
IBIMA Publishing Journal of Social Networking & Virtual Communities http://www.ibimapublishing.com/journals/JISNVC/jisnvc.html Vol. 2015 (2015), Article ID 888628, 11 pages DOI: 10.5171/2015.888628

Research Article Perceived Quality of a and Its Components: An Exploratory Investigation

Leila Othmani and Néji Bouslama

University of Tunis El Manar, Faculty of Economics and, management of Tunis, Tunisia

Correspondence should be addressed to: Leila Othmani; [email protected]

Received date: 6 March 2014; Accepted date: 18 July 2014; Published date: 24 June 2015

Academic Editor: Carlos Rompante da Cunha

Copyright © 2015. Leila Othmani and Néji Bouslama. Distributed under Creative Commons CC-BY 4.0


The increasing use of the virtual communities encourages involvement in understanding its characteristics. The perceived quality of the was a major concern of web marketer’s. Given the differences between the traditional and the virtual communities, also the speedy maturation of information engineering, mechanisms of perception of quality has also evolved. This research identifies the specificities of perceived quality of virtual communities. Through an exploratory qualitative study in two stages we were able to extract five dimensions.

Keywords: virtual communities, perceived quality, social networking.

Introduction mouth and potential (Bickart & Schindler, 2001) and also to know the market trends Virtual communities have become (Bickart & Schindler, 2001) or even to increasingly popular involving several increase traffic in an e-commerce site individuals of different cultures and (Bughin and Hagel, 2000). civilizations. The growing rise of the use of new information technology has eliminated It should be noted that previous studies on the distance between people (wind and virtual communities have focused on Mahaja, 2002). Virtual communities are understanding the nature of the considered as an essential component of participation and motivation of participants modern society, whether in the of (Lee et al 2003. Ridings et al 2004. ). Thus, individuals or even in the activities of for this study we assume that a virtual organizations. community should be appreciated by the users for it to be beneficial. In the same context, "community manager" shall ensure Indeed, the rapid development of these the development of the quality of its communities has also influenced the community to improve the competitiveness behavior of users by allowing them to build of the company. To do this, it is important to a richer experience; companies can take know the dimensions of the quality of a advantage of virtual communities to virtual community. increase sales (Brown, Tilton and Woodside, 2002) to benefit from positive word -of-


Cite this Article as : Leila Othmani and Néji Bouslama (2015), " Perceived Quality of a Virtual Community and Its Components: An Exploratory Investigation ," Journal of Internet Social Networking & Virtual Communities, Vol. 2015 (2015), Article ID 888628, DOI: 10.5171/2015. 888628 Journal of Internet Social Networking & Virtual Communities 2

Certainly, a good knowledge of the through electronic means such as an mechanisms of virtual communities is Internet network without physical presence crucial for the integration of members; their (Kardaras et al. 2003). motivation and engagement in discussions A virtual community is a new commercial (Maclaran and Catterall, 2002). means of communication for a company to interact with its customers connected (Hsiu- The objective of this study is to determine Fen, 2007). the dimensions of the quality of a virtual community. The Concept of Perceived Quality. :

We also try to provide a guide to help Perceived quality can be defined as the administrators of a virtual community to customer's perception of the overall quality optimize the distinctive quality of their of a good or as the superiority of a product communities. or service on the trend of customer’s choice (Aaker, 2011). Perceived quality is thus a Definitions of Virtual Communities general and intangible sense and it is not necessarily based on the knowledge of the Admittedly, the study of virtual client on the mundane features. communities is a complex task since it is a multi- facet concept, multi hardly Giordano (2006) defines it as " all sensitive controllable factors (Michail. K 2004). The and sensory impressions, as well as clues term "virtual community" is defined as an that seduce and attract attention at first aggregation that emerges in glance interpreted by the client as a promise when there is a combination of a sufficient of quality giving him confidence, and which number of members capable of performing satisfies him" (Giordano, 2006). discussions, share feelings enough to form webs of personal relationships (Rheingold, In addition, the perceived quality is a 1993). For their part, Fernback and subjective judgment constructed in the Thompson (1995) defined it as the set of mind of the user and it is him who virtual social relationships forged in determines its value where each dimension cyberspace through repeated contact of a product or service may have a different without spatio- temporal boundaries and perception of quality (Yu et al. 2005) symbolically delineated by topic of interest community. After these first definitions, When it comes to the perceived quality of a many authors have proposed other website, one can notice a lot of research definitions. According to Balasubramanian showing that the concept is and Mahajan (2001), a virtual community is multidimensional (Grose et al 1998. Vora , a cyberspace allowing communication and 1998; Ranganathan and Ganapathy , 2002; interaction of participants. Another sizeable Moustakis et al. 2004). The majority of defined by Lee et al (2003): a virtual these studies show that the perceived community is defined as a group of quality varies with the user’s expectations individuals or business partners who (Parasuraman et al, 1985. Gattorna and interact around a common interest where Walters, 1996). the interaction is partially or fully performed by electronic means. It is guided The Dimensions of the Perceived Quality by some protocols or a few standards. of a Website. :

A more recent definition is that proposed by Describing and improving the quality of Mata and Quesada (2014). This definition electronic services have created a number considers the virtual communities as groups of approaches that must be measured in of persons who share for a common goals terms of different dimensions often and interests and interact and communicate considerably relative to each other. through the Internet.

Also, a virtual community can be defined as a group of individuals who share knowledge ______

Leila Othmani and Néji Bouslama (2015), Journal of Internet Social Networking & Virtual Communities, DOI: 10.5171/2015.888628 3 Journal of Internet Social Networking & Virtual Communities

WebQualTM (2000) exploratory study is essential to develop the quality dimensions of a virtual community This scale is created by (Loiacono et al. ) as perceived by consumers, and to Perrien (2000), according to this scale of Al (1984), " qualitative approach sees the measurement, the quality of a website is composed of twelve dimensions which are: 1 Quality of information, interaction, trust, individual as a complex entity , difficult to response time, ease of use, design, quantify , that through his own experiences simplicity, clarity, innovation, creativity, will shape his environment with all the emotional aspect, the consistency of the subjectivity inherent in understanding and image, the completeness of the online interpreting the events as " exploratory service and utility relative. approach is generally a preamble to a quantitative research . " (Perrien et al., WebQual (2001) 1984)

According to Barnes and Vidgen, the The methods used in the qualitative phase concept of perceived quality online was aimed to let the interviewees speak freely designed on the basis of the communication; on specific topics in order to obtain interactions and perceptions based on users maximum information. To obtain this (Barnes and Vidgen 2001). The concept of information necessary for marketing the quality perceived by the consumer line activities, three main types of collections are has three dimensions: the quality of available for qualitative research which are: information in the site, the quality of individual interviews (unstructured, semi - interaction and visual quality of the website. structured), projective tests (individual or group) and group meetings. SITEQUAL (2001) As part of this research, the methodology is The SITEQUAL was developed by Yoo and a qualitative study in two phases based on Donthu (2001) to measure the perception of two different types of collections: the quality perceived by consumers. • A group meeting According to this study; the concept of perceived quality has four dimensions. • A semi-structured individual interview These are: ease of use, availability of series information, the site appearance (color, creativity...) interactivity with consumers Discussion Groups and the timeliness of responses, and finally safety. Focus groups were used to provide data for the development of a conceptual model of ETAILQ (2003) website quality. Flick (1998) and Neuman (1997) suggested that focus groups are Wolfinbarger and Gilly (2003) consider that useful in exploratory research or to the perceived quality has four main generate new ideas for assumptions. dimensions, which are: the design of the website, the services offered to consumers A group of 20 people was created online, reliability and security. For these for this study. All participants have authors, reliability and website design are experience in virtual communities, and 15 of the most important dimensions of perceived them had experience as a "community quality. They highly predict the consumer's manager ". judgment on the perceived quality and satisfaction. We asked each member to choose an existing virtual community on Facebook and Methodology submit them to the other members to discuss the positive and negative aspects of In the absence of a strong conceptual basis each community. Thus, we asked each on the quality of virtual communities, the member to identify the positive and ______

Leila Othmani and Néji Bouslama (2015), Journal of Internet Social Networking & Virtual Communities, DOI: 10.5171/2015.888628 Journal of Internet Social Networking & Virtual Communities 4

negative characteristics of each community, processing of information in the following to state the reasons for choosing these steps of the analysis. criteria and rank them according to importance. Then, text segments meaningful to the objectives of the study were identified. These segments were organized under The Semi-Structured Interview: various themes set of expressions reflecting the unity of meaning of the whole text) to The use of semi-structured interviews aims try to fix the database by subject. at exploring the dimensions of the quality of a virtual community in-depth. A sample of During the last step, we conducted a 24 people was selected; these entire people "refinement of the categories" developing (12 men and 12 women) visit regularly and subcategories "including conflicting views actively participate in virtual communities. and new perspectives". We also chose the We chose a heterogeneous sample while most representative texts of the essence of respecting the criteria of relevance that these categories. In this process, similar reflect a diversity of opinion on the subject categories were combined or reorganized of our research. Our sample consists of for better presentation. individuals aged 25 and 55, students, graduates and active "experienced", but all Results and Discussion are administrators or members of several virtual communities. During these In this section, we present the main results interviews; we asked interviewees to and lessons learned from this research. Two answer the following questions: levels of analysis were selected. The first level was the analysis of the discussion According to you: panel, and a second level of analysis of individual interviews online. What is a virtual community of quality? Summary of Results What are its characteristics? It is recognized that clients often share the Qualitative Analysis dimensions of service quality in various dimensions (Carman, 1990) and a Data were coded individually for hierarchical conceptualization of quality of consistency. The importance of each service is appropriate (Brady and Cronin, dimension was determined by the 2001). frequency of citation and its ranking in the speech. Various determinants fused to We will sum up in our study five dimensions different stages in the discussion, and three associated with the perceived quality of a coding steps were used for data analysis. virtual community, namely: the quality of the members forming the community, After preparing the data and to better quality of content, the popularity of virtual understand the content of the surveys, we community, interactivity, and safety (Figure conducted multiple readings of texts. We 1) also summarized talks to facilitate the


Leila Othmani and Néji Bouslama (2015), Journal of Internet Social Networking & Virtual Communities, DOI: 10.5171/2015.888628 5 Journal of Internet Social Networking & Virtual Communities

Figure 1: Dimensions of the Perceived Quality of a Virtual Community

Customers often share the dimensions of knowledge, exchange or solve their service quality in various sub - dimensions problems (Hsua et al 2007) and unlike a (Carmant, 1990). There is talk of a traditional website. Users are known and hierarchical conceptualization of quality of can affect the overall perception of this service is appropriate (Brady and Cronin, community. 2001). For example one interviewee stated "I enjoy The Quality of Members: this community because Mr X is a member " It is recognized in marketing consumer Unlike a web 1.0 website, in a virtual preferences are influenced by their community we can know the members that reference groups such as social classes, make up this community and even their ethnic groups , the family, friends ... "At the characteristics (level of expertise, consumer relations may limit the options of seriousness, and sometimes social class). his" ego " and influence their choices , just Thus, in our study the quality of members as providing him with opportunities to who form a virtual community is the main promote his interests and influence on dimension of perceived quality cited by 80 others " ( Sempé 2000) The complexity of % of respondents. the assessment of a virtual community lies indeed in its multimember ship and it is One of the main characteristics of virtual therefore subject to different pressures communities is the generation of content by more or less implicit such as the presence of users who participate to enrich their social references in this community.

Table 1: The Quality of Members

Examples of verbatim Percentage of Coverage respondents

"A good virtual community is represented by 80% 16 encoded references experts who are serious, helpful, present known [18.43 % Cover] belonging to our frame of reference..."


Leila Othmani and Néji Bouslama (2015), Journal of Internet Social Networking & Virtual Communities, DOI: 10.5171/2015.888628 Journal of Internet Social Networking & Virtual Communities 6

Interactivity : between a transmitter of content and a match. Numerous studies have also Interactivity can be defined according to identified that interactivity helps to build a three approaches: as a technological aspect, good relationship with customers in large as a process of exchanging messages or as firms (Ghose and Dou, 1998). On social the perception of a user of an information networks, it is more about interactivity exchange process (McMillan & Hwang, between users, or "user -user interctivity ", 2002). represented by a collaborative exchange between two or more users. (Mahmoud and As the quality of member interactivity is a Auter 2009) This gives users more freedom feature usually associated with virtual in changing and exchanging messages communities (Leiner and Quiring 2008), (recommendation, comments....). To satisfy interactivity is the ease of direct their need Liu and Shrum 2002). Some communication between several researchers have shown that the interaction undertakings or users without can have a positive impact on the attitudes spatiotemporal constraints (Blattberg and of the user (Wu 1999) as in the context of Deighton 1991). So this is the ability of the present study, 70 % of respondents users to share and edit content to a real cited that interactivity is an important time (Steuer, 1992) which is the exchange quality in a virtual community.

Table 2: Interactivity

Example of verbatim Percentage Coverage of respondents "The quality of a community depends 70% § 15 encoded on the frequency of sharing and references [15.87% interaction... repetitions of interactions Cover] and cooperation... Also different interactions I have with its members"

The Quality of Information: 65 % of respondents agree on the fact that a virtual community must have a rich, The quality of information on a website, and relevant, useful, and reliable quality content. the inherent value and usefulness of the However, the content of a virtual content on a website (Huizingh 2000) are community is mostly created by users and the perceived values of the users of a therefore difficult to control. Consequently, website or a virtual community. the user perception of the quality of information in virtual communities may be Traditionally the quality of information is different than in traditional websites one of the main dimensions of the perceived because users can freely express their quality of a website (Subramanian et al., opinions. They therefore expect to find 2014 Ho and Lin 2010 Katerattanakul and reliable, relevant information from several Siau 1999, Strong et al. 1997...) . Just like a sources (friends, business, expert) and traditional website, quality information in a detailed information that can improve their virtual community has been a fundamental understanding and decisions. axis of the perceived quality. In this study,


Leila Othmani and Néji Bouslama (2015), Journal of Internet Social Networking & Virtual Communities, DOI: 10.5171/2015.888628 7 Journal of Internet Social Networking & Virtual Communities

Table 3: The Quality of Information

Verbatim Example Percentage of Coverage respondents " The quality of a community depends on 65% 13 encoded the importance of reliable information for references [11.63% me... its content should be rich and Cover] useful"

Security : communities safety. The analysis of the interviews showed that, like a traditional The perceived security can be defined as the website for a virtual community, the level of degree of consumers' reassurance when perceived security can be seen as a using technology which is reassuring (Du et; determinant of the quality of a virtual Shin 2009; Chiu et al 2009. Strutton and community; and 60% of respondents Taylor 2010). Security is a major challenge expressed that they prefer communities that for webmarketer because any event can respect the privacy of members, who cause heavy losses for the company (and control their content to avoid the presence Eleonora Di Pietro 2012) on virtual of dubious link and spammed.

Table 4. Security

Verbatim Example Percentage of Coverage respondents " This community should not send 60 % 12 encoded spam, undesirable or offensive references messages all the time. " [11.05% Cover] " I do not like to find advertisements or questionable links "

Popularity: According to Freud (1921) in a crowd, the individual is not aware of his actions; he is "It's easier to appreciate a community that struggling with the suggestion that has 20,000 members than a community that abolishes his discretion, but may instead has less than 100 members." This is what reveal another "faculties" in extreme interviewees replied. exaltation (Freud, 1921). " In a crowd, every feeling is contagious to the point that the Unlike a traditional website, a single user individual easily sacrifices his personal can easily know the number of people interest to the collective interest" Freud, belonging to this community, and the 1921). This dimension is cited by 35% of number of people who speak about it. respondents as shown in the joined table.


Leila Othmani and Néji Bouslama (2015), Journal of Internet Social Networking & Virtual Communities, DOI: 10.5171/2015.888628 Journal of Internet Social Networking & Virtual Communities 8

Table 5: Popularity

Verbatim Example Percentage Coverage of respondents "The quality of a community depends 35 % 7 encoded on the number of friends belonging to references [5.38% this community, thus popularity Cover] shows that this community is trustworthy"

Conclusion First, the model of the perceived quality of a virtual community (Figure 1) did not Virtual communities are an effective tool for provide specific measurement scales. It is business development (Lu et al. , 2010). It is necessary to develop an appropriate clear that these communities represent a instrument of measurement to help real opportunity for companies to get closer companies on social networks know their to their customers and even understand the market and improve their image... market trends, but attracting new members and retaining existing members is not an Thus, it is necessary to build a reliable and easy task (Harris and Good, 2004). That is accurate instrument for researchers to why our research objectives are to explore apply in different aspects and behavioral and describe the dimensions of the mechanisms in virtual communities. perceived quality of a virtual community. In one approach of qualitative and interpretive A quantitative study would be desirable to research (Lawrence Neuman, 2001), we develop this scale of measurement to conducted a qualitative study on two stages, confirm dimensions a group meeting and a series of individual interviews online to identify the different Second, the dimensions presented in this facets of the problem. article are ranked according to their importance, as perceived by respondents. It Data processing was performed using the would be interesting to evaluate the NVIVO 8 by following the three classification statistically. steps recommended by Miles and Huberman (2003), namely, data This could be useful for companies on social condensation and representation, networks to understand the priorities of the development, and verification of consumers who are members of virtual conclusions. communities.

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Leila Othmani and Néji Bouslama (2015), Journal of Internet Social Networking & Virtual Communities, DOI: 10.5171/2015.888628