Uke this once every decade. Despite the humidity and heat, BG Beating indents most continue to attend classes. However, Roberto Loera, Paul Dominguez and his cousin the heat Phillip, found a "cool" way to cool off by splashing in the fountain to front of the Administration building photos by Greg Smestad recently.

S, today's views Kent State: on a media merry-go-round

Editor's note: Rock E. Ross was among the 193 protestors what the media had told me the protest movement of the resistance of the protesters, caused flaring tempers and arrested at Kent State last Tuesday, the 12tfa. The charge sixties was like, and convince myself that I was not still resulted in several incidents of police boxing ears and was contempt of court. In a Portage County Jail, Ross was wallowing in the mud of ten years ago. kicking protesters in the buttocks. a cell-mate with the father of Sandra Scheuer, one of the My first emotion upon reaching Tent City was panic, for four students killed at Kent State In 1970 it was deserted. But I soon learned that all its occupants But the media was so preoccupied with the arrest scene were engaged elsewhere in a meeting to decide whether to on the hill that no cameras were available to capture the Editorial by be arrested and hordes of newsmen were tramping over actions of the police by the buses. The reports of the Rock E. Ross people and possessions in their zeal to capture the sights pleasant manners of the police came from the media and and sounds of the victorious "take the bust" faction. The KSU administration, and not from the protesters who THE MEDIA, especially television, Is responsible for newsmen had already taken control of the situation just were dragged down the hill and handcuffed so tightly that numerous changes in our perception of events and the by their presence, for each protester and the group as a black and blue bruises were commonplace. importance of the continually flowing effect of our per- whole was bound to attempt to capture the attention of the ceptions upon the events and people we are linked to can't press. But before the next day was over I realized the The general reaction by the media to the loss of Tent be underrated. The total visual and sound experience necessity of the mediazation of the bust. City was that the protest was over and the Coalition made possible by television has allowed for a type of The fundamental difference between the May Fourth disbanded under the overpowering influence of the law. experience not possible before the media transformed our Coalition and their predecessors of the Sixties lies in the But after most of the 193 people arrested had been world into Mcl^ihan's global village, a phantom deja vu released, they gathered together for a post-mortem. The experience. mood was one of jubilation and victory. While being Living most of my second decade in the silence of the 'My journey to Kent forced to leave the hill, the Coalition had achieved an- Seventies, my experience with mass student activism and tionwide press coverage and unified its forces into a anti-war protest has been minimal. The only association I was much like a pilgrimage; solidarity unknown before. The mass trauma of arrest had with the protest movement of the sixties has been an and the refreshing presence of the 1000 cheering onlookers ephemoral experience, made possible by film. Thus, it I was traveling to what a had dissolved all barriers between the members of the was surprising to me, when placed in a situation that Coalition. resembled only newsclips I had seen, to have a definite decade of protest had led to, 'feeling of having been there before. But not only was the THE ONLY DISAPPOINTMENT of the bust was that it (deja vu a phantom one, but it was also unreal, for the and where that decade failed to soften the hardened resolve of the university to Impressions I gathered from the media about the protests move the gym site. The vast disparity between the of the Sixties was unreal. The media is like memory, I had ended in Coalition and university is a result of the widening chasm discovered, and only the most rewarding and painful created by the shootings in 1970. To the Coalition, the site moments are remembered. I simply was not prepared by a span of thirteen seconds.' of the shooting is sacred, a spot where the unique forces of my impressions molded from the images I had received the Sixties pitted half of a generation against the other, from the media for the amount of boredom and stalemate attitude held toward methods of change. The Sixties was with tragic results. The site must be preserved, lest we I had to face. an attempt to change the archaic institutions which had forget and repeat that mistake in the future. It is im- outlived their usefulness, with the assumption that when perative for our children and grandchildren to have the MY OLDER SISTER planted the only memorial to the the institutions change, the people inside them change as shooting site available to look at, so they can understand four Kent State students murdered in 1970, but even well. The Coalition holds no such disallusionments; their what a decade of misunderstanding can lead to. without that family tie binding me to the memory of the idealism has been kicked in the teeth. The holding of Tent Kent State Four, I couldn't resist the siren call of the May City and mass arrest was not an attempt to change the The university, however, desires to forget the shooting Fourth Coalition. Two years of struggling for student minds of the university administrators; the Sixties and go on with the learning process they feel is the only power at a university whose administration rests secure showed the futility of that aim. The mass arrest was proper course for the university to take. What they fail to in the complacency of their students made me hungry for rather an attempt to gain nationwide press, and bring realize is that the university can no longer be separated any group of people devoted to a worthwhile cause. pressure to bear on the Kent administration from outside. from outside events, nor can the learning process be once more relegated to dry academics. I faced the most MY JOURNEY TO KENT was much Uke a religious BECAUSE IT WAS planned as a media event, all ac- challenging learning experience in my life during one day pilgrimage; I was traveling to what a decade of protest tivities were orchestrated to adhere to a schedule which at Kent. And it was the same for all the protesters - on had led to, and where that decade had ended in a span of would satisfy the media. Tactics for drawing out the that day we made choices, choices which required thirteen seconds. But like all religions, I was living in the arrest were devised, the object being to prolong the thinking extinct in our present day learning factories. It past and Kent, as much for the rest of the protesters as for arrests for as long as possible. Protesters linked arms was a moral test which required us to map out our lives, me, was an attempt to finally purge ourselves of the and legs, making it impossible for the campus police to where we had been and where we wanted to go. responsibility for the Kent State debacle, lay the blame pry more than one person at a time from the group. The topg.3 where it properly stood, and return to the present and arrests took almost two hours, and played havoc on both future by putting the past into its perspective. For me to police and protesters. The police in their riot gear do that it was necessary to compare my experiences with sweltered in the heat, and their misery, added to the The BC News PaK<"2 Wednesday. July 20.1977 EDITORIAL STAFF

edilor victoria I. S'ftord managing editor editorial editor andrea v pitkow sports editor kevln d. coftey photo edttor greg a. smestad copyedilor margaretr haas reporters deborah s. Sperling mary k. woods


salespersons richard r. nesbitf eileen r fox davidh. ray

The BG News is published daily Tuesday through Friday dunng the regular school year and weekly during summer sessions by students of Bowling Green State University under the authority of the University Publications Committee. Opinions expressed by columnists do not necessarily reflect the opinions ot The BG News Editorial Board. The BG News and Bowling Green State University are equal opportunity employers and do not discriminate in hiring practices. The News will not accept advertising that is deemed discriminatory, degrading or insulting on the basis of race, sex or national origin. All rights to material published in The BG News are reserved.

Editorial and Business Offices 104 University Hall Bowling Green State University Bowling Green. Ohio 43403 Phone (41?) 371-3003 Wednesday, July 20,1977, The BG News Page 3 Abortions: no simple answer

Editorial That may seem like a strange thing to complicated and involved then any one with, but my wife taught me something on by James C. Crabtree say but let me explain: person or group can deal with. Methods of the day our son Aaron was born: No one First, there are not enough women in the birth control are a good start, but there is has the right to change or command a About 11 months ago, something hap- U.S. who have positions or functions of no sure way these methods can be woman in the decision she has made about pened in my life that made a significant political influence to truly give adequate available to those who cannot afford them whether or not to have an abortion. If we change in my attitude towards abortions. representation of their side, whether it be or that these methods are 100 per cent feel her choice is wrong, it is only because The first thing I should say before I start for or against. This country may be trying effective. we have all failed in creating a world thrtt is that men should be careful when they try to change this imbalance, but we have a I always have felt strongly against she does not want her child bom to say something about an act that only a long way to go. abortions and still find them hard to agree matter what the reason. woman can perform because they have a Second, when you discuss abortions, you tendency to overlook the real effect of a bring up many moral issues, which means woman's role in childbirth. you bring in the Church. The day I helped my wife give birth to Kent State_ my son (mostly all I could do was watch), And when you bring in the Church, you from pg. Z everything that I felt I knew about no longer remain fair to those who do not It was impossible for me "The general reaction childbirth became meaningless. I sud- fully support the views of the Church and to sleep the night before the denly realized that no matter how hard I cannot hope to equal its influence on bust, though everyone else by the media tried to feel and understand what my wife American society. on the hill was asleep. They was going through, I could not. made their decision weeks to the loss of Tent City was Childbirth is something that happens "The day I helped before, but I was making that the protest was over and the hundreds of times a day in this country. mine then, in the few hours It's easy to come to different conclusions my wife give birth to my before dawn and arrest. It Coalition disbanded when you perceive it from a distance. was a decision-making under the overpowering influence However, when you see a woman on a son, everything that I process which required me delivery table, her legs strapped into felt I knew to ask myself, "Am I of the law." metal stirrups, all the conclusions and willing to go to jail for what opinions in the world will not make her job about childbirth I believe in, to suffer arrest may eventually lead to press, then the cause is the least bit simpler. became meaningless." and its degradations, or When you think of how many women who expose myself for a moral violence and another lost, for to the powerless, truly wish in their hearts that they did not coward?" tragedy. the Coalition, the media is have to face this moment, for whatever And if that search fails no longer the Fourth reasons, it's really sad. In relation to Finally, wc come to money. The need for and the Coalition loses for Estate, it is the Only ALL IS WELL FOR ME, one day the attention of the Estate. having children, the moment of birth is abortions is felt by the rich and tnt poor, and the rest of the in- only the first step in a long journey. That but the ability to get them is limited to dividuals who took the journey can be long and difficult when a those who can afford them. bust, but the cause for the No other group in America is left out of let's hear from you child is brought into the world by a woman Kent State Four is dying. more political decisions than the poor or who may be poor or single. The Coalition is now caught Tto Nwi — IciM optofee Iran ru. reader* la lie fern of letter* » nW rdJt* lower middle class. It is the women of wttrh remaaeal •• paMfahed rannn. rdlurUI paUry er IB. after lapk W h» up in the media merry-go- ML Is abortion the solution? That question is these groups who truly feel a need for All ktlen IINM be type wrltte. >ad triple ipaced Toey naal be ibj ard mad ft* hard to answer. "Yes" or "No" are not abortions, not because they lack a value round, forced to constantly ■■Lb*r i adaVf •• a«d pbaifte aanbrr auul bt lor ladedlor vertfIraOoa. Letter* ru I* arat u> Lmm u> ft* Eottar, The BG Ntwt, IN UatvenNy Hall. good answers because there are many for life, but because they value the lives of search for bigger and IV Nt■■ re*er>e* the right lo rrjrrl aad fetter* or portlam »l letter* If ftey vr different cases or situations involved. their children or know and feel the lies of better events to capture the <"■■! >■ bed laale or maUrfem No pmaael BIUKU or umrn-aUamf "ill be To see a matter as important or their unborn children may not have much attention of the media and pabUabed. ReaaVr* wtaanf, u gtwat catena* aaaald fattew a ■UnlUar emotional as abortions becoming involved value. the nation, a search which with politics is not uncommon. Abortion should not become a political issue! The issue of abortions is far more

IF YOU WANT AN EVENING OF SIMPLE WARMHEARTED FUN Tube Top Special (in air conditioned comfort) Buy Two Tops - Third one FREE Same price or less \ SEI I HI FOMST ( Wed. thru Sat. / lANGfM MUNI DOWN IMI SAVAGI INDIAN - VIUOW IIAIHIK 511 IH€ ClllS f»OM IHI EASICHCSTII FINISHING SCHOOL THE POWDER PUFF CAPTUM THI HIAITS OF IHI FOIF.SI IANGIK. f N JO Y THi COURTSHIP OF 525 Ridge St. CAPT IIC JIM AND UTTll MA»r SUN. SHIM S1USH AT THi ISCAPADiS OF , Summer hours 10-5 NAUGHTY NANCY TWINKll. All , Open Tues. eve, till 8:00 THIS A NO MUCH MUCH MOM A NIGHT OF PUli DfllGHT. CD; SCHOOLKIDS' YOU MUSTN'T MISS LITTLE MARY SUNSHINE RECORDS A delightful musical spoof. A night filled with song and Most Only dance, pure heroines, brave heroes, dastardly villains and justice triumphant. TUES.-THURS., JULY 19-20-21 ED B.G.S.U. MAIN AUDITORIUM 134 W. WoosterB.G. For Reservations & Information Call 372-2719 or 372-2222 11-7 p.m. M-Thurs, 11-9 p.m.Fri, 10-6 p.m. Sat. Page 4 Th* BG News, Wednesday, July », ltT7 Records available to students News must be defined as educational

By Beverly Bogers Former director of University Police Department Dale Notes Staff Writer Shaffer outlined the students rights in relation to the University police. Graduation Have you ever wondered Just who can see your University Candidates for graduation Aug. 27 are asked to records or Just how much right you have In seeing records SHAFFER STATED that University police have no ac- place their orders immediately for caps and gowns at the University maintains on you? cess to a students' educational records. the University Bookstore, Student Services. No cash Assistant Vice Provost for student affairs Bobby G. He noted the only information the department can obtain is required at the time measurements are taken. Arrowsmith is the University's eipert on the Buckley would be the basic general information such as name and Graduation announcements will also be on sale in amendment, a federal bill which became law in 1974 to address, information which can be obtained in the student the bookstore two weeks before graduation. protect the rights of students and parents. directory, as well as any general information that is Arrowsmith, who reviewed the Buckley amendment to be maintained by the University. "Damn Yankees" In line with University regulations, said records not If a particular incident happens which involves the available are those not defined as educational records, also University police department to be called in concerning a The Huron Playhouse will be presenting the those specifically excluded Include financial statements student, the department makes a report concerning the musical comedy "Damn Yankees," July 26-30 in their provided by parents. incident. The only time information is released is If some theater on Ohio Street in Huron. Curtain time is 8 other law enforcement agency such as the Bowling Green p.m. ARROWSMITH SAID the Buckley amendment was put police department would ask if the University police had For ticket information, caU (419) 433-4744. into law because of the abuses that (law enforcement any information concerning a particular student. agencies, credit bureaus and other agencies) were inflicted The University police could then tell the Bowling Green Theater auditions upon citizens. He cited an incident where two grade school police what is In their written report. pupils of the same sex were caught holding hands in a Auditions for "Arms and the Man," which will be classroom; school officials thought the action improper, the second term play, are to be held from 6:30-10 and the Incident was recorded on the students' records. Ohio firemen return to class p.m. July 25 in the Joe E. Brown Theatre. The audition will be open to anyone interested. Arrowsmith noted, if a student felt something was in his to take specialized training The play will be directed by F. Lee Miesle and records that he felt was wrongfully included, the student scripts are available for reading in 322 South Hall. should make a written request to the office or personnel Ohio firemen will be classes in freeing trapped involved, stating how the Inclusion violates the students' taking classes at the motorists and instructor Sign up now! rights, the official will review the request. The inclusion University from Aug. 29- training. The King Tut trip scheduled by the Union Activities will be amended If he feels the students' request Is Justified. Sept. 2 as a supplement to Close to 500 firemen are Organization (UAO) for Aug. 12-14 is still taking The student could also request a formal hearing with the their previous training. expected to attend the reservations for anyone interested. right of an attorney present. Arrowsmith did note that no A new course in public school which is sponsored The price to anyone with any form of student student has ever challenged the University to a formal relations for fire service by the Ohio Department of identification will be $59 and $65 for non-students. hearing to amend or see undisclosed records. will be offered along with Education, vocational Entrance to the exhibit before tourists is guaran- division, the state fire teed, so there will be no waiting in line. marshal and the Univer- A $25 deposit can be taken to the UAO off ices on the sity's Office of Continuing third floor of the Union to sign up. THE NEW Education. Mr. Bojangles Playing Live Rock & Roll Daily

Now Appearing -^i YUKON JACK BAND Leukemia* Specials Daily It's no longer Monday 1/2 price on All Drinks luesday Tequila Sunrise & Yukon lack Day-CHFAP Wednesday Wet T Shirt Contest For Ladies 3 Drinks for the price adeath sentence of 1 - All others are 1/2 Price Thursday Happy Hours till 10-1/2 Price When you were young, no form of cancer terrified your parents Friday Fun Nite more than leukemia did. Saturday Party Down Nite Just fifteen years ago, a child with leukemia could expect to live only months. But, thanks to research, things have changed. Children who once lived months are now living years. Many of them are growing up. Some are already adults, living normal lives. WET T SHIRT - Wed. Nite Did you ever wonder what the American Cancer Society did with the money you gave us? Well, some of it went to leukemia research. And, if we had more we could do more. Give to the American Cancer Society. Mr. Bojangles 839 S. Main Street American Cancer Society i Wednesday, July 20, 1977, I** BG New* Pafe S 'Little Mary Sunshine' sparkles as first musical production Memories of villains vs. heroes By Deb Sperling It's a lab for providing a broad theater experience to Thomas A. Brown, a speech and drama teacher at Van Staff Reporter someone with limited knowledge in musical theater," Gross Wert High School, said his previous experience in theater said. was limited to directing. He expressed some dissatisfaction "All you really wanted to know about musical theater... with not being in on all the backroom decision-making the but were afraid to ask," aptly describes the first musical Most of the workshop students are high school drama instructors did. He attributed part of the problem to the theater workshop. And all those skills necessary to putting music or speech teachers who are "asked to put on a show short five-week period of the workshop. on a musical show are being put to the test in the Tuesday at their school without knowing much about other aspects of through Thursday night performances of "Little Mary producing a musical," Gross said. OTHER WORKSHOP students with on-stage parts said Sunshine. they wished the play were more integrated with their class The musical is, in Director Roger D. Gross' words, "a Michael Hamblin, choreographer, dance instructor for work. Those working backstage said the work on the delightful spoof filled with song and dance, pure heroines, the workshop and actor, said the production was "open to musical pre-empted their class work too much. brave heroes, dastardly villains and justice triumphant." the entire Northwest Ohio area, but the workshop Is to Gary I.. Bash, a Ranger, said over-all that he is doing Done as a parody of operettas and Nelson Eddy-Jeanette provide a trans-disciplinary experience in musical different theater things than he's ever been exposed to. Mac Donald movies, the entire production is type-cast into a theater." "I never dreamed of dancing two hours a day in class - Snidely Whiplash sort of melodrama. and then on stage, too," Bash said. LINDA DAUGHERTY, playing the saucy character of Philip J. Ritzenthaler, alias Chief Brown Bear, said he BESIDES HAVING fun and showing the audience a good Naughty Nancy, said she's learned a lot about dance and enrolled in the workshop ready to "soak up anything about time, as Dr. Gross says, the actors and crew use "little staging, two aspects of musicals she hasn't had experience musical theater like a sponge. After this five-week period, Mary Sunshine'' as their laboratory. with in her active high school acting career. the sponge is dripping." Carpet, floor tile layer strike ■\ l.'ut... S4'IVn.'Ol1hi\rir»SI'.l|Vt& 1 th' Adwt (••.UK I 1 B hinders McFall Center renovation Today is the first day By Mary Woods July weekend and at last notice Staff Reporter negotiations were not finalized. The strike is strictly between the floor of the rest of your life. The renovation of McFall Center, that layers union and the contractors who are began last September, has been tem- renovating the building; the University porarily stalled by a strike of carpet and has no part in negotiations. floor tile layers. The projected date of partial occupancy, Installation of the carpet will take at by mid-August, is no longer within reach, least four weeks after the settlement, and \\\l\ according to Roland Engler, University there is no moving date set at this time. Give bl architect. "We were pushing for substantial oc- OFFICES TO be housed in McFall so it can be the first day cupancy by the middle of August and were Center include Undergraduate and on target before being surprised by this Graduate Admissions, Graduate College, strike," Engler said. Graduate Senate, Faculty, Senate, of somebody else's, too. Resource Planning, Office of the President Red Cross. The Good Neighbor. THE STRIKE began during the fourth of and Graduate Student Offices. ... mi.. PRESENTS ITS Call SUMMER SALE! Fact Line $.^05 OFF 2-2445 IP'S & TAPES

STaaivx — CAPITOLt

CGllOllt»«<»l Tiffany Style Glass VxCmt The Other Enjoy a 16 oz. serving Side of Coca-Cola of Midnight & KEEP THE GLASS 59* JSl DURING JULY Along ome ago n«9*xyjet)er»*«>)' ALL LP'S & (Except used 1,1' selections) NOW REDUCED $105/// For the Finest In Musical »' 100 ' »*NO Selections...Your Music Library Open 10 -Mid OPEN Man. - Sat 9 a.m. -10 p.m. WEDNESDAY IS ROUND UP DAY Sundays 12 noon -7:30p.m.

Pli IE Cheeseburg Platter $1.09 403 S. Main Findlay and 128 N. Main B.C. Page I Hie BG Newi, Wednesday, July 2», 1177 'Other Side of Midnight' never dawns Review by spending perfectly good money on trash like "The Other The establishment of the love triangle takes three- Marc Holland Side of Midnight." quarters of the film. The working-out of its conflicts is ac- "The Other Side of Midnight" is an over-long, unevenly complished so quickly that the improbabilities degenerate An unmistakable trend in the distribution of recent told, bizarre boy-meets-girl tale. It goes something like this, to black humor. motion picture releases brings with it both good and bad news for movie-goers in Bowling Green. Boy meets girl. Boy seduces, then abandons girl. Boy THE CHARACTERS-with the possible exception of the The trend is toward the rapid distribution of films meets and marries another woman. young wife, played by Susan Sarandon-are so uniformly throughout the country, with Just weeks between their selfish, one-dimensional and flawed, that I simply couldn't "world premieres" and their appearance at second-run MEANWHILE, girl becomes a famous actress and the care what happened to them. movie houses like Bowling Green's Stadium Cinemas. mistress of the world's richest man. Girl has boy tracked Massive advertising-full-page newspaper ads, television down, investigated, and brought to her. Boy and girl are Caught with such a turkey of a film as this on his hands, spots-is needed to Introduce us to the films, since they often reunited. producer Frank Yablans didn't take any chances. I can get to town ahead of the reviews and word-of-mouth in- The consequences of this love triangle -which shortly hardly blame him for getting "The Other Side of Midnight" formation that ordinarily do so. becomes a most improbable four-sided affair-are then out to as many theaters as possible before word-of-mouth explored in a dizzying rush of improbabilities. information begins steering movie-goers away from it. THE GOOD NEWS is that we've seen some excellent The film, which lasts a wearying three hours, lingers over movies-"Star Wars" and "Annie Hall," for example- mere background-if it is sexy or sensational enough-while In the end, several couples seated near me in the Stadium without driving to Toledo or waiting for six months, as omitting important details. We see, for instance, intimate Cinema made more eloquent evaluations of the film than we've been accustomed to doing. details of the young wife's employment, but we're only told I've been able to make here. The bad news is that we sometimes get bamboozled into of her marriage in the conversation of other characters. They walked out. Second a big step Classifieds

1 F rmmt. needed for tall DiMeola shows improvement SERVICESOFFERED qtr Wayne Apts 6th St. J73 Babysitting High School Sr mo Call Mary alter 9pm Day or evenings. Reteren 352 4725. Review By "ELEGANT GYPSY" begins with "Flight To Rio", ces. Vlckl 352 7386. FOR SALE Russ Summers which is highlighted by a guitar and Moog battle between Cleaning Man available. '72 Gremlin 6. Wrecked. DiMeola and Hammer. The "battle" does not quite contain Vacuums, washes dishes, Engine, transmission un- dusts, takes out garbage, damaged. Drive it away tor While Al DiMeola's "Elegant Gypsy" Is not the best jazz- the excitement that similar exchanges with Corea had, but does babysitting as long as S150.3S2 1903. rock fusion album of the year, it is definitely a standout. it is well worth the listen. child is 3 yrs old and up 2 7 wk. old puppies & 1 yr. old If you've heard DiMeola's name before, it is probably The 'piece de resistence' of the album is the acoustic Contact 3523156 3 5pm dog Part Lab 352 6117 after because of his former involvement in Chick Corea's Return interplay between DiMeola and flamenco uitarist Paco De during Summer. Fall ad 5:30. dress will be U6 S. College To Forever. DiMeola's was taken into the band at the age of l.unii. The tune is intense, but has alot of personality. In Apt.?. Mobile Home 12 x 52 Halmark. 2 bdrm.. washer 20, while still a student at the Berkeley College of Music. fact, it was said to be so exhilerating, that both guitarists' Babysitting College Student fingers were bleeding when they finished playing! dryer. Storage bldg. S4000 or w. Red Cross training. best offer Call 299 3333. A second short acoustic guitar interlude is "Lady of Reliable. Have car. Call HOWEVER, WHEN Corea decided to mellow out his FOR RENT sound, he dropped DiMeola, along with drummer Lenny Rome, Sister of Brazil", and more than anything else, it Kathyat352 3090. HELP WANTED Deluxe 2 bdrm. turn. apt. for White, "We were Just cut out of the picture." proves that DiMeola shows the most sensitivity on acoustic. 4 girls. Central Heat & ac. After the traumatic breakup, DiMeola did not stand still. Drummer wanted for rock Free laundry facilities. "ELEGANT GYPSY SUITE," the longest cut on the group. Inquire Piedmont Private sundeck. Off street Judging from his first weak solo effort (recorded while still Apts. No 112 8408th St. with RTF), his bitterness helped give him enough deter- parking. Deposit. 1 yr. lease album, displays the best intentions, but the direction seems WANTED mination to do much better the second time around. to be lost. There is a small line between improvisation of a J240 mo. plus util. 3530055. Exhibitors wanted tor Art & Mon thru Frl 8:30 4:30. written piece, and merely jamming, and given the quality Craft Show Aug. 13th Toledo, Mid Am Manor still has a The new album is in fact a big step for the guitarist, one of the rest of the album, it borders on the latter. Ohio. Call 729 3330 or 729 few two bedroom un- that will greatly aid his solo career. Helping out on the Because of DiMeola's hitch with Return To Forever, and 3617. Area Code: 419. furnished apartments to rent album includes jazz notables such as , Steve the rising status of his solo status due largely to "Elegant for the tall. All utilities paid Needed 1 F.rmmt. Fall.Wtr except electricity. Call 352 Gadd, and , to mention a few. Gypsy," there is a bright future for this jazz guitarist. 8, Sprg. 353 2485. 4380


Yes. from 3 p.m. to close —EVERY TUESDAY—Get a Rib Eye or Chopped Steak Dinner for onlv $1.69. (Reg. $2.19) Open Wednesday through Saturday Dinners include baked potato, a warm Ponderosa roll and butter, and our NEW Door open at 8:30 p.m. SALAD BAR

Wednesday & Friday No Cover with college IJ).

Disco at its finest 1544 East Wooster St. Bowling Gre*n, Ohio 43402 Across from the Stadium 3415 Dorr At Byrne Toledo, Ohio National. Olympic coaches attend Soccer workshop draws notables

By SherlL. Campbell dishwashers and janitors to soccer as any other foreign in which coaches must be our national teams to very popular. It's the in- Sports Writer lawyers and millionaires. country, although some certified. prepare them for in- ternational language in people tend to disagree," Bowling Green was ternational competition. every country," Cochrane Those of you living in A typical day at the camp Killen said. chosen three years ago as "Soccer is becoming added. Kreischer Quad may be runs from 8 a.m. until 9 or Other popular soccer the site of one of the USSF wondering about all those 10 p.m. During this time coaches at the camp in- camps. As the mid-west men dressed in soccer the coaches attend clude Tom Fleck, from coordinator, Cochrane shorts and shirts eating in specialized on-the-field l.ehinh University, the handles everything from the cafeteria. They are training in such areas as national technical director field upkeep to secretarial some of the best soccer technique and physical for USSF; Bob Gansler, services. coaches in the nation. fitness. They also attend assistant to Chyzowych "I'm proud of Bowling At least they should be classroom lectures on from Milwaukee and Joe Green and of our coaching after attending this week's psychological motivation, Machnik, a goal-keeping school. There has been a USSF (United States team organization and specialist from New phenomenal growth in terms of roaches seeking this opportunity," Cochrane said. "Ohio will The BG News be interesting to watch. Ten years ago, there was no soccer. Today, within a 30 mile radius 3,000 kids are playing the game," he Sports added. Page? Wednesday, July 20,1977 MOST OF THE coaches attending the camp are Soccer Federation) administration and the Haven, Connnecticut. very impressed with coaches workshop coor- laws and rules of the game. AT THE END of the Bowling Green. dinated by Falcon soccer The lecture on anatomy week, coaches are given a coach Mickey Cochrane. and physiology is taught by written comprehensive "The facilities here are Bowling Green is the only University head athletic exam, as well as a personal among the best." said location in the midwest trainer Bill Jones. practical exam on the coach Jim Rudy from where the workshop is The field instruction soccer skills they have Florida Technical held. Other sites include phase is taught by several learned during the week. University in Orlando. Florida, Massachusetts, notables of the soccer After passing these Florida. He added an in- New York. Texas, world. One such person, exams, the coaches are teresting comment on the California, Oklahoma, and Walter Chyzowych, is head awarded a certification in cafeteria food, "The food is Washington State. These U.S. Olympic team coach, one of three levels ranging fantastic. It's the best camps are held from June World Cup team coach, and from coaching beginning we've had so far." 1st to August 15th and National Junior team soccer players on up to The coaches attending again in December and coach. coaching in the the camp are trying to April. professional ranks. Soccer expose themselves to the CHYZOWYCH IS the is the only sport in America methods used to work with "ANYONE WHO wants first American chosen for to be exposed to the latest, the head national coach up to date methods of position and hails from USSF national technical advisor Tom Fleck of Lehlgh coaching can attend," said Philadelphia Textile University talks to one of the candidates for the Bill Killen, the head soccer Uniersity, relatively United States national Junior team. Coaching these coach at Yale University unknown to most people, young boys Is part of the USSF coaches clinic being and of the camp's staff but fairly well known in held at the University this week. coaches. The participants soccer circles. in the camp come from all "We feel that Americans N«w*photo by Grog Sm»itod walks of life ranging from are just as competent in Tiffany Style Glass at JW^ Enjoyal6oz. serving of

Designed (or Backgammon buffs. -V square doubling Coca-Cola cube in sterling silver. An all time favorite the name necklace. Hand cut nameol sterling silver or UK gold hung on a 15" chain. Our imported thimble with & KEEP THE GLASS three raised initials All Precious Sterling silver. A heavy 1" s" sterling silver or Gifts in I4K gold initial hangs from our most popular key ring. Two half dollars make up the Gold& top and bottom of this unique Silver sterling pill box. Collect a Sot ol 6 or 8 only 3v7 FROM AMERICAS LARGEST a^K*^ /} M*.T™ I in - during July COLLECTION OF STERLING AND GOLD JEWELRY AND GIFT ITEMS m,»-^» |EWELRY>TORE J IfMIINC C«1I-.OHIO ^JuScM* HAS SO MUCH MORE! Closed on Wed Page I The BG News, Wednesday, July 2*. 1977 Ruggers set for weekend tournament By Kevin CoHey the second annual Poe national rankings in the finishers in the 1977 All- Unlike football, however, second will face second and Sports Editor Ditch Summer Sevens past, will play host to seven Ohio tournament. The Old no blocking is allowed, and on down the line. Rugby Tournament at the other squads from around Grays, Cleveland area gang tackling usually The tournament It will be football Poe Ditch Memorial Rugby the state. tournament champions will prevails. In a rugby match, champion will be the European style this field. Topping the list of also compete, as will past there is much more passing winner of the match bet- weekend when the Bowling The Falcon ruggers, who competing teams are the Northwest Ohio Tour- than in a football contest ween the two first place Green rugby team hosts have enjoyed top-ten Cleveland Blues, runnerup nament champions San- and the game is wide open teams, runnerup will be the dusky and Toledo. Marion, featuring a very spread out loser of that competition John Carroll University format. and third place will go to and Miami Valley round Rugby players are the winner of the battle out the field for the event. prohibited from wearing between second place The Poe Ditch Officers any protective equipment, squads. Club, the sponsoring squad, a throwback to the sport's The BG ruggers are the will not compete in this inception, when it was only University in- year's event because of a believed that padding was tercollegiate sports squad wedding within their ranks. a sign of weakness. that competes during the The team is composed of The upcoming tour- summer. In addition to this University Alumni and last nament will be organized weekend's tourney, the year made it to the tourney intc two groups or divisions Falcons will face the Ohio finals before dropping an for divisional round-robin Under 23's (a university 18-0 contest to the play. Should a match end in all-star team I in August Cleveland All-Stars. a tie, a sudden death and will host Manchester The sport of rugby is a playoff will decide the University from England cross between American winner. in September. football and soccer. Kol lowing first round Tournament play will Players can kick the ball play, the teams will begin Saturday at 10 a.m. at any time, as in soccer, compete with the other with the championship but are also allowed to division's squad that has contest set for 4 p.m. at the carry the ball and pass, as the same standing. First Poe Ditch field. in conventional football. place will play first place, Local youth baseball program strives to teach

By Kevin Coffey The three younger participation has grown the equipment needs of the aged 9-12 and a Pony addition of a Colt level Sports Editor divisions play their games along with the leagues. program. league event for players in tourney. at the organization's two This summer, the Bowling Green's the 13-14 group." "We hope to be able to fields located at the south organization's 26 teams program is not affiliated THE TOURNEY WILL expand the tournament "We try to strive for one end of Mercer Road. The average 15 players per with the National Little feature area teams with next year, but since this is thing. We want to teach the fields are maintained and squad, enabling ap- league organization, and those already invited in- our first year and we're players the skills and cared for by the proximately 400 players to therefore is ineligible to cluding squads from just getting our feet wet, fundamentals of baseball." organization. participate. participate in any little Fostoria, Findlay, we didn't want to bite off Coming from the Nine teams make up the Interest seems to stay League-sponsored post Fremont, Tiffin, Oregon, more than we could chew." president of a youth Pee Wee circuit, with eight with the players as they season tournaments or all- Pemberville, Napoleon and CARR FINDS THE baseball organization,' that squads in the Junior progress through the star contests. Despite this, the Southwood League nrogram rewarding thought is refreshing, division and seven teams in different divisions, as Carr however, the local group l southern Wood County). because of the opportunity especially at a time when the Senior league. explained "about 90 per- will this year undertake its Tournament play will to see the younger players throughout the United Bowling Green's two cent of our players go own post season play and run from August 6-12, inaction. States, youngsters on the squads in the Colt through the entire all-star events. capping off the baseball field are being Division participate In the program." "This year we are organization's season that bombarded with a "win- Maumee Colt League, sponsoring an area all-star goes from late May to late lolligag ning is everything" at- although they are sanc- "OUR BIGGEST tournament in two July. Why lolligag through the titude. tioned by the Bowling decline seems to be in divisions," Carr explained. Carr said expansion of rest of the summer? Cedar But David Carr, Green organization. the Colt division," Carr "We plan to have a Pee Point offers you the op the tournament is a future portunity tosperK) the rest president of the Bowling "WE JUST DON'T siad. When the players get Wee tournament for boys possibility, especially the ol your summer earning oft Green Pee Wee Baseball have the players to form to that age .they have more needed money, working League, takes the attitude enough teams for a diversified interests such with thousands of other of a decreasing minority of Bowling Green Colt as high school sports, and college students, and a SAMCOM OFFICE MACHINES practical field study In adults involved with such League," Carr said, "We some just decide that human relations, all in the baseball programs by have to send our Colt baseball is not their thing." 5% Discount to Students with ID. confines of a summer stressing that winning is players into the Maumee The organization seems (Except on Sale Items) resort park. Various not everything, but lear- league, but all of their to have generated good positions are available. ning and development are. interest within the com- TYPEWRITER SALES AND SERVICE Information and ap home games are played at plications are available in Bowling Green High munity as local merchants FREE PICK-UP AND DELIVERY HAND HELD CALCULATORS AND SUPPLIES the Student Employment THE BOWLING GREEN School's field." and groups sponsor the Office, or contact Per Junior baseball circuit is The leagues have been in squads in all four divisions. sonnel Dept., divined into four leagues or existence for "15 or 20 The sponsors pay for 244 South Main St Bowling Green. Ohio CEDAR POINT divisions. The Pee Wee years" Carr said, and uniforms and take care of ISANDUSKY, OHIO 44870 division is made up of Phone 352-7780 players 9-10 years of age.the junior division has "Something ABORTION BPB r=Jf=JiaJr=Jf=Jr=Jf=Jf=Jr=JfeJr^Jr=Jf=J.=Jf=J^l| players 11 and 12, the Different" $150.00 Senior group players are 13 TOIL FREE 9 o.m.-lO p.m and 14.and the l'ult League Is Coming To BG players 15 and 1G. 1-800-433-8113 Tiffany Lounge Unisex Clothing Fatigues - Jewelry Ross Hotel 111 South Main Street Smoking Supplies Bowling Grrrn. Ohio 43402 Used & New Jeans Cocktail Hours 4-7 YOUR COMPLETE Imports • India Tops ONE STOP PRINTER AND SANDBOX WEST COPYCENTER MINI-MALL Daily Specials We typo and 190 SOUTH MAIN STREET print resumes! BOWLING GREEN. OHIO Jl— '|—^^fcJrttJr^f^r=Jr=Ji 352-S7CZ