Anderson to Assume Post as A4A ~~l T I~CHASE GRANTED Director of College Counseling SABBATICAL FOR By CLEM WOOD Following the conclusion of Inter- that was still closely tied to what I have VOTING AFTER SPEECHES WED. P O I G Y A ini'tDirector of College Counseling been doing for most of my profession- FR MNH Alice Purington's one-year tenure, al career," he said. PLANS RSIX MOTSIN CA. John Anderson of Ohio's Kenyon Col- Emphasizing his enthusiasm about Fee, McCallum Fall lege~ will take the reins in the College entering the PA community, Anderson S oti ls Counseling Office (CCO), heading the believes that "the prospect of branch- Sykes, Carter, Fried office dedicated to securing student ing off in a new direction" will be Election ae cho admission to the premiere colleges and "invigorating," and he said that heWilS Wl hr Sho uiiversities around the world. "looks forward to the joys and chal- By CLEM WOOD te Mr. Anderson was chosen after lenges that come with a new job in a FeighsdiefrteSuetD approximately 18 months of searching' new setting." Council presidency with promises to______conducted by a small group of faculty Even so, the search for Mr. Ander- honor the "trust and respect" integral to By SUSANNAH GUND headed by Dean of Studies Vincent son has not been an easy one. After vis- th ..aiyofPilp caey ay for an interview last tevtlt'o hlisAaey ay Avery. iting the campus Effective only days after the November, Mr. Anderson began the Maqubela '03 was elected to lead and '-Currently the Dean of Admissions - and Financial Aid at Kenyon, Mr. arduous application process to becomereesnthsudtboyfrhe20-03admiyarc year. mences, Head of School Barbara Anderson will leave the college after a college counselor at one of the New upcoming 2002-2003 academic Chase will take a six-month adminis- 15yer of remodeling the Kenyon Egadscnrycho.Afe, With a conservative and realistic the three-year upper and the tatrsie fromicl.Shfund as fo Cam-y college admission process and seeing what he dubbed, a "demanding" series platform, - the school climb the rankings. He will of tours and interviews that "put [hm 15-year member of the PA communityareptfomunaingorC ., - paign Andover and from assuming' officially join the PA faculty on July 1, through his paces," (almost ike the col- addressed the student body at Wednes- rsosblt o h cdm.W~ 2002, though he will come to campus lege admissions process) the Kenyon day's All-School Meeting. Other final- "" ' visiting her grandchild and traveling admissions head submitted numerous ists Stephen Fee '03 and Jack McCal- as early as this term. with husband Director of Steward- in addition to lumndelivered their speeches during the , Upon his arrival in the summer, he resumes and references ~bssei ltdt on-site credentials at the various insti- assembly. -- will assume control from both Mrs. ~ research and plan a senior history Purington and the former Director Carl tutions. Following the speeches during see- ~ . " fseminar. Bewig, who announced his decision to Mr. Anderson noted his interest in ond period, students were equipped -i* '~' i I~~After eight years at Phillips Acad- step down from the position last May. serving Andover. "If one were to put with enough information about the can- '' eyad2yarasHdofShl As Mr. Anderson prepares for the together a list of the best secondary, cidates to cast their ballots. Current Andover would representatives on this year's Council - atohreutinlnsttosM. switch from the university to the high- schools in the country, Chase announced to the student body admissions desk," be in the top group, indeed at the very, distributed ballots at lunch and dinner school "side of the at last week' s All-School Meeting her many in the PA community anticipate top of some lists. My feelings abou in Commons later that day, but only 51 - decision to leave for next fall and Andover were confirmed when I' et percent of the student body opted to his previous success at Kenyon to pro- winter terms. vide a foundation for future plans and faculty and students, and most emphat- vote. According to current Student herdhcareererdeci- projectsat the cademy.icallyhen I st in a ouple ofclass-,CounStudentidCouncilcr Connii President-electnt Masideetale'03Kaddressesla'studentsseSheudpublicizedlic School Meeting Wednesday Morning sion to the faculty on March 13th ically"wSuhen appesat i ouplfof cla -i Co uireisiden Spncrrb o at eig'02 and faculty at All proesat the academy.bar Ln achieving such goals will fulfill the before they departed for spring break, Caeadwof Sncl BarbrsLanses.h coSuchtan apmpreciatio fothdesiPA ti figueis maal o atpei dent" to "restore appreciation" for the of the "collective responsibility" of the sitl- and after her speech to the student decision in the parents' online newslet- "to move closer to family"~ in New To kick off his speech with a hard work put in by members dent body "to take advantage of the body she sent an email to parents on ter, Academy Life, commented, "John England, proved to the admissions humorous comment about last term's representative body. athletic, and extracurricu- April 3rd. Though "quite excited" for who has done an extraordi- dean that, "Director of the CCO at All-School Meeting guests, Maqubela "My main is that I want the [academic, Anderson, 141l opportunities" that Phillips Acade- her time off, Mrs. Chase will not nail job building Kenyon's admission Andover fit the bill perfectly." joked about Kermit the Frog and New campus to reemphasize the importance and my offers. leave until nmid-September in order toj pf6'gram, brings a student-centered Relinquishing her post this sum- England Patriots Head Coach Bill of respect between student, faculty, '71 and discused various staff," he explained. He continued,, In a passing reference to the Often- stay on campus for new-student ori- foctfs to this important work and the mer, Mrs. Purington said that she has Belichick parietal policy, Maqubela entation and the start of the 2002-f perspective of a college admissions full confidence in her successor. easpects of academy life that he would "Students deserve a more flexible criticized brifedovoted rointotc 200 officer.vereeOverseeingAade7nPhillipsnersn'sastiablnotedtckMr.f qoudi-lutacklee oAnderson'sceoffice.s ThestimablelethaTheolnowr "the community," Mrs. Chase is taking advantage of College Counsel- ties during the search process, stating, president-elect stressed in particular the freedom in choice of courses and more orne that, like my's highly regarded on "trust." Not men- the options available to administra- mng Office, he will help the academy "We advertised and also called a lot of "dual perspective on the issues that independence for Uppers, who deserve depends heavily pre- tioned in the candidate's remarks was tors who wish to apply for a sabbati- bild on its currently strong reputation people in the profession, and a number arise on campus," which he enjoys to take some responsibility as they the the controversial "gender-split" deci- cal after numerous years of full-time amithe hain' eets, Mr. pus. On e n thatehashene is mhscatgepitasady-tdn pare to step into the leading role in sion of last year's Council, which was work at the school. Mrs. Chase Anderso ih eagerlcatiating his that cOllee admissionhs haspbecoedi faculty child who lives in the girls' dor- PA community." voted down by current members of the acknowledged that some might ques- teEastrlCatciatigsthougt moregd e abssot makegondm itr tmo osltdiie Though Maqubela recognizes his movertoni Hose loatd i Pnetedhe tion the reasons that prompyStiso "great dei.ntae abtcl for Kenyon less and less about the student contact Knoll. In'addition, Maqubela touched aptmisti a fa-echnheou rsemains tentgvrmnrdrnmitr possesses "getaffection of those highly upon the need for an "accessible and optimistinaboutateeprospecbofiterm hs College," the incoming PA faculty part of it. John is one ~~~~~~~~~~~~~change:"Although Irecognize that it is Unlike last year's campaign, whidch raie"Ms in ______Student Council presi- , Iralz, Iis Caewrote member wished "to do something new Cotne nPg SContinued Columnoun3 3on PageapproachableA5, ~~very difficult to get things done, what featured an abnormally large pool of her memo to the faculty, "that some- times when a head announces a sab- - is important is that everyone keeps on presidential aspirants before the first AA,-r~~~~t++ciAri~~~~~~-~~~ OI~~~fl12~~~ ~ ~ tiying,"' he said on Wednesday. round of primaries, this year's election batical, there is a suspicion that he or IAi m1i ttedLC lass of 2006LL.etu rn Other major topics mentioned in featured only 10 candidates, even in its she may be heading for an early exit; N ew ly the speech included the possibilities of first and largest round of voting. Only that is not my plan. I love my job, and Ir To ~~~~~~~~~areduced sports requirement for upper- one of these candidates was a female I love Andover; but after 22 years as classmen and extending Friday night who was eliminated in preliminary vot-I a school head, it is time to take a p rin g R e-V isit P"o gr am p.m. for Uppers. ing. Another noticeable difference was break. F or A n n u al S sign-in until 1 1:00 M. islkngowrdo of] nteratinal tudnts to really and down, and our endowment has While both have long been contentious thmakdecasinheubrof and posters circulating around the time she will be'able to spend in By GERGELRIICHIE drop, but they just didn't," explained been growing unbelievably for the past iissues in Council debates of years past, flyers Continued on Page A5, Column I Continued on Page A8, Column 3 After yet another record-setting Dean of Admissions Jane Fried. few years," Ms. Fried asserted, but she Maqubela suggested that finally admitted Although the number of applicants releases, "Our endowment has been ______year in admissions, newly :_ students accepted from the most comn- increased by only a small margin, the effected by losses that have affected TO_"' petitive applicant pool in recent memo- number of students applying to receive schools across the board." Even so, LE T RP R N h15 i ' _: ry returned to the Phillips Academy financial assistance skyrocketed, in Ms. Fried stated, "We have to be mind-__ campus to take part in the Spring part due to the recent economic down- ful of what families can afford. Phillips H G Revisit Program. tum. Additionally, the average value of Academy has been vigilant in keeping pu, ttnedclses1750 asad ya xeiecd t $0,0 tisyar prto or disiosItatgy"LIGHTS RIEWO -Potential students toured the cam- fiaca i rnslae rm tuition low because it's an important a "day-in-the-life-of-a-PA-student." the largest increase in financial assis- This strategy has apparently 'IN DELINQUENCY Each visitor was assigned a student tance in Phillips Academy history. worked. Last year, 74% of those tour- guide who they shadowed from The Admissions Office offered offered admission matriculated to the conference period at around 10 a.m. heavier financial aid grants to a larger adeythhiesyelrtng SENT OVER SPRING BREAK .k~~ until right before sports began at number of applicants, despite PA's among our peer schools. In compari- roughly 3 p.m. shrinking endowment, which has son to boarding schools nationwide, After visiting this week, these new necessitated a six percent increase in the second highest yield brings only a Chase and Edwards admits are expected to respond to the overall tuition. To remain constant 63% matriculation rate. school by next week. The Shuman with the rate of inflation, the academy Of the 2128 applicants for admis- Request Parent Admiissions Office was stunned this has traditionally increased tuition at an sion to the Class of 2006, only 457 wihter to find that, even in-the after- annual rate of approximately one and a were offered admission, and the officeCo ertn niath of September 11th, the number of half to two percent, a rate that, accord- expects to have an even higher yield bdil Ameicanandnteratioal apli- ing to Ms. Fried, is comparatively low this year than last year, despit vaiuryOII RN-\ Y \~ \ '~K\- enjoy ~~~Y year ago to 2,128 applications for the Nevertheless, PA has suffered events of September 11Ith. Ms. Fried students were in the middle of ~~ 2002-2003 school year. from the declining stock values that explained. "Were not hearing concerns ing their spring break trips, all current shelters. We're hearing the usual parents received a letter signed by . ''\ ' -, ' -"We were expecting the number of have shrunk educational endowments about applications from and [those across academia. "Endowments go up questions about Isham and House - Head of School ~¾ Counselors, and nothing really out of Barbara Chase ~ 'V \$ the ordinary." and Dean of In hopes of compiling a class wit F 3L"udents Marlys greater geographic diversity, th Edwards, Admissions Office intentionall requesting the t sought after and accepted a, greater parents' help in - je :, ffcm' - ~~~~~number of applicants from the Mid- reulaigsuetbhvo'~-----

-, -' ,- - " ~~~~~~~~~~~west,West Coast, and South for the ps - - ~~~Classof 2006. Theacdm concluded The letter addressed the "unusually -~~ - that the ~~~~~~ high number of student discipline______centershoulwork casesthis year" that involved drug and .Wron7ePilia *A2 THE PHILLIPIAN COMMNTARY APRIL 5,2002

___ Raising the Bar: Setting Higher (fr7 The PILL11IPIAN Stnarsfoleigosmeerne

John W. GilbertStn ad fo Reiiu lrnc- Editor-in-Chief Mchael R. Ruderman Paul S. Sonne During the past few months, news has Tom Dimopoulos '03 Even more optimistically, the demands of the News Director Managing Editor begun to surface about the sexual scandals new century will lead to an end of violence and corription that have plagued the Catholic OPINON and religious war across the globe. Bt News Head of Photography Business Manager Church, especially around the Boston area. gion is somehow "better" than another can maybe that's just a pipe dream. Shanshanjiang Justin Wardrop Shaalini Ramanadhan The conviction of John Geoghan, a local bring out the worst in a person and can incite And yet sometimes, we allow our own Courtney McBride priest who had been accused of molesting a pure evil in a seemingly harmless individual, inhibitions to get in the way of our good judg- Photography Editor ten year old a decade ago, has brought the One solution is the dissolution of all orga- ment. Religious barriers are one thing, but Sports Justine Ng Advertisng Director practices, morality, and structure of the nized religions, allowing anyone to practice sometimes such barriers are blurred by cl- Will Heidrich Cathy Schlembach Catholic any faith that fits his or her tural and racial divisions among people. Evan Panich Co'py Editor Church under "Dsrmnto ntebss lifestyle. Of course, that idea For now, realistically, we as individuals Ashley Comneau Accunts Manager intense scruti- "Dsrmnto ntebss will probably never occur in could become more tolerant of different reli- Commentary J.C. MacMillan Andrew Liao ny from law that one reiinissomehow any of our lifetimes, but gions, even if these faiths seem cultic or tepha GaFeenere officials as 'better' than another can bring' someday we as citizens of restrictive. Tara GadgilInternet ~~~~well as parish- h '' the world may in fact find No one is asking you to accept other p~o- FeaturesRohan Mathew CirculationCi'ttoi ioners.onr.tloshe Almost ~outproworst in a esnand some sort of a happy medi- pie's ideas and live with them; a little tolii- Features ~~Sriram Raingopal Sachi Cole Duncan Dwyer JaVaaeevrwek ca inieprevliasem un.ance could help to ease the tension that has Craig FerraroAssociate Ediwn ~~~somesort of ingly harmless individual." As the developing global been so sensitive lately at home and abroad, Senior Conaray, Toni Dimnopoulos defamatory society expands and cultural As our generation assumes its role as Arts - Sinor Fearirai, Alex Colum Interim Technology headline blares boundaries are destroyed, leaders of the world in a few decades or so, Boo Littlefield Seiot ns, Sjam Beatcie Michael Jaffe out, trying to refute the respect that the humans of different creeds will be forced to do we really want the strife that is so prey- Sarah McVicar Church has garnered after centuries of exis- make resolutions in order to accept changes lent now to be passed on to our children so tence. in lifestyle, much like the civil rights reforms the cycle may continue as it has ben We are however, living in a modern era; of the past two centuries. throughout the centuries? Keeping an openi TO SUBSCREBE to The Phillipian, please send an email with your as humans we have never felt confident These changes will be slow, and much mind about things that may seem wrong isfthe name and address to phillipian @andoveredu, or leave this infor- enough in our own abilities to enhance the blood will be shed, but one must take an opti- first step toward achieving a goal of religidius mationon by ur caling voicemil (978)749-4380.world by our own accord. Liberalism and mistic view on such changes, otherwise this equality. mation on byour callingvoicemail (978) 749-4380.free-spirited thinking have defined the new discontinuity may destroy society in the end. generation, spurred by the social revolution that our parents experienced in the 1960's. Toleration, by devout worshipers and apa- thetic citizens, has progressed to a point never before experienced in history. For the first Student Council and the Silent -Majority: time, in western culture_ anyway, it is okay not to believe in God without fear of some sort of A Call for Acwtion excommunication from society. The scandals P Z1LD If our student government fell in the forest, and no one was there to unerthd n telrcet mnth, oweer didhappen? anything ~all ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~I have given many people not associated with witness it, di ntigrey pethe Catholic faith fuel with which to spread U+1'~ In the wake of another drearily tepid presidential election, perhaps a thfieoan-Chlcadat-athbifs more pertinent question would be asking if anyone even gave "government"'a As a whole, I can see the need for faith ~' second thought. Disappointingly low voter turnout was once again expected and the desire to believe in something more "- and lamented this year, with a meager 5 1% of the student body reporting in. powerful than we lowly humans placed here Explanations for this paucity are even more troubling-slim voting percent- on planet Earth. All over the world, different ages are justified by a long history of such turnout, which in trn rationalizes sects have developed out of these strong a lack of interest in future elections. And whenever the issue of apathy rears beliefs, whether it be Catholicism, Judaism,- )', its ugly head, the principal blame seems to always fall on the shoulders of Orthodoxy, Buddhism, etc. Some religions-- students-at-large. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~favorideology, while others preach rewards Each year at election time, worries grow stronger that the PA political fralf ellvd ~-- However, arrogance within these faiths ( playpen is characterized by a lack of student-voter interest. Too often that runs rampant. Some religious groups criti- ---- C accusation is well-deserved,'and too often is responsibility for nonparticipa- cize others for petty dogmatic or ritualistic tion placed on perceived student indifference. But if individual free will isn't differences that are only superficial differ- to blame, then where does the problem lie? ences between the two groups.y A second, more insidious form of voting apathy-an effect perpetuat- Organized religion has been around for ed by flaws within our own social and governmental infrastructures, ones that centuries, it has been the cause of many wars hindered enthusiasm and awareness of the process-was most easily over- and disputes, and it has served as a basis for

looked. The communityr blamed our disenfranchised students for their own secular animosity throughout regions of the -

disenfranchisement. Apathetic students found fault with boring candidates or world since the beginning of recorded history. - thesysemnoherdubousvicor tsef. fo apthyseeedimminent. Those followers who do practice their respec- PCT~.~ the systemdubousitself. victoryAnother for apathy seemedtive religions faithfully seem to have'a'firm I Indeed, had the apathy issue arisen six months ago, an incoherent grasp on their views in life and feel passion- government Constitution would have taken the brunt of criticism. If student ately about their beliefs. ______leaders are rendered politically impotent by a flawed piece of writing, they They do also however, for the most part certainly cannot fulfillitheir earlier promises or, consequently, generate enthu- keep at least a somewhat open mind to the siastic support -for their organization. However, due to the laudable efforts of new, "radical" ideas put forward by atheists P many current student council members in rewriting a concise, unilaterally and other non-devouts, and even those who amendable Constitution, such problems with political insularity have been don't accept the beliefs or athiests tend to at P A A th le tic s : largely rectified. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~leastgive them the respect we all deserve. Yet, at the same time, other inexcusable factors encouraging student My belief is that in order to fully under- apatyontet reain.The ths yer cae tobe aquesion f eah cadi-stand something, you must look at it from S it i1 6 n -h ut i date's character, poise, and ability to draw attention to himself, rather than a ment. When one is so caught up inhis or her 2)i t ninh eDgu battle to distinguish his stance on key policy questions. n part due to a failure own rhetoric, faith can become dangerous. As Andover is an insti- Andrew McGowan '05 Every sport would bene- of either the Philo Forum or Student Government to host a presidential I write these words, the body tally rises in the tution that survives OPM Nfit from new weights.,, 'debate, candidates skirted or altogether avoided contentious issues that could West Bank, and more Taliban fighters are through excellence. OP ONThe facilities, how-, have negatively impacted their campaign, subsequently preventing the stu- fleeing for their lives in the mountains of After all, whose parents would spend copious ever, for individual sports are also in a rather dent body from understanding the ideological foundation underlying each eastern Afghanistan, caused in a large part by quantities of money for their kids to attend a dilapidated state. The wrestling room, for candidacylust asin "re:l goenet oenn tdnse as rvd religious differences. mediocre school? What, then, is going on in example, has a mat that resembles a jigsaw- ffciveaoy whena included"tecmon mavnnstvies n e pros In the United States - a figurative fruit the athletic department? puzzle, with a surface that is peeling off. It efcthis slnotn t saylthat the ewrittn Consition oul suddessy salad of world religions - faith-based tolera- Let us begin with the weight room. It's a wouldn't be that expensive to replace. Thiste s norerittn to ay tat Costittionwoul sudenlytion has progressed more slowly than hoped great weight room, with lots of space, but it's There is also the issue of the athletic empower and infuse liberal activism into candidates and council members, during the twentieth century. Anti-Catholic, a little short in the weights department. If you requirement. I fully support the complete and who would the'nemfbark on holy crusades to Make A Difference. Simply, the anti-Semitic, and anti-Islamic jokes are walk into any good gym in the country, you total annihilation of this ridiculous and groundwork has been set and it is the president-elect's responsibility to fully apparently cutting-edge in today's comedy, will find, among other things, a lat pull restricting regulation. Not only does it force utilize that potential. We cannot let stupidity reign in the overuse of the phras- and discrimination through profiling has machine with a nice seat that holds you down those who would rather be studying or partic- es "student rights," "student-faculty relationship," and any number of other increased ten-fold after the terrorist attacks on so you don't, like I so often do, end up doing ipating in other extracurricular activities to vague buzzwords used bythose who have no intention of delivering on their September 11lth. And although profiling does- pull-ups. Good gyms will also have a sitting waste their time playing a sport they don't promises. We cannot let complacency continue to thrive; be deliberate, so n't necessarily, always go along religious row machine, with ______care about, but it also that net sprin'srace ad presdentia futur councls may cheive n even lines, recent events have caused assumptions solid footrests. We at prevents those with higher Ilevel, of student participation, enthusiasm, and ultimately, progress. to be made about entire groups of people. Andover, being the "The facilities, howeve, for indi- more specialized ______Discrimination on the basis that one reli- brilliant people that sports interests frolh ______arewehare haveekilled uviduaorsports areoals inratrathermmaintainingaattrainin two birds with one di regiment more specif- stone by purchasing a dlapidatedstate. ic to their sport. -- machine that com- This leads ---to KE SA ~ ~~~~~~~~~~binesthe two. This severely sacrifices the another issue: the discouragement of specil- quality of the workout. If one decides that ists. Does the school not want competitive ND ~~~~t ~~one's hamstrings need work, one can use the athletes? Again, I use wrestling as an exam- Al'" R ~~~~~~~~~~~hamstringcurl, which wobbles and allows the ple. There is a training program in the fall, ut Jt ~ ~~~~~~~~~~leftleg to rise higher than the right, and in turn we are not allowed to wrestle. Additionally, ATC K S E TA O T IEE U JL E 1 ~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~generatesan imbalance of exertion. If anyone juniors are not permitted to participate*in reading this happens to be a preacher curl basics, except for winter term, because they The format of the school year is obviously AlR sn even more easily, we could just extend the addict, he or she would know how irritating are encouraged to "try new sports." I, for one, based primarily on trying to create the most AiR sn03already overly-short winter term by four days, this workout is when not only is the angle too have already established myself in a sport;",if effective time frame for our three terms. Yet OPINION keep the length of spring break the same by flat (it makes the tendons in the elbow pop others want to try new activities, that's great, every year after spring term there seems to be an option to stay at home. If a person didn't coming back on the Monday following Easter. back and forth), it also wobbles, which is not but it should not be required for those already coninungrobemavethetim EaterandPasovr. orfinnce t ge hoe o th Spingter woldjus befou das sortr. god hin ina dvic inendd t-prvie fcusd o anspeifi sprt THE PHILLIPIAN COMMENTARY APRIL 5,2002 A3 SELF-DETERMNTON, IN THE H4OLY LAND: I oo TFENUOUS LEADERSHIP IN THE MIIDDLE EAT On March 29, J em B ec r04 house arrest, unable to As the historically ""' caf'4be a artner for peace '10;000 Israeli troops rid- defend himself in Israeli anti-Israel news media ______astounds me, ing more than 200 tanks POINT media to baseless accu- cries out against Israeli COUNTERPOINT The world is always r Ol'Id supported by massive' air superiority sations by the Israeli government that he is "an retaliation for the quick to criticize Israel.IP IL~J1 ityaded the Palestinian town of Ramallah, enemy of the free world and a director of glob- Passover Massacre, Yassir Arafat's face Most of the world is less quick when it comes PHILLIPIA -marking the latest in theiT unprecedented al terrorism," despite no evidence to support appears again and again, begging for help to analyzing the realities of the situation in incursions into Palestinian territory. this. Foreign reporters have been barred from now that the Israeli Army has cornered him the Middle East. The PLO, as shown above, ~ 'COLUMNIST Palestinian Security Chief Jibril Rajoub visiting him, and despite US securing of a and his band of fellow terrorists in the Ramnal- is a terrorist organization; anyone with a was on the phone with Al-Jazeera, the world's refuge for Arafat in Morocco, it seems unlike- lah compound. Arafat is the leader of the basic grasp of history knows this. Since Is~ ' predominant Arabic-language television net- ly that Israel will allow him to leave. Ariel Palestinian Liberation Organization (PLO), a Ronald Reagan, the policy of our nation has vwork, reporting that "[the Israeli troops] are Sharon seems to have determined that the true group granted authority over a large part of been not to negotiate with terrorists. Why Now I know why Campaig-n Andovei is massacring us." Miles from that building, thir- battle is between Yasser Arafat and himself, the Gaza Strip and West Bank in the Oslo should we then encourage Israel to do so? such a bi- friggin' deal. Of the many, many t~nEropea peac actiists avin wht n nly one of them will emerge alive. Accords. This territory was peacefully given On September 11Ith, the United States was prjcsteaialamagsektofnad fihigs were arrested by the Israeli military after The beleaguered leader has found his up by the Israelis under the normal tenants of dealt a blow more terrible than words can support, the most important has recently corne 'iti'eeingYassr wihArafa. The rrests hands tied behind his back and his face diplomacy. Now that the Palestinian Intifada describe. Thousands of innocent Americans to my attention: a tring cous o amn pY~mpted massive protests throughout Pales- gagged. The Israelis recently launched a - the Palestinian uprising against Israel - has were killed simply because they had gone to trators in elementary Latin tine and Euiope, An embarrassed Israeli gov- regional and international propaganda cam- gone on for one and a half years, the question work in the morning. Now we are engaged inAfealtedmnsriosestohv erment further worsened its situation by paign calling him a terrorist, yet refused to let of whether or not the PLO is truly a force for a "War on Terrorism." We toppled the Tal- Inaprpewihnlo chosu. promptly declaring the entirety of Ramallah, a him attend a much-ballyhooed international peace in theMiddle East must be discussed. iban in Afghanistan and still have thousands Acadmywitesthetcmor eiyhoul oi ctof 220,000, a closed area, ordering all for- peace conference that would have proved an Today's PLO claims that it wants nothing of troops deployed there We will probably plwihteoescomndoiaorf eigners to leave. History books of the future important step in easing the current crisis, more than the establishment of a Palestinian carry the war further to such nations as Iraq, prna ans.Prnswudntfe on 'ilbne know what Even before the State in the West Bank and Gaza Strip to live Iran, and Libya. We have engaged in what fotbesnighircldntoacol "'Afrocities the Israeli house arrest and de alongside Israel in most would consider whetecidr oudbalwdtoo for~ces ycommit in. facto agging wee eace and harmony. reasonable defensive' thing paet eysingycsprdo may in bb bwr ' "Sholbepesr salino maue ocutr Though the school may not survey parents in this area, a region ~~~~Isit an ysurprise htimplemented,ItPales-tini- the One does not have to odwersueIralnt mauesocutr stigfuaL sg-ntmsad vraln devod offoreign ans r oth otcrude, gge-Israelis took steps to look far, though,toerrit aacst dbevid ofan dia esortetohthe mot agliethis neotatn uderfietsi e a rr ist ou atack dite disciplinary system, by sending the littluns observers and media ~~~~~~~~~~~~striphim of the little see howndoebigara lie negeotelacaemng t.Qreport any su'ch sive, and violent means ofprotest in power he held as is. The PLO was 7ot" Refuting, the decisions oftoAdvrpaesenrethAcem' eVent§ to the world. ' elected leader of a founded in 1964, of the Israelis runs ruewihsoltertcaybet o.ta It is understood an efotto gain some visibility?" fuzzy territory-coun- three years before counter to our own strict as the rules at home (Mv parents make

that in the latest con- ''try which, though massed Arab armies would attack Israel, foreign policy. As evidenced by a letter sent home to par- flict, which began in allowed to manage its Israel would defeat them, and would capture Israel has done no more than we have. ents over spring break pleading for not only, early March and continues to hurtle the region own affairs, is routinely subject to the violent the territories the PLO claims as its own. The The Israeli Army has arrested hundreds of parental enforcement Of School rules bilt al1SO toward perhaps its bloodiest conflict ever, whims of the Israelis. avowed purpose of the PLO, as stated in its suspected Palestinian militants, the U.S has acquiescence with official school doctrine on cooler heads have not prevailed. But Israel's The Palestinians, not an official nation, own charter, is the "liquidation of the State of thousands of Afghanis and Arabs imprisoned sex and supers iesion te administration clearl~ latest actions in particular, fueled by the iron- have no voice in the international community, Israel." Nothing is said about the territories or at Kandahar and Guantanamo Bay. Israel has has this relationship all wrong At school, spe-_ clad egos of its leaders and emboldened by the because the Israelis won't allow them to have peaceful co-existence, only the total annihila- bulldozed houses of suspected terrorists: the cific rules aiid supervision gffidchnies ile Pro- cautious support of its only military ally in the one. When they protest peacefully, they are tion of Israel. U.S. has bombed parts of Afghanistan back to vided to Big Brother temporarily parentless Stol- world, the United States, catalyzed the arrested, tortured, and jailed for lengths of The history of the PLO extends far the Stone Age. Israel has assassinated terror- dents, this letter assumes that at home, the same region's bloody downward spiral at'a time time. Some are even killed. Is it any surprise beyond its charter, hiowever. It includes but is ist leaders; the U.S. has put a bounty on the ispecific rules and supervision guidelines are when many Palestinians were beginning to that they resort to the most crude, aggressive, not limited to: the Maalot School attack of head of Usama bin Laden and killed Al- needed, to Big Brother temnpoi'rily schooltes,~ accept peace negotiations for the first time. and violent means of protest in an effort to 1970 which left 22 children and seven adults Qaeda and Taliban leaders in air-strikes, students. C Currently the Israeli forces are parading gain some visibility? dead, the attack on Ben Gurion Airport in Israel has done nothing more than respond ' Students and their amilies ice the cus- throughl the Palestinian territories, gleefully This is not to say that both sides are not 1972 with 26 dead, the 1972 Munich Games with measured force to terrorist attacks. tomers at this school While it is appropriate displaying their gleaming tanks and well-fed contributing to the current situation. But Massacre leaving 11 Israeli.athletes dead, the exactly as the U S. has done in Afghanistan. and even necessary for the school to update physiques to a starving, oppressed, and occu- remember that despite the media's coverage of Haifa/Tel-Aviv Highway Attack of 1978, 37 Until we discontinue our actions in families onl disciplinary trends, it is the fami- pied people, striking political targets that have recent suicide bombings, a stunningly greater dead. The PLO does not target only Israel, Afghanistan, '~ve can not condem Israel's lies' place to tell the school hoN\ to better theal connections to terror organizations responsi- number of Palestinians than Israelis have died though. The 1974 assassination of American action. 'service and not vice versa ble for the deaths of Israelis. However, there is in the last week, month, year, and decade of Ambassador to the Sudan Cleo Noel and the Should Israel try to find a peaceful end to The infamous letter reads in part "Giainted. another, darker side. to the army's business in hostilities. Israel, massacring Palestinian civil- assassination of Senator Robert Kennedy, not its current crisis" Yes. Should the Palestini- as parents ourselves, we know it is often diffi- Palestine: reports of the wholesale massacre of ians while continuing to occupy their homne- 'to mention countless airplane hijackings and ans be granted a state? Perhaps Should we cult for two parents to agee oii the best limits to civilians, whether in the heat of passion or land and deny them access to their most holy other such acts of terrorism which have pressure Israel into negotiating under fire? set for teen-agers. But the academny has well- revenge, continue to surface from the occupied religious shrines, leaves the Palestinians little plaguled the world for so long, are just some Absolutely not. Our nation has declared a established. age-appropniate rules and expecta- territories, and the Israelis, in their intensified choice but to act in the only way they can. of the more famous PLO operations. How War Against Terrorism. Let Israel do the tions aimed at protecting the physical ad psy- 'emotional state, risk inflaming the sensibilities any sane person could consider the PLO to same, and don't hold double standards. chological health of students " In other words. not only of the largely helpless Palestinians, ive knoii beiter than voz (lo ii hen it inie to but also of the greater Muslim world )whatis es''Stfoi' tile stiicetit bods The Palestinians are the world's only Teletter appropriately asserts that te occupied peoples. Following World War II, ______~Academy's roei oenn suet"ce"o their homeland was divided ad Israel was I aritrary." But (anld these woids wvill come back created in some of its land, In 1967, Israel fur- IV 1 I.. ~ ~to haunt me) neither are those of my prents ther encroached on their territory by launching CH0______59 UP TO 3 ANIP-F While I may not always (or ever) agree with quick invasions,~~~~~~~~~~~~~ on ailing Islamic neighbors o my parents'arent'arelsetthfor rules, theymy fr meet-enotota more concerned at the time with internal prob- ~a~.'i ~ 0 ger.icousbdy ofa "stuents" me.rete lems Israel's size has, in fact, nearly doubled.&a r w Reomnigttprnsefrcth since its original creation. In their 1967 illegality of illegal drug-s is one thing.,, the Unit- tatkeovers of the Palestinian areas of the Gaza U dSae oeneti led togaIm Sjrip, West Bank and Golan Heights, they t, Diey 1JT ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~entsall parentssee my into door doing open so. 90 Insisting degrees thatto themey jamb pai- 'stripped said Palestinians of a government. denied them basic human rights such as free- oMndytruhFIyungtehrso dom to over-travel, doinand to travel,have consistentlyand have consistently over- Afive '-"'~~~~~~~~~~~~~~' - ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Whateverto eight is thequite original another oal of this lettei looked the needs of a population who far out- ~ aebei a eutdiiprna ul -number the Israelis, scapegoating the aebnihsrsutdipretl-it Imay and resentment. The letter assaults by insults- Onl Palestinianswhen convenient. two fronts itt condenmedcndenedparntsforther-J-0- parents for theirjudg-~~~twofrots Lately the Palestinian's normally vocal mnad/rterc miettohirchidie leader, Yasser Arafat, has spent his days under Then, to add insult to insult, the letter su- gested that dopey parents were being duped by doped up kids. "~Those parents wvho may feel pressured by the everyone is oing oii unsu- pervised spring trips]' refrin should know, thai ff ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~manyparents say -no' to these tnips,"~ the lettii XV VA-.PI ~ ' Ireads. Translation of this letter dated foni dav,s tifertheve-vlas eamendled "'Real mart. Pa,

Since I don't expect to hear any fresh and Each weekend, as I ,same place seems down- increase the convenience for everyone on sedn uirt im ec 'e'av" innovative ideas during this week's upcom- am comfortably seated Jn y v fl 04right dirty to me. campus, faculty and students, especially those h etras drse mxdgne ing student body presidency elections, this is in the library ready to PROPOSAL We could look without motor vehicles. sleoes" ste a orgnteoiinlsn 'the perfect time to announce my own, 1 say commence with my around the secret pas- Faculty, students, organic toothpaste fac- Ntt ecueht ls edsgifcn tis because the limited issues that are debat- studies, I suddenly realize that my pace of life sageways in GW` for a suitable location. Per- ulty workers, whoever has any say in this otesdntrqur ulegt oi od h -ed by the candidates are all the same. is heavily burdened with errands I have torun haps the box office wouldn't mind it if we matter: Ilam begging for your help. My feeble denrd hyne ihtm ognrt Idon't expect to get any idea of mine downtown at CVS. Each time I run out of shared the space, since it never seems to be legs are begg ing for yourC, support. It would be i nonr~~~~~~~~Surelythe school adnministration is not so through to student council by the time I grad- shampoo, toothpaste, or need emergency open. Or theatre tickets could be sold from just plain wrong to say no to this idea. Facul- il-nomdatohnktersbuf .tuate, due to the lengthy process of sending an laundry detergent, my short legs must trek Dickie's Desk and that small closet of a box ty members are provided residence on cain- corethadisrtonoudoturgt idea through a dorm representative to the downtown. office could be transformed into a shampoo -pus, both for their convenience and ours, in mad parents to supervise every interaction pjpster council to the cluster president to-the Call me lazy, or just call me short, but and conditioner wonderland. Or perhaps the order to better facilitate faculty-student rela- :coina stui~dent council to Marlys Edwards and ulti- either way, the trip downtown takes up a con- shop could be located in that elusive secret tions. Would the school object to placing a :Orthi could hlrnhv they? it elwhmnbig mately to the trash. So, here it is, sent direct- siderable amount of time. Thus, wouldn't it passage between Pearson and Morse that I teacher conveniently close to campus? I After all, the best way to mold students into jy:to every member of the student body and be more conducive to the intensely studious have never had to courage to explore, if such Having a convenience store on campus strong individuals is to protect them from them- faculty, the world pre- environment that is a passage even exists (there's no doubt in my will give students immeasurable amounts of selves and the potentially corrupting forces that -miere of the solution PhlisAaeyt idextra free time. This could, virtually transform surndte.Shorlsaedsiedo 'to my biggest pet c[A oncmuscnenec establish an on-camn- It is a big investment, There is no doubt in the entire school's pace of life into a laid- poehtewrtsuet rmtesle n .peeve. i"pus convenience my mind that every product offered by this back, stress-free, workless enviroment. Even the non-worst students from the worst students. __Here at Andover, store] could virtually transform store carrying the store will sell, but who should do the selling? if this proposal seems a bit of a stretch, I hope iUniversal, consistent application of those riles ,wev live in a very for- h' thonie ~ i everyday necessities The students, of course. We can put the it has been an enlightening break from theI ensures no leakages in the system. lunate state of quasi- paeoaethat we don't have "work" back into "work duty" by assigning already mundane concerns we hear eah a Anything else besides in loco schoiasticnis ,qiphoria. We are sent a laid-back stress-free, workless time to buy down- students to work at this store one period a surrounding student body presidency and would be just plain loco. hqre only to learn, ' ,town? week. The hours will be flexible, and it will their drawn-out speeches. broaden our minds, eniomn.We have a mail- andA become we- ______room, an ar store A4 THE PHILLipiAN NEWS APRIL 5,2002 1Passover, Easter Celebrated During First Week, Of New Term; Students Attend Services, Dinners ule that allowed for an hour between p ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ByJAMIES BOLOGNA fifth and sixth periods for Christian On the first weekend following iip~faculty and students to participate in spring break, Phillips Academy cele- i, Ecumenical service in the chapel for bratedHoly the~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Christian and Jewish both prayer and song to celebrate Jesus Week with services, special meals, and C~holyt' stry clbain o prayer led by Protestant Chaplain RESTAURANT & TAVERN Michael Ebner '70, Catholic Chaplain campus Catholics consisted of an East- Maria Cataldo, and Jewish Chaplain er Vigil Liturgy in Kemper Chapel. Rabbi Neil Kominsky. The holidays The Christian Holy Week began on fell at a time when tensions escalatedSudyoMac2anedd in Israel when IS innocent Jews were on Holy Saturday, the night before )LIU[NCH ID)XNNER- T[AYIVERPN killed and sexual abuse scandalsEatr involving Catholic priests emerged in According to Ms. Cataldo, since, ENTERTAINMENT- IFUINCTIONSBoston and Los Angeles. "PA was still on spingspring beakbreak oPPalo"Anwasstillon The holiday of Passover celebrates Sunday, and we did not have a cele- (ifl[IR]F C]B3R1P1[jF][(CAT)E§the exodus of the Israelites from Pharoah's bondage in Egypt. Easter would have an Ecumenical Service celebrates the resurrection of Jesus with the Protestant and Catholic comn- Christ, who ate his final meal in cele- munitisclbaigtgte. Street Andover, 01810 ~~~~~~~~brationof Passover. Easter morning, an Ecumenical .18* Elm A4A o ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Tefirst yof eig-dyJew- Service of the Word and Eucharist was 978-470-1606 -7ish holiday was Wednesday, March hrisdn olyraW aeekat dipAcad 27th. As a series of suicide bombings Cmyiwhich may stent hps ad adt and shootings occurred in Israel, Jewsfod ______across the world sat down at the seder fudcomforting and empowering. table to celebrate the liberation of Jews During this year's Holy Week, from a world of oppression. Yet many both Judaism and Christianity Jews wondered if that peace was still embraced thoughts and prayer for in tact. peace throughout the world. "Prayers PA students who decided to cele- F. Wang/The Phzillipian for peace are never out of season," brate the holiday last week had, Protestant Chaplain Reverend Ebner '70 conducts Easter servc in the commentedRabbi Kominsky. according to Rabbi Kominsky, "two Cochran Chapel this past Sunday. Meanwhile, outside Boston's options for both first and second night Cathedral of the Holy Cross on Friday, seders: either to remain at home with tional time for a seder-6sually there on Wednesday['s All School Meeting], about three hundred Catholics protest- their families and return for spring are only two-,--, but over the years we, which was my only major concern." ed and held their own Good Friday ser- term a day or two late or return on time have evolved the custom of observing Last Thursday night, the Catholic vice with the abused victims of & ~~~~~~~~~~andbe 'adopted' by local, largely day a somewhat free-form seder at PA on Liturgy of the Lord's Supper was held pedophile priests. The protesters called student, families for the seder. the Tuesday that fails during Passover, in Kemper for Cardinal Bernard Law to resign as PrivateTutors ~~~~~~~~~~Ineither case, the first and second as that is the Jewish Student Union's Chapel in the basement of Cochran Bishop of the Boston Archdiocese PfivateTutoys edrsae italyidniclfatrig night' on campus. Chapel, commemorating Ju'bcseteexaauesourd air. i976 th~~~~~~~~ee ftuasymbol nicdand erbal Bcueteserianoptn- fmusLtSperwhhsdsiess bune hseership.occrre narrative to celebrate the passage from ty -to reflect on the symbols, the histo- Ms. Cataldo commented that this Maria Cataldo commented on the Major Aimtmic Sobjwect and slavery to freedom represented by the ry, and the reality in which we live, year's Holy Thursday Mass fell in "the ongoing problems the Catholic Church Exodus from Egypt." -each seder is different because of the second year that every member of the faces. Tt Ptepurtion fir The Jewish Student Union, in an particular interaction of traditional ritu- community [was] invited to have his or "I know that many people are sad- attempt to conduct a seder convement al, innovation', and the people who her feet washed and wash the feet of dened, angered, and confused by the SSAT,. PSAT SAT I&LJ to PA students, decided to have a happen to attend." someone else." This ritual cormmemo- sexual abuse scandal in the Catholic "Seventh Night Seder" in Ropes Salon Student Council President Spencer' rates Jesus washing the feet of his dis- Church. f have found that many stu- 91 Mmhn S r in Commons at 5:15 p.m. Willig '02 commented on returning ciples as described in the Gospel of dents have difficulty talking about it- Aitdove, MAO.0IO .Rabbi Kominsky continued, late to Andover in order to celebrate John and is also symbolic of the Chris- at least with me- Idon't know why that ~~~~~~54~~~~~~~7~~~"Seders vary a good deal depending on Passover. He said, "I was a little sur- tian ideal to serve one another and the is." the ritual tastes of the families prIsed that Andover would start the world. The ritual is also connected She continued, "My heart is bro- involved and~could include discussion Spring term on a major religious holi-: with the celebration of the Eucharist, ken and I am also angry. When con- prbmv=~~~~ao1.com~~of contemporary circumstances linked day, and taking two days off at the start or Lord's Supper, where Christians cerns about power and selfishness lead pt~~~he~~to -en ic~~~~l.'ocn the themes of the holiday, such as probably didn't help me much acade- give thanks for "God's many gifts to to the victimization of the vulnerable, www.beaverandmsocats~corn the current tragic situation in the Mid- micalty. Reverend Ebner has assured the world." it is then the exact opposite of the dle East. me that I will have the opportunity to On Good Friday, the academy gospel of Jesus." The Seventh Night, is not a tradi- make the speech I would have made adapted to a special abbreviated sched- Sprinrg VacationI' Letter Intended to "Eradicate" Problem of Rise in DC's Continuedfrom Page Al, Column 4 assistance as the logical next step their children, While the school acts, in we need to work in partnership with towards accomplishing this." loco parentis while students live on parents to inform them of things going Numerous members of the student campus, people have argued that the on that they may not be aware of. In body assert that the school has adopted school has no right to govern student doing so, we hope to eventually figure a stricter policy toward student mis- lives during their breaks. out why there have been so many dis- conduct as patently demonstrated in Jaclyn Ho '05 commented, "The ciplinary cases recently and to poten- the letter. letter caused unnecessary worrying for tially eradicate this problem:" One upper girl who was placed on our parents. The school doesn't have While cases of disciplinary mis- censure during fall term for an "error any right to say what goes on in our conduct have been notably increasing in judgment" stated, "The school has personal lives at home over vacation." ' over the last two terms, some students definitely gotten stricter since last Ms. Edwards agrees, "While I do disagree with the manner in which the year. I feel that in my particular case, agree that school has no say in whdt two administrators handled the deli- I did nothing wrong. During the DC we allow the parents of our students, to cate issue. The letter, according to process, my cluster dean used intimi- let their children do, I wanted them some in the PA community, made dation to confuse and pressure me into [the parents] to be aware that many innocent parents feel guilty for allow- getting the answer that he/she wanted. parents do say 'no' to such trips, which ing their children to head off on spring There has been such a crackdown often involve illegal substance use," break trips, a topic addressed by the recently on those who have been she said. 'This letter was not meant to letter. dubbed 'out of control' that it is often scare them by any means, just to make Charles Beaman '03 reported, difficult to draw a line on what can be them aware of the situation." "The letter was completely out of considered a DC-worthy offense." Alex Thorn '04 weighed in, "It's place. It is absurd for the admiistra- Ms. Edwards herself does not feel not an educated plea, they made to par- tion to try and lecture capable parents the school has gotten any sterner with ents; it's merely a childish cry for about issues relating to spring break. its policies nor does she feel the help." In reality, more people aren't breaking administration has felt any pressure to Overall, Edwards remarked, "I am rules but rather more people are get- punish students more harshly than sure that the majority of the PA corn- ting caught. To warn every single par- before or to make students "examples" munity is highiy informed of the surge ent of possible bad behavior is unnec- for one another. "We are just hearing in D)Cs this past year. Students should essary when there are only a few more about certain cases now than in be well acquainted with the school's culprits." the past," she defended. rules and regulations, which are clear- Ms. Edwards recognizes this con- Various students who read the let- ly printed inThe Blue Book so that sequence of sending the letter during ter reported feeling an initial shock they avoid [these disciplinary trou- the break, but asserts, "Although I had that the school administration would bles.]" the idea for some type of letter for instruct the parents on how to control many months, by the time I sat down with Mrs. Chase and the idea was actu- A ally formulated, there wa sn't any pos- ae o

sibleway to get it out any ooner." ot ~ adToa efro pn nhsgae ~~

.. ~' ~ ~ ~~~~atacrucial time, prior to senior spring sombe studnsfnout their finalteslefinish term or beoe-okdtyoto.WlIprisese 77M ain St walk ~~~~~~~~~~~~withtheir class at commence- I eoe okdt pin idprisese mnasresult of poor decision-mak- 1 -A"\ Class of 2006 - Rise in applicants from Kazakhstan caused by And'A m01810r, 11 1 wrl ing. June ~~~~Gordon'04 stated, "I am not \ - " closing of Osama's brainwashing academies. Yeah diversity! (Q-701% in 100% ~~~~~~~~~~~~~agreementwith the letter, OFJr JME749*730,0 cn ndrsan wer F-~~~~fel]_ Weekend Power Outage - Several people suffer from acute AIM the administration is coming from. ~ - withdrawal. It's unfortunate. THE PHILLIPiAN NEWS APRIL 5, 2002 A5 P~c~I~F TE WEKKenyon Dean to Take Reins of CCOx~ Over Sumnmer Break UPPER'S Continued from Page Al, Column 2 V,.' 2, ~~~~~~~~~respectedadmissions deans wo i 44is: ~~[firstand foremost] a student ou a n -10 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Agraduate of Colgate University and bearer of a master's of education "'P P degree from the University of New Hampshire in Durham, Mr. Anderson has served on such prestigious councils as the National Merit Scholarship Selection Committee and the Midwest- For expert help and assistance that ern Regional Executive Committee of -s p l m n the College Board. Since beginning his significantly sp lm career at Kenyon in 1987, Anderson has raised the bar for admissions selec- -PAsC eln tivity and pushed for increasing focusColgsevc : on long-term planning, comimunica- tions, and management of the $13 mil- lion scholarship budget. *in choosing appropriate colleges to which to apply While contrbuting to such publi- Couirtesy of the College Counseling Webvite *i piiigcacsfram so ote cations as The New Republic, Ander- John Anderson will become Direc- son also found time for forming rela- tor of College Counseling. tion ships at the college that are the coll'ege grew more diverse, it also "enjoyable and ermiching." become more attractive to lots of stu Contact Dr. Bing Sung The admissions dean commented dents... Kenyon has always been a at 978-474-5059. OFF~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ briefly on his accomplishments at his highly respected college, but I think it 41 ~ ~ ~ ~ om n oklc frteps 5 is now a more interesting coflege..." ;~years, noting, "The highlight of my With a career at PA looming time here [has beenj without question ahead, the new CCO Director per- '1 helping to make Kenyon a more cevshs"diitaieaiiyt PA '63; parent of Max Sung PA199 diverse community. When I came to lead and manage a complex office" to Kenyon, the College was just begin- be one of his most important assets. He -Harvard A.B. '66; A.M.'67; Ph.D. '70 riung to he more assertive in recrtnting says that he is capable of "dealing with * -~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~students of color, first eneration col- the various pressures and stresses that -Experienced-prep school & college teacher, L~~ilx. afriend as he -~~~~~~~lege-bound students, students from come with the territory." The position ttr oc Kwado~champog'02 emrace a fiendas h recivesone hi lower economic strata, or other stu- Mr. Anderson will acquire this sum- ttr oc KwadwoAceanipong'02embrces receies one o his col dents who brought various kinds of mer is one Mrs. Purington compared to legein acceptance GW. letters ~~~diversity to the College community. As that of a department chair, one in -Long time Harvard Colleg e alumnus which "not only has your own counse- interviewer CloseElectionResults in win for ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~lees,but also an overview of the entire CloseElee'tion Results in Win forvMaqublela, class" ad one where "[some responsi- rl" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~bilitiesinclude] various special report- three Candidates at ing procedures in conjunction with the Rfrnefo eetP n te Speak ASM 'Before Voting, academic council."Reeecsf mrcntP adohr Continued from Page Al, Column 5 congratulations to all the presidential date proposed the creation of a "navi- Although focused on the chal- advisees are available on request campus in what was a decidedly low- aspirants, Willig proceeded to elabo- gator - someone who knows the waters lenges ahead, Mvr. Anderson still has key advertising war. Presidential final- rate on the role of the Student Council of PA and [the student' si individual no definite plans for what he will do at ist and two-year Council member Fee president - a responsibility that has, itinerary." A combination of house PA. At first, he wishes to "get to know commented, "There was no campaign. according to the departing Council counselor, academic advisor, coach, the rhythms of the office, get feedback None of us wanted to be the odd man member, "become more concrete" and mentor, this "comprehensive and frohmystud gensnfacuty an ronsl campaigning. but t is a shame we did since the student government's recent responsible" faculty member would wihm colausbfrIpooe notmre atract attntion.I was expansion under his own guidance. serve also as an "advocate" for a stu- any significant changes in the current pleased with the candidate pool,' After that short explanation, Willig in dent testifying in front of a Discipli- program.. I1keo chaebuwat tog n though I wish it could have been larg- turn handed over the podium to Fee, nary Committee (DC). Although such hwt hnei omk tbte. er. ~~~~~~~~whoopened his addr-ess with an anec- an idea encountered initial skepticism, I xrsighsdsr ofcltt Countering Fee's observation dote comparing his older sister's poor McCallum remained optimistic and InepesnCi esr ofcltt referring to the absence of a campaign, driving skills to his theory that "the encouraged by the fact that he had been "strong relationships" between the President-elect Maqubela asserted, harder you work [nteSdnto- abeoexrshiopinsnfotofAnderson stated his main goals: "Most "1some people-say that there was not erment], the more you fall flat on the entire school. Iimportantly, I will be helping students too much campaigning, but think all Your face." In the end, however, it was navigate some very important and the candidates did well in terms of dig- As Fee continued, he discussed Maqubela's experience as a faculty sometimes difficult developmental cur- nity, respect for each other, and respect further his point, saying, "if we are not member's son and inhabitant of a stu- rents. Helping students learn how to for the faculty, administration, and ready to speak out for'dur best inter- dent dormitory that propelled him make good decisions, whether about Spencer [Willie]. All in all, the cam- ests, all the hard work is for naught." ahead of the rest of the field. Looking icollege or about broader life issues, is paign was conducted with a whole lot Calling for "a responsible and dutiful ahead to a busy year, the President- ectn' of composure from everybody student council" aware of the student elect, believing firmly that "students exing involved" body's "strengths, and most important- deserve to take courses they are moti- Fellow final round candidate ly, the weaknesses," he emphasized the vated about," plans to focus primarily McCallum, citing 'the absence of an "vibrant and intelligent" nature of on scheduling issues as the transition organized, live debate as a problem, those very students of the academy. from one president to another begins. nevertheless agreed on the quality of After Maqubela echoed similarly As the day of voting came to an the contestants in a race "without ar-tifi- community-oriented sentiments and end, Maqubela complimented the other cial hype" and full of "the civility that ideas, McCallum approached the podi- candidates while highlighting his long- we displayed to one another." urn and proceeded to dramatize the termi personal aims as president, stat- In addition, Willig in an all-school mystique of the "landscape of scholar- ing, "I want to acknowledge all the message commended the "seriousness" ship" that is PA. candidates. What made me different of the platforms and speeches of Dubbing the academy "a city upon was my dual perspective. I was Wednesday morning's candidates - a hill" with "1a more cloudy reality," the approaching the campaign as a student each of who used ,humor interspersed Rockwell House prefect characterized worcgnizes the issues that arise throughout their talks only to maintain the average student as feeling "empty" among the faculty, and [one goal] will audience interest in his primary argu- on account of "nervous, crowded days" be using that double perspective to ment. and "sleep deprivation." To remedy make it easier for the students to get Introducing the three finalists with this sense of "lost direction," the candi- their viewpoints across to the faculty.

Ready for a challenge? We've grot five weeks you'll never forget. Earn Yale College Credit in your choice of over 100 undergraduate courses, including drama and creative writing. Attend class with current Yalies 6 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~THEPHILLIPiAN ARTS APRIL 5, 2002 ______

Boo Littlefield Ol-i p a ARTS GODDESS Director Jean St. Pierre has done it again. Katie Folkman She has concocted a Theatre 520 productionATSS FFW TE consisting, of incredible set design, a quirky, fun script, and extraordinarily talented stu- Many people wouldould identifydentfy ananextrordi extraordi-ple dent actors, Mrs. St. Pierre's Arsenic and Old , n aryandvesstetboysoeofPs Lace, a play written by Joseph Kesseiring, ,,I~- major strengths, What they may not realize is successfully brought to life the wacky story- that much of this strength is often ignored as stu- line. While it tended to drag towards the end 'dents are mainly defined by their academic aspi- of the show, the talent of actors and actresses rations and achievements. such as Tanner Efinger '02, Care VanZile An upcoming student-driven collage of pho- '02, and Olivia Cockburn '02 ultimately heldtorpsaknveSrigBakhesopr the attention of the audience. fray students'tudnts perspectivespespetive absolutelyaboluelyindpen indepen~~tay Set in 1940's Brooklyn, the story features dent of school. The show also aims to involve a two compassionate aunts, Abby and Martha large number of students in the resources of the Brewster who (for the good of society) serve Ardeatetadt lleg tdnst poisonedwine to elderly, lonelyelderberry ~~ ~ 4observe and capture the world around them. gentlemen. Unwittingly assisting themn in 'T pojcimtoeenyalne their endeavorsis their lovable lunatic'~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~' ~'~~th~~ '" of m its simple goal (taking pictures), tokigtheures) lackelac nephew Teddy, who thinks himself to be "limits of on content or demands of artistic tech- Theodore Roosevelt. Things stir up in the niques. So what happens when students are sep- peacefulhome when Mortimer, another arated fromromthe the rigorsigos andan expectationsexectaion ofof acad-edcad nephew of the Brewster ladies (and the only Asking students to tufn cameras on their sane member of the family) discovers the lives could have interesting results.'I hope-to see corpse of one of the gentlemen, played by a lot, of dogs with bunny ears," said Art Club Chris Lynch '04, in the window seat. When he later learns of twelve other bodies buried president Adrienne Benitez '03. in the basement, he racks his brain for a solu- XV~- With the variety of subject matter over tion to his mostdisturbing dilemma. J Spring Break from home life to vacationsngvcatins toakfromhomelifetot When long-lost, evil nephew Jonathan '"-'- --- ' "- - -'"- - J Wardrop/The Phillipian communithy sevcProject sluatee A arlu and his sidekick Dr. Herman Einstein arrive J,Wardrop/The PllipianPhtgayPrjcceailguanesav- *to start a plastic surgery business in the Caroline VanZile '02 and Tanner Efinger '02 give stunning performances in the Jonathan Judson '02 plays with his toy ety of perspectives. Brooklynthehome, eleganterTer Victorians houseOldLac. WinterArsenicAre Term Theatre and Old 520's Lace, ~~~soldiers as Teddy in Arsenic and Old Lace. Another excitingZ aspect of the show is the Brooklynhome, the elegant Victorian house ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~amountof student power behind it. Benitez becomes littered with loonies. The plot, abilities. In a cast of extremely talented stu- shone as Elaine Harper. Colaianni, through- Tyler Mixter doubled as the Reverend Dr. described the show as, "99% student run," whfle packed with attempted murder, clueless cops, dents, both Cockburn and VanZile showed out the show, retained a naturalness about her Harper and the solemn Mr. Witherspoon, citing the support offered by the Addison and a harried theatre critic trying to protect their impressive abilities as thespians. that conveyed her independence as a woman, superintendent of Happy Dale Sanitarium. Gal-Y. his murderous, sweet old aunts, is eventually Jonathan Judson '02 played the goofy while still being very much in love with His clean-cut personality and look verified An Addison Gallery exhibit inspired the resolved with all of the insane characters Teddy Brewster. With a consistent kind- Mortimer. The script's quick-witted lines that he was well cast, show. "Secret Games," a display of alumna signing themselves away to Happy Dale hearted delivery, Judson made the audience allowed her to move freely with the charac- Theatre Chairman Bruce Bacon designed 'Wendy Ewald's photography, combined with Sanitarium. Not exactly~ profound, but cer- fall in love with the pretend president (even ter's intelligence, the monstrous set in Steinbach. His design Ewald's support for student art, was a huge part tainly entertaining. though he buried dead bodies in the base- The antagonistic duo, Jonathan and Dr. perfectly simulated a 1940's, well-decorated of the origin of the upcom-ing student show. The comedic script certainly bad its shin- 'ment). He bounded on stage in each one of Einstein, were played by Jack McCallum '03 Brooklyn home, the somewhat ironic back- While the show is organized by the Art Club, ing moments, and sodid the actors. VanZile his entrances with untapped energy and and Steve Travierso '04, respectively. While drop for the fast-paced, crazy play. the photography challenge is open to the entire and Cockburn played the zany Abby and proudly blew his trumpet. The dependable McCallum certainly personified evil, his Costume designer Billy Murray recreated student body. The Art Club hopes the challenge Martha Brewster. While many wefe probably comic relief in the show, Judson' s capacity character showed little change throughout the the look for all of the members of an upper- will attract students who would not ordinarily be doubtful that two adolescents could realisti- for stage humor was well received show. He did not follow the script's apparent middle class New York City society'. Fro;ff drawn to an art project. cally play grandmother-aged women, their Mortimer,'the well-intentioned, somewhat intentions of building up to the villain's final mink stoles to long skirts to police attire 'to The club meets on Tuesdays from six to doubts were soon assuaged. Both VanZile neurotic theatre critic, was played by Efinger. level of insanity. McCallum instead acted military uniforms (for "President" Teddy), seven-thirty to explore different art forns, from and Cockburn were perfectly casted for their While he had his shining moments during outwardly homicidal throughout the show, Murray dressed each member of the large cast figure drawing to ceramics to drawing work- roles, and brought to life the characters of the monologues, Efinger's greatest wdrk could be which proved to be somewhat confusing. The with careful consideration, resulting in an shops. charming murderesses with every contem- seen as he agilely bounced around the stage, audience questioned his motives as to being extremely successful effect. Lighting design, The photo project, originally scheduled to plated gesture, uneven gait, and moment of attempting to foil his brother Jonathan's evil so evil to everyone around him. This cnfu- accomplished also by Billy Murray, showed take place before spring break, was postponed innocent sweetness. Cockburn's comedic tim- plans. Efinger proved to the audience his abil- sion may have been, in part, due to a confus- some impressive ight scenes and empha- until over spring break. due to lack of pho- ing and VanZile's marked comfort in the role ity to act subdued while showcasing his ing aspect of the script. .sized the already superb visuals tograpbs. Tbis term, from e-mails to posters, a led the show smoothly. Two of the more unyielding energy. Dr. Einstein, played by Travierso, was the Jean St. Pierre's directorial decisions more aggressive advertising campaign promises experienced members of the cast, these senior .Portraying the beautiful, droll love inter- wacky sidekick to the evil Jonathan. While regarding blocking and motivation were, as more publicity and entries. students proved their distinguished acting est of hero Mortimer, Alex Colaianni '03 Travierso could have let go of his inhibitions always, well received. In allowing her actors Students are welcome to submit photographs even more so than he did, many moments, a large amount of freedom to choose motiva- at Art Club meetings or to contact Art Club r ~~~~suchas the maniacal slap of a medical glove, tion and stage instinctively, St. Pi erre board members Benitez, Nate Meltzer '03, or caused huge outbursts of laughter to erupt achieved a sense of naturalness throughout a Winnie Liu '03. Many people have already pre- at ~~~~~~~~~~fromthe audience. An obvious favorite of the show with~a not-so-natural plot. This enabled sented submissions. audience, Travierso seemed to enhance his the imagination of the audience to slip into a In the upcoming weeks, the amount of pho- l~ performance from scene to scene. Completely sense of realism where these frenzied occur- tography will determine the gallery space for the inthe moment by the end of the play, rences almost seemed normal. The script also show, most likely the space in the lower level of Travierso convinced the audience of his gave Mortimer multiple chances to remind the Elson. According to the show's tentative wackevl (adan jst litle it im)the audience of the absurdity of the idea of schedule, submissions will hemi by midterm and wakm ndeii(nnusd.itl itdm murdering old men because they are "lone- the show will be up by the end of April. The show was enhanced with some hilar- ly," which elevated the level of comedic For those who enjoy photography and would ious cameos by the various members of the irony. lieto t pictures wihuhangtwor Brooklyn Police Department:- Dean Felch '02 From sophisticated tea time atherings to about grades, submit photos to the Art Club's It's not often that Jenny W~ong directing. as Officer Brophy and Sam Beattie '03 as dead bodies in the window seat, the witty and exit.Frhoewooudjslkeoeny high school students get. Pliillipian: I Lieutenant Rooney. Ellen Thistle '02 and slapstick comedy of Arsenic and Old Lace the show, stop by to "see stuff you wouldn't the chance to experi- ARTS STAFF WRITER understand that you Sam Szzi '02 in particular revealed their was pulled off well by a talented cast with a ordinarily see," and get a glimpse of your nent with the hands-on have your indepen- comedic talents as the hilarious Officer Klein knowledgeable director. friends' inspirations, passions, and influences. work of directing. Here at Andover, students dent project, a Theatre Classroom, going and Officer O'Hara, respectively. are given the exciting opportunity to test up next weekend. What is that all about? their own capabilities in that very field. K.S.: The Mineola Twins is not really a Kelsey Siepser '02, a veteran of the PA plot driven play. It follows the lives of two I Theater Department, puts her experience to twins, Myrna and Myra, both played'by Liv C an ta ta T1Iour M emoirs: work directing the upcoming Theater Cockburn '02, from the 1950's to the 1980's. Classroomproduction The Mineola Twins. They are both very stereotypical characters.AV4 Phillipian: Since you started working Myrna is ultra-conservative and Myra is very in the theatre, how long have you been left-wing. I use those ideas in their blocking; eacdl working in the field of directing? Myrna' s scenes take place on the right of the Kelsey Siepser: Well, I have been acting stage and Myra's on the left. These two I ema islk a da tswt ahrn lit n eas sdsuet bt ntuetl fouhlonger than I have been directing, estranged twins find these weird connections Iteem,_tfrs,_lkabddeaItsithKahernistsot and embsouersofte ntabta ndtFietlo for much ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~goodreason, after all, that Canada is not knownissadm besothCnaaadFdlo and I guess I was just curious. I had an in these dreams that they have and through as a spring break destination. Even Instructor ARTS APHRODITE choirs] as soloists. It wound up being a lot of - opportunity to play with directing here at the different people they interact with. Jim in Music William Thomas is willing to concede The second and third sections allowed for extra work, but it was extremely rewarding." Andover, and I directed my first Theatre and Sarah, both played by Emily Selove '02, that much: "I would normally tend to favor a some variety: though each is only one piece .The venues selected manifest a similar will-s Classroom last year during upper winter. I are the respective lovers of each sister. Sam sunnier place after a long, cold winter." But at long, the tour group prepared two separate ingness to experiment. Already somewhat knew the theatre well enough to try my hand Spears '02 plays the sons of each of the least for this year's Cantata Choir and Chamber pieces, such that the musical line-up could be familiar with the Montreal area, Mr. Thomas at directing. I learned a lot, and I definitely twins. The twins try to connect with their Orchestra concert tour, hie explained, 'hne roeu o eu.Te ocr' was particularly drawn to the idea of perform- had a sort of love/hate relationship with "lost" sibling through all the people they "Mnrasureeu oeiel"cand fromenue otvene. ether concesglh or am aiia h ags directing. As I was actually directing, I encounter. It's a satire, and I'm trying to get As a part of the annual undertaking, some secoch t containediaeither Samuel th becamereall nervusdo andsworeneverto eopleto thnk thrugh cmedy.100 students traveled through parts of Canada Barber's "Adagio for Strings," a slow move- Montreal Symphony. The Notre Dame Basilica it again. But when it was all over, I liked the Phillipian: Why did you choose to and Vermont during last month's vacation, per- ment written for a string quartet best known as was opened in 1829, making it the largest reli- overallthe al-over prouction. artitic I ikedirectthis playforming in three cities over the course of the a song of mourning, or Nigerian composer Fela gious edifice in North America at the time. overalal-over prodution. rtistc likethe diret thisplaysix-day stint. Their circuit, which included Sowande's "African Suite." The third section "When planning a trip like this, it's really a contrl.ogeter Drectng a brngs hole K.S. Well I hve aways ikedthe lay-stops in Colchester, Vermont as well as showcased the tour's instrumental soloists; vio- question of a finding a balance. We usually combination of skills. It is frustrating as an wright, Paula Vogel. This is a satire on Montreal and Laval, Quebec, marked the 25th linists Byoung Jin Kang '02 and Arianna choose to or three central places-in this actor because you are not fully in control. In extremes, or fitting into archetypes so much anniversary of the tour, and, coincidentally, its Warsaw Fan '04 alternated performances of case, the Basilica-and the other stops tend to directing, you can create something that you that you lose part of yourself. I have never return to its inaugural location, ei edlsh' Voi ocro hl unfold naturally with that," he said. can see. I think that directing brings a lot to read anything like it. It also involves dream "Returning to Canada with the tour after 25 Fei edlsh' Voi ocro hl Such "other stops" often include an educa- my acting and acting brings a lot to my sequences that act as an artistic outlet and years was pure serendipity," said Mr. Thomas, Jan Lui '02 played Ludwig van Beethoven's tional component; the tour has, in the past, fre- allow me to be creative. I have always want- the tour's long-time director. And, in light of "Violin Concerto in D major, Op. 61" in some quently performed at schools or with groups of ed to somehow combine photography, paint- the usual set of considerations that landed them concerts. students. This year, one of the group's perfor-: ing, and directing, and these dreams give me there, perhaps he's right. According to Mr. Thomas, the concert's mances was co-sponsored by two youth choirs, a chance to experiment "One of the things that was most tricky fourth piece-which included Randall one of which had ust returned from its own THE PHILLiPIAN ARTS APRIL 5, 2002 A7;

jazz music - a line that Dr. Warsaw himself Siobhan Lam carefully explored. Aclassic'example of the ARTSSTAFF WRITER ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ationalisticmusic was Barber's Excursions. Whileusual the stage of CochranChapel ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Hewas trying to capture the vastness of the as the setting for P A 's orchestras .~~~~~~~~~~~~~~tcountry - the planes and mountains, the huge ly serves ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~breadthand openness, and the length of the choral groups, and of course All-School L ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~otes- all lending to the expansiveness and Meeting'speakers, the precisely arranged blue ~ aet fthe country. chairs filled the platform for a different pur- maly, Draswedefh vnn

poseantic- Friday night - Dr. Warsaw'slong - - - ~~~~~~~~~~~withKeith Jarrett's Staircase, Part 3, which ~ .ipated faculty pianfo recital. Those fortunate -h a rncie isl ayyaserir enoughthatto attend the concert will testify ~~~~~~~~~~~Theworks of this famous jazz musician were the concert was truly a pleasure to listen to. what brought Dr. Warsaw back to playing the' as Dr.talent Warsaw revealed his amazing - ~~~~~~~~~ ~~, ~ piano at a time when he had thought that he i a pianistHis through his spirited playing. ~~~~~~~~wouldno longer play (about eight or so years ' skill provedto be inspiring. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~aftergraduate school). After listening to a : The music, at times lyrical and light, at rcrigo oeo art' ok~D. -

-times breathtaking in its majesty, soared -Wra eie ortr osho n ,~- through the dark towards the cathedral ceiling 'K~~;become a jazz musician. J. Wardrop/The Phillipian of the Chapel. This night served as a reminder 'f r aswsoiinlpormhdn 1One of the niany pieces of the "Objects Dr.Wrsaw' oriinal rogra ha ndhitres xii t h ebd of the faculty's talent in a school where the -.- "included this particular piece. Two days adterSois xii ttePaoy vast and diverse talent of the student body is ">' beoeteFianghcnerafriend ever present. called and convinced him to play a piece by Thetheevening was an exploration of ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Jarrett,so he dug about in his old papers and fine line between classical music and jazz. : nate h l rncit Dr.Warawxpessd tuefeeling through Dr. Warsawexpressed true h~~~~~~~~s- ~~~~~audience. ~ This piece had originally been impro- every piece he shared with hsadec.vised, leaving Dr. Warsaw with a dilemma.

1905), which kicked off the evening, thes 'ialadethicIstrgttoeraea were allthe brand new (he hadn't played ~~~~~~~~~~moment,and especially in an improvised Ravel in thirty-five years). wrD.Wra ailtdo hoiin " The idea of exploring the line betweenJWrrpTPupanwork? r.ersaw varoilateon thfinedopon H6h1g classical music and jazz has always been of DrPtrWra rcie icsta eqiea- JWrrpTz hlpa ht eraigipoiainifigduo interest to Dr. Warsaw, as is apparent from forede asawo pacticeRecthat rqiay Cohranl dexterous pianist. He per- the composer's artistic rights. Luckily for the his iitial-radatetrough shooltrainngfonnd a Snior aculy ReChapelst.FiaudienceranDr.pe.Warsaw's Drconcerns coc aboutbothisi ths inal goraduheatercoo. triigtruh Apart from the chance to play pieces that During the concert Dr. Warsaw noted that at issue lost out to his great desire to play this thejazz courses helater took.~~~~~~bauifl iee o n udene izy ra e The concert progressed from music that he'd always wanted to learn, Dr. Warsaw one point he was asked to use the palm of his beuilpectoaadeceL zyF sr -was to influeiice jazz - the Ravel and the wanted to break down barriers to 20th hand to play. Carter experimented with silent In an interview afterthe performance, Dr. 'Carter (Sonata 1945-6; rev. 1982) - to music Century music'- to share his love for works notes, chords that only appear after others WaswdsusdhsqadrIbu ly RSSAFW IE that was influenced by jazz - works by written in this time period and to possibly have been "lifted away," sympathetic vibra- ing improvised jazz pieces. Should people do Creaking along the ancient wooden floors, a ,Barber, Copland and Ginastera - and finally make what the music that some may view as tions, and many creative ideas to use on the mnore transcripts of other improvised jazz person may stare at phiotographs of different -to jazz itself, with works such as Keith hard and difficult to comprehend more palat- piano. music in the future or not" On the one hand, worlds that draw him into the heart of the south- -'Jarrett's Staircase, Part 3. able; "...to move from consonance a more Barber and Carter, whose pieces appeared there is the chance to play the beautiful west. Apart from the beautiful sounds of the richer style of harmony... more or less in the middle of the concert, music, but on the other hand, if the original On Saturday, April 6, from 1:00 pm to 4 00 piano, Dr. Warsaw's explanations served to Preparation for the recital began last win- were building on the work of Stravinsky and jazzd aris had taniedoiswor rerah pm thouePeabntodyueu wilehs anit open: enhance the evening. He had applied to the ter when he began learning the Ravel Hindenmith in expanding the sonata. For the wudhv a ttasrbd oi tavo os oitoue"bet n hi tns Kenan Grant committee with this type of a Sonatine, the Barber Excursions, and the Carter piece, Dr. Warsaw spoke eloquently lainoZh opsrswseHglihso h oetS ebd uem 'recital in mind - at lecture concert. These Ginastera pieces. Dr. Warsaw was unable to on the inventiveness and imagination of the naycseDrWrawsudnews I -mini-speeches delved briefly into why he had' Practice during a summer spent devoted to the composer, and the difficulty and unique cre- lucky enough to hear the music that he loved, collecting process of some of the most impres- decided to add them to the program, why they keyboard; teaching a new class, coaching a ativity that made Carter's works distinctive, whether or not it was improvised or tran- sive ethnographic contents of the museum were being played in such-and-such order, sport and working on the Pace of Life Jazz music appeared in the 1910's and scribed. Teehbto xlrshwtelvso and other specifics to add to the audience's Committee. 1920's, influenced by such composers as ,D.Wra aet hlisAaeya Aeia nieospol vle n enjoyment of the piece. In preparation for this recital, Dr. Warsaw Debussy and Ravel. The birth of jazz music gito Fia niht Ti gitwsgetr cagdoe hels etr.I eisapo He touched on the things to look out for - also read about the works, and spoke with came at a time of new nationalism after two than any amount of money the school could priately with the early, history of the museum specific intervals that appeared in the Four Elliott Carter to ain insight about the piece. devastating- World Wars. American corn- receive. It included knowledge, humor, and from 1901 to 1930. The first display, called Piano Blues by Copland, and the reference to Dr. Warsaw also learned more about Carter posers tried to build a new harmonic language an ability to play an instrument so well that it "Collecting Stories." depicts the expeniences of guitar chords in the Suite de Danzas Criollas asacmoe.Cre re ouetig htthat would be distinctively American.- Thus himight passllhaeon. anebdmetoatien men- Mootheadnte hueadysfrs by Ginastera. -had never before been applied to the piano. came the exploration between classical and hi rmr aso.WarnKn orha, h ebd' is supervised the institution for nearly fifty years Moorehead wasn't as interested in archeology as he was in the process of collecting and searching FromromGradersNinthn ra ers to0 Pastordore P0y~~~~~~~~~~~~ndina ~ artifacts.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~foromisioersfrm He was very concenied9rs133 with Native ____~ ~ ~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~aiv mrcnculture abo challengedanhpesevn This is a tale of faeries and fools, of Sam Beattie -as Theseus, Caroline Coughlin as Hippolyta, interests of lumber companies in Minnesota by magic and mischief; of adoration and asses. A Michael Cardella as Bottom, Grant Yoshitsu spotn h euno h ht at timeless comedy of love and fantasy, and "A ARTS ASSOCIATE EDITOR as Flute, Angela Tenney as Wall. Peter Reevto oteoiinlNtv mrcnst very good piece of work, I assure you, and Helena lusts after the company of Demetrius. Rotondo as StarvlinglMoonshine and Abby tders. Pictures of the dispossessed families and merry." This is William Shakespeare's A Another plot is set in a fairy world ruled Seldin as the Lion. White Earth are also on display in the exhibit. Midsummer Night's Dream. by a quarreling king and queen. Oberon and Mark Efinger, Instructor in English and There are only a few pictures of the earlier As this year's Junior Show, A Midsummer Titania. Their quarrel leads to a series of Theatre, spoke about the show in a recent;,ok ahrdfrth uem lc n Night's Dream will be performed in practical jokes played by Oberon's mischie- English 31 1 class. "I've seen rehearsals in the rwhter photog traphof rgery orcs, Steinbach Theatre on Friday and Saturday at vous servant, Puck. Puck's jokes eventually past week and was really impressed with the rahrmbgositesofitryidsuc. 7:00 PM. connect the second plot to the third. This third amount of talent some of these kids possess. exemplifies the comparatively limited informa- The performance, direct~d by Instructor Plot is that of the "Mechanicals," a group of A lot of times, shows don't come together tion avilable about stone tools at the beginninig inellyFlyn, Eglih, s nt raicaly if-laborers hired to perform a play at the wed- until opening night, but this one is already atiof the twentieth century. Other pictures include ferent from what audience members may ding of Theseus, Duke of Athens, and at a high level of sophistication. have great teacsrlPela ie hr orha expect, although the overall mood and theme Hippolyta, Queen of the Amazons. expectations for opening night." worked, including Mesa Verde, the site of is an original departure from the norm. Says Shakespeare portrays the Mechanicals as buf- A Midsummer Night's Dream is a play Ch1928 Caooehepllr field wrork92 toa Flynn, "I wanted a play that would be fun for foons. that has traditionally possessed a strong 98 orha efre il oka large Mississippi mound site called, Etowahi. people to look at, and more fun for people to Flynn has decided to play up the fourth reliance on the mood projected by the visuals: MonC ulest hsda r eie soeo see. There is not necessarily an overriding and final subplot, which directors often set, costumes, lighting, etc. To this end, the Mudbidr oti a r eie soeo Z~~~~~~~the authentic archaeological histories of North theme, but there is a lot of fun, random stuff. ignore. This plot focuses on the engagement play hag one off in an opposite direction' Originally, I thought that we would go with a between Theseus and Hippolyta, and in from the expected wild woodlands. "The set' pad out AmcoericarViewfacthmons,htorps-o di James Bond theme, and though that idea was Flynn's vision of the play-, concentrates on is half sleek art gallery, and half random fun, ly fdsoee riatadpoorpso 1the excavation at Etowahi in the Peabody collec- not used, there are still some vestigial traces the Amazon Queen's unwillingness to mnarry shapes and colors," says Flynn, "It's entirely thsfat of that in the performance. For the most part, the Duke. Flynn connects this subplot to that blue and silver, and I feel like I've acciden- Thenspeoths cvtio nNwMeiofo the play is classic pie-in-the-face slapstick." of the young lovers through Hippolyta and tally set the play in the tundra." The set relies ePcoexaaoniNwMxcofm Many of the lucky discoveries that add to Hermia, She explains: "Hippolyta is marry- upon vertical levels, eliminating the need for 1915 to 1929 is also featured. Adjacent to a brief * - ~thedepth of the play were made by accident, ing someone whom she doesn't want to a lot of movable scenery. Upon first entering hit 0yMisofthe a Pecosreand the ueblnsof true to the production's "random" mood. At marry, and Hermia is being forced by her Steinbach Theatre to catch an early glimpse rooms.1 Ass acetercommrc theelnd first, Flynn was concemned with the timing of father to marry Demetrius. Hippolyta con- of the set, theatre enthusiast Tanner Efinger ros sacne o omrei h the performance, opening so soon after nects with HIerrmia through their like troubles, '02. said, "It's a really strikingly impressive Southwest, Pecos was considered one of the Spring Break, but in the end, she says, and the actors' natural sympathy is empha- set. The colors are so vivid, and I think they 1700 va.DlsoowaedrgosiAmhis rea o5 te "People came back fresh and ready to work. sized by their body language onstage." will really draw the attention of the audience exhib0 Are. tols uhcsed archegialhi prath- We gained a lot in many areas." -Some of the cast list includes Ciarra to the action in the~play." tice. The juniors themselves, through their Schmidt as Hermia, Annie Wilkin as Helena, For those planning to go see this unique Anechprintemsu'hsoy actual personalities, made a great contribu- Adam Holt as Demetrius, Peter Nelson as -performance of one of Shakespeare's greatest began in 1940 when Archaeology began using tion to the feel of the play. Particularly work- Lysander, Franklin Davisof as Oberon, Katie works, Director Flynn has one last piece of nelzeeoe cetfi etn ehd.l ing with the romantic scenes, says Flynn, Nadwomny as Titania, Christopher Donahue advice: "Watch for the falling chicken." 1snew eglnd ipeyfi P.sinBumendofI "Ninthnatural graders still have a lot of the ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Andoverwas the first person to create a "cultur- hesitation, shyness, and ambivalence about al chronology" based upon the setting of projec- touching onstage that most eople have in tiestsotvrigtps real life. Most ninth graders have experienced On the back wall of the show room, the desire, or so-called 'darker emotions,' result- devlopen of radi cabo dain is dice. THE PHILLIPIAN NEXWS APRIL 5, 2002 A8 Saturday Night Car Accident Results in Campus Blackout

Driver Roberts, 49, Suffers Critical Injuriessere o'oltohl nson.erhsad' sccsi.iis;oeerfn thglm ob

- 'By JEREMY BEECHER SIJICIEDE BOMEBING IN ISRAEL King George.V1 from an isecure, stuttering 'able thatttppal-,Qaeda vould be"inmPaldstar right' On Saturday night, a Wakefield emy Public Safety Director Torn INJURES 31 PEOPLE ounge'bohrt apoerfimnar but alotI - ', ~ I~t sp lmdGu.si, woman suffered critical injuries -Conlon was unsure if the accident prov5ideladhip for~ ftye Brisdung o'ttnkh¶pleeripoldb lig when her car overturned on South was caused by drag racing but corn- A trend of suicide bomnbings continue-d Ou eatth agfeiof figlan sfe~herokuthe ie of aroundPaitnIisotaffrtem"h Main Street, just beyond the Bor- mented, Israel on March 30th, injuring at. least, thirt-oe ,* ue lzbehI seddthJhoe i add"Tewolbeeteof inAghnsa den Gym. She "collided with an "It's a pretty straight stretch of people. The attack took place'in Tel Aviv, in acaf6' taep aln ceueof public a perneEeas'h azigvrmn osn~ytcn electrical pole, totaling her car and road. This type of accident has hap- often frequented by the cits'mr so sticated .enihrnntesbuwaneeoousorhe'rotewolcuty Tewodbefrme knocingut'muh oweracros ofpene quie a ew tmeswhenpeo- citizens, located in a primarily, secular district Of occdabinlgs of gi or routf dgashinHepeacnd coftbe thewnestgator oecert campus. pie are drag racing in that area," he the city. Witnesses reported that the bomdb senrv't-, ' fude is shoaclo lie difiuhesof ted ankbte hseaetdadtemo ect triunilis,ut she lL ueni n eat of E terrgris atakiostnotblytheMaich 17th Witnesses reported that an commented. nails and other metal fragments into' the air, and' Britons as their, venerat~de enu'ofEg grenade attack onaslmbchrt Isuzu Rodeo, driven by' Jane Roberts' son, Eric, has vigor- police reports indicat~ thath epoincaused a' lad Roberts, 49, a Wakefield resident, ously denied this charge. "She's fire that destroyed the restaurant but caused o was traveling south on Route 28 not known for anything high casualties other than the bomber, Soon after the. INDI1DUALRESEMBL~INGKEY BIN, LADEN"$ TOPAI1DES (Main St.) when it collided with a speed," said Eric Roberts of his bmigthAkaMrrsrgdearop' Q EA E fB AR)TEC PURED IN PAKISTANRAD Ford Taurus turning' onto Route 28 mother. "Drag racing-I don't which is on the US State Department's list 6'f Rprsfo nelgnc gnisas ug from Hidden Road. think those words apply to my FTO's (Foreign Terrorist Organizations) and is :that- he was 0sama Bin Ladin's chief ecitifter as The Taurus, driven by 19-year- mom." affiliated with Yasir Arafat's, Fatahi Movement, ,'Reports idicate that]3.S organize raids On A'well as his potential successor. Critics however, find old James Alexzan from North Andover police put out a local claimed responsibility fr the attack. This is he Islamic-Radca forse atern Pikistan ,itigly ~poal httpa-ad ol ei Andover, -was hit in the rear and dragnet to search for the white third bombing since last Wednesday, and though, resulted inth aretof 6dviulclslright now. spun several times before coming sports car, which "sped off west- the act was not the deadliest, it occurred at apar- resembling.Abideen;~buiiubaydah, n~keyal-. FormierPakistani spyHamid Gul said, I don't to rest in a ditch on the opposite bound on Hidden Road at a high ticularly delicate moment'- The-Israeli-array had Qaeda plarner linked to the evenits of Seeber think. the, top leadership would-be milling around side of the road. rate of speed immediately after the recently warned that it was ready to attack Arafat's 11Ith. The arrest was ofapponaeysit Pakitan. It is not safe for thenV" he added, 'They The Isuzu did not fare as well. crash occurred," said Dunn. compound in Ra-mallah. Responding primariy to a five that were made duing aftwo-~day run-over of, 'would be better off in Afghanistan because the Theseverl Iszu sputime Polie detetives till hven t previous bombing, the Israeli army launched tanks potential terrorists hieus xoghs Karzai-governmeit does'not yet control the whole around, oveilurning and slamming determined the identity of the white to smash the walls 'and trap Arafat in a second- detained were tw~enty-five suspected al-Qheda -and country. They would be far miore comfortable there." into the power pole, finally~coming sports car or its driver, but have floor office. fiessetdtlbnfghters; Police an nel- Ivsinoshp oucvralink between. those to rest almost 100 yards from the ruled out road rage by Roberts' '' gence, operatives carrie~d out the arrests, it arrested and the, most recent'-terrorist'attacks, most' impact point, response to the white car' s high "U E O H RDE ev upport from well-armed-non-military US nbtably the March 17th grenade attack on an IsJaM- Alexzan was able to walk away speed and close proximity to her. PAEpesnl.IthmaisneeZbaahsc4. bdcuc. from his nearly totaled Taurus and Alexzan was. ticketed for a minor FULLY IN HER SLEEP AT 101' ture would mark-a major success in'the 'wi Air and ground raids continue to pound Pakistan told police he was not injured, right-of-way violation, against terror. Not only'vas he linked to Septemn- 'inteielssarhfrsmanLdnadohr Roberts, however, was pinned Closer to campus, PA students ' Saturday March 30 marked the death of Eliza- ber 11thd, but he was also the criminal of a-world- mmbrftrololazaon. in her mangled car, held upside all across campus found their Sat- beth , the Queen Mother of Englan4. A wide man hunt resulting om.his suspected unw, somle fhiscosst en aeneins down by her seatbelt that, firefight- urday nights interrupted when spokesman for her daughter, Queen Elizabeth II, involvement in the 1998 bombings onfEast turnup. One of Osamna bin Laden's top aides was ersher sa, lfe, likey save poer waslost. hough onlon reported that the beloved Queen Mother had died Afican American embassies. Reports from inmngtesittewtrors ssetscpurdi Roberts remained trapped in her reports that the campus power plant Iel iheslptatferontteagofne gence agencies also suggest that he was Osama 'Pakistan earlier this week - wasableo com on lne an sup- hundred and one. A prominent figure in Britain for BiLan'chercutrswllshsponil car until the Andover Fire Depart- a bet oeo ieadsp over sxty-five years, Queen Mother Elizabeth - inLd acefrritraswlasispetal by Andrew-McGowan & Brendan McManus ment could remove her with ply the West Quad and Abbot por- hydraulic extrication tools, better tions of campus, power remained known as the "Jaws of Life." out in Flagstaff. After being freed from the Word of this caused Ryley Head of School to Take Administrative Leave wre~ckage, Roberts was transported Room, a popular Saturday night to Lawrence General Hospital gathering spot, to close, and hun- where she is currently reported to dreds of students emptied into the IOU- i t o e cx i h Fm l with a collapsed lung and numer- Many students filed into Day ' Continuedfrom Page Al, Column 6 female Head of School at PA, Mrs. Mrs. Fried will-work to coordi- ous fractures and bruises. Doctors Hall, which inexplicably had 'Berkeley, California with her hus- Chase has helped to effect critical nate external functions with Secretary expect a full recovery, power', to watch the NCAA tourna- band and her two-and-a-half-year-old changes in the life of the Academy, of the Academy Peter Ramsey while The facts surrounding the crash ment on TV. Most stood outside, 'grandson. She also plans to use her work on the Strategic Planning comn- Mr. Carter will help in the academic are nebulous. Andover Policeman talked, and stared in amazement at time to continue research on early mnittee, raise funds for Campaign area and financial planning, along

Andrew Dunn reports that several the dark campus. nineteenth century history and the Andover, and help restructure the with Dean of Studies Vincent Avery . witnesses saw a "white~ Tomn Barron '04 noted, "I don't reform movements of the period, Pace of Life. and Chief Financial Officer Neil vehicle... traveling at a high rate of think anyone knew why the campus hoping to potentially teach a senior Even so, as Campaign Andover Cullen. Mr. Cullen is also well pre- ' speed directly behind the Isuzu went dark." iseminar as early as next spring. nears its scheduled close this May, pared foi his temporary position.

Rodeo." "The power just suddenly went Chase expressed to the faculty a Chase feels she would benefit from "I've worked with Mr. Cullen ''/ Some but not all eyewitnesses out," concurred Rachel Higbie '02. desire to "retool and rejuvenate" for stepping away from the community fairly closely on the budget and fac- report that the Isuzu and the Students received a vague iher mid-March return and the begin- before approaching it again with a ulty salaries and Dr. Avery and have unidentified white car with a spoil- description of the previous night's ning of spring term, new vigor. Held back by illness in the always worked together when hiring i:;- . er were drag racing. Phillips Acad- events. In her eight years as the first last school year, Chase hopes to take faculty on the academic program," he ~T2 the opportunity to rest before prepar- said.

ing to launch a new administrative In Chase's absence, the adminis- '-- strategy and to continue working on tration and faculty will begin to dis- '-' Pace of Life and other changes in the cuss the launch, of the new adminis- . . school. 'trative plan and will continue to work J.WardroplThe Phillipian In Mrs. Chase's absence, Associ- on issues such as Pace of Life. Mrs. Head of School Barbara Chase will ate Head of School Rebecca Sykes, Fried will aid Mrs. Sykes in the plan- take a six month Sabbatical stairt- will fill Mrs. Chase's position with ning initiatives with the faculty and ing next fall. the help of Dean of Faculty Stephen the board, assisted by continued cor- ut n diitaos"osre Carter and Dean of Admissions Jane respondence with Mrs. Chase. Mrs. Case, whobgnistalking" withve Fried. Mrs. Chase expressed her con- Mrs. Sykes expressed confidence trhee ouri g oardn of n wrute fidence in the leadership capability of in the ability of the administration and encouncil thisd fll. tee the three administrators, and faculty to handle such issues Thoug tais slunigly uusufal fr "I believe," she said, "that the while Mrs. Chase is away. "We oper- hdof-Shooito tasslih nsabratcl school will be in very strong hands. I ate at PA," Sykes asserted, "in a Dr.Daldce omer eadbtcl believe in hiring and appointing beautifully integrated. but decentral- of. Scoold soemrdurighsme at strong people and in delegating ized fashion. The individuals who are the Academy, and Mrs. Chase's deci- [responsibility to them]." Mrs. Sykes responsible for addressing these sion has been strongly supported by will assume the day-to-day responsi- issues will continue to work as they the Board of Trustees and Deans' bility for students along with Dean of would if Mrs. Chase were here. She Council. Dean Carter himself has Students Marlys Edwards and Dean has or will have given us our charge been with the school for 22 years and of Community and Multicultural before she leaves in maid-September." took advantage of the opportunity for Development Bobby Edwards. Come September, Mrs. Chase a sabbatical 12 years ago. " Mrs. Chase pointed out that Mrs. will not be the only faculty member It would be good for her," he Sykes is "well prepared to take on absent from campus. Fifteen mem- remarked, "to have the opportunity to this role" as she has always worked hers of the faculty have been granted gealitedsncfrmhecol closely with the Head of School. sabbaticals for the year of 2002-2003 ge ral cosane farom unthedo "She is an extremely talented and and many faculty members have -an pal oebceueae with a little perspective and rest dedicated leader, and I have absolute elected to take the entire year off. "I bhn e. faith in her to carry on whenever I am have seen over the years how suc- away," Chase said of Sykes. cessful the experience is for the fac- Japanese Students Claim Victory i Quiz Bowl,Winning Trip to Japan ByOLIVIA ORAN really happy about how everything existence in other parts of the By ~~~~~~turned out in the end." country. It was developed in order Do you know what "kurukuru" Not to be outdone, the team of to assess the different levels of I I I ~means? Or "kosone kotoba"? How Jeni Park '03 and Janny Chou 04 Japanese being taught and to pro- about a "hotasu"? These were just earned a third place trophy in the mote the widespread growth of - '- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~afew of the questions asked at the 2T level. Japanese culture throughout the recent Japan Bowl, in which teams Chair of the Japanese Depart- nation. from PA managed to clinch both meat Teruyo Bourne stated, By "Going to the Japan Bowl was second and third place trophies. working and studying so hard for a great experience," commented Held on March 2 at The Children's the Japan Bowl, I believe that, the Japanese 200 student Knef King Museum in Boston, the Bowl was participants gained a sense of a '04. "I really learned about what attended by over fifteen teams- strong bond with one another. my strengths and weaknesses are from around New England, each They became more aware of the in Japanese. It was also fun to ThC FRILLWFAN B3

Volume CXXV, Number 4 Phillips Academy, Andover, Massachusetts April 5,202 IVJIIUUNI1]~~~~~~~[II ~Boys And Girls Track Return'

MARCHMADNESS& ~~~~~~~~As Interscholastic Champions, by J.J. Feigenbaum p~~~~~gl4'.RAIJ.PREVIEW ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~PHULIPIAN SPORTS WM BASEBLL RE IE the injury to superstar Melissa Donais There was an uneasy feeling '02, Betsy Burke '02, Sam Weisz '03 2002 isthe year of the Ninja Turtle about the way it ended. and Lizzie Fraser '04 have picked up ______~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Somethingjust the slack in the weeks leading up to didn't sit right in the the season, Ever since Chris pits of the team mem- "We aren't as deep as we have Webber called a timeouTRC berS's stomachs. They been, especially compared to last that Michigan's "Fab -beat Exeter, thumped year. But we are going to be tough. Five" did not have in the them really, 85-19. But the winter We work harder every day, and I 1993 NCAA Men's season does not finish; there are no know that we can cover the events, Basketball National Interschols, no day to shine. Sure, even if it means running-more than is Championship, I have' been devoted -each team finished with very impres- expected of us," commented Burke, to' the madness of the month of . sive and undefeated records, but no who was named The Phillipian March. When Steve Fisher recruited championship banners will be hung Winter Term Althlete of the Term. the reatest class of basketball play- from the rafters or outside the gym, The dynamic lower duo of Dave ers, he brought together &h flair and commemorating these two teams, Sheldon '04 and O'Shea Galan '04 the style that changed basketball. On - t~'-r:-,,i:n ~arguably the best in recent Andover return after stellar freshman perfor- any street court in the world, there are maces, and, along with Post- kids wearing black Nike's socks, sag- The snow melted, the trees started Graduate Gary Garcia '02, lead the gigbgysotan unn hi blooming, and the Blue tracksters Blue sprints. The 400m is an event mouth s with the edge that Ray returned to Andover. that is not quite a sprint but is not Jackson, Jimmy King, Jalen Rose, This season, there is a chanmpi- long enough to be termed distance. Juwan Howard, and Chris Webber onship and it is one the Blue plan on Ultimately, it falls into its own cate- made their trademark. No other teamtaighm.Teewlbeafne goy that did not win an NCAA -- aighm.Teewl J Wardrop/ The Phillipian ending, there will be bigeafnt meets oyAndover's hopes rest upon Jordan Championship attracts the kind of agantlclrvladohraae ars'2 akatra nuyrd attention, awe, and obsession that Nick Barber '03, a new upper addition to this year's team, hurls a fastball from the pitcher's mound n istwlol vs nhusofhe pantat daied win aater an ndurCrey- Michigan's heralded basketball class Wensa' cimgis Steve Sorota Memorial Track, and Hynes '04. They, along with Durana, of '95 still do almost a decade later. ir-6,-,- N ~ there are large scale invitationals, set O'Donoghue, Kapor, and Knef King Recently, the glory has been tainted LJefen d ing111 iN *.E2 ...C '~~Ial'- llo S l ar to test the mettle of the Blue's stars '04 compose the impressive stable of by allegations involving boosters and against the best New England has to relay runners whom Coach Dick- gifts of money given to the five play- T,.., (f fl 1 T. -1-TJ--- oerClinhaatiscm nd ers anMihigan-tar, anoter ober rp are F or 2 ~0 0 2 W it H igh H op es} Simply put, this season has it all. The girls sprints are more up in "Tractor" Traylor while they played ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Theevents have expanded with the air, so to speak. Their fearless for Michigan. It's te same kind of by Alex Vispoli hne poe htehedgto icerwosaedfrulstyaas five more competitions and so have Captain Katie Dlesk '03, who was dam per that the NCAA smacked on - HLIINSOT RTRPrinceton next fall added, "Our strength had a shoulder injury from which he is ______SPO__TS______is orthe expectations. This team has a recently re-elected to her second year Marcus Camby in '98, destroying his _____isou seniors. All of the veterans are recovering." Io norTakcpany ed h image as, a basketball player and if ~c showing a lot of great leadership." One Despite the few nagginginijuries that legacy. o norTakcpany ed h UMass' success in 1996. But no mat- -' of the players looking to break out for a may bother the team or the absence of -In the winter they did not lose a team. ter what comes of the allegations ~ I monster season includes leadoff man the McGraw's, Manager Cline said that meet, just as important, last year, the Ellie Marshall '02 and Courtney involingFie, thy he Fbwil Th crak ofthe bt, te siht o the Adjatay Nyadjroh '03. "[Adjatay] is the Andover baseball program is healthy outdoor squad brought the Interschols McBride '03 are the two other anlays b e mebd asievouin theywleimn, smellOf frbtte shct grsbofihti inu eidhm"si sami ohJ n V2lvlithieW fe f h rsue ob going to have a huge year by getting on as a whole, citing deep talent and enthu- plaque home. ofte accomplishedtog hr resrsprinters on theoesr roster, ariesbasketbll, in new-chool and no dobt about it, Chang, who led the team as co-captain tion to Varsity. "We had thirty-two kids expectations. We know what we can prises from rookies or recently cut the guys who made me mad for the baseball season is last year and made the league's all-star that wanted to go down to over do, and we think we can do even bet- athletes from other spring spor-ts. month of March. finally upon us. team. spring break with us, but we could only ter," exclaimed Geoff O'Donoghue Said McBride, "We're hurting, This past March may have been There's something Another player to watch out for is take twenty, and tis was not a require- '02, a senior leader on a team loaded due to the loss of such a strong spnnt- the best since '93. When I left school about baseball that aother returning all-star, second base- ment for the Varsity team." with experience. er as Chelsea [MacDonald '02], but to head home for break in early assures us that its a I hitrod- a unexpcted BASBALL. arival s an enourag- man Kyle Murphy '03. "Kyle's going to With the 11 returning players in Thanks to O'Donoghue and the remaining sprinters have a posi- March, i nuepce od ~ FAL arvli necua-put up big numbers, maybe bigger than addition to the enthusiasm of the defend- Captain Pablo Durana '02, who tive attitude and I'm confident that in the Boston-Logan airport. rlyhs ngrtdin that spring last season," stated Nyadjroh. 'There is ing champions, there is no reason not to wwdtepe ici atya y w'lhv togsao. While most would have dreaded the trl a treadti ersspring a lot of talent on this team, and our line- believe that the Andover Big Blue woethprpccutlsyarb w'lhveatonsao. overnight stay in a hotel and the 5am okrobn ey we n ned up packs a whole lot of power." com- Baseball squad cannot defend their winnCw vns a h h hrln emi o hti flight the next morning, you thought that it couldn't get any bet- mented Mansfield. "Chang will lead us championship. Championships, the Big Blue boys was last year, as it was depleted by could not have been happier. This ter for Andover's Varsity Baseball both as captain and as the catcher on the In their first home action of the sea- squad has a dominating distance graduation. However, Gary Garcia in meant that I ot to sit in an undis- squad after winning the Central New team. Being the lone post-graduate on son, the Varsity Big Blue Baseball team team, as fast as it is deep.th 0murlsadTSi s'2 turbed hotel room with two beds to nln hmposi at er hn the team, it is really great to work with got roughed up 6-0 in a scrimmage Running ihhayepcaios i h mhrle r e ola h myselfandwach basetballfor as again. The team looks to add another all the returning players." game on Wednesday by the Hillies of in the distance races are Adam Kapor team. The girls are hoping that they long a myhatcd desethal night in piece of hardware to the trophy case by Over the off-season, the team hasn't Haverhill High. '04 (80Q0m), Travis Pantin '02 can attract some rested legs. particular my pick to win it all. But rpaigtercmiospsaon lost their swagger as champions. "We Despite getting to the game late, the (1500m), John Freker '04 (1500m), In the throwing events, Coach myNaionalChamponshi d withrartin ofolasth eleen, lay-o are the returning champs, and not only Hillies got off to a fast start against start- Dave Paolino '02 (3000m) and Jack Bernieri's boys and girls are led by my NaionalChamionshppreic- rs reurnig fro lastseasn, may ofare we going to win it all again, but ing pitcher Nick Barber'03, getting one 'McCallum '03 (3000m). Derrick Bass '02, the reining New lino radnKngt n it re- thmsaresteBi lu opstatte er definitely the best-looking team run off a couple of well-hit balls in addi- The girls distance team does not England Javelin Champion, as well as tyeemuchawet dowpn the Kight'st goodbicheinstr, eeoewlrnlt too," said pitching ace Dave Frisch '02 tion to an RBI infield grounder. It looked benefit from the same depth as the Anwell Lanfranco '04 (shot put), Champonshpthrllerjust efor IIThe temi osrn hsya htwith a grin, to be an even tougher inning in the top of 'boys, but its members are still confi- Zach Knight '02 (shot put) and Dan tCkerediousit. rle uteoeIIthe ayers oscn't thi ar thnge In spite of the high expectations, 'the second after Haverhill loaded the dent and believe they can be compet- Leavitt '02 (discus). Ei O'Hern '03 tuckere out. he plaers an coachs can' put afingerthere are still a few causes for concern. bases with nobody out by means of a itive. Once Igot ILjhme inPeori,on wat phse ofthe gme istheir Cline reported, "Pete Glenn ['02], a Continued on Page B3, Column 6 Despite the unknown severity of Continued on Page B6, Column 6 turned on the television just in time to strongest. Leftflelder Pat Linnemann '02 see Creighton' s Terrell Taylor hit an sad W'ea odi o etrta overimebuzer-eatng overtime, hreetobBOS'uLAzSQUDbCoCaptanstBrenseld, eatlast year. The team chemistry and pitch- utleaLea fifth seeded Florida at the United ing depth are the strongest parts of the 10Y LA U1'W C o C -v ta nB re sld B uerE,, Cente.thefirs Fo tim sine MJ team. Ths is the same squad as last year, retrd inr'98, isomeone looke lik but triple the pitching." rtecd dantingoen okea niht Manager Andy Clime added, 'The ant ha'h petymcywaanythinbghian Tyor addeeselutwdrevrysrogioal FALLS1 TO G. D.A. IN Girls Lacro,-%sse TFeam to First Victory 0 C, ~ hitting is a little ahead of the pitching O E E enaadLar Lswsi '3,SpheNorr02 arhDees stogeiea.Lwehhiny el did. For the basketball Junkies like thebras"Cpanye hng'2 TLS.I± hiv Paun SORTSanWaraLRsow '03, and Jessie Birecki '04 also - '04 also made strong contributions to theCowleys, Jdge ths is liss, concurred, stating, "Our lineup is our ______ed the team with some outstanding the team, relentlessly attacking and especially when it's the underdog. biggest strength because it is so tough to by Evan McGarvey goals. Jessie Birecki further extended playing with poise generally unprece- After Southern , Kent State, find a weakness, and we'll score a lot of PHILLIPIAN SPORTS WYiTER the lead with the first goal of the sec- dented at her age. The Big Blue con- Continued on Page B6, Column runs this season." Andy Salini '02, left- -ggond half and her first career score for tinued to dominate the scrimmage,

- .~~~~~~~ , '1 £ , - ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~After- ten grueling days of intense Coach Dolan. Veteran Amanda coming out on top with a 14-6 victory. 1112161 11,1EF tryouts, dreams were shattered and Belichick '03 showed her skills with a This year's captain, senior Anna A ~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~otherswere goal, as w~ell. Barbara Badman scored Barensfeld '02 recognized and praised Afteo traningovertherenewed. a wek Coach her fifth goal of the game in the sec--_____ spring break in Florida, captain -Kathryn Dolan ond half, to give the Big Blue an even Continued on Page B3, Column 4 Jeremy Kellogg '02 made her final ros- and his troops ter decisions as the looked poised for a vriygrsdfa-, breakout season. GiL'LACRosSEVriygil eet

______Last Saturday, the onWdedy e MlnAcem .. Boys' L~cRossEl Andover Boys Rbudn rma nuy S S'~~~~~~~~~~~~~''S acre teina tray- plagued 2001 campaign last season, a '~eldtoCoaet e~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~loChaes to tr-saenparinaday Upper Barbara Badman '03 led the leog se opre-eeseason ae team with her first four goals while g . b~~~~~~oeor th e onede sao.a playing first and third home in the * ' Governor Dummer on Wednesday. ~~~~firsthalf of the scrimmage. Badman After'lastyar's ampaig, the had surgery after tearing cartilage and ;" k I44.' lacrosse team replaced Coach Paul liaetpnhrIe hl ayinmg in >~ ~ * . a A * ~~~~~~~~~~Kalksteinwith coach John Dugan. a aeaais0emGemn na i * .~~~~ ** , ~~~~~~~~Coachg** Dugan, a PA graduate, brings Junior Natinal larssTeam n n i a with him long time coaching experi- Eunlnor thea summoseI ha i ence from the lacrosse hotbed of Egadoe h umr nwa * Washington D.C. Throughout the f~~~~~some thougaht could threate-.n her nar - B2 THE PHILLIPIAN SPORTS APRIL 5,2002 Nine Varsity Returners Bolster 2002 SENIOR ACES, LEE Softball, but Squad Drops Its First ST. PETER, SWING Fff~ ~ b Ktern eoadone to look for as the season progress- to play three short scrimmages. The TTTr" PHILLIPIAN SPORTS WRITER es. team faired well against the touAY Andover's infield should be solid North Reading High and Tewksbu ry______[F, MJ I WIt Andersen playing a strong third Hi'gh squads and finished up at 1-1-1 b ic S ee base, scrappy Dickerson at second, Martin said afterwards, "It's great for PHIIJUPIA SPORTS WRITER - ~~~~~~~speedyZucker playing first, and sea- the team to get onto the field and get TheSotbal arsiy tea retrns soned Grote at shortstop. Also, into real game situations. The c-

MADNE5~~~~~$ 695 ~th asingloking tmc ietrs -Kovach will contribute as a utility mages; were agreat opportunity to just For many Phillips Academy stu- f ~SEAFOOD ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~~~~~~~ths pin loimpressivec 14-2 player. geIutteead ly"dents, as soon as the sun shines, the Mai wo I~m r~~vl P I~hti, ' reor ro ls Big Blue's strongest area is its On Wednesday, the girls went to snow melts, the flowers 114o in 11011", r~~~eaordwhen thesa outfield. The combination of McCann Lowell High to play its first full bloom, and April arrive$, sonr culnteda in left field, Miller in and scrimmage. The Lowell squad proved I " it's time to take to the

______with a win at the Martin in right, will provide the team a good match up for Andover; helping Grea an pl kingf SOFTBALLPep Schoolwith a speedy, experienced and well- the team to fix last problems -ihball, fandoricking Justjt1-t,,1.ic om fTha Itie Lhampipecihisarmed iany deiai'Mul outfield that potentially has the before the season opens on Saturday, GL epr rmteopst Jsoe cve n bifulhda A cthnt atrThe Blue CrP, ability to take away base hits and the April 6th. A few miscommunicationsse.Hwvrfothe served c~iz~at'nnepThrnBigin a eautifui~ UOei~d Blehas nine returning long ball.aiethtamlodovrlraysx.Hwefrtoe OF'L~rLIJ~r. 1%f4N.tVdilAIJU UIfAIMEtIU players: Co-Captains Casey Martin . sdteta okdoealray select few on the Andover Golf Team, Many of the underclassmen will for the upcoming season. '02 and Katherine Leonard '02, contribute over the rnadwilb Soehgihtofhecim ge as soon as the fairways dry and the ______~Emmy Grote 02, Kaitfin Mcanspigndwlbe Sm hihigt oftesrmae greens thaw, they spend eveiy waking 'I'C 'II1 1A SI I N p ~~~'02,Stephanie Kovach '02, Ashley invaluable for the depth of the team. included a play from Kovach, who moment contemplating their next shot T ' A' I H S;n~ntMy0,Jn nere 0,Dnel Anther factor to add to the mix is took away a base hit in right field and on the links or thiriking about their nexst AndmiiwrMA - 70 CM, 4fl Coin '4 and Devon Dickerson '04. the return of coach Peter Drench after Hudson's debut at third base. The round. The time has come for another OPEN EVERY DAY 11.10 930, r,& ,- *i$it0 ondn uptersrae a one year sabbatical. While Drench, pitching performance from Grote, wet golf season in New England and this Roundingupthe rster are coached softball teams during his who pitched last minute after Collins experienced squad has much to prove. nuropmisiiilr 0 n newcoers:03 travels to Holland, Assistant Athletic became injured, was also impressive With the graduation of 4-year starter Aneesa Sayall '03, Marissa Hudson Diector Karen Kennedy took the as she utilized her strength of off- and Captain Jerermiah 0' Neill '01, two '04, Ellen Knuti '04, Natalie Ho '05, helm as coach and successfully deliv- speed pitches. veterans of the golf team take the reigns Brittny Kiser'05,Kati Kob'05, ered the goods. Nevertheless, despite these early for Mr. Smith's Ruff Ryders. Co- Bran Kataisr D 5 Kmtieou '05 l Drench, meanwhile, appears opti- successes, Lowell High School took Captains Jeehae Lee '02 and Mitch St. togetherthgopo girlsthould beAl mistic for the coming season. All and the game, 4-3. Peter '02 will lead this close-knit group abet ae nte u frtePe all, the softball team should be suc- The girls appear eager to have the ito battle in hope of capturing its third schl ttlae ante u o h rp cessful, per the health of its players, season start and the will open at home straight Lovell Cup and regaining the The sftbaltea's sccesswill and can look forward to making a run with a double header against North Witherspoon Cup. Andover retained the. b e soand e ait'is pichsig. for the Big East Prep Tournament Andover High and Bucksport High Lovell Cup last spring after tying Exeter begin and endonce with again. its pitching. (of Maine). ~~inmatch play formiat over two rounds of Collins is returning as a seasoned On a rain. h (ofatedeMane.heated battle. The golfers came in last WORLD NEWS, LOCAL NEWS, COMICS, pitcher and is looking to top her 'Paplace in the fight for the Witherspoon impressive freshman season record of yD 'hotdbHaeilHghCup, a stroke play event held over three 7-1 rounds with Exeter and GDA, after a -ADS, WEATHER, SPORTS, TV, Co-Captain Grote will do her~~partt f ~' 2 h dismal second-leg at GDA's home as the number two pitcher, a position C na1JtaiC4 1L S ithLi 02 Leads t e course last May. that she has dutifully filled. McCann , .~*~Andover only lost one starter, albeit FEATURES, STOCK REPORTS May, and Andersen will be sure to r-.- ePra l il l G rl T iric an important one, during the off-season. selflessly help out with the pitching, C h rg For~ killedA G irls-Te ni Although, the presence of 0' Neill will but Collins will do the bulk the be greatly missed, Andover will not lose hurling this spring, ~~~~~~~~~~byPriya Sridhiar out in the least by anointing Yale-bound hurling this spring. ~~~~~~~~~~PHILLIPIANSPORTS WRITER Another department in need is -Lee as the pre-season number 1. She had

No artificial ingredients. Try us once aday. catching. Co-Captain Leonard, a four- .~; 'a fabulous summer tournament record year veteran, is still reeling from last If we learned anything this past $ while coming in second place at the May's double knee surgery and is week about the girls tennis team, the American Junior Golf Association unableas much to cacha she has i ~weather will be the last (AJGA) Tucker Anthony Junior, held at VAILABLEAT NEWSSTANDS A~INTD STORES the past. However, Hudson shows a thing to slow them Crumpin-Fox Golf Course, last August. A ISSVA LAT1 B NDS E A NE- grea dealof poentia behid thedown. In the first game This bodes well for Andover not only greatpotntial deal behindof theof the season, the girls -. 'z / because Lee is capable of playing plate. Inmethd, trial-byfire she isshowed great potential * r National-caliber high-school golf, but learingthebascs ad wll e sme- GiRI~s 1,Ewl and ended up tying . also because Deerfield Academy will ______Middlesex.~Middlesex. ost tgolfoteameataCrurmpin-Foxxin Unfortunately the scheduled scrim- -~early May. Lee also seeks her second mage against St. Paul's for March 30 -New England Girls Independent School was cancelled because of rain, but the Championship later this month. extra days helped the players work out The number 2 golfer, St. Peter, con- some kinks in their games before trasts in style to the number I Lee. Middlesex. Middlesex graduated its top While Lee is a finesse golfer, St. Peter is ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~three players last year, but has always more of a power golfer. St. Peter's been a talented team. course management is his x-factor. He Although the Andover roster is still needs to play more efficiently. 4; ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~inthe making, it has been narrowed i Three-year veteran Anthony Pucillo down to ten players: Emily O'Brien '03, - .'03 will take over the number 3 spot. ji 1 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~SarahSmith '02, Anne Snyder '03, Loui , Like Lee, he is more of a finesse golfer Itoh '03, Amy Padula '02, AileIand has a great attitude on the links."' 1'/ Schmidt '03, Diana Grace '05, Priya After the top three, everything ?s P ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Sridhar'03, and Olivia Oran '04. No ~ ~foggy. The middle chunk of the order 4far .~~~~~~~~~~~~~~.~~~~~~.~~~matter the outcome, Andover's tennis will be made up of some solid returnees program will have a deep and athletic - ~-and a bright newcomer to the team. lineup this spring. There are many tal- :. ssistant Captain David Breen '02 will

ented new players, and the returnees - most likely start the year off at the 4- have worked hard, showing improve- SaaJmih .2wiardTe thuqa hole. Is quiet demeanor and his rhyth- ______meat as well. Despite the fact that the Seamrah Smthe'02 wilplathe mic swing devour opponents, that is if - - seeding laddr was not filly et up the team fom the #2 spot.he doesn't break a windshieldalnth ~~~ZA~~~~~~~~~girlsw showed depth and ability at all was really close the whole way, but it way. Greg Feldmarnn'05 will letIs N11u tirl ( (all d imn in g ~ ~~~~~~ was~~~~~~~~~seeds. a good match. I wasn't playing ten- Iteam for years to come. In practice so Instead of Middlesex's format of tatively and I went for all my shots. far, he has shown great potential with eight singles and four doubles, the two Ovcrall, it was a solid start to the sea- consistent low scores and could quickly teams played Andover's set-up of six son," Snyder concluded climb the ladder and become one of the singles and three doubles. Middlesex Loui Itoh played at the number four Iteam's top players. Either Feldmann or brought seven players, so a seventh sin- slot and lost 3-6, 3-6. Amy Padula, a I Azeem Ahamed '02, with his melodic gles was added, but the score was not two-year veteran of Varsity A, split sets swing and long drives, will round out the counted. It looked like a beautiful day 5-7, 6-3. Anelle Schmidt, a member oftop six. for tennis, when Middlesex showed up, the Varsity B squad for the past two A host of others will vie for the but after about an hour, the skies dark- years, played at the number six spot and remaining spots at number 7 and num- ened and the rain loomed. Somehow, the won her match 7-5, 6-3. She was ber 8. Returnees Jayme Mendal '03, team managed to finlish all of the singles pleased with her playing. The weather Charlie Poole '02, Kirk Lepke 04, matches, but unfortunately the doubles did not faze Schmidt, "For some reason jJarrett Wetherell '02, and Emily Watson were cancelled. The girls had to toughen I played better when the weather- gt'04 have all shown that they have the up through the sun mn the beginning, the worse." Rounding it off at number seven sil ow ossety wind in the middle, and the raindrops at was Diana Grace. This talented jumior i Andover will host Tabor Academy the end, but Andover never gave up. won her match 6-2,6-4, but unfortunate- in the first match of the year on Saturday Playing at number one, Emily ly her scores were not counted. The line- and will have their first important test at O'Brien, a two year Varsity A veteran, up for the doubles matches would have Atkinson Country Club in New played a strong match, but she was been Tara Gadgil '03, with O'Brien at Hampshire when they will meet Exeter unable to pull out a win. She was frus- number one; Priya Sridhar, and Snyder and GDA in the first leg of both the trated with her results, losing 3-6, 4-6. at number two; and Olivia Oran and iLovell and Witherson Cups. Sarah Smith, also a two-year veter- Sara Kitaeff at number three. The dou- After going 7-7 last yeai, Anove~r an, played at the number two spot. She bles were cancelled because of the wind cannot accept mediocrity for the sec6ild won her match 7-5, 6-1. Making a cou- and rain, straight year. With both experienceiW~d ple mistakes here and there in the fijrst Coach Leon Holley has been work- youth in the eight-man rotation, PA set, she buckled down in the second and ing with the girls, giving pointers and hopes to live up to their ability and cap- didn't leave any doubt of her win by hit- encouragement to make the best of the tare both the Witherspoon and Lovell ting countless winners. season, Tomorrow the girls look for- Cups while massing winning record. Playing at number three, Anne ward to Deerfield. Although they lost to The tools are in place, but the question Snyder, split sets 4-6, 7-5. It was a long, Deerfield last year, they feel confident remains. Is this team a great one? We close match, but pulling out the win in in their abilities and will hopefully bring will have to wait and find out the second set made it all worth it. "It home a win. THE PHILLIPIAN SPORTS APRIL 5, 2002 B3

* I~RETUNG BA SEBALL CHIAMPOSLEAD OFF 2002 Continued from Page BJ, Column 4 walk, a hit batter and an infield hit. CenterField Right Field ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Barberimpressed the crowd by respond- Left ined n 0 daayNaio 0 ing with two strikeouts sandwiched PatLinnemann '02 Adjatay Nyadjroh '03 - . Andy Salini '02 around a groudergroundery thattht led2le toundaoputoututat a the plate. Barber finished the day with 1 run allowed on 3 hits in two innings of work with 3 strikeouts, walk, and I hit batter. In the bottom of the second, Andover managed to muster their first hit of the game when Andy Salini '02 clocked a solid single to left-centerfield. Captain Ben Chang '02 replaced Salini on the base paths by way a fielder's choice. Chang moved up two, extra bases on a passed ball, but his teammates were unable to drive him home, leaving him stranded. The Hillies got another run in the top of the third off new pitcher Tom Kennedy '03 after allowing a single up the middle. When the runner was moved to third on a stolen base and an errant RotatingPitcher ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~pick-offattempt, he was driven in by a sacrifice fly caught by backpedaling sec- ond baseman Kyle Murphy '03. Andover had their best chance to get back into the game in the bottom of the third inning, loading the bases with two outs after walks to Murphy, Pat Sean an '02 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Linnenarn'02, and Dave Fnisch '02. ~~~ x ~~~~~~With the bags packed, Satini struck out swinging, leaving three men aboard. By the time the top of the fourth inning rolled around, the heavens erupt- ed with downpours of rain, and so too did the HaverhiUl bats. After striking out Coaches ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~thefirst m~an he faced, Kennedy surren- dered a single through the left side and fell victim to an error by first baseman

Kennedy strikeout, Haverhill blasted a monstrous line drive to center that ended up as a two-run triple. After a double to deep left that knocked in another run, the AYI ~ ~~~~~~Hillieshit a shot to center that just tipped off the glove of Adjatay Nyadjroh '03. ~~~W~~~~~c hCacer After astrong relay throw, the batter was Hale Sturges Andy Cline Captain Ben Chang '02 thrown out at home plate to end the inning, but the danmage had already been done. Andover trailed 6-0 heading into 9 ~~~~~~~~Ithe~ ~ bottom of the fourth. AfterNineGame Jamboree, P~~~~~~~~AJsnPr '0 Led Bo 'V leyalAndover failed to score inthe fourth AfterNine Game Jamboree, i__1 Jason Park '02 Leads Boys Volleyball 1 inning, doing dinningogongwdown21-23,aandbbot teams'went 3-up, 3-down in the fifth. Boys Lacrosse Falls to G.D.A. Tea-m in Disap-pointing Openinmg GamedncosfedcniintesrmBecause o the intense showers and the Confinued from Page, BI, Column 3 not help feeling enthusiastic about the Chn.0 n ae hu'3hda AdvrHg a oi lernn mage was called off after five innings seniorsJsiEbren'2adoh approaching season. ,by Justin Ng Chn 0 n aesCo 0 a AdvrHga asldlann with the 1-Llies of Haverhill High win- s Justinand JoshEberlein '02 ~~~~~~~PHILLUPIANSPORTS WRITER few great blocks to stop some incom- experience ThisWednesdy,_thetam__ingbya_6_0ta__y__Adover'sineptness pas for the Blue. Andovernngba6-tly Haney '02 provide an experienced TipatWdeaythtaming balls. Nevertheless, PA was High has one of the strongest pro- at the plate seems an inexcusable scape- fonainfor the teamh. Leading the opened their season against ISL power * nbeto overcome Andover High's grams in the area, and by even play- gat in Haverhill's surpnising shutout. attack willplayers be rturning overnor Dummer. ware ofIlast * might as they fell yet again 15-7. ing against them, the team learned a For the most part the pitching was solid. Eberlein, Spencer Bush-Brown '03, years season opening loss to GDA, the Both teams exhibited excellent great deal. "I think that the team gave wihte fout innig astecepin Jesse Bardo '03, and Post Graduate - team came out ready to show off itswiht urhniashexcpo. Rick Herlihy '02. With only Kellogg improvements. However, early in the PA has a novice team, in Boys'~ sportsmanship, and because the its all and in "the end that's really all But all four Haverhill runs that inning 91 ,~~~~~~~~Volleyball this year, led by captain coaches of the teams knew each other that matters," said Captain Setter were unearned and came off a tired- Haney, Tom Barron '04, and John game, things would not go the Big Jason Park '02 as one of the few vet- very well, one more game was played Jason Park '02. Hopefully, the team looking Torn Kennedy. Despite the Doherty '03 returning at midfield, the Blue's way. After a rash of man-down middisneedthe wil sills f new situations and miscommnunication, PA ema players. PA graduated four of its afterwards, just for fun. can gain more practice time, and rough scrimmage loss on Wednesday mpddies CrigneFearo '03l Arte fudisl on72a afie eight starters from the 2001 team, and While this result may make the improve even more by its next match the team feels thatthey will be ready for p~laers rai Feraro'03,Artifond isel dow 7-2at alftme.lost two players to other sports. Boys' Volleyball team's future look tomorrow at Choate. their official season opener this after- Mittnacht '04, post graduate Todd During halftime, Coach Dugan rallied Last Tuesday, in their first game rather grim, the match against noon. Checovich '02, and long pole middies the troops and soon PA jumped out of of the spring season, the boys lost 3-0 Aldun Andre '03 and Pat Shannon the gates, scoring three goals in the agnsAdoeHih novrih ,l' l rld-v ( ~ 44 Ab rti-+ '05. Other players making the jump to third quarter. In one impressive go'l School had several legs up on the C o..a. c h.~'A.LDo~JlaiL.Ll O'intim isti A b y t i varsity include: face-off specialist Ted Herlihy, using a series of quick spin Phillips Academy team, as our in- Sack '02, attack-man Hobie dodges, left his man behind the cage town rivals returned to the court this Boeschenstein '04, midfielders Zach and beat the goalie one on one. Thingshaig wn te 20 RobinyanMchritin '0, '3,looked up for PA at the start of the yearhaigwnte2o Seas oin's Prospects RobinyanMchritin'0, '3,fourth quarter, but GDA's two best Massachusetts Boys' Volleyball for Girls Lacrose and Evan McGarvey '03, and backup CaposisCntuefomPgBComn6 ______defense, especially the double-team- years. goalie Aaron Stroble. '04. Andover's players quickly widened the scoring Intefrtgmlc fpatc h togdfniepa htte ing skills this year. She is confident Congratulations to Sarah Demers, defense will be comprised of Dean margin again. Andover mounted a sec- and a lack of experience spelled seniors showed in their first game of that the team will prove their abilities Jeanne LeSaffre, Sophie Noero, Katie Boylan '03, Steve Brock '02, Cotton ond comeback with the Kellogg-led defeat of the novice volleyball team. the season. She was thrilled with the with an outstanding season. Regner, Meg Coffin, Nyssa Harrold '04, Drew Ward '03, and midfield creating fast reaks and the Msoftiyerseaisbgnr, promncofheuestyngut But do not count GDA, Tabor, Liebermann, and Whitney Kelly, all MorganBoylanIntrator '03. and BoylMotan-thisyearsledmdefenseer, pefoprotecting upertheyin om Moarn prod'0lnt ofpyialn creae Momense oeed the thi atch being their first, and their for the team, especially Nyssa and Loomis-Chaffee out, the "Big of whom made the leap from the JV Harpowrhle rock, Wardtandphnsiao rebuidin omAnovemd tot of inexperienced showed. Andover High Liebermann '03 and Meg Coffin '03. Three" will give PA a run for their squad to the Varsity team. powe,War andIntrtor whle Bock builing or Adovr, ad thught of had hard hits, and the novices from Also impressive was Kelsey money as they have over the past few all have sharp stick skills to go along a season opening comeback entered Phillips were unprepared to save the Siepser '02, who successfully kept the - I- with solid defensive genius. In net for the minds of the players. However, a . the Big Blue is Nate Malo '03. A string of untimely penalties against the Andoverponsadbm High's half thbllacto of the court, The VarsityBglu level..lfrhefittmette ~~~ recent convert to goalie from defense, Big Blue crippled any chance of fnlsoews1-.We se bu e oe o .Malo has none-the-less shown an another comeback as GDA notched In the second game, there was a this season, Barensfeld replied, "I'm ~''" abundance of talent and potential in more goals and burned time off the chnei tesatiglnup n h hpn oraprec 40sesn n 'the hole that Princeton goalie, Eric clock to seal the game at 10-6.cagintesriglnupadth hongfraefct1- aonad Chase '01 left after graduation last Though no one involved was players were much more reactive to a strong win against Tabor." -~ spring. happy with the outcome, the Big Blue the attack of the stalwart Andover After a closer view and final eval- ~ theeasobgan, offcialy has any easos t be ptimsticfor High athletes. Bali Kumar '02, a vet- uation of this year's contending play- Before ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~eranto this year's squad and there- ers, Coach Kathryn Dolan had to - the team traveled to Choate last the rest of the season. Thanks to rigor- wintr prcticngad trinin in fore a high-valued commodity, had make the inevitable final cut. Saturaytun up tfr th yea. Wh l orida al h lyrled aea several good serves in the losing Unfortunately, the efforts of some facing nine different squads that day, ,foiaalthpayraredhv aee ffrbtteBu tl nbe paeswrenteog omk h including traditional powers solid month of competitive lacrosse efotbuthBlewrsilunle parseenteoghomkehe -- '-- St.George' s and Salisbury, Coach under their belts. Additionally, the totrthtalsginthedfd- Vstyctbtwlbeprcaedy .Pugawit expeimentda nmber f tea has n exitingmix o expei- ig champions, as they lost, 15-6. the V teams. iffe rientmbintions onumeoffensemahdaece r e citingayer oandeahostio In the third game of the match, Dolan said of making cuts, "It was -~.. ~ .~ 'dieene omintenbest nead n eunigpaesan oto having leamned from their mistakes a very agonizing decision; we just ~ j

the easo.f plyers PA mixyongerplayrs pogresingquicly. and recognized the weaknesses, albeit have so many extremely talented '< 9'A""'- foir th esn Aposted stron With one of the hardest sceueinl . -""--. ',A '--.

team, PA managed to score a few Dolan continued, "The athleticism,~ "~'~ teams they faced. Coaches from across faces powerhouses Deerfield, Loomis- more points. However, the High of the entire team is just outstanding. ' ~~ "

New England saw the revamped Chaffee, Bridgeton, and an assortment '- . - Andversqudgt'atase ad o o oter ew nglnd eam. Nxt pSchool, being much more experi- The team has great running skills what's in store for their teams this sea- the Big Blue looks for revenge in its PA'sd weke jsses, a cap t tieo hsepaus." Doian hoe toinot onlealyJWadp/TePllpn son. As the day came to a close, the home opener against Nobles & PAswanseaicaiazdon hlu."D anopstntolyJWrop ePilp Big Bue's oache'andplayescoud Grenoug Tomorow.them despite further improvement by maintain but also improve the team's Nyssa Lieberman '03 shields her stick against an impending attack Big playesBlue's coahescould andGreenugh Tomorrow.the PA squad. Newcomers, Jeff offensive attack and the suffocating from a Milton player. 14 THE PHILLIPIAN FEATURES APRIL 5, 2002 SUNNY PLACES, TANNED FACES & KETCH'CASES ASRIGBRA 20


by Wiland Walte Sakira event would reoccur at the Orlando Florida shortly thereafter. By far the FEATURES UGLY MAN AND BEAUTIFUL LADY Airport on the way home. Now, South- dirtiest, smelliest, funniest, most awk- west Airlines may appear friendly on ward, and best room of all was my It frenlyas ot ornng or their funny little commercials but do own, Room 222. Adam Crabtree, t ways oth Aindlorng forbalnot be deceived by the beauty of their Andy Salini, Adjatay Nyadjroh, and I. .: . theuboy ofMrhthe 20Andove sl cinematography. Southwest's planes all managed to sleep in two beds (Adj Clubencarchwe9wee2002 (give to are made of Old Hyundai Elantras and and I happily slept together for six kf Mi. f reprsenPhilip Acaemythe are powered by U-Boat engines from nights while Adam and Andy spent .`VIbI0N represent hilipakdsomAcdmytroe 1917. The planes are colored brown most of their time removing bugs and ' ~ schao) thsre smesa contretver and orange and there are no assigned hair from their bed). An angry Scottish sy mogte emersasto hehe seats. Andy Salini '02 dubbed the accent soon became the soundtrack to Adam Crabtree '04 was just a member Southwest fleet a "flying trailor park." our trip, as did the sound of Adjatay of the Andover Baseball Club and not Think of the worst food you have ever urinating on the bathroom floor, dento d.pakin uprMatnthescrackiof subtracted carefully, you will now unable to find the toilet.a dawn touparofao Mactert nar- have one quarter of the disgusting If one needed to find Crabtreehe fn l port, mgroup ofeaot ndhppy- nature of the food on the plane. could be found at all hours of the ay a . .t e a m il a mne l camefr metat ethaot anud pre-a However revolting it was, the sum- lying in his bed with dirty Player box- psedtnfordwha ln w e thouholio e mer sausage provided some great ers (which he wore every day) watch-alons diae n to al7 . seang lane ide.the gwait ort entertainment throughout the pilgrim- ing Animal Planet. If one needed to alo y dc tdn to a V came before was a bit of a surprise. age to Florida, whether it be sticking it find Adj, he could easily be found in ______Beignl heCbanonthetemin Adjatay Nyadjroh's '03 mouth or front of the mirror flexing because (1PE [1 H/O NJ1JJ 71 [11ilpa cop.tl mide aB e tep nly Cuatoe the eami Nick Barber's '03 ear. Made some- that's all Adj really does, you see. xth'cti ih hp hdiorabordooe I wat stp ased asde t th seun- where in Wisconsin, the sausage wrap- Allow me to elaborate. One late night, i~~ ~ ~not condone rinpit naked colloge ty chcpit So hrafeIws per said "Taste the Magic." The real I asked Adj, "If you could make love 0 I." SPRONG ' Students %vho,like people IColick beig rikedbyanalmstto frenly question was where the actual sausage to one man, who it would be?" He (el) f f hi cet..n mln' airport security guard while the rest of was made. When we landed in Orlan- calmly responded, "fI saw a man who 3_1F v I H M B RR the club watched in amazement. Ths do it was more of a tumbling action looked exactly like me walking down than a landing. When we finally the street, I would jump on him and NOthinfl yS "value me~ for ay intelligence" like a wetI-shirt contest reached the Cocoa Beach Expo, we ate immediately make love to him." Two ,z;' at what would be our Commons for the hours of silence followed this state-.... -- ~~~~nextweek, the All Star Buffet. ment, in which Adj could be found No words can describe how hor- flexing in the mirror, Crabtree watch- rendous the food was at this institution, ing Animal Planet, Salini looking for A Cooked by the infamous Chef Matt, his beauty cream, and myself just sit- ai ff ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~whoscolded those who stole Power- ting there thinking of my dog back N st~~~aromf t wasoless fod andlmoed Kle urrrrphyo'03inc (rol tharst those who could down his beef I'd never heard Adj's statement. waste. However, the ice cream was please) was asked by certain girls to t ~~~~~~~~~astounding.But the point is we were say things like "I enjoy butterscotch" fed and there was not much cash and "I love my nanny" on the phone I money to he found in the boondocks simply because they thought he had an anyhow. Our residence was the Rama- alluring voice. Thomas "Zeus" da Inn at Cocoa Beach and our neigh- Dimopoulos '03 injured thousands of bors were unusually good looking soft- innocent civilians including one hap- by Paul Crowley imaginations, these same two beauti- which my parents forbade, I took a ball players, drunken college players less base runner from Scarsdale, NY FEATURES JEROME BETISf ful young people, twenty-eight years Greyhound. It was an edifying expe- from Southwestern Eastern of Mary- who just happened to bump into the ______later, considerably less beautiful, rience. I rode to Port Authority-in land A&M Tech State University Col- towering Greek God on his way to first pressed into a cold and loveless mar- New York, not to be confused with lege, and the porous security. Crazy base. Tom fell down to console the Spring break has distinct conno- riage by a shotgun wedding, living Sports Authority. The socks sold at Carl, the shortest, fattest, skinniest per- other boy, but in reality suffered no tations in early-21st century Amen terlvs- ieybcueo sm prsAtoiyaeCapo son alive managed to look just above injuries. In the end we finished the trip ca. We conjure up images of beauti- trlog-ag Bahmianry indiaseion, brnoreste SocksAuhriyr foundiat the counter at the front desk but did not 4-3, losing a tough game to a team ful young people, inebriated, in a womgagt he amdnT nceimoth.PrtndAuhoratye, inck fac ondms. succeed so well in keeping the Inn which had a Confederate flag draped Caribbean or a Mexican resort, shank- Nhobodhy ateAndoer. diPhs, TeridAuhaditwo stops n astodmsx under control. in their hotel bedroom. Thanks to the ing what their mothers were kind thoh.do you kndowehow we, s hur.ife Ia ever dsigns an loge, six His veteran acquaintance, Herman, coaches and the guys for a great trip enough to have given them. We see choncerneDomemer kof thwco emuni willscal It "Six Hosin a Bus;"e, J. Wardrop/Thewas persuaded by certain members of and we all look forward to what we these same drunken youngsters mak- tcnre bemre of th camuith when Ialgot offxtHous smln like;a Buffyong Wil Waltr/ Ph03pan our club to kick field goals at 11:30 hope will be another championship ing out with each other, their breathy sycolesenuro parent aBettrausk- tubwen sok fe th bIseef jerk a KyleMuphy '03reminise over p.m. one night by the pool and disap- year for the boys in blue from Edin- embrace reeking of Dos Eqis and in hmntt lo hi hlrnt ieSl their conquests with Flriian peared into the swamps of Eastern burgh. young love. We see, if we have vivid gonaywidsrgbektip ThcmainhpIhdws youngand,.. old. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Unfortunately,the letter, like my col- unmatched; the bus was filled to lege applications, may have been too capacity. There was a Buddhist monk late to do any good. wearing saffron robes, a saffron t- The letter reached our parents shirt, saffron woolen gloves, and a around March 15th, -when many stu- saffron hat. That actually happened; I dents were already at parts unknown, can't think of a way to make it any partying like it was three years ago. funnier. Also on the bus were three One student, whom I interviewed, Brazilian martial arts experts. At said that her concerned parents flew least I think they were Brazilian; I down to South Padre Island and know that they were experts. dragged her back to Methuen, pulling They got off the bus at, one stop her away from the Ohio-Wesleyan and proceeded to demonstrate their by Dave Frischi lights behind is?" incessantly, dunking on very short going out with a woman called Real- Swedish Lit major with whom she fighting superiority by shadow-kick- FEATURESPANTSFreddie: NICE "Dude, it's an ambu- rims and laughing at little white kids ly Round Rhonda, but whatever had shacked up, and whose name she boxing with each other. It was a sight FEATURSNICEPANTSlance, pull over Dave!" in khakis standing on the outside of floats your boat. Dad was right, would have felt uncomfortable telling to see. I do not think they had any Jed:y "Idon'tthe encealk cllingmuh... tavellig violtions YC ismee pifcheo eveneher fwhathditodestinationthadivtold dininmindinImn thinkhitheyeywere Spring break. Just the sound of nmsJed." o' tl uh..m h enc caing atrelig voadons NYC isd foeo tog pleto survive, was. The letter was sent by some of employees of Greyhound hired to those two words together brings to name ismJedwh"ulovran h and asking Ma, Frdisn e BthDamort tonmlaentin that NYCld the school's concerned administra- keep the buses safe, Rio-style. The mind warm weather, beautiful beach- So Iepull over aehnd the. Mambuawhythe ovepas.o plce iserthe. mosfnpace insfra theworl, tors, while the school's unconcerned bus-ride down was over almost, -souand okea, bugtif ou ared Matt: "Quick Dave pull up a lit- they make you really good fake ID's even with the gettaway from the adisttoswrbeinth bfretbgnihamrinf Sounsbt oky, wat i youare tle, the ambulance is trying to make a and show you really bad, dirty cops, the dirty jokes, and the dirtier Senior Gift money on Marquette to error of about seven hours. looking for more than just a week of rih turn." movies and serve you whatever you strippers who seemed to like little bettesra.If the letter comes on time next relaxation in paradise or really you "ot bb I Not all spring break opportunities year, your parents won't let you go just can't afford to spend your life Freddie: ogo go!" want. Matt is one special tour guide. Jewish kids from e suburbs, I are bacchanalian orgies of hyper- on some spring trip that would make savings on a trip to the Dominican So I pull up about fifty yards only My dad once said, "Son, if you LOVE NYC! indulgence. Andover students spend the makers of "Girls Gone Wild" Republic? to find the SUV still behind me and could make it in NYC, you could Till next spring break when I go their breaks in a variety of ways. videos head to rabbinical school. Fol- Twomorewords: rad trip! now a man yelling, "Please step out make it anywhere." Sure, this is crocidile hunting with Steve Erwin, Treo ycoetfinstaee o ylaadha oNCb oigfo a h asrn aeel up and down the state of Califomnia, bus. Just don't piss off the Brazilians. WellFredieWell, MartinettiMrtigettireddi MMattthe of th air wherea n I canodyu see them."ad ihi dings when no one is looking and is *and Jed Kelly, and myself sought Dave: "It's a police car!" spreading love (in the Jesus of ______adventure, so we headed to the MatadFedesmlaeul:Nazareth sense, as opposed to the world's greatest city: New York. The "O ht"Wilt of Philadelphia sense), and U e h a Kelly famnily was nice enoughl to have breaking hearts like the itinerantfo THE PHILLIPAN FEATURES APRIL 5,2002 B5

by Colin Liotta 'Ib aePoio2. A spotter is required for the goat. A goat, however, unafraid to

FEATURES DEAR GOD, PLEASE HELP THIS BOY "'-.FAUE TDbench press. A "spotter" is weight take its shirt off at the beach. Rage room lingo for a person who prevents pills or "Rabid-Man" pills are also

remember watching Michael Jor- - pighsarvd wihmas you from dropping the bar on your- used, though not as frequently, to get dan strip of the basket- - *.one thing: summer is right around the self. Be sure to pick a relatively you into a berserk, teeth-gnashing, ball in the 1998 NBA Finals and shoot . -4 .-- onr n umrmasoe strong person for this job, or your mouth-frothing, weight lifting inten- a15-footer over to help _.7- thing: taking your shirt off at the assistant changes from "spotter" to sity (Note: "Rabid-Man" pills will the win their sixth NBA bahAngetgnkdfrmhe "second degree murderer." give you rabies). Another alternative Championship. Yep, back then every witu tte ec en n 3. You must look very angry is called "weight-gainers." These one I knew was a fan of the Bulls.' tig h il ilcm 'unn while lifting weights. and must make supplements can be found in special- Now things have changed dramatical /- (ais las hnetewr strange grunting sounch. If you are ty stores, at health spas, and clinging ly. Not only are the Bulls the worst /"il"t plc".Ys h na curling, say "ughhh." If you are to the surface of frying pans after team in the NBA, but to my surprise, gmous teof posingYs your pna shoulder pressing, say "arghhh." And bacon, lard, and rotten fish have been cannot find a single faithful fan out fb migtothenreasl if you are jammin' one up over Scot- fried in them A final option is a their who still keeps hope alive. Well, fay mdutohenteasemy I am here to tell you why I still have of beach bums means only bad t ipnsy bosaaaa"dvc etfo evncle b hope, and why people lie you should things, which is why I am here to get Now you may have heard about Flex, which actually requires zero join me in supporting the Bulls. - 'you into shape. But first, a health and. thnscle fo upeet. ffr nyu atatcniuul After~ the ~Bulls ~ finished~ ~ the 2000-*~~' ~ fitness pop-quiz. No, not pooping. but, ratherpinspecialtherelectrocutesroc your stomachma withth1500 2001 season with a 15-67 record, they 9'1. The key to life-long fitness is: chmalfosttwil akyu vls weregivethenumbr for pik inthe a.Hr ok ,bigger and stronger. Some include So whether your mental drive NBA Draft. I remember the day of the ' .Dtriaincreatine and anabolic steroids. How- comes from a goat, a desire to draft as if it were yesterday. My friend cPesiaonever, there are several side-effects of impress that special someone, or a Will Walter '03 and I were on our way d. AbPexato these compounds. Muscle cramps desire to have your testicles atrophy, to visit our good friend Katie "Yo! 2. Michael Johnson: Man of and soreness are common, as are get motivated to get in shape for your What Up, Dawg?" Regner '03, at her Ste: o:liver damage, liver failure, heart first summer experience at the beach. house in West Andover. Will's moth- a.tMan:o Douts damage. testicular atrophy, impaired- Get PUMPED! Get pumped with er, however, dropped us off at the b. Man of Semi-Malleable Sheet sperm production, irreversible breast 1500 volts' Effort is not cool Fat is wrong house, so we were forced to Mea.development. a hand growing out of cool, and a virtual beach is almost as walkwea good quarter-mile ~ before~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ walkwe a good ~quarter-mile ~ before~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~Mtal c Mn wtha Panyour nostril, disintegration of internal satisfying as a virtual girlfiend. Just arrived at the proper residence. By the cMnwt ln1 time wegot inside, the first pick had d. Man with a Bad Rash organs, and transformation intoa aa kidding.atiiddin-. Wow.oWw havehatotogoonow.

already been announced. With the sec- J. Wardrop/The Plillipiaii .Wiho h olwngi e- .. ~' ~ ondthedraf,pck i th L.A Clipers Colin Liotta's '03 obsession with Tyson Chandler is normal accordling eraeay notnayoo thing o selectedChandler. Tyson to one world famous doctor (Kevorkian). herwhnyo-ak ouI I was very pleased because I had Ishirt off at the beach: -1 ~'~ 4"'.. ~'. been following Tyson and his career a. Honey, we better get that i 41-*>1~f~ '< ever since I saw him last March on a The season began and the Bulls trees. My friend Katie got me a Tyson whale badk in the water. public television station in San Dieo were still the worst team in the NBA. Chandler jersey, which I value more b. Hey, let's kill that man. ~,~ I waited for the Bulls turn to come and However, this did not stop me from than my life. June Gordon '04 buys c. That's it, I'm leaving you for they selected a high school kid named seeking die-hard fans at our school. I me Bulls meichandise from the BlackDaeaoio Eddy Curry. I knew little about him was able to convert Duncan Dwyer Market back in Chicago. They realize d o er htoedsre o~~~- andto begnwih the Blls had '03 into a fan, and together he and I my love for the Bulls and have joined picked Tyson instead, founded the Tyson Chandler Fan Club me as the only fans of the worst fran- de Then, as if the Big Guy himself (members needed). Being the only two chise in the Umted States, and poi FiswIaet gtorpirte had answered my prayers, my life members, we began to send out letters bly the world,.tagt h r e on obs '. soon changed forever. Before the sixth to Tyson telling him how awesome he As the NBA season approaches its orbls(aipese change ~g.1'- pick by the Grizzlies, David Stem, the was, and how he looked exactly like last few weeks, many teams will be "al"t oais)t e nsae Commissioner of the NBA, came out me, and that people often got me con- heading to the playoffs with, hopes of There are three main reasons. The and announced that the Clippers had fused with him. We still have not winning the NBA title. Our own first, and most important, is that a traded Tyson Chandler to the Chicago received a response from him, but we hometown Celtics will be pursuing good body attracts members of the Bulls for Elton Brand. My body filled realize that he has a busy schedule. that dream. However, the city of opposite sex. The second is that ' with joy as I watched the TV screen. My friends think I have some sort Chicago will not be gifted with such a changing your body, and therefore anxiously awaited for the season to odiesbcaeIamoossed bein.your lifestyle, leads to a new and begin, knowing that the Bulls would with the Bulls and their star Tyson They will be forced to watch other Iimproved self-image. The third is climb out of that pit of despair and Chandler. However, they understand young teams enter the post-season. ithat a good body attracts members of - - regain the title of the best team in the my sickness and help me cope with it. Even the L.A. Clippers have a chance the opposite sex. NBA! Duncan always tells me how good thanks to the help of Elton Brand who Now comes the time when you , they are even though they suck bonsai may give the Clippers their first win- msenter the weight room. There 3- ,,- ...... **ning record in about a decade. So, ok, are a few weight room rules which - 712 ..- maybe the Bulls will never be in the Iyou must observe in order to use the ~ spotlight of glory again. Maybe they'll facilities. never win another game. But whatever 1.Ol btldwae saloe 4

happens I'll always be cheering them -~- on, because hey, they have Tyson asafoprdcintewihrom-______\vdo/T Pljn Chandler.hat more d I need to Powerbars, Gatorade. and Hate-oradef.WdopTePilpa J nsay? mus belf ttedo oesr Look at that monstrous (and oh so real) muscle on Dave Paohino '02. clean and non-racist atmosphere. He can now compete with Arnold, Hulk Hogan, and Cathy Rampell '03. Where We Went For Spring Break

10. Canada, for performing and W~

the great.. uhi. iefsing.; ,

9~~On a scintillatingjourney to the by Deinck~~~~~~~~~~uan innocence, to compensate for his school. and see things through a brighter per- FEATURESPROFESSORX gambling. No one knows where Finally, after five rounds of spective farthestrealins of the im. ______Draper has wandered, perhaps to March Madness, we're at the final In conclusion, I'll update you on Mexico, perhaps Thailand,.*or per- game. Maryland won, those four how each person mentioned in this wtliin the Sci!-Fi Channel. Asteievtbebginn f haps he's just sitting in his room white guys on Indiana couldn't make article is living their life to the fullest. ~~~vacng , M~~~~~~~~~~~~~~acols by tee years yourcan alone, talking to his only friend, his enough threes to make up for the fact Ben Stone '04's ears are still abnor- alwayonthreethins: cout Frst, bright orange hat. that they were-starting four white mnally large, but now Ben uses his

-- - - Ben S~~~~onegasoe he hes Jaeis However, Draper wasn't the only guys, and all was well with the world powers to entertain young children at 8. The ca esofToeorhida Pasoeremwhies spre one who had to give sexual favors. I lt's been a ong journey, with many the Lawrence Boy's Club. And I'm put down Xavier (7) as my top choice lives ruined and ingers broken I'm happy to say Enoma Oviasu '04 is - ra~~~~~~~~manowhins his eopas Secod, to go all the way to the finals. Little in a world of debt, but March is over back to normal as well, seeing that EnomaOvasu'04complais about did I know that Xavier University and April is in full bloom. We all had hie's at an all-time high, having four 7 ako ilsadhwhsdpe- actually has nothing to do with Pro- our share of laughs and trauma dur- conversations with females during -Mn stroke of brilin-i sion hisalters biologicaleclockXavier of the X-Men, and that ing this crazy month, and now it's this past month. And Uzoma Iheag- - ~ ~ ~ t~~hjfl'U~~~~UU~~~ hasn't menstruated in over two o.rio iai.y anea.Ui.mnh) ndls n os motn no super-human mutants attend the tune to go back to our normal lives wara '04, as always, is doing fine.

- .-., ,,. ' o~~~~~~~~~fall, March signifies the start of the

NCAA Tournament. - .- ~~-~'. ~ -'

With such a large array of teams ., ,-- 6. Southern, MVissouri M dc land possibilities, it's only natioral to - - Complexto have a Q-Tip removed ~~~startamoney pool with your friends 4, tteteach person's gambling skill ,,.' y ad basketball knowledge. Little did I "O I ~.. - i.'-_ my cerebelm know how some simple gambling could put,-me in a world of debt and

- - ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~trouble.

5.LI Pa_ Adie~ r w si M t u While filling out my NCAAbrceIwntoumoswbies.. _ B6 THIE PHWLiPIAN SPORTS APRIL 5,2002 Chang '05, Demers '03, and Page '04 WED. TIME TRIALS Swim Girls Team to Championship DISPLAY SEASON'S by KristmaChang Besting her 100 freestyle New England lead and never lool'ed back. TAh~ A O IE PHILLIMIN SPORTS WRITER record by over half a second, Chang Doty and Page furthered PA's lead [AdI Y F VORITE '05 earned a standing ovation from the in the 100 backstroke with third and ______entire natorium. With a time of 50.57, fourth place finishes. In the last inch- Confinued from Page 81, Column 6 It was supposed to be a rebuilding no one even touched within three sec- vidual event of the day, the 100 breast- leads the girls, but they, as is the rest year. Ye n arh ,onds of her time. Page also had a stroke, the Demers duo took second of the ladies team, are looking for any YetMarh o 2,strong swim placing sixth in the event, and fifth with Walker placing twelfth. volunteers. theswimers, gils The team's Achilles heal, the 500 In the last event, the 400 freestyle Ido rc ati ob won PA's third ever freestyle, gave Exeter the lead for the relay, the team of Chang 05, Page, Pete ri 03rwho's catioe Girls Swimming last time in the meet. Placing all four of Doty, and Demers '03 capped the day fromr aprinednl,ho skecaeing Gt______~m cntrolnadti n their swimmers in the top 12 was an off with PA's fifth win of the night. Ainsworth '03, Alex Hardt '04, crw. nadiio, amazing feat. Andover only had one This season was one of ups and Sms ai ei 0 n hlo Korean Olympian swimerinheMoplixten.Kritin donswitntrmenousimpove Hee-jin Chang '05 was named the iten.Kisin dwsandtrmedostmroe e longtp meet's ~MVP ~ ~ ~the Chang '04 dropped three seconds from ments from all members of the team. in the logadtiple jump. Chang'05,ven ith wns inboth her lifetime best to place fifteenth. The 2002 squad will only graduate MeawieKniMqbl 0 her tademrkeentsthe 0 an 100 Andover capitalized on the chance to three seniors, so the future looks and Galan lead the jumpers in the freesyle,as nt thesolereaso for take the lead once again as Zicherman, brighter than ever. Captain-Elect Sarah high jump. the team's victory. More than a third of Page, Walker, and Chang '05 gabbed Demers will lead the way next season, "If we can remain healthy, and courtesy of the Unversity of Mcigan the team's ponswere from rly the win in the 200 freestyle relay. At as the girls attempt to defend their New get our guys over the 20 foot barrier, Mchigan's Fab Five (L to R). Ray Jackson, Chris Webber, Juwan wins, a show of the team's depth. In ti ie h leto orpitEgadtte ecnhv ikln upn Howards, Jalen Rose, and Jimmy King. addition, nine of the team's seventeen squad," said Chiu. "The guys are B Comes ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~swimmersscored points for the Blue. deep and the girls are very good at I~~~JrA~~~~rn~~~z~~ibo11A Tc~~~~~~~With the exception of relays and the top, so we are, in our own ways, NCAA.-1-i-~ asketbiall Conte Tocrn 00yadcrestless very good ensembles." ~~~ffTT~~~~~~~~~~~~~peted in preliminary heats in the mom- The team may appear thin, and C lo se; MVLB Starts itsE sg ing, and if they place in the top sixteen, perhaps it is, but this roster complet- Engines ~~advance to the point-scoring heats ed the perfect season in the winter, Continued from Page 81, Column 1 can get. But then Mike Davis' held in the evening. With strong swims - .. and if anything, it is a stronger team. and Wyoming all pulled off upsets in coached one of the greatest upsets in the morning, the girls secured their stesedahi lins one tamwgirs their irst-rundgaes, no much since Jimmy V ousted Phi-Slamma- spots for the evening 'session. By thesteedhatissontamgrl could take me far from cloud nine- Jammia, a.k.a. Houston, in 1983. end of the morning it was clear that and boys, and that every single ath- except the SAT. But once that was When Duke's Player of the Year, Andover, Exeter, and Hopkins 'all hadleeiammbroavrstta. over by noon on the 16th, I went to Jason Williams, bricked his last free- an equal shot at the title. qThey sure, proved it during the see theIllinos' Hig Schoo throw as collegiate player, Indiana After a refreshing afternoon at wint.er, and odds are this team can Basketball state semi-finals and final. had done the unthinkable, and KtredtPage's '04 t rhousethefe'. only get better. Just ask Reading Pletysudshav f coe ad gne wrecked every bracket pool in corpo- retre tof ExelsTe warm uborea about the Big Blue after Saturday's rat AtertheHooierAmric. hth str ffnl.Teme re tmeet. I have a feeling they will be through this tournament: Kevin raeAeia fe h oseshtfinals is the same as a regular meet, ago Z~sfeigfohpig Garnet, Quntinicharson, arius State, they put the lock-down on the wtachminipfal(o8si- .. , " The team's first mnatchup of the Miles, and Eddie Curry to say the mners) and a consolation final (second 8 leastihisyer, thee was 6' 6" hottest team in the tournament, swmes nec vn.r~...~year will occur this Saturday for both human-ogostck, Anre Igudala, Oklahoma, the only to have beaten Tenight could not have gotten off .. 'By'VriyTakeman who led his team to the state finals. both Kansas and Maryland. By the tip to a better start with the team of Alex the Girls' Varsity Track Team. He was simply amazing; nothing less of the Indiana-Maryland National Doty '5s Sarah Derners '03, Liz . Then, th ey will face off against than any of those other guys did in Final, I could not have wished for Demers '05, and Tracey Zicherman ".' the runners, jumpers and throwers their hay days in Illinois. With his anything more than to be there play- '03 capturing a win in the 200 medley fromnearby Reading High- School team down as many as twenty, "Iggy" ing for Indiana. But Gary Williams relay, This set the standard for the rest before continuing on with one of the played the point, hit the three-ball, has waited too long to win on of the evening. In the next event, the J. LeSaffre/ The Philhiplan toughest schedules in New England. and got everyone in the Peoria Civic Monday Night at his alma-mater to 200 freestyle, Kim Walker '03 had an Kate Page '04, mid-stroke, had a breakout season swimmning the 100- Center on their feet with a few rim lose this game, and March officially amazing race, placing ninth. yard Freestyle. rocking dunks. If only a few of the ended at midnight on April fools day. Chang '05, re-broke her own New major D-1 programs would have Now, it's baseball season; it's England record with a time of 23.19 in 20 2BT N I that I believe in God, but the only tion was over a second and a half G SB y w m e s F n s h r fall, he would probably have created a buz liekindof som kid amed things that scare me are Keyzer Soze, behind her, an impressive spread espe- F R amebzind Oho. Thke one codaewh the Curse of the Bamnbino and Randy cially for sprint events. Tracey F ED INDOORS atN ew England Cham pionship Jamesinhe Oio. oe coch ohno.I h '2" ice a ilZicherman '03, who won the last spot ______really wanted him was Arkansas wono.Ith6a5 curv e a ilno in the. championship finals in a swim- IS yJC a ia coach Nolan Richardson, who is no a sea gull whth ______Mac______longer wth Nwthe pogram. want t know wht would appen ifoff, placed eight in the event. Ini div- FORFrMATCHll,_IdonotbyPHILLIPIAN SPORTS WRITER longewiththe pogra.Now want o kno wha woul happn ifing Janis Scanlon '03 rocked the board FOR- IRSTMATC I Iguadala is unsigned, but don't be his fastball hit me; if Pedro can break paigfutinNwElndIbKteEiotprocess eamning a spot in the evening fooled if you hear his name on the mysterious funk, maybe only Andover's Doty and Demers '03 PHILLIPIAN HONOFARY OFFICE JOCKEYThs avdBy Vrit Fnlssteolyjirinhteie Swimming fans who have attended field. Not to be outdone, Bryce .1 I Sportscenternext winter. CatfishSportscenter Hunter could next have.winter. But noteven dominated in the 100 fly, fimishing see- ~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~dualmeet were Kaufman '03 also took a second off By this time, I was convinced ntif the curse is broken, it won't coin- ond and third respectively. These Can a downpour be a good sign? - eivdt idothsbs iet ae odeog o muchpossblycold com out ofpare to the events of the magnificent points gave Andover the necessary , Whatever the case,reivdt idothsbttmeodagodnuhfr March, no matter how maddening it month of March. lead to pull ahead of the competition. things seem to b e v•Z' Ithat the New 14th place in the event with a time of looking up for the ~ Egad5.2 Boys' Varsity Tennis Bos SING Championship for Still, the best team showing, of the team, which swept the Bos WMIG Swimming took evening was yet to come. In the 100 Boys' TFNms Belmont Hill School. place the Sunday before exams week. Breaststroke, Fiske continued his The match, which was The 2002 Boys' Swimming team dominance, taking first place and kicked off Wednesday afternoon on ended the season on a high note, tak- crushing the New England Prep PA's outdoor courts only to be forced ing third place at the New England record of 57.67 (and his own school inside by a spring storm, was the first Championships behind Choate record of 58.36) with a new mark of of the 2002 season. Rosemary Hall and Exeter, and shat- 57.07, while Hill took third place Flukes of New England weather -tering personal, school and New with another personal tops at 1: 00. 69. aside, the team's first competition England Prep records in the process. After the race, co-captain Fiske said, was marked by a resolute steadiness As has been the case all season, "I would like to congratulate every- of play. The doubles matches afford- the 200 Medley Relay team of co- one on their swims at Interschols, I ed Andover an auspicious beginning: captains Jon Lo '02 and Brian Fiske cannot see how we could have done at the number one seed, PG Greg '03, along with Dave Hill '03 and any better. I am very enth, siastic Chang '02 and newcomer Mark Asch Paull Randt '04, provided early fire- about the promise of next year's '05eaily innig y a coreof; ou- works by placing second in the event, team." bles seeds two and three, pairings of breaking their season best time by The last event, the 400 Free aeniPg pohanie hallnec'023n more than two seconds at 1:38.02, Relay, featured the team of Cain SamohniT aon '02 and and earning consideration for All- Kuangparichat, Lesnick, Hill, and Simoan SmTkoin02ad American honors in the process. Fiske securing the team's 3rd place Hawkins04, respctively, Brian Fiske was just beginning overall by taking four seconds off the each outscored their opponents 8-3. By capturing the majority of the dou- what was to be an outstanding meet. season's best time to finish 4th in the bles matches, Andover earned one In the 200 Individual Medley, he event, right behind arch-rival point, edging ahead of Belmont Hill shattered his own New England Prep Deerfield. as the two teams faced off for singles record of 1:52.70 with a breath-tak- Coach Hugon '79 was very happy matches. ing time of 1:50.56, while Dave Hill with the results: "this team overcame At the top'of the ladder, Chang took home the 5th place in a personal a lot of adversity this year, and rose

- , "- - --. ' . - . ' ~~ breezed past Belmont's top player, best time of 2:00.3 1. to the occasion today. The goal all

'<., ' 'I-,,. i -*-'--.' ~~~~~shutting him out in an 8-0 sweep. In the next event, Jon Lo once year has been to swim our best at the fl 1J\('1J j ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Playingat the same time, number two again established himself as one of Championships, and this 3rd place is 1 reward for a squad that \iifl - hflflI - I ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~rankedAsch also easily took out his the pre-eminent sprinters in the a well-earned tJU.JI, UJJEJI I Ujill! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~Belmontopponent, betnhi . league, finishing 5th in the 50 Free, has worked hard all year, and has -. with person- stuck together through hard times. I' j~~~~~~i~~~::~~~'w~~~~"'i~~~~~~Number three Musumneci then took to and 4th in the 100 Free, the court, upholding Andover's streak al best times in both races. But the We have outstanding leadership on by overcoming his opponent 8-1, surprise of the meet came from Paull this team, and the mental toughness it while Andover's number six singles Randt, who challenged the existing takes to compete successfully at this V~~~~~ ~~6p-Qpayr4hl, wnasmwa sprinting kings by first qualifying for level. I am already looking forward to 7 Jun w~~~~~inseeach, - at fopoineh ~~~~~~''' i. tighter round, 8-5. With four singles ~~~~~~~~theconsolation finals of both the 50 next year's campaign." Brian Fiske ~~~~ s:'-> [, and a one-point doubles-matc ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~and 100 Free, and then making per- and David Hill will lead the team as I3PIIJ majority under its belt, the Andover~~~~~~~~~sonal best times (23.05, 50.75) in co-captains next winter. FIIIIIO~~~ squahe caried mtch,5-0.both events to earn 12th and 10th

*>~~~~~~~-*-*- ~~~~~~~~~But decisive though its victory plcfish. W,. was, Andover's dominance of For the four-hour diving event, ~~~~,2* ~~~~~~~~~~~Belmont Hill could prove to be the divers, reurdfoT irttm E deceptive; the team easily defeated in the eason to compete eleven .~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~the Belmont squad last year, only to dives, took to the board. In the diving