Wachigabau Project

Fall 2011 Core Drilling Program

Canton de Lespérance, Québec

Desmaraisville Area , Canada NTS: 32G/12 and 32G/05 NAD 83 Zone 18 (UTM 434000mE, 5486000mN)

GM 66779 Michel LeBlanc Donald R. Boucher

Date: 2012-05-24 Ressources naturelles et FaL;r.e Regu MINF 1] 2 NOV. 2012 Page 1 of 31 2012 Dir informationn géologique DIRECTION D. S. TITRES MINIERS )f)k-i3(00'7 Contents SUMMARY 4


1.1 Objectives / Terms of Reference 5

1.2 Property 5

1.3 Property History / Previous Work 8



3.1 Lithology 12

3.2 Stratigraphy 12

3.3 Structural Geology 13

3.4 Alteration & Mineralization 13

3.5 Economic Geology 13


4.1 Drilling 16


5.1 Core Integrity and Sample Description 22

5.2 Core Cutting 23

5.3 Sample Preparation 23

5.4 Sample Analyses 26

5.4.1 Laboratoire Expert, Rouyn 26

5.4.2 Independent laboratory 26






Page 2 of 31 List of Figures

Figure 1: Project Location Map 7 Figure 2: Property Location Map 8 Figure 3: Wachigabau Property, Claims Distribution Map, as of 2012-01 9 Figure 4: Regional Geology 11 Figure 5: Property Geology 14 Figure 6: Collar Locations of first four holes testing IP anomaly associated with the Lac Opawica Shear Zone 15 Figure 7: Drill plan of hole WAC11-05 testing magnetic break passing through the property and defining a NE-SW magnetic lineament for mineralization 16 Figure 8: Plan view of Wachigabau holes WAC11-01, WAC-02, WAC11-03 and WAC11-04 plotted on chargeability anomaly map 20 Figure 9: Plan view of Wachigabau holes WAC11-01, WAC11-02, WAC11-03 and WAC11-04 plotted on resistivity map. 21

List of Appendices

Appendix — I List of Claims

Appendix —II MRNF Permits

Appendix —Ill Drill Logs

Appendix-IV Certificates of Analyses

Appendix-V Laboratory Assay Procedures

Appendix — VI Drill Plans and Cross Sections

Page 3 of 31 SUMMARY

During the period of October to November 2011, an exploration program consisting of 5 holes was initiated by Northern Superior Resources Ltd on the Wachigabau property. This project is subject of a joint venture between Matamec Exploration Inc. and Northern Superior Resources Inc. The objective of this drilling program was to test two potential structures on the Wachigabau property that were considered to be the best targets to host gold mineralization.

This program only intersected anomalous gold values within the Lac Opawica shear zone on the Wachigabau Property. The most significant intersections are listed in the table 2 under the drilling section of the report.

The Lac Opawica Shear Zone remains a prospective underexplored target for gold exploration while the hole through the projected Lamarck fault did not return any results of interest.

Page 4 of 31 1.0 INTRODUCTION

1.1 Objectives / Terms of Reference

The objective of the fall 2011 diamond drilling program was to test two structures on the Wachigabau property that were considered to be the best targets to host gold mineralization.

Starting in early November, a drill program consisting of 5 holes totalling 1,863 metres was initiated by Northern Superior Resources on the Wachigabau project centered about 24 km east northeast of Desmaraisville. The purpose of the drill program was first to test the Opawica Deformation Zone (ODZ) along a strong I.P. anomaly detected by an Induced Polarization Survey (IP) conducted in 2010. This IP anomaly is located about 1 kilometer east of an historical gold showing discovered by Kinross Gold.

The second objective of this drill program was to test a magnetic break passing through the property and defining a NE-SW magnetic lineament for mineralization. The magnetic lineation / fabric west of this structure runs E-W while to the east the magnetic lineation runs NE-SW. The break between these two magnetic fabrics was inferred to be the Lamarck fault.

1.2 Property

The Wachigabau property, is comprised of a merger of Matamec's and Northern Superior Resources claims in the area that includes the original Lesperance diamond property, the Opawica Lake claim block and the expanded claims to the north, south and southwest adjoining the original Lesperance property. The property is located within the eastern part of the Abitibi greenstone belt, northern Quebec and consists of 359 claims covering approximately 14, 578.47 hectares in the northern half of Lesperance Township (SNRC 32G/12 and 32G/05), some 24 kilometers E NE of the hamlet of Desmaraisville, 120 kilometers NE of the town of Lebel-sur-Quevillon and 245 kilometers NE of the town of Val-d'Or, Quebec (Figures 1 and 2). See Appendix-I for details

Several joint venture agreements spanning over a decade are in effect for the Wachigabau property. The original agreement, covered the core claims of the Lesperance property and was signed in 1998, between Cambior Inc. and Resources Minerals Mistassini, whereby Cambiex, a subsidiary of Cambior, which retained a 1% NSR (Net Smelter Royalty) and certain back-in rights. This agreement covered the original property which consisted of 193 regular claims (CL) for 3,033 hectares. From 1999 to 2003, several amendments to the original agreement were made and some claims were dropped. This agreement was transferred to Resources Matamec Inc. in 2004.

Shortly thereafter, in 2005, the majority of the regular claims (CL) were converted to cells (CDC) and a new expanded agreement was reached between Matamec, IAMGOLD, including Cambior and

Page 5 of 31 Cambiex, and Superior Diamonds Inc. for Superior Diamonds Inc. to explore and acquire the diamond rights to the property. This new agreement encompassed a group of 325 claims covering an area of 13,399.68 hectares, and included all claims of the original property and all claims, belonging to the various parties involved, within a 1 kilometer area of interest surrounding the Lesperance property boundary (Figure 3a). At that time, Superior Diamonds, now Northern Superior Resources, could earn a 50% interest on the portion of the claims owned by Matamec and IAMGOLD and the right to 100% of all diamonds and kimberlites discovered on these claims by spending $1.5 million and by issuing 540,000 shares on or before August 25th, 2010. Matamec Explorations Inc. retained all rights to the other metals discovered on the property. Matamec Explorations Inc. and IAMGOLD share a 2.5% gross overriding royalty ("GOR") on diamonds produced from the property, subject to Northern Superior Resource's right to buy back a 1.5% GOR for $3 million.

In 2008, a I I remaining regular claims (CL) were converted to mapped staked claims (CDC) by the Ministry of Natural Resources and Wildlife (MRNF). As well, a Letter Of Intent (LOI) pursuant to the letter of agreement of 2005, was signed between Matamec Explorations and Northern Superior Resources whereby Northern Superior Resources can acquire 50% of the rights to minerals other than diamonds from Matamec Explorations.

According to the terms of the agreement, Northern Superior Resources will complete the acquisition of the diamond rights by issuing to both Matamec and IAMGOLD 100,000 shares whereby Matamec and IAMGOLD will acknowledge that Northern Superior Resources has earned 100% of the diamond rights on the property, having already incurred more than $1,500,000.00 in exploration expenditures. As well, Northern Superior Resources will issue an additional 100,000 shares and 100,000 warrants at market price plus 15% for 2 years and pay $25,000.00 cash to Matamec and commit to spend $500,000.00 in exploration expenditures over the next three years to acquire 50% of the rights to all minerals other than diamonds. There will be an area of interest of 2 kilometers surrounding the properties encompassing the Wachigabau property in favor of Matamec and Northern Superior Resources only (Figure 3b). This area covers 359 claims, including 112 regular claims (CL) and 247 mapped staked claims (CDC) for an area of 14,578.47 hectares. The terms and conditions of the original agreement regarding the obligations to IAMGOLD will be maintained. It should be noted that a group of 31 CDC claims, registered to Northern Superior Resources Inc., will not be renewed on their respective expiration dates and all parties are in agreement with the non-renewal of this group of claims (Figure 3b).

Page 6 of 31 82' 7& 74° 70' 66° 62° 58" 54° 62° 62' _ heat, \I


-1? 58' 58 nt»f

• Kuujjuaq

1 54° 54° Radisson, I"' Scheffennla


James Bay Wachigabau Property L'Vaskagantsh • _ v„ ;`•,:k• 500 50' Se0-1Ies —

Matagemi Chitiougarnau

• • Rouyn- Val-cfOr Noranda ives 1' 14. nNew - Brunswick 1 4,4 46° 4e•

USA 0 50 100 Kilometers Northern Superior Resources Inc Matamec Explorations Inc.

Figure 1: Project Location Map

Page 7 of 31

-90500 414000 416000 422090 426009 ua41ao 414500 .38000 442000 446000 4500410 454000 458000 462000 466090 .0000 .4000 476000 .2009 486000 490000 ammo 498000

4 i 1 ~~—~~_ ~ ~~_ — - 1 /-/ Waswanipi F.N. Chapais _~

1 ~7._ - ~ __.--~ r E ~ 1 -/ ~ ## / IRYY 382 ! _E _ ]---g--' 'a 8

 Wachigabau Gold Project _~ - -- _ a m _ g m

~ A a Desmaraisvillë I ~ ~. ~r-,~ ~ , ~ . . ,~~ —~5~,.~` _~-_. ~7~ ' ~l - - 1_ x _1 _ - a 8

o zo , - .

- n , ,,..,. - 1 I 4140' 403 ' 44080 ' 418 42100 428!000 ' 4504100 4.00 438000 442000 444:000 ' MON 454000 468000 . MOOG 404100 ' 47c:000 ' 474'000 ' 47:000 ' 4820I0 480000 490000 494000 410000 ' 60Z000 ' 500'000 ' 510'000 ' 54000

Figure 2: Property Location Map

1.3 Property History / Previous Work

The historical work on this property has been well documented in previous reports and will not be repeated here. Interested parties that would like the historical background of mineral exploration in the Lac Wachigabau property and area can refer to the Report by J A Marcotte & A Jean 2009.

Page 8 of 31 ~




Figure 3: Wachigabau Property, Claims Distribution Map, as of 2012-01


The Wachigabau property is located at the northeastern end of the Archaean Abitibi Greenstone Belt of the Superior Province, well known for its numerous gold deposits.

The portion of the Archean craton in the study area belongs to the Caopatina-Desmaraisville greenstone belt. It consists of a thick supracrustal volcanic sequence intersected by intrusive complexes in the northeastern, northwestern and southern areas. The idealized stratigraphic column in the area is divided into two lithostratigraphic units from older to younger: the Obatogamau and the Ruisseau-Dalime Formations (Larouche, 1994).

The supracrustal rocks are mainly mafic tholeiitic volcanic rocks of the Obatogamau Formation. This formation formed in a succession of volcanic episodes comprising massive and pillow basalts and brecciated lavas that are often plagioclase phenocryst-bearing (Cloutier, 1996). The Ruisseau-Dalime Formation is comprised of turbidites and conglomerates, felsic to intermediate volcanics both pyroclastic and volcano-sedimentary, and iron formations (Cloutier, 1996).

Page 9 of 31 Several Archean and Proterozoic plutons intrude the volcano-sedimentary sequences. The Archean intrusions are mainly granitoid, the late ones, Boyvinet and Bachelor Lake plutons for example, are syenitic (Cloutier, 1996). The anorthosite complex and the "Chutes de l'Esturgeon" gabbroic complex are the most important Archean intrusions in this area. The latter has a thickness of at least 1,350 meters and is comprised of differentiated stratiform intrusions including pyroxenite or peridotite at the base that gradually grade into quartz gabbro towards the top of the sequence (Lamothe, 1983). The Proterozoic intrusions are basically trending ENE- WSW and are mostly represented by gabbro-diabase dykes (Cloutier, 1996). In addition, four carbonatite intrusions have been identified in the Desmaraisville area (Moorhead, 2003).

The Archean rocks of the Abitibi Sub-Province were affected by the Kenorean Orogeny between 2660 and 2680 My (Thorpe et al., 1984). During this orogeny, the rocks within the study area were folded and metamorphosed to regional greenschist facies and hornfels facies along the contact aureole with the p I u t o n s . Many faults oriented northeast and southwest formed as a result of the regional deformation (Sharma & Lamothe, 1982; Sharma & Lamothe, 1981). Two fault systems are present in the area. The most frequent are trending E - W t o ENE and include the Opawica, Lac Wachigabau and Lac Shortt faults. The other system of lesser extent trend NE and crosscut the first system. See Figure-4.

Page 10 of 31 Producing Mine Past producing gold mines


Granitoid rocks

Felsic volcanic rocks

Mafic volcanic rocks

Mafic intrusive rocks

Ultramafic intrusive rocks

Sedimentary rocks Mine Donald J. Laronde (Dumagami) Gneissic rocks

Figure 4: Regional Geology


The local geology is well defined by R. Dahl (Geomines, 1990). From south to north, the volcanic sequence is described as follows:

1. A mafic volcanic unit varying from basaltic to andesitic in composition, pillowed or massive with some thin cherty and tuffaceous horizons and gabbroic sills. Thickness of this unit varies from 500 to 1,500 meters.

2. An intermediate to felsic volcanic unit varying from andesitic to rhyolitic in composition that covers the greater part of the property. This unit is comprised of pyroclastic rocks (tuffs and agglomerates) into which massive flows are intercalated. In the southwestern part of the property, two mafic flows on either side of a gabbroic sill are surrounded in turn by felsic units.

Page 11 of 31 3. A granodioritic to dacitic sill in the western half of the property.

4. A thick mafic volcanic unit, varying from basaltic to andesitic in composition, pillowed and massive, with tuffaceous interbeds and gabbroic sills

5. A felsic pyroclastic unit with basaltic flows.

The main geophysical feature is a narrow linear magnetic anomaly caused by a diabase dyke with an estimated thickness of 50 to 100 meters, cutting across both units 1 and 2 sub-concordantly. This dyke trends NE, showing some offsets possibly caused by faulting.

The main structural feature on the property is the regional deformation D2, canceling the prior phase D1 and locally overprinted by tectonic phase D3. Phase D2 is marked by a sub- vertical schistosity S2, trending 060°-240°. The Opawica and Wachigabau faults belong to this system, the latter crossing the property from SSW to NNE. A second sub-vertical schistosity trending 100-280° is also associated with deformation D2. This particular schistosity can be observed in the field and is enhanced by the Le Sueur and Lac Doda faults. These faults represent a large regional deformation corridor.

3.1 Lithology Previous mapping and drilling has identified the following rock units within the Wachigabau property:

1) Diabase-Gabbro 2) Quartz Feldspar porphyry 3) Basalt (massive porphyritic to pillowed flows with minor flow breccias / lapilli tuffs) Obatogamau Fm 4) Anorthosite-Gabbro 5) Intermediate to felsic breccias to lapilli tuffs 6) Greywacke (typical turbidite sediments with banding, and fining up sequence) 7) Fine grained Graphitic sediments (black, variably sheared thin units), Chert and Massive Sulphide (Py) 8) Quarts Diorite, Granodiorite to Tonalite complex

3.2 Stratigraphy No attempt was made to systematically decipher the complex stratigraphy of the area, however the authors observations corroborates those previously observed during the current drill program that wherever fining up sequences were observed within the greywacke units, tops were facing up drill hole or facing south.

Page 12 of 31 3.3 Structural Geology The Lac Opawica deformation zone is the main E - W structural element crossing the property which includes several gold showing i.e. Legaré, Zone Nord, Espoir, Sondage GL-26, Cominco, Butte, Relique, Sondage 79-18-2, Lac Opawica Sud, Sondage CH-3, Sondage LES-95-01. A second E - W structure running through Lac Wachigabau can be seen on some maps however very little is known about this structure and appears to be inferred only. The Lamarck fault is a secondary structure running NE — SW and has been defined by a break in the geophysics tested by hole WAC11_05 in this program.

3.4 Alteration & Mineralization

The following alteration types were identified in the five holes drilled in Fall 2011: 1) Quartz veining (various generations) 2) Silicification (beige brown cherty looking) 3) Sericitization (light green overprinting) 4) Carbonatization (ankerite as replacement of the rock or as mineral in veins) 5) Sulphidation (pyrite, chalcopyrite) 6) Chloritization (dark green overprinting/ replacement of mafic minerals)

Without a detail study it is difficult to determine the overall structural pattern of the quartz veining and its associations with mineralization, however there is a quartz veining system that is mineralized and of interest. Zones of silicification, seritization and carbonatization have been clearly identified and generally overprint the local rock types, or as in the case of carbonatization (ankerite), it is also closely associated with the quartz veining. Sulphidation in the form of pyrite was observed, with rare occurrences of chalcopyrite.

3.5 Economic Geology Numerous gold occurrences were discovered in the past on the property and surrounding areas however no gold bearing zones of economic interest have been identified so far on the Wachigabau property.

Page 13 of 31 + + + + + + + + + + +++ ~~ + + + ++++—+++ + + + + +

+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + — + + + + + + + + 4C> + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + Opaµ'fs-----1-.

le ~ L . •t~ 3~S

v114 II 4, "O~ 1a_ Oesmaraisville

j? .~ _ asp~ ÎA' <~ W-1~ ~r . w 10 4,40•• 461' r:+ Kilomètres

ROCHES SUPRACRUSTALES ROCHES INTRUSIVES INDICES ET SECTEURS ÉTUDIÉS Formation de Ruisseau Dalime Complexe de la Oranitoides O Agar 1 O Relique rivière Opawica I~J Roches pyroclastiques et + + Granodionte O Agar2 O Savane lob . J roches sédimentaires d'origine volcanique 3g ~$,•_ Anorthosite O Boyvinet Formation d'Obatogamau _ Syénite (m Gand 1) Basalte O Mariposite + + Monzodiorite O Espoir Membre de Wachigabau Complexe des Chutes t de l'Esturgeon Tonalite El SE Lac Shortt ti~• Roches pyroclastiques, rhyollie O Cominco NW Lac Shortt Gabbro, pyroxénite rK a Gneiss tonalitique O Rhyodacite , f1 Butte IN SW Waswanipi Il i Route principale — Voie ferrée / 11 ro lie Opawica Faille Pli synclinal Pli anticlinal Route secondaire • ■ Mine N.

Géologie générale de la région du lac Shorts et localisation des indices étudiés. Modifiée de Gobeil (1984), Sharma et Gobeil (1987) et Chown et al. (1990).

Figure 5: Property Geology


In fall 2011, a drill program consisting of 5 holes (totalling 1,863 metres) was initiated by Northern Superior Resources on the Wachigabau project centered about 15 km east of Desmaraisville. The purpose of this drill program was first to test the Lac Opawica Deformation Zone (ODZ) along a moderate-strong induce polarization (I.P.) anomaly detected in a 2010 survey (See Figure-6, 8 and 9). This I.P. anomaly is located about 1 kilometer east of an historical gold showing discovered by Kinross Gold along the same structure.

The second objective of this drill program was to test a suspect magnetic break located into the S-W part of the property and defining a NE-SW magnetic lineament (See Figure-7). This magnetic break was inferred to be the extension of the Lamarck fault on the Wachigabau property.

Page 14 of 31 Figure 6: Collar Locations of first four holes testing IP anomaly associated with the Lac Opawica Shear Zone

Page 15 of 31 Figure 7: Drill plan of hole WAC11-05 testing magnetic break passing through the property and defining a NE-SW magnetic lineament for mineralization.

4.1 Drilling

A total of five holes were drilled during fall 2011 to follow-up on the targets described above. See Figure-6, and Table-1 bellow and Appendix Ill Diamond Drill Logs, Appendix IV Assay Certificates, and Appendix VI Drill Plan and Cross Sections.

Table 1: Drill hole statistics HoleNum Az DipDeg DipRad Start Ovbint End Rocklnt WAC11_01 335 -50 -0.87 0.00 16.00 306 290.00 WAC11_02 335 -50 -0.87 0.00 8.00 366 358.00 WAC11_03 335 -50 -0.87 0.00 6.00 390 384.00 WAC11_04 335 -50 -0.87 0.00 5.00 399 394.00 WAC11_05 315 -50 -0.87 0.00 13.80 402 388.20

48.80 1814.20

Page 16 of 31 DDH WAC11_01

Hole WAC11_01 was designed to test a strong NE-SW I.P. anomaly detected along the Opawica deformation corridor and located about 1 km ENE of the Kinross historical gold showing.

To test this area, DDH WAC11_01 was collared on NAD83, UTM Zone 18, 436880E/5491698N, oriented at N335 with a dip of -50 degrees. From the start to 223.5 m, this hole passed through a strongly foliated and deformed rock sequence dominated by basaltic rocks locally interlayered with metric to decametric intermediate tuffaceous volcanic units and strongly sericitized wacke and/or mafic volcanic intervals. Locally the mafic host rock is affected by strong vein controlled sericitization and carbonatization (mostly calcite) with variable disseminated and vein controlled pyrite. From 223.5 m to 295.8 m the hole entered into a sedimentary sequence (Graphitic argillite and siltstone) injected by many metric size Quartz Porphyry (QP) dykes. The graphitic zone is brecciated with many gouge filled fault breccias. Several mineralized zones were intersected in hole WAC11-01. In general the mineralized zones are associated with quartz carbonate veins and QP dykes. Clasts of sedimentary exhalative pyrite are often found within brecciated graphitic argillite. Only anomalous gold values up to 358 ppb associated to a Quartz Porphyry dyke were reported from DDH WAC11_01 (Table 2).

Hole WAC11_01 was terminated at 306 m into a strongly sericitized unit interpreted as a possible altered intermediate tuff.

DDH WAC11_02

Hole WAC11_02 was designed to test the eastern edge of a NE-SW I.P. anomaly detected along the Opawica deformation corridor and located about 1.4 km NE of Kinross' historical gold showing.

To test this area, DDH WAC11_02 was collared at NAD83, UTM Zone 18, 437223E/5491910N, oriented at N335 with a -50 degree dip.

From the start to 256.4 m, this hole intersected a strongly foliated and deformed rock sequence dominated by mafic basalt and intermediate tuff (strongly sericitized and carbonatized —calcite— ) with decametric wide apparent mafic tuff. Locally, the mafic and volcanoclastic rocks are both affected by a strong vein controlled sericitization and carbonatization (mostly calcite and minor local ankeritization) with variable disseminated and vein controlled pyrite associated. Locally, the level of alteration was making it difficult to differentiate between the basalt and the intermediate tuff. It is possible that some interpreted intermediate tuff could also be strongly foliated and sericitized basaltic units.

Page 17 of 31 From 256.4 m to 277.6 m this hole entered into a sedimentary sequence (Graphitic argillite and siltstone) injected by some metric size felsic dykes of Quartz Feldspar Porphyry (QFP). This area contains strongly brecciated graphitic sediments (fault breccias).

The highest pyrite mineralization observed along WAC11_02 was located between 75 and 84 m in a foliated basaltic unit. In this interval, between 2 and up to 8% disseminated pyrite are noted along foliation and vein margins. DDH WAC11_02 retuned only anomalous gold values up to 206 ppb associated to a sedimentary (wacke) unit (Table 2).

DDH WAC11_02 ended at 366 meters into a foliated, intermediate, tuffaceous unit.

DDH WAC11_03

Hole WAC11_03 was designed to test the eastern extension of an IP anomaly detected along the Opawica deformation corridor and located about 1.8 km NE of the Kinross historical gold showing. This hole was extended to test a weak broad I.P anomaly located past the Opawica structure.

To test this area, DDH WAC11_03 was collared on NAD83, UTM Zone 18, 437572E/5492073N, oriented at N335 with a dip of -50 degrees. From the start to 162 m, this hole passed through a strongly foliated and deformed rock sequence dominated by mafic basaltic rock locally interlayered by meters wide intermediate tuff units and strongly sericitized decametric wide wacke and/or mafic volcanic intervals. Locally the mafic host rock is affected by moderate vein controlled sericitization and carbonatization (mostly calcite). Between 162 m and 224.8 m this hole passed through a sedimentary sequence (Graphitic argillite and wacke) with decametric wide felsic dykes of Quartz Porphyry. As observed in previous holes, this area also contains brecciated argillite with some gougy graphite. Most mineralization along this hole is associated to sedimentary units intersected between 162.2 and 168.4 metres. The mineralization observed in this area is mostly of sedimentary (exhalative) type consisting of bedding controlled disseminated to semi-massive pyrite associated with graphitic argillite. DDH WAC11_03 returned only anomalous gold values up to 475 ppb into a brecciated graphitic argillite unit (Table 2). The second weak I.P. anomaly tested by this hole remains unexplained.

Hole WAC11_03 was terminated at 390 metres into a wide weakly altered intermediate tuffaceous block and lapilli tuff unit.

DDH WAC11_04

Hole WAC11_04 was designed to test a deeper portion of the eastern extension of an IP anomaly detected along the Opawica deformation corridor and located about 1 km NE of Kinross' historical gold showing. This hole was also designed to test a second I.P. anomaly coincident with a local topographic high.

Page 18 of 31 DDH WAC11_04 was collared on NAD83, UTM Zone 18, 437480E/5491902N, oriented at N335 with a dip of -50 degrees.

From the start to 39.25 meters, this hole intersected a massive gabbroic unit. Underlying this gabbro, DDH WAC11_04 passed through a thick volcanic sequence dominated by basaltic rocks, variably foliated, locally banded and interlayered with local decametric wide wacke levels. Between 231 and 261 m, hole WAC11_04 intersected a strongly altered section dominated by a pyrite bearing (2 to 5%) sericitic carbonate schist with trace of chalcopyrite centered on an 8 m wide carbonate-sericite-quartz-albite zone.

From 379 m, this hole passed through a sedimentary sequence (Graphitic argillite and wacke) with decametric wide felsic dykes of Quartz Porphyry. As observed in previous holes, this area contains a graphitic and brecciated argillite horizon. Most mineralization along this hole is associated with the sedimentary units intersected between 378.6 m and the end of hole. Pyrite mineralization observed in this area is mostly of sedimentary (exhalative) type and consists of bedding controlled and exhalative pyrite clasts associated with graphitic argillite. DDH WAC11_04 returned anomalous gold values up to 130 ppb associated with a mineralized argillite unit (Table 2) and was terminated at 399 m into a wacke unit interbedded with cm wide graphitic argillite levels.

DDH WAC11_05

Hole WAC11_05 was collared in an area located about 10 kilometres west of the four previous holes of this program. The purpose of this hole was to test an area where a magnetic break suggested a possible NE oriented stratigraphic structure associated with a possible regional fault.

DDH WAC11_05 was collared at on UTM NAD 83 429913E/5486803N and oriented at N315 using a dip of -50 degrees.

This hole collared into a lapilli-block intermediate tuff up to 117.6 m. From there up to 297.3 m\, Hole WAC11_05 passed through a sequence dominated by brecciated, amygdaloidal and pillowed andesitic flows interlayered with interflow sediment (wacke and mudrock). From 297 m to the end, this hole entered into a mafic dominated sequence interlayered with argillite and undefined sedimentary levels and was terminated at 402 m into a medium grained gabbroic unit.

No significant alteration usually associated with a structural zone was intersected by WAC11_05. This hole failed to explain the reason behind the local regional NE-SW magnetic break. No significant mineralization was intersected and no significant gold values were reported (Table 2).

Page 19 of 31 Figure 8: Plan view of Wachigabau holes WAC11-01, WAC-02, WAC11-03 and WAC11-04 plotted on chargeability anomaly map

Page 20 of 31 Figure 9: Plan view of Wachigabau holes WAC11-01, WAC11-02, WAC11-03 and WAC11-04 plotted on resistivity map.

Page 21 of 31 Sample Project DDH From (m.) To (m.) number AU (g/t) Description Wachigabau WAC11_01 72.25 73 44013 0.213 Qz,CI,Ak,Vn stockwork, 5% py Wachigabau WAC11_01 73 73.9 44014 0.15 Qz,CI,Ak,Vn stockwork, 5% py Wachigabau WAC11_01 97.65 98.5 44020 0.101 Qz,CI,Ak,Vn,S% py Wachigabau WAC11_01 223.5 224 44080 0.113 QFP, Sr++, 1% py Wachigabau WAC11_01 236.65 237.25 44088 0.202 Ak+++, 3% py Wachigabau WAC11_01 237.25 238 44089 0.308 Ak+++, 7% py Wachigabau WAC11_01 265.75 266.75 44116 0.218 QFP,Sr++, Ak+, 2% py Wachigabau WAC11_01 265.75 266.75 44116 0.218 QFP,Sr++, Ak+, 2% py Wachigabau WAC11_01 265.75 266.75 44116 0.218 QFP,Sr++, Ak+, 2% py Wachigabau WAC11_01 280 281 44133 0.358 QFP,Si+,Sr++,2% py Wachigabau WAC11_01 283 284 44136 0.101 QFP,Si+,Sr++,2% py

Wachigabau WAC11_02 262 262.8 44203 0.102 S1+S3,GP,FAZ,1% py Wachigabau WAC11_02 264.1 265 44206 0.15 S1,GP++,sed,7%py Wachigabau WAC11_02 267.6 268.35 44211 0.206 S3,Sr+,CI,1% py Wachigabau WAC11_02 271.8 272.7 44217 0.12 S1,GP++,hexhalative,3%py

Wachigabau WAC11_03 163.5 164 44281 0.316 py 50%, hexhalative Wachigabau WAC11_03 175 176.2 44296 0.142 S3/S6,GP,Bx,2% py Wachigabau WAC11_03 178 179 44299 0.192 S3,Sr++,Cb+,4% py Wachigabau WAC11_03 209.7 210.5 44317 0.475 S6A,GP,Bx,3% py

Wachigabau WAC11_04 382 383 44489 0.11 S6,CI,Cb++,10% py Wachigabau WAC11_04 385.2 386 44493 0.115 S3,Cb++,FAZ,2% py Wachigabau WAC11_04 387.5 387.8 44496 0.130 S6,40% py Wachigabau WAC11_04 398 399 44510 0.117 QP,Sr+,Tr py

Wachigabau WAC11_05 N.D. NSV

Table 2: Most significant assay results, fall 2011 drill program.


5.1 Core Integrity and Sample Description The core collected by the driller is transported and delivered by the driller to the core shack at shift change. A geological technician receives the core from the driller and starts a preliminary review of the integrity of the core while it is being laid out on the logging table.

It is then examined by the Geologist for detail core integrity , any core out of order or depth markers out of place is to be recorded and reported to the driller to explain why and correct problem. Any drill hole survey forms included in the core box is to be reviewed for completeness and data entered into Geotic and analysed for borehole deviation.

Basic RQD data is then collected in Geotic.

Page 22 of 31 The core is then logged and descriptions of lithology, contacts, structure, alteration and mineralogy collected in Geotic.

Samples are then marked off on the core on the basis of 1) Lithology, 2) Mineralisation, 3) Alteration, and 4) Structure

The sample intervals are clearly marked by a line perpendicular to the core axis with a wax pencil and number at the end of the sample interval. (sample intervals min-max, 0.25m — 1.0m). A centre cut line is run down the centre of the core for the core cutters to follow. The sample booklet is prepared before use by filling out the sample numbers that are to be used for routine insertion of control samples. Blanks and standard reference materials were inserted at a frequency of 1 every 25 samples. Additional control samples can be inserted at the QP's discretion. The sample booklet is then filled out and the detachable sample tags placed at the end of sample interval. The sample numbers and intervals are then entered into Geotic.

The core is then placed in core rack in queue for cutting.

5.2 Core Cutting Core cutters transport the core from rack in a trolley capable of handling 18 boxes at a time.

The core is then cut in half in a sound proof well ventilated room where two saws are set up.

Core is then cut with half placed in a sample bag and half returned to the core tray. The integrity of each half should be maintained. A portion of the sample tag is placed in sample bag while the other portion is stapled in bottom of tray at the end of the sample interval.

Groups of eight samples are then placed in rice bags, along with empty sample bags and tags for insertion of the control samples in the sequence by the sample prep Lab. The rice bag is then closed with a tie-wrap.

A list of samples is prepared for each batch of ±100 samples and delivered directly to the sample prep lab TJCM in by the geological technician supervising the core cutting every two or three days. A copy of the list is given to the receiving agent at TJCM and a copy is to be E-mailed to [email protected]

5.3 Sample Preparation Sample Receiving at TJCM: check condition of samples on receipt, compare shipping list with samples received, Log Sample #'s I bar code into laboratory tracking system, (report any problems)

Dry: if required

Weight: all samples

Page 23 of 31 Control Sample: coarse silica rock blanks and pulp blanks are inserted in addition to three standards with very low, low and medium gold values. The sample bags were pre-prepared by the geologist with a numbered sample tag. TJCM prepares a packet containing 250-300 grams of blank material or certified gold standard identical to all the other samples. The standard samples used were purchased from Rocklabs from New-Zeland while the coarse blank and pulp was purchased from a silica quarry. The sample standard types and their respective values are listed in table 3 below.

Crush: whole sample to 75% passing -2mm

Split: standard process 250 - 300g for pulverising, and for samples containing VG or assays >30g/t Au, split 500 - 1,000g for pulverising

Pulverise 85% passing 75 micron: all samples 250-300g, and for assays >30g/t Au or VG 500 - 1,000g

Ship to laboratory for Analyses

The most significant advantage of using an independent sample prep laboratory is that all samples submitted to the assay lab are identical in size so control samples are very difficult to identify amongst the samples, contrary to submitting a standard control sample packet containing the specified 30g aliquot for assay. At TJCM laboratory the control samples are 250-300g similar to all other samples. In addition preparing the samples at TJCM in Chibougamau reduces the cost of sample shipment by reducing sample weight by 75 to 85%. At this early stage of the Croteau drilling program it was also agreed with TJCM that they would manage our entire sample archiving until such time Northern Superior has the staff and facilities to manage its own sample archiving.

Page 24 of 31 Rocklabs Matériel de Référence 95% Control Coefficient of Confidence Matériel Au_ppm STD_ppm Value * '+3*SDmax Jar Number Variation interval for 3*SDmin Au _pp m average = Blank, 0 0 Silice Grossiere Code K TJCM Blank, 0 0 Silice Poudre Code J TJCM

OxC72 0.205 0.008 4.00% 0.003 0.205 0.196 0.214 182242 TJCM

OxC88 0.203 0.01 5.10% 0.003 0.203 0.194 0.212 TJCM

OxH66 1.285 0.032 2.50% 0.012 1.285 1.249 1.321 172524 TJCM

Oxi67 1.817 0.062 3.40% 0.024 1.817 1.745 1.889 161098 TJCM

Oxi81 1.807 0.033 1.80% 0.011 1.807 1.774 1.84

SG40 0.976 0.022 2.30% 0.009 0.976 0.949 1.003 Lab Exp

SE58 0.607 0.019 3.20% 0.006 0.607 0.589 0.625 224231 Lab Exp

SK52 4.107 0.088 2.20% 0.029 4.107 4.02 4.194 199783 TJCM

Veuillez prendre note que le standard SK52 sera remplacé par le Oxi 81 (1,807ppm) à compter d'aujourd'hui et se allé jusqu'à l'arrivage des autres prochainement. Donc le premier standard Oxi 81 sera incrémenté au H672676.

Nous avons aussi terminé aujourd'hui 2011-09-21 le standard OxC 72 et il est remplacé par le OxC 88 (.203 ppm) il sera incrémenté à partir du H672726. Table 3: List of control samples used, fall 2011 drill program

Page 25 of 31 5.4 Sample Analyses All samples were dispatched directly from TJCM in Chibougamau to Laboratoire Expert in Rouyn, QC and analysed for gold as described below. Sample Receiving Laboratoire Expert : Check condition of samples on receipt, compare shipping list with samples received, Log Sample #'s / bar code into laboratory tracking system, (report any problems)

Weight samples

Split 30g aliquot for FA-AAS (fire assay atomic absorption spectrometry) ALS code Au-AA25 or Au-GRA21

No Metalic Screen analyses were done

Report Assay Results

5.4.1 Laboratoire Expert, Rouyn For details on Laboratoire Expert's assaying protocol please refer to Appendix V

5.4.2 Independent laboratory Only anomalous assay results were returned therefore no repeat analyses were done at an independent laboratory.


When assays were received digitally from the assay lab, standards and blanks were checked visually to ensure they passed the quality test before import into the assay database. Since March 2009, samples are dumped into an Excel spreadsheet and if the value for the standards exceeds the control limits, then these values are highlighted for checking. Sample assay results, internal QC information, shipping data, standards, and duplicate samples were each stored in separate QC database tables, and data can be merged into relevant plot files as needed.

The QC samples in each group were subjected to specific pass/failure criteria, which determined whether a re-assay of the batch was required. A sample group failure was identified whenever the analytical result for any certified standard in the group was greater than three standard deviations (control limit) from the certified mean value for the standard and for any blank material, a value > five times the detection limit (0.005 ppm). All failed groups of samples were investigated to attempt to determine the cause of the erroneous result (analytical or clerical). Potential clerical errors were sometimes reconciled by checking against original drill log records or original laboratory data sheets. After the batch pass/failure criteria was applied, a geological override was applied on batches for which re-assay would be of no benefit (i.e. completely barren of gold assay values and mineralization indicators). Sample groups given a geological override were not re-assayed.

Page 26 of 31 Sample groups in which the QC samples were outside the established control limits that did not receive a geological override were not imported into the database. Instead, these samples were requested to be re-run at the analytical lab. In the case that the standard failed, all samples back to either a) the last blank or standard that passed or b) the first sample for the project in the sequence of samples being analyzed, were re-run from the pulp. In the case that the blank failed, all samples back to either a) the last blank or standard that passed or b) the first sample for the project in the sequence of samples being analyzed, were re-run from the reject material as this indicates contamination in the sample preparation stage.




E â 0.030 • Final Value Au (ppm)

3 CC~ • 3*DL ai ~3 0.020 5*DL > • • • • • - Linear (3*DL) 0.010 - Linear (5*DL)

0.000 0 2 4 6 8 Samples

All blanks inserted in the sample sequence returned results below the detect limit.

Au ppm Std Value vs Rpt Value



3.000 a) Final Value Au (ppm) • 2.000 Linear (Final Value Au 1.000 ▪ (ppm))

0.000 0.000 1.000 2.000 3.000 4.000 5.000 -1.000 Axis Title

Page 27 of 31 One standard sample returned a Failure when put through the test. It was caused by an insignificant amount below three times the standard deviation and this occurred in a sample sequence with no results of interest therefore it was not considered to be significant.


At this early stage of exploration no resource or reserve estimates can be considered.


No safety and environmental issues were reported. Drill sites were left clean and in good condition.

Page 28 of 31


Because no values of interest were returned from the Lamarck structure no further work is recommended on this structure. However anomalous gold values were returned from the portion of the Lac Opawica structuré tested. Although results are only anomalous the Lac Opawica structure continues eastward off the property for several kilometres without having been tested properly. This section of the fertile structure may contain structural traps where gold concentration in potentially economic quantities may be found.

Michel Leblanc

OGQ #613

Donald R. Boucher:

OGQ #396

Date: 2012-008-13


~ ~a, V . 2m2


Abbott, David M., 2007 : Assuring the Reliability of Your Sampling Results, CPG-04570

Cloutier, Jean-Yves, 1990 : Les Mines Casa Bérardi Est, Published in conjunction with the Rouyn-Noranda 1990 Symposium, May 28 — June1, 1990, Sponsored by the Geology Division of CIM, The Canadian Institute of Mining and Metallurgy, Excursion Guidebook.

Lacroix, Sylvain et. Al., 1990 : The Structural Evolution of the Casa-Bérardi East Gold Deposit, Casa- Bérardi Township, Québec, Proceedings of the Rouyn-Noranda 1990 Symposium, May 28 — June1, 1990, Sponsored by the Geology Division of CIM, The Canadian Institute of Mining and Metallurgy, Volume Spécial 43.

Lacroix, Sylvain, 1990 : The Mine and Surface Tour in the Northwestern Part of the Abitibi Sub-Province, Published in conjunction with the Rouyn-Noranda 1990 Symposium, May 28 — June1, 1990, Sponsored by the Geology Division of CIM, The Canadian Institute of Mining and Metallurgy, Excursion Guidebook.

Salmond, Bernard, Cox, Jason J., (2009-02-09): Technical Report on the Casa Bérardi Mine, Northwestern Québec, Canada, Scott Wilson Roscoe Postle Associates Inc.

Sharma, KNM et. Al., 1996: Légende générale de la carte géologique, MERQ, Québec, MB 96-28

XX 2000 : Symbole et Abréviations de la carte Géoscientifique, MERQ, Québec, PRO 2000-08



1051, route Raymond

Canton-Tremblay, (Saguenay), QC

I, Michel Leblanc, of the Town of Chicoutimi, Province of Quebec do hereby certify that:

1. I am a professional Geologist residing at 1051— route Raymond, Canton-Tremblay, Quebec. G7G 0C4

2. I am a graduate of the University du Quebec a Chicoutimi with a Bachelor degree (1991) in Geological Sciences. 3. I am a professional Geologist registered with the Ordre des geologues du Quebec (OGQ, reg, no. 613) and the Association of Professional Geoscientists of Ontario (APGO reg. no. 1718) 4. I have practiced my profession as a geologist for over 20 years. I have prepared reports, conducted, supervised and managed programs for a number of major and junior companies. I have been operating sporadically as a consulting contract geologist since 2002. 5. As author, I am familiar with the material covered in this report having been directly involved in all aspects of the exploration programs conducted on the Wachibagau Property in 2011.

6. I own shares and share options of Northern Superior Resources, a publicly traded securities listed on the Vancouver Stock Exchange. I do not own share or share option of Matamec Resources.

7. Permission is granted for use of this report, in whole or in part, for assessment and assignment requirements, but not for advertising purposes.

Michel Leblanc, BSc, Géo.

DATED at Sudbury, Ontario

This 22 day of August, 2012.

Page 31 of 31 List of Claims

TIT_NO TIT_DAT_EM TIT_DAT_EX TER_CODE TIT_CRE_CU TIT_SUPRF TIT_TR_REQ FEU_NO DET_NO DET_LIST 1134274 22/12/2005 18/09/2012 CDC 640.00 50.00 1800.00 32G12 81897 Northern Superior Resources inc (81897) 100 % (responsable) 1134275 22/12/2005 15/07/2012 CDC 0.00 15.00 750.00 32G12 81897 Northern Superior Resources inc (81897) 100 % (responsable) 1134276 22/12/2005 15/07/2012 CDC 0.00 39.00 1800.00 32G12 81897 Northern Superior Resources inc (81897) 100 % (responsable) 1134278 22/12/2005 01/02/2013 CDC 2488.00 55.00 2500.00 32G12 18291 Matamec Exploration Inc (18291) 100 % (responsable) 1134279 22/12/2005 01/02/2013 CDC 2130.00 55.00 2500.00 32G12 18291 Matamec Exploration Inc (18291) 100 % (responsable) 1134281 22/12/2005 01/02/2013 CDC 19608.00 55.00 2500.00 32G12 18291 Matamec Exploration Inc (18291) 100 % (responsable) 1134283 22/12/2005 01/02/2013 CDC 0.00 55.00 2500.00 32G12 18291 Matamec Exploration Inc (18291) 100 % (responsable) 1134284 22/12/2005 01/02/2013 CDC 0.00 55.00 2500.00 32G12 18291 Matamec Exploration Inc (18291) 100 % (responsable) 1134285 22/12/2005 01/02/2013 CDC 0.00 55.00 2500.00 32G12 18291 Matamec Exploration Inc (18291) 100 % (responsable) 1134286 22/12/2005 01/02/2013 CDC 0.00 55.00 2500.00 32G12 18291 Matamec Exploration Inc (18291) 100 % (responsable) 1134290 22/12/2005 01/02/2013 CDC 24710.00 55.00 2500.00 32G12 18291 Matamec Exploration Inc (18291) 100 % (responsable) 1134291 22/12/2005 01/02/2013 CDC 0.00 55.00 2500.00 32G12 18291 Matamec Exploration Inc (18291) 100 % (responsable) 1134293 22/12/2005 01/02/2013 CDC 0.00 55.00 2500.00 32G12 18291 Matamec Exploration Inc (18291) 100 % (responsable) 1134294 22/12/2005 01/02/2013 CDC 0.00 55.00 2500.00 32G12 18291 Matamec Exploration Inc (18291) 100 % (responsable) 1134295 22/12/2005 01/02/2013 CDC 0.00 55.00 2500.00 32G12 18291 Matamec Exploration Inc (18291) 100 % (responsable) 1134296 22/12/2005 01/02/2013 CDC 0.00 55.00 2500.00 32G12 18291 Matamec Exploration Inc (18291) 100 % (responsable) 1134297 22/12/2005 01/02/2013 CDC 0.00 55.00 2500.00 32G12 18291 Matamec Exploration Inc (18291) 100 % (responsable) 1134298 22/12/2005 01/02/2013 CDC 0.00 55.00 2500.00 32G12 18291 Matamec Exploration Inc (18291) 100 % (responsable) 1134299 22/12/2005 01/02/2013 CDC 0.00 55.00 2500.00 32G12 18291 Matamec Exploration Inc (18291) 100 % (responsable) 1134300 22/12/2005 01/02/2013 CDC 0.00 55.00 2500.00 32G12 18291 Matamec Exploration Inc (18291) 100 % (responsable) 1134302 22/12/2005 01/02/2013 CDC 0.00 33.00 2500.00 32G12 18291 Matamec Exploration Inc (18291) 100 % (responsable) 1134304 22/12/2005 01/02/2013 CDC 0.00 18.00 1000.00 32G12 18291 Matamec Exploration Inc (18291) 100 % (responsable) 1134305 22/12/2005 01/02/2013 CDC 0.00 45.00 2500.00 32G12 18291 Matamec Exploration Inc (18291) 100 % (responsable) 1134306 22/12/2005 01/02/2013 CDC 0.00 46.00 2500.00 32G12 18291 Matamec Exploration Inc (18291) 100 % (responsable) 1134307 22/12/2005 01/02/2013 CDC 0.00 51.00 2500.00 32G12 18291 Matamec Exploration Inc (18291) 100 % (responsable) 1134309 22/12/2005 01/02/2013 CDC 0.00 55.00 2500.00 32G12 18291 Matamec Exploration Inc (18291) 100 % (responsable) 1134310 22/12/2005 01/02/2013 CDC 0.00 55.00 2500.00 32G12 18291 Matamec Exploration Inc (18291) 100 % (responsable) 1134311 22/12/2005 01/02/2013 CDC 0.00 55.00 2500.00 32G12 18291 Matamec Exploration Inc (18291) 100 % (responsable) 1134312 22/12/2005 01/02/2013 CDC 0.00 55.00 2500.00 32G12 18291 Matamec Exploration Inc (18291) 100 % (responsable) 1134313 22/12/2005 01/02/2013 CDC 0.00 55.00 2500.00 32G12 18291 Matamec Exploration Inc (18291) 100 % (responsable) 1134314 22/12/2005 01/02/2013 CDC 0.00 55.00 2500.00 32G12 18291 Matamec Exploration Inc (18291) 100 % (responsable) 1134315 22/12/2005 01/02/2013 CDC 0.00 55.00 2500.00 32G12 18291 Matamec Exploration Inc (18291) 100 % (responsable) 1134317 22/12/2005 01/02/2013 CDC 0.00 55.00 2500.00 32G12 18291 Matamec Exploration Inc (18291) 100 % (responsable) 1134319 22/12/2005 01/02/2013 CDC 6545.00 28.00 2500.00 32G12 18291 Matamec Exploration Inc (18291) 100 % (responsable) 1134321 22/12/2005 01/02/2013 CDC 1672.00 55.00 2500.00 32G12 18291 Matamec Exploration Inc (18291) 100 % (responsable) 1134322 22/12/2005 01/02/2013 CDC 0.00 55.00 2500.00 32G12 18291 Matamec Exploration Inc (18291) 100 % (responsable) 1134323 22/12/2005 01/02/2013 CDC 0.00 55.00 2500.00 32G12 18291 Matamec Exploration Inc (18291) 100 % (responsable) 1134324 22/12/2005 01/02/2013 CDC 0.00 55.00 2500.00 32G12 18291 Matamec Exploration Inc (18291) 100 % (responsable) 1134325 22/12/2005 01/02/2013 CDC 0.00 55.00 2500.00 32G12 18291 Matamec Exploration Inc (18291) 100 % (responsable) 1134326 22/12/2005 01/02/2013 CDC 0.00 55.00 2500.00 32G12 18291 Matamec Exploration Inc (18291) 100 % (responsable) 1134327 22/12/2005 01/02/2013 CDC 0.00 55.00 2500.00 32G12 18291 Matamec Exploration Inc (18291) 100 % (responsable) 1134328 22/12/2005 01/02/2013 CDC 0.00 38.00 2500.00 32G12 18291 Matamec Exploration Inc (18291) 100 % (responsable) 1134329 22/12/2005 01/02/2013 CDC 0.00 55.00 2500.00 32G12 18291 Matamec Exploration Inc (18291) 100 % (responsable) 1134330 22/12/2005 01/02/2013 CDC 0.00 55.00 2500.00 32G12 18291 Matamec Exploration Inc (18291) 100 % (responsable) 1134331 22/12/2005 01/02/2013 CDC 232.00 2.00 1000.00 32G12 18291 Matamec Exploration Inc (18291) 100 % (responsable) 1134332 22/12/2005 01/02/2013 CDC 1788.00 4.00 1000.00 32G12 18291 Matamec Exploration Inc (18291) 100 % (responsable) 1134333 22/12/2005 01/02/2013 CDC 8841.00 44.00 2500.00 32G12 18291 Matamec Exploration Inc (18291) 100 % (responsable) 1134334 22/12/2005 01/02/2013 CDC 0.00 44.00 2500.00 32G12 18291 Matamec Exploration Inc (18291) 100 % (responsable) 1134336 22/12/2005 01/02/2013 CDC 0.00 44.00 2500.00 32G12 18291 Matamec Exploration Inc (18291) 100 % (responsable) List of Claims

TIT_NO TIT_DAT_EM TIT_DAT_EX TER_CODE TIT_CRE_CU TIT_SUPRF TIT_TR_REQ FEU_NO DET_NO DET_LIST 1134337 22/12/2005 01/02/2013 CDC 0.00 49.00 2500.00 32G12 18291 Matamec Exploration Inc (18291) 100 % (responsable) 1134338 22/12/2005 01/02/2013 CDC 0.00 55.00 2500.00 32G12 18291 Matamec Exploration Inc (18291) 100 % (responsable) 1134339 22/12/2005 01/02/2013 CDC 0.00 55.00 2500.00 32G12 18291 Matamec Exploration Inc (18291) 100 % (responsable) 1134341 22/12/2005 01/02/2013 CDC 0.00 2.00 1000.00 32G12 18291 Matamec Exploration Inc (18291) 100 % (responsable) 1134342 22/12/2005 01/02/2013 CDC 0.00 20.00 1000.00 32G12 18291 Matamec Exploration Inc (18291) 100 % (responsable) 1134343 22/12/2005 01/02/2013 CDC 4993.00 36.00 2500.00 32G12 18291 Matamec Exploration Inc (18291) 100 % (responsable) 1134344 22/12/2005 01/02/2013 CDC 4568.00 55.00 2500.00 32G12 18291 Matamec Exploration Inc (18291) 100 % (responsable) 1134345 22/12/2005 01/02/2013 CDC 3288.00 55.00 2500.00 32G12 18291 Matamec Exploration Inc (18291) 100 % (responsable) 1134347 22/12/2005 01/02/2013 CDC 0.00 55.00 2500.00 32G12 18291 Matamec Exploration Inc (18291) 100 % (responsable) 1134348 22/12/2005 01/02/2013 CDC 0.00 8.00 1000.00 32G12 18291 Matamec Exploration Inc (18291) 100 % (responsable) 1134349 22/12/2005 01/02/2013 CDC 0.00 40.00 2500.00 32G12 18291 Matamec Exploration Inc (18291) 100 % (responsable) 1134350 22/12/2005 01/02/2013 CDC 902.00 54.00 2500.00 32G12 18291 Matamec Exploration Inc (18291) 100 % (responsable) 1134352 22/12/2005 01/02/2013 CDC 0.00 44.00 2500.00 32G12 18291 Matamec Exploration Inc (18291) 100 % (responsable) 1134353 22/12/2005 01/02/2013 CDC 0.00 6.00 1000.00 32G12 18291 Matamec Exploration Inc (18291) 100 % (responsable) 1134354 22/12/2005 01/02/2013 CDC 0.00 6.00 1000.00 32G12 18291 Matamec Exploration Inc (18291) 100 % (responsable) 1134355 22/12/2005 01/02/2013 CDC 0.00 5.00 1000.00 32G12 18291 Matamec Exploration Inc (18291) 100 % (responsable) 2000414 09/02/2006 08/02/2012 CDC 0.00 55.00 1200.00 32G12 81897 Northern Superior Resources inc (81897) 100 % (responsable) 2000416 09/02/2006 08/02/2012 CDC 0.00 55.00 1200.00 32G12 81897 Northern Superior Resources inc (81897) 100 % (responsable) 2000417 09/02/2006 08/02/2012 CDC 0.00 55.00 1200.00 32G12 81897 Northern Superior Resources inc (81897) 100 % (responsable) 2001191 21/02/2006 20/02/2012 CDC 0.00 55.00 1200.00 32G12 81897 Northern Superior Resources inc (81897) 100 % (responsable) 2001192 21/02/2006 20/02/2012 CDC 0.00 55.00 1200.00 32G12 81897 Northern Superior Resources inc (81897) 100 % (responsable) 2001193 21/02/2006 20/02/2012 CDC 0.00 55.00 1200.00 32G12 81897 Northern Superior Resources inc (81897) 100 % (responsable) 2001196 21/02/2006 20/02/2012 CDC 0.00 55.00 1200.00 32G12 81897 Northern Superior Resources inc (81897) 100 % (responsable) 2001197 21/02/2006 20/02/2012 CDC 0.00 55.00 1200.00 32G12 81897 Northern Superior Resources inc (81897) 100 % (responsable) 2001202 21/02/2006 20/02/2012 CDC 0.00 55.00 1200.00 32G12 81897 Northern Superior Resources inc (81897) 100 % (responsable) 2001204 21/02/2006 20/02/2012 CDC 0.00 55.00 1200.00 32G12 81897 Northern Superior Resources inc (81897) 100 % (responsable) 2001206 21/02/2006 20/02/2012 CDC 0.00 55.00 1200.00 32G12 81897 Northern Superior Resources inc (81897) 100 % (responsable) 2001207 21/02/2006 20/02/2012 CDC 0.00 55.00 1200.00 32G12 81897 Northern Superior Resources inc (81897) 100 % (responsable) 2001208 21/02/2006 20/02/2012 CDC 26.00 55.00 1200.00 32G12 81897 Northern Superior Resources inc (81897) 100 % (responsable) 2001212 21/02/2006 20/02/2012 CDC 0.00 55.00 1200.00 32G12 81897 Northern Superior Resources inc (81897) 100 % (responsable) 2001213 21/02/2006 20/02/2012 CDC 395.00 55.00 1200.00 32G12 81897 Northern Superior Resources inc (81897) 100 % (responsable) 2058821 27/02/2007 26/02/2013 CDC 951.00 55.00 1200.00 32G12 81897 Northern Superior Resources inc (81897) 100 % (responsable) 20827 25/05/2004 24/05/2012 CDC 0.00 55.00 1800.00 32G12 81897 Northern Superior Resources inc (81897) 100 % (responsable) 20830 25/05/2004 24/05/2012 CDC 0.00 55.00 1800.00 32G12 81897 Northern Superior Resources inc (81897) 100 % (responsable) 20831 25/05/2004 24/05/2012 CDC 305276.00 55.00 1800.00 32G12 81897 Northern Superior Resources inc (81897) 100 % (responsable) 20833 25/05/2004 24/05/2012 CDC 555.00 55.00 1800.00 32G12 81897 Northern Superior Resources inc (81897) 100 % (responsable) 20828 25/05/2004 24/05/2012 CDC 0.00 55.00 1800.00 32G12 81897 Northern Superior Resources inc (81897) 100 % (responsable) 2183359 22/05/2009 21/05/2013 CDC 0.00 55.00 1200.00 32G12 81897 Northern Superior Resources inc (81897) 100 % (responsable) 2183375 26/05/2009 25/05/2013 CDC 1266.00 55.00 1200.00 32G12 81897 Northern Superior Resources inc (81897) 100 % (responsable) 2183376 26/05/2009 25/05/2013 CDC 0.00 10.00 500.00 32G12 81897 Northern Superior Resources inc (81897) 100 % (responsable) 20837 25/05/2004 24/05/2012 CDC 0.00 55.00 1800.00 32G05 81897 Northern Superior Resources inc (81897) 100 % (responsable) 2185082 21/07/2009 20/07/2013 CDC 0.00 6.00 500.00 32G12 81897 Northern Superior Resources inc (81897) 100 % (responsable) 2185084 21/07/2009 20/07/2013 CDC 0.00 3.00 500.00 32G12 81897 Northern Superior Resources inc (81897) 100 % (responsable) 2182126 07/04/2009 06/04/2013 CDC 0.00 38.00 1200.00 32G12 81897 Northern Superior Resources inc (81897) 100 % (responsable) 2182131 07/04/2009 06/04/2013 CDC 0.00 11.00 500.00 32G12 81897 Northern Superior Resources inc (81897) 100 % (responsable) 2182133 07/04/2009 06/04/2013 CDC 0.00 11.00 500.00 32G12 81897 Northern Superior Resources inc (81897) 100 % (responsable) 2182170 07/04/2009 06/04/2013 CDC 0.00 13.00 500.00 32G12 18291 Matamec Exploration Inc (18291) 100 % (responsable) 2182171 07/04/2009 06/04/2013 CDC 168.00 2.00 500.00 32G12 18291 Matamec Exploration Inc (18291) 100 % (responsable) 2311513 06/09/2011 05/09/2013 CDC 0.00 20.00 500.00 32G12 81897 Northern Superior Resources inc (81897) 100 % (responsable) List of Claims

TIT_NO TIT_DAT_EM TIT_DAT_EX TER_CODE TIT_CRE_CU TIT_SUPRF TIT_TR_REQ FEU_NO DET_NO DET_LIST 2311514 06/09/2011 05/09/2013 CDC 0.00 18.00 500.00 32G12 81897 Northern Superior Resources inc (81897) 100 % (responsable) 2311517 06/09/2011 05/09/2013 CDC 0.00 10.00 500.00 32G12 81897 Northern Superior Resources inc (81897) 100 % (responsable) 1134273 22/12/2005 18/09/2012 CDC 0.00 16.00 750.00 32G12 81897 Northern Superior Resources inc (81897) 100 % (responsable) 1134277 22/12/2005 01/02/2013 CDC 0.00 55.00 2500.00 32G12 18291 Matamec Exploration Inc (18291) 100 % (responsable) 1134282 22/12/2005 01/02/2013 CDC 0.00 55.00 2500.00 32G12 18291 Matamec Exploration Inc (18291) 100 % (responsable) 1134287 22/12/2005 01/02/2013 CDC 0.00 55.00 2500.00 32G12 18291 Matamec Exploration Inc (18291) 100 % (responsable) 1134288 22/12/2005 01/02/2013 CDC 0.00 55.00 2500.00 32G12 18291 Matamec Exploration Inc (18291) 100 % (responsable) 1134340 22/12/2005 01/02/2013 CDC 0.00 5.00 1000.00 32G12 18291 Matamec Exploration Inc (18291) 100 % (responsable) 1134351 22/12/2005 01/02/2013 CDC 2330.00 55.00 2500.00 32G12 18291 Matamec Exploration Inc (18291) 100 % (responsable) 2000415 09/02/2006 08/02/2012 CDC 0.00 55.00 1200.00 32G12 81897 Northern Superior Resources inc (81897) 100 % (responsable) 2001190 21/02/2006 20/02/2012 CDC 0.00 55.00 1200.00 32G12 81897 Northern Superior Resources inc (81897) 100 % (responsable) 2001195 21/02/2006 20/02/2012 CDC 0.00 55.00 1200.00 32G12 81897 Northern Superior Resources inc (81897) 100 % (responsable) 2001199 21/02/2006 20/02/2012 CDC 0.00 55.00 1200.00 32G12 81897 Northern Superior Resources inc (81897) 100 % (responsable) 2001201 21/02/2006 20/02/2012 CDC 0.00 55.00 1200.00 32G12 81897 Northern Superior Resources inc (81897) 100 % (responsable) 2001209 21/02/2006 20/02/2012 CDC 258206.00 55.00 1200.00 32G12 81897 Northern Superior Resources inc (81897) 100 % (responsable) 2001211 21/02/2006 20/02/2012 CDC 2034.00 55.00 1200.00 32G12 81897 Northern Superior Resources inc (81897) 100 % (responsable) 20834 25/05/2004 24/05/2012 CDC 117489.00 55.00 1800.00 32G12 81897 Northern Superior Resources inc (81897) 100 % (responsable) 2182129 07/04/2009 06/04/2013 CDC 0.00 11.00 500.00 32G12 81897 Northern Superior Resources inc (81897) 100 % (responsable) 2182135 07/04/2009 06/04/2013 CDC 0.00 11.00 500.00 32G12 81897 Northern Superior Resources inc (81897) 100 % (responsable) 2182145 07/04/2009 06/04/2013 CDC 719.00 28.00 1200.00 32G12 81897 Northern Superior Resources inc (81897) 100 % (responsable) 2183377 26/05/2009 25/05/2013 CDC 0.00 29.00 1200.00 32G12 81897 Northern Superior Resources inc (81897) 100 % (responsable) 2205846 17/02/2010 16/02/2012 CDC 0.00 6.00 500.00 32G12 81897 Northern Superior Resources inc (81897) 100 % (responsable) 1134289 22/12/2005 01/02/2013 CDC 0.00 55.00 2500.00 32G12 18291 Matamec Exploration Inc (18291) 100 % (responsable) 1134292 22/12/2005 01/02/2013 CDC 0.00 55.00 2500.00 32G12 18291 Matamec Exploration Inc (18291) 100 % (responsable) 1134303 22/12/2005 01/02/2013 CDC 0.00 18.00 1000.00 32G12 18291 Matamec Exploration Inc (18291) 100 % (responsable) 1134308 22/12/2005 01/02/2013 CDC 0.00 55.00 2500.00 32G12 18291 Matamec Exploration Inc (18291) 100 % (responsable) 1134320 22/12/2005 01/02/2013 CDC 17914.00 55.00 2500.00 32G12 18291 Matamec Exploration Inc (18291) 100 % (responsable) 1134335 22/12/2005 01/02/2013 CDC 0.00 44.00 2500.00 32G12 18291 Matamec Exploration Inc (18291) 100 % (responsable) 2001205 21/02/2006 20/02/2012 CDC 0.00 55.00 1200.00 32G12 81897 Northern Superior Resources inc (81897) 100 % (responsable) 2001214 21/02/2006 20/02/2012 CDC 0.00 55.00 1200.00 32G12 81897 Northern Superior Resources inc (81897) 100 % (responsable) 20829 25/05/2004 24/05/2012 CDC 0.00 55.00 1800.00 32G12 81897 Northern Superior Resources inc (81897) 100 % (responsable) 20832 25/05/2004 24/05/2012 CDC 213107.00 55.00 1800.00 32G12 81897 Northern Superior Resources inc (81897) 100 % (responsable) 20835 25/05/2004 24/05/2012 CDC 3388.00 55.00 1800.00 32G12 81897 Northern Superior Resources inc (81897) 100 % (responsable) 20838 25/05/2004 24/05/2012 CDC 0.00 55.00 1800.00 32G05 81897 Northern Superior Resources inc (81897) 100 % (responsable) 2182137 07/04/2009 06/04/2013 CDC 0.00 11.00 500.00 32G12 81897 Northern Superior Resources inc (81897) 100 % (responsable) 2182143 07/04/2009 06/04/2013 CDC 0.00 19.00 500.00 32G12 81897 Northern Superior Resources inc (81897) 100 % (responsable) 2183183 11/05/2009 10/05/2013 CDC 0.00 55.00 1200.00 32G12 81897 Northern Superior Resources inc (81897) 100 % (responsable) 2311516 06/09/2011 05/09/2013 CDC 0.00 16.00 500.00 32G12 81897 Northern Superior Resources inc (81897) 100 % (responsable) 1134280 22/12/2005 01/02/2013 CDC 0.00 55.00 2500.00 32G12 18291 Matamec Exploration Inc (18291) 100 % (responsable) 1134301 22/12/2005 01/02/2013 CDC 0.00 55.00 2500.00 32G12 18291 Matamec Exploration Inc (18291) 100 % (responsable) 1134316 22/12/2005 01/02/2013 CDC 0.00 55.00 2500.00 32G12 18291 Matamec Exploration Inc (18291) 100 % (responsable) 1134318 22/12/2005 01/02/2013 CDC 0.00 55.00 2500.00 32G12 18291 Matamec Exploration Inc (18291) 100 % (responsable) 1134346 22/12/2005 01/02/2013 CDC 0.00 55.00 2500.00 32G12 18291 Matamec Exploration Inc (18291) 100 % (responsable) 2001194 21/02/2006 20/02/2012 CDC 0.00 55.00 1200.00 32G12 81897 Northern Superior Resources inc (81897) 100 % (responsable) 2001198 21/02/2006 20/02/2012 CDC 0.00 55.00 1200.00 32G12 81897 Northern Superior Resources inc (81897) 100 % (responsable) 2001200 21/02/2006 20/02/2012 CDC 0.00 55.00 1200.00 32G12 81897 Northern Superior Resources inc (81897) 100 % (responsable) 2001203 21/02/2006 20/02/2012 CDC 395.00 55.00 1200.00 32G12 81897 Northern Superior Resources inc (81897) 100 % (responsable) 2001210 21/02/2006 20/02/2012 CDC 13842.00 55.00 1200.00 32G12 81897 Northern Superior Resources inc (81897) 100 % (responsable) 20836 25/05/2004 24/05/2012 CDC 0.00 55.00 1800.00 32G05 81897 Northern Superior Resources inc (81897) 100 % (responsable) List of Claims

TIT_NO TIT_DAT_EM TIT_DAT_EX TER_CODE TIT_CRE_CU TIT_SUPRF TIT_TR_REQ FEU_NO DET_NO DET_LIST 2182139 07/04/2009 06/04/2013 CDC 0.00 40.00 1200.00 32G12 81897 Northern Superior Resources inc (81897) 100 % (responsable) 2182141 07/04/2009 06/04/2013 CDC 178.00 47.00 1200.00 32G12 81897 Northern Superior Resources inc (81897) 100 % (responsable) 2183362 22/05/2009 21/05/2013 CDC 0.00 54.00 1200.00 32G12 81897 Northern Superior Resources inc (81897) 100 % (responsable) 2185083 21/07/2009 20/07/2013 CDC 0.00 8.00 500.00 32G12 81897 Northern Superior Resources inc (81897) 100 % (responsable) 2205847 17/02/2010 16/02/2012 CDC 0.00 1.00 500.00 32G12 81897 Northern Superior Resources inc (81897) 100 % (responsable) 2311515 06/09/2011 05/09/2013 CDC 0.00 17.00 500.00 32G12 81897 Northern Superior Resources inc (81897) 100 % (responsable) 3853661 28/03/1980 06/03/2013 CL 287.00 16.00 1000.00 32G12 18291 Matamec Exploration Inc (18291) 100 % (responsable) 3853713 01/04/1980 13/03/2013 CL 0.00 16.00 1000.00 32G12 18291 Matamec Exploration Inc (18291) 100 % (responsable) 3853714 01/04/1980 13/03/2013 CL 464.00 16.00 1000.00 32G12 18291 Matamec Exploration Inc (18291) 100 % (responsable) 3957151 16/03/1981 24/02/2013 CL 0.00 16.00 1000.00 32G12 18291 Matamec Exploration Inc (18291) 100 % (responsable) 3957152 16/03/1981 24/02/2013 CL 81981.00 16.00 1000.00 32G12 18291 Matamec Exploration Inc (18291) 100 % (responsable) 3997613 16/03/1981 01/02/2013 CL 462.00 16.00 1000.00 32G12 18291 Matamec Exploration Inc (18291) 100 % (responsable) 3997614 16/03/1981 01/02/2013 CL 462.00 16.00 1000.00 32G12 18291 Matamec Exploration Inc (18291) 100 % (responsable) 3997615 16/03/1981 01/02/2013 CL 29593.00 16.00 1000.00 32G12 18291 Matamec Exploration Inc (18291) 100 % (responsable) 3997621 16/03/1981 02/02/2013 CL 775.00 16.00 1000.00 32G12 18291 Matamec Exploration Inc (18291) 100 % (responsable) 3997623 16/03/1981 02/02/2013 CL 1479.00 16.00 1000.00 32G12 18291 Matamec Exploration Inc (18291) 100 % (responsable) 4171251 25/11/1983 06/11/2012 CL 0.00 16.00 1000.00 32G12 18291 Matamec Exploration Inc (18291) 100 % (responsable) 5014971 20/06/1989 19/06/2013 CL 464.00 16.00 1000.00 32G12 18291 Matamec Exploration Inc (18291) 100 % (responsable) 5014973 20/06/1989 19/06/2013 CL 0.00 13.00 1000.00 32G12 18291 Matamec Exploration Inc (18291) 100 % (responsable) 5014974 20/06/1989 19/06/2013 CL 178.00 16.00 1000.00 32G12 18291 Matamec Exploration Inc (18291) 100 % (responsable) 5014975 20/06/1989 19/06/2013 CL 0.00 16.00 1000.00 32G12 18291 Matamec Exploration Inc (18291) 100 % (responsable) 5014976 20/06/1989 19/06/2013 CL 0.00 16.00 1000.00 32G12 18291 Matamec Exploration Inc (18291) 100 % (responsable) 5014977 20/06/1989 19/06/2013 CL 0.00 16.00 1000.00 32G12 18291 Matamec Exploration Inc (18291) 100 % (responsable) 5014978 20/06/1989 19/06/2013 CL 0.00 16.00 1000.00 32G12 18291 Matamec Exploration Inc (18291) 100 % (responsable) 5014979 20/06/1989 19/06/2013 CL 0.00 16.00 1000.00 32G12 18291 Matamec Exploration Inc (18291) 100 % (responsable) 5060769 02/08/1990 01/08/2012 CL 0.00 14.00 1000.00 32G12 18291 Matamec Exploration Inc (18291) 100 % (responsable) 5272504 25/05/2006 24/05/2012 CL 0.00 16.00 500.00 32G12 81897 Northern Superior Resources inc (81897) 100 % (responsable) 5272506 25/05/2006 24/05/2012 CL 0.00 16.00 500.00 32G12 81897 Northern Superior Resources inc (81897) 100 % (responsable) 5272507 25/05/2006 24/05/2012 CL 0.00 16.00 500.00 32G12 81897 Northern Superior Resources inc (81897) 100 % (responsable) 5272508 25/05/2006 24/05/2012 CL 0.00 16.00 500.00 32G12 81897 Northern Superior Resources inc (81897) 100 % (responsable) 5272509 25/05/2006 24/05/2012 CL 0.00 16.00 500.00 32G12 81897 Northern Superior Resources inc (81897) 100 % (responsable) 5272511 25/05/2006 24/05/2012 CL 0.00 16.00 500.00 32G12 81897 Northern Superior Resources inc (81897) 100 % (responsable) 5272513 25/05/2006 24/05/2012 CL 874.00 16.00 500.00 32G12 81897 Northern Superior Resources inc (81897) 100 % (responsable) 5272514 25/05/2006 24/05/2012 CL 874.00 16.00 500.00 32G12 81897 Northern Superior Resources inc (81897) 100 % (responsable) 5272515 25/05/2006 24/05/2012 CL 408.00 16.00 500.00 32G12 81897 Northern Superior Resources inc (81897) 100 % (responsable) 5272516 25/05/2006 24/05/2012 CL 2764.00 16.00 500.00 32G12 81897 Northern Superior Resources inc (81897) 100 % (responsable) 5272517 25/05/2006 24/05/2012 CL 10279.00 16.00 500.00 32G12 81897 Northern Superior Resources inc (81897) 100 % (responsable) 5272518 25/05/2006 24/05/2012 CL 1807.00 16.00 500.00 32G12 81897 Northern Superior Resources inc (81897) 100 % (responsable) 5272519 25/05/2006 24/05/2012 CL 0.00 16.00 500.00 32G12 81897 Northern Superior Resources inc (81897) 100 % (responsable) 5272520 25/05/2006 24/05/2012 CL 0.00 16.00 500.00 32G12 81897 Northern Superior Resources inc (81897) 100 % (responsable) 5272521 25/05/2006 24/05/2012 CL 0.00 16.00 500.00 32G12 81897 Northern Superior Resources inc (81897) 100 % (responsable) 5272523 25/05/2006 24/05/2012 CL 874.00 16.00 500.00 32G12 81897 Northern Superior Resources inc (81897) 100 % (responsable) 5275021 17/09/2007 16/09/2013 CL 0.00 16.00 500.00 32G12 81897 Northern Superior Resources inc (81897) 100 % (responsable) 5275030 15/01/2008 14/01/2012 CL 0.00 12.00 500.00 32G12 81897 Northern Superior Resources inc (81897) 100 % (responsable) 5275031 15/01/2008 14/01/2012 CL 0.00 12.00 500.00 32G12 81897 Northern Superior Resources inc (81897) 100 % (responsable) 5275036 15/01/2008 14/01/2012 CL 0.00 15.00 500.00 32G12 81897 Northern Superior Resources inc (81897) 100 % (responsable) 5275037 17/09/2007 16/09/2013 CL 0.00 16.00 500.00 32G12 81897 Northern Superior Resources inc (81897) 100 % (responsable) 5275038 15/01/2008 14/01/2012 CL 0.00 12.00 500.00 32G12 81897 Northern Superior Resources inc (81897) 100 % (responsable) 5275039 15/01/2008 14/01/2012 CL 0.00 6.00 500.00 32G12 81897 Northern Superior Resources inc (81897) 100 % (responsable) List of Claims

TIT_NO TIT_DAT_EM TIT_DAT_EX TER_CODE TIT_CRE_CU TIT_SUPRF TIT_TR_REQ FEU_NO DET_NO DET_LIST 5275040 15/01/2008 14/01/2012 CL 0.00 8.00 500.00 32G12 81897 Northern Superior Resources inc (81897) 100 % (responsable) 5275041 15/01/2008 14/01/2012 CL 0.00 7.00 500.00 32G12 81897 Northern Superior Resources inc (81897) 100 % (responsable) 5275042 15/01/2008 14/01/2012 CL 0.00 14.00 500.00 32G12 81897 Northern Superior Resources inc (81897) 100 % (responsable) 5275043 25/09/2007 24/09/2013 CL 0.00 16.00 500.00 32G12 81897 Northern Superior Resources inc (81897) 100 % (responsable) 5275044 25/09/2007 24/09/2013 CL 0.00 16.00 500.00 32G12 81897 Northern Superior Resources inc (81897) 100 % (responsable) 5275045 25/09/2007 24/09/2013 CL 0.00 16.00 500.00 32G12 81897 Northern Superior Resources inc (81897) 100 % (responsable) 5275046 25/09/2007 24/09/2013 CL 0.00 16.00 500.00 32G12 81897 Northern Superior Resources inc (81897) 100 % (responsable) 5272640 30/05/2006 29/05/2012 CL 0.00 16.00 500.00 32G12 81897 Northern Superior Resources inc (81897) 100 % (responsable) 5272641 30/05/2006 29/05/2012 CL 0.00 16.00 500.00 32G12 81897 Northern Superior Resources inc (81897) 100 % (responsable) 5272642 30/05/2006 29/05/2012 CL 0.00 16.00 500.00 32G12 81897 Northern Superior Resources inc (81897) 100 % (responsable) 5272643 30/05/2006 29/05/2012 CL 0.00 16.00 500.00 32G12 81897 Northern Superior Resources inc (81897) 100 % (responsable) 5272645 30/05/2006 29/05/2012 CL 0.00 16.00 500.00 32G12 81897 Northern Superior Resources inc (81897) 100 % (responsable) 5272646 30/05/2006 29/05/2012 CL 0.00 16.00 500.00 32G12 81897 Northern Superior Resources inc (81897) 100 % (responsable) 5272647 30/05/2006 29/05/2012 CL 874.00 16.00 500.00 32G12 81897 Northern Superior Resources inc (81897) 100 % (responsable) 5272648 30/05/2006 29/05/2012 CL 2273.00 16.00 500.00 32G12 81897 Northern Superior Resources inc (81897) 100 % (responsable) 5272650 30/05/2006 29/05/2012 CL 607.00 16.00 500.00 32G12 81897 Northern Superior Resources inc (81897) 100 % (responsable) 5272651 30/05/2006 29/05/2012 CL 0.00 16.00 500.00 32G12 81897 Northern Superior Resources inc (81897) 100 % (responsable) 5272652 30/05/2006 29/05/2012 CL 0.00 16.00 500.00 32G12 81897 Northern Superior Resources inc (81897) 100 % (responsable) 5272653 30/05/2006 29/05/2012 CL 0.00 16.00 500.00 32G12 81897 Northern Superior Resources inc (81897) 100 % (responsable) 5272654 30/05/2006 29/05/2012 CL 0.00 16.00 500.00 32G12 81897 Northern Superior Resources inc (81897) 100 % (responsable) 5272655 30/05/2006 29/05/2012 CL 0.00 16.00 500.00 32G12 81897 Northern Superior Resources inc (81897) 100 % (responsable) 5272656 30/05/2006 29/05/2012 CL 0.00 16.00 500.00 32G12 81897 Northern Superior Resources inc (81897) 100 % (responsable) 5272657 30/05/2006 29/05/2012 CL 0.00 16.00 500.00 32G12 81897 Northern Superior Resources inc (81897) 100 % (responsable) 5272658 30/05/2006 29/05/2012 CL 39.00 16.00 500.00 32G12 81897 Northern Superior Resources inc (81897) 100 % (responsable) 5272659 30/05/2006 29/05/2012 CL 0.00 16.00 500.00 32G12 81897 Northern Superior Resources inc (81897) 100 % (responsable) 5272660 30/05/2006 29/05/2012 CL 0.00 16.00 500.00 32G12 81897 Northern Superior Resources inc (81897) 100 % (responsable) 5272661 30/05/2006 29/05/2012 CL 0.00 16.00 500.00 32G12 81897 Northern Superior Resources inc (81897) 100 % (responsable) 5272662 30/05/2006 29/05/2012 CL 0.00 16.00 500.00 32G12 81897 Northern Superior Resources inc (81897) 100 % (responsable) 5272663 30/05/2006 29/05/2012 CL 0.00 16.00 500.00 32G12 81897 Northern Superior Resources inc (81897) 100 % (responsable) 5272664 30/05/2006 29/05/2012 CL 0.00 16.00 500.00 32G12 81897 Northern Superior Resources inc (81897) 100 % (responsable) 5272665 30/05/2006 29/05/2012 CL 0.00 16.00 500.00 32G12 81897 Northern Superior Resources inc (81897) 100 % (responsable) 5272666 30/05/2006 29/05/2012 CL 0.00 12.00 500.00 32G12 81897 Northern Superior Resources inc (81897) 100 % (responsable) 5272667 30/05/2006 29/05/2012 CL 0.00 16.00 500.00 32G12 81897 Northern Superior Resources inc (81897) 100 % (responsable) 5272668 30/05/2006 29/05/2012 CL 0.00 16.00 500.00 32G12 81897 Northern Superior Resources inc (81897) 100 % (responsable) 5272670 30/08/2006 29/08/2012 CL 286.00 16.00 500.00 32G12 18291 Matamec Exploration Inc (18291) 100 % (responsable) 5272671 30/08/2006 29/08/2012 CL 1286.00 16.00 500.00 32G12 18291 Matamec Exploration Inc (18291) 100 % (responsable) 5272672 30/08/2006 29/08/2012 CL 3128.00 16.00 500.00 32G12 18291 Matamec Exploration Inc (18291) 100 % (responsable) 5272673 30/08/2006 29/08/2012 CL 2094.00 12.00 500.00 32G12 18291 Matamec Exploration Inc (18291) 100 % (responsable) 5272674 30/08/2006 29/08/2012 CL 1217.00 16.00 500.00 32G12 18291 Matamec Exploration Inc (18291) 100 % (responsable) 5272676 30/08/2006 29/08/2012 CL 4373.00 16.00 500.00 32G12 18291 Matamec Exploration Inc (18291) 100 % (responsable) 5272677 30/08/2006 29/08/2012 CL 1340.00 16.00 500.00 32G12 18291 Matamec Exploration Inc (18291) 100 % (responsable) 5272678 30/08/2006 29/08/2012 CL 4582.00 16.00 500.00 32G12 18291 Matamec Exploration Inc (18291) 100 % (responsable) 5272679 30/08/2006 29/08/2012 CL 3038.00 16.00 500.00 32G12 18291 Matamec Exploration Inc (18291) 100 % (responsable) 5272680 30/08/2006 29/08/2012 CL 213.00 11.00 500.00 32G12 18291 Matamec Exploration Inc (18291) 100 % (responsable) 5272681 30/08/2006 29/08/2012 CL 831.00 16.00 500.00 32G12 18291 Matamec Exploration Inc (18291) 100 % (responsable) 5272682 30/08/2006 29/08/2012 CL 3099.00 16.00 500.00 32G12 18291 Matamec Exploration Inc (18291) 100 % (responsable) 5272683 30/08/2006 29/08/2012 CL 2218.00 16.00 500.00 32G12 18291 Matamec Exploration Inc (18291) 100 % (responsable) 5272684 30/08/2006 29/08/2012 CL 201.00 16.00 500.00 32G12 18291 Matamec Exploration Inc (18291) 100 % (responsable) 3853671 28/03/1980 07/03/2013 CL 287.00 16.00 1000.00 32G12 18291 Matamec Exploration Inc (18291) 100 % (responsable) List of Claims

TIT_NO TIT_DAT_EM TIT_DAT_EX TER_CODE TIT_CRE_CU TIT_SUPRF TIT_TR_REQ FEU_NO DET_NO DET_LIST 3997605 16/03/1981 02/02/2013 CL 1154.00 16.00 1000.00 32G12 18291 Matamec Exploration Inc (18291) 100 % (responsable) 5272510 25/05/2006 24/05/2012 CL 0.00 16.00 500.00 32G12 81897 Northern Superior Resources inc (81897) 100 % (responsable) 5272512 25/05/2006 24/05/2012 CL 61.00 16.00 500.00 32G12 81897 Northern Superior Resources inc (81897) 100 % (responsable) 5272522 25/05/2006 24/05/2012 CL 407.00 16.00 500.00 32G12 81897 Northern Superior Resources inc (81897) 100 % (responsable) 5272644 30/05/2006 29/05/2012 CL 0.00 16.00 500.00 32G12 81897 Northern Superior Resources inc (81897) 100 % (responsable) 5272649 30/05/2006 29/05/2012 CL 2645.00 16.00 500.00 32G12 81897 Northern Superior Resources inc (81897) 100 % (responsable) 5272669 30/08/2006 29/08/2012 CL 172.00 16.00 500.00 32G12 18291 Matamec Exploration Inc (18291) 100 % (responsable) 5272675 30/08/2006 29/08/2012 CL 4228.00 16.00 500.00 32G12 18291 Matamec Exploration Inc (18291) 100 % (responsable) 1,195,322.00 8,224.00 Ministère des Ressources naturelles et de la Faune 11211 ICI Québec El El

Unité de gestion de Quévillon

Lebel-sur-Quévillon, le 14 juillet 2011

Monsieur Donald R. Boucher Northern Superior Resources 1988, Kingsway, Unit G Sudbury (Ontario) P3B 4J8

Objet : Permis d'intervention pour activités minières


La présente est pour vous acheminer votre permis d'intervention.

Il s'agit du permis suivant :

compagnie no. de permis Northern Superior Ressources 3010588

En tant que titulaire d'un permis d'intervention, vous êtes tenu de vous conformer aux normes d'intervention forestière prescrites par le gouvernement. Ces normes ont pour but d'assurer le maintien ou la reconstitution du couvert forestier, la protection de l'ensemble des ressources du milieu forestier et la compatibilité des activités d'aménagement forestier avec l'affectation des terres du domaine public.

Le Règlement sur les normes d'intervention dans les forêts du domaine de l'État (RNI), adopté le 24 avril 1996, doit être appliqué intégralement par les titulaires de permis d'intervention. Aussi, selon l'article 26.1 de la loi sur les forêts, lorsque le titulaire d'un permis d'intervention confie à un tiers l'exécution des travaux autorisés par son permis d'intervention, il doit informer par écrit ce tiers des exigences de la présente loi et ses règlements ainsi que des prescriptions du permis d'intervention relatives aux activités d'aménagement forestier à exécuter. Le tiers doit se conformer à ces exigences.

1121, boulevard Industriel lebel-sur-Quévillon (Québec) JOY 1X0 Téléphone : (819) 755-4838 Télécopieur : (819) 755.3541

Ressources naturelles Permis N° : 3010588 et Faune Québec ®© Permis d'intervention Exercice 2011-2012 Échéance 2012/03/31 Activités minières Version N°: 1

IDENTIFICATION DU TITULAIRE Titulaire : Northern Superior Resources Adresse : 1988 Kingsway, Unit G. Att: Donald R.Boucher Municipalité Sudbury Code postal P3B 4J8

DESCRIPTION DES TRAVAUX Demande de 10 forages mais seulement 7 d'autorisé car 3 forages étaient dans un territoire Cris extrêmement protégé (1% ). ± 3.5 km de sentiers de 5 m de large et 5 prises d'eau. Sup;± 2.2 ha. Région administrative : 10 U.G. : 087 UAF : 08763 MRC : Jamésie Municipalité : Baie-James Secteur désigné' : Région 10 , U.G 107, Mrc 991, Zone 873, Canton Le Sueur, Feuillet 32G12S0, Aire de trappe W21 de Johnl Gull, noter que 3 forages seront dans son territoire Cris protégé ( 25% ). 1 La carte annexée fait partie intégrante de ce permis. Elle indique la localisation du secteur désigné.

Numéro de projet de mesurage

VOLUME À RÉCOLTER Essence ou groupe Qualité Quantité Zone de Taux Total Destination des bois d'essences (mètre cube) tarification ($/rri) ($ ) Peupliers B 25,0 873 ,90 22,50 Demandeur Bouleau Blanc C 20,0 873 ,25 5,00 Demandeur Sapin-Epinette-Pin C 30,0 873 4,30 129,00 Demandeur gris-Mélèze Sapin-Epinette-Pin B 45,0 873 13,90 625,50 Demandeur gris-Mélèze Total 120,0m3 782,00 $

CONDITIONS Le titulaire du permis doit respecter le Règlement sur les normes d'intervention dans les forêts du domaine de l'État (RNI) du Ministère. Dans le cas d'un mesurage officiel, le montant indiqué dans le champ TOTAL ($) n'est qu'une estimation. Les factures de mesurage vous seront transmises par le système MESUBOIS.



Chef de l'unité de gestion année/mois/jour

Page: 1 de 1 Ministère des Ressources naturelles et de la Faune Unité de gestion Quévillon 5 1 j0' 614 /5', r. ~'~ ~~ _ w 515 EE 6~0~ 517 Oct4 ~~. CSM~ 502 921 122' a.° ~ ~ ~~ no 616 ' r 516 p~(~ 51 1 ' 516 °a° ~511 '• 7 . ~ yWE e~ ~ v—g rltilt/ ~ SZ8 T .„0 244 6 523 f15 p6 ~~ / ' ` ;Elo~ 1V ~ 512 521 06610 " *ai~ 1^',

B0 ~~~~ 4311,2 610 OoOc® 610 4311


90 02*. 4311.8 /

659 1


661 o R a O 0

610 0 41 0 d t00p0 694 ~ Demande de permis d'intervention 0 R~ 4y t° Projet: Forages

No Northern Superior res. I_esperancc % g! ~f. .~ ~a 4311 ~,e Oab a1~0~ ~Q~ ~02 G.E.S.S.T. C'. Fecteau 25 juin 2011 Légende 4311,7

0 i_ c• 122 SO Forage demandé 1:20 000

Sentier proposé 851. 5' ave bureau 220 Vr 1 d Or Qc. Canada .J9P ICI 4311 re%l.:R19-874-1128 cel1:819_856-1228 Jâr:819-874-3816 Prise d eau O n ~ 706 rat • ~Z ~1 1 14q1 ~1 .0~ B► °s- _ Sa~°,~ _ r ` / o J,~ /TO � - • gGo g ti~ ►

• 761 ~' ~ 783 ,,.e22 e .~~pp~~B% 11/4 Bd 9 .~~ 4311 É gO 4 C 90* =o= ~~.

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6 °a imiti Northern Superior res. t .tni~ut_ Lespérance ëT5 997 • ,M] eel.n9.n. wt. ” • r G.E.S.S.T. C. Fecteau 25 juin 2011 Légende

~ • • ;' O 12 SO Forage demandé • • 1:20 000 Sentier proposé • 851, 5° ave bureau 220 Vi 1 d'Or Qe. Canada J9P ICI 006 : 0 • Prise d eau o • 885 tù1.:819-874.1228 ee11:819-856-12.,8 tax:819-874-3816 rnolet(gessrea


JUL 1 9 1011 47- DEMANDE D'AUTORISATION DE // TRAVAUX EN FORÊT Société de protection des forêts contre le feu Numéro Sopfeu :



Maître d'ceuvre : Northern Superior ressources Personne contact : Donald R. Boucher

Adresse : 1988, Kingway, unit G

Sudbury Ontario P3B 4J8

Numéro de téléphone : Numéro de télécopieur:

Nom et numéro de projet

Contractant: Personne contact :


Numéro de téléphone . Numéro de télécopieur:




a- ❑ Lignes électriques ❑ Poste ❑ Barrage ❑ Réseau routier Forage b" ❑ Déboisement D Construction ❑ Entretien ❑ Relevés

❑ Autres (préciser)


❑ Brûlage ❑ Enfouissement ❑ Déchiquetage Non applicable ❑ Autres (préciser)

{<31 PRV-5> Formulaire Plan de protection contre les incendies forestiers (travaux en forêt) [Diffusé] No. de version: 009 - Date de diffusion: 14/04/08 11:32:22) Page 1


a- Superficie (ha) ou longueur (km) 2,2 ha b- Endroit (annexer carte géographique) c- Quadrillage(s)

d- Coordonnées GPS (ddmmcc) Longitude Latitude e- Unité de gestion 26 f- MRC BJ


a- Travail général : b- Brûlage


a- Outils manuels :

b- Machineries forestières :

c- Matériels (suppression des incendies):


Si bûlage Début : Fin :

Si brûlage, nombre de jours par semaine


Signature du requérant . Rémi Nolet Pour Donald R. Boucher Date : 27-juin-11

A l'usage de la Société La présente constitue l'autorisation d'effectuer lesdits travaux en conformité avec la Loi sur les forêts et le Règlement sur la protection des forêts.

L'article 143 de la Loi sur les forêts oblige toute personne qui exécute ou fait exécuter des travaux en forêt, è aviser l'organisme de protection opérant sur le territoire concerné, de son intention, et obtenir de cet organisme un permis de brûlage qui est obligatoire lorsqu'il y a du brûlage de matière ligneuse.

Plan de protection requis : ❑ Oui ❑ Non

Ce formulaire constitue le plan minimal de protection : ❑ Oui ❑ Non

Cette autorisation peut être révoquée en tout temps durant l'exécution des travaux, si vous négligez ou refusez d'appliquer ou de faire appliquer par votre personnel la loi et le règlement précités.

Signature de la Société : Date :

* Ce document doit être obligatoirement signé par la Société de protection des forêts contre le feu pour être valide

(<31 PRV-5> Formulaire Plan de protection contre les incendies forestiers (travaux en forêt) [Diffusé] No. de version: 009 - Date de diffusion: 14/04/08 11:32:22} Page 2 roll

4' C® 00 4311

& ~ yp 0 t~~"g ~ 105:1-4111.

Demande de permis d'intervention Projet: Forages

Client: Northern Superior res. 1 , t n Lesperance

Dessiné par: C. Fecteau + e 25 juin 2011

^ t;(4-4e*„„g[o. Facile1:20: 000 1 i 32 f)2 S -1 evf3ar prp,}+~~' oua ru,.~:~cnCi1H d~9'Yr" dYl~•~,: i~r.üda.~~ 2~J Pri61 d•at ees ~1.'8)° f , ;-~228 f4vt4~T4-.305 i)wcge e¢stm . - xt . r - ~andà 4 0 â ° SID 0 N if Demande de permis d'intervention Projet: Forages

NOB Client Northern Superior res. Canton: Lespérance 02 7 00d6. Dessme C. Fecteau :),!, 25 juin 2011 , 4311 .._ .._.ra=, rcrita0'.zde ~cneile 1:20 000 .r.:32G/l2 SO • ~~~~~.~f~at~~~ ; wipaepAl n Pri50:4MI1J sP .16, CJ • 2.01wW44 ~ .stAirk~~ A4R~381t~'' di 26 . . • Don Boucher

From: Remi Nolet [[email protected]] Sent: Wednesday, July 20, 2011 9:02 AM To: Don Boucher Subject: TR: Cris_3 forages dans le 1 %

Bonjour Monsieur Boucher

Voici la réponse du MRNF pour les territoires autochtone.

Rémi Nolet C. Sc

Tech. Forestier


G.E.S.S.T (

Gestion de l'environnement, Santé et Sécurité au Travail

851, 5e avenue Bureau 220

Val d'Or (Québec) J9P ICI

Tél: 819-874-1228

Cel: 819-856-1228

Sans frais : 1-855-874-1228

Fax: 819-874-3816

Courriel: mole (

De : [email protected] [mailto:[email protected]] Envoyé : 19 juillet 2011 15:44 ï4 : [email protected] Cc : [email protected] Objet : TR : Cris_3 forages dans le 1 0/0

Bonjour Rémi, Je t'invite à lire les explications mentionnées plus bas.

Cordialement vôtre.

~-}_ ~ ~ ~ uc St -1ni'e rre

1)érificateur au mesurage

(Direction des opérations intégrées

Direction générale du Nord-du-Québec

Ministère des 1çssources naturelles et de Ça Faune

'Unité de gestion Quévillon (107)

1121, boulevard Industriel

Lebel-sur-Quévillon (Québec) JOY 1X0

Téléphone : 819 755-4838, poste 270

Télécopieur: 819 755-3541,mrn£

Ce message est confidentiel et il ne s'adresse qu'au(x) destinataire(s) mentionné(s). S'il vous a été envoyé par mégarde, veuillez le détruire et m'en aviser le plus rapidement possible. Merci

Message d'origine De : St-Georges, Simon (10-DAR) Envoyé : 19 juillet 2011 14:39 Â : St-Pierre, Luc (10-UG/Quévillon) Cc : Lacasse, Dianne (10-UG/Quévillon) Objet : RE : Cris_3 forages dans le 1 0/0

Voilà une petite explication pour monsieur Nolet :

2 Résumé Paix des Braves

• Ce que l'on nomme les 1% et les 25% sont des sites d'intérêt particulier (1%) et les territoires d'intérêt faunique (25%) • Ces sites ont été créé en fonction du chapitre forestier (le chapitre 3) de La Paix des Braves. • Comme ces sites précisent l'utilisation crie du territoire, le MRNF ne peut pas fournir ou produire de cartes de ces derniers. En effet, les Cris considèrent cette information comme confidentielle. Voilà pourquoi mon collègue Luc St-Pierre ne pourra pas vous produire une carte indiquant le positionnement de ces sites. • Des modalités d'aménagement forestier s'appliquent à chacune de ces catégories de site et la récolte est interdite sur les sites de 1%. • Et à cet égard, seuls les bénéficiaires de CAAF et le MRNF ont accès à la cartographie de ces sites afin de réaliser la planification en s'y conformant. • Au sens strict, le chapitre 3 de la Paix des Braves n'exerce aucune influence ou restriction sur la Loi sur les mines et le droit d'explorer. Toutefois, comme la permission de construire des chemins et de couper des arbres provient de la loi sur les forêts, il existe là une zone grise. • Sans parler de flou juridique, le MRNF préfère agir avec précaution lorsqu'il est question d'interpréter et comprendre l'arrimage entre ces 2 activités découlant de 2 lois distinctes (couper pour pouvoir forer.)

S'il devenait crucial et impératif pour votre client de forer dans des zones de 1%, avisez nous et nous organiserons d'abord une rencontre à nos bureaux pour bien cerner la problématique. Ensuite, nous aborderons la communauté crie et le maître de trappe concernés afin de préciser l'ampleur et le positionnement des travaux.

Résumé procédure avec les Algonquins

• Nous laissons 10 jours d'analyse aux Algonquins pour l'étude des projets de permis autres fins. Ça se fait bien simplement en envoyant un courriel à Ronald brazeau avec la carte de l'emplacement des travaux. Évidemment, on enlève le nom du promoteur et bingo. Si Ronald ne répond pas au bout de 10 jours, on émet. • Dans le cas des décapages, la R08 laisse 30 jours. S'il faut consulter des décapage à l'avenir, tenez moi au courant, on verra ce qu'on fait.

Simon St-Georges, ing.f.

Répondant aux affaires autochtones

Direction des affaires régionales du Nord-du-Québec

Ministère des Ressources naturelles et de la Faune

1121, boul. Industriel

Lebel-sur-Quévillon (Québec) JOY 1X0

Téléphone : 819 755-4838, poste 275 3 Télécopieur : 819 755-3541 si

Devez-vous vraiment imprimer ce courriel ? Si oui, pensez l'imprimer recto-verso!

Le présent courriel peut contenir des renseignements confidentiels et ne s'adresse qu'au destinataire dont le nom figure ci-dessus. Si ce courriel vous est parvenu par mégarde, veuillez le supprimer et nous en aviser. Merci.

Message d'origine De : St-Pierre, Luc (10-UG/Quévillon) Envoyé : 19 juillet 2011 09:45 À : St-Georges, Simon (10-DAR) Cc : Lacasse, Dianne (10-UG/Quévillon) Objet : TR : Cris_3 forages dans le 1 %

Monsieur Nolet aimerais avoir un (g: qui explique le I % le 25 % Cris et aussi la procédure avec les Algonquins etc..

vérificateur au mesurage

Direction des opérations intégrées

Direction générale du 9Vorcf du-Québec

Ministère des Wessources naturelles et de Ça 'Faune

Zlnité de gestion Quévillon (107)

1121, boulevard Industriel

Lebel-sur-Quévillon (Québec) JOY 1XO

Téléphone : 819 755-4838, poste 270

Télécopieur : 819 755-354:


Ce message est confidentiel et il ne s'adresse qu'au(x) destinataire(s) mentionné(s). S'il vous a été envoyé par mégarde, veuillez le détruire et m'en aviser le plus rapidement possible. Merci

Message d'origine De : Remi Nolet [mailto:[email protected]] Envoyé : 12 juillet 2011 10:47 À : St-Pierre, Luc (10-UG/Quévillon) Objet : RE: Cris_3 forages dans le 1 0/0


J'ai prévenu mon client. Nous aimerions avoir une carte avec les secteurs de trappe soit en shp ou pdf. SVP.


Rémi Nolet C. Sc

Tech. Forestier


G.E.S.S.T (

Gestion de l'environnement, Santé et Sécurité au Travail

851, 5e avenue Bureau 220

Val d'Or (Québec) J9P IC1

TéI: 819-874-1228

Cel: 819-856-1228

Sans frais ; 1-855-874 1228 Fax: 819-874-3816

Courriel: rnolet%u:

De : [email protected] [mailto:Luc.St-Pierre2©] Envoyé : 11 juillet 2011 10:33 À : [email protected] Cc: [email protected]; [email protected] Objet : Cris_3 forages dans le 1 %


Voici la ligne du 1 % Cris, il ne faut absolument pas faire de forages dans ces territoires Cris.


Luc St-Pierre

Vérificateur au mesurage

Direction des opérations intégrées

Direction générale du Nord-du-Québec

flinistère desssources naturelles et de Ça Faune

`Unité de gestion Quévirlon (107)

1121, boulevard Industriel

Lebel-sur-Quesillon(Québec) JOY 1X0

Téléphone : 819 755-4838, poste 270

Télécopieur: 819 755-3541

[email protected] Ce message est confidentiel et il ne s'adresse qu'au(x) destinataire(s) mentionné(s). S'il vous a été envoyé par mégarde, veuillez le détruire et m'en aviser le plus rapidement possible. Merci

Information from ESET NOD32 Antivirus, version of virus signature database 6309 (20110720)

The message was checked by ESET NOD32 Antivirus.

7 41.4s." 615 sis

410 - :.I~~ - 00 o0 16®o 4311

96 2~ 4311.9 ~

4 41 O 610 D

iP Demande de permis d'intervention P mi. et: Forages

!~. • Northern Superior res t Lespérance Oho 1 . tox 4311 .7 G.E.S.S.T. Aess ac par C. Fecteau 25 juin 2011 Légende 43113

Forage demandé Échelle 1:20 000 32G 12S0

Sentier proposé 851. S° ave bureau 220 Val d'Or Qc. Canada f91' ICI 4311 Prised eau D S7 tél.:819-874-1228 ce11:819-856-1228 far 819-874-3816 [email protected] 4rE, Northern Superior Resources Ltd.

Claims One: Section: DON: WAC11_O1 Township: Level; Range: Work place: Desrtraraisvilte Dated by Forage Rouilber Lot

Described by Michel Leblanc From: 11/1212011 Description date: To: Collar UTM NAD83 Azimuth: 335.00' East 436.880.0 ChP: -50.00' North 5.491.698.0 Length: 306.00 m Elevation 311.0

—Down hole survey

Type Depth AtlmuOt Dip laraAd ~ Reflex 30.00 336.20' -50.90' No Reflex 90 00 334.10• -49.90• No Reflex 14100 334.70' -48.80" No Reflex 200.90 336.40' -46.80' No Reflex 250.00 337.10' -44.10' No Reflex 300 00 337.70• -43.80' No

—Description Coro stored in Chopais. 72v'l (C)6Ci {i 613)

Core size: NO Cote Cemented: No Stored: Yes Project Wachigabeu 12/18/2011 Northern Superior Resources Ltd.

Assay Description From To Number Length AU

(PPm) 0.00 16.00 MO Over Burden Over Burden

16.00 30.80 V3B; FO Basalt; Foliated Greenish gray, fine grained, slightly leucoxenitic and moderately foliated at 35-45 tca. Moderately altered. Faulted lower ctc intersected at 70 tca.

16.00 30.80 Ch150; Car50 Chlorilization 50; Carbonatization 50 Moderate pervasive chloritization and moderate-strong vein controlled and pervasive carbonatization (calcite). 20-30% of vein controlled calcite.

16.00 30.80 FO 21.90 22.50 44001 0.60 <0.005 Foliated 40° Moderate foliation throughout unit varying between 35 and 45 tca.

30.80 73.90 V3B; RUB; FO Basalt; Banded; Foliated Medium gray greenish, foliated and affected by a moderate-strong sericitization. Locally banded along a strong foliation developed at 40-45 tca throughout unit. Moderate qz-calcite veining. Foliation locally strongly convoluted and folded. Non magnetic rock with locally up to 1% of vein controlled Py. Metric size Qz-Ak-CI vein sitting at lower ctc.

30.80 66.80 Car30; Ser50; Ch120 Carbonatization 30; Sericitization 50; Chloritization 20 Moderate pervasive sericitization. Weak-moderate vein controlled and pervasive carbonatization and weak pervasive chloritization.

30.80 73.90 FO 39.00 40.00 44002 1.00 <0.005 Foliated 40° Moderate-strong foliation developped at 40-45 tca throughout unit.

46.40 46.65 VEI;0;;T;5°;; 46.40 47.35 44004 0.95 0.048

Vein 0 Tension 5° 66.00 66.80 44005 0.80 0.009 Low core angle calcite-qz vein. Trace of Py

66.80 73.90 Ank30; Ch140; Ser40 66.80 67.75 44006 0.95 0.008

Ankeritlzatbn 30; Chloritization 40; Serkitlzatbn 40 67.75 68.50 44007 0.75 <0.005 Calcitic alteration is replace by a pervasive and vein controlled ankeritization. 68.50 69.25 44008 0.75 <0.005

69.25 70.00 44009 0.75 <0.005

70.00 70.75 44010 0.75 <0.005

70.75 71.75 44011 1.00 <0.005

71.75 72.25 44012 0.50 <0.005

72.25 73.90 Py05

Project: Wachigabau DDH: WAC11_01 2/12 Northern Superior Resources Ltd.

Assay Description From To Number Length AU (PPm) Pyrite 5% Up to 5% of fracture controlled Py associated to a metric size Qz-Ak-CI vein.

72.25 73.90 VEI;90;;T;65°;Py05; 72.25 73.00 44013 0.75 0.213

Vein 90 Tension 65° Pyrite 5% 73.00 73.90 44014 0.90 0.150 Qz-Ak-CI brecciated vein intersected at 65/? tca

73.90 82.60 TX2; FO Internediate cristal tuff; Foliated Medium gray, medium grained, strongly foliated and altered tuffaceous rock characterized by sub mm to cm size withish clasts strongly streched into a local moderate-strong fabric intersected at 40-45 tca. Sharp lower unit ctc intersected at 30 tca.

73.90 82.60 Ch150; Ser15; Ank30; Car05 Chlorftlzation 50; Serialization 15; Ankeritization 30; Carbonatization 5 Moderate pervasive and foliation controlled ankeritization. Pervasive chloritization. Weak calcite.

73.90 82.60 FO 73.90 75.00 44015 1.10 <0.005

Foliated 40° 75.00 76.00 44016 1.00 <0.005 Moderate-strong penetrative foliation intersected at 40-45 tca. Streching mm to cm size lapillis along it.

82.60 111.00 V3B; RUB Basalt Banded Gray greenish to dark green, fine grained, foliated and locally banded rock of intermediate-mafic aspect. Appears as strongly altered mafic volcanic unit affected by strong foliation. Moderate veining along unit mostly transposed along a moderate foliation developed at 40-45 tca. Moderately altered (mainly chlorite with weak-moderate sericite decreasing down unit. Weak-moderate carbonatization (Ak and calcite observed along unit intervale). Local metric size tuffaceous levels inserted. Usually with trace to 1% of disseminated and bedding controlled Py. Up to 5% inside local vein. Diffuse lower ctc.

82.60 102.00 Car25; Ser40; Ank10 Carbonatization 25; Sericitization 40; Ankeritization 10 Banded aspect with moderate banded and pervasive sericitization decreasing along this intervals. Ankeritization decreasing to nothing also along that interval.

82.60 111.00 FO Foliated 40° Moderate-strong penetrative foliation intersected at 40-45 tca throughout unit.

92.25 94.00 TX2; FO 95.00 96.00 44017 1.00 <0.005

Intermediate cristal tuff; Foliated 96.00 97.00 44018 1.00 0.009 Metric size, foliated, medium grained, sericitized level of tuffaceous aspect with ctc transposed 97.00 97.65 44019 0.65 0.037 along local foliation at 40 tca. Moderately and pervasively sericitized. Non magnetic.

97.65 98.50 Py05 Pyrite 5% Associated to a metric size Qz-Ak CI vein.

Project: Wachigabau DDH: WAC11_01 3/12 Northern Superior Resources Ltd.

Assay Description From To Number Length AU

(PPm) 97.65 98.50 VEI;85;;T;60°;Py05; 97.65 98.50 44020 0.85 0.101

Vein 85 Tension 60° Pyrite 5% 98.50 99.50 44021 1.00 0.009 QZ-Ak vein

102.00 111.00 Ch160; Ser10; Car20 Chioritization 60; Sericitization 10; Carbonatization 20 Sericitization depleted. No Ankerite noted. Weak-moderate carbonatization.

111.00 125.50 V3B; RUB; FIN Basalt; Banded; Fine grains Mostly greenish, fine grained, foliated and locally slightly banded rock of mafic composition. Moderately chloritized and locally affected by a weak pervasive sericitization along cm wide bands. Moderate foliation developed at 40-45 tca. Non to weakly magnetic. Diffuse lower ctc.

111.00 125.50 Ch150; Car20; Ser10 Chioritization 50; Carbonatization 20; Sericitization 10 Pervasively chloritized. Weak local sericitization in cm wide bands // to foliation. 5 to 10% of calcite in veins and veinlets mostly transposed along foliation.

111.00 125.50 FO 114.80 116.00 44022 1.20 <0.005 Foliated 40° Weak-moderate foliation at 40-45 tca.

115.00 121.00 Py04 116.00 117.00 44023 1.00 0.005

Pyrite 4% 117.00 118.00 44024 1.00 <0.005 Including 3-5% of vein controlled Py associated to calcite veins transposed along folaition. 118.00 119.00 44025 1.00 0.006

119.00 120.00 44026 1.00 <0.005

120.00 120.80 44027 0.80 <0.005

125.50 172.30 S3; FO; LA; TU2 Wanks; Foliated; bedded; Intermediate tuff Gray greenish to light gray, fine to medium grained, strongly foliated and altered unit of sedimentary origine (wacke/silstone and tuff suspected). Strong foliation and bedding intersected at 35-45 tca throughout unit. Moderately chloritized. Moderate sericitization in cm size bands // to foliation. Calcite and ankerite both noted along unit intervale. Moderate carbonate veining mostly transposed along foliation throughout unit. Between 1 and 7% Py (average 3%) observed in association with carbonate veins transposed along foliation. Local trace of Cpy in isolated vein. Diffuse lower ctc with underlying unit.

125.50 172.30 Ser35; Carl 0; Ank10; Ch135 Sericitlzation 35; Carbonatization 10; Ankeritization 10; Chioritization 35 Pervasive chloritization and sericitization in bands and mm size veinlets // to main fabric. Moderate vein controlled carbonatization (calcite and Ak noted) transposed along local foliation.

125.50 172.30 FO; RUB Foliated 40°; Banded Strong foliation and banding along unit intervale controlling strongly the carbonate veining as well as the mineralization associated.

Project: Wachigabau DDH: WAC11_01 4/12 Northern Superior Resources Ltd.

Assay Description From To Number Length AU

(PPm) 125.50 172.30 Py03 125.50 126.75 44028 1.25 <0.005

Pyrite 3% 126.75 127.50 44029 0.75 <0.005 Between 1 and 7% of vein controlled y associated to calcite +/- ankerite veins strongly controlled 127.50 128.25 44030 0.75 <0.005 by foliation. 128.25 129.00 44031 0.75 <0.005

129.00 130.00 44032 1.00 <0.005

130.00 131.00 44033 1.00 <0.005

131.00 132.00 44034 1.00 <0.005

132.00 133.00 44035 1.00 0.005

133.00 134.00 44036 1.00 <0.005

134.00 135.00 44037 1.00 <0.005

135.00 136.00 44038 1.00 <0.005

136.00 137.00 44039 1.00 <0.005

137.00 138.00 44040 1.00 <0.005

138.00 139.00 44041 1.00 <0.005

139.00 140.00 44042 1.00 <0.005

140.00 141.00 44043 1.00 <0.005

141.00 142.00 44044 1.00 <0.005

142.00 143.30 44045 1.30 <0.005

143.30 144.30 44046 1.00 <0.005

144.30 145.00 44047 0.70 0.005

145.00 146.00 44048 1.00 <0.005

146.00 147.00 44049 1.00 <0.005

147.00 148.00 44050 1.00 <0.005

148.00 149.00 44052 1.00 <0.005

149.00 150.00 44053 1.00 0.007

150.00 151.00 44054 1.00 0.015

151.00 152.00 44055 1.00 0.009

152.00 152.90 TL1 152.00 153.00 44056 1.00 0.009

Felsic lapilli tuff 153.00 154.00 44057 1.00 0.007 Small intermediate tuffaceous level inserted into the dominated wacke sequence. Foliated at 40 tca. 154.00 155.00 44058 1.00 0.011 1% disseminated Py associated. Chloritized, carbonated (spotted) and slightly sericitized in 162.00 163.00 44059 1.00 <0.005 pervasive form. 163.00 164.00 44060 1.00 0.006

164.00 165.00 44061 1.00 0.005

Project: Wachigabau DDH: WAC11_01 5/12 Northern Superior Resources Ltd.

Assay Description From To Number Length AU (PPm) 165.00 166.00 44062 1.00 0.006

166.00 167.00 44063 1.00 <0.005

167.00 168.00 44064 1.00 0.005

168.00 169.00 44065 1.00 <0.005

169.00 170.00 44066 1.00 0.008

170.00 171.00 44067 1.00 0.007

171.00 172.00 44068 1.00 <0.005

172.30 183.00 TU2; FO Intermediate tuff; Foliated Medium gray to greenish gray, fine grained, foliated and moderately chloritized unit of mafic-intermediate composition interpreted as an intermediate tuffaceous rock. Including many mm to cm size strongly elongated light gray to withish lapillis with diffuse margin into a moderately chloritized matrix of mafic composition. Well developed fabric throughout unit intersected at 40-45 tca. Weak-moderate calcite into mm to cm wide veins and veinlets transposed into local foliation. Moderate pervasive chloritization locally interrupted by weakly sericitized bands // to foliation. Trace to 3% Py noted into calcite veinlets and in dissemination along foliation plan. Diffuse ctc.

172.30 183.00 Ch160; Ser10; Carl Chloritization 60; Sericitlzatlon 10; Carbonatizatlon 10 Alteration dominated by a pervasive chloritization mixe with variable sericitization locally in banded pattern. Weak-moderate vein controlled carbonate (mainly calcite).

172.30 183.00 FO Foliated 45' Moderately developed foliation at 40-45 tca throughout unit. Locally folded (ondulated) on short disance.

172.30 183.00 Py01 181.00 182.00 44069 1.00 0.011 Pyrite 1% Between trace and 3% Py (average 1%) concentrated into carbonated veins and veinlets transposed along foliation. Also noted in disseminated form also along foliation plans.

183.00 223.50 V3B; FIN; FO Basalt; Fine grains; Foliated Dark green, fine grained, slightly leucoxenitic. Chloritized and foliated at 40-45 tca. Pervasively chloritized. Non magnetic. Weak-moderate vein content filled by Qz and calcite intersecting the fabric orthogonally. Amygdalar to the base of unit. Local metric size Qz-Cb mineralized vein intersected. Sharp lower ctc intersected at 45 tca.

183.00 218.00 Ch170; Car05 Chloritization 70; Carbonatization 5 Pervasive chloritization. Leucoxenitic unit. Weak spotted and vein controlled carbonatization (mostly calcite).

Project: Wachigabau DDH: WAC11_01 6/12 Northern Superior Resources Ltd.

Assay Description From To Number Length AU

(PPm) 183.00 218.00 FO Foliated 40° Moderate foliation developed throughout unit at 40-45 tca.

210.00 212.75 Py03 210.00 211.00 44070 1.00 0.008

Pyrite 3% 211.00 212.00 44071 1.00 0.007 2-3% disseminated Py. 212.00 212.75 44072 0.75 <0.005

212.75 213.15 44073 0.40 0.006

213.15 214.55 Py08 Pyrite 8% Associated to a metric size QZ-cb-Vein.

213.15 214.55 VEI;140;;T;60°;Py08; 213.15 213.75 44074 0.60 0.009

Vein 140 Tension 60° Pyrite 8% 213.75 214.55 44075 0.80 0.006 Mineralized Qz-Cb vein with 8% fracture controlled Py associated. Light gray bleached gangue. 214.55 215.00 44076 0.45 0.005

218.00 222.00 V3B; AMY Basalt Amygdaloidal Including about 5% of rounded amygdales filled by ankeritic material. Disappearing near lower unit etc.

218.00 222.00 FO 221.00 222.00 44077 1.00 <0.005 Foliated Increasing of foliation with presence of mm size amygdales filled by ankerite.

222.00 223.50 Py04 222.00 223.00 44078 1.00 0.033

Pyrite 4% 223.00 223.50 44079 0.50 0.027 3 to 5% disseminated Py located to the upper margin with an underlying QFP dyke.

223.50 245.10 I1QFP; QPO Quartz-feldspar porphyry; Quartz Porphyritic Beige to light gray, coarse grained, strongly porphyritic dyke of felsic composition characterized by presence of 15-20% of rounded mm to sub cm size Qz phenicx evenly distributed along unit. Also presence of diffuse sub-euhedral mm size Fp phenocx (less than 5% throughout unit.) Affected by a moderate-strong pervasive sericitization and locally silicified with injection of variable Qz-veins content. 1-2% diss. and vein controlled Py. Sharp lower ctc transposed along foliation at 40 tca. Including a metric size mineralized strongly ankeritized mafic enclav with up to 5% of disseminated Py associated.

223.50 245.10 Ser70; Si110; Ank15 Sericitization 70; Silicification 10; Ankeritization 15 Affected by a strong pervasive sericitization. Locally silicified in Qz vein area. Strong pervasive ankeritization associated to local metric mafic? enclay.

223.50 245.10 FO 223.50 224.00 44080 0.50 0.113

Foliated 40° 228.00 228.80 44081 0.80 0.008 Moderately developed in margins and strong into mafic enclay.

Project: Wachigabau DDH: WAC11_01 7/12 Northern Superior Resources Ltd.

Assay Description From To Number Length AU (PPm) 228.80 229.55 44082 0.75 0.017

229.55 230.40 VEI;85;;T;;Py02; 229.55 230.40 44083 0.85 0.053

Vein 85 Tension Pyrite 2% 230.40 231.00 44084 0.60 0.020 Qz vein area with irregular angles. Stocwork aspect. 1-2% fracture controlled Py associated. 231.00 231.80 44085 0.80 0.036

235.40 235.85 44086 0.45 0.010

235.85 238.00 Py05 235.85 236.65 44087 0.80 0.007

Pyrite 5% 236.65 237.25 44088 0.60 0.202 Associated to a strongly foliated, ankeritized and sericitized mafic enclav intersected at 40 tca. 237.25 238.00 44089 0.75 0.308

238.00 239.00 44090 1.00 0.005

244.00 245.10 44091 1.10 0.015

245.10 255.65 S3; RUB; FO; FIN Wadce; Banded; Foliated; Fine grains Strongly altered unit surrounded by 2 fesic dykes (QFP type). Mostly medium gray, fine grained, foliated and banded rock of apparent sedimentary (wacke) composition affected by a moderate pervasive sericitization and carbonatization. Moderate foliation developed at 40-45 tca. Local apparent lamination preserved and intersecte at 40 tca. Locally with up to 5% of disseminated Py along mm to cm bands and calcite veins both transposed along foliation. Sharp lower ctc intersected at 60 tca.

245.10 255.65 Car30; Ser30; Ch120 Carbonatization 30; Sericitization 30; Chloritization 20 Sericitization and carbonatization both in pervasive form along a cm wide bands pattern. Chloritization less intense. Weak vein controlled calcite.

245.10 255.65 FO; RUB Foliated 40e; Banded Moderate foliation and banding transposed along local foliation.

245.10 255.65 Py03 245.10 246.00 44092 0.90 0.007

Pyrite 3% 246.00 247.00 44093 1.00 0.005 Between 1 and 5% of Py in mm to cm wide disseminated bands sub// to local foliation. Often 247.00 248.00 44094 1.00 0.007 associated to calcite veins and veinlets. 248.00 249.00 44095 1.00 0.006

249.00 250.00 44096 1.00 0.013

250.00 251.00 44097 1.00 0.009

251.00 252.00 44098 1.00 0.008

252.00 253.00 44099 1.00 <0.005

253.00 254.00 44100 1.00 0.006

254.00 255.00 44102 1.00 0.008

255.00 255.65 44103 0.65 0.008

Project: Wachigabau DDH: WAC11_01 8/12 Northern Superior Resources Ltd.

Assay Description From To Number Length AU

(PPm) 255.65 266.75 I1QFP; QPO Quartz-feldspar porphyry; Quartz Porphyritic Beige to light gray, coarse grained, strongly porphyritic dyke of felsic composition characterized by presence of 15-20% of rounded mm to sub cm size Qz phenocx evenly distributed along unit. Also presence of diffuse sub-euhedral mm size Fp phenocx (less than 5% throughout unit. Affected by a moderate-strong pervasive sericitization with injection of few Qz-veins. 1-5% diss. and vein controlled Py mostly associated to an altered enclav inserted along this unit. Moderate pervasive and vein controlled ankeritization noted throughout unit. Sharp lower ctc at 35 tca. Including a metric size mineralized strongly ankeritized enclav with up to 5% of disseminated Py associated. Becoming affected by shearing at 35 tca to the base.

255.65 266.75 Ser60; Ank25 Sericitization 60; Ankeritizatbn 25 Strong pervasive sericitization. Moderate pervasive and vein controlled ankeritization.

255.65 266.75 FO; CIS 255.65 256.60 44104 0.95 <0.005 Foliated 40'; Sheared Moderate foliation affecting the dyke itself becoming stronger reaching the shear level at the lower ctc.

256.60 257.00 VEI 256.60 257.00 44105 0.40 0.057

Vein 257.00 258.00 44106 1.00 <0.005 40% Qz vein into a silicified rea. 258.00 259.00 44107 1.00 <0.005

259.00 260.00 44108 1.00 <0.005

260.00 261.00 44109 1.00 <0.005

261.00 262.00 44110 1.00 <0.005

262.00 262.45 44111 0.45 <0.005

262.45 264.80 S3; RUB; FO Wacke; Banded; Foliated Metric size strongly altered enclav of apparent wacke origin but affected by bleaching (Ak-Sr). Strongly foliated section at 35-40 tca. Including 2-5% of diisseminated Py along mm to cm bands sub// to local fabric.

262.45 264.80 Py04 262.45 263.00 44112 0.55 0.024

Pyrite 4% 263.00 264.00 44113 1.00 0.007 Disseminated Py along mm to cm bands sub// to local foliation into a metric size enclave included 264.00 264.80 44114 0.80 0.005 into this QFP dyke. 264.80 265.75 44115 0.95 <0.005

265.75 266.75 44116 1.00 0.218

266.75 272.95 S6A; FBX Graphitic Argilite; Fault breccia Heterogenous unit dominated by 65% of black graphitic material (mostly gouge breccia) supporting 20%

Project: Wachigabau DDH: WAC11_01 9/12 Northern Superior Resources Ltd.

Assay Description From To Number Length AU

(PPm) of mm to cm size sub angular light gray to slightly pinkish felsic dykes clast and 15-20% of greenish greywacke material. All unit is affected by faulting presenting mainly a brecciated texture with clast supported by a dominant graphitic gouge material. Strong shearing varying widely between 15 and 65 tca along unit. 1-2% of thinly disseminated Py is noted throughout this unit intervale. No magnetism observed. Sharp lower ctc intersected at 70 tca.

266.75 272.95 Hem05; Ser30 Hematizatlon 5; Serkelzaatlon 30 Affecting the felsic clasts portion of unit.

266.75 272.95 CIS; FLT; BR Sheared; Fault; Breccia Essentialy a sheared fault breccia inserted between 2 felsic QFP dykes.

266.75 272.95 Py02 266.75 267.50 44117 0.75 0.024

Pyrite 2% 267.50 268.25 44118 0.75 0.023 In thinly diseminated form inside graphitic gougy gangue. 268.25 269.00 44119 0.75 0.034

269.00 270.00 44120 1.00 0.034

270.00 270.70 44121 0.70 0.117

270.70 271.30 44122 0.60 0.124

271.30 272.20 44123 0.90 0.022

272.20 272.95 44124 0.75 0.057

272.95 295.80 11QFP; QPO Quartz-feldspar porphyry; Quartz Porphyritic Light gray to beige, strongly porphyritic with 15-20% of mm to sub cm size rounded Qz phenocx evenly distributed along unit intervale. Affected by a moderate-strong pervasive sericitization and a weak pervasive carbonatization is also present. Locally with spotted chloritic (Fu?) noted. Including 1 to 3% of disseminated and fracture controlled Py. A metric size graphitic argilite level is inserted near the base of unit. Non magnetic. Sharp lower ctc intersected at 50 tca.

272.95 295.80 Ser50; Carl 5; Si140 Serldtlzatlon 50; Carbonatization 15; Silicification 40 Strong pervasive sericitization overprinted by a weak carbonatization. Moderate-strong pervasive and vein controlled silicification noted from top of unit to about 286 m. down unit.

272.95 295.80 FO 272.95 273.75 44125 0.80 <0.005

Foliated 45' 273.75 274.50 44126 0.75 0.019 Weak-moderate foliation noted throughout unit. Laminated at 45-50 tca between 288.90 and 292.60 274.50 275.25 44127 0.75 0.028 m. into a graphitic argilitic horizon. 275.25 276.00 44128 0.75 0.045

276.00 277.00 44129 1.00 0.035

277.00 278.00 44130 1.00 0.020

278.00 279.00 44131 1.00 0.036

Project: Wachigabau DDH: WAC11_01 10/12 Northern Superior Resources Ltd.

Assay Description From To Number Length AU

(PPm) 279.00 280.00 44132 1.00 0.054

280.00 281.00 44133 1.00 0.358

281.00 282.00 44134 1.00 0.037

282.00 283.00 44135 1.00 0.050

283.00 284.00 44136 1.00 0.101

284.00 285.00 44137 1.00 0.035

285.00 286.00 44138 1.00 0.026

286.00 287.00 44139 1.00 0.011

287.00 288.00 44140 1.00 0.010

288.00 288.90 44141 0.90 0.005

288.90 292.60 S6A; LA; BR GraphiticArgilite; bedded; Breccia Strongly graphitic horizon (S4G). Laminated at 45-50 tca. Including 1 to 10% of bedding controlled sedimentary Py. Locally brecciated (Flow breccia of sedimentary origin). Calcite rich cm wide layers.

288.90 292.60 Py03 288.90 289.70 44142 0.80 0.005

Pyrite 3% 289.70 290.70 44143 1.00 <0.005 Between 1 and 10% bedding controlled Py (sedimentary type) into a graphitic argilitic horizon. 290.70 291.50 44144 0.80 0.012

291.50 292.60 44145 1.10 0.037

292.60 293.20 44146 0.60 <0.005

293.20 294.00 44147 0.80 0.016

294.00 295.00 44148 1.00 0.011

295.00 295.80 44149 0.80 0.014

295.80 306.00 S; LA Sedimentary; bedded Medium gray, fine grained, slightly laminated at 35 tca with local mm to cm wide graphitic beds inserted. Affected by a strong pervasive sericitization. Non magnetic and weakly foliated at 40 tca. Trace up to 3% disseminated Py along local Qz vein margins. Non magnetic rock. Lower ctc not reached.

295.80 296.20 S6A Graphitic Argilite 50° Graphitic horizon sits at top of unit.

295.80 306.00 RUB 295.80 296.50 44150 0.70 0.050 Banded 50° More a bedding laminaion locally observed at 45-50 tca.

295.80 296.20 Py01 Pyrite 1%

Project: Wachigabau DDH: WAC11_01 11/12 Northern Superior Resources Ltd.

Assay Description From To Number Length AU

(PPm) Locally up to 3% in disseminated form along local Qz vein margin.

296.20 306.00 Ser60; Carl 296.50 297.50 44151 1.00 0.009

Sericitization 60; Carbonatization 10 297.50 300.00 44152 2.50 0.006 Affected by a strong pervasive sericitization overprinted by a weak carbonatization. Local cm wide qz vein intersected.

303.00 305.00 Py03 303.00 304.00 44153 1.00 0.006

Pyrite 3% 304.00 305.00 44154 1.00 0.011 Disseminated along margin of a cm size Qz vein.

306.00 End of DDH Number of samples: 151 Number of QAQC samples: 2 Total sampled length: 136.95

Project: Wachigabau DDH: WAC11_01 12/12 Northern Superior Resources Ltd.

Claims title: Section: DOH: WAC11_02 Township: Level: Range: Work place: Oesmazaisville Dulled by: Forage Rouiller Lot: Described by: Michel Leblanc From Description dales To: —Cogar UTM NAD83 Azimuth: 335.00' East 437223.0 DIP. -50.00' North 5,491.910.0 Length 368,00 m Elevation 311.0

--Down Iole survey

Type Depth Azimuth Dip Weed Type Depth AlihrrM DIP herald Relax 21.00 331 10' -51.70' No Reflex 72.00 331 10" -50.60' No Relax 123.00 0 00' 0.00' No Relax 174.00 331 90' -47.70' No Relax 225.00 331.50' 46.60' No Reflex 276.00 332.10' -45.60' No Reflex 300.00 337.30' -45.40' No Reflex 366.00 335.30' -43 60' No


Caen damage by dollars. Core stored in Chews

(ô6Q #6(3 )

Core size: NO core Cemented: No Stored: Yea Project Wechiçabau 12118/2011 Northern Superior Resources Ltd.

Assay Description From To Number Length AU

(PPm) 0.00 8.00 CSG casing Over Burden

8.00 27.00 TU2; RUB; LA Intermediate tuff; Banded; bedded Medium gray-greensih, fine grained, foliated and banded rock of apparent intermediate composition interpreted as intermediate cx tuff. Moderately chloritized and sericitized in banding pattern controlled by a strong foliation developed 35-45 tca. Moderately carbonated (mainly calcite with local minor ankerite noted. Moderate Qz-calcite veining along 2 main vein network (// and orthogonaly to foliation). Local disseminated Py along foliation (Up to 3% locally). Diffuse lower ctc.

8.00 27.00 Car30; Ser30; Ch130; Ank05 Carbonatization 30; Sericitization 30; Chbritization 30; Ankeritization 5 Chloritization and sericitization in banding pattern, Moderate pervasive and vein controlled carbonatization with local weak ankerite associated to calcite.

8.00 27.00 FO; RUB Foliated 40°; Banded Moderate-strong foliation and banding (possible lamination) at 35-45 tca.

17.00 25.00 Py03; Mt00.5 17.00 18.00 44155 1.00 0.084

Pyrite 3%; Magnetite 0.5% 18.00 19.00 44156 1.00 0.015 2-3% disseminated Py. Disseminated magnetite into local carbonate veins. 19.00 20.00 44157 1.00 0.016

20.00 21.00 44158 1.00 0.025

21.00 22.00 44159 1.00 0.008

22.00 23.00 44160 1.00 <0.005

23.00 24.00 44161 1.00 <0.005

24.00 25.00 44162 1.00 0.011

27.00 139.00 V3B Basalt Typical mafic volcanic aspect. Medium green, fine grained, weakly foliated and moderately altered mafic rock. No extrusive texture observed. Weak-moderate foliation intersected at 40-45 tca. Chloritized and moderate to strong vein controlled carbonatization (calcite). Slightly leucoxenitic. Local disseminated magnetite in vein. Loally intruded by small mafic dykes of lamprophyric affinity. Local disseminated Py with or without Mt into localized carbonate veins. Diffuse lower ctc.

32.65 33.15 130 Lamprophyre Dark gray, blackish, biotitic lamprophyre dyke intersected at 40/30 tca (sub// to local foliation. Strongly magnetic.

34.00 34.20 130 Lamprophyre

Project: Wachigabau DDH: WAC11_02 2/11 Northern Superior Resources Ltd.

Assay Description From To Number Length AU

(ppm) Similar to previous lamprohyre dyke described. Intersected at 30 Ica.

34.00 34.20 Ch140; Car25 Chloritization 40; Carbonatization 25 Pervasive chloritization typical of mafic rocks. Vein controlled calcite with + or - Qz associated.

34.20 75.00 Ch150; Car30 Chloritization 50; Carbonatization 30 Chloritization typical of mafic volvanic. Moderate-strong vein controlled carbonatization (mainly calcite with local ankerite presence.

34.20 75.00 FO Foliated 40° Foliation varying from weak to moderate along unit. Intersected at 40-45 tca.

44.70 45.40 Mt03; Py05 44.70 45.40 44163 0.70 <0.005 Magnetite 3%; Pyrite 5% Disseminated into 2 carbonate vein intersected at 40 tca.

44.70 44.90 VEI;20;;;40°;Py05 Mt03; Vein 20 40° Pyrite 5% Magnetite 3% Small carbonate vein transposed along local foliation at 40 tca. Including 5% and 3% of disseminated Py and Mt.

49.00 50.00 Py02 49.00 50.00 44164 1.00 <0.005 Pyrite 2% 2% disseminated Py associated to Qz-calcite veins transposed along a strong foliation intersected at 40 tca.

65.10 66.00 Py04 65.10 66.00 44165 0.90 0.006 Pyrite 4% 30% calcite-Qz vein with 3-4% Py associated. Vens are transposed along a moderate foliation developed at 35-40 tca.

75.00 84.00 V3B; RUB; FO Basalt; Banded; Foliated Appears as an altered shear zone affecting the mafic volcanic host. Increasing of foliation and increase of sericitization and ankeritization. Foliated at 35-40 tca. Including a metric Qz-Ak mineralized vein. Up to 8% disseminated Py noted along that section. Py more present in vein margins.

75.00 84.00 Ch130; Ser30; Ank20 Chloritization 30; Seridtlzation 30; Ankeritlzatlon 20 Strongly foliated (sheared) section affected by moderate sericitization and chloritization in mm to cm wide band pattern // to local foliation at 35-40 tca. Moderate vein controlled and pervasive ankeritization.

75.00 84.00 CIS Sheared 40° Stronger fabric developed at 40 tca along that intervale. Associated to a stronger sericitization and

Project: Wachigabau DDH: WAC11_02 3/11 Northern Superior Resources Ltd.

Assay Description From To Number Length AU

(PPm) ankeritization.

75.00 84.00 Py05 76.00 77.00 44166 1.00 <0.005

Pyrite 5% 77.00 78.00 44167 1.00 0.010 Between 2 and up to 8% of Py noted along that section. Disseminated along foliation and in vein 78.00 79.00 44168 1.00 <0.005 margins. 79.00 80.00 44169 1.00 <0.005

80.00 80.90 44170 0.90 0.024

80.90 82.00 VEI;90;;;;Py04; 80.90 81.50 44171 0.60 0.022

Vein 90 Pyrite 4% 81.50 82.00 44172 0.50 0.011 Qz-Ak vein intersected at 40/35 tca. Including 4% of fracture controlled Py. Up to 8% diss. Py in 82.00 83.00 44173 1.00 <0.005 upper margin. 83.00 84.00 44174 1.00 <0.005

84.00 85.00 44175 1.00 0.005

101.45 101.65 VEI;20;;T;40°;Py03; Vein 20 Tension 40° Pyrite 3% Small carbonate vein transposed along local foliation at 40 tca. 3% diss. Py associated.

104.30 104.50 VEI;20;;T;40°;Py04; 104.30 105.00 44176 0.70 <0.005

Vein 20 Tension 40° Pyrite 4% 105.00 105.55 44177 0.55 0.005 Carbonate vein intersected at 40 tca. 3-4% diss. and fracture controlled Py associated.

111.00 116.00 Car30; Ser20; Ch140 Carbonatizatlon 30; Sericitization 20; Chloritization 40 Strongly foliated area with increase of sericitzation and carbonatization strongly controlled by local foliation.

111.00 116.00 RUB; FO 111.00 112.00 44178 1.00 0.010

Banded 40°; Foliated 112.00 113.00 44179 1.00 <0.005 Increase of foliation and banding intensity along a local strong foliation developed at 40-45 tca. 113.00 114.00 44180 1.00 <0.005

111.00 114.00 Py02 Pyrite 2% Between 1 and 3% disseminated Py along local foliation.

132.35 133.15 130; POBBo Lamprophyre; Biotite Porphyroblastic Dark gray blackish, biotitic, strongly magnetic and intersected sub// to local foliation at 40 tca. Weakly foliated. Trace of sulfides.

139.00 159.10 TL3; FO Mafic lapilli tuf; Foliated Mafic to locally intermediate composition. Medium green, fine grained, foliated and apparent mafic composition with local presence of mm to cm size clasts of intermediate composition affected by sericitization and transposed strongly into a moderate-strong foliation observed throughout unit at 40-45 tca. Moderate carbonatization mostly in veins and locally in pervasive calcite. Local weak banding where

Project: Wachigabau DDH: WAC11_02 4/11 Northern Superior Resources Ltd.

Assay Description From To Number Length AU

(Pm) the clasts (lapillis) are presents. Local cm to decimetric parasitic fold affecting foliation. Non magnetic. Sharp lower ctc intersected at 35 tca. Up to 10% diiseminated Py noted to the lower ctc area.

139.00 159.10 Ch150; Car20; Ser05 Chloritization 50; Carbonatization 20; Sericitization 5 Chloritization typical of mafic range. Mostly vein controlled calcite (locally pervasive). Wear sericitization associated to lapillis clasts.

139.00 159.10 FO 156.00 157.00 44181 1.00 <0.005

Foliated 40° 157.00 158.00 44182 1.00 <0.005 Well developed foliation throughout unit at 40-45 tca. Local weak banding were intermediate 158.00 158.50 44183 0.50 0.010 elongated clast (lapillis) are presents. 158.50 159.10 44184 0.60 <0.005

159.00 159.10 Py10 Pyrite 10% Up to 10% of disseminated Py in lower unit ctc area. Moderate-strong pervasive carbonatization (calcite) is associated to this mineralization.

159.10 186.30 V3B Basalt Mostly greenish typical of mafic rock, fine grained, weak-moderate foliation intersected. Pervasively chloritized, moderately carbonatized (calcite) mostly in vein controlled form. Non magnetic rock. Diffuse lower ctc.

159.10 186.30 Ch150; Car20 Chloritization 50; Carbonatization 20 Pervasively chloritized. Weak-moderate vein controlled and pervasive carbonatization strongly controlled by foliation.

159.10 186.30 FO Foliated 40° Weak-moderate foliation varying between 35 and 45 tca. Locally affected by folding.

186.30 244.20 V3B; GM; FO Basalt Medium grains; Foliated Composition similar as above but cosser grain and moderate-strong pervasive and vein controlled carbonatization (calcite). Medium grained, foliated and chloritized. Slightly to moderately leucoxenitic. Leucoxene are strongly transposed along a moderate to strong foliation intersected at 40-45 tca throughout unit. Metric shear zone intersected along unit. Non magnetic rock. Only trace of Py noted. Texture amygdaloidal filled by calcite are locally intersected. Sharp lower ctc defined at 40 tca defined by a subtil change on alteration and color.

186.30 242.00 Car25; Ch150 Carbonatlzation 25; Chbritization 50 Pervasively chloritized in the normal mafic range. Moderate pervasive and vein controlled carbonatization (calcite).

Project: Wachigabau DDH: WAC11_02 5/11 Northern Superior Resources Ltd.

Assay Description From To Number Length AU


186.30 208.00 FO

Foliated 45°

Well developed throughout unit at 40-45 tca. Controlling a good proportion of carbonatization.

201.60 203.00 V3B; AMY

Basalt Amygdaloidal

Short fine grained section with 3-5% of mm size amygdales filled by calcite. Streched along local

foliation at 40 tca.

208.00 214.80 CIS; MYL; PZ 208.20 209.00 44185 0.80 <0.005

Sheared; Mylonitized; Folded 209.00 210.00 44186 1.00 <0.005 Strong shear zone affecting the local mafic volcanic. Strongly variable foliation angles. Folded with 210.00 211.00 44187 1.00 <0.005 many convolutions noted along that structure. Slightly amphibolitized (actinolite) and 211.00 212.00 44188 1.00 0.007 moderate-strong carbonatization (calcite). Trace to 1% Py. 212.00 213.00 44189 1.00 <0.005

213.00 214.00 44190 1.00 <0.005

214.00 214.80 44191 0.80 <0.005

244.20 253.50 TU2; LA; FO

Intermediate tuff; bedded; Foliated

Mostly medium gray to slightly greenish,fine grained, locally laminated rock of intermediate composition.

Foliated and laminated at 35-40 tca. Weak to moderate vein controlled carbonatization strongly controlled

by foliation. Moderately altered and non magnetic. Sharp lower ctc intersected at 45 tca.

244.20 253.50 Carl 5; Ch130; Ser30

Carbonatization 15; Chloritization 30; Sericitization 30

Mixe of pervasive sericitization and chloritization. Weak-moderate vein controlled carbonatization

(calcite) strongly controlled by foliation.

244.20 253.50 FO

Foliated 40°

Moderate foliation developed at 35-40 tca throughout unit.

253.50 256.40 TL2; FO

Intermediate lapilli tuff; Foliated

Medium gray-greenish, strongly altered, foliated and clastic unit of intermediate composition. Presence of

many close packed grayish cleats (lapillis) with unclears contours. Non magnetic. Sharp lower ctc

intersected at 75 tca.

253.50 256.40 Ser40; Ch120; Car30

Sericitization 40; Chiorifâation 20; Carbonatization 30

Alteration dominated by sericite-carbonate (calcite). Moderate chloritization also present.

253.50 256.40 FO 253.50 254.25 44192 0.75 0.007

Foliated 55° 254.25 255.00 44193 0.75 <0.005 Moderate foliation intersected at 50-55 tca and controlling carbonatization distribution. 255.00 255.70 44194 0.70 0.005

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Assay Description From To Number Length AU

(PPm) 255.70 256.40 44195 0.70 <0.005

256.40 259.45 I1QFP; FO Quartz-feldspar porphyry; Foliated Beige, slightly orangish, foliated, porphyritic dyke of felsic composition. Characterized by presence of about 10% of mm to cm size rounded Qz phenocx evenly distributed along this foliated and altred unit. Non magnetic rock without magnetism associated. Sharp lower ctc intersected at 20 tca. Only trace of Py observed throughout this unit. Local cm size graphitic levels inserted along unit intervale.

256.40 259.45 Ser30; Carl 5; POTO5 Sericitization 30; Carbonatization 15; Potassic 5 Affected by a moderate-strong pervasive sericitization overprinted by a moderate pervasive carbonatization (calcite). Weak potassic and/or hematitic alteration noted.

256.40 259.45 FO Foliated 50° Moderate fabric at 50 tca throuhout unit. Foliation diffracted to 70 tca into graphitic sub-unit.

256.40 259.45 Py01 256.40 257.40 44196 1.00 <0.005

Pyrite 1% 257.40 258.43 44197 1.03 <0.005 1% disseminated Py throughout unit.

258.43 258.55 S6A 258.43 259.45 44198 1.02 0.078 Graphitic Argilite 70° Stongly clastic level intersected at 70 tca. mm to cm clast of variable composition are supported by a strongly graphitic matrix.

259.45 277.60 S4; FO; BR; FBX 259.45 260.00 44199 0.55 0.047

Conglomerate; Foliated; Breccia; Fault breccla 260.00 261.00 44201 1.00 0.030 Passage from a mafic volcanic domnated to a sedimentary/intrusive domain. Strongly graphitic 261.00 262.00 44202 1.00 0.047 conglomeratic unit. Poymictic clasts supprted by a strongly graphitic matrix. Clast compositions are of 262.00 262.80 44203 0.80 0.102 many types (felsic intrusive, wacke, sedimentary Py and possible volcanic, are of variable shape and size and are moderately transposed and streched along local foliation intersected between 40 and 65 tca. Gougy graphitic material and fault breccia were noted in top unit area suggesting a possible fault zone developed. Locally interrupted by metric size QFP dykes. Carbonate (calcite) clasts noted throughout unit. Possible debris flow into a strongly graphitic (reductor) environment. Up to 10% of sedimntary Py among clasts. Sharp lower ctc intersected at 70 tca.

259.45 263.00 FLT; BR Fault; Breccia Top of unt affected by shearing with presence of gougy graphytic fault breccia material throughout that section.

259.45 273.35 Py05 Pyrite 5% Most Py mineralization along that unit is of sedimentary (hexalative) origin and appears as angular clast supported by graphitic matrix. Up to 2% of disseminated and fracture controlled Py also associated to some of the felsic dykes intruding this unit.

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Assay Description From To Number Length AU

(PPm) 262.80 264.10 11QP0 262.80 263.40 44204 0.60 0.036

Quart Porphyry 263.40 264.10 44205 0.70 0.041 Area injected by many sub// felsic dykes of QP affinity affected by faulting and folding. Graphitic 264.10 265.00 44206 0.90 0.150 material separation each of these dykelets. 265.00 265.70 44207 0.70 0.067

265.70 267.30 I 1 QFP; GPO Quartz-feldspar porphyry 450; Quartz Porphyritic 45° Porphyritic felsic dyke inserted at 40/65 tca along the graphitic-conglomeratic unit. Including 10-15% of mm to sub cm size rounded to sub-euhedral Qz phenocx evenly distributed along unit. 2% diss. and fracture controlled Py associated.

265.70 267.30 FO 265.70 266.50 44208 0.80 0.012

Foliated 55° 266.50 267.30 44209 0.80 0.021 Weak foliation developed at 50-60 tca. 267.30 267.60 44210 0.30 0.045

267.60 268.35 S3 267.60 268.35 44211 0.75 0.206 Wacke 60° Medium gray-greenish wacke dominated level with lamination preserved at 45-50 tca. Sericitized and slightly chloritized both in pervasive form.

268.35 268.65 I1QFP 268.35 269.00 44212 0.65 0.050 Quartz-feldspar porphyry Small felsic dyke of similar composition as above intersected at 60/40 tca. Slightly potasic (orangish). Few Qz phenocx noted. Trace of Py.

268.65 269.00 S3 269.00 269.60 44213 0.60 <0.005

Wacke 55° 269.60 270.40 44214 0.80 0.095 Small sericitized and sericitized wacke interval inserted at 55 tca.

270.40 271.20 S3 270.40 271.20 44215 0.80 <0.005

Wacke 40° 271.20 271.80 44216 0.60 0.033 Grayish green wacke intervale intersected at 40 tca. Trace of Py.

271.40 271.80 11QP0 271.80 272.70 44217 0.90 0.120

Quartz Porphyry 70° 272.70 273.35 44218 0.65 0.040 Small felsic dyke intersected at 70 tca. Slightly orangish suggesting a potassic affinity. 1% Py associated.

273.35 275.80 11QP0 273.35 274.00 44219 0.65 0.008

Quartz Porphyry 70° 274.00 275.00 44220 1.00 <0.005 Light brown grayish, silicified, fine grained with few Qx phenocx observed. Sericitized and slightly 275.00 275.80 44221 0.80 <0.005 potassic composition. 1-2% diss. and fracture controlled Py associated. Locally silicified. 275.80 276.80 44222 1.00 0.008

276.80 277.60 44223 0.80 0.016

277.60 289.60 TB2; RUB Intermediate block tuff 65°; Banded 65°

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Assay Description From To Number Length AU

(PPm) Mostly light to medium gray, banded, fine grained and characterized by cm size, loose light gray felsic-intermediate clast elongated into local foliation at 60-65 tca. Moderately altered. Clasts appears as bloc and lapillis with vacuolar texture filled by chlorite and/or calcite material. Matrix between blocs appears as mm size micro-clasts strongly altered in sericite. Non magnetic rock without significant mineralization associated. Blocs content diminishing down unit to become dominated by mm to cm size lapillis size clasts. Aparent lower ctc intersected at 60 tea.

277.60 289.60 Ser50; Ch115; Carl Sericitlzation 50; Chloritlzatlon 15; Carbonatizatlon 10 Affected by a strong pervasive sericitization mixed with minor chlorite. Weak vein controlled calcite.

277.60 289.60 FO; RUB 278.00 278.40 44224 0.40 <0.005 Foliated 60e; Banded Banding defined by elongated felsic-intermediate strongly seicitized blocs with etc transposed along local foliation. Moderate foliation and banding level.

289.60 292.95 S6 Mudrock Mostly light gray-greenish, bedded and strongly folded sedimentary unit locally presenting highly variable bedding core angle (from 60 to 10 tca. Moderately altered with some minor graphitic interbedding. Some bedding controlled Py noted along unit. Sharp lower ctc intersected at 25 tca defined by subit appearance of cherty sediment in underlying level.

289.60 292.95 Carl 0; Ser50 Carbonatization 10; Sericitization 50 Moderate-strong pervasive sericitization with minor chlorite and vein controlled calcite.

289.60 292.95 PZ Folded Frequent variation in bedding highlighting important folding along unit.

289.60 292.95 Py05 291.00 292.00 44226 1.00 0.006

Pyrite 5% 292.00 292.95 44227 0.95 <0.005 Mostly in euhedral form and controlled by bedding.

292.95 308.00 S6; S10; RUB; LA 292.95 294.00 44228 1.05 <0.005

Mudroclç Chert; Banded; bedded 294.00 294.80 44229 0.80 <0.005 Mostly medium gray-greenish with 20% of blackish argilitic and slightly graphitic material interbedded with 294.80 295.50 44230 0.70 0.011 70-75% of gray greenish, sericitized mudrock (silstone) componment. Fine grained, laminated and cherty unit. Bedding varying along unit fron 5 to 45 tca but dominantly into the 20-30 tca range. Moderately altered in sericite and silice. Locall mm to cm size pyritic along bedding and mostly associated to the blackish graphitic argilite lamination and calcite material. Sharp iregular lower ctc.

295.50 297.30 S3 Wacke 30° Moderately sheared and strongly sericitized wacke level inserted at 30 tca. Non magnetic and no significant mineralization associated.

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Assay Description From To Number Length AU

(PPm) 295.50 297.30 Ser20; Si135 Sericitization 20; Silicification 35 Sericitization and pervasive silicification affecting most of this unit. Graphitic material associated to blackish argilitic beds.

295.50 297.30 PZ Folded Affecting bedding throuhout this unit.

295.50 297.30 Py05 295.50 296.20 44231 0.70 0.006

Pyrite 5% 299.00 300.00 44232 1.00 <0.005 Between 3 and 5% Py coarsly disseminated along carbonate rich black argilitic mm to cm wide 302.00 303.00 44233 1.00 0.005 beds. 306.00 307.00 44234 1.00 <0.005

308.00 366.00 TX2; S3; FO Intermediate cristal tuff; Wacke; Foliated Medium gray-greenish unit, strongly altered and of possible volcanoclastic and/or sedimentary (wacke) origin. Here the volcanoclastic (intermediate tuff) interpretation is favorized. Moderately foliated at 35/45 tca. Affected by a strong pervasive calcitic alteration. Seems to presents diffuse mm size light gray clasts interpreted as lapillis and elongated along local foliation. Local metric size Qz vein inserted. Only trace of Py reported along unit intervale. Non magnetic rock. Lower ctc not reach.

311.30 312.10 Py10 311.30 312.10 44235 0.80 0.011 Pyrite 10% Coarse euhedral mm size Py disseminated along bedding into black argilite material.

312.10 362.00 Ser40; Car20 312.10 313.00 44236 0.90 <0.005

Sericitization 40; Carbonatization 20 318.00 319.40 44237 1.40 <0.005 Moderate-strong pervasive sericitization associated to minor chlorite. Moderate pervasive carbonatization (calcite). Rock fizzling strongly. Sericitization decreasing near the end of hole.

312.10 343.00 FO Foliated 40' Moderate-strong foliation developed at 40-45 tca throughout unit.

319.40 320.40 VE1;100;Qz;;40°;PyO-5; 319.40 320.40 44238 1.00 0.005

Vein 100 Quart 40° Pyrite 0-5 320.40 321.00 44239 0.60 <0.005 Metric size white QZV inserted sub// to local foliation at 40 tca. Trace of Py asociated.

346.50 347.50 S6: LA; FBX Mudrock 50°; bedded; Fault breccia 50° Strongly graphitic horizon inserted into the tuffaceous unit. Strongly fractured and faulted with gougy and graphitic fault breccia associated.

346.50 347.50 FLT Fault Faulted zone affecting a metric size graphitic horizon. Gougy graphitic breccia observed in strongly

Project: Wachigabau DDH: WAC11_02 10 / 11

Northern Superior Resources Ltd.

Assay Description From To Number Length AU

(PPm) fractured area.

359.00 362.00 FRC; SCH Fractured; Schistose 55° Strongly fractured area with weak shearing developed at 55-60 tca.

362.00 366.00 Carl 5; Ch120; Ser30 Carbonatization 15; Chloritization 20; Sericitization 30 Decreae of sericitization and slight increase of chloritization. Moderate pervasive and vein controlled carbonatization.

366.00 End of DDH Number of samples: 83 Number of QAQC samples: 2 Total sampled length: 70.95

Project: Wachigabau DDH: WAC11_02 Northern Superior Resources Ltd.

Claims title: Section DDH: WAC11_03 Tow+rshfp: Level Range: Walt pIa0e: Desmaraisviue Drilled by: Forage Bourassa Loi: Described by: Michel Leblanc Frorrr: Descnptron date: To:

r UTIN NAD83 Azimuth: 335.00' East 437,572.0 Dip: -50.00' North 5,492.073.0 Length: 390.00 m Elevation 310.0

~ • hole survey

Type Depot A71awt11 Dip Invalid Type Deplh A7frntbl Dip Invalid Reflex 6.00 341.90' -48.50' No Reflex 270.00 347.50' 41.30' No Reflex 30.00 343.60' -48.10' No Reflex 300.00 347.80' 40.50' No Reflex 60.00 343.60' 47.70' No Reflex 330.00 348.20' -40.00' No Reflex 66.00 343.90' 47.70' No Reflex 350 00 348.10' -39.20' Na Reflex 90.00 344.00• -47.00' No Reflex 390 00 347 70' -3850' No Reflex 117.00 343.90' -4&40' No Reflex 120.00 344.20' -48.20' No Reflex 150.00 344 60' -46.00' No Reflex 168.00 343 90' -45.70' No Reflex 180.00 345.30' -45.60' No Reflex 210.00 345.70' -44.70' No Reflex 240.00 347.20' -42.10' No


060 #613, Core size: NO Core Cemented: No 3toredc No Project Wadaiwugau 11/13/2011 Northern Superior Resources Ltd.

Assay Description From To Number Length AU

(PPm) 0.00 6.00 CSG casing Over Burden

6.00 19.40 V3B; RUB; FO Basalt Banded; Foliated Medium gray-greenish, fine grained, strongly banded and foliated rock of mafic composition. Slightly leucoxenitic in place and affected by a moderate discontinuous pervasive sericitization varying in intensity with chlorite and carbonate creating the banded pattern observed. Moderate-strong foliation intersected at 45-50 tca throughout unit. Locally amygdaloidal on short sections. A metric size lamprophyre dyke intruded unit. Weakly mineralized unit with diffuse lower ctc.

6.00 19.40 Ch130; Ser20; Car20 Chlorltization 30; Serldtlzatlon 20; Carbonatization 20 Pervasively sericitized and chloritized in banding pattern. Moderate vein controlled and pervasive carbonatization (calcite) strongly controlled by foliation.

6.00 19.40 FO; RUB Foliated 45°; Banded Moderate-strong foliation and banding at 45-50 tca. Controlling most veins in unit.

10.00 10.85 130 Lamprophyre 45° Dark gray brownish, medium grain, biotitic and magnetic dyke of lamprophyre affinity transposed into local foliation at 45 tca. Including 5% of mm size angular chloritized clasts.

19.40 36.60 V3B Basalt Typical basaltic aspect. Medium green, fine grained, slightly leucoxenitic and affected by a weak-moderate foliation defining most of the vein orientation. Moderately and pervasively chloritized. Non magnetic without significant mineralization associated. Sharp lower ctc intersected at 40 tca with underlying felsic unit.

19.40 19.70 FLT; FRC Fault 55°; Fractured Small faulted zone intersected at 55 tca. Gougy fault breccia included.

21.00 36.60 Ch150; Car20 Chlori ization 50; Carbonatization 20 Pervasively chloritized in mafic range. Moderately carbonatized in vein controlled form (calcite) strongly controlled by foliation.

21.00 21.70 CNR; FLT Core Not recovered; Fault Missing core in an apparent faulted section.

21.70 36.60 FO Foliated 45° Weak-moderate foliation intersected at 45 tea throughout unit. Controlling most of calcite veins

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Assay Description From To Number Length AU

(PPm) presents.

36.60 37.80 11QPO; FO Quartz Porphyry 40°; Foliated 40° Mostly beige color, foliated, slightly sheared and porphyritic dyke of felsic composition. Characterized by presence of 2-3% partially preserved mm Qz phenocrysts disseminated into a strongly sericitized matrix. Sharp lower ctc intersected at 35 tca. Non magnetic.

36.60 37.80 Car15; Ser50 Carbonatization 15; Sericitization 50 Strong pervasive sericitization overprinting most of the original texture. Only few Qz porphyrs preserved.

36.60 37.80 FO Foliated 40° Strong foliation developed at 40 tca.

36.60 37.80 Py01 Pyrite 1% 1% disseminated Py.

37.80 64.00 V3B Basalt Typical basaltic aspect. Medium green, fine grained, slightly leucoxenitic and affected by a weak-moderate foliation defining most of the vein orientation. Moderately and pervasively chloritized. Non magnetic without significant mineralization associated. Diffuse lower ctc defined by disappearance of leucoxene.

37.80 64.00 Ch150; Car20; Ser05 Chloritization 50; Carbonatization 20; Sericitization 5 Pervasively chloritized in mafic range. Moderately carbonatized in vein controlled form (calcite) strongly controlled by foliation. Weak local pervasive sericitization on decimetric wide bands.

37.80 64.00 FO Foliated 40° Weak-moderate foliation intersected at 40 tca throughout unit. Controlling part of calcite veins presents.

64.00 76.00 V3B; RUB; FO Basalt Banded; Foliated 40° Medium gray-greenish, fine grained, foliated and banded rock of mafic composition interpreted as a foliated mafic volcanic affected by both sericitization, chloritization and carbonatization in banding pattern. Fine grained and localy amygdaloidal filled by calcite. Non magnetic rock with trace to 1% of Py controlled by foliation. Diffuse lower ctc defined by a fast decrease of foliation and banding level.

64.00 76.00 Ch125; Ser20; Car20 Chlorilization 25; Sericilization 20; Carbonatization 20 Moderate pervasive chloritization and sericitization in a banding pattern. Moderate vein controlled carbonatization (calcite) strongly transposed along local foliation at 40-45 tca.

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Assay Description From To Number Length AU

(PPm) 64.00 76.00 FO; RUB Foliated 45°; Banded Strong foliation and banding intersected at 40-45 tca. Foliation controlling most of the alteration banding distribution.

73.00 73.90 13; MAS Mafic Plutonic Rock 40°; Massive rock 40° Fine-medium grained, leucoxenitic, chloritized and carbonatized mafic intrusive rock with ctc transposed along local foliation at 40 tca. Non magnetic and without mineralization.

76.00 80.35 V3B; MAS Basalt Massive rock Medium green, fine grained, slightly foliated and moderately chloritized mafic rock. Moderate calcite vein content intersected at variable core angles. Leucoxenitic, slightly magnetic without significant Py assoociated. Sharp lower ctc intersected at 50 tca.

76.00 80.35 Carl 5; Ch150 79.50 80.35 44240 0.85 Carbonatization 15; Chloritization 50 Pervasively chloritized in mafic range. Weak-moderate and pervasive carbonatization (calcite).

80.35 97.00 S3; RUB; FO Wacke; Banded; Foliated 45° Medium Gray to slightly yellowish-green, fine grained, strongly foliated and banded with local lamination noted. Apparent wacke sediment overprinted by a strong pervasive sericitization and carbonatization (Mostly calcite with minor ankerite). Local metric size laminated argilitic levels inserted with 7-10 % of coarsly disseminated Py associated. Inside wacke, Py appears as thin disseminated bands along foliation or associated to calcite in veinlets. Non magnetic rock. Diffuse lower ctc into a altered banded zone.

80.35 97.00 Ser60; Car25; Ank05; Ch110 Seridtlzation 60; Carbonatization 25; Ankeritization 5; Chloritization 10 Strong dominate pervasive sericitization associated with a strong pervasive and vein controlled carbonatization (mainly calcite with minor Ak). Chloritization becoming moderate in banded pattern approaching base of unit.

80.35 97.00 RUB; FO 80.35 81.00 44241 0.65

Banded 450; Foliated 81.00 82.00 44242 1.00 Many part of unit presents a well developed foliation defined by a moderate banding intersected at 82.00 83.00 44243 1.00 40-50 tca controlling strongly the carbonate veins and veinlets. 83.00 84.00 44244 1.00

84.00 85.00 44245 1.00

85.00 86.00 44246 1.00

86.00 87.00 44247 1.00

87.00 87.75 44248 0.75

87.75 89.20 S6 Mudrock 50°

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Assay Description From To Number Length AU

(PPm) Laminated argilite inserted at 50 tca into the wacke dominated sequence. Well developed lamination at 45-50 tca. Mineralized in coarse Py (7-10%). Moderately carbonated.

87.75 89.20 Py08 87.75 88.50 44249 0.75

Pyrite 8% 88.50 89.20 44251 0.70 Associated to a laminated argilite level inserted into he wacke unit. Up to 10% of coarsly 89.20 90.00 44252 0.80 disseminated euhedral Py bedding controlled with carbonate. 90.00 91.00 44253 1.00

91.00 92.00 44254 1.00

92.00 93.00 44255 1.00

93.00 94.00 44256 1.00

94.00 95.00 44257 1.00

95.00 96.00 44258 1.00

96.00 97.00 44259 1.00

97.00 106.00 V3B; FO Basalt 45°; Foliated 45° Moderately banded mafic unit varying in color for grayish green to light green were sericitization is dominant. Moderate foliation (and banding) intersected at 40-50 tca. Banding decreasing down unit. Weak-moderate sericitization overprinting locally the host rock. Slight thinly disseminated leucoxene observed along that intervale. Moderate veining content (mostly calcite controlled by foliation). Non magnetic unit with trace to 2% of diss. Py also controlled by foliation. Diffuse lower ctc with underlying mafic unit.

97.00 106.00 Ch125; Ser20; Car20; Ank05 Chlorltlzation 25; Sericitization 20; Carbonatizatlon 20; Ankerltlzation 5 Dominant pervasive chlorite and sericite alteration in banding pattern with carbonate concentrated into veins and veinlets mostly transposed along a moderate foliation. Weak local ankeritization noted into veins with calcite.

97.00 106.00 FO Foliated 45° Moderate-strong throughout unit and intersected between 40 and 50 tca. Controlling most of the alteration as well as most veins presents.

97.00 106.00 Py01 97.00 98.00 44260 1.00

Pyrite 1% 98.00 99.00 44261 1.00 Only 1 to 2% of Py observed in disseminated along carbonate veinlets controlled by foliation. 99.00 100.00 44262 1.00

100.00 101.00 44263 1.00

101.00 102.00 44264 1.00

102.00 103.00 44265 1.00

103.00 104.00 44266 1.00

Project: Wachibougau DDH: WAC11_03 5/12 Northern Superior Resources Ltd.

Assay Description From To Number Length AU

(PPm) 104.00 105.00 44267 1.00

105.00 106.00 44268 1.00

106.00 123.70 V3B Basalt Typical mafic volcanic aspect. Fine grained, slightly foliated and moderately chloritized. Moderate vein controlled and slightly pervasive carbonatization (calcite). Weak local pervasive sericitization. Non magnetic rock with local trace of Py. Sharp lower ctc transposed along local foliation at 40 tca.

106.00 123.70 Ch150; Ser05; Car20 Chlorltlzation 50; Seridtlzation 5; Carbonatization 20 Affected by a pervasive chloritization typical of mafic volcanic. Local weak pervasive sericitization noted. Moderate vein controlled calcite in veins and veinlets intersected at variable core angles.

106.00 123.70 FO Foliated 40° Weak to moderately developed thrgoughout unit.

123.70 127.20 TU2; FO Intermediate tuff 40°; Foliated 40° Mostly medium-light gray, strongly foliated (sheared) and strongly carbonated rock of apparent tuffaceous aspect. Affected by a strong pervasive sericitization and carbonatization overprinting strongly the felsic-intermediate host unit. Many ondulated sericite veinlets are transposed along foliation. Non magnetic rock. Including 1-2% of disseminated py along sericite and calcite veinlets. Sharp lower ctc intersected 55 tca defined by subit decrease of sericitization and increase of chloritization. Local decimetric size Qz veins intersected along unit.

123.70 127.20 Car30; Ser50 Carbonatlzatlon 30; Sericitization 50 Strong pervasive and veinlets sericite controlled by foliation. Also moderate-strong vein controlled and pervasive carbonatization (calcite). Weak local chloritization.

123.70 127.20 FO; CIS Foliated 50°; Sheared Strongly foliated (sheared unit) at 55-60 tca. Foliation and shearing controlling strongly alteration.

123.70 127.20 Py01 123.70 124.75 44269 1.05 Pyrite 1% 1 to 2% Py disseminated along local mm size carbonate-sericitic veinlets transposed along foliation.

124.75 125.00 VEI;25;Qz;T;;; 124.75 125.00 44270 0.25

Vein 25 Quartz Tension 125.00 125.75 44271 0.75 Small white QZV intersected at?/60 tca. Trace of Py 125.75 126.45 44272 0.70

126.45 126.75 VEI;30;Qz;T;30°;Py00.5; 126.45 127.20 44273 0.75 Vein 30 Quartz Tension 30° Pyrite 0.5% Small white QZV intersected at 30/55 tca. Trace of Py.

Project: Wachibougau DDH: WAC11_03 6/12 Northern Superior Resources Ltd.

Assay Description From To Number Length AU

(PPm) 127.20 162.00 V3B; MAS 127.20 128.00 44274 0.80 Basalt Massive rock Typical massive fine grained basaltic rock affected by a moderate pervasive chloritization characteristic of mafic rocks. Weak-moderate vein controlled calcite intersected at variable core angles. Slightly leucoxenitic locally. Also moderate pervasive calcitic alteration associated. Non magnetic with only local trace of vein controlled Py noted. Sharp lower ctc defined by a small felsic dyke intersected at 45 tca.

127.20 142.00 Ch150; Car15 Chloritization 50; Carbonatization 15 Typical pervasive chloritization. Moderate vein controlled and pervasive calcite alteration noted throughout unit intervale.

127.20 142.00 FO Foliated 45° Weakly developed.

155.40 162.00 Car25; Ser50 Carbonatization 25; Sericitization 50 Progressive development of a pervasive sericitization and carbonatization. Rock color turning gradually from green to gray.

155.40 162.00 FO 159.80 160.80 44276 1.00

Foliated 50° 160.80 161.50 44277 0.70 Increase of foliation level. Intersected between 45 and 50 tca. 161.50 162.00 44278 0.50

162.00 180.00 S6A; I1QPO; S3 Graphitic Arglllte; Quartz Porphyry; Wacke Mixed unit dominated by graphitic conglomeratic unit characterized by a strong componment in clasts of variable composition (felsic, intrusive, wacke, sulfides (Py) clasts). Appears as a serimentary debris flow and/or breccia. Clasts varying in angulosite from angular to rounded and are supported by a strongly graphitic matrix. Many metric size wacke levels and felsic dykes are inserted along unit. Locally presence of strongly fractured section with gougy material. Strongly foliated. Local semi-masive Py levels of hexhalative (sedimentary) origin inserted. Felsic dykes and wacke horizons both appears with contacts transposed along foliation. Sharp lower ctc transposed along foliation at 45 tca. Local weak magnetism noted into strongly pyritc sections.

162.00 162.20 I1 FPO Feldspar porphyry 50° Beige felsic dyke intersected at 50 tca. Pervasively sericitized. Trace of Py.

162.00 180.00 Carl 5; Ch120; Ser25 162.00 162.55 44279 0.55 Carbonatization 15; Chloritization 20; Seri itization 25 Moderate vein controlled calcite also noted inside clasts portion. Moderate pervasive sericitization and chloritization affecting the wacke sediment inserted. Strongly graphitic inter-fragmental matrix.

162.20 162.55 Py15 Pyrite 15%

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Assay Description From To Number Length AU (PPm) 15% of bedding controlled Py associated to a carbonated graphitic level inserted between 2 small felsic dykes.

162.55 163.10 11FP0 162.55 163.50 44280 0.95 Feldspar porphyry 45° Strongly sericitized and sheared felsic dyke transposed along local foliation at 45 tca. Trace of Py associated.

163.50 164.00 Py60 163.50 164.00 44281 0.50

Pyrite 60% 164.00 164.55 44282 0.55 Semi-massive hexhalative sedimentary Py level intersected at 50 tca. Moderate calcite content. 164.55 165.10 44283 0.55

164.85 165.10 S3 Wacke 45° Strongly sericitized wacke level intersected at 45 tca.

165.10 166.40 11QP0 165.10 165.70 44284 0.60

Quarlz Porphyry 40° 165.70 166.40 44285 0.70 Metric size QP dyke transposed along local foliation. Strongly altered in sericite and slightly 166.40 167.10 44286 0.70 affected by potassic alteration. Many cm size mineralized graphitic levels are inserted inside this 167.10 168.00 44287 0.90 dyke.

168.00 168.40 Py30 168.00 168.40 44288 0.40

Pyrite 30% 168.40 169.00 44289 0.60 Pyritic hexhalative level intersected to 45 tca. 30% of Py associated to calcite-Qz and some 169.00 169.80 44290 0.80 graphitic material. 169.80 170.80 44291 1.00

170.50 170.80 FLT; BR Fault; Breccia Strongly graphitic faulted section with gougy material mixed with mm size angular clasts.

170.80 176.20 S3 170.80 172.00 44292 1.20 Wacke 40° This section is dominated by strongly sericitized wacke sediment with local graphitic content. Affected by faulting.

172.00 173.40 FLT 172.00 173.00 44293 1.00

Fault 40° 173.00 174.00 44294 1.00 Strongly fractured section affecting a wacke level. Presence of gouge suggestiing a fault zone 174.00 175.00 44295 1.00 intersected at 40 tca. 175.00 176.20 44296 1.20

176.20 177.20 44297 1.00

177.20 177.30 FLT 177.20 178.00 44298 0.80

Fault 45° 178.00 179.00 44299 1.00 Graphitic fault breccia intersected at 45 tca. 179.00 180.00 44301 1.00

Project: Wachibougau DDH: WAC11_03 8/12 Northern Superior Resources Ltd.

Assay Description From To Number Length AU

(PPm) 180.00 199.60 TU2 Intermediate tuff Mostly fine grained, light gray to slightly yellowish, moderately foliated and strongly altered cristal tuff. Affected by a moderate foliation between 40 anf 50 tca. Local sedimentary lamination noted. Mm pyritic levels inserted locally along foliation. Strong sericitization masking partially the original texture. Non magnetic rock. Sharp lower ctc intersected at 55 tca.

180.00 199.60 Ser50; Carl Sericilizaation 50; Carbonatization 10 Affected by a strong pervasive sericitization overprinting most of the original texture. Weak-moderate pervasive calcite noted.

180.00 199.60 FO; RUB 180.00 181.00 44302 1.00

Foliated 45°; Banded 181.00 182.00 44303 1.00 Moderate foliation (local banding) intersected between 40 and 50 tca along unit interval. Local 182.00 183.00 44304 1.00 lamination also noted. 183.00 184.00 44305 1.00

184.00 185.00 44306 1.00

185.00 186.00 44307 1.00

180.00 198.00 Py01 Pyrite 1% Weak Py content noted throughout unit. Local mm size Py veinlets inserted along foliation. Up to 5% of coarse disseminated Py sitting at the lower unit margin.

198.00 199.60 Py03 198.00 198.50 44308 0.50

Pyrite 3% 198.50 199.60 44309 1.10 3 to 5% of coarsly disseminated Py approaching lower ctc.

199.60 213.40 11QP0 Quartz Porphyry Mostly beige color, porphyritic, strongly foliated dyke of felsic composition. About 5% of mm to cm size Qz phenocx noted throughout unit. Strongly altered unit. Local tuffaceous and graphitic levels inserted along unit. Non magnetic rock with trace to 1% of Py associated. Sharp lower ctc intersected at 40 tca.

199.60 213.40 Ser30; Carl 199.60 200.35 44310 0.75

Sericibzation 30; Carbonatization 10 200.35 201.00 44311 0.65 Moderate pervasive sericitization. Weak pervasive and fracture controlled calcite. 201.00 201.80 44312 0.80

201.80 202.90 44313 1.10

199.60 201.20 FO Foliated 45' Moderate foliation intersected at 45 tca.

202.90 203.90 TU2 202.90 203.90 44314 1.00

intermediate tuff 40` 203.90 204.50 44315 0.60 Strongly sericitizd tuffaceous level inserted at 40 tca. 1% of Py veinlets associated.

Project: Wachibougau DDH: WAC11_03 9/12 Northern Superior Resources Ltd.

Assay Description From To Number Length AU

(PPm) 209.00 209.70 44316 0.70

209.70 210.90 S6A; BR Graphitic Argilite 55'; Breccia 55° Brecciated graphitic level inserted into the intrusive at 55/45 tca. Strong clasts content of variable composition supported by a graphitic matrix. 3% Py associated to graphite.

209.70 210.90 Py03 209.70 210.50 44317 0.80

Pyrite 3% 210.50 210.90 44318 0.40 Associated to a brecciated graphitic level inserted into the local felsic intrusion (QP). 210.90 212.00 44319 1.10

212.00 212.30 S3 212.00 212.30 44320 0.30

Wacke 40° 212.30 213.40 44321 1.10 Sericitized wacke level mixed with graphitic material. Intersected at 40/50 tca. 3% Py associated.

213.40 224.80 S3 Wacke Medium-light gray, fine grained, foliated, strongly altered rock of intermediate-felsic composition. Local decimetric size gaphitic breccia levels inserted. Weak-moderate foliation varying locally along unit due to folding. Non magnetic rock. Trace to 1% Py noted along unit. Sharp lower ctc intersected at 50 tca.

213.40 224.80 Carl 0; Ser50 Carbonatization 10; Sericitization 50 Strong pervasive sericitization affecting most unit. Weak pervasive calcite noted.

213.40 224.80 PZ; FO 213.40 214.00 44322 0.60

Folded; Foliated 45° 219.50 220.35 44323 0.85 Mostly foliated at 45-55 tca varying locally outside that range due to folding.

220.35 220.50 S6A; BR 220.35 221.05 44324 0.70 Graphitic Argilite; Breccia Small brecciated graphitic level inserted at 45 tca.

220.95 221.05 S6A; BR 221.05 222.00 44326 0.95

Graphitic Argilite 45'; Breccia 45° 222.00 222.70 44327 0.70 Similar as above (220.35-220.50) 222.70 223.40 44328 0.70

223.40 223.75 S6A; BR 223.40 223.75 44329 0.35

Graphitic Argilite; Brecda 223.75 224.75 44330 1.00 Sheared and brecciated graphitic level inserted at 45 tca. Including 5% of sedimentary clasts of Py. 224.75 225.75 44331 1.00

224.80 390.00 TB2; RUB Intermediate block tuff; Banded Medium gray greenish, clastic, foliated and moderately altered unit of intermediate-felsic composition. Characterized by presence along unit of many diffuse to clearly defined cm clasts of intermediate to felsic composition transposed moderately to strongly along local foliation (40-50 tca). Some clasts presents poecilithic texture filled by calcite or chloritic material. Sericitization intensity varying along unit. Non

Project: Wachibougau DDH: WAC11_03 10/12 Northern Superior Resources Ltd.

Assay Description From To Number Length AU

(PPm) magnetic rock. Metric size felsic (QP) dyke reported along unit. Lower (northern) contact not reach.

224.80 235.00 Ser40; Carl 0; Ch110 Sericitization 40; Carbonatization 10; Chloritization 10 Affected by a moderate pervasive sericitization overprinting most of the origimal textures. Also weak pervasive chloritization noted. Overprinted by a weak-moderate pervasive calcitic alteration.

224.80 240.00 FO Foliated 45° Moderate throughout unit between 40 and 50 tca. Streching the lapillis and blocs along unit.

239.60 246.70 11QFP; POR Quartz-feldspar porphyry 40°; Porphyritic 40° Beige to light green, porphyritc (Qz and Fp) felsic dyke intersected at 40 tca. Sericitized and slightly chloritized. Including 10-15% of mm size Qz phenocx as well as about 5% of Fp mm size porphyrs.

284.50 299.10 Ser40; Ch115 Sericitization 40; Chloritization 15 Increase of pervasive sericitization along that intervale. Moderate pervasive calcite and chlorite also noted. Stronger foliated level.

284.50 299.10 FO 288.00 289.00 44332 1.00

Foliated 55° 289.00 290.00 44333 1.00 Accentuated foliation at 45-55 tca Streching the blocs and lapillis into moderate-strong sericitic 290.00 291.00 44334 1.00 zone. Up to 2% Py noted along this intervals. 291.00 292.00 44335 1.00

292.00 293.00 44336 1.00

293.00 294.00 44337 1.00

294.00 295.00 44338 1.00

295.00 296.00 44339 1.00

296.00 297.00 44340 1.00

297.00 298.00 44341 1.00

298.00 299.10 44342 1.10

312.00 325.00 Ser45; Car20 314.00 315.00 44343 1.00

Sericitlzation 45; Carbonatizatlon 20 315.00 316.00 44344 1.00 Increase of sericitization in veinlets controlled by a strong local foliation-shearing. Moderate 316.00 317.00 44345 1.00 pervasive and vein controlled calcite. Weak pervasive and discontinuous chloritization. 317.00 318.00 44346 1.00

318.00 319.00 44347 1.00

319.00 320.00 44348 1.00

320.00 321.00 44349 1.00

Project: Wachibougau DDH: WAC11_03 11 / 12

Northern Superior Resources Ltd.

Assay Description From To Number Length AU

(PPm) 312.00 324.50 FO; CIS Foliated 55e; Sheared Strongly foliated to sheared zone affecting the tuffaceous unit. Increase of sericitization. Strong streching of felsic-intermediate cleats along local foliation intersected at 50-60 tca.

324.50 325.00 CIS; FLT Sheared; Fault 35° Sheared, fractured and faulted area. Sericitic gouge and shearing intersected at 35 tca.

345.00 359.85 TL2 Intermediate lapilli tuff Block size clasts are absent from this intervale. Only lapillis and crystal size componment remain present. Coarser grained decimetric size beds observed in alternance with fine grained levels. Moderately and pervasively sericitized. Weak-moderate pervasive calcite. Trace of Py over that sub-unit. Apparent lamination and bedding noted at 55-60 tca. Subit come back of block size clast at 359.85 metres down hole.

390.00 End of DDH Number of samples: 106 Number of QAQC samples: 5 Total sampled length: 92.85

Project: Wachibougau DDH: WAC11_03 12/12 Northern Superior Resources Ltd.

Claims tale: Section: DDH: WAC11_04 Township: Level: Range: Work plate: DesmaraisviAe

Drilled by: Forage Bourassa Lot: Descrfhed by: Michel Leblanc From; Description date: To-

"—Colis? UTM NAD83 Azimuth: 335.00' East 437,480.0 Dip: -50.00' North 5.491.902.0 Length: 399.00 m Elevation 320.0

—Down hole survey

Type Depth Azimuth CUP Invalid A7hrIMh DIP levaBd Reflex 18.00 333.80' -49.30' No Reflex 51.00 - 344.00' -49.20 No Reflex 102.00 345.80' 48.20' No Reflex 153.00 347.10' -48.60' No Reflex 201.00 347.00' -45.70' No Reflex 252.00 348.90' -44.30' No Reflex 303.00 346.80' -43.80' No Reflex 351.00 346.80' -42.80° No Reflex 399.00 346.10' -41 80' No

Ucscription Casing damage by6nlhrs.

~ (Ô6 c) If- 6r3

Core size: NO core CenreMed• No Stored: No

11113/2011 Project Wachibougau Northern Superior Resources Ltd.

Assay Description From To Number Length AU

(PPm) 0.00 5.00 CSG casing Over burden

5.00 39.25 13G; MAS Gabbro; Massive rock Medium to coarse grained, dark green, massive rock of gabbroic aspect.(Could be a thick massive mafic flow) Melanocrate, locally porphyritic with about 30% of mm size chloritized pyroxene affected by a slight folaition at 50 tca. Moderately chloritized, slightly leucoxenitic and with local weak magnetism. Local Qz-calcite vein intersected. Local trace of mm size euhedral Py. Weak vein controlled epidotization. Diffuse lower ctc associated to a 30 cm wide fine grained chilled margin.

5.00 39.25 Ch150; Epi05 Chioritlzation 50; Epidotlzation 5 Pervasively chloritized into the mafic range. Weak vein controlled epidotization.

5.00 39.25 FO Foliated 50° Weak foliation at 45-50 tca throughout unit.

39.25 87.00 V3B; MAS; POR Basalt Massive roclç Porphyritic Medium gray-greenish, fine-medium grained, massive to slightly foliated with presence of local mm to cm size Fp phenocx. Local medium grained gabbroic aspect. Mesocratic and non magnetic. Local amygdals filled by calcite. Weak epidote in veins and veinlets. Weak moderate foliation intersected at 50 tca. Local trace of mm size euhedral Py. Local calcite or calcite/Qz mm to cm size veins intersected at variable core angles. Diffuse lower ctc defined by the last plagio porphyrs observed.

39.25 87.00 Epi05; Ch140; Carl Epidotlzation 5; Chloritlzation 40; Carbonatizatlon 10 Moderate pervasive chloritization. Weak vein and veinlets controlled epidotization. Calcite mostly in veins and veinlets intersected at variable core angles.

39.25 87.00 FO Foliated 50° Weak-moderate foliation intersected at 45-50 tca throughout unit.

85.50 87.00 V3B; POR Basalt; Porphyritic Strongly porphyritic section sitting at base of this basaltic unit. Including 5 to 10% of mm to 2 cm size sub-euhedral Fp phenocx supported by a fine grained mafic chloritized matrix. Below that porphyritic section, Fp phenocx disapears.

87.00 120.00 V3B; FIN Basalt Fine grains Typical mafic volcanic rock. Medium gray-greenish, fine grained, moderately chloritized and affected by a weak-moderate foliation. Mosocrate aspect. Weak vein controlled calcite controlled by foliation. Slightly epidotized in veins and veinlets. Non magnetic rock. Local coarse Py in mm size euhedral form locally

Project: Wachibougau DDH: WAC11_04 2/13 Northern Superior Resources Ltd.

Assay Description From To Number Length AU

(PPm) noted. Diffuse lower etc.

87.00 120.00 Ch140; Epi05; Carl Chloritization 40; Epidotization 5; Carbonatization 10 Pervasively chloritized in normal mafic range. Weak vein controlled epidotization. Weak moderate vein controlled calcite intersected preferentially along foliation.

87.00 120.00 FO Foliated 45° Weak to moderate foliation noted throughout unit between 45-50 tca.

120.00 132.50 V3B; FO; RUB Basalt; Foliated; Banded 40° Apparent mafic unit becoming affected by a strong foliation, banding as well as high level of carbonatization and sericitization. Strongly foliated at 40-45 tea with most calcite veins transposed sub// to this fabric. Banding pattern could suggested a vocano-sedimentary unit but somg amygdals local) preserved and filled by calcite suggested more a strongly altetred and deformed mafic section. Local weak leucoxenitic content. Diffuse lower etc in a 30 cm area. Non magnetic rock. Presence of 1-2% of disseminated and vein controlled Py along mm bands transposed into foliation.

120.00 132.50 Car30; Ch120 Carbonatization 30; Chloritization 20 Banded pervasive sericitization and carbonatization are the dominant alteration observed. Sericitization present into cm to decimetric wide less altered bands. Alterations are strongly controlled by foliation.

120.00 132.50 FO; RUB 120.00 121.00 44351 1.00

Foliated 40°; Banded 121.00 122.00 44352 1.00 Strong foliation and banding developed throughout unit at 40-45 tca. 122.00 123.00 44353 1.00

123.00 124.00 44354 1.00

124.00 132.50 Py02 124.00 125.00 44355 1.00

Pyrite 2% 125.00 126.00 44356 1.00 1 to 3% of disseminated Py associated to sericitic and/or calcite veinlets transposed sub// to 126.00 127.00 44357 1.00 foliation. 127.00 128.00 44358 1.00

128.00 129.00 44359 1.00

129.00 130.00 44360 1.00

130.00 131.00 44361 1.00

131.00 132.00 44362 1.00

132.00 132.50 44363 0.50

132.50 140.60 V3B Basalt Fine grained, gray greenish, moderately foliated basalt. Weak-moderate foliation developed at 40 tca.

Project: Wachibougau DDH: WAC11_04 3/13 Northern Superior Resources Ltd.

Assay Description From To Number Length AU

(PPm) Slightly leucoxenitic. Pervasively chloritized. Weak-moderate carbonatization (calcite) in vein and pervasively. Diffuse lower ctc defined by increase of alteration and banding over 20 cm area. Non magnetic rock with trace of Py.

132.50 140.60 Ch145; Car15 Chloritization 45; Carbonatization 15 Pervasively chloritized inside typical mafic range. Weak-moderate vein controlled and pervasive carbonatization (calcite).

132.50 140.60 FO 132.50 133.50 44364 1.00 Foliated 40° Moderate foliation developed at 40-45 tca throughout unit.

140.60 149.80 V3B; RUB; FO Basalt; Banded; Foliated Medium gray-greenish, fine grained, foliated and banded mafic unit affected by a strong fabric (foliation) intersected between 40 and 65 tca. Chloritized rock with local presence of thinly disseminated brownish leucoxene transposed along foliation. Non magnetic rock. Trace to 1% disseminated Py along foliation noted. Moderate pervasive and vein controlled calcite and albitization noted inside veins. Diffuse lower ctc. Local lamprophyre dykelets intersected along unit.

140.60 149.80 Car20; Ch130; Ser10; AIb10 Carbonatization 20; Chl rttization 30; Sericitization 10; Albitization 10 Moderate pervasive chloritization into mafic range. Local weak pervasive sericitization. Moderate vein controlled and pervasive carbonatization. Weak moderate vein controled albitization noted along that intervale. Local vein controlled albite.

140.60 149.80 FO 140.60 141.20 44365 0.60 Foliated 50° Moderately developed throughout unit between 40 and 65 tca (averaging 50 tca). Controlling most of calcitic veins and veinlets.

141.20 141.30 130 141.20 142.00 44366 0.80

Lamprophyre 45° 142.00 143.00 44367 1.00 Small brownish gray ultramafic and biotitic dyke of lamprophyric aspect intersected at 45 tca. (Sub// 143.00 144.00 44368 1.00 to local foliation) 144.00 145.00 44369 1.00

145.00 146.00 44370 1.00

146.00 147.00 44371 1.00

148.20 148.39 130 Lamprophyre Brownish gray lamprophyre dyke intersected at irregular core angle. Including a cm host rock enclav . Biotite content

149.80 169.00 V3B; FO Basalt Foliated Gray greenish, fine grained, foliated rock of mafic composition affected by a moderate pervasive

Project: Wachibougau DDH: WAC11_04 4/13 Northern Superior Resources Ltd.

Assay Description From To Number Length AU

(PPm) chloritization typical of mafic range. Moderate pervasive and vein controlled carbonatization strongly controlled by foliation. Non magnetic with only trace of Py noted throughout unit. Sharp lower ctc at 35 tca.

149.80 169.00 Ch140; Car20; A1b05 Chlorilization 40; Carbonatization 20; Albitization 5 Pervasively chloritized in mafic range. Moderate vein controlled and pervasive calcitic alteration. Local vein controlled albite.

149.80 159.00 FO Foliated 50° Weak-moderate foliation intersected between 45-55 tca.

169.00 175.90 V3B; FO; RUB Basalt; Foliated; Banded Sericitized basaltic section. Appears as the sericitized base of overlaying unit. Fine grained, foliated, greenish-gray ans strongly altered mafic unit. Moderate foliation developed at 35-40 throughout this intervale. Sharp lower ctc intersected at 35 tca. Non magnetic. Trace to 2% of disseminated Py controlled by foliation.

169.00 175.90 AIb05; Carl 5; Ser30; Ch120 Albitization 5; Carbonatization 15; Sericitization 30; Chloritization 20 Mixe of alteration dominated by a moderate-strong pervasive sericitization associated to variable chlorite. Carbonate (calcite) noted throughout unit in vein controlled by foliation. Local vein controlled albite observed.

169.00 175.90 FO; RUB 174.00 175.00 44372 1.00

Foliated; Banded 35° 175.00 175.90 44373 0.90 Moderate-strong foliation and banding throughout unit intervale intersected at 35-45 tca. Controlling most of alteration.

175.90 195.80 S3; RUB; LA; FO Wacke; Banded; bedded; Foliated Mostly greenish to greenish gray, banded, locally laminated, folded and strongly foliated unit of apparent sedimentary origin, All unit is affected by a moderate-strong pervasive sericirization, a moderate vein controlled and pervasive carbonatization and with variable chloritization. Locally affected by strong folding affecting strongly the foliation. Local metric size lamprophyre dyke inserted. Non magnetic rock with 1-3% of disseminated Py along foliation. Sharp lower ctc at 45 tca. defined by a subit change of alteration from sericite to chlorite.

175.90 195.80 Ser35; Car20; Ch115; AIb05 Seridtlzatlon 35; Carbonatizatbn 20; Chbritization 15; Albitization 5 Pervasive mixe of variable sericitization and chloritization with vein controlled and pervasive carbonatization (calcite). Qz-Albite veins locally intersected.

175.90 195.80 FO; PZ 175.90 177.00 44374 1.10 Foliated; Folded Moderate-strong foliation preferentially intersected at 40-50 tca but varying outside that range into

Project: Wachibougau DDH: WAC11_04 5/13 Northern Superior Resources Ltd.

Assay Description From To Number Length AU (PPm) metric size folded areas.

177.00 195.80 Py02 177.00 178.00 44376 1.00

Pyrite 2% 178.00 179.00 44377 1.00 Presence of 1 to 3% of disseminated Py strongly controlled by local foliation and along sericitic and 179.00 180.00 44378 1.00 carbonate veins. 180.00 180.70 44379 0.70

180.70 181.20 44380 0.50

181.20 182.40 130; NOD 181.20 182.40 44381 1.20

Lamprophyre 35e; Nodular 35° 182.40 183.00 44382 0.60 Gray brownish dyke of lamprophyric affinity. Biotitic and with 5% of rounded amygdals filled by 183.00 184.00 44383 1.00 calcite. Weakly chloritized. astrongly magnetic. 184.00 185.00 44384 1.00

185.00 186.00 44385 1.00

186.00 187.00 44386 1.00

187.00 188.00 44387 1.00

188.00 189.00 44388 1.00

189.00 190.00 44389 1.00

190.00 191.00 44390 1.00

191.00 192.00 44391 1.00

192.00 193.00 44392 1.00

193.00 194.00 44393 1.00

194.00 195.00 44394 1.00

195.00 195.80 44395 0.80

195.80 239.55 V3B; FO Basalt Foliated Greenish gray, fine grained, slightly foliated and chloritized basaltic unit. Weak-moderate veining mostly transposed sub// to local foliation. Non magnetic and with trace of Py. Local lamprophyre dykelets intersected. Slightly leucoxenitic unit. Diffuse lower ctc over 1 meter defined by increase of sericitization and decrease of chloritization.

195.80 239.55 Ch150; Car15 Chloritization 50; Carbonatization 15 Affected by a typical mafic rock chloritization. Weak-moderate vein controlled calcite.

195.80 239.55 FO Foliated 45° Weak to moderate foliation developed at 40-50 tca throughout unit.

219.75 219.80 130 231.00 232.00 44396 1.00

Lamprophyre 232.00 233.00 44397 1.00 Small brownish lamprophyre dyke transposed along local foliation at 40 tca. Slightly biotitic.

Project: Wachibougau DDH: WAC11_04 6/13 Northern Superior Resources Ltd.

Assay Description From To Number Length AU

(PPm) 233.00 234.00 44398 1.00

234.00 235.00 44399 1.00

235.00 236.00 44401 1.00

236.00 237.00 44402 1.00

237.00 238.00 44403 1.00

238.00 239.00 44404 1.00

239.00 239.55 44405 0.55

239.55 261.20 M8; FO 239.55 240.25 44406 0.70 Schist; Foliated Yellow to yellow green, fine grained, strongly foliated and strongly serictized unit centered on a metric silicified, albitized mineralized section. Appears as a possible strongly altred section developed into a mafic volcanic host rock. Strong foliation developed throughout unit. Sericite-chlorite-Qz-Cb and Ab are observed in variable intensity along this unit. Non magnetic rock. Locally mineralized (up to 5% Py). Gradational lower ctc over 1 meter with the underlying mafic unit.

239.55 246.65 Ser65; Car15 Sericitization 65; Carbonatization 15 Area affected by a moderate-strong pervasive sericitization with moderate vein controlled carbonatization. 1-2% disseminated Py associated

239.55 246.65 Py02 Pyrite 2% 2% disseminated Py along mm size veinlets sub// to local foliation into a strongly sericitized area.

240.00 257.90 FO 240.25 241.00 44407 0.75

Foliated 30° 241.00 242.00 44408 1.00 Moderate-strong foliation varying between 20 and 45 tca throughout this interval. Local folding on 242.00 243.00 44409 1.00 decimetric section. 243.00 244.00 44410 1.00

244.00 245.00 44411 1.00

245.00 246.00 44412 1.00

246.00 246.65 44413 0.65

246.65 252.70 5i120; A1b15; Car05 Silicification 20; Albitization 15; Carbonatization 5 Rock color turning from yellowish to gray affected by a pervasive silicification and albitization (both observed into local veins). Weak pervasive carbonatization (calcite).

246.65 252.70 Py05 246.65 247.30 44414 0.65

Pyrite 5% 247.30 248.00 44415 0.70 3 to 7% disseminated Py into a silicified-albitized zone. Inside veinlets sub// to foliation or in 248.00 249.00 44416 1.00 micro-fractures. 249.00 250.00 44417 1.00

Project: Wachibougau DDH: WAC11_04 7/13 Northern Superior Resources Ltd.

Assay Description From To Number Length AU

(PPm) 250.00 250.60 44418 0.60

250.60 251.10 44419 0.50

251.10 251.60 S6A 251.10 251.60 44420 0.50

Graphitic Argilite 30° 251.60 252.10 44421 0.50 Laminated, silicified and slightly graphitic argilite level intersected at 30 tca. 5 to 7% disseminated 252.10 252.70 44422 0.60 Py along bedding. Inserted into mineralized, silicified-albitized section.

252.70 257.90 Ser55; Carl 5; A1b05 252.70 253.40 44423 0.70 Seridtlzatlon 55; Carbonatization 15; Albitization 5 Back to a dominant strong pervasive sericitization decreasing gradually down unit. Weak-moderate vein controlled carbonatization (Ak +1- calcite). Albite noted inside local veins.

253.20 253.40 VEI;20;Ab;T;65°;Py01; 253.40 253.95 44424 0.55 Vein 20 Albite Tension 65° Pyrite 1% Small Qz-Ab vein intersected at 65 tca. 1% of fracture controlled Py.

253.95 254.60 VEI;65;Ab;T;45°;Py01; 253.95 254.60 44426 0.65

Vein 65 Albite Tension 45° Pyrite 1% 254.60 255.20 44427 0.60 Qz-Ab vein similar as above. Intersected at 45 tca. Sitting near the lower margin of a mineralized 255.20 256.00 44428 0.80 silicified-albitized zone of metric size. 256.00 257.00 44429 1.00

257.00 257.90 44430 0.90

257.90 261.20 Ch120; Ser20; Car15; A1b05 257.90 259.00 44431 1.10

Chloritization 20; Sericitization 20; Carbonatization 15; Albitization 5 259.00 260.00 44432 1.00 Chloritization increasing as sericitization become weaker. Moderate vein controlled and pervasive 260.00 260.70 44433 0.70 carbonatization. Weak vein controlled albite. 260.70 261.20 44434 0.50

261.20 272.65 V3B 261.20 262.00 44435 0.80 Basalt Greenish gray, fine grained, chloritized, carbonated and moderately foliated mafic unit. Also affected by a weak pervasive sericitization. Non magnetic and without significant mineralization associated. Sharp lower ctc defined by a metric size Qz-Cb-Ab vein intersected at 75 tca.

261.20 267.60 Ch140; Ser10; Car20 Chloritization 40; Sericitization 10; Carbonatization 20 Pervasive chloritization mixed with minor sericite also in pervasive form. Vein controlled and pervasive calcite.

267.60 271.40 Car25; Ch115; Ser40; AIb05 Carbonatization 25; Chlont¢ation 15; Sericitization 40; Albitization 5 Pervasive sericitization taking over chloritization. Moderate-strong vein controlled and pervasive carbonatization strongly controlled by local foliation intersected to 35-40 tca. Weak vein controlled albite.

267.60 271.40 FO 267.60 268.50 44436 0.90

Project: Wachibougau DDH: WAC11_04 8/13 Northern Superior Resources Ltd.

Assay Description From To Number Length AU

(PPM) Foliated 35° 268.50 269.25 44437 0.75

Moderate-strong foliation intersected at 35-40 tca. Controlling most of veining presents. 269.25 270.00 44438 0.75

270.00 270.75 44439 0.75

270.75 271.40 44440 0.65

271.40 272.65 VEI;125;0z;T;75°;Py01; 271.40 272.00 44441 0.60

Vein 125 Quartz Tension 75° Pyrite 1% 272.00 272.65 44442 0.65 Metric size Qz-Ak-Ab vein intersected at 55/75 tca. Sitting at the lower ctc interface. 1% of fracture controlled Py associated. Local banding at 20 tca inside this vein.

272.65 285.35 S3; FO Wacke 45°; Foliated 45° Mostly medium-gray to light gray-greenish, fine grained, locally with apparent lamination, folded and foliated unit of apparent wacke aspect affected by a moderate pervasive sericitization and chloritization. Frequent micro and parasital folding with foliation varying widely in place. Most veins are controlled by foliaton and folding. Non magnetic rock with trace to 2% of foliation controlled Py.

272.65 285.35 Ser20; Ch120; Carl Sericitization 20; Chloritizatlon 20; Carbonatlzatlon 10 Mixe of moderate pervasive sericitization and chloritization varying locally in intensity. Weak-moderate vein controlled and pervasive carbonatization (calcite).

272.65 285.35 FO; PZ 272.65 273.30 44443 0.65

Foliated; Folded 273.30 274.00 44444 0.70 Moderate-strong foliation mostly intersected between 35 and 50 tca. Varying locally outside that 279.00 280.00 44445 1.00 range in folded areas. 280.00 281.00 44446 1.00

281.00 282.00 44447 1.00

282.00 283.00 44448 1.00

283.00 284.00 44449 1.00

284.00 284.75 44451 0.75

284.75 285.35 44452 0.60

285.35 312.00 V3B; FO; M8 Basalt Foliated; Schist Gray greenish, fine grained, strongly foliated (locally sheared) and altered mafic rock. Affected by shearing and folding, chloritized and sericitized. Apparent local mylonitization. Moderate vein controlled calcite and/or Qx veins noted throughout unit. Carbonated veins are mostly transposed sub// to foliation. Qz veins are intersected at variable core angles (often orthogonally to the main fabric). Non magnetic rock. Up to 2% of local disseminated Py in veinlets sub// to foliation. Diffuse lower ctc.

285.35 312.00 Ch140; Ser10; Car15 Chiorlllzation 40; Sericittzation 10; Carbonatization 15 Pervasive chloritization mixed with variable sericitization intensity. Moderate vein controlled

Project: Wachibougau DDH: WAC11_04 9/13 Northern Superior Resources Ltd.

Assay Description From To Number Length AU

(PPm) carbonatization.

285.35 312.00 FO; PZ; CIS 285.35 286.25 44453 0.90

Foliated; Folded; Sheared 286.25 287.00 44454 0.75 Locally afected by shearing and folding. Foliation varying widely along unit between 5 and 50 tca 287.00 288.00 44455 1.00 (averaging 35 tca) 293.00 294.00 44456 1.00

297.00 297.90 44457 0.90

297.90 298.95 44458 1.05

298.95 300.00 44459 1.05

300.00 301.00 44460 1.00

301.00 302.00 44461 1.00

306.00 307.00 44462 1.00

312.00 378.60 V3B; V3B; FO; RUB 312.00 313.00 44463 1.00

Basalt Basalt 45°; Foliated; Banded 45° 317.00 318.00 44464 1.00 Apparent mafic volcanic protolith affected by a strong foliation-shearing as well a strong 323.00 324.00 44465 1.00 sericitization-carbonatization. Gray greenish, fine grained, foliated and altered rock of mafic composition. Moderate to strong foliation, locally sheared intersected between 35 and 50 tca. Local banding and amygdals filled by carbonate presents along unit. Locally injected by metric size felsic QP dyke. Non magnetic with trace to 2% of disseminated Py. Diffuse lower ctc into a strongly carbonated zone.

312.00 349.00 Car25; Ch130; Ser15 Carbonatlzatlon 25; Chbdtization 30; Sericitization 15 Moderate pervasive chloritization and sericitization. Also sericitic veinlets transposed along foliation. Moderate vein controlled and pervasive carbonatization. Qz associated to calcite in some veins. Sericitization varying from moderate to strong along unit.

324.00 327.00 CIS 324.00 325.00 44466 1.00

Sheared 35° 325.00 326.00 44467 1.00 Local increase of foliation to the shearing level associated to an increase of sericitization and 326.00 327.00 44468 1.00 carbonatization. 1% Py associated.

333.00 335.00 CIS 333.00 333.65 44469 0.65 Sheared 40° Strongly cis (sheared) section centered on a felsic (QP) dyke. Shearing at 40 tca associated to a strong pervasive and veinlets sericirization and carbonatization (mostly calcite). 1% Py associated.

333.65 334.35 I1QPO 333.65 334.35 44470 0.70

Quartz Porphyry 40° 334.35 335.00 44471 0.65 Strongly sericitized and sheared felsic dyke (QP) transposed along local folaition at 40 tca. Poorly 335.00 336.00 44472 1.00 preserved Qz phenocx. Fu veinlets. 1% diss. Py associated.

338.50 340.00 FO Foliated 20° Strong foliation turning to 20 tca along that intervale.

Project: Wachibougau DDH: WAC11_04 10/13 Northern Superior Resources Ltd.

Assay Description From To Number Length AU

(PPm) 367.80 378.60 Car25; Ch130 Carbonatlzation 25; Chloritization 30 Carbonatization passing from moderate to strong approaching lower ctc. 1-2% disseminated Py associated.

367.80 378.60 Py02 367.80 369.00 44473 1.20 Pyrite 2% 1-2% disseminated and vein controlled Py into a moderate-strong carbonatized section developed at base of unit.

369.00 378.60 FO 369.00 370.00 44474 1.00

Foliated 55° 370.00 371.00 44476 1.00 Moderate foliation intersected at 45-55 tca along this section. Controlling strongly the 371.00 372.00 44477 1.00 carbonatization local carbonatization. 372.00 373.00 44478 1.00

373.00 374.00 44479 1.00

374.00 375.00 44480 1.00

375.00 376.00 44481 1.00

376.00 377.00 44482 1.00

377.00 378.00 44483 1.00

378.00 378.60 44484 0.60

378.60 389.80 S6A; S3; FBX Graphitic Argilite; Wadce; Fault breccia Mixe unit composed of about 60% of graphitic argilite material interlayered with about 40% of greenish gray sediment interpreted as wacke sediment. Graphitic content varying from weak to moderate and the clastic content is locally abundant and of heterogenous composition (Felsic intrusive and variable sedimentary angular clasts are included along sheared faulted section and supported by a graphitic brecciated micro-clastic gouge. When preserved the bedding is strongly perturbated presenting many convolutions. Between 3 and 10% of hexhalative and disseminated Py is presents along this unit. Many decimetric fault breccia are intersected along unit. No magnetism noted. Sharp lower ctc intersected at 45 tca.

378.60 389.80 Car15; Ser25 Carbonatization 15; Sericitization 25 Weak moderate pervasive and vein controlled calcite. Moderate pervasive sericitization affecting the wacke portion of this unit intervale.

378.60 389.80 FLT; BR 378.60 379.00 44485 0.40

Fault; Breccia 379.00 380.00 44486 1.00 Many portion of this unit are affected by faulting with presence of gougy brecciated section. These faults are intersected at 45-55 tca and are discontinuous along this unit.

380.00 384.75 Py07 380.00 381.00 44487 1.00 Pyrite 7%

Project: Wachibougau DDH: WAC11_04 11 / 13 Northern Superior Resources Ltd.

Assay Description From To Number Length AU (PPm) Presence of 3 to 10% of disseminated and hexhalative sedimentary Py. Often present in angular 381.00 382.00 44488 1.00

sulfide clasts among brecciated sections. 382.00 383.00 44489 1.00

383.00 384.00 44490 1.00

384.00 384.75 44491 0.75

384.75 387.10 S3; BR 384.75 385.20 44492 0.45

Wacke; Breccia 385.20 386.00 44493 0.80 Light gray, sericitic, carbonated wacke level affected by fault breccia and shearing. 1-3% Py 386.00 387.00 44494 1.00 associated. Non magnetic. 387.00 387.50 44495 0.50

387.10 387.80 Py25 387.50 387.80 44496 0.30

Pyrite 25% 387.80 388.50 44497 0.70 About 25% of disseminated and clastic Py observed along this internale. 388.50 389.00 44498 0.50

389.00 389.80 44499 0.80

389.30 389.80 S3 Wacke Light greenish gray, sericitized wacke level intersected at 40 tca. 2-3% of veinlets controlled Py associated.

389.80 398.00 11QP0; QPO 389.80 390.45 44501 0.65 Quartz Porphyry; Quartz Porphyritic Beige, sericitized and strongly porphyritic felsic dyke including a metric size strongly graphitic fault breccia. Moderately foliated at 40-45 tca. Characterized by 10-15% of mm to sub cm size euhedral Qz phenocx evenly distributed along unit into a strongly sericitized beige matrix. Non magnetic rock. Mm to cm Qz veins are intersected at variable core angles. Trace to 1% of disseminated Py observed. Sharp lower ctc intersected at 45 tca.

390.45 392.50 FLT; BR Fault 45°; Breccia Strongly graphitic brecciated and gougy section. Mm to cm angular clasts of variable composition supported by a strongly graphitic gougy microclastic matrix. Delimitated by QP felsic dykes. Presence of up to 5% of mm to cm size clasts of Py of hexhalative origin.

390.45 392.50 Py04 390.45 391.50 44502 1.05

Pyrite 4% 391.50 392.50 44503 1.00 Presence of 3 to 5% of clastic sulfides (Py) inside this brecciated faulted section.

392.50 398.00 Ser50 392.50 393.25 44504 0.75

Seri it¢ehon 50 393.25 394.00 44505 0.75 Strong pervasive sericitization affecting matrix supporting Qz phenocx. 394.00 395.00 44506 1.00

395.00 396.00 44507 1.00

396.00 397.00 44508 1.00

Project: Wachibougau DDH: WAC11_04 12 / 13 Northern Superior Resources Ltd.

Assay Description From To Number Length AU (PPm) 397.00 398.00 44509 1.00

398.00 399.00 S3; S6A; LA 398.00 399.00 44510 1.00 Wadce; Graphitic Argilite; bedded 45° Hole was terminated into a sericitized argilitic/wacke level with bedding at 35 tca. Some graphitic layers are inserted into a sericitized and carbonated rock of wacke aspect. Non magnetic. 2-3% of bedding controlled Py associated. Lower ctc not reach.

399.00 End of DDH Number of samples: 154 Number of QAQC samples: 6 Total sampled length: 135.30

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Northem Superior Resources Ltd.

Claims title: Section: DOH: WAC11_05 Township: Oesmaraisville Levai: Range: Work place: Drilled by: orage -•• Lot

Described by: Keyta Oe0 From: Description dale: To. -"'Collar UTM NA083 Atimutr: 315.00' East 429.9t3.0 Dip: •50.00' North 5.486.803.0 Length: 402.00 m Elevation 312.0

—Dawn hole survey

Type Dopai Azimuth Dip lnveRd Typa Depth Az rte th Dip Waldld Reflex 30.00 311.60' .47.80' No Reflex 402 00 314.80' .42.40' No Reflex 72.00 310.60' 47.50' No Reflex - 102.00 311.20' -47.00' No Reflex 132.00 311.70' -46.30' No Reflex 162.00 312.10' -45.80' No Reflex 192.00 312.40' -45.40' No Reflex 222.00 312.80' -44.70' No Reflex 252.00 313.00' -44.20' No Reflex 282.00 312.70' -43.70' No Reflex 312.00 313.40' -43.20' No Reflex 342.00 314.00' -42.80' No Reflex 372.00 314.60' -42.70' No

Uescription Con stored in Chenets

(6P g- 6(3)

Core site: Cemented: No Stored: Yes Project: Wachigabau 12!1812011 Northern Superior Resources Ltd.

Assay Description From To Number Length AU

(ppm) 0.00 13.80 CSG casing Overburden

13.80 117.60 TB2 Intermediate block tuff Course grained, pale coloured porphyritic felsic fragments, supported by a medium grained, grey/green matrix that is more mafic . 60% fragments supported by chloritized and sericitized matrix. Blocks tend to be elongated along the foliation which is varying between 25-45 deg TCA. Foliation is moderate. Blocks have pumaceous texture, later filled in by quartz. cm to dm sized blocks. mm to cm sized veins filled with quartz and calcite intruding at variable angles. Local m sized dyke of intermediate dyke intersected along major unit. Local moderately fractured zone. Local trace of vein controlled PO. Local epidote alt. in mafic dyke. Lower contact ...

13.80 108.30 Ch115; Ser10 Chloritization 15; Sericitlzatlon 10 Both are pervasive. Chlorite associated with inter-fragmental matrix, sericite dominate in clasts.

19.60 46.50 12 Intermediate dyke 45' Fine to medium grained, massive dyke of intermediate compostion. Contact 45/65 deg TCA.

53.20 56.35 12 Intermediate dyke Light grey, fine grained, massive dyke of intermediate compostion, intersected at 20 deg TCA.

91.50 91.55 VEI;0.1;Qz;;20°;Py10; Vein 0.1 Quartz 20° Pyrite 10% Minor vein containing PY and Calcite.

105.70 107.70 13 Mafic Plutonic Rock Fine grained, dark grey mafic dyke. Contact -50 deg TCA.

108.30 117.60 Car 111.00 112.00 44511 1.00 0.008

Carbonatization 112.00 113.00 44512 1.00 0.010 Vein controlled carbonate alteration. 113.00 114.00 44513 1.00 0.006

117.60 132.60 V3B Basalt Fine grained, dark grey, mafic dyke. Felsic clasts are no longer apparent. Minor vein controlled calcite alteration intersecting at variable angles. Upper contact is unclear and lower contact is diffuse. Two locally fractured zones.

117.60 132.60 Ch110; Cartr Chloritzatlon 10; Carbonatization tr Weak, vein controlled calcite alteration. Chloritization of mafic minerals in dyke.

Project: Wachigabau DDH: WAC11_05 2/9 Northern Superior Resources Ltd.

Assay Description From To Number Length AU

(PPm) 132.60 168.00 V1D; BRC; AMY Dacite; Flow brecda; Amygdaloidal Dacitic flow breccia characterzied by clasts and vesicles filled with calcite.Clasts are pale coloured, medium grained, felsic to intermediate, with chlortie alt. of mafic minerals and minor epidote alt. Clast size ranges from 1 cm to 20cm. Matrix is medium grey, fine grained dacite pervasively altered by chlorite. Diffuse upper contact characterized by the appearance of strong silicification. No mag observed. Some qtz/ calcite veins intersecting core at variable angles. Local tr of vein controlled cpy. Fracture controlled tr py. From 159 to 162 5-10% amygduales filled with calcite. Moderate foliation observed at 30 deg TCA. Diffuse lower ctc into a fractured zone.

132.60 141.00 V1D; MAS Dadte; Massive rock Similar compostion to major unit ( dacitic) but more massive. No clasts or vesicles.

132.60 162.00 Ch130; Car05; Epi01 Chlori ization 30; Carbonatbatlon 5; Epidotizatlon 1 Chloritization is moderate and pervasive between clasts. Weak carbonatization (calcite) in veins and amygduales. Local epidote vein.

132.60 168.00 FO Foliated 30° Moderately developed throughout unit.

162.00 190.00 Epi25; Ch125; Ser05 Epidotization 25; Chloritization 25; Sericitization 5 Moderate, pervasive chloritization and epidotization. Weak sericitization. Chloritization is more common in between clasts and epidotization more abundant in clasts.

168.00 205.50 V2J; BRC Andesite; Flow brecda Light grey/ green, medium grained, andesitic matrix. Intermediate to mafic composition with abundant, pervasive amygdules filled with quartz.Matrix is moderately altered by epidote, chlorite and sericite. Clasts are similar in compostion to matrix but have not been as strongly altered and therefore display a paler colour. Upper contact is diffuse and characterized by a fracture zone (possibly a fault). Lithology could also possibly be volcaniclastic but evidence suggests flow breccia. Moderate foliation ranges from 45-60 deg TCA. Few tr of py along unit. Lower contact is diffuse. Presence of amygdules filled with calcite in the last metre of the unit.

168.00 170.00 FLT; FO Fault; Foliated 50° Strongly fractured area, possible minor fault. Associated with gauge and broken core. Fault angle unclear. Moderate to weak foliation pervasive throughout unit ranging from 45-60 deg TCA.

181.00 186.00 FRC Fractured Strong, discontinuous, fracture zone.

Project: Wachigabau DDH: WAC11_05 3/9 Northern Superior Resources Ltd.

Assay Description From To Number Length AU

(PPm) 205.50 219.00 13 Maflc Plutonic Rock Mafic dyke, has a mafic aspect (could be intermediate, slightly siliceous in places), dark grey coloured, fine grained. Fracture controlled and disseminated py (2-3%). Non magnetic. Massive. Diffuse lower contact. weak calcite in fractures. Chloritization.

205.50 219.00 Ch140; Car05 Chloritization 40; Carbonatization 5 Moderate, pervasive chlor. Vein and fractured controlled calcite.

205.50 219.00 Py02 215.10 216.00 44514 0.90 0.007 Pyrite 2% 1-3% fractured conrolled and disseminated pyrite.

219.00 253.40 V2J; COU; AMY Andesite; Plllowed; Amygdabidal Andesitic flow, medium grey, intermediate to mafic composition. Non-brecciated. Possibly pillows containing variolitic texture, pillows decim to m in size . Amygduales are present throughout unit, filled by calcite. Local epidote filling of amygduales. Chloritization is dominant alteration. Non magnetic. Tr- 2% fracture and vein controlled and disseminated py along unit. Possible minor faulting along unit. Lower contact unclear, characterized by finer grain size.

239.00 239.20 FLT Fault 40° Gaugey, fracture zone intersected at 40 deg.

240.30 240.50 Ch125; Epi10; A1b05 Chloritization 25; Epidotization 10; Albilization 5 moderate pervasive alt between apparent pillow, epidotization/saussuritization affecting core of pillow. Possible local albitization.

240.30 240.50 FRC Fractured 75° stringly fractured area with come gauge associated, possible fault. 75 deg TCA.

253.40 261.50 S3 Wadre Medium grey colour. Fine grained. Local occurence of 0.8 m thick pyrite bearing quartz vein. Local fracture zone. No obvious foliation. Quartz carbonate veins intersecting core at variable, steep angles. Local tr py, vein fracture controlled. No mag. Upper contact unclear, lower contact at 55 deg TCA, characterized by coarsening of grains, .5 cm thick quartz vein along contact margin.

253.40 261.50 Car05 Carbonatization 5 Weak carbonatization present in quartz/ calcite veins.

255.20 255.50 FRC 258.00 259.00 44515 1.00 0.005 Fractured 70° Fracture zone, broken core, little to no core

Project: Wachigabau DDH: WAC11_05 4/9 Northern Superior Resources Ltd.

Assay Description From To Number Length AU (PPm) 259.00 259.80 Py08 Pyrite 8% Py in quartz/ calcite vein,

259.00 259.80 VEI;0.8;Qz Cc;;60°;Py08; 259.00 259.80 44516 0.80 0.039

Vein 0.8 Quartz Calcite 60° Pyrite 8% 259.80 261.00 44517 1.20 0.005 Upper contact 60 deg, lower contact 70 deg TCA.

261.50 279.50 Sed Sediment (undefined) 55° Unidentified sedimentary rock, light to medium grey in colour, medium grained. Local discontinous fracture zone, hematized quartz/ calcite veins intersecting core at variable angles, local albite alteration. No obvious mineralization. No mag. Upper contact 55 deg, lower contact 60 deg TCA charcterized by quartz/ py vein at contact margin.

261.50 279.50 Car05; A1b03 Carbonatization 5; Albitization 3 Weak carbonatization (calcite) in quartz/ carb veins. Weak, discontinuous albitization.

269.70 272.20 FRC 278.70 279.50 44518 0.80 0.005 Fractured 55° Discontinuous fracture zone, possibly minor fault, some gauge assocated with broken core. Fractured sections range from 0.1 to 0.4 m in width.

279.50 284.10 V2J; VAR; FO Andesite 60°; Variolitic; Foliated 60° Intermediate composition, medium grained. Variolitic texture, filled with calcite and feldspar. Local occurence of 10 % py, tr py throughout disseminated and fracture/ vein controlled. Local trace of pd filling fracture. Local traces of mag, in pd and along a fracture surface. Weak carbonate alteration and albitization (also possibly saussuritization). Weak foliation at 50 deg TCA. Upper contact at 60 characterized by quartz/ py vein, Lower contact 60 deg TCA characterized by minor fracture zone.

279.50 284.10 Car05; A1b03 279.50 280.50 44519 1.00 0.015 Carbonatization 5; Albilization 3 weak carbonatization (calcite), controlled by quartz/ calcite veins. Discontinuous albitization possibly epidotization)

279.50 279.55 Py10 Pyrite 10% .05 m wide quartz/ pyrite vein. Minor carbonatization associated.

284.10 297.30 S6 Mudrodc 55° Dark grey argillite, aphanitic. Hematitized quartz/calcite veins intersecting core at variable angles. No obvious bedding. Discontinuous fracture zones throughout. No mag. No obvious mineralization. Upper contact 55 deg, lower contact unclear, characterized by increase in grain size.

284.10 297.30 Car03 Carbonatization 3

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Assay Description From To Number Length AU

(PPm) Weak carbonatization ( calcite) in hematized quartz/ carb veins.

289.60 294.50 FRC Fractured Discontinuous fracture zone. Some gauge associated with mainly broken core. Broken sections range in width from 0.1 to 0.6 m.

294.60 294.80 FLT Fault Fault orientation unclear. Minor fault (possibly just fracture zone) gauge and deforamtion associated.

296.40 297.00 FRC Fractured Orientation unclear.

297.30 302.40 V3B; AMY Basalt Amygdabldal Medium grained, dark grey in colour. Amygduales filled with calcite throughout, carbonatization in quartz/ calcite veins as well. Chloritization pervasive throughout. No mag, no apparent mineralization. Upper contact unclear, lower contact 45 deg TCA, characterized by decreasing grain size and absence of amygdules.

297.30 302.40 Ch120; Car05; EpiO3 Chloritization 20; Carbonatization 5; Epidotization 3 Moderate chloritization pervasive throughout unit. Carbonitization in amygdules and veins (calcite). Local traces of epidotization.

302.40 306.90 S6 Mudrock 45° Dark grey, aphanitic argillite. Thin calcite veins throughout, intersecting core at variable angles. Discontiuous hematite alteration. Tr py associated with quartz veins. Local fracture zone. No mag. Lower contact unclear, characterized by fracture zone.

302.40 306.90 Hem05; Car03 Hematlzatton 5; Carbonatizatton 3 Moderate hematite discontinuous throughout, vein and fracture controlled. Carbonatization weak present in thin veinlets.

306.20 306.90 FRC Fractured 50' Fracture zone with a little gauge associated, but mainly broken core. Stong hematite along fracture surfaces.

306.90 327.50 V3B; AMY Basalt Amygdabidal Dark grey, fine grained basalt. Begining of unit displays moderate deformation with increase carbonate and hematite altertion and moderate-strong foliation. Amyduales filled with calcite present in some areas. Foliation weak throughout. Local area of possible porphyroblastic texture, feldspar porphyroblasts range

Project: Wachigabau DDH: WAC11_05 6/9 Northern Superior Resources Ltd.

Assay Description From To Number Length AU

(PPM) in size from 1mm to 1 cm. Tr py throughout, disseminated and vein controlled. Local fracture zones, possible faulting. Pervasive chloritization, local epidote and carbonatization. Hematized intermediate dyke at 321.4 m. Lower contact at 60 deg characterized by fining of grain size and disapearance of amygdules.

306.90 316.00 Ch120; Car05; Epi02; Hem02 Chlorilization 20; Carbonatization 5; Epidotization 2; Hematization 2 Moderate pervasive chloritization, local traces of epidoteization. Carbonatization (calcite) and hematization associated with dsicontinous veining.

315.60 316.00 FRC Fractured Fracture zone, possible fault, gauge associated, unclear angle

321.40 326.10 12 Intermediate dyke 40° Strongly hematized intermediate to felsic dyke. Fine grained with some feldspar porphyroblasts, 2-4mm. Discontinuous albitization and carbonatization. Original colour appears to be greyish with an overprinting of a brownish red colour due to the alteration. Local traces of py along quartz/calcite veins. No mag. No foliation.Core is very broken Lower contact of dyke is 60 deg TCA.

323.00 324.60 FRC Fractured Discontinuous fracture zone within intermediate dyke

327.50 330.70 Sed Sediment (undefined) 60° Unidentified sedimentary rock. Fine grained, medium grey/brown colour. Discontinuous carbonatization and hematization, mainly associated with veining. Local traces of py. No mag. Lower contact unlcear, defined by a small felsic dyke.

327.50 330.70 Car05; Hem03 Carbonatization 5; Hematization 3 Garb. and hem. assciated with thin veins intersecting the core at various angles.

330.70 393.00 V3B; VAR; AMY Basalt Veriolitic; Amygdaloidal Medium grey basalt. Medium grained with feldspar varioles.Amygduales filled with calcite. Upper contact defined by .3 m flesic dyke and two other small dykes ( cm to deca meters in size) are also present in this unit. Quartz/ calcite veins intersect the core at variable angles. Local areas of strong epidotization/saussaurization/hematization.No mag. Local traces of py, mainly on fracture suraces and on margins of quartz veins, some dissem. No obvious foliation. Local fault associated with fault breccia. Lower contact at 40 deg TCA.

330.70 387.30 Ch120; Epi05; Car03 Chlorttlzation 20; Epldotization 5; Carbonatization 3 Moderate pervasive chrloritization, Discontinuous epidotization, Carbonatization (calcite) confined to thin veinlets.

Project: Wachigabau DDH: WAC11_05 7/9 Northern Superior Resources Ltd.

Assay Description From To Number Length AU

(PPm) 334.60 337.10 V3B; FO Basalt; Foliated Section of basalt that has been more severly altered by hematite and epidote. Overal redish brown colour, original grey colour and variolitic texture visible underneath the alteration. Tr py occurences along quartz veins. Foliation at 70 deg TCA. No mag. (could possibly also be an intermediate dyke).

355.50 356.50 FLT Fault 20° Shallow angled possible fault. Fault appears to be mostly healed sourounded by fault breccia. Gauge along the fault surface.

387.30 393.00 V3B; FO Basalt 600; Foliated 60° Possibly same basalt as major unit but with increased alteration. Rock is lighter in colour and original texture has been mostly destroyed by the alteration resulting in a finer grain size. Increase in quartz veining and associated hematization. Increased epidote/ sericite ? alteration responsible for the pale green/ grey colour. Chloritization is still present but to a lesser degree. Carbonatization still present in quartz/ calcite veins. Most of unit is discontinuously fractured. Moderate foliation at 55 deg. No mag. No visible mineralization. Upper contact is diffuse, Lower contact at 40 deg TCA.

387.30 393.00 Ser20; Epi20; Sill 0; Ch108; Hem05; Car03 Sericitization 20; Epidotization 20; Silicification 10; Chloritization 8; Hematization 5; Carbonatization 3 Moderate pervasive sericite and epidote alteration,. weak pervasive chloritization, discontinuous carbonatization (calcite) and hematitie in veins.

388.20 391.90 FRC Fractured Discontinuous fracture zone, no obvious angle, core very broken, little gauge associated, sourrounding rock is highly altered.

393.00 395.70 V3B; FBX; FPO Basalt 400; Fault brecda; Feldspar Porphyritic 400 .4 m of fault gauge, .1 m of soft fault breccia. Lower section of the unit appears to have feldspar porphyroblasts ranging from 2 mm to 5mm in size. Rock is medium grey to light grey in colour and ranges from fine to medium grained. Upper contact is at 40 deg, characterized by a quartz intrusion. Lower contact is 60 deg TCA and is characterized by a small gabbroic intrusion. Weakly magnetic. Quartz carbonate veins intersecting core at variable angles. No apparant mineralization or foliation.

394.20 394.80 FLT Fault 45° Minor fault associated with .3 m of gauge

395.70 399.60 V3B; 13G Basalt 500; Gabbro Overall basaltic lithology with gabbroic inclusions. Likely a contact margin between the basatic flow and the lower gabbro inclusion. Inclusions range from 4 cm to 10 cm. Inclusions have been epidotized and

Project: Wachigabau DDH: WAC11_05 8/9

Northern Superior Resources Ltd.

Assay Description From To Number Length AU

(PPm) contain finely disseminated py. Localtraces of pyrite also associated with small quartz veins. Weak carbonate and heamatite alteration. Pervasive chloritization in between the gabbro inclusions. No mag or foliation. Basalt is medium grey in colour and medium grained. Inclusions are greenish/yellow and black and are coarse grained. Small local fracture zone. Upper contact is characterized by the first gabbro inclusion, lower contact is gradual as there is less interclastic basalt and more competent gabbro.

395.70 399.60 Ch125; Epi10; Car05; Hem03 Chlorltlzation 25; Epidotlzatbn 10; Carbonatization 5; Hematization 3 Pervasive moderate chloritization between clasts, partial chloritization of clasts, epidotization of clasts, hematite and carbonate alteration of veins

397.40 397.90 FRC Fractured Fracture zone, unclear angle

399.60 402.00 13G Gabbro Coarse grained, mafic composition, dark grey/ black with greenish/ yellow clasts, quartz veins intersecting core at variable angles. Rock appears to be carbonatized. No mag or foliation. Very finely disseminated py. Hematite staining on fracture surfaces. Chloritization and epidotization present. EOH.

399.60 402.00 Ch115; Epi10; Car08; Hem01 Chloritization 15; Epidotization 10; Carbonatization 8; Hematization 1 Chloritization pervasive amoungst the dark minerals in the gabbro, epidotization pervasive in the light minerals. Carbonatization pervasive throughout unit. Hematization of fracture surfaces.

402.00 End of DDH Number of samples: 9 Number of QAQC samples: 0 Total sampled length: 8.70

Project: Wachigabau DDH: WAC11_05 9/9 ' Certificate of analysis *** Laboratoire Expert Inc. Date : 2011/12/01 127, Boulevard Industriel Page : 1 of 4 Rouyn-Noranda, Québec Canada, J9X 6P2 Telephone : (819) 762-7100, Fax : (819) 762-7510 Client : Northern Superior Resources Inc.

Addressee : Donald R. Boucher Folder : 32727 1988 Kingway Your order number Unit G Sudbury Project : 15580 Ontario Telephone : (705) 525-0992 Total number of samples : P3B 4J8 Fax : (705) 525-7701 P 65 Au Au-Dup FA-GEO FA-GEO ppb ppb Designation 5 5

Blk-01 <5 44001 <5 <5 44002 <5 44003 <5 SE58-01 594 44004 48 44005 9 44006 8 44007 <5 44008 <5 44009 <5 44010 <5 44011 <5 44012 <5 44013 212 214 44014 150 44015 <5 44016 <5 44017 <5 44018 9

Joe Landers, Manager ' Certificate of analysis *** Laboratoire Expert Inc. Date : 2011/12/01 127, Boulevard Industriel Page : 2 of 4 Rouyn-Noranda, Québec Canada, J9X 6P2 Telephone : (819) 762-7100, Fax : (819) 762-7510 Client : Northern Superior Resources Inc.

Addressee : Donald R. Boucher Folder : 32727 1988 Kingway Your order number Unit G Sudbury Project : 15580 Ontario Telephone : (705) 525-0992 Total number of samples : P3B 4J8 Fax : (705) 525-7701 P 65 Au Au-Dup FA-GEO FA-GEO ppb ppb Designation 5 5

44019 37 44020 101 44021 9 44022 <5 44023 5 44024 <5 44025 <5 6 44026 <5 44027 <5 Blk-02 <5 44028 <5 44029 <5 44030 <5 SE58-02 597 44031 <5 44032 <5 44033 <5 44034 <5 44035 5 44036 <5 ' Certificate of analysis *** Laboratoire Expert Inc. Date : 2011/12/01 127, Boulevard Industriel Page : 3 of 4 Rouyn-Noranda, Québec Canada, J9X 6P2 Telephone : (819) 762-7100, Fax : (819) 762-7510 Client : Northern Superior Resources Inc.

Addressee : Donald R. Boucher Folder : 32727 1988 Kingway Your order number Unit G Sudbury Project : 15580 Ontario Telephone : (705) 525-0992 Total number of samples : P3B 4J8 Fax : (705) 525-7701 P 65 Au Au-Dup FA-GEO FA-GEO ppb ppb Designation 5 5

44037 <5 <5 44038 <5 44039 <5 44040 <5 44041 <5 44042 <5 44043 <5 44044 <5 44045 <5 44046 <5 44047 5 44048 <5 44049 <5 <5 44050 <5 44051 <5 44052 <5 44053 7 44054 15 Blk-03 <5 44055 9 ' Certificate of analysis *** Laboratoire Expert Inc. Date : 2011/12/01 127, Boulevard Industriel Page : 4 of 4 Rouyn-Noranda, Québec Canada, J9X 6P2 Telephone : (819) 762-7100, Fax : (819) 762-7510 Client : Northern Superior Resources Inc.

Addressee : Donald R. Boucher Folder : 32727 1988 Kingway Your order number Unit G Sudbury Project : 15580 Ontario Telephone : (705) 525-0992 Total number of samples : P3B 4J8 Fax : (705) 525-7701 P 65 Au Au-Dup FA-GEO FA-GEO ppb ppb Designation 5 5

44056 9 44057 7 SE58-03 588 44058 11 44059 <5 44060 6 44061 5 <5 44062 6 44063 <5 44064 5 44065 <5 ' Certificate of analysis *** Laboratoire Expert Inc. Date : 2011/12/02 127, Boulevard Industriel Page : 1 of 4 Rouyn-Noranda, Québec Canada, J9X 6P2 Telephone : (819) 762-7100, Fax : (819) 762-7510 Client : Northern Superior Resources Inc.

Addressee : Donald R. Boucher Folder : 32728 1988 Kingway Your order number Unit G Sudbury Project : 15580 Ontario Telephone : (705) 525-0992 Total number of samples : P3B 4J8 Fax : (705) 525-7701 64 Au Au-Dup FA-GEO FA-GEO ppb ppb Designation 5 5

44066 8 5 44067 7 44068 <5 44069 11 44070 8 44071 7 44072 <5 44073 6 44074 9 44075 6 Blk-01 <5 44076 5 44077 <5 44078 35 31 SE58-01 591 44079 27 44080 113 44081 8 44082 17 44083 53

Joe Landers, Manager ' Certificate of analysis *** Laboratoire Expert Inc. Date : 2011/12/02 127, Boulevard Industriel Page : 2 of 4 Rouyn-Noranda, Québec Canada, J9X 6P2 Telephone : (819) 762-7100, Fax : (819) 762-7510 Client : Northern Superior Resources Inc.

Addressee : Donald R. Boucher Folder : 32728 1988 Kingway Your order number Unit G Sudbury Project : 15580 Ontario Telephone : (705) 525-0992 Total number of samples : P3B 4J8 Fax : (705) 525-7701 64 Au Au-Dup FA-GEO FA-GEO ppb ppb Designation 5 5

44084 20 44085 36 44086 10 44087 7 44088 202 44089 308 44090 5 <5 44091 15 44092 7 44093 5 44094 7 44095 6 44096 13 44097 9 44098 8 44099 <5 44100 6 44101 <5 44102 8 7 Blk-02 <5 ' Certificate of analysis *** Laboratoire Expert Inc. Date : 2011/12/02 127, Boulevard Industriel Page : 3 of 4 Rouyn-Noranda, Québec Canada, J9X 6P2 Telephone : (819) 762-7100, Fax : (819) 762-7510 Client : Northern Superior Resources Inc.

Addressee : Donald R. Boucher Folder : 32728 1988 Kingway Your order number Unit G Sudbury Project : 15580 Ontario Telephone : (705) 525-0992 Total number of samples : P3B 4J8 Fax : (705) 525-7701 64 Au Au-Dup FA-GEO FA-GEO ppb ppb Designation 5 5

44103 8 44104 <5 44105 57 SE58-02 591 44106 <5 44107 <5 44108 <5 44109 <5 44110 <5 44111 <5 44112 24 44113 7 44114 5 <5 44115 <5 44116 218 44117 24 44118 23 44119 34 44120 34 44121 117 ' Certificate of analysis *** Laboratoire Expert Inc. Date : 2011/12/02 127, Boulevard Industriel Page : 4 of 4 Rouyn-Noranda, Québec Canada, J9X 6P2 Telephone : (819) 762-7100, Fax : (819) 762-7510 Client : Northern Superior Resources Inc.

Addressee : Donald R. Boucher Folder : 32728 1988 Kingway Your order number Unit G Sudbury Project : 15580 Ontario Telephone : (705) 525-0992 Total number of samples : P3B 4J8 Fax : (705) 525-7701 64 Au Au-Dup FA-GEO FA-GEO ppb ppb Designation 5 5

44122 124 44123 22 44124 57 44125 <5 44126 18 20 44127 28 44128 45 92521 <5 SE58-03 596 ' Certificate of analysis *** Laboratoire Expert Inc. Date : 2011/12/08 127, Boulevard Industriel Page : 1 of 6 Rouyn-Noranda, Québec Canada, J9X 6P2 Telephone : (819) 762-7100, Fax : (819) 762-7510 Client : Northern Superior Resources Inc.

Addressee : Donald R. Boucher Folder : 32817 1988 Kingway Your order number Unit G Sudbury Project : 15510 Ontario Telephone : (705) 525-0992 Total number of samples : P3B 4J8 Fax : (705) 525-7701 P 97 Au Au-Dup FA-GEO FA-GEO ppb ppb Designation 5 5

44129 35 31 44130 20 44131 36 44132 54 44133 358 44134 37 44135 50 44136 101 44137 35 44138 26 44139 11 44140 10 Blk-01 <5 44141 5 <5 44142 5 44143 <5 SE58-01 600 44144 12 44145 37 44146 <5

Joe Landers, Manager ' Certificate of analysis *** Laboratoire Expert Inc. Date : 2011/12/08 127, Boulevard Industriel Page : 2 of 6 Rouyn-Noranda, Québec Canada, J9X 6P2 Telephone : (819) 762-7100, Fax : (819) 762-7510 Client : Northern Superior Resources Inc.

Addressee : Donald R. Boucher Folder : 32817 1988 Kingway Your order number Unit G Sudbury Project : 15510 Ontario Telephone : (705) 525-0992 Total number of samples : P3B 4J8 Fax : (705) 525-7701 P 97 Au Au-Dup FA-GEO FA-GEO ppb ppb Designation 5 5

44147 16 44148 11 44149 14 44150 50 44151 9 44152 6 44153 5 6 44154 11 44155 84 44156 15 44157 16 44158 25 44159 8 44160 <5 44161 <5 44162 11 44163 <5 44164 <5 44165 5 6 44166 <5 ' Certificate of analysis *** Laboratoire Expert Inc. Date : 2011/12/08 127, Boulevard Industriel Page : 3 of 6 Rouyn-Noranda, Québec Canada, J9X 6P2 Telephone : (819) 762-7100, Fax : (819) 762-7510 Client : Northern Superior Resources Inc.

Addressee : Donald R. Boucher Folder : 32817 1988 Kingway Your order number Unit G Sudbury Project : 15510 Ontario Telephone : (705) 525-0992 Total number of samples : P3B 4J8 Fax : (705) 525-7701 P 97 Au Au-Dup FA-GEO FA-GEO ppb ppb Designation 5 5

44167 10 Blk-02 <5 44168 <5 44169 <5 44170 24 SG56-01 989 44171 22 44172 11 44173 <5 44174 <5 44175 5 44176 <5 44177 5 7 44178 10 44179 <5 44180 <5 44181 <5 44182 <5 44183 10 44184 <5 ' Certificate of analysis *** Laboratoire Expert Inc. Date : 2011/12/08 127, Boulevard Industriel Page : 4 of 6 Rouyn-Noranda, Québec Canada, J9X 6P2 Telephone : (819) 762-7100, Fax : (819) 762-7510 Client : Northern Superior Resources Inc.

Addressee : Donald R. Boucher Folder : 32817 1988 Kingway Your order number Unit G Sudbury Project : 15510 Ontario Telephone : (705) 525-0992 Total number of samples : P3B 4J8 Fax : (705) 525-7701 P 97 Au Au-Dup FA-GEO FA-GEO ppb ppb Designation 5 5

44185 <5 44186 <5 44187 <5 44188 7 44189 <5 5 44190 <5 44191 <5 44192 7 44193 <5 44194 5 Blk-03 <5 44195 <5 44196 <5 44197 <5 SE58-02 592 44198 78 44199 47 44200 <5 44201 30 30 44202 47 ' Certificate of analysis *** Laboratoire Expert Inc. Date : 2011/12/08 127, Boulevard Industriel Page : 5 of 6 Rouyn-Noranda, Québec Canada, J9X 6P2 Telephone : (819) 762-7100, Fax : (819) 762-7510 Client : Northern Superior Resources Inc.

Addressee : Donald R. Boucher Folder : 32817 1988 Kingway Your order number Unit G Sudbury Project : 15510 Ontario Telephone : (705) 525-0992 Total number of samples : P3B 4J8 Fax : (705) 525-7701 P 97 Au Au-Dup FA-GEO FA-GEO ppb ppb Designation 5 5

44203 102 44204 36 44205 41 44206 150 44207 67 44208 12 44209 21 44210 45 44211 206 44212 50 Blk-04 <5 44213 <5 <5 44214 95 44215 <5 SG56-02 971 44216 33 44217 120 44218 40 44219 8 44220 <5 ' Certificate of analysis *** Laboratoire Expert Inc. Date : 2011/12/08 127, Boulevard Industriel Page : 6 of 6 Rouyn-Noranda, Québec Canada, J9X 6P2 Telephone : (819) 762-7100, Fax : (819) 762-7510 Client : Northern Superior Resources Inc.

Addressee : Donald R. Boucher Folder : 32817 1988 Kingway Your order number Unit G Sudbury Project : 15510 Ontario Telephone : (705) 525-0992 Total number of samples : P3B 4J8 Fax : (705) 525-7701 P 97 Au Au-Dup FA-GEO FA-GEO ppb ppb Designation 5 5

44221 <5 44222 8 44223 16 44224 <5 44225 573 578 ' Certificate of analysis *** Laboratoire Expert Inc. Date : 2011/12/08 127, Boulevard Industriel Page : 1 of 6 Rouyn-Noranda, Québec Canada, J9X 6P2 Telephone : (819) 762-7100, Fax : (819) 762-7510 Client : Northern Superior Resources Inc.

Addressee : Donald R. Boucher Folder : 32818 1988 Kingway Your order number Unit G Sudbury Project : 15510 Ontario Telephone : (705) 525-0992 Total number of samples : P3B 4J8 Fax : (705) 525-7701 P 92 Au Au-Dup Au FA-GEO FA-GEO FA-GRAV ppb ppb g/t Designation 5 5 0.03

44226 6 5 44227 <5 44228 <5 44229 <5 44230 11 44231 6 44232 <5 44233 5 44234 <5 44235 11 Blk-01 <5 44236 <5 44237 <5 44238 5 <5 SE58-01 580 44239 <5 44240 <5 44241 <5 44242 <5 44243 <5

Joe Landers, Manager ' Certificate of analysis *** Laboratoire Expert Inc. Date : 2011/12/08 127, Boulevard Industriel Page : 2 of 6 Rouyn-Noranda, Québec Canada, J9X 6P2 Telephone : (819) 762-7100, Fax : (819) 762-7510 Client : Northern Superior Resources Inc.

Addressee : Donald R. Boucher Folder : 32818 1988 Kingway Your order number Unit G Sudbury Project : 15510 Ontario Telephone : (705) 525-0992 Total number of samples : P3B 4J8 Fax : (705) 525-7701 P 92 Au Au-Dup Au FA-GEO FA-GEO FA-GRAV ppb ppb g/t Designation 5 5 0.03

44244 <5 44245 <5 44246 <5 44247 <5 44248 6 44249 16 44250 1798 1.85 44251 27 44252 9 44253 <5 SG56-01 984 44254 9 44255 7 44256 8 44257 7 44258 5 44259 <5 44260 8 44261 7 44262 6 8 ' Certificate of analysis *** Laboratoire Expert Inc. Date : 2011/12/08 127, Boulevard Industriel Page : 3 of 6 Rouyn-Noranda, Québec Canada, J9X 6P2 Telephone : (819) 762-7100, Fax : (819) 762-7510 Client : Northern Superior Resources Inc.

Addressee : Donald R. Boucher Folder : 32818 1988 Kingway Your order number Unit G Sudbury Project : 15510 Ontario Telephone : (705) 525-0992 Total number of samples : P3B 4J8 Fax : (705) 525-7701 P 92 Au Au-Dup Au FA-GEO FA-GEO FA-GRAV ppb ppb g/t Designation 5 5 0.03

44263 7 44264 5 44265 8 44266 9 44267 7 44268 8 44269 <5 44270 <5 44271 <5 Blk-02 <5 44272 <5 44273 <5 44274 5 6 SE58-02 603 44275 3985 4.15 44276 6 44277 10 44278 <5 44279 <5 44280 8 ' Certificate of analysis *** Laboratoire Expert Inc. Date : 2011/12/08 127, Boulevard Industriel Page : 4 of 6 Rouyn-Noranda, Québec Canada, J9X 6P2 Telephone : (819) 762-7100, Fax : (819) 762-7510 Client : Northern Superior Resources Inc.

Addressee : Donald R. Boucher Folder : 32818 1988 Kingway Your order number Unit G Sudbury Project : 15510 Ontario Telephone : (705) 525-0992 Total number of samples : P3B 4J8 Fax : (705) 525-7701 P 92 Au Au-Dup Au FA-GEO FA-GEO FA-GRAV ppb ppb g/t Designation 5 5 0.03

44281 316 44282 37 44283 18 44284 <5 44285 39 44286 43 46 44287 52 44288 21 44289 21 44290 28 44291 55 44292 32 44293 49 44294 26 44295 27 44296 142 44297 46 44298 28 30 Blk-03 <5 44299 192 ' Certificate of analysis *** Laboratoire Expert Inc. Date : 2011/12/08 127, Boulevard Industriel Page : 5 of 6 Rouyn-Noranda, Québec Canada, J9X 6P2 Telephone : (819) 762-7100, Fax : (819) 762-7510 Client : Northern Superior Resources Inc.

Addressee : Donald R. Boucher Folder : 32818 1988 Kingway Your order number Unit G Sudbury Project : 15510 Ontario Telephone : (705) 525-0992 Total number of samples : P3B 4J8 Fax : (705) 525-7701 P 92 Au Au-Dup Au FA-GEO FA-GEO FA-GRAV ppb ppb g/t Designation 5 5 0.03

44300 <5 44301 64 SG56-02 982 44302 5 44303 5 44304 <5 44305 <5 44306 <5 44307 <5 44308 <5 44309 8 44310 9 12 44311 13 44312 17 44313 24 Blk-04 <5 44314 42 44315 13 92522 <5 SE58-03 583 ' Certificate of analysis *** Laboratoire Expert Inc. Date : 2011/12/08 127, Boulevard Industriel Page : 6 of 6 Rouyn-Noranda, Québec Canada, J9X 6P2 Telephone : (819) 762-7100, Fax : (819) 762-7510 Client : Northern Superior Resources Inc.

Addressee : Donald R. Boucher Folder : 32818 1988 Kingway Your order number Unit G Sudbury Project : 15510 Ontario Telephone : (705) 525-0992 Total number of samples : P3B 4J8 Fax : (705) 525-7701 P 92 Au Au-Dup Au FA-GEO FA-GEO FA-GRAV ppb ppb g/t Designation 5 5 0.03

92523 <5 ' Certificate of analysis *** Laboratoire Expert Inc. Date : 2011/12/09

127, Boulevard Industriel Page : 1 of 6 Rouyn-Noranda, Québec Canada, J9X 6P2 Telephone : (819) 762-7100, Fax : (819) 762-7510 Client : Northern Superior Resources Inc.

Addressee : Donald R. Boucher Folder : 32856 1988 Kingway Your order number Unit G Sudbury Project : 15510 Ontario Telephone : (705) 525-0992 Total number of samples : 96 P3B 4J8 Fax : (705) 525-7701 Au Au-Dup Au FA-GEO FA-GEO FA-GRAV ppb ppb g/t Designation 5 5 0.03

44316 7 <5 44317 475 44318 72 44319 11 44320 33 44321 9 Blk-01 <5 44322 <5 44323 <5 44324 5 SG56-01 990 44325 1697 1.85 44326 6 44327 <5 44328 7 5 44329 5 44330 11 44331 <5 44332 <5 44333 <5

Joe Landers, Manager ' Certificate of analysis *** Laboratoire Expert Inc. Date : 2011/12/09 127, Boulevard Industriel Page : 2 of 6 Rouyn-Noranda, Québec Canada, J9X 6P2 Telephone : (819) 762-7100, Fax : (819) 762-7510 Client : Northern Superior Resources Inc.

Addressee : Donald R. Boucher Folder : 32856 1988 Kingway Your order number Unit G Sudbury Project : 15510 Ontario Telephone : (705) 525-0992 Total number of samples : 96 P3B 4J8 Fax : (705) 525-7701

Au Au-Dup Au FA-GEO FA-GEO FA-GRAV ppb ppb g/t Designation 5 5 0.03

44334 <5 44335 <5 44336 <5 44337 <5 44338 <5 44339 <5 44340 <5 <5 44341 <5 44342 <5 44343 9 44344 8 44345 6 44346 6 44347 5 44348 <5 44349 <5 44350 3983 4.15 44351 11 44352 8 6 44353 5 ' Certificate of analysis *** Laboratoire Expert Inc. Date : 2011/12/09 127, Boulevard Industriel Page : 3 of 6 Rouyn-Noranda, Québec Canada, J9X 6P2 Telephone : (819) 762-7100, Fax : (819) 762-7510 Client : Northern Superior Resources Inc.

Addressee : Donald R. Boucher Folder : 32856 1988 Kingway Your order number Unit G Sudbury Project : 15510 Ontario Telephone : (705) 525-0992 Total number of samples : 96 P3B 4J8 Fax : (705) 525-7701 Au Au-Dup Au FA-GEO FA-GEO FA-GRAV ppb ppb g/t Designation 5 5 0.03

44354 <5 44355 <5 44356 <5 44357 7 44358 <5 44359 10 Blk-02 <5 44360 9 44361 <5 44362 7 SE58-01 602 44363 19 44364 5 <5 44365 5 44366 5 44367 <5 44368 6 44369 6 44370 <5 44371 <5 ' Certificate of analysis *** Laboratoire Expert Inc. Date : 2011/12/09 127, Boulevard Industriel Page : 4 of 6 Rouyn-Noranda, Québec Canada, J9X 6P2 Telephone : (819) 762-7100, Fax : (819) 762-7510 Client : Northern Superior Resources Inc.

Addressee : Donald R. Boucher Folder : 32856 1988 Kingway Your order number Unit G Sudbury Project : 15510 Ontario Telephone : (705) 525-0992 Total number of samples : 96 P3B 4J8 Fax : (705) 525-7701 Au Au-Dup Au FA-GEO FA-GEO FA-GRAV ppb ppb g/t Designation 5 5 0.03

44372 6 44373 5 44374 8 44375 3972 4.18 44376 5 6 44377 <5 44378 9 44379 <5 44380 8 44381 6 44382 <5 Blk-03 <5 44383 5 44384 <5 44385 5 SG56-02 1022 44386 9 44387 6 44388 6 <5 44389 <5 ' Certificate of analysis *** Laboratoire Expert Inc. Date : 2011/12/09 127, Boulevard Industriel Page : 5 of 6 Rouyn-Noranda, Québec Canada, J9X 6P2 Telephone : (819) 762-7100, Fax : (819) 762-7510 Client : Northern Superior Resources Inc.

Addressee : Donald R. Boucher Folder : 32856 1988 Kingway Your order number Unit G Sudbury Project : 15510 Ontario Telephone : (705) 525-0992 Total number of samples : 96 P3B 4J8 Fax : (705) 525-7701 Au Au-Dup Au FA-GEO FA-GEO FA-GRAV ppb ppb g/t Designation 5 5 0.03

44390 <5 44391 7 44392 <5 44393 6 44394 <5 44395 5 44396 7 44397 16 44398 6 44399 <5 44400 <5 <5 44401 <5 44402 6 Blk-04 <5 44403 <5 44404 <5 44405 <5 SE58-03 600 44406 7 44407 <5 ' Certificate of analysis *** Laboratoire Expert Inc. Date : 2011/12/09 127, Boulevard Industriel Page : 6 of 6 Rouyn-Noranda, Québec Canada, J9X 6P2 Telephone : (819) 762-7100, Fax : (819) 762-7510 Client : Northern Superior Resources Inc.

Addressee : Donald R. Boucher Folder : 32856 1988 Kingway Your order number Unit G Sudbury Project : 15510 Ontario Telephone : (705) 525-0992 Total number of samples : 96 P3B 4J8 Fax : (705) 525-7701 Au Au-Dup Au FA-GEO FA-GEO FA-GRAV ppb ppb g/t Designation 5 5 0.03

44408 44409 8 44410 <5 44411 l 6 ' Certificate of analysis *** Laboratoire Expert Inc. Date : 2011/12/09 127, Boulevard Industriel Page : 1 of 6 Rouyn-Noranda, Québec Canada, J9X 6P2 Telephone : (819) 762-7100, Fax : (819) 762-7510 Client : Northern Superior Resources Inc.

Addressee : Donald R. Boucher Folder : 32857 1988 Kingway Your order number Unit G Sudbury Project : 15510 Ontario Telephone : (705) 525-0992 Total number of samples : P3B 4J8 Fax : (705) 525-7701 110 Au Au-Dup Au FA-GEO FA-GEO FA-GRAV ppb ppb g/t Designation 5 5 0.03

44412 <5 6 44413 10 44414 48 44415 14 44416 <5 44417 5 44418 6 44419 <5 44420 16 44421 6 44422 9 44423 64 44424 6 8 44425 595 44426 15 44427 20 Blk-01 <5 44428 11 44429 8 44430 8

Joe Landers, Manager ' Certificate of analysis *** Laboratoire Expert Inc. Date : 2011/12/09 127, Boulevard Industriel Page : 2 of 6 Rouyn-Noranda, Québec Canada, J9X 6P2 Telephone : (819) 762-7100, Fax : (819) 762-7510 Client : Northern Superior Resources Inc.

Addressee : Donald R. Boucher Folder : 32857 1988 Kingway Your order number Unit G Sudbury Project : 15510 Ontario Telephone : (705) 525-0992 Total number of samples : P3B 4J8 Fax : (705) 525-7701 110 Au Au-Dup Au FA-GEO FA-GEO FA-GRAV ppb ppb g/t Designation 5 5 0.03

SG56-01 989 44431 10 44432 8 44433 5 44434 9 44435 6 44436 7 5 44437 5 44438 7 44439 5 44440 19 44441 35 44442 37 44443 <5 44444 <5 44445 <5 44446 <5 44447 <5 44448 <5 5 44449 <5 ' Certificate of analysis *** Laboratoire Expert Inc. Date : 2011/12/09 127, Boulevard Industriel Page : 3 of 6 Rouyn-Noranda, Québec Canada, J9X 6P2 Telephone : (819) 762-7100, Fax : (819) 762-7510 Client : Northern Superior Resources Inc.

Addressee : Donald R. Boucher Folder : 32857 1988 Kingway Your order number Unit G Sudbury Project : 15510 Ontario Telephone : (705) 525-0992 Total number of samples : P3B 4J8 Fax : (705) 525-7701 110

Au Au-Dup Au FA-GEO FA-GEO FA-GRAV ppb ppb g/t Designation 5 5 0.03

44450 1739 1.82 44451 6 44452 <5 44453 <5 44454 <5 44455 <5 44456 <5 44457 <5 Blk-02 <5 44458 <5 44459 8 44460 <5 <5 SE58-01 605 44461 9 44462 <5 44463 <5 44464 <5 44465 <5 44466 <5 44467 <5 ' Certificate of analysis *** Laboratoire Expert Inc. Date : 2011/12/09 127, Boulevard Industriel Page : 4 of 6 Rouyn-Noranda, Québec Canada, J9X 6P2 Telephone : (819) 762-7100, Fax : (819) 762-7510 Client : Northern Superior Resources Inc.

Addressee : Donald R. Boucher Folder : 32857 1988 Kingway Your order number Unit G Sudbury Project : 15510 Ontario Telephone : (705) 525-0992 Total number of samples : P3B 4J8 Fax : (705) 525-7701 110

Au Au-Dup Au FA-GEO FA-GEO FA-GRAV ppb ppb g/t Designation 5 5 0.03

44468 6 44469 <5 Blk-03 <5 44470 40 44471 5 44472 <5 <5 SG56-02 1012 44473 <5 44474 38 44475 3963 3.98 44476 14 44477 6 44478 <5 44479 <5 44480 <5 44481 <5 44482 7 44483 44 44484 14 18 44485 18 ' Certificate of analysis *** Laboratoire Expert Inc. Date : 2011/12/09 127, Boulevard Industriel Page : 5 of 6 Rouyn-Noranda, Québec Canada, J9X 6P2 Telephone : (819) 762-7100, Fax : (819) 762-7510 Client : Northern Superior Resources Inc.

Addressee : Donald R. Boucher Folder : 32857 1988 Kingway Your order number Unit G Sudbury Project : 15510 Ontario Telephone : (705) 525-0992 Total number of samples : P3B 4J8 Fax : (705) 525-7701 110

Au Au-Dup Au FA-GEO FA-GEO FA-GRAV ppb ppb g/t Designation 5 5 0.03

44486 12 44487 22 44488 29 44489 110 44490 34 44491 34 44492 6 44493 115 44494 34 44495 34 44496 128 133 44497 19 44498 19 44499 24 44500 <5 44501 17 44502 37 44503 45 Blk-04 <5 44504 5 ' Certificate of analysis *** Laboratoire Expert Inc. Date : 2011/12/09 127, Boulevard Industriel Page : 6 of 6 Rouyn-Noranda, Québec Canada, J9X 6P2 Telephone : (819) 762-7100, Fax : (819) 762-7510 Client : Northern Superior Resources Inc.

Addressee : Donald R. Boucher Folder : 32857 1988 Kingway Your order number Unit G Sudbury Project : 15510 Ontario Telephone : (705) 525-0992 Total number of samples : P3B 4J8 Fax : (705) 525-7701 110 Au Au-Dup Au FA-GEO FA-GEO FA-GRAV ppb ppb g/t Designation 5 5 0.03

44505 17 44506 10 SE58-02 589 44507 16 44508 50 50 44509 8 44510 117 44511 8 44512 10 44513 6 44514 7 44515 5 44516 39 44517 5 44518 5 44519 15 92524 <5 <5 92525 <5 127 Boul. Industriel, Rouyn-Noranda, Qc J9X 6P2 Tel : (819) 762-7100 Fax : (819) 762-7510 Expert Laboratory


A 29.166gm sample is weighed into a crucible that has been previously charged with approximately 130gm of flux. The sample is then mixed and 1mg of silver nitrate is added. The sample is then fused at 1,800 F for approximately 45 minutes. The sample is then poured in a conical mold and allowed to cool, after cooling, the slag is broken off and the lead button weighing 25-30gm is recovered. This lead button is then cupelled at 1,600 F until all the lead is oxidized. After cooling, the dore bead is placed in a 12 X 75 mm test tube. 0.2m1 of 1:1 nitric acid is added and allowed to react in a water bath for 30 minutes, 0.3m1 of concentrated hydrochloric acid is then added and allowed to react in the water bath for 30 minutes. The sample is then removed from the water bath and 4.5 ml of distilled water is added, the sample is thoroughly mixed allowed to settle and the gold is determined by atomic absorption.

Each furnace batch comprises 28 samples that include a reagent blank and gold standard. Crucibles are not reused until we have obtained the result of the sample that was previously in each crucible. Crucibles that have had gold values of 200 PPB are discarded. The lower detection limit is 5 PPB and samples assaying over 1,000 PPB are checked gravimetrically. 127 Boul. Industriel, Rouyn-Noranda, Qc J9X 6P2 Tel : (819) 762-7100 Fax : (819) 762-7510 Expert Laboratory


A 29.166gm sample is weighed into a crucible that has been previously charged with approximately 130gm of flux. The sample is then mixed and 2mg of silver nitrate is added. The sample is then fused at 1,800 F for approximately 45 minutes. The sample is then poured in a conical mold and allowed to cool, after cooling, the slag is broken off and the lead button weighing 25-30gm is recovered. This lead button is then cupelled at 1,600 F until all the lead is oxidized. After cooling, the doré bead is flattened with a hammer and placed in a porcelain parting cup. The cup is filled with 1:7 nitric acid and heated to dissolve the silver. When the reaction appears to be finished, a drop of concentrated nitric acid is added and the sample is observed to ensure there is no further action. The gold bead is then washed several times with hot distilled water, dried, annealed, cooled and weighed.

Each furnace batch comprises 28 samples that include a reagent blank and gold standard. Crucibles are not reused until we have obtained the result of the sample that was previously in each crucible. Crucibles that have had gold values of 3.00 g/t are discarded. The lower detection limit is 0.03 g/t and there is no upper limit. All values over 3.00 g/t are verified before reporting.