Arkengarthdale Parish Council Minutes – 2014/15

12 May 2014 – AGM

12 May 2014

9 June 2014

17 July 2014

9 September 2014 – Open Meeting

9 September 2014

10 November 2014

20 January 2015 Arkengarthdale Parish Council Annual General Meeting 12th May 2014

The Parish Council AGM was held on the 12th May 2014 when all councillors were present.

Election of officers: Councillor Watkins proposed and Councillor Lundberg seconded that Councillor Stones should remain as Chairman. Councillor Stones said he would like to step down in favour of a younger Councillor but he was persuaded by his colleagues to stay on. He thanked the Councillors for their continued support in him and signed the acceptance of office form. He said he did not wish to claim an allowance.

Election of Vice Chairman – Councillor Watkins proposed and Councillor Lundberg seconded that Councillor Stubbs remains Vice Chairman. He thanked Councillors for their support. It was decided the standing orders should remain the same. Councillors looked over the list of dates for future meetings; we used to have six meetings then we went to eight. Some meetings are close together. It was decided we would try and mange without the October meeting and see how it goes. So the seven meetings are proposed to be held on the following dates: 9th June, 7th July, 8th September, 10th November, 12th January, 9th March and 11th May.

The minutes of the previous AGM were read, approved and signed. This concluded the business and the meeting closed at 8.14 Arkengarthdale Parish Council Meeting 12th May 2014

A Parish Council meeting was held on the 12th May following the AGM. The Chairman welcomed district Councillor Beal to the meeting. The minutes of the previous meeting were agreed and signed.

Matter arising:

Street lights – R.D.C wrote some time ago to say they were proposing to turn the street lights off at midnight and put them back on at 5am. This letter was put on the notice board to give residents a chance to comment on it. After discussion it was decided to write to R.D.C to say we had no objection to the proposal.

Churned up grass verge at CB Yard – the situation there is no better. Councillor Watkins said Lorries and vans pulled off the road to use the telephone, sometimes the area is just used to park on. Different methods of dealing with the problem were suggested. It was decided the clerk contact the Highway Department, explain the problem and ask their advice. One possibility would be to ask them to bring some planings to form a hard base and then grass it over again. This will be discussed again at the next meeting.

Retaining wall at Booze – a letter was received from the Highway Department to say that after inspecting this, they decided it was their responsibility to repair and maintain, and they hope to do this within the next twelve months. In the same letter they also reply to our request to do a repair near Beck Crooks Bridge. The inspector seemed to indicate in his reply that here is no problem with the bridge. There is quite a problem near the bridge where the river bank suffered some damage, which he overlooked. The clerk is to write to them again and ask who is responsible for the river bank, so we can take the matter further. It will not go away but get worse with time.

Correspondence - R.D.C wrote to say they are looking for volunteers to come forward to clear up litter on the day of the Tour de France. A letter was received from NYCC to advise us of the road closure between and Low Row, while essential repairs are carried out on that road. A letter was received from Parish Council in reply to the clerk’s letter about water on the road at Raw Bank, which then froze at night. They are aware that this happens during very wet and sustained rainfall. They did not think that the council would be able to cure the problem, but they have no objections to us asking them. R.D.C wrote to say that their new website is now up and running. The Rotary Club from Richmond wrote to invite the parish council to enter the tidy village competition which they organise. After discussion it was decided we will not enter. A letter was received from a motorist who complained about ducks on the road in Reeth. He drives a long way to work and does not like to have to stop and drive them off the road. Councillors felt that as this is not in our parish, we can do nothing about it. R.D.C sent a Community Governance Review of the parish arrangements in its district. We have 187 electors and five councillors; there need be no change here. They also sent general street trading conditions.

Financial – we were notified that our first precept payment had gone into the bank. Two cheques were issued, one for the school for £15 and one for £109 to the ’s Local Councillors Association to renew our membership. A cheque was received for £58 way leave payment. This will be paid into the account. The clerk said she had the accounts ready and left them with Mr. David Williams in the middle of April but he had not yet had time to deal with them.

Planning – the National Park Authority acknowledged our reply to the application R/01/30D. An application for permission to erect a single storey extension to the existing bar area at the CB Inn was received. The clerk was asked to write and support the application.

Local matters – Councillor Watkins said it had been suggested to him that we should have a bus service laid on for the day on Tour de France day because it will not be easily possible for people to get to Reeth by car because of parking problems. There is a chance to claim a grant so this service would be free. This is being looked in to. There is a stop tap in Langthwaite that is leaking; this needs to be reported to the Water Authority. Councillor Stubbs said he would be prepared to show the where the problem is. There is some rubbish dumped near the sewerage works, about seven bags. This is to bought to attention of R.D.C. Councillor Watkins said the problem we brought to the attention of the National Park Ranger has not yet been resolved. We will contact the Ranger again. There is a problem near the public footpath in the area opposite Haggs Farm. This will be reported to the Ranger.

The next meeting is on the 9th June, to which Mr. Harold Brown has been invited. This concluded the business and the meeting closed at 9.22

Arkengarthdale Parish Council meeting 9/06/2014

A parish council meeting was held on the 9th June 2014, when all councillors were present. The chairman welcomed Mr. Harold Brown to the meeting. He is a member of the National Parks and was invited to bring members of the parish council up to date on National Park matters.

The minutes of the previous meeting were agreed and signed. Matters arising:

Churned up area near CB Yard – the clerk has written to the Highway Department on the subject; they have acknowledged the letter bit have not sent a reply to it yet. Councillors said that the area is used to park cars on and in wet weather has become very muddy.

Leaking water pipe in Langthwaite – The clerk reported this and it has been repaired.

River bank near Beck Crooks Bridge – this was also mentioned in the letter to the Highway Department; councillors said the matter is getting worse and needs dealing with.

Correspondence – A letter was received from Mr. Chris Best to notify the council that he intends to install two air source heat pumps at Chapel Farmhouse. He has been in touch with the planner and three possible sites have been discussed. One site is to the back of the property, which would be on parish council land. Councillors looked at the conveyance and some photos brought in by Councillor Stubbs. Councillors Lundberg and Watkins had been to the site. This was all discussed in some detail. Mr. Brown was able to give some advice from a planning point of view. It was decided the clerk should write to Mr. Best to advise him that the parish council cannot allow the heat pumps to be placed on parish council land.

More correspondence was received on the subject of the Tour de France. Councillor Watkins said he got the grant for the buses to take people to Reeth and back. There is a meeting on the 10th June which Councillor Watkins hopes to attend. There are some conflicting stories at the moment about some roads being closed even where the cycle race does not go through.

A letter was received from the carers centre to advise anyone caring for a family member at home that there is help and support available.

R.D.C sent a letter to say that a new round of funding has been made available. Applications for grants can be made before the 3rd October 2014; up to £500 is available if it benefits the community.

Financial – three cheques were issued, one for £15 for the school, one for the parish insurance to the Zurich Municipal for £243.80 and one for Mr. David William’s chosen charity, the two dales football club, for £40. Mr. Williams audits our accounts prior to them being sent to Littlejohns and does not make a charge. The accounts were signed at the meeting and are recorded in the minutes for today’s meeting. They will be posted to Littlejohns recorded delivery. Bank statements were handed round for Councillors to inspect. Local matters – the Chairman said High Green had been damaged during recent wet weather; one nearby resident has tried to do some repairs on some wheel ruts. He situation is not satisfactory. The chairman had attended a meeting to decide the future of the Methodist Chapel, which closed for normal services last month due to small attendance members. The building will be sold in the near future; after much discussion it was decided to hold a public meeting on the 14th July at the school at 7.30PM. Residents can then express opinions on the future of the community room. This public meeting will be followed by a short parish council meeting.

As well as contributing to relevant matters during the meeting, Mr. Brown gave a most interesting outline on how the National Park Authorities had to make adjustments to spin services out in the face of constant cuts to finances. He covered affordable housing, barn conversions in the National Parks, employment in the area and mobile phone reception.. Mr. Brown also brought Councillors up to date on recent repairs carried out to footpaths by the National Park Ranger. After his talk there were questions. The Chairman thanked Mr. Brown for coming to the meeting and bringing Councillors up to date on such a wide variety of subjects.

The next meeting is on the 14th July. This concluded the business and the meeting closed at 9.30. Arkengarthdale parish council meeting 17th July 2014

A parish council meeting was held on Thursday the 17th July, when all councillors were present. The minutes of the previous meeting were agreed and signed.

Matters arising:

The Tour de France – Councillors felt that it was a successful day. The weather was sunny and warm and large numbers of spectators watched the bikes go through. In this dale there were two mini buses laid on to take spectators to Reeth and back. Farmers in the dale opened their fields to park cars and provide camping facilities. It was felt that there was a lot of unnecessary hype before the day, which was unfortunate, but on the day it all went well. Councillor Lundberg brought an email sent to the Barningham family from a spectator who was very happy with the arrangements; they also appreciated the bus. He also bought an envelope containing £30 cash from the Barningham family; they gave this as donation towards the bus costs. The parish council will make up the difference. The £30 has been paid into the cheques account. We received an invoice from K.A. Ellerton who provided one bus; this is for £125. A cheque was issued for this amount. Harker’s coaches provided the second bus. Their invoice has not yet been received; all councillors agreed that when this invoice comes it should be paid straight away.

Churned up area near CB Yard – councillors said the area was now dry and looked alright. It was decided after discussion that a small amount of gravel should be used to make sure that no wheel ruts develop in the future to hold water.

Problem near Beck Crooks – councillors are disappointed that the Highway Department are now saying this is the land owners problem. When their staff worked on the bridge two or three years ago, they did some repairs to the beck side. This problem has cropped up more recently, and it should be the Highway Department’s to deal with. The clerk is to write to them again, asking them to reconsider.

Correspondence – A letter was received from Mr. Chris Best to say that he has now applied to the National Park Authority for permission to install the two heat pumps at the rear of their house, on their own land. He included two photographs which councillors looked at, and they felt that this site would be alright. A letter was received from NYCC on the renewal contracts for local bus services in . They also sent a letter from Mr. David Bowe to outline the county councils plans for cutting the grass verges in 2015. They will then only cut the grass to improve visibility for motorists, where deemed necessary. NYCC also sent a letter to say that from the 4th August they will start to charge for the disposal of hardcore, rubble and plasterboard, and provide and provide a new commercial waste service at its recycling centres. The Dales NPA sent more details about the draft local plan. They ask for comments before Monday the 28th July. A letter was received from NYCC about the registration of common land in the 1960’s. Any land that was not registered then, or was missed out for any reason, can now be looked at again, with a view to registering it. Neil Bacon of the Highway Department wrote to say the Stang road will be closed for three days next week, from the 22 July to do essential repairs and some resurfacing work.

Financial – two cheques were issued, one for the school for £15 and one for K.A Ellerton for the bus on the 5th July. When the invoice arrives from Harker’s coaches, it will be paid straight away and the amount minuted after the September meeting.

Planning – the application R/01/31N for extension to the existing bar area at the CB Inn has been granted. A further application R/01/31P for a new building to house a Biomass boiler, cycle store and shower room has been received; this has been supported by the parish council.

Local matters – Councillor Watkins the track leading from the Stang road to Windegg has a notice on it to say “no public access”. He has walked that track many times and knew it to be a bridleway. There was some discussion on this subject. Councillor Lundberg said that the gamekeeper on that side of the valley had a lot of problems with off-road vehicles gaining access to that whole area of the estate by using the track. The Chairman asked the clerk to bring the boundary maps and the maps showing footpaths and bridleways to the next meeting, when this will be discussed again.

This concluded the business and the meeting closed at 9.24

Arkengarthdale parish council open meeting 9th September 2014

An open meeting was held at the school on the 9th September 2014. All Councillors were present. County Councillor Blackie sent his apologies. He spoke to the clerk; he is well but has been advised to rest a bit more. He did stress that if there is a problem he could help with he is very happy to do so.

The chairman welcomed District Councillor Richard Beal to the meeting, and fourteen residents. There were two subjects for discussion. The first was RDC’s proposal to take the elections out of the dale to Reeth. The chapel is no longer available to hold elections but three other places are considered suitable. There was strong feeling on the subject, and a show of hands proved that people did not want to lose the facility to vote in the dale. One resident from the top of the dale said it also depends when elections are held. She can remember coming down the dale to vote in the winter in bad weather. There is no way she would have gone to Reeth. Members of the parish council felt that bit by bit, all the services and facilities we had in the dale are being taken away. Statistical evidence suggests that at all elections our parish had a good turnout, including elections that were badly supported elsewhere in the country, like the police commission election held in the winter.

We are aware that one reason behind the change is to save money, but this is taking away a fundamental right from the whole community. The clerk was asked to write to RDC and express residents and the parish council’s strong opposition to this.

The three alternative places suggested were:

1) The room at the back of the school, not a classroom so the children can still attend school

2) Mr. & Mrs. Sparke who live opposite the CB Inn have offered their garage. This is very central in the dale and there is ample room to park on the wide roadside.

3) St. Mary’s church. There is plenty of room at the back of the church to have an election there.

We urge RDC to reconsider and find an alternative place. Residents suggested that for continuity the church offers the best place.

The next subject discussed was how we could use the chapel building. The chairman welcomed the Methodist Minister for the area, Mr. Les Nevin. Mrs. Maureen Beckett, who is in charge of finance in the Methodist circuit also attended. She said the chapel has not yet been valued. There are some planning discussions she is hoping to have with the Nation Park planning department staff first.

Various options were discussed; at the end of the day it was felt that residential use would be the best option. The idea of a community room for the dale sounds attractive but would struggle to be viable. At the moment the insurance costs £500 per quarter because it is now an empty building. It could cost up to £5000 a year to run a community room. The restriction on alcohol is also a hindrance. Reeth has more than four times the population we have in the dale and they struggle to finance the Memorial Hall. Mr. Richard Good was involved in getting Hudson House in Reeth converted from a bank to a viable library / National Park office / Police office and residential use upstairs. His expertise was very welcome. A small committee was formed which consists of: Richard Good, Sarah Kettlewell, John Sparke and all four of our parish councillors. During the discussion about the chapel it was said that the church too were looking at ways to make more uses for the building. There is a possibility of making room there for a community room. This will be discussed further as progress develops with the sale of the chapel.

The chairman thanked everyone for coming and for their input. The meeting closed at 8.25pm

Arkengarthdale Parish Council Meeting 9th September 2014

A parish council meeting was held on Tuesday the 9th September 2014 when all councillors were present. County Councillor Blackie sent his apologies; if any problems crop up where we feel he can help, we only have to ask, he will be happy to help. The minutes of the previous meeting were agreed and signed.

Matters arising: Churned up area near CB Yard – there is no problem there now, we have had a long dry spell; it was decided to leave matters as they are for now.

Beck Crooks Bridge – the clerk said she had not had a reply to her letter sent on the 19th July, so she rang up for an update. The Highway Department staff telephoned her to say they have had a look at the problem there and put it down on a list of repairs to do. She could not give a date when they would do the work. The clerk was pleased to relay this to the councillors; we need to see if they will confirm this in writing.

Proposed changes to the election system – This was discussed at the open meeting and is all minuted in detail. Residents in the dale do not want to lose the ability to vote in the parish. The church was suggested as a long term alternative polling station.

Track access on Stang Road – The parish maps were brought to the meeting in connection with a notice placed at the Stang Road, indicating that there is no access on this track. All three tracks have the track marked as a bridleway. Some councillors are aware that the head keeper, Mr. Coates has had problems with off road vehicles using the tracks for recreation. If the notice is intended to stop such access that seems acceptable, as long as all local people continue to have the access they had before the notice went up.

Correspondence – Vodafone sent a detailed letter and application form for the “open sure signal programme”. RDC sent details about road closures in the dale, while they carry out repairs on the Stang Road and Peat Gate. A letter was received from Amanda Madden with some details of her housing need study. She only received five responses as being in need of housing. The National Parks sent details of a proposal to direct a footpath in the parishes of Reeth, Fremington and Healaugh. This is necessary due to the erosion of the river bank. They also sent details of two trees that are to be felled near Aysgill Farm, Keld.

Financial – On the 19th July the parish council received an invoice from Harkers Coaches and paid a cheque for £150; this was for the ire of a bus for the Tour de France. It was agreed at the July meeting that this would be paid as soon as it came and would be minuted at the next meeting. A cheque was issued today for £15 for the use of the school; also a cheque for £17 to pay for the poppy wreath which was delivered to the chairman. A cheque was received at our bank from RDC for £247.50; this is the grant towards the Tour de France buses. The second precept of £1100, which normally comes at the end of September, came early this year, as a number of councils asked RDC for money. They had run out of money due to Tour de France expenses. Bank statements arrived and were shown to councillors.

Planning – Councillors looked at the amended plans for the development at the CB Inn. The amendments were almost insignificant. We received an application R/01/93 D for the installation of two Air Source Heat Pumps at Chapel Farm, Whaw. The clerk is to write and support the application.

Local matters – Councillors received complaints about the state of the footpath from opposite the school to the church. It needs spraying or cutting. There are a lot of weeds and self-seeded trees growing there. There are also complaints about wheeled bins that are outside on the roadside all the time at Lion House, Langthwaite. There are also some bins outside the drive to Swallowholm cottages. Bins should only be brought out on the day of collection. The clerk is to write and bring this to the attention of the relevant departments. Two local residents asked councillors to look into the possibility of having the grass cut in the two cemeteries. After much discussion it was decided Mr. Robert Baked should be asked to meet up with Councillor Watkins, so they can decide how much of the churchyard we need to cut. Then Robert can give us a price. He can also give us a price for the cemetery at the chapel but that might not be our responsibility yet.

The date of the next meeting is November the 10th. This concluded the business and the meeting closed at 9.35 Arkengarthdale Parish Council meeting 10th November 2014

A parish council meeting was held on the 10th November 2014, when apologies were received from the chairman, councillor Stones and the district councillor, Richard Beal. The minutes of the previous meeting were agreed and signed. The meeting was chaied by the vice chairman, councillor Stubbs. Matters arising:

Proposed changes at election time – the clerk said she spoke to Sandra Hullah about a week ago. She was aware that we had suggested other places where an election could be held, and at the moment they are looking at other options. The chairman said before he went away, that councillor Beal had attended a meeting where these issued were discussed. No decision has yet been made about the other polling stations in the area that are being reviewed. If we have not had a decision before the January meeting, the clerk should get an update. Councillors again felt that we should try to keep the election in the dale for as long as is possible. The church would be a good place to have an election now that we no longer have the chapel.

Christmas lights – Councillor Stubbs said he has matters in hand, some attention is needed to the star.

Winter maintenance – the clerk said some salt had been delivered to Booze recently. It was suggested we should contact Robert Stones to see if the gritter and snow plough are ready to use if we get bad weather.

Any development with the sale of the chapel – Councillors said they had had a meeting, councillor Lundberg had been in touch with Mrs. Amanda Madden. He would also like to bring representatives from a housing association to see if there is a chance to make it into flats. Councillors are aware that public houses are always looking for small houses or flats for their workers to live in. The idea of living accommodation upstairs and a community room downstairs is not going to be viable.

The collection tin kept at the CB Inn was emptied of £48.56; that is the most we have had in the tin. A letter of thanks will be sent to Mr. & Mrs. Cody and the money will be banked in the seat maintenance account.

Correspondence – a letter was received from R.D.C re libraries. More libraries are expected to be run by volunteers. A letter was received in reply to our letter about the bins at Swallowholm Cottages and at Lion House Langthwaite. The bins are still there at both places. It was decided the clerk should write back and ask for them to be moved. The bins at Lion House are in the road and will get in the way of a snow plough in bad weather. A letter was received from NYCC in reply to our letter about self-seeded saplings and weeds growing on the footpath opposite the school down to the church corner. This letter contains some inaccuracies; we are led to believe that the highway officer has inspected the footway, removed the saplings and advised that the weeds did not meet intervention level for action at the time of inspection and will be monitored. A letter was received from the Citizens Advice Bureau, where they have got a new manager. A number of letters have been received about service buses in the area; we no longer have a service bus in the dale. A letter was received outlining the changes at the Friarage Hospital.

Financial – R.D.C. have written to ask us to supply our precept request for next year. After much discussion it was decided to precept for £2,200, same as for the last three years. The clerk said we need £2045.00. At the moment we have a good reserve of £5165.00, enough to finance a local election should we need one. A cheque was issued for £15.00 to pay for the school.

Planning – approval has been received for the conversion of the old butchers shop R/01/147, also R/01/93D to install two air source heat pumps at Chapel Farm, Whaw.

Local matters – councillors had complaints about water on the road between CB Yard and Moor Intake. The gutter seems to be damaged in places; this will cause a problem in icy weather. There is also water running on the road at Whaw Lane top. Councillors also received complaints about the Stang Road on the Durham side. There is water running on the road near the bottom of the last bend. The clerk is to inform Mr. Collins of this. Councillor Watkins said after all his efforts to improve broadband in the area, and having had a public meeting at the CB Inn last year when a representative from BT made a firm promise that 2 megabytes broadband speed would be available for everyone by October this year, it now turns out that they have gone back on this promise. It was decided after much discussion to write a letter to Mr. William Hague and ask for his help. There is also the ongoing concern about the limited availability of phone lines.

The next meeting is on the 10th January 2015. This concluded the business and the meeting closed at 9.55

Arkengarthdale Parish Council Meeting January 2015

A parish council meeting was held on Tuesday the 20th January 2015. The meeting that was to be held on the 12th January had to be cancelled due to bad weather and power cuts. County Councillor John Blackie sent his apologies. Councillor Beal was welcomed to the meeting by the chairman. The minutes of the previous meeting were agreed and signed.

Matters arising:

Changes at election time – Gillian Yarrow, With a Colleague from R.D.C, visited two of the suggested sites where elections could be held. They were the church and the kitchen at Mill Cottage, by kind permission of Mr. & Mrs. John Sparke. After looking at all the details councillor Lundberg proposed we use the church, simply because it is a public building and can be used in the future. If Mill Cottage was used and the family moved away, we would have lost that facility. All councillors agreed that the church should be used.

Christmas tree lights – they were much admired this year; they were a new set and the colours were brilliant! Councillor Stubbs was thanked, together with his team of helpers, Robert and Jack Stones and Richard Smith. Mr. Smith is also thanked for the supply of electricity.

Winter maintenance – Since we have snow and ice Robert Stones has been out with his snow plough and gritter every day, doing valuable snow clearing work in the two valleys and surrounding villages. There have been many minor accidents with motorists slipping on ice. There were a number of mishaps on the Stang Road on the Durham side, chiefly at the two bends. There are no grit heaps over there for people to get themselves out of trouble. There is still water running down the road which makes matters worse. The clerk said she spoke to Mr. Jed Collins, chairman of Hope parish meeting, he said the matter had been bought to the attention of Durham County Council. It was decided to write a letter to our Highways department and get them to approach Durham county council. We need to have the water off the road and some decent sized grit heaps near the two bends.

Sale of the chapel – Councillor Lundberg said there was a meeting to which Broadacres were invited to look round. They were interested in possibly converting the chapel into flats. This would be on the basis that a need for housing could be proved. The committee will meet again soon to discuss the present position and report back to the parish council at the March meeting.

Correspondence - A letter was received from the National Pak Authority to say they have given permission to fell one Ash tree in the grounds of St. Mary’s church. Yorkshire Water wrote to say they are trying to locate any private sewage pumping stations. From the 1st October 2016 Yorkshire Water will take them over. NYCC wrote in response to our letter to say they will carry out repairs to prevent surface water running on the road near CB Terrace. The work has already been done. RDC wrote to say the local plan 2012 – 2028 was adopted by RDC on the 9th December 2014. They also sent a letter on the problem of dog fouling. There is now a dog warden in the area.

Financial - A recent bank statement was handed round. Cheques were issued as follows: £15 to pay for the school, £12 to Mr. Smith to pay for the power used for the Christmas tree lights and £285 to Mr. Robert Baker for grass cutting.

Planning – Application R/01/108A for the extension of the dwelling at Spence Intake. This was followed closely by the approval for this development. There was not enough time for us to write in with any comments. Application R/01/149 for the creation of a new section of access track to the property Greenbank in Arkengarthdale. This application also arrived with short notice for a reply, so the clerk rang up to say that a parish council meeting will be held shortly. She was then told that the application had been turned down. The written confirmation of this has not yet arrived so we don’t know the reason it was turned down. Councillors were very disappointed at this decision; greenbank is a good substantial house where a family could live but the track to it needs improving. There are many problems relating to the de population in the dale, we are constantly hoping that more families will move into the dale to keep the school open and other services. This decision is very counter-productive. Councillors would like to know the reason this was turned down and we wish to sate here and now that we strongly approve for permission for this development to be granted. A letter to this effect is being sent to the planning department.

Local matters – Councillor Lundberg said he received a complaint from Mr. and Mrs. Myers of High Green. They both fell on the lower part of the bridleway up to their house. They complained that the track at point is rough. Councillors discussed this, when the work to enhance High Green was undertaken the parish council took on a 25 year maintenance agreement. This was for the track which is a bridleway, not a footpath.

The next meeting is the annual parish meeting on the 9th March. This concluded the business and the meeting closed at 9.25