April 18, 2016 Official Publication of TWU Local 234 www.twulocal234.net

DON’T JUST TALK---VOTE Let’s Get a Big Turnout in Primary The upcoming Pennsylvania democratic primary on April 26, 2016 is critical to retaining the White House, retaking the United States Senate and undermining the Republican’s obstructionist grip on the U.S. House of Representatives. The next Congress will have an important role to play in selecting justices for the U.S. Supreme Court and dealing with legislation favorable to working people that is currently bogged down in the Republican controlled House. Similar trends are at work in Pennsylvania. We are no longer dealing with the Grand Old Republican Party with at least some moderate, pro-worker representatives. Republicans in the legislature have become ultra conservative and extremely anti- labor. We need to shift in the balance of power in Harrisburg, if we want to see legislation passed that is favorable to working people, including the members of Local 234.

We urge you to get out and vote next Tuesday, April 26, and support the following candidates:

President Hillary Clinton or Bernie Sanders

U.S. Senate

Kathleen "Katie" McGinty (D)

U.S. Congress

Bob Brady 1st District (D) Dwight Evans 2nd District (D) Steve Santarsiero 8th District (D) Brendan Boyle 13th District (D)

Pennsylvania Attorney General

Josh Shapiro (D)

PA. Senate Sharif Street (D) 3rd District Kevin Boyle (D) 5th District Daylin Leach (D) 17th District

PA. House of Representatives

Leanne Krueger-Braneky (D) 161st District Sekela Coles (D) 164th District (D) 179th District W. Curtis Thomas (D) 181st District Darryl Thomas (D) 190th District Joanna McClinton (D) 191st District (D) 192nd District Sean Stevens (D) 194th District Tonyelle Cook-Artis (D) 200th District Mark Cohen (D) 202nd District

TWU Members Registered as Republicans The Republican presidential primary offers little to the members of Local 234 or other working people in Pennsylvania. All of the Republican contenders support sharp attacks on public sector unions, private sector unions and working people generally. Trump, Cruz and Kasich are all of the same ultra conservative mold when it comes to eliminating union rights, promoting greater income inequality with huge tax cuts for the rich and doing whatever else their big business donors want. The 2016 presidential election could be the most important in a lifetime. No middle class or working class family can afford to turn over the White House to a Trump or Cruz presidency. We urge any Local 234 member registered as a Republican to sit out the presidential primary and be willing to vote for the Democratic Party candidate in November.