Journal of Food Protection, Vol. 62, No. 12, 1999, Pages 1488±1496 Copyright ᮊ, International Association of Milk, Food and Environmental Sanitarians

Review Impedance : Applications in Food Hygiene


Institute of Hygiene and Technology of Food of Animal Origin, Veterinary Faculty, Ludwig-Maximilians-University Munich, VeterinaÈrstr. 13, D-80539 Munich, Germany

MS 98-246: Received 17 September 1998/Accepted 9 August 1999 Downloaded from http://meridian.allenpress.com/jfp/article-pdf/62/12/1488/1663811/0362-028x-62_12_1488.pdf by guest on 02 October 2021 ABSTRACT

Impedance microbiology is a rapid method that enables qualitative and quantitative tracing of by mea- suring the change in the electrical conductivity. With direct impedance technology, the change in the conductivity of a liquid culture medium serves as a measuring parameter, whereas with indirect impediometry, the change in the electrical conductivity of a reaction solution, which occurs through the absorption of gases from the inoculated bacterial culture, is measured. Most investigations concerning the applicability of impediometry in food microbiology deal with the impedimetric detection or enumeration of Enterobacteriaceae, especially the detection of Salmonella. However, impediometry has been applied to other bacterial groups or species as well. Furthermore, a great number of published ®ndings concern the impedimetric determination of the total bacterial count. The successful application of this fast method on further areas of food hygiene, such as tracing antibiotics and testing additives for their antimicrobiological effect, has also been described. In general the use of impediometry for the application areas stated has been judged positively. However, the time and expense required by the user to optimize the method, the de®cits when testing slightly contaminated sample material or determining the bacterial count in those cases in which the microorganisms are sublethally damaged, and the necessity of performing individual calibration for each food category limit the applicability of impediometry.

Conventional microbiological methods for determining example, in the names conductance measurement, conduc- the bacterial count or for tracing certain pathogenic micro- timetry, and conductimetric method), which is de®ned as organisms require a great deal of time, work, and material. the reciprocal value of the total resistance (25, 50). Modern quality assurance, e.g., on the basis of the hazard MEASURING METHODS AND EQUIPMENT analysis critical control point concept, needs test methods with speedily available results to allow a quick reaction to The basic technical equipment required for performing possible risks. The test duration is especially important impedance microbiology consists of special incubators and where the quality assurance of highly perishable products their culture vessels (equipped with electrodes) and an eval- is concerned. In addition, the decrease in storage costs uation unit with computer, printer, and appropriate software. through the use of rapid methods is advantageous for the At present, there are four impedance systems available. Ta- food industry. ble 1 contains some data about these commercially avail- One way to meet the demands of food microbiology able devices. could be the application of impediometry. Impedance or The two basic measuring principles are the direct and conductance measurement is a rapid method that reduces indirect impedance techniques. With the direct impedance work and material and is based on the in¯uence that the method, the electrodes reach into the liquid culture medium microbial metabolic activity has on the electrical conduc- that has been inoculated with the sample material (5, 26). tivity of a liquid culture medium or a reaction solution. The As a result of the metabolic activity of the microorganisms measuring process is named according to the parameters contained in the sample, large molecules are broken down that comprise the measuring system. The term impedance into many smaller, electrically charged molecules. These (included, for example, in the names impedance measure- changes in the molecular composition increase the conduc- ment, impediometry, and impedimetric method) is a syno- tivity of the liquid and the capacitance that arises mainly nym for the total resistance that occurs in the alternating from the polarization of the electrode-liquid interface (16, current circuit, consisting of the ohmic, inductive, and ca- 31, 35, 37, 40, 42, 51). The impedance-splitting method pacitive resistance. A material constant, the speci®c resis- distinguishes itself from the usual methods of measuring tance, in¯uences the ohmic resistance. Conductivity is de- the total impedance by a separate recording of the change ®ned as the reciprocal value of the speci®c resistance and in impedance in the medium and the impedance change of contributes to the conductance (this term is included, for the electrode system (40, 43). The culture medium reacts like an ohmic resistance, whereas the impedance of the * Author for correspondence. Tel: 089-2180-2522; Fax: 089-2180-3872; electrode system is ohmic and capacitive (5). The sensitive E-mail: [email protected]. reaction of the impedance change of the electrode system J. Food Prot., Vol. 62, No. 12 IMPEDANCE IN FOOD HYGIENE 1489

TABLE 1. Impedimetric systems Rapid automated Impedimetric bacterial impedance system Bactometer Malthus System V technique (RABIT) BacTrac

Company Bio Merieux, NuÈrtingen, Malthus Instruments Ltd., Don Whitley Scienti®c Sy-Lab, Purkersdorf, Aus- Germany (6); Basing- Crawley, UK (13); also Ltd., Shipley, UK (11, tria (2, 40) stoke, UK (11); Hazel- available via IUL-In- 22) wood, Missouri, USA struments, KoÈnigswin- (13, 35) ter, Germany (3), and via Radiometer Interna- tional, Copenhagen, Denmark (49)

Impedance signal Conductance, capacitance, Conductance (11) Conductance (11) Impedance (impedance- Downloaded from http://meridian.allenpress.com/jfp/article-pdf/62/12/1488/1663811/0362-028x-62_12_1488.pdf by guest on 02 October 2021 impedance (11, 35) splitting method) (2, 40, 43) Indirect impedi- No statements to be found Possible (3) Possible (1) Possible (2) ometry in the literature Number of sam- Up to 512 in two temper- Up to 1200 (3) 32 RABIT electrode tubes 20 or 40 impedance tubes ples ature-controlled incuba- per incubator; maxi- per incubator; maximal tors (13, 35, 37) mum of 16 incubators; six incubators; individu- individual temperature al temperature control control for each incuba- for each incubator (2) tor (1) Peculiarities of Disposable modules (13, Water bath incubator (13); Aluminium incubators; Aluminium incubators; the equipment 17); possibility to place availability of reusable, high-grade steel elec- stainless steel electrodes analysis tubes in a stan- disposable, semidispos- trodes (1) (2) dard incubator and con- able and large volume nect them to the com- cells (3); platinum±ce- puter with an extension ramic electrodes (13) cable (15, 17); stainless steel electrodes (13, 17) to relatively small changes in conductivity allows the use leading to a decrease in the conductance of the alkaline of culture media with high basic conductivity for this pro- substance (5, 14, 22, 46). cess and can reduce the duration of the test (28, 38, 40, The principle of all impedance systems is that they 41). The indirect impedance method also allows the use of measure the relative or absolute changes in conductance, culture media with high salt concentrations. The culture impedance, or capacitance at regular intervals (e.g., every vessel of this method consists of two separate sections, ar- 6 min). The measured impedance values are graphically ranged in a way that enables a gas exchange. One of the plotted on the ordinate against the incubation times on the sections contains the culture medium and the sample, and abscissa (5, 16, 22, 36, 37, 47). To detect speci®c micro- the other, in which the impedance reading is performed, organisms, the user has to determine a de®nite change in contains an alkaline solution or an alkaline agar bridge. the measured quantity as threshold value. For a positive Consequently, the gases, mainly CO2, that are produced be- detection, this threshold value has to be exceeded by the cause of the metabolic activity in the inoculated culture impedance curve (5, 10, 46). The incubation time required medium during incubation are absorbed by the potassium to reach certain curve features, e.g., the threshold value, is hydroxide in the other section of the culture vessel, thus called detection time (5, 36, 46). The graphic presentation of direct impedance measurements and the terms threshold value and detection time are illustrated in Figure 1. Impedance enumeration of microorganisms relies on the detection time being inversely related to sample con- tamination (16, 26, 32, 37). Careful calibration is a prereq- uisite for quanti®cation. At least 30 samples, the bacterial count of which should vary by several orders of magnitude, have to be tested with both the impedance method and a conventional method. The conventional bacterial counts are compared with the respective impedance detection times by FIGURE 1. Generalized example for the graphic presentation of the computer software of the impedance system to compile impedance readings (direct impediometry), threshold value, and a regression equation and to calculate the correlation co- detection time. ef®cient and the mean variation. In the following routine 1490 WAWERLA ET AL. J. Food Prot., Vol. 62, No. 12

TABLE 2. Impedimetric detection or enumeration of Enterobacteriaceaea Impedance system or medium and Procedures used Species/group Sample material special details in parallel Resultsb

Enterobacteriaceae (13) Dehydrated meat Bactometer; Entero-Medi- Pour plate technique with r ϭϪ0.97 um (BACTOMETER), overlay; violet red bile partly twice concentrat- glucose agar; ϩ37ЊC, 2 ed with addition of days Monensin Dry soups as ®nished r ϭϪ0.84 products Dehydrated meat Malthus; Enterobacteria- r ϭϪ0.84

ceae medium (MAL- Downloaded from http://meridian.allenpress.com/jfp/article-pdf/62/12/1488/1663811/0362-028x-62_12_1488.pdf by guest on 02 October 2021 THUS) Dry soups as ®nished r ϭϪ0.90 products Enterobacteriaceae (31) Meat, meat products, Malthus; Enterobacteria- §35 LMBG (L 06.00-18) r ϭϪ0.92 poultry ceae medium (MAL- THUS) Surface samples Malthus; coliform broth Impression smears Results comparable or enterobacteriaceae medium (MALTHUS) Coliforms (26) Raw milk RABIT; WCB §35 LMBG (L 01.00-3) r ϭϪ0.893 (29 measure- ments) Pasteurized milk r ϭϪ0.944 (62 measure- ments) Coliforms (51) Pasteurized milk BacTrac; milk sample Surface inoculation on r ϭϪ0.912 with addition of 0.2% VRB extract and 0.1% benzalconium chloride Coliforms (33) Pasteurized milk (900 RABIT; 3 ml WCB pre- MPN method according MPN method detected samples) pared double strength to British Standard BS presumptive coliforms ϩ 3 ml undiluted milk 4285, Section 3.7, in 83 samples and the 1987 RABIT in 100 (2 false positives) Coliforms (27) Soft cheese RABIT; WCB §35 LMBG (L 01.00-3) Standard type r ϭϪ0.838 Cheese types out of raw r ϭϪ0.936 milk or with spices, molds, etc. Coliforms (45) Pasteurized egg products: BacTrac; BiMedia 160B; Quantitative determina- Qualitative and quantita- end products (95 sam- quantitative determina- tion: MPN method ac- tive determinations: ples), intermediate tion in end products by cording to §35 LMBG good correspondence products (184 samples) means of the MPN (L 01.00-2); qualitative between impedance re- method determination: pres- sults and results of the ence/absence test conventional procedure Coliforms (36) Commercial ready-to-use RABIT; MacConkey Pour plate technique; Discrepancies between mixed salads, packed Broth (OXOID) VRB; ϩ37ЊC, 24 h standard microbiologi- in polyethylene trays cal counts and counts covered with polypro- obtained via the im- pylene ®lm (153 sam- pedance method for ples); one batch was samples with a low inoculated with the an- level of contamination timicrobial-producing strain Lactobacillus casei IMPC LC34 J. Food Prot., Vol. 62, No. 12 IMPEDANCE IN FOOD HYGIENE 1491

TABLE 2. Continued Impedance system or medium and Procedures used Species/group Sample material special details in parallel Results

Escherichia coli (24) Bivalve shell®sh Malthus; Malthus Coli- French conventional form Broth (MAL- MPN method THUS); 100 ml con- ductivity cells 825 samples Sensitivity of the two methods not signi®- cantly different Con®rmation tests of 608 4.0% false positive, 0.7%

conductivity cells false negative Downloaded from http://meridian.allenpress.com/jfp/article-pdf/62/12/1488/1663811/0362-028x-62_12_1488.pdf by guest on 02 October 2021 10 replicates of ®ve sam- Impediometry: SD 0.08± ples 0.26; CV 1.0%±3.9% MPN: SD 0.20±0.47; CV: 5.4%±13.2% Escherichia coli (19) Potable water BacTrac; medium with United Kingdom standard No signi®cant differences trimethylamine oxide membrane ®ltration between the impedime- and D-glucuronic acid; technique using mem- tric method and the sample ϭ membrane, brane lauryl sulfate UK standard method through which 100 ml broth; Colilert௡ pres- on the one hand and water had been ®ltered ence/absence test between the impedime- tric method and the Colilert௡ on the other hand; false positive with two Salmonella strains a LMBG, Law on Foods and Commodities (Germany); WCB, Whitley coliform broth; VRB, violet red bile agar; MPN, most probable number; SD, standard deviation, CV, coef®cient of variation. b r, correlation coef®cient.

test measurements, the computer software calculates the attempts being made to standardize the use of impediome- bacterial count of the sample material from the measured try in the Federal Republic of Germany (5). detection times (5, 13, 26, 31). However, Bolliger et al. (13) and Orsi et al. (36) point- ed out that conventional colony counts and impedance enu- THE USE OF IMPEDIOMETRY IN FOOD meration do not correspond so closely when there is only MICROBIOLOGY slight contamination of the sample. Our investigations (53) The suitability of impedance measurements for detect- for tracing Clostridium perfringens in minced meat showed ing and enumerating certain microorganisms in food has that when the samples were contaminated with less than been tested many times, the main emphasis being on the 103 CFU/g, false-negative results were often obtained. detection or enumeration of Enterobacteriaceae and the de- Much importance is placed on the choice of the im- termination of the total bacterial count. A smaller number pedance media and the modus operandi (23). For example of publications are dedicated to the detection or enumera- Donaghy and Madden (21) reported in their investigations tion of other bacterial groups or bacterial species that are for impedance detection of salmonellae that there were bad important in the food industry, such as Listeria, clostridia, rates of recovery and a high percentage of false-positive or lactobacilli. Tables 2 through 5 describe some of the results. By changing the process, however, they achieved a investigations that have been published since 1990. recovery rate as good as, if not better than, the recovery In the cited publications, impedance microbiology is in rate of the conventional method (22). Donaghy and Madden general stated as being on a par with if not better than the (22) compared four commercial Rappaport-Vassiliadis me- conventional methods. This positive assessment is mirrored dium formulations from three different manufacturers. They in the of®cial recognition of this method. For example, the found that even small changes in the composition of the Association of Of®cial Analytical Chemists International culture media could greatly in¯uence their applicability as has recognized impedance microbiology as a ®nal action impedance media. With regard to the incubation conditions method for the detection of salmonellae in foods (4). In for impedance detection of C. perfringens, our investiga- Great Britain and Northern Ireland, the use of impediome- tions (53) showed, in contrast to published test results of try for tracing salmonellae in processed animal protein has others, that a paraf®n layer is a necessity, even with a suf- been regulated by law since 1989 (21, 33). There are also ®ciently prereduced culture medium. 1492 WAWERLA ET AL. J. Food Prot., Vol. 62, No. 12

TABLE 3. Detection of salmonellae by impediometrya Impedance system or Sample material medium and special details Procedures used in parallel Results

Dried dairy products (10) Malthus and RABIT: Easter and §35 LMBG (L 00.00-20) 1.5±4.8% false positives, 0.0% Gibson Medium and Ogdens false negatives Medium; BacTrac: modi®ed RV broth 161 environmental samples Malthus; disposable electrode cells ISO-DIS 6579; 1991. Modi®ed Recovery rate from 100 positive from a milk powder fac- with Medium 1 (contains dulci- Semisolid Rappaport-Vassiliadis samples: ISO, 100; MSRV, 82; tory and 49 arti®cially tol and trimethylamine-N-oxide) Medium (MSRV) impedance method, 66; impedi- contaminated samples and medium 2 (contains lysine) ometry the highest portion of (10 CFU of Salmonella from MALTHUS false positives

infantis) (30) Downloaded from http://meridian.allenpress.com/jfp/article-pdf/62/12/1488/1663811/0362-028x-62_12_1488.pdf by guest on 02 October 2021 Soft cheese (arti®cially BacTrac; special selective medium ISO standard method 6789: 1990 Impedance measurement has a contaminated) (7) and IDF standard 1985; semi- high recovery rate but gives solid RV medium; Microscreen- false positives Latextest; gene probe Raw meat and processed RABIT; Easter and Gibson medi- Conventional enrichment in RV Recovery rates: Raw meat: with animal protein (21) um (LAB M), Easter and Gib- broth both techniques, 95%; pro- son medium (laboratory-made), cessed animal protein: with and Ogden's medium conventional technique, 84%; with impedance technique, 59%; High number of false pos- itives Raw meat (44 samples) RABIT; RV Broth (LAB M); indi- Conventional methodology as Recoveries of Salmonella equiva- and processed animal rect impedance method speci®ed in the Animal Protein lent to, or better than, those ob- protein (33 samples) Order (1989) (standard method tained with the conventional (22) in the UK): RV broth; ϩ42ЊC, procedure 48 h Poultry (31) Malthus; Salmonella selective me- §35 LMBG (L 00.00-20) No false negatives or false posi- dium 1 and 2 (MALTHUS) tives possible 250 samples: whole poul- BacTrac; laboratory-developed Enrichment in the following me- Impedance method had the highest try carcasses, poultry medium with magnesium chlo- dia: selenite±cystine broth, RV recovery rate; some false posi- cuts, eggs, and minced ride, malachite, green oxalate, broth, RV broth modi®ed, tetra- tives; lowest number of false meat (40) and novobiocin thionate brilliant green bile negatives broth; ϩ42ЊC, 24 h Various raw and cooked BacTrac; modi®ed RV broth and §35 LMBG (L 00.00-20) Using impediometry detection of foods; environmental modi®ed selenite±cystine medi- Salmonellae in 7.6% of 459 swab samples (28) um food samples; using the method according to §35 LMBG only in 6.8%; 86 swab samples neg- ative with both methods; im- pedance method: no false nega- tives but always some false positives Surface samples (31) Malthus; salmonella selective me- Impression smears Results Comparable dium 1 and 2 (MALTHUS) a RABIT, rapid automated bacterial impedance technique; RV, Rappaport-Vassiliadis; LMBG, Law on Foods and Commodities (Ger- many).

It has been found that the greater the number of dif- also pointed out that the composition of the micro¯ora of, ferent strains from various species used in a test, the poorer for example, raw sausages changes during ripening. Fur- is the correlation between impedance enumeration and con- thermore, the metabolic activity of the micro¯ora found in ventional colony counts (Table 6). This is a result of the food can be in¯uenced by the storage conditions of the food differing metabolic activities of the various species in- and by its ingredients (12, 13, 28, 32). volved (32). In consideration of the different micro¯ora of OTHER APPLICATION AREAS FOR IMPEDANCE all sorts of foodstuffs, Jurinka and Mifek (31) recommend- MICROBIOLOGY ed the calibration of the impedance system separately for each category of food to determine the total viable counts. The use of impedance measurements in connection However, each foodstuff can have its own micro¯ora, de- with the hygiene and the technology of food is not limited pending on the manufacturer (28). Reinschmidt et al. (41) to routine detection and enumeration of certain microor- J. Food Prot., Vol. 62, No. 12 IMPEDANCE IN FOOD HYGIENE 1493

TABLE 4. Determination of the total viable counts by impediometrya Impedance system or Sample material medium and special details Procedures used in parallel Resultsb

Raw milk (26) RABIT: Whitley impedance broth §35 LMBG (L 01.00-5) r ϭϪ0.891 (32 measurements) Pasteurized milk (26) RABIT; Whitley impedance broth §35 LMBG (L 01.00-5) r ϭϪ0.626 (27 measurements based on a calibration curve with r ϭϪ0.696) Ice cream (121 samples) BacTrac; BiMedia 001A Drop plating method; PC; ϩ30ЊC, r ϭϪ0.7545 (28) 48 h Milk-based ice cream (80 BacTrac; general purpose medium Drop plating method r ϭϪ0.68 samples) (41) from Sy-Lab Liquid whole egg, native BacTrac; BiMedia 001A, tryptone Drop plating method Close to very close correlation be-

and frozen (45) soy broth and brain heart infu- tween detection times and con- Downloaded from http://meridian.allenpress.com/jfp/article-pdf/62/12/1488/1663811/0362-028x-62_12_1488.pdf by guest on 02 October 2021 sion broth ventional colony counts Chicken carcass rinses Bactometer; General Purpose Me- Spiral plater model D; standard Impedimetric method: lowest cor- (9) dium (Bio Merieux) PC; ϩ37ЊC, 24±48 h; ATP bio- relation with plate count results luminescence; hydrophobic grid (r ϭϪ0.32) of all methods membrane ®ltration; turbidime- tested try Meat, meat products, Malthus; SPYE broth (MAL- §35 LMBG (L 06.00-18); PC Products with similar composition: poultry (31) THUS) r ϾϪ0.93; otherwise, r ϽϪ0.70 Fresh Mettwurst sausage BacTrac; general purpose medium Drop plating method Flat curves in case of properly rip- (41) from Sy-Lab ened products; r ϭϪ0.83 (based on an M value of 2%) Commercial ready-to-use RABIT; Whitley impedance broth Pour plate technique; PC; ϩ30ЊC, r ϭϪ0.943 mixed salads, packed 48 h in polyethylene trays covered with polypro- pylene ®lm; one batch was inoculated with the antimicrobial-pro- ducing strain Lactoba- cillus casei IMPC LC34 (198 samples) (36) Dehydrated raw materi- Bactometer: General Purpose Me- Pour plate technique; PC; ϩ30ЊC, Bactometer: r between Ϫ0.71 and als, fresh salads, and dium Plus (BACTOMETER); 3 days Ϫ0.94; Malthus: r between dry soups and bouil- Malthus: SPYE broth (MAL- Ϫ0.76 and Ϫ0.97; Bactometer lons as ®nished prod- THUS) has signi®cantly shorter detec- ucts (13) tion times than Malthus Surface samples (31) Malthus; SPYE broth (MAL- Impression smears Results comparable THUS) a RABIT, rapid automated bacterial impedance technique; LMBG, Law on Foods and Commodities (Germany); PC, plate count agar; ATP, adenosine triphosphate. b r, correlation coef®cient. ganisms. Impedance microbiology can have advantages terial counting, reduction of the absorbance in bacterial sus- over conventional microbiological methods in other appli- pensions, or formation of inhibition zones on agar plates cations. In the following, some examples are given. are not as suitable for testing the antimicrobial effect of One application area is the detection of antibiotics in alkaline peptides as methods that measure the microbial food. For example, Chen and Chang (18) found that the metabolic activity, because an agglutination of positively impedance method is 30 times more sensitive than the usual charged peptides with negatively charged bacterial cells can test methods for tracing penicillin G in milk. occur (29). However, it is not evident from extended de- Tranter et al. (49), Johansen et al. (29), Tassou et al. tection times in impedance assays whether the are (48), Orsi et al. (36), and Taranto et al. (47) used impedi- damaged sublethally or whether only a few bacteria have ometry to test the ef®ciency of antimicrobial substances or survived (29). microorganisms as preserving agents. One advantage of us- For the dairy industry, impediometry is a valuable ing impediometry for this is the fact that several substances method for determining the quality and activity of starter or one substance under different conditions can be tested cultures (32, 37, 44). at the same time (49). Furthermore, processes such as bac- From the measured conductance changes of bacterial 1494 WAWERLA ET AL. J. Food Prot., Vol. 62, No. 12

TABLE 5. Detection or enumeration of other bacteria by impediometrya Impedance system or medium and Procedures used Species or group Sample material special details in parallel Resultsb

Clostridium perfringens Arti®cially contaminated Malthus; ¯uid thioglycol- Blood agar plates (Co- r ϭϪ0.933; curves often and Clostridiuma sporo- ground meat (54 mea- late medium lumbia agar, containing shouldered, due to the genes (wild strains) (23) surements) 10% whole sheep's presence of two C. blood); ϩ37ЊC, 18 h, spp. anaerobically; suspect colonies con®rmed on tryptose sul®te neomy- cin medium

Clostridium spp. (23) Meat un®t for consump- Malthus; ¯uid thioglycol- Colony counts on tryp- 14 results obtained by Downloaded from http://meridian.allenpress.com/jfp/article-pdf/62/12/1488/1663811/0362-028x-62_12_1488.pdf by guest on 02 October 2021 tion (4 samples, 22 late medium tose sul®te neomycin conductance measure- measurements) medium ments close to the re- sults obtained with the procedure used in par- allel; curves often ir- regular because of the presence of several clostridia in the sam- ples Clostridium perfringens Minced meat (arti®cially BacTrac; DRCM (Merck) DIN-standard 10 103, §35 Reliable screening test (42 strains) (53) contaminated) supplemented with the LMBG (L 06.00-39) for sample material combination of selec- with contamination tive agents according levels higher than 103 to method L 06.00-39 CFU/g; at lower con- of the of®cial methods tamination levels, false collection and accord- negatives are probable ing to §35 LMBG, re- spectively, according to DIN-standard 10 103 (300 mg D-cycloserine and 50 mg sodium azide per 1,000 ml DRCM); overlay of viscid paraf®n (2 ml) Listeria spp. (39) 120 samples: raw meat, BacTrac; impedance me- Enrichment broth Impedance method: high fermented sausages, dium ϭ modi®cation streaked onto Oxford sensitivity and preci- and cheese of FDA broth and and modi®ed listeria sion, good practicabili- PALCAM agar selective agar plates ty, reduction in work (ϩ37ЊC, 24 h); con®r- and time mation and serotyping Listeria monocytogenes Minced meat Malthus and BacTrac: lis- §35 LMBG (L 00.00-22) After con®rmation via (8) teria trimethylamine gene probe, the same broth; Malthus: in ad- number of positive dition, listeria selective samples were found medium in disposable with both methods conductance cells in- cluding listeria selec- tive supplement (MAL- THUS) Lactobacilli (31) Meat, meat products, Malthus; Malthus lacto- §35 LMBG (L 06.00-18); r ϭϪ0.92 poultry bacilli broth AOAC Rogosa agar a DRCM, differential reinforced clostridial broth; LMBG, Law on Foods and Commodities (Germany); DIN, German Institute for Standardization. b r, correlation coef®cient. J. Food Prot., Vol. 62, No. 12 IMPEDANCE IN FOOD HYGIENE 1495

TABLE 6. Correlation between the number of lactobacilli strains 6. Anonymous. 1998. Price list 1998 ● 1999. BIO MERIEUX, NuÈrtin- or species and the correlation coef®cient between conventional gen, Germany. colony counts and impedance resultsa 7. Asperger, H., and P. Pless. 1994. Zum Salmonellennachweis in KaÈseÐMethodenvergleich unter besonderer BeruÈcksichtigung der Correlation Begleit¯ora- problematik. Wien. TieraÈrztl. Monatsschr. 81:12±17. Diversity of lactobacilli strains coef®cient 8. Baumgart, J., S. Sieker, and B. Vogelsang. 1994. Listeria monocy- togenes in Hack¯eischÐNachweis mit der Impedanz-Methode und Single-strain cultures ϾϪ0.97 einem neuen Selektiv medium. Fleischwirtschaft 74:647±648. Cell suspensions of different strains belonging to 9. Bautista, D. A., R. A. Clarke, and M. W. Grif®ths. 1994. Comparison the same species Ϫ0.90 of microbiological methods for monitoring chicken carcass quality. Cell suspensions of strains belonging to different J. Rapid Methods Automation Microbiol. 3:23±35. thermophilic species Ϫ0.733 10. Becker, H., G. Schaller, and G. Terplan.1992. Konventionelle und alternative Verfahren zum Nachweis verschiedener pathogener Mik- a Data from Lanzanova et al. (32). roorganismen in Milch und Milchprodukten. dmz Lebensm. Industrie Milchwirtschaft 113:956, 958±968. 11. Blackburn, C. de W. 1991. Detection of Salmonella in foods using Downloaded from http://meridian.allenpress.com/jfp/article-pdf/62/12/1488/1663811/0362-028x-62_12_1488.pdf by guest on 02 October 2021 cultures exposed to different environmental conditions, impedance. Eur. Food Drink Rev. 35±40. conclusions in the sense of ``predictive modeling'' can be 12. Blackburn, C. de W., and A. R. Davies. 1994. Development of an- drawn via mathematical relations (20, 52). tibiotic-resistant strains for the enumeration of foodborne pathogenic In this brief survey, only the most important applica- bacteria in stored foods. Int. J. Food Microbiol. 24:125±136. 13. Bolliger, S., M. Casella, and M. Teuber. 1994. Comparative imped- tion areas of impedance microbiology were mentioned. ance evaluation of the microbial load of different foodstuffs. Le- Several further possible applications are currently being bensm.-Wiss.-Technol. 27:177±184. considered. 14. Bolton, F. J. 1990. An investigation of indirect conductimetry for detection of some food-borne bacteria. J. Appl. Bacteriol. 69:655± CONCLUSIONS 661. 15. BuÈlte, M. 1983. Die Impedanzmessung und das Biolumineszenzver- In most of the publications that concern the suitability fahren als anwendbare Schnellmethoden zur Erfassung der mikro- of impediometry for the detection and enumeration of mi- biellen Kontamination auf Fleischober¯aÈchen. VMD dissertation. FU croorganisms in food, impedance microbiology proved to Berlin. be a practical alternative to conventional methods. In other 16. Cady, P., S. W. Dufour, J. Shaw, and S. J. Kraeger. 1978. Electrical publications, the advantages of impedance microbiology impedance measurements: rapid method for detecting and monitor- ing micro- organisms. J. Clin. Microbiol. 7:265±272. were referred to concerning other microbiological problems 17. Cady, P., D. Hardy, S. Martins, S. W. Dufour, and S. J. Kraeger. in the area of food hygiene and technology. 1978. Automated impedance measurements for rapid screening of The substitution of conventional methods by impedi- milk microbial content. J. Food Prot. 41:277±283. ometry in routine food tests is, however, only advantageous 18. Chen, H. C., and T. C. Chang. 1994. Detection of penicillin G in when the typical test material consists of a high percentage milk using a conductimetric method. J. Dairy Sci. 77:1515±1520. of similar samples, since the optimization of the method 19. Colquhoun, K. O., S. Timms, and C. R. Fricker. 1995. 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1994. Evaluation of motility enrichment on modi®ed semisolid Rap- 42. Richards, J. C. S., A. C. Jason, G. Hobbs, D. M. Gibson, and R. H. paport-Vassiliadis medium (MRSV) and automated conductance in Christie. 1978. Electronic measurement of bacterial growth. J. Phys. combination with Rambach agar for Salmonella detection in envi- Earth Sci. Instrum. 11:560±568. ronmental samples of a milk powder factory. Int. J. Food Microbiol. 43. Schalch, B., and H. Eisgruber. 1994. Quantitativer Nachweis von 22:201±206. Clostridium perfringens mittels Impedanzmeûverfahren, p. 217±221 31. Jurinka, A., and K. Mifek. 1994. Impedanzverfahren zur Untersu- (Teil I). In 35. Arbeitstagung d. Arbeits- gebietes ``Lebensmittelhy- chung wichtiger mikrobiologischer Parameter. ErnaÈhrung 18:210± giene'' der DVG. German Veterinary Society, Garmisch-Partenkirch- 213. en, Germany. 32. Lanzanova, M., G. Mucchetti, and E. Neviani. 1993. Analysis of 44. SchuÈmann, B. 1993. Mikrobiologische SchnellmethodenÐproduk- conductance changes as a growth index of lactic acid bacteria in tivere QualitaÈtssicherung. Dtsch. Milchwirtschaft 44:1108±1109. milk. J. Dairy Sci. 76:20±28. 45. SchuÈtzle, U., M. BuÈlte, and G. Hildebrandt. 1993. Impedanzmessun- 33. Madden, R. H., W. E. Espie, and J. McBride. 1996. Bene®ts of gen an Eiprodukten, p. 217±221 (Teil II). 34. Arbeitstagung d. Ar- indirect impediometry, using Rappaport-Vassiliadis broth, for the de- beitsgebietes ``Lebensmittelhygiene'' der DVG. German Veterinary tection of Salmonella in processed animal protein. Int. J. Food Mi- Society, Garmisch-Partenkirchen, Germany. crobiol. 29:387±390. 46. Silley, P., and S. Forsythe. 1996. Impedance microbiologyÐa rapid 34. Madden, R. H., and A. Gilmour. 1995. Impedance as an alternative change for microbiologists (a review). J. Appl. Bacteriol. 80:233± Downloaded from http://meridian.allenpress.com/jfp/article-pdf/62/12/1488/1663811/0362-028x-62_12_1488.pdf by guest on 02 October 2021 to MPN enumeration of coliforms in pasteurized milks. Lett. Appl. 243. Microbiol. 21:387±388. 47. Taranto, M. P., A. Pesce de Ruiz Holdalgo, and G. Font de Valdez. 35. Noble, P. A., E. Ashton, C. A. Davidson, and W. L. Albritton. 1991. 1997. Use of a conductimetric method to evaluate the effect of bile Heterotrophic plate counts of surface water samples by using im- acids on Listeria monocytogenes. Milchwissenschaft 52:247±249. pedance methods. Appl. Environ. Microbiol. 57:3287±3291. 48. Tassou, C. C., E. H. Drosinos, and G. J. E. Nychas. 1995. Effects of essential oil from mint (Mentha piperita) on Salmonella enteritidis 36. Orsi, C., S. Torriani, B. Battistotti, and M. Vescovo. 1997. Imped- and Listeria monocytogenes in model food systems at 4 Њ and 10 ЊC. ance measurements to assess microbial contamination of ready-to- J. Appl. Bacteriol. 78:593±600. use vegetables. Z. Lebensm.-Unters.-Forsch. 205:248±250. 49. Tranter, H. S., S. C. Tassou, and G. J. Nychas. 1993. The effect of 37. Over, S. 1994. Der Einsatz des ``Bactometers'' in mikrobiologischen the olive phenolic compound, oleuropein, on growth and enterotoxin Laboratorien der milchverarbeitenden Industrie. dmz Lebensm. In- B production by Staphylococcus aureus. J. Appl. Bacteriol. 74:253± dustrie Milchwirtschaft 115:432±435. 259. 38. Pless, P. 1991. Anwendung der Impedanzmessung bei der mikro- 50. Trautwein, A., U. Kreibig, and E. Oberhausen. 1987. Physik fuÈr biologischen Untersuchung von Fleisch und Fleischwaren, p. 135± Mediziner, Biologen, Pharmazeuten. 4th ed. De Gruyter, Berlin. 140. In 32. Arbeitstagung d. Arbeitsgebietes ``Lebensmittelhygiene'' 51. Url, B. 1991. Nachweis von Rekontaminationskeimen in Trinkmilch der DVG. German Veterinary Society, Garmisch-Partenkirchen, Ger- mit Hilfe der Impedanzmessung, p. 313±319. In 32. Arbeitstagung many. d. Arbeitsgebietes ``Lebensmittel- hygiene'' der DVG. German Vet- 39. Pless, P. 1992. Detection of Listeria spp. by a new impedance meth- erinary Society, Garmisch-Partenkirchen, Germany. od, p. 1194±1197. In Proceedings of the Third World Congress on 52. Wallentin Lindberg, C., and E. Borch. 1994. Predicting the aerobic Foodborne Infections and Intoxications. Berlin, Germany. growth of Y. enterocolitica O:3 at different pH-values, temperatures 40. Pless, P., K. Futschik, and E. Schopf. 1994. Rapid detection of sal- and L-lactate concentrations using conductance measurements. Int. monellae by means of a new Impedance-Splitting method. J. Food J. Food Microbiol. 22:141±153. Prot. 57:369±376. 53. Wawerla, M. 1998. Quantitativer Nachweis von Clostridium perfrin- 41. Reinschmidt, B., J. JoÈckel, and G. Hildebrandt. 1992. Impedanz- gens in Hack¯eisch mittels Impedanzmessung. DVM dissertation. meûgeraÈte in der Routinediagnostik. Lebensmitteltechnik 12:58±60. Munich. 1497

Journal of Food Protection, Vol. 62, No. 12, 1999, Pages 1497±1521 Copyright ᮊ, International Association of Milk, Food and Environmental Sanitarians

Journal of Food Protection Indices to Volume 62

AUTHOR INDEX BAYARRI, S., see Lazaro, 1054 ABLETT, R. F., see Budu-Amoako, 46 BAYNES, R. E., Antibiotic residues and bacteria in milk, ACCERBI, M., Extrusion processing of DON-contaminat- 177 ed wheat, 1485 BAZARAA, W. A., see Al-Dagal, 51 ACKERS, M.-L., see Shapiro, 118 BEARD, B. M., Thermal resistance of spores supplemented

ACUFF, G. R., see Castillo, 146, 580 with nisin, 484 Downloaded from http://meridian.allenpress.com/jfp/article-pdf/62/12/1488/1663811/0362-028x-62_12_1488.pdf by guest on 02 October 2021 ADAMS, A. M., Survival of A. simplex in microwaved ®sh, BEATTIE, S., see Angelino, 81 403 BELK, K. E., see Ware, 1255 ADAMS, A. M., see Jinneman, 682 BELLINGER, G. R., see Sofos, 140 AHVENAINEN, R., see Hurme, 363 BELLON-FONTAINE, M.-N., see Briandet, 994 ALAVI, S. H., Dynamic growth model for Listeria mono- BENARD, G., see Bailly, 686 cytogenes, 170 BEN-GIGIREY, B., Amine production by bacteria from al- AL-DAGAL, M. M., Preservation of whole and peeled bacore, 933 shrimp, 51 BERAQUET, N. J., see Silveira, 1333 ALMEIDA, R. A., see Oliver, 1354 BERNARDO, A., see Mazas, 410 ALZAMORA, S. M., see LoÂpez-Malo, 1215 BERRANG, M. E., Salmonella penetration of eggshell AMAGUANÄ A, R. M., see Hammack, 16 membrane, 73 ANAND, S. K., see Kushal, 1203 BERRY, B. W., see Sair, 156 ANDERSON, K. L., see Baynes, 177 BERSANI, C., see Marino, 1017 ANDOLFI, R., see Mauriello, 773 BEUCHAT, L. R., E. coli O157:H7 on lettuce, 845 ANDREWS, W. H., see Hammack, 16 BEUCHAT, L. R., see Hao, 499; Mahakarnchanakul, 57; ANGELIDIS, A. S., Evaluation of Delvo-X-Press, 1183 Ryu, 451; Taormina, 850 ANGELINO, P. D., Comparison of ALP determination BEUMER, R. R., see Heuvelink, 1115 methods, 81 BEVIS, H. E., see Davies, 1004 ANSAY, S. E., Survival of E. coli O157:H7 and ground BLAIS, B. W., Swab-based detection system, 386 beef, 1243 BLAKISTONE, B., Effect of peroxyacetic acid Oxonia Ac- APELLA, M. C., see Audisio, 751 tive on spore formers, 262 APONTE, M., see Mauriello, 773 BLANCHFIELD, B., see Daifas, 349, 1157 ARGAIZ, A., see Matamoros-LeoÂn, 540 BOLTON, D., see Yu, 1478 ARINÄ O, A. A., see Lazaro, 1054 BOLTON, L. F., L. monocytogenes in cheese, 601 ARIYAPITIPUN, T., Lactic acids and nisin effects on beef BOOREN, A. M., see Sair, 156 shelf life, 913 BOTANA, L. M., see Vieites, 515 ASENSIO, L., see CeÂspedes, 1178 BOYAVAL, P., see Duffes, 1394 ASHRAF, H.-R., Safety of tofu, 1050 BOYD, G., see Buchanan, 219; Thayer, 1136 AUDISIO, M. C., Antagonistic effect of E. faecium J96 BRACKETT, R. E., see Hao, 26, 499; Michalski, 112; Seo, against Salmonella spp., 751 431 AURELI, P., see Franciosa, 867 BRADLEY, R. L., JR., see Gruetzmacher, 625 AUSTIN, J. W., see Daifas, 349, 1157 BRAGULAT, M. R., see CastellaÂ, 811 BRASHEARS, M. M., Antagonistic action of L. lactis to- BABA, E., see Fukata, 229 ward foodborne pathogens, 1336 BACON, C. W., see Yates, 1326 BRENNAN, R. E., see LoÂpez-GonzaÂlez, 10; Murano, 480 BAILEY, J. S., see Berrang, 73; Fedorka-Cray, 1376 BRIANDET, R., Listeria cell growth and adhesion, 994 BAILLY, J. D., Fluorodensitometric analysis of ergosterol, BROWN, C. A., see Harmon, 574 686 BROWN, R. L., see Guo, 295 BAKER, L. P., see Gill, 637 BROWNIE, C. F., see Baynes, 177 BARI, M. L., Inhibition of Escherichia coli O157:H7 in BROÈ ZEL, V. S., see Manie, 615 fresh radish sprouts, 128 BRULEÂ , G., see Baron, 585; Jeantet, 1381 BARON, F., Salmonella Enteritidis in egg white powder, BUCHANAN, R. L., E. coli acid resistance, 211; Acid re- 585 sistance and radiation resistance, 219; E. coli O157:H7 BARON, F., see Jeantet, 1381 on apples, 444 BARRIAULT, C., see Kerkadi, 1461 BUDU-AMOAKO, E., Effect of nisin and moderate heat BARROS-VELAZQUEZ, J., see Ben-Gigirey, 933 on Listeria, 46 BARTLETT, F. M., see Knight, 999 BUEGE, D. R., see Calicioglu, 944; Sofos, 140 1498 AUTHOR INDEX J. Food Prot., Vol. 62, No. 12

BUHR, R. J., see Berrang, 73 DAUGHERTY, J., see Shapiro, 118 BULLERMAN, L. B., see Ryu, 1451, 1456, 1482; Wolf- DAVE, S., see Kim, 1071 Hall, 962 DAVIES, E. A., Bologna sausage preservation using nisin, BUÈ LTE, M., see LuÈcker, 268 1004 BYUN, M.-W., Endowment of cured color in meat by ion- DAVIS, C. L., see Pao, 756 izing radiation, 1162 DAVIS, M. E., see Kotula, 284 BYUN, M.-W., see Lee, 619 DAWSON, K. A., see Langlois, 797 DE ANTONI, G., see Kociubinski, 905 CABANÄ ES, F. J., see CastellaÂ, 811 DEBEVERE, J., see El-Ziney, 257; Jacxsens, 1128; Uytten- CALICIOGLU, M., Recovery of E. coli and enterococci daele, 735 from beef carcasses, 944 DE BOER, E., see Heuvelink, 1115 CALL, J. E., see Palumbo, 194 DE GIORI, G. S., see Garro, 808 Â CAMPBELL, D. P., see Seo, 431 DE GUZMAN, A. M. S., see Escudero, 665 Downloaded from http://meridian.allenpress.com/jfp/article-pdf/62/12/1488/1663811/0362-028x-62_12_1488.pdf by guest on 02 October 2021 CANELA, R., see Llovera, 202 DELAQUIS, P. J., Disinfection of mung bean seed, 953 CARBALLO, J., see LoÂpez-Caballero, 1411 DELVES-BROUGHTON, J., see Budu-Amoako, 46; Da- CARPENTIER, B., see Briandet, 994 vies, 1004 CARRERA, E., see CeÂspedes, 1178 DE LOURDES F. BACCIN, M., see Silveira, 1333 CARTER, W. H., see Chhabra, 1143 DE LOUVOIS, J., see Little, 325; Nichols, 877 CASTELLAÂ , G., Fumonisin production by Fusarium spp. DE LUCA, G., see Franciosa, 867 from Spain, 811 DEMARCO, D. R., Rapid detection of E. coli O157:H7 by CASTILLO, A., Pathogen reduction by acidi®ed sodium a , 711 chlorite, 580; Steam vacuuming for beef decontamina- DENG, Y., see Ryu, 451 tion, 146 DE RUYCK, H., see D'Haese, 632 CAYA, F., Risk associated with avian E. coli, 741 DE SAEGER, S., Method for rapid detection of ochratoxin CEÂ SPEDES, A., Indirect ELISA for ¯at®sh species iden- A in wheat, 65 ti®cation, 1178 DE SILOÂ NIZ, M. I., see Valderrama, 189 CHAIA, A. P., see Gusils, 252 DE TROY, P., see Uyttendaele, 735 CHANG, Y.-C., see Yen, 657 DE VALDEZ, G. F., see Garro, 808 CHARBONNEAU, J., see Blakistone, 262 DEVLIEGHERE, F., see Jacxsens, 1128 CHEN, B. H., Heterocyclic amines in a model system, 1445 D'HAESE, E., Enzymatic detection of tetracyclines in milk, CHEN, J. H., see Fan, 414; Glass, 872 632 CHHABRA, A. T., Predictive model for L. monocytogenes DICKSON, J. S., see Venugopal, 1297 inactivation, 1143 DI GENARO, M. S., see Escudero, 665 CHRISTEN, G. L., see Angelino, 81 DILASSER, F., see Fach, 1387 CHULZE, S. N., In¯uence of spore level on fumonisin pro- DINGMAN, D. W., E. coli in apple cider, 567 duction, 814 DODD, C. E. R., see Thompson, 70 CHUYATE, R., see Blakistone, 262 DOMBROSKI, C. S., Processing strategies to inactivate V. CLARKE, A. D., see Ariyapitipun, 913 vulni®cus, 592 CLEVELAND, T. E., see Guo, 295 DONG, F. M., see Adams, 403 COLE, R. J., see Dorner, 650 DONNELLY, C. W., see Pritchard, 532 COLEMAN, L. H., see Oliver, 1354 DORNER, J. W., A¯atoxin reduction in corn, 650 COMAR, D., see Jay, 921, 1285 DOUSSET, X., see Duffes, 1394 COMI, G., see Marino, 1017 DOYLE, M. P., see Hao, 499; Harmon, 574; Jiang, 805; CONCHELLO, M. P., see Lazaro, 1054 Venkitanarayanan, 747, 857 CONTRERAS, C., see Silveira, 1333 DRAKE, M., see McKillip, 839 CONTRERAS, E., see Giannuzzi, 356 DUDLEY, R. L., see Rajkowski, 724 CONWAY, W. S., see Janisiewicz, 1327 DUFFES, F., L. monocytogenes growth controlled by bac- CORRE, C., see Duffes, 1394 teriocin on salmon, 1394 COUSIN, M. A., see Chhabra, 1143 DURRE, W. A., see Brashears, 1336 COX, N. A., see Berrang, 73; Fedorka-Cray, 1376 CULLOR, J. S., see Angelidis, 1183 EBLEN, B. S., see Juneja, 986 CUTTER, C. N., Decontaminant of beef with saponin, 280; EDELSON, S. G., see Buchanan, 211, 219, 444 Triclosan-incorporated plastic on beef, 474 EDMISTON, A. L., Enumeration of E. coli from animal- derived foods using conductance, 1260 DAIFAS, D. P., C. botulinum in MAP crumpets, 349; Effect EIGENBRODT, E., see LuÈcker, 268 of pH and CO2 on C. botulinum, 1157 EIROA, M. N. U., Alicyclobacillus in orange juice, 883 DALCERO, A. M., see Chulze, 814 EISGRUBER, H., see Wawerla, 1488 DANG, N.-L., see Jinneman, 682 EL-ZINEY, M. G., Reuterin as a meat decontaminant, 257 DARLING, K. A., see Ansay, 1243 ENCINAS, J. P., Aeromonads in Spanish sausages, 1045 J. Food Prot., Vol. 62, No. 12 AUTHOR INDEX 1499

ESCUDERO, M. E., Disinfectants against Y. enterocolitica GARBER, L., Fecal shedding of E. coli O157 on dairy on lettuce, 665 farms, 307 ETCHEVERRY, M. G., see Chulze, 814 GARCIÂA, T., see CeÂspedes, 1178 EVRENDILEK, G. A., Inactivation of E. coli O157:H7 by GARCIÂA-GRAELLS, C., High-pressure inactivation of E. pulsed electric ®elds, 793 coli in milk, 1248 EZEIKE, G. O. I., see Michalski, 112; Venkitanarayanan, GARCIÂA-LOPEÂ Z, M.-L., see Encinas, 1045; GonzaÂlez, 857 1270; Santos, 1475 GARRO, M. S., Storage stability of fermented soymilks, FACH, P., Salmonella PCR-ELISA test, 1387 808 FAILING, K., see LuÈcker, 268 GATTUSO, A., see Franciosa, 867 FAIRBROTHER, J. M., see Caya, 741 GAUTIER, M., see Baron, 585 FALCATO, P., see Jacxsens, 1128 GAYA, P., see FernaÂndez, 543 FAN, J. J., Inhibition of fungi by Welsh onion, 414 GEISEN, R., Suppression of foodborne pathogens by P. Downloaded from http://meridian.allenpress.com/jfp/article-pdf/62/12/1488/1663811/0362-028x-62_12_1488.pdf by guest on 02 October 2021 FANG, W., see Oliver, 1354 nalgiovense, 940 FARKAS, B. E., see Dombroski, 592 GIANFRANCESCHI, M., see Franciosa, 867 FARVER, T. B., see Angelidis, 1183 GIANNUZZI, L., Modeling growth and decline of S. au- FATEMI, P., Inactivation of bio®lms, 761 reus, 356 FEDORKA-CRAY, P. J., Mucosal competitive exclusion to GILL, C. O., Inadequately cleaned equipment, 637; Micro- reduce Salmonella in swine, 1376 biology of tails and head meats, 674 FENICIA, L., see Franciosa, 867 GILLESPIE, B. E., see Oliver, 1354 FERNAÂ NDEZ, A., see CeÂspedes, 1178; Leontidis, 958 GINGERICH, T. M., Biogenic amines in blue®sh, 1033 GLASS, K. A., Clostridium botulinum in CO -treated milk, FERNAÂ NDEZ, J., Proteinases from ewe's milk Pseudo- 2 872 monas, 543 GONZAÂ LEZ, C. J., Bacterial micro¯ora of trout and pike, FERNAÂ NDEZ, P. S., see Leontidis, 958 1270 FERRINI, M., see Franciosa, 867 GONZAÂ LEZ, C. J., see Encinas, 1045; Santos, 1475 FERRIS, K., see Garber, 307 GONZAÂ LEZ, I., see CeÂspedes, 1178 FINOLI, C., Cyclopiazonic acid in Taleggio cheese, 1198 GONZALEZ, S. N., see Gusils, 252; Morata de Ambrosini, FISHER, C. W., Iron and selenium effects on L. monocy- 1430 togenes, 1206 GONZALO, P., see Valderrama, 189 FLETCHER, D. L., see Green, 86 GOODSON, K. J., see Castillo, 146 FLICK, G. J., see Gingerich, 1033 GOULD, D. H., see Schmidt, 390, 394 FLOOD, S. J. A., see Kimura, 329 GOUWS, P. A., see Manie, 615 FOEGEDING, P. M., see Beard, 484; Wandling, 492 GOVENLOCK, L. D., see Jay, 921, 1285 FORBES, L. B., Trichinella assay for pork and horse meat, GRAM, L., see Nilsson, 336 1308 GRASSO, G. M., see Ripabelli, 198 FRAMPTON, E. W., see Restaino, 244 GREEN, D. P., see Dombroski, 592 FRANCIOSA, G., C. botulinum in milk products, 867 GREEN, T. A., Effect of cleaners and sanitizers on ATP FRANK, J. F., see Berrang, 73; Bolton, 601; Fatemi, 761; bioluminescence, 86 Seo, 3 GRIFFITH, C. J., see Mortlock, 786 FRANZETTI, L., see Finoli, 1198 GROUT, J., see Fach, 1387 FREDRIKSSON-AHOMAA, M., yadA-positive Y. entero- GRUETZMACHER, T. J., Quality and safety of milk, 625 colitica at the retail level, 123 GUERRERO, S., see LoÂpez-Malo, 1215 FROHLICH, A. A., see Kerkadi, 1461 GUO, B. Z., Antifungal proteins in maize kernel tissues, FUJII, T., see Kimura, 329 295 FUKATA, T., Inhibition of Salmonella colonization, 229 GUSILS, C., Intestinal lactobacilli from chickens as poten- FUNG, D. Y. C., see Kang, 313, 975, 1346; Riley, 1041 tial probiotics, 252 FURUKAWA, H., see Bari, 128 HA, C.-L., Cytokine expression in yogurt-fed mice, 181 GAHAN, C. G. M., see van Schanik, 536 HALLERMAN, E. M., see Zur, 1191 GAJADHAR, A. A., see Forbes, 1308 HAMMACK, T. S., Comparison of media for recovery of GALLARDO-GUERRERO, L., Pigment composition in Salmonella spp. from foods, 16 green-stained olives, 1167 HAMMES, W. P., see Straub, 1150 GALLARDO-GUERRERO, L., see Gandul-Rojas, 1172 HANCOCK, D. D., see Sofos, 140 GALLI, A., see Finoli, 1198 HANNA, M. A., see Ryu, 1482; Wolf-Hall, 962 GALVIN, M., see Morgan, 1011 HAO, Y.-Y., Microbiology of packaged produce, 499; Sal- GANDUL-ROJAS, B., Oxidized chlorophylls and copper monella in cheesecake, 26 complexes in table olives, 1172 HARMON, B. G., E. coli O157:H7 in fasted calves, 574 GANDUL-ROJAS, B., see Gallardo-Guerrero, 1167 HARRIS, J. M., see Budu-Amoako, 46; Davies, 1004 1500 AUTHOR INDEX J. Food Prot., Vol. 62, No. 12

HARRIS, L. J., see Knight, 999 JEYAMKONDAN, S., Pulsed electric ®eld processing of HARRISON, M. A., see Ravishankar, 670 foods, 1088 HARTMAN, N. F., see Seo, 431 JIANG, X., Fate of pathogens on currency, 805 HAYASHIDANI, H., see Kaneko, 644, 800 JIMEÂ NEZ-COLMENERO, F., see LoÂpez-Caballero, 1411 HEINIOÈ , R.-L., see Hurme, 363 JINNEMAN, K. C., Differentiation of Cyclospora and Ei- HENDERSON, R. A., see Senkel, 778 meria spp. by OLA, 682 HERNAÂ NDEZ, P. E., see CeÂspedes, 1178 JINNEMAN, K. C., see Weagant, 438 HERNAÂ NDEZ-HERRERO, M. M., Halotolerant hista- JOHNSON, E. A., see Glass, 872; Larson, 948 mine-forming bacteria in salted anchovies, 509 JOHNSON, E. R., see Murphy, 980 HERRERA, A., see Lazaro, 1054 JOHNSON, J. M., see Jinneman, 682 HERTEL, C., see Straub, 1150 JOHNSON, L. G., Comparison of Arcobacter isolation pro- HESSELMAN, D. M., Effects of commercial heat-shock tocols, 610; Isolation medium for Arcobacter, 456

process, 1266 JOHNSON, M. G., see Janes, 899; Murphy, 980 Downloaded from http://meridian.allenpress.com/jfp/article-pdf/62/12/1488/1663811/0362-028x-62_12_1488.pdf by guest on 02 October 2021 HEUVELINK, A. E., Verocytotoxin-Producing E. coli JOKINEN, K., see Hurme, 363 O157 in meats, 1115 JOLBITADO, B., see Senkel, 778 HIELM, S., see Fredriksson-Ahomaa, 123 JONES, T., see Gill, 637, 674 HILL, C., see Morgan, 1011; van Schaik, 536 JORDAN, D., Cleanliness of cattle at slaughter, 520 HILL, W. E., see Jinneman, 682; Weagant, 438 JUNE, G. A., see Hammack, 16 HOLLEY, R. A., see Jeyamkondan, 1088; Tewari, 418 JUNEJA, V. K., Thermal inactivation model for Listeria HONG, C., see Wang, 35 monocytogenes, 986 HOSSNER, K. L., see Schmidt, 390, 394 JUNQUEIRA, V. C. A., see Eiroa, 883 HOTCHKISS, J., see Glass, 872 HU, D.-L., Emesis in S. murinus induced by staphylococcal KAIN, M. L., see Ware, 1255 enterotoxin A, 1350 KALINOWSKI, R. M., Psychrotrophic clostridia in meat, HUNG, Y.-C., see Michalski, 112; Venkitanarayanan, 857 766 HURME, E. U., Shelf life of shredded iceberg lettuce, 363 KAMAT, A. S., see Warke, 678 HUSS, H. H., see Nilsson, 336 KAMAT, M. Y., see Warke, 678 HUYGHEBAERT, A., see Van Calenberg, 1303 KANEKO, K.-I., Bacterial contamination in fresh vegetable factories, 800; Bacterial contamination of vegetables, 644 KANG, D.-H., Antimicrobial activity of diacetyl, 975; Dif- IKEDA, H., see Bari, 128 ferentiation between E. coli and E. coli O157:H7, 313; INAMI, G. B., Salmonella in alfalfa seeds, 662 Thin agar layer method, 1346 INGHAM, B. H., see Lang, 887 KANG, D.-H., see Riley, 1041 INGHAM, S. C., Enumerating L. acidophilus and Bi®do- KASHI, Y., see Zur, 1191 bacterium spp., 77 KASPAR, C. W., see Ansay, 1243 INGHAM, S. C., see Calicioglu, 944; Lang, 887; Sofos, KATO, M., see Kaneko, 644 140 KAUFMAN, K. M., see Glass, 872 IRBE, R. M., see Restaino, 244 KAUTTER, D., JR., see Blakistone, 262 ISSHIKI, K., see Bari, 128 KAWASAKI, S., see Kimura, 329 ITOH, T., see Kimura, 329 KAYSNER, C. A., see Weagant, 438 IVEY, S. J., see Oliver, 1354 KELLY, J., see Morgan, 1011 KEMP, G. K., see Castillo, 580 JACXSENS, L., Fresh-cut produce under equilibrium-mod- KERKADI, A., Cholestyramine and ochratoxin A toxicity, i®ed atmosphere, 1128 1461 JAGOW, J. A., see Weagant, 438 KIM, J.-G., Ozone and food safety, 1071 JAIN, A. V., see Harmon, 574 KIM, K.-P., see Byun, 1162 JAKOBSEN, M., see El-Ziney, 257 KIM, S.-A., see Lee, 619 JANES, M. E., Bacteriocin-producing bacteria from garlic KIMURA, B., Performance of the TaqMan Salmonella and ginger root, 899 PCR assay, 329 JANISIEWICZ, W. J., Biological control of E. coli in ap- KINNUNEN, A., see Hurme, 363 ples, 1372 KLINE, P., see Yu, 1478 JAWORSKI, A. J., see Yates, 1326 KLUBEK, B., see Ashraf, 1050 JAY, L. S., Australian food safety telephone survey, 921; KNABEL, S. J., see Alavi, 170 Domestic food handling video study, 1285 KNIGHT, K. P., Nisin reduces thermal resistance of L. mon- JAYAS, D. S., see Jeyamkondan, 1088; Tewari, 418 ocytogenes, 999 JAYKUS, L.-A., see Dombroski, 592; McKillip, 839; Ro- KNIGHT, K. P., see McKellar, 1466 sen®eld, 1210 KOCHEVAR, S. L., see Sofos, 140, 234, 467 JEANTET, R., Salmonella Enteritidis inactivation in egg KOCIUBINSKI, G., Bile resistance and bile precipitation, white by pulsed electric ®elds, 1381 905 J. Food Prot., Vol. 62, No. 12 AUTHOR INDEX 1501

KOONO, E., see Silveira, 1333 LOÂ PEZ, M., see Mazas, 410 KORKEALA, H. J., see Fredriksson-Ahomaa, 123; Vaar- LOÂ PEZ, T. M., see Santos, 1475 ala, 152 LOÂ PEZ-CABALLERO, M. E., Pressurized, prepackaged KOSUGE, J., see Kaneko, 644 sliced cooked ham, 1411 KOTULA, K. L., Broiler skin sampling, 284 LOÂ PEZ-DIÂAZ, T.-M., see GonzaÂlez, 1270 KOUTSOUMANIS, K., Biogenic amines in aerobically LOÂ PEZ-GONZAÂ LEZ, V., Irradiation of E. coli O157:H7 stored gilt-head sea bream, 398 by gamma versus electrons, 10 KUSHAL, R., Y. enterocolitica in milk, 1203 LOÂ PEZ-MALO, A., Inactivation of S. cerevisiae by thermal KUSUNOKI, H., see Bari, 128 ultrasonication, 1215 KUSUNOKI, J., see Kimura, 329 LOÂ PEZ-MALO, A., see Matamoros-LeoÂn, 540 LORCA, T., see Gingerich, 1033 LADELY, S. R., see Fedorka-Cray, 1376 LUCHANSKY, J. B., see Calicioglu, 944

LAMAR, K., see Oliver, 1354 LUCIA, L. M., see Castillo, 146, 580 Downloaded from http://meridian.allenpress.com/jfp/article-pdf/62/12/1488/1663811/0362-028x-62_12_1488.pdf by guest on 02 October 2021 LAMMERDING, A. M., see Jordan, 520 LUÈ CKER, E., Detection of CNS in meat products, 268 LAMPROPOULOU, K., see Koutsoumanis, 398 LYMAN, R., see Baynes, 177 LANCE, S., see Shapiro, 118 LYNCH, R. E., see Guo, 295 LANG, M. M., Indicator bacteria in apple cider, 887 LANGLOIS, B. E., Stress and antimicrobial resistance, 797 MAGNOLI, C. E., see Chulze, 814 LARSON, A. E., Botulism risk from packaged cut melons, MAGRANER, L., see Leontidis, 958 948 MAHAKARNCHANAKUL, W., Effect of temperature LAUBACH, C., see Yu, 1478 shift on B. cereus, 57 LAZARO, R., Polychlorinated biphenyls in total diet sam- MALCATA, F. X., see Rocha, 1416 ples, 1054 MANIE, T., Resistance of bacteria on bovine products, 615 LE BARS, J., see Bailly, 686 MANNONI, V., see Franciosa, 867 LE BARS, P., see Bailly, 686 MANTIS, A. I., see Melas, 463 LEAKE, S., see Podhorniak, 547 MARINO, M., Antimicrobial activity of T. vulgaris oils, LECONG, Z., see Paster, 1223 1017 LECUMBERRY, S. E., see Chulze, 814 MARKS, B. P., see Murphy, 980 LEE, J. H., see Ha, 181 MARQUARDT, R. R., see Kerkadi, 1461 LEE, J.-W., Sanitation of ground beef products by ionizing MARTIÂN, R., see CeÂspedes, 1178; Mazas, 410 radiation, 619 MARTIN, S. E., see Fisher, 1206 LEE, J.-W., see Byun, 1162 MARTIÂNEZ, A., see Leontidis, 958 LEE, K.-H., see Byun, 1162; Lee, 619 MARTIÂNEZ, S., see Mazas, 410 LEIRA, F. J., see Vieites, 515 MARTINS, H. M., see Martins, 292 LEISER, R., see LuÈcker, 268 MARTINS, M. L., Coproduction of cyclopiazonic acid and LEONTIDIS, S., Nonisothermic heating of Bacillus stear- a¯atoxins, 292 othermophilus, 958 MASSCHALCK, B., see GarcõÂa-Graells, 1248 LERICHE, V., see Briandet, 994 MATAMOROS-LEOÂ N, B., Vanillin, potassium sorbate, LEROI, F., see Duffes, 1394 and mold growth, 540 LESSARD, L., see Caya, 741 MAURIELLO, G., Spray-drying of bacteriocin-producing LETELLIER, A., Foodborne pathogens in ®nishing swine, lactic acid bacteria, 773 22 MAZAS, M., Heat resistance of B. cereus in milk products, LEVERENTZ, B., see Janisiewicz, 1327 410 LEWIS, J. P., see Hesselman, 1266 MCCLEMENTS, J. M. J., see Linton, 277, 1038 LEWIS, M. J., see Oliver, 1354 MCCRAE, D. A., see De Marco, 711 LIAO, C.-H., L. monocytogenesis/soft rot bacteria interac- MCEWEN, see Jordan, 520 tion, 343 MCGINNIS, J. C., see Gill, 674 LIM, D. V., see De Marco, 711 MCKELLAR, R. C., Growth and survival of E. coli, 1466 LIMAWONGPRANEE, S., see Kaneko, 800 MCKELLAR, R. C., see Knight, 999; Piyasena, 861 LIN, J.-S., PCR for Salmonella Typhimurium, 1103 MCKILLIP, J. L., rRNA persistence in contaminated milk, LINDSAY, D., Responses of food spoilage bacteria to san- 839 itizer treatments, 368 MCNAB, W. B., see Jordan, 520 LINTON, M., E. coli O157:H7 stored in orange juice, MCNAIR, H. M., see Gingerich, 1033 1038; Inactivating E. coli in orange juice, 277 MEDINA, M., see FernaÂndez, 543 LINTON, R. H., see Chhabra, 1143 MELAS, D. S., A. hydrophila, A. caviae, and A. sorbia in LITTLE, C. L., Microbiological quality of lettuce, 325 milk products in Greece, 463 LITTLE, C. L., see Nichols, 877 MENASHROV, M., see Paster, 1223 LLOVERA, M., GC-MS analysis of underivatized patulin, MENG, C. N., see Chen, 1445 202 MENG, J., see Senkel, 778 1502 AUTHOR INDEX J. Food Prot., Vol. 62, No. 12

MEREDITH, F. I., Fumonisins in tortillas and nixtamalized O'CALLAGHAN, J. P., see Schmidt, 394 corn from Guatemala, 1218 OGAWA, M., see Kaneko, 644, 800 MEREDITH, F. I., see Yates, 1326 OHTOMO, Y., see Kaneko, 644 MERRILL, A. H., JR., see Meredith, 1218 OLIVER, G., see Audisio, 751; Garro, 808; Gusils, 252; MESSIER, S., see Letellier, 22 Morata de Ambrosini, 1430 MICHALSKI, C. B., Elimination of Salmonella Enteritidis OLIVER, S. P., Phenolic combination as a postmilking teat from liquid egg products, 112 disinfectant, 1354 MICHIELS, C. W., see GarcõÂa-Graells, 1248 OMIECINSKI, C. J., see Weagant, 438; Jinneman, 682 MILLER, K. S., see Adams, 403 OMOE, K., see Hu, 1350 MILLER, R. L., see Buchanan, 444 ONO, K., see Hu, 1350 MILNE, C. F., see Davies, 1004 OSCAR, T. P., Growth models for Salmonella Typhimu- MIÂNGUEZ-MOSQUERA, M. I., see Gallardo-Guerrero, rium, 1111; Predictive models for growth kinetics of Sal-

1167; Gandul-Rojas, 1172 monella, 106; Predictive models for growth kinetics of Downloaded from http://meridian.allenpress.com/jfp/article-pdf/62/12/1488/1663811/0362-028x-62_12_1488.pdf by guest on 02 October 2021 MITHANI, V., see Nichols, 877 Salmonella, 1470 MIYAGUSKU, L., see Silveira, 1333 OSER, A., see Yu, 1478 MIYAMOTO, T., see Fukata, 229 OTERO, A., see Encinas, 1045; GonzaÂlez, 1270; Santos, MOHEDANO, A. F., see FernaÂndez, 543 1475 MOHTAR, R. H., see Alavi, 170 MOLER, S. E., see Inami, 662 PALUMBO, S. A., Bacterial survival in water, 194 MONDELAERS, W., see Van Calenberg, 1303 PALUMBO, S. A., see Yu, 1478 MORATA DE AMBROSINI, V. I., Adhesion of lactobacilli PAO, S., Sanitizing fruit for juice safety, 756 to intestine of mice, 1430 PAPAGEORGIOU, D. K., see Melas, 463 MORA-VENTURA, M. T., see HernaÂndez, 509 PARKS, A., see Harmon, 574 MOREIRA, R. G., see Murano, 480 PASCALE, M., see Chulze, 814 MORGAN, J. B., see Sofos, 140 PASTER, N., The combined effect of nisin and propionic MORGAN, S. M., Lacticin 3147-enriched whey powder, acid on mold growth, 1223 1011 PATTERSON, M. F. see Linton, 277, 1038 MORTLOCK, M. P., HACCP in UK food industry, 786 PEINADO, J. M., see Valderrama, 189 MOSCHETTI, G., see Mauriello, 773 PEIRO, J. M., see Lazaro, 1054 MOSUPYE, F. M., Quality and safety of Johannesburg PENFIELD, M. P., see Angelino, 81 street foods, 1278 PENG, H., Rapid detection of salmonellae, 1341 Â MOTES, M. L., see Hesselman, 1266 PEREZ, P., see Kociubinski, 905 MOYA, P., see Vargas, 929 PESTKA, J. J., see Ha, 181; Tejada-Simon, 162, 287, 1435 MUELLER, P. O. E., see Harmon, 574 PETERS, A. C., see Mortlock, 786 MUNIMBAZI, C., see Ryu, 1456 PHILIPS, B., see Van Calenberg, 1303 MURANO, E. A., Treatment of pork sausage by high hy- PICKARD, A., see Palumbo, 194 drostatic pressure, 480 PIERSON, M. D., see Gingerich, 1033 PIETRI, A., see Bailly, 686 MURANO, E. A., see Johnson, 456, 610; LoÂpez-GonzaÂ- PIYASENA, P., Themal inactivation of pathogens in milk, lez, 10 861 MURANO, P. S., see LoÂpez-GonzaÂlez, 10; Murano, E. A., PODHORNIAK, L. V., Stability of tetracyclines in milk, 480 547 MURPHY, R. Y., Inactiviation of Salmonella and Listeria, POTTER, R. W., see Davies, 1004 980 POURSHABAN, M., see Franciosa, 867 MURRAY, J., see Vanderlinde, 380 PRIETO, M., see GonzaÂlez, 1270 MUSGROVE, M., see Fedorka-Cray, 1376 PRIMA-YUÂ FERA, E., see Vargas, 929 MUSSA, D. M., High-pressure destruction of L. monocy- PRITCHARD, T. J., Increased sensitivity of Listeria detec- togenes on pork, 40 tion, 532 MUSTAPHA, A., see Ariyapitipun, 913; Zhang, 1123 PURI, V. M., see Alavi, 170

NANNAPANENI, R., see Janes, 899 QUESSY, S., see Caya, 741; Letellier, 22 NAU, F., see Jeantet, 1381 QUIBERONI, A., Inactivation of bacteriophages, 894 NELIS, H. J., see D'Haese, 632 NG, P. K. W., see Accerbi, 1485 RABBANI, M., see Shapiro, 118 NICHOLS, G. L., Microbiological quality of cooked rice, RAJKOWSKI, K. T., Recovery and survival of E. coli 877 O157:H7 in reconditioned water, 731; Recovery of Sal- NILSSON, L., Growth control of L. monocytogenes, 336 monella and V. cholerae from reconditioned water, 724 NUNÄ EZ, M., see FernaÂndez, 543 RAMASWAMY, H. S., see Mussa, 40 NYCHAS, G.-J. E., see Koutsoumanis, 398 RAMIREZ, M. L., see Chulze, 814 J. Food Prot., Vol. 62, No. 12 AUTHOR INDEX 1503

RAVISHANKAR, S., L. monocytogenes survival in acidi- SEO, K. H., E. coli on lettuce, 3; Rapid response biosensor ®ed skim milk, 670 to detect Salmonella Typhimurium, 431 REAGAN, J. O., see Sofos, 140, 234, 467 SHAPIRA, R., see Paster, 1223 REINHEIMER, J. A., see Quiberoni, 894 SHAPIRO, R., Salmonella Thompson in Sioux Falls, 118 RESTAINO, L., L. monocytogenes detection system, 244 SHARF, R., see Zur, 1191 REYBROECK, W., see D'Haese, 632 SHAY, B., see Vanderlinde, 380 RICE, E. W., see Rajkowski, 731 SHELDON, B. W., see Beard, 484; Wandling, 492 RICHARDS, G. P., Limitations of molecular biological SHELEF, L. A., see Peng, 1341 techniques for foods, 693 SHENOY, K., see Murano, 480 RICHTER, E. R., see Evrendilek, 793 SHERROD, P. S., see Hammack, 16 RILEY, A., Enumeration of C. perfringens, 1041 SHIMURA, H., see Hu, 1350 RILEY, R. T., see Meredith, 1218 SHINAGAWA, K., see Hu, 1350

RINALDI, V. E. A., see Accerbi, 1485 SHIRAKI, Y., see Kaneko, 644, 800 Downloaded from http://meridian.allenpress.com/jfp/article-pdf/62/12/1488/1663811/0362-028x-62_12_1488.pdf by guest on 02 October 2021 RIPABELLI G., IMS and plating media for Salmonella, SHOLBERG, P. L., see Delaquis, 953 198 SILVA, J. L., see Wang, 30 ROBERTS, D., see Little, 325 SILVA, N., see Silveira, 1333 ROCHA, J. M., of Portuguese sourdough, 1416 SILVEIRA, N. F. A., E. coli O157:H7 in Brazilian ham- RODRICK, G. E., see Schmidt, 526 burgers, 1333 RODRIGO, C., see Leontidis, 958 SKJERVE, E., Ecological effect of T. saginata in beef im- RODRIGUEZ, M. I., see Chulze, 814 ported into Norway, 1320; T. saginata infections in beef, RODRIÂGUEZ-JEREZ, J. J., see HernaÂndez, 509 1314 ROIGNANT, M., see Jeantet, 1381 SLAVIK, M. F., see Wang, 717 ROIG-SAGUEÂ S, A. X., see HernaÂndez, 509 SLIFKO, T. R., see Rose, 1059 ROMBOUTS, F. M., see van Gerwen, 1024 SMART, W., see Yates, 1326 ROSE, J. B., Foodborne and waterborne enteric protozoa, SMITH, A. L., see Glass, 872 1059 SMITH, C. F., Simplate for total plate count-color indicator, ROSENFIELD, S. I., Detection of foodborne viruses using 1404 multiplex PCR, 1210 SMITH, D. M., see Sair, 156 ROSS, R. P., see Morgan, 1011 SMITH, G. C., see Sofos, 140, 234, 467; Ware, 1255 RUSSELL, S. M., see Edmiston, 1260; Green, 86 SMITH, J. L., Foodborne infections during pregnancy, 819 RUSSIN, J. S., see Guo, 295 SMITH, J. P., see Daifas, 349, 1157; Mussa, 40 RYU, D., Effects of Cycling Temperature on FB1 produc- SOFOS, J. N., Beef carcass contamination, 140; Beef car- tion, 1456; Temperature effects on DON and ZEN pro- cass contamination with E. coli, 234; Salmonella in beef, duction, 1451; Zearalenone stability in extruded corn 467 grits, 1482 SOFOS, J. N., see Ware, 1255 RYU, J.-H., Acid-adapted E. coli O157:H7, 451 SPITZ, H., see Restaino, 244 STANICH, K., see Delaquis, 953 SAASKI, E. W., see De Marco, 711 STERN, N. J., see Fedorka-Cray, 1376 SAENZ DE TEJADA, S., see Meredith, 1218 STEWART, G. S. A. B., see Thompson, 70 SAIR, A. I., Cooking adequacy of beef patties, 156 STOLLE, A., see Wawerla, 1488 SAMMARCO, M. L., see Ripabelli, 198 STRAUB, J. A., PCR-based detection of S. aureus, 1150 SANTOS, J. A., Hemolytic and elastolytic activities in Ple- SU, W.-H., see Tsai, 239 siomonas shigelloides, 1475 SUAÂ REZ, V. B., see Quiberoni, 894 SANZ, I., see Vargas, 929 SUGII, S., see Hu, 1350 SAPERS, G. M., see Buchanan, 444; Liao, 343 SUIT, K., see Blakistone, 262 SASAI, T., see Fukata, 229 SWERDLOW, D., see Shapiro, 118 SAVELL, J. W., see Castillo, 146 SCHABERT, G., see Restaino, 244 TACHE, J., see Fach, 1387 SCHAEFER, L., see Shapiro, 118 TAKAHASHI, K., see Kaneko, 644, 800 SCHALCH, B., see Wawerla, 1488 TAORMINA, P. J., E. coli O157:H7 on alfalfa seeds, 318; SCHENCK, F. J., see Podhorniak, 547 E. coli O157:H7 on alfalfa seeds, 850 SCHMIDT, F. L., see Eiroa, 883 TARR, P. I., E. coli and retail ground beef, 133 SCHMIDT, G. R., Cattle stunning CNS tissue, 390; Brain TEJADA-SIMON, M. V., Cytokine and NO induction in or spinal cord in meat, 394 macrophages, 1435; Lactic acid bacteria and immunity, SCHMIDT, R. H., Quality of packaged ice in Florida, 526 287; Lactic acid bacteria cytokines, 162 SCHROEDER-TUCKER, L., see Garber, 307 TENGE, B. J., see Jinneman, 682 SCOUTEN, A. J. see Hao, 26 TEWARI, G., Centralized meat packaging, 418 SENKEL, I. A., JR., Use of HACCP in apple cider pro- THAYER, D. W., Irradiation and MAP control of L. mon- duction, 778 ocytogenes, 1136 1504 AUTHOR INDEX J. Food Prot., Vol. 62, No. 12

THELEN, C., see Shapiro, 118 VILLA, T. G., see Ben-Gigirey, 933 THOMAS, L. V., see Davies, 1004 VILLANI, F., see Mauriello, 773 THOMPSON, J. M., rpoS expression by Salmonella in VON HOLY, A., see Lindsay, 368; Mosupye, 1278 milk, 70 TKALCIC, S., see Harmon, 574 WANDLING, L. R., Nisin sensitizes spores to heat, 492 TOMPKIN, R. B., see Kalinowski, 766 WANG, C., Characterization of Aeromonas spp. from chan- TORRES, M., see Llovera, 202 nel cat®sh, 30; Detection of L. monocytogenes by quan- TORRES, O. R., see Meredith, 1218 titative PCR, 35 TOWNSEND, D. E., see Smith, 1404 WANG, X., Rapid detection of Salmonella in chicken TRAN, N. T., see Tarr, 133 washes, 717 TSAI, G.-J., Antibacterial activity of chitosan, 239 WARE, L. M., Carcass sampling by sponging and excising, TSEN, H.-Y., see Lin, 1103 1255

TUCHWEBER, B., see Kerkadi, 1461 WARKE, R. G., Tobacco mixes irradiation, 678 Downloaded from http://meridian.allenpress.com/jfp/article-pdf/62/12/1488/1663811/0362-028x-62_12_1488.pdf by guest on 02 October 2021 WAWERLA, M., Impedance in food hygiene, 1488 UEMURA, T., see Bari, 128 WEAGANT, S. D., Digoxigenin-labeled PCR amplicon USTUNOL, Z., see Ha, 181; Tejada-Simon, 162, 287 probes, 438 UYTTENDAELE, M., Salmonella, C. jejuni, C. coli, and WEKELL, M. M., see Adams, 403; Jinneman, 682 L. monocytogenes in poultry, 735 WELLS, S., see Garber, 307 WENISCH, S., see LuÈcker, 268 VAARALA, A. M., Microbiological contamination of rein- WETHERINGTON, J. H., see Jinneman, 682 deer carcass, 152 WHITE, M., see Ashraf, 1050 VALDERRAMA, M.-J., Differential medium for Kluyver- WHITING, R. C., see Alavi, 170 omyces, 189 WICKLOW, D. T., see Dorner, 650 VAN CALENBERG, S., Preservation techniques for thia- WIDSTROM, N. W., see Guo, 295 min in chicken, 1303 WILLIAMS, G. C., see Davies, 1004 VAN CLEEMPUT, O., see Van Calenberg, 1303 WILSON, J. B., see Jordan, 520 VAN DEN TEMPEL, T., see El-Ziney, 257 WILSON, R. A., see Tarr, 133 VANDERLINDE, P. B., Microbiological status of sheep WOLF-HALL, C. E., Extrusion and autoclaving of deox- meat in Australia, 380 ynivalenol, 962 VAN GERWEN, S. J. C., The irradiation parameter D10 un- der various conditions, 1024 YAGUÈ E, C., see Lazaro, 1054 VAN PETEGHEM, C., see De Saeger, 65 YATES, I. E., FB1 production suppressed by T. viride, 1326 VAN SCHAIK, W., Acid-adapted Listeria tolerant to bac- YEMM, R. S., see Schmidt, 390, 394 teriocins, 536 YEN, G.-C., Optimization of antioxidants from A. candi- VAN'T RIET, K., see van Gerwen, 1024 dus, 657 VARGAS, I., Antimicrobial and antioxidant compounds in YOOK, H.-S., see Byun, 1162; Lee, 619 orange essential oil, 929 YOUNGS, E., see Little, 325 VECCHIO A., see Finoli, 1198 YOUSEF, A. E., see Kim, 1071 VEITH, W. J., see Manie, 615 YOUSEF, I. M., see Kerkadi, 1461 VELAÂ ZQUEZ, L., see Escudero, 665 YU, S.-L., Microbiology of swine dehairing, 1478 VENKITANARAYANAN, K. S., Antibacterial effect of lactoferricin B, 747; Inactivation of foodborne pathogens ZARITZKY, N., see Giannuzzi, 356 on cutting boards, 857 ZHANG, Q. H., see Evrendilek, 793 VENUGOPAL, R. J., Growth rates of bacteria in irradiated ZHANG, S., Nisin or nisin and EDTA inhibition of L. mon- meats, 1297 ocytogenes and E. coli O157:H7, 1123 VIEITES, J. M., Canning process for contaminated mus- ZHAO, T., see Harmon, 574; Venkitanarayanan, 747 sels, 515 ZHOU, H. R., see Ha, 181 VIETES BAPTISTA DE SOUSA, J. M., see Ben-Gigirey, ZHU, X. X., see Kerkadi, 1461 933 ZUR, G., PCR assay for Alternaria, 1191 VIEYTES, M. R., see Vieites, 515 ZWARTKRUIS-NAHUIS, J. T. M., see Heuvelink, 1115 VILADRICH, R., see Llovera, 202 ZWIETERING, M. H., see van Gerwen, 1024 1505

SUBJECT INDEX Alternaria sp. PCR assay for Alternaria, 1191 Acid habituation Anchovies E. coli acid resistance, 211 Halotolerant histamine-forming bacteria in salted ancho- Acid shock response vies, 509 L. monocytogenes survival in acidi®ed skim milk, 670 Anisakis simplex Acid tolerance Survival of A. simplex in microwaved ®sh, 403 Acid-adapted E. coli O157:H7, 451 Antagonists Acid resistance and radiation resistance, 219 Biological control of E. coli in apples, 1372 Acid tolerance response Antibacterial activity Acid-adapted Listeria tolerant to bacteriocins, 536 Antibacterial activity of chitosan, 239 L. monocytogenes survival in acidi®ed skim milk, 670 Antibacterial mechanism Acrobacter Antibacterial activity of chitosan, 239 Downloaded from http://meridian.allenpress.com/jfp/article-pdf/62/12/1488/1663811/0362-028x-62_12_1488.pdf by guest on 02 October 2021 Comparison of Acrobacter isolation protocols, 610 Antibiotic resistance Adaptation Resistance of bacteria on bovine products, 615 Acid-adapted Listeria tolerant to bacteriocins, 536 Antibiotics Adhesion Antibiotic residues and bacteria in milk, 177 Listeria cell growth and adhesion, 994 Antifungal activity Aerobic plate count(s) Inhibition of fungi by Welsh onion, 414 Bacterial contamination in fresh vegetable factories, 800 Antimicrobial Bacterial contamination of vegetables, 644 Preservation of whole and peeled shrimp, 51 Quality of packaged ice in Florida, 526 Antimicrobial activity Steam vacuuming for beef decontamination, 146 Antimicrobial activity of T. vulgaris oils, 1017 Aeromonads Antimicrobial resistance Aeromonads in Spanish sausages, 1045 Stress and antimicrobial resistance, 797 Aeromonas Antioxidant(s) Characterization of Aeromonas spp. from channel cat- Antimicrobial and antioxidant compounds in orange es- ®sh, 30 sential oil, 929 Aeromonas caviae Sanitation of ground beef products by ionizing radiation, A. hydrophila, A. caviae, and A. sobria in milk products 619 in Greece, 463 Antioxidant activity Aeromonas hydrophila Optimization of antioxidants from A. candidus, 657 Aeromonads in Spanish sausages, 1045 Apple cider A. hydrophila, A. caviae, and A. sobria in milk products E. coli in apple cider, 567 in Greece, 463 E. coli O157:H7 on apples, 444 Aeromonas sobria Indicator bacteria in apple cider, 887 Apple juice A. hydrophila, A. caviae, and A. sobria in milk products E. coli O157:H7 on apples, 444 in Greece, 463 GC-MS analysis of underivatized patulin, 202 Aeromonas spp. Inactivation of E. coli O157:H7 by pulsed electric ®elds, Fresh-cut produce under equilibrium-modi®ed atmo- 793 sphere, 1128 Aquacultured ®sh Aerotolerant Camphlobacter Bacterial micro¯ora of trout and pike, 1270 Isolation medium for Arcobacter, 456 Arcobacter A¯atoxin Isolation medium for Arcobacter, 456 A¯atoxin reduction in corn, 650 Aspergillus candidus Coproduction of cyclopiazonic acid and a¯atoxins, 292 Optimization of antioxidants from A. candidus, 657 Inhibition of fungi by Welsh onion, 414 Aspergillus ¯avus Albacore A¯atoxin reduction in corn, 650 Amine production by bacteria from albacore, 933 Coproduction of cyclopiazonic acid and a¯atoxins, 292 Alfalfa Inhibition of fungi by Welsh onion, 414 E. coli O157:H7 on alfalfa seeds, 850 Aspergillus parasiticus Alfalfa seeds A¯atoxin reduction in corn, 650 E. coli O157:H7 on alfalfa seeds, 318 Inhibition of fungi by Welsh onion, 414 Alfalfa sprouts Assay Salmonella in alfalfa seeds, 662 Limitations of molecular biological techniques for foods, Alicyclobacillus 691 Alicyclobacillus in orange juice, 883 ATP bioluminescence Alkaline phosphatase Effect of cleaners and sanitizers on ATP biolumines- Comparison of ALP determination methods, 81 cence, 86 1506 SUBJECT INDEX J. Food Prot., Vol. 62, No. 12

Attachment Recovery of E. coli and enterococci from beef carcasses, E. coli on lettuce, 3 944 Avian Resistance of bacteria on bovine products, 615 Risk associated with avian E. coli, 741 Salmonella in beef, 467 Steam vacuuming for beef decontamination, 146 Bacillus cereus Triclosan-incorporated plastic on beef, 474 Bacterial contamination in fresh vegetable factories, 800 T. saginata infections in beef, 1314 Heat resistance of B. cereus in milk products, 410 Beef patty Microbiological quality of cooked rice, 877 Sanitation of ground beef products by ionizing radiation, Nisin sensitizes spores to heat, 492 619 Bacillus cereus strains Bi®dobacteria Effect of temperature shift on B. cereus, 57 Bile resistance and bile precipitation, 905 Bacillus licheniformis Cytokine expression in yogurt-fed mice, 181 Downloaded from http://meridian.allenpress.com/jfp/article-pdf/62/12/1488/1663811/0362-028x-62_12_1488.pdf by guest on 02 October 2021 Thermal resistance of spores supplemented with nisin, Preservation of whole and peeled shrimp, 51 484 Storage stability of fermented soymilks, 808 Bacillus spp. Bi®dobacterium spp. Microbiological quality of cooked rice, 877 Enumerating L. acidophilus and Bi®dobacterium spp., 77 Bacillus stearothermophilus Bile Nisin sensitizes spores to heat, 492 Bile resistance and bile precipitation, 905 Nonisothermic heating of Bacillus stearothermophilus, Bile salts depletion 958 Cholestyramine and ochratoxin A toxicity, 1461 Thermal resistance of spores supplemented with nisin, Biocontrol 484 FB1 production suppressed by T. viride, 1326 Bacteria Bio®lms Antibiotic residues and bacteria in milk, 177 Inactivation of bio®lms, 761 Carcass sampling by sponging and excising, 1255 Biogenic amines Halotolerant histamine-forming bacteria in salted ancho- Amine production by bacteria from albacore, 933 vies, 509 Biogenic amines in aerobically stored gilt-head sea Resistance of bacteria on bovine products, 615 bream, 398 Bacterial contamination Biogenic amines in blue®sh, 1033 Inadequately cleaned equipment, 637 Biological control Bacterial micro¯ora A¯atoxin reduction in corn, 650 Bacterial micro¯ora of trout and pike, 1270 Biopreservation Bacteriocin Growth control of L. monocytogenes, 336 Antagonistic effect of E. faecium J96 against Salmonella Spray-drying of bacteriocin-producing lactic acid bacte- spp., 751 ria, 773 Bacteriocin-producing bacteria from garlic and ginger Biosensor root, 899 Rapid detection of E. coli O157:H7 by a biosensor, 711 L. monocytogenes growth controlled by bacteriocin on Rapid response biosensor to detect Salmonella Typhi- salmon, 1394 murium, 431 Spray-drying of bacteriocin-producing lactic acid bacte- Biotype I ria, 773 Recovery of E. coli and enterococci from beef carcasses, Bakery products 944 C. botulinum in MAP crumpets, 349 Botulism Effect of pH and CO2 on C. botulinum, 1157 Botulism risk from packaged cut melons, 948 Beef Bovine Beef carcass contamination, 140 E. coli O157:H7 on lettuce, 845 Beef carcass contamination with E. coli, 234 Bovine mastitis Brain or spinal cord in meat, 394 Phenolic combination as a postmilking teat disinfectant, Carcass sampling by sponging and excising, 1255 1354 Decontamination of beef with saponin, 280 Bovine milk Ecological effect of T. saginata in beef imported into Thermal inactivation of pathogens in milk, 861 Norway, 1320 Bovine spongiform encephalopathy Lactic acids and nisin effects on beef shelf life, 913 Detection of CNS in meat products, 268 Microbiology of tails and head meats, 674 Bread Nisin or nisin and EDTA inhibition of L. monocytogenes Microbiota of Portuguese sourdough, 1416 and E. coli O157:H7, 1123 Breaking process Pathogen reduction by acidi®ed sodium chlorite, 580 Inadequately cleaned equipment, 637 J. Food Prot., Vol. 62, No. 12 SUBJECT INDEX 1507

Broth ®ltrate Cell wall Optimization of antioxidants from A. candidus, 657 Cytokine and no induction in macrophages, 1435 Centralized meat packaging Cadaverine Centralized meat packaging, 418 Amine production by bacteria from albacore, 933 Central nervous tissue Biogenic amines in blue®sh, 1033 Detection of CNS in meat products, 268 Calcinated calcium Characterization Inhibition of Escherichia coli O157:H7 in fresh radish Risk associated with avian E. coli, 741 sprouts, 128 Cheese Calves L. monocytogenes in cheese, 601 E. coli O157:H7 in fasted calves, 574 Cheesecake Campylobacter coli Salmonella in cheesecake, 26

Salmonella, C. jejuni, C. coli, and L. monocytogenes in Chemical Downloaded from http://meridian.allenpress.com/jfp/article-pdf/62/12/1488/1663811/0362-028x-62_12_1488.pdf by guest on 02 October 2021 poultry, 735 Quality of packaged ice in Florida, 526 Campylobacter jejuni Chemical sanitizers Salmonella, C. jejuni, C. coli, and L. monocytogenes in Effect of cleaners and sanitizers on ATP biolumines- poultry, 735 cence, 86 Canning Chemiluminescence Canning process for contaminated mussels, 515 Enzymatic detection of tetracyclines in milk, 632 Extrusion and autoclaving of deoxynivalenol, 962 Chicken Capillary tubes Growth models for Salmonella Typhimurium, 1111 Elimination of Salmonella Enteritidis from liquid egg Predictive models for growth kinetics of Salmonella, products, 112 1470 Carbon dioxide (CO2) Preservation techniques for thiamin in chicken, 1303 Clostridium botulinum in CO2-treated milk, 872 Chicken intestinal ¯ora Effect of pH and CO2 on C. botulinum, 1157 Intestinal lactobacilli from chickens as potential probiot- Carbon source ics, 252 Optimization of antioxidants from A. candidus, 657 Chicks Carcass Inhibition of Salmonella colonization, 229 Beef carcass contamination, 140 Chlorhexidine gluconate Beef carcass contamination with E. coli, 234 Responses of food spoilage bacteria to sanitizer treat- Carcass sampling by sponging and excising, 1255 ments, 368 Microbiological contamination of reindeer carcass, 152 Chlorinated water Microbiological status of sheep meat in Australia, 380 E. coli O157:H7 on lettuce, 845 Salmonella in beef, 467 Chlorine Caribbean E. coli on lettuce, 3 Antibiotic residues and bacteria in milk, 177 Chlorophyll derivatives Carnobacterium Pigment composition in green-stained olives, 1167 L. monocytogenes growth controlled by bacteriocin on Cholesterol salmon, 1394 Detection of CNS in meat products, 268 Carnobacterium piscicola Cholestyramine Growth control of L. monocytogenes, 336 Cholestyramine and ochratoxin A toxicity, 1461 Catalase Chorizo Iron and selenium effects on L. monocytogenes, 1206 Aeromonads in Spanish sausages, 1045 Cat®sh Chromogenic Characterization of Aeromonas spp. from channel cat- L. monocytogenes detection system, 244 ®sh, 30 Cider Cattle Use of HACCP in apple cider production, 778 Cattle stunning CNS tissue, 390 Citrus Cleanliness of cattle at slaughter, 520 Sanitizing fruit for juice safety, 756 Fecal shedding of E. coli O157 on dairy farms, 307 Clostridia Cell culture Impedance in food hygene, 1488 Limitations of molecular biological techniques for foods, Clostridium 691 Psychotrophic clostridia in meat, 766 Cell-induced immunity Clostridium botulinum Foodborne infections during pregnancy, 818 Botulism risk from packaged cut melons, 948 Cell surface hydrophobicity C. botulinum in MAP crumpets, 349 Intestinal lactobacilli from chickens as potential probiot- Clostridium botulinum in CO2-treated milk, 872 ics, 252 Effect of pH and CO2 on C. botulinum, 1157 1508 SUBJECT INDEX J. Food Prot., Vol. 62, No. 12

Microbiology of packaged produce, 499 Cooked rice Clostridium botulinum spores Microbiological quality of cooked rice, 877 C. botulinum in milk products, 867 Cooking Clostridium perfringens Preservation techniques for thiamin in chicken, 1303 Enumeration of C. perfringens, 1041 Copper chlorophyll complexes CMD medium Pigment composition in green-stained olives, 1167 Enumeration of E. coli from animal-derived foods using Copper chlorophyllic complexes conductance, 1260 Oxidized chlorophylls and copper complexes in table ol- Coins ives, 1172 Fate of pathogens on currency, 805 Corn Cold pasteurization A¯atoxin reduction in corn, 650 Pulsed electric ®eld processing of foods, 1088 FB1 production suppressed by T. viride, 1326

Cold smoked salmon Fumonisins in tortillas and nixtamalized corn from Gua- Downloaded from http://meridian.allenpress.com/jfp/article-pdf/62/12/1488/1663811/0362-028x-62_12_1488.pdf by guest on 02 October 2021 Growth control of L. monocytogenes, 336 temala, 1218 L. monocytogenes growth controlled by bacteriocin on Cross-contamination salmon, 1394 Australian food safety telephone survey, 921 Coliform count Cross-protection Quality of packaged ice in Florida, 526 Acid resistance and radiation resistance, 219 Coliform group Crumpets Bacterial contamination in fresh vegetable factories, 800 C. botulinum in MAP crumpets, 349 Coliforms Cryptosporidium Bacterial contamination of vegetables, 644 Foodborne and waterborne enteric protozoa, 1059 Indicator bacteria in apple cider, 887 Cuisine type Steam vacuuming for beef decontamination, 146 Microbiological quality of cooked rice, 877 Color Currency Cooking adequacy of beef patties, 156 Fate of pathogens on currency, 805 Color stability Cutting board Endowment of cured color in meat by ionizing radiation, Inactivation of foodborne pathogens on cutting boards, 1162 857 Combined effect Cycling temperatures The combined effect of nisin and propionic acid on mold Effects of cycling temperature on FB1 production, 1456 growth, 1223 Temperature effects on DON and ZEN production, 1451 Competition Cyclopiazonic acid A¯atoxin reduction in corn, 650 Coproduction of cyclopiazonic acid and a¯atoxins, 292 Growth control of L. monocytogenes, 336 Cyclopiazonic acid in Taleggio cheese, 1198 Competitive exclusion Cyclospora Inhibition of Salmonella colonization, 229 Differentiation of Cyclospora and Eimeria spp. by OLA, Mucosal competitive exclusion to reduce Salmonella in 682 swine, 1376 Foodborne and waterborne enteric protozoa, 1059 Compound feeds Cytokine(s) Fluorodensitometric analysis of ergosterol, 686 Cytokine expression in yogurt-fed mice, 181 Conductance Lactic acid bacteria and immunity, 287 Enumeration of E. coli from animal-derived foods using

conductance, 1260 D10 Con®rmation The irradiation parameter D10 under various conditions, GC-MS analysis of underivatized patulin, 202 1024 Confocal microscopy Dairy Salmonella penetration of eggshell membrane, 73 Fecal shedding of E. coli O157 on dairy farms, 307 Connecticut Dairy products E. coli in apple cider, 567 Differential medium for Kluyveromyces, 189 Contamination PCR-based detection of S. aureus, 1150 Beef carcass contamination, 140 Debris Cattle stunning CNS tissue, 390 Quality of packaged ice in Florida, 526 Microbiological contamination of reindeer carcass, 152 Decontamination Microbiological quality of cooked rice, 877 Decontamination of beef with saponin, 280 Microbiological quality of lettuce, 325 Extrusion processing of DON-contaminated wheat, 1485 Contamination risk Pathogen reduction by acidi®ed sodium chlorite, 580 Biological control of E. coli in apples, 1372 Steam vacuuming for beef decontamination, 146 J. Food Prot., Vol. 62, No. 12 SUBJECT INDEX 1509

Delvo-X-Press Electron beam Evaluation of Delvo-X-Press, 1183 Irradiation of E. coli O157:H7 by gamma versus elec- Denaturation trons, 10 Salmonella Enteritidis inactivation in egg white by ELISA pulsed electric ®elds, 1381 Brain or spinal cord in meat, 394 Deoxynivalenol E. coli O157:H7 in Brazilian hamburgers, 1333 Extrusion and autoclaving of deoxynivalenol, 962 Indirect ELISA for ¯at®sh species identi®cation, 1178 Extrusion processing of DON-contaminated wheat, 1485 Emesis Temperature effects on DON and ZEN production, 1451 Emesis in S. murinus induced by staphylococcal entero- Detection toxin A, 1350 Detection of L. monocytogenes by quantitative PCR, 35 Endpoint temperature Diacetyl Cooking adequacy of beef patties, 156

Antimicrobial activity of diacetyl, 975 Enteric bacteria Downloaded from http://meridian.allenpress.com/jfp/article-pdf/62/12/1488/1663811/0362-028x-62_12_1488.pdf by guest on 02 October 2021 Diarrheal illness Stress and antimicrobial resistance, 797 Salmonella Thompson in Sioux Falls, 118 Enteric protozoa Diet Foodborne and waterborne enteric protozoa, 1059 E. coli O157:H7 in fasted calves, 574 Enteric virus Differential medium Limitations of molecular biological techniques for foods, Differential medium for Kluyveromyces, 189 691 Differentiation Enterobacteriaceae Differentiation between E. coli and E. coli O157:H7, 313 Impedance in food hygene, 1488 Digestion Steam vacuuming for beef decontamination, 146 Trichinella assay for pork and horse meat, 1308 Enterococci Digoxigenin-labeled nonradioactive DNA probes Indicator bacteria in apple cider, 887 Digoxigenin-labeled PCR amplicon probes, 438 Recovery of E. coli and enterococci from beef carcasses, Disinfection 944 Disinfection of mung bean seed, 953 Enterococcus faecium DNA probes Antagonistic effect of E. faecium J96 against Salmonella E. coli and retail ground beef, 133 spp., 751 DON Enterohemorrhagic Extrusion and autoclaving of deoxynivalenol, 962 Growth and survival of E. coli, 1466 Dynamic growth model Enumeration Dynamic growth model for Listeria monocytogenes, 170 Differentiation between E. coli and E. coli O157:H7, 313 Dynamic models Enumerating L. acidophilus and Bi®dobacterium spp., 77 E. coli O157:H7 on alfalfa seeds, 318 Environments of food factories Ecological effect of T. saginata in beef imported into Bacterial contamination in fresh vegetable factories, 800 Norway, 1320 Enzyme immunoassay Salmonella in alfalfa seeds, 662 Ecology Swab-based detection system, 386 Ecological effect of T. saginata in beef imported into EOH medium Norway, 1320 Differentiation between E. coli and E. coli O157:H7, 313 EDTA Equilibrium-modi®ed atmosphere Nisin or nisin and EDTA inhibition of L. monocytogenes Fresh-cut produce under equilibrium-modi®ed atmo- and E. coli O157:H7, 1123 sphere, 1128 Education Equipment Domestic food handling video study, 1285 Inadequately cleaned equipment, 637 Eggshell membrane Ergosterol Salmonella penetration of eggshell membrane, 73 Fluorodensitometric analysis of ergosterol, 686 Egg white Escherichia coli Salmonella Enteritidis inactivation in egg white by Acid-adapted E. coli O157:H7, 451 pulsed electric ®elds, 1381 Antibacterial activity of chitosan, 239 Egg white powder Beef carcass contamination with E. coli, 234 Salmonella Enteritidis in egg white powder, 585 Differentiation between E. coli and E. coli O157:H7, 313 Elastase activity Digoxigenin-labeled PCR amplicon probes, 438 Hemolytic and elastolytic activities in Plesiomonas shi- E. coli in apple cider, 567 gelloides, 1475 Enumeration of E. coli from animal-derived foods using Electrolyzed oxidizing water conductance, 1260 Inactivation of foodborne pathogens on cutting boards, Growth and survival of E. coli, 1466 857 High-pressure inactivation of E. coli in milk, 1248 1510 SUBJECT INDEX J. Food Prot., Vol. 62, No. 12

Microbiological quality of cooked rice, 877 Extrusion processing of DON-contaminated wheat, 1485 Microbiology of tails and head meats, 674 Extrusion cooking Recovery of E. coli and enterococci from beef carcasses, Zearalenone stability in extruded corn grits, 1482 944 Risk associated with avian E. coli, 741 Fecal contamination Sanitizing fruit for juice safety, 756 Recovery of E. coli and enterococci from beef carcasses, Steam vacuuming for beef decontamination, 146 944 Use of HACCP in apple cider production, 778 Feces Escherichia coli O157 Cleanliness of cattle at slaughter, 520 Fecal shedding of E. coli O157 on dairy farms, 307 E. coli O157:H7 on lettuce, 845 Verocytotoxin-producing E. coli O157 in meats, 1115 Fermented sausage Escherichia coli O157:H7 Aeromonads in Spanish sausages, 1045 Acid resistance and radiation resistance, 219 Fermented soymilk Downloaded from http://meridian.allenpress.com/jfp/article-pdf/62/12/1488/1663811/0362-028x-62_12_1488.pdf by guest on 02 October 2021 Antagonistic action of L. lactis toward foodborne path- Storage stability of fermented soymilks, 808 ogens, 1336 Fetus Antibacterial effect of lactorerricin B, 747 Foodborne infections during pregnancy, 818 Antimicrobial activity of diacetyl, 975 Field test Decontamination of beef with saponin, 280 Method for rapid detection of ochratoxin A in wheat, 65 Differentiation between E. coli and E. coli O157:H7, 313 Finishing swine E. coli acid resistance, 211 Foodborne pathogens in ®nishing swine, 22 E. coli and retail ground beef, 133 Fish E. coli on lettuce, 3 Survival of A. simplex in microwaved ®sh, 403 E. coli O157:H7 in Brazilian hamburgers, 1333 Fish spoilage E. coli O157:H7 in fasted calves, 574 Biogenic amines in aerobically stored gilt-head sea E. coli O157:H7 on alfalfa seeds, 850 bream, 398 E. coli O157:H7 on lettuce, 845 Flavonoids E. coli O157:H7 stored in orange juice, 1038 Antimicrobial and antioxidant compounds in orange es- Fate of pathogens on currency, 805 sential oil, 929 Inactivating E. coli in orange juice, 277 Flow cytometry Inactivation of E. coli O157:H7 by pulsed electric ®elds, Rapid detection of Salmonella in chicken washes, 717 793 Fluid milk Inactivation of foodborne pathogens on cutting boards, Dynamic growth model for Li steria monocytogenes, 170 857 Inhibition of Escherichia coli O157:H7 in fresh radish Fluorodensitometry sprouts, 128 Fluorodensitometric analysis of ergosterol, 686 Irradiation of E. coli O157:H7 by gamma versus elec- Fluorogenic trons, 10 L. monocytogenes detection system, 244 Microbiological quality of lettuce, 325 Fluorophos Nisin or nisin and EDTA inhibition of L. monocytogenes Comparison of ALP determination methods, 81 and E. coli O157:H7, 1123 Food(s) Pathogen reduction by acidi®ed sodium chlorite, 580 Detection of L. monocytogenes by quantitative PCR, 35 Rapid detection of E. coli O157:H7 by a biosensor, 711 Impedance in food hygene, 1488 Recovery and survival of E. coli O157:H7 in recondi- PCR for Salmonella Typhimurium, 1103 tioned water, 731 Salmonella PCR-ELISA test, 1387 Reuterin as a meat decontaminant, 257 Food adulteration rRNA persistence in contaminated milk, 839 Detection of CNS in meat products, 268 Survival of E. coli O157:H7 and ground beef, 1243 Foodborne Triclosan-incorporated plastic on beef, 474 Performance of the TaqMan Salmonella PCR assay, 329 Essential oils Foodborne disease Antimicrobial activity of T. vulgaris oils, 1017 Foodborne and waterborne enteric protozoa, 1059 Ewe's milk Foodborne pathogens Proteinases from ewe's milk Pseudomonas, 543 Biological control of E. coli in apples, 1372 Extraction Foodborne pathogens in ®nishing swine, 22 Limitations of molecular biological techniques for foods, Quality and safety of Johannesburg street foods, 1278 691 Foodborne viruses Extracts Detection of foodborne viruses using multiplex PCR, Inhibition of fungi by Welsh onion, 414 1210 Extrusion Food code Extrusion and autoclaving of deoxynivalenol, 962 Salmonella Thompson in Sioux Falls, 118 J. Food Prot., Vol. 62, No. 12 SUBJECT INDEX 1511

Food contact surface In¯uence of spore level on fumonisin production, 814 Swab-based detection system, 386 Fusarium oxysporum Food contamination Fumonisin production by Fusarium spp. from Spain, 811 Biological control of E. coli in apples, 1372 Fusarium proliferatum Food handling Effects of cycling temperature on FB1 production, 1456 Domestic food handling video study, 1285 Fusarium section Liseola Food industry Fumonisin production by Fusarium spp. from Spain, 811 HACCP in UK food industry, 786 Fusarium semitectum Food irradiation Fumonisin production by Fusarium spp. from Spain, 811 Growth rates of bacteria in irradiated meats, 1297 Food legislation ␤-galactosidase Salmonella Thompson in Sioux Falls, 118 Enzymatic detection of tetracyclines in milk, 632

Food safety Gamma Downloaded from http://meridian.allenpress.com/jfp/article-pdf/62/12/1488/1663811/0362-028x-62_12_1488.pdf by guest on 02 October 2021 Australian food safety telephone survey, 921 Irradiation of E. coli O157:H7 by gamma versus elec- E. coli O157:H7 stored in orange juice, 1038 trons, 10 Heat resistance of B. cereus in milk products, 410 Gamma irradiation Inactivating E. coli in orange juice, 277 Endowment of cured color in meat by ionizing radiation, Ozone and food safety, 1071 1162 Pathogen reduction by acidi®ed sodium chlorite, 580 Sanitation of ground beef products by ionizing radiation, Polychlorinated biphenyls in total diet samples, 1054 619 Safety of tofu, 1050 Gamma radiation Salmonella Thompson in Sioux Falls, 118 Irradiation and MAP control of L. monocytogenes, 1136 Steam vacuuming for beef decontamination, 146 Garlic The irradiation parameter D10 under various conditions, Bacteriocin-producing bacteria from garlic and ginger 1024 root, 899 Food spoilage bacteria Gaseous acetic acid Responses of food spoilage bacteria to sanitizer treat- Disinfection of mung bean seed, 953 ments, 368 GC-MS Freeze inactivation GC-MS analysis of underivatized patulin, 202 Processing strategies to inactivate V. vulni®cus, 592 Giardia Fresh-cut vegetables Foodborne and waterborne enteric protozoa, 1059 Fresh-cut produce under equilibrium-modi®ed atmo- Ginger sphere, 1128 Bacteriocin-producing bacteria from garlic and ginger Fresh produce root, 899 Bacterial contamination of vegetables, 644 Glucose oxidase Freshwater ®sh Suppression of foodborne pathogens by P. nalgiovense, Bacterial micro¯ora of trout and pike, 1270 940 Fructooligosaccharide ␥-glutamyl transpeptidase Inhibition of Salmonella colonization, 229 Thermal inactivation of pathogens in milk, 861 Fumonisin B1 Glycine betaine Effects of cycling temperature on FB1 production, 1456 Shelf life of shredded iceberg lettuce, 363 Fumonisins in tortillas and nixtamalized corn from Gua- Gompertz equation temala, 1218 Predictive model for L. monocytogenes inactivation, Fumonisins 1143 Fumonisin production by Fusarium spp. from Spain, 811 Greece In¯uence of spore level on fumonisin production, 814 A. hydrophila, A. caviae, and A. sobria in milk products Fungal contamination in Greece, 463 Fluorodensitometric analysis of ergosterol, 686 Green staining alteration Fung's double-tube Oxidized chlorophylls and copper complexes in table ol- Enumeration of C. perfringens, 1041 ives, 1172 Fungicides Pigment composition in green-stained olives, 1167 Antimicrobial and antioxidant compounds in orange es- Ground beef sential oil, 929 Antibacterial effect of lactorerricin B, 747 Fusarium avenaceum E. coli and retail ground beef, 133 Fumonisin production by Fusarium spp. from Spain, 811 Survival of E. coli O157:H7 and ground beef, 1243 Fusarium graminearum Ground beef patties Temperature effects on DON and ZEN production, 1451 Cooking adequacy of beef patties, 156 Fusarium moniliforme Growth Effects of cycling temperature on FB1 production, 1456 Growth and survival of E. coli, 1466 1512 SUBJECT INDEX J. Food Prot., Vol. 62, No. 12

Growth models for Salmonella Typhimurium, 1111 High-pressure treatment Predictive models for growth kinetics of Salmonella, High-pressure destruction of L. monocytogenes on 1470 pork, 40 Recovery and survival of E. coli O157:H7 in recondi- High-voltage pulse generator tioned water, 731 Pulsed electric ®eld processing of foods, 1088 Salmonella Enteritidis in egg white powder, 585 Histamine Growth kinetics Amine production by bacteria from albacore, 933 Predictive models for growth kinetics of Salmonella, 106 Biogenic amines in blue®sh, 1033 Growth model Halotolerant histamine-forming bacteria in salted ancho- L. monocytogenes in cheese, 601 vies, 509 Growth protocol Histidine Listeria cell growth and adhesion, 994 Halotolerant histamine-forming bacteria in salted ancho-

Growth temperature vies, 509 Downloaded from http://meridian.allenpress.com/jfp/article-pdf/62/12/1488/1663811/0362-028x-62_12_1488.pdf by guest on 02 October 2021 Effect of temperature shift on B. cereus, 57 Horse Gutkha Trichinella assay for pork and horse meat, 1308 Tobacco mixes irradiation, 678 HPLC Amine production by bacteria from albacore, 933 HACCP GC-MS analysis of underivatized patulin, 202 HACCP in UK food industry, 786 Human Use of HACCP in apple cider production, 778 Risk associated with avian E. coli, 741 Haloterant Human enteroviruses Halotolerant histamine-forming bacteria in salted ancho- Detection of foodborne viruses using multiplex PCR, 1210 vies, 509 Human infections Hamburger T. saginata infections in beef, 1314 E. coli and retail ground beef, 133 Human pathogen/plant pathogen interaction E. coli O157:H7 in Brazilian hamburgers, 1333 L. monocytogenesis/soft rot bacteria interaction, 343 Hazard analysis and critical control point plan Hydrogen peroxide Microbiology of swine dehairing, 1478 Effect of peroxyacetic acid (Oxonia Active) on spore Hazard analysis critical control point formers, 262 Steam vacuuming for beef decontamination, 146 Hydrolyzed fumonisin B (AP ) Head meats 1 1 Fumonisins in tortillas and nixtamalized corn from Gua- Microbiology of tails and head meats, 674 temala, 1218 Heating Hydrophobicity Inactiviation of Salmonella and Listeria, 980 Listeria cell growth and adhesion, 994 Heat processing Hydrostatic pressure Effects of commercial heat-shot process, 1266 Treatment of pork sausage by high hydrostatic pressure, Heat resistance 480 Heat resistance of B. cereus in milk products, 410 Hygiene Nisin sensitizes spores to heat, 492 Australian food safety telephone survey, 921 Thermal inactivation model for Listeria monocytogenes, Domestic food handling video study, 1285 986 Microbiological contamination of reindeer carcass, 152 Hemolytic activity Hypochlorite Hemolytic and elastolytic activities in Plesiomonas shi- Disinfectants against Y. enterocolitica on lettuce, 665 gelloides, 1475 Hepatitis A virus Ice Detection of foodborne viruses using multiplex PCR, Quality of packaged ice in Florida, 526 1210 Iceberg lettuce Heterologous gene expression Shelf life of shredded iceberg lettuce, 363 Suppression of foodborne pathogens by P. nalgiovense, Identi®cation 940 Characterization of Aeromonas spp. from channel cat- Hide ®sh, 30 Cleanliness of cattle at slaughter, 520 IFN-␥ High hydrostatic pressure Lactic acid bacteria cytokines, 162 High-pressure inactivation of E. coli in milk, 1248 IgG High pressure Swab-based detection system, 386 E. coli O157:H7 stored in orange juice, 1038 IL-6 Inactivating E. coli in orange juice, 277 Cytokine and no induction in macrophages, 1435 Pressurized, prepackaged sliced cooked ham, 1411 Lactic acid bacteria cytokines, 162 J. Food Prot., Vol. 62, No. 12 SUBJECT INDEX 1513

Immersion Isolation Sanitizing fruit for juice safety, 756 Comparison of Acrobacter isolation protocols, 610 Immune system L. monocytogenes detection system, 244 Lactic acid bacteria and immunity, 287 Isolation procedures Lactic acid bacteria cytokines, 162 Increased sensitivity of Listeria detection, 532 Immunity Isolation protocol Cytokine and no induction in macrophages, 1435 Isolation medium for Arcobacter, 456 Immunoassay Method for rapid detection of ochratoxin A in wheat, 65 Kluyveromyces Immunomagnetic separation Differential medium for Kluyveromyces, 189 IMS and plating media for Salmonella, 198 Rapid detection of Salmonella in chicken washes, 717 ␤-lactam antibiotics

Impedance Evaluation of Delvo-X-Press, 1183 Downloaded from http://meridian.allenpress.com/jfp/article-pdf/62/12/1488/1663811/0362-028x-62_12_1488.pdf by guest on 02 October 2021 Impedance in food hygene, 1488 Lactic acid Imported lettuce Antagonistic effect of E. faecium J96 against Salmonella Microbiological quality of lettuce, 325 spp., 751 Inactivation Lactic acids and nisin effects on beef shelf life, 913 Inactivation of Salmonella and Listeria, 980 Listeria cell growth and adhesion, 994 The irradiation parameter D10 under various conditions, Lactic acid bacteria 1024 Bologna sausage preservation using nisin, 1004 Inactivation ratio Cytokine and no induction in macrophages, 1435 Pulsed electric ®eld processing of foods, 1088 Lactic acid bacteria and immunity, 287 Incidence Lactic acid bacteria cytokines, 162 Salmonella in beef, 467 Storage stability of fermented soymilks, 808 Indicator microorganisms Lacticin 3147 Recovery of E. coli and enterococci from beef carcasses, Acid-adapted Listeria tolerant to bacteriocins, 536 944 Lacticin 3147-enriched whey powder, 1011 Indicator survival Lactobacilli Bacterial survival in water, 194 Adhesion of lactobacilli to intestine of mice, 1430 In®ltration Bile resistance and bile precipitation, 905 E. coli O157:H7 on apples, 444 Cytokine expression in yogurt-fed mice, 181 Inhibition Intestinal lactobacilli from chickens as potential probiot- Suppression of foodborne pathogens by P. nalgiovense, ics, 252 940 Lactobacillus acidophilus Inoculation Enumerating L. acidophilus and Bi®dobacterium spp., 77 Sanitizing fruit for juice safety, 756 Lactobacillus lactis Inoculum size Antagonistic action of L. lactis toward foodborne path- In¯uence of spore level on fumonisin production, 814 ogens, 1336 Interleukin Lactobacillus reuteri Cytokine expression in yogurt-fed mice, 181 Reuterin as a meat decontaminant, 257 Intestinal adhesion Lactoferricin B Adhesion of lactobacilli to intestine of mice, 1430 Antibacterial effect of lactorerricin B, 747 Intramammary infection Lactoperoxidase Phenolic combination as a postmilking teat disinfectant, L. monocytogenes survival in acidi®ed skim milk, 670 1354 Lectinlike substance Iodophor Adhesion of lactobacilli to intestine of mice, 1430 Responses of food spoilage bacteria to sanitizer treat- Lettuce ments, 368 Disinfectants against Y. enterocolitica on lettuce, 665 Iron E. coli O157:H7 on lettuce, 845 Iron and selenium effects on L. monocytogenes, 1206 E. coli on lettuce, 3 Irradiated corn kernels Liquid egg products In¯uence of spore level on fumonisin production, 814 Elimination of Salmonella Enteritidis from liquid egg Irradiation products, 112 Irradiation of E. coli O157:H7 by gamma versus elec- Liquid whole egg trons, 10 Nisin reduces thermal resistance of L. monocytogenes, Preservation techniques for thiamin in chicken, 1303 999 The irradiation parameter D10 under various conditions, Listeria 1024 Impedance in food hygene, 1488 Tobacco mixes irradiation, 678 Inactivation of Salmonella and Listeria, 980 1514 SUBJECT INDEX J. Food Prot., Vol. 62, No. 12

Treatment of pork sausage by high hydrostatic pressure, MAP 480 Botulism risk from packaged cut melons, 948 Listeria innocua C. botulinum in MAP crumpets, 349 Thermal inactivation of pathogens in milk, 861 Effect of pH and CO2 on C. botulinum, 1157 Listeria monocytogenes Irradiation and MAP control of L. monocytogenes, 1136 Detection of L. monocytogenes by quantitative PCR, 35 Mascarpone cheese Dynamic growth model for Li steria monocytogenes, 170 C. botulinum in milk products, 867 Effect of nisin and moderate heat on Listeria, 46 Meat Fresh-cut produce under equilibrium-modi®ed atmo- High-pressure destruction of L. monocytogenes on sphere, 1128 pork, 40 Growth control of L. monocytogenes, 336 IMS and plating media for Salmonella, 198 High-pressure destruction of L. monocytogenes on Microbiological status of sheep meat in Australia, 380

pork, 40 Meat chemistry Downloaded from http://meridian.allenpress.com/jfp/article-pdf/62/12/1488/1663811/0362-028x-62_12_1488.pdf by guest on 02 October 2021 Inactivation of bio®lms, 761 Centralized meat packaging, 418 Inactivation of foodborne pathogens on cutting boards, Meat decontamination 857 Reuterin as a meat decontaminant, 257 Increased sensitivity of Listeria detection, 532 Meat distribution Iron and selenium effects on L. monocytogenes, 1206 Centralized meat packaging, 418 Irradiation and MAP control of L. monocytogenes, 1136 Meat microbiology Lacticin 3147-enriched whey powder, 1011 Centralized meat packaging, 418 Listeria cell growth and adhesion, 994 Meat preservation L. monocytogenes detection system, 244 Reuterin as a meat decontaminant, 257 L. monocytogenes growth controlled by bacteriocin on Melons salmon, 1394 Botulism risk from packaged cut melons, 948 L. monocytogenes in cheese, 601 Membrane fatty acid L. monocytogenes survival in acidi®ed skim milk, 670 Acid-adapted Listeria tolerant to bacteriocins, 536 Nisin or nisin and EDTA inhibition of L. monocytogenes Mesophilic genera and E. coli O157:H7, 1123 Bacterial micro¯ora of trout and pike, 1270 Nisin reduces thermal resistance of L. monocytogenes, Metals 999 Quality of packaged ice in Florida, 526 Predictive model for L. monocytogenes inactivation, Methods 1143 Limitations of molecular biological techniques for foods, Reuterin as a meat decontaminant, 257 691 Salmonella, C. jejuni, C. coli, and L. monocytogenes in Microbial metabolites poultry, 735 Biogenic amines in aerobically stored gilt-head sea Thermal inactivation model for Listeria monocytogenes, bream, 398 986 Microbiological Beef carcass contamination, 140 Thermal inactivation of pathogens in milk, 861 Microbiological status of sheep meat in Australia, 380 Thin agar layer method, 1346 Quality of packaged ice in Florida, 526 Listeriolysin O Microbiological changes Iron and selenium effects on L. monocytogenes, 1206 Pressurized, prepackaged sliced cooked ham, 1411 Listeriosis Microbiological quality Foodborne infections during pregnancy, 818 Tobacco mixes irradiation, 678 Lobster meat Microbiological sampling Effect of nisin and moderate heat on Listeria, 46 Broiler skin sampling, 284 Low microbial load foods Microbiology Comparison of media for recovery of Salmonella spp. Growth rates of bacteria in irradiated meats, 1297 from foods, 16 Micro¯ora Lysozyme Microbiota of Portuguese sourdough, 1416 High-pressure inactivation of E. coli in milk, 1248 Microwave Survival of A. simplex in microwaved ®sh, 403 Maize Milk A¯atoxin reduction in corn, 650 Antibiotic residues and bacteria in milk, 177 Microbiota of Portuguese sourdough, 1416 Clostridium botulinum in CO2-treated milk, 872 Man Rogosa Sharpe broth Enzymatic detection of tetracyclines in milk, 632 Inactivation of bacteriophages, 894 High-pressure inactivation of E. coli in milk, 1248 Manual shaver Quality and safety of milk, 625 Microbiology of swine dehairing, 1478 Resistance of bacteria on bovine products, 615 J. Food Prot., Vol. 62, No. 12 SUBJECT INDEX 1515

rpoS expression by Salmonella in milk, 70 Effect of nisin and moderate heat on Listeria, 46 rRNA persistence in contaminated milk, 839 High-pressure inactivation of E. coli in milk, 1248 Stability of tetracyclines in milk, 547 Lactic acids and nisin effects on beef shelf life, 913 Thermal resistance of spores supplemented with nisin, Nisin or nisin and EDTA inhibition of L. monocytogenes 484 and E. coli O157:H7, 1123 Milk products Nisin reduces thermal resistance of L. monocytogenes, A. hydrophila, A. caviae, and A. sobria in milk products 999 in Greece, 463 Nisin sensitizes spores to heat, 492 Heat resistance of B. cereus in milk products, 410 The combined effect of nisin and propionic acid on mold Milk residues growth, 1223 Evaluation of Delvo-X-Press, 1183 Thermal resistance of spores supplemented with nisin, Minitube 484

Enumeration of C. perfringens, 1041 Nitric oxide Downloaded from http://meridian.allenpress.com/jfp/article-pdf/62/12/1488/1663811/0362-028x-62_12_1488.pdf by guest on 02 October 2021 Mitsubishi AnaeroPack System Cytokine and no induction in macrophages, 1435 Enumeration of C. perfringens, 1041 Lactic acid bacteria cytokines, 162 Mixed feeds Nitrite Coproduction of cyclopiazonic acid and a¯atoxins, 292 Endowment of cured color in meat by ionizing radiation, Model 1162 Growth models for Salmonella Typhimurium, 1111 Nitrogen source Modeling Optimization of antioxidants from A. candidus, 657 Growth rates of bacteria in irradiated meats, 1297 Nonfat skim milk Model validation Inactivation of bacteriophages, 894 Dynamic growth model for Li steria monocytogenes, 170 Nonisothermic heating Predictive models for growth kinetics of Salmonella, 106 Nonisothermic heating of Bacillus stearothermophilus, Modi®ed atmosphere 958 Botulism risk from packaged cut melons, 948 Nonlinear regression Modi®ed atmosphere packaging Predictive model for L. monocytogenes inactivation, Centralized meat packaging, 418 1143 Modi®ed ecometric method Nonthermal processing Bile resistance and bile precipitation, 905 Inactivation of E. coli O157:H7 by pulsed electric ®elds, Molds 793 The combined effect of nisin and propionic acid on mold Pulsed electric ®eld processing of foods, 1088 growth, 1223 Norwalk virus Monte Carlo simulation Detection of foodborne viruses using multiplex PCR, Thermal inactivation of pathogens in milk, 861 1210 Morganella morganii Norway Biogenic amines in blue®sh, 1033 Ecological effect of T. saginata in beef imported into MS-GLC Norway, 1320 Polychlorinated biphenyls in total diet samples, 1054 T. saginata infections in beef, 1314 Multiplex PCR NSE Detection of foodborne viruses using multiplex PCR, Detection of CNS in meat products, 268 1210 5Ј Nuclease assay Mung bean Performance of the TaqMan Salmonella PCR assay, 329 Disinfection of mung bean seed, 953 Mussels Canning process for contaminated mussels, 515 Occurrence Mycelium Verocytotoxin-producing E. coli O157 in meats, 1115 Optimization of antioxidants from A. candidus, 657 Ochratoxin A Mycotoxin(s) Cholestyramine and ochratoxin A toxicity, 1461 Anifungal proteins in maize kernel tissues, 295 Method for rapid detection of ochratoxin A in wheat, 65 FB1 production suppressed by T. viride, 1326 Octanoic acid Inactivation of bio®lms, 761 NaCl Oligonucleotide-ligation assay (OLA) Effect of temperature shift on B. cereus, 57 Differentiation of Cyclospora and Eimeria spp. by OLA, Nervous tissue 682 Brain or spinal cord in meat, 394 Olive Nisin Oxidized chlorophylls and copper complexes in table ol- Acid-adapted Listeria tolerant to bacteriocins, 536 ives, 1172 Bologna sausage preservation using nisin, 1004 Pigment composition in green-stained olives, 1167 1516 SUBJECT INDEX J. Food Prot., Vol. 62, No. 12

Orange essential oil Penicillium Antimicrobial and antioxidant compounds in orange es- Vanillin, potassium sorbate, and mold growth, 540 sential oil, 929 Penicillium nalgiovense Orange juice Suppression of foodborne pathogens by P. nalgiovense, Alicyclobacillus in orange juice, 883 940 E. coli O157:H7 stored in orange juice, 1038 Penicillium spp. Inactivating E. coli in orange juice, 277 Cyclopiazonic acid in Taleggio cheese, 1198 Organic acid Peracetic acid Growth and survival of E. coli, 1466 Inactivation of bio®lms, 761 Organic acids Peracetic acid/hydrogen peroxide Acid-adapted E. coli O157:H7, 451 Responses of food spoilage bacteria to sanitizer treat- Decontamination of beef with saponin, 280 ments, 368

Disinfectants against Y. enterocolitica on lettuce, 665 Peroxyacetic acid Downloaded from http://meridian.allenpress.com/jfp/article-pdf/62/12/1488/1663811/0362-028x-62_12_1488.pdf by guest on 02 October 2021 Organic acids salts Effect of peroxyacetic acid (Oxonia Active) on spore Preservation of whole and peeled shrimp, 51 formers, 262 Oxidized chlorophyll derivatives pH Oxidized chlorophylls and copper complexes in table ol- Effect of pH and CO2 on C. botulinum, 1157 ives, 1172 Modeling growth and decline of S. aureus, 356 Oysters Phage Effects of commercial heat-shot process, 1266 Inactivation of bacteriophages, 894 Processing strategies to inactivate V. vulni®cus, 592 Phenolic combination Ozone Phenolic combination as a postmilking teat disinfectant, Ozone and food safety, 1071 1354 Physical Package Quality of packaged ice in Florida, 526 Shelf life of shredded iceberg lettuce, 363 Pigment Packaging Oxidized chlorophylls and copper complexes in table ol- Irradiation of E. coli O157:H7 by gamma versus elec- ives, 1172 trons, 10 Pigment composition in green-stained olives, 1167 Preservation techniques for thiamin in chicken, 1303 Pig tongue Packaging ®lm yadA-positive Y. enterocolitica at the retail level, 123 Microbiology of packaged produce, 499 Plastic Paralytic shell®sh poison Triclosan-incorporated plastic on beef, 474 Canning process for contaminated mussels, 515 Plate heat exchanger Pasteurization Elimination of Salmonella Enteritidis from liquid egg Comparison of ALP determination methods, 81 products, 112 Salmonella Enteritidis inactivation in egg white by Platichthys ¯esus pulsed electric ®elds, 1381 Indirect ELISA for ¯at®sh species identi®cation, 1178 Use of HACCP in apple cider production, 778 Plesiomonas Y. enterocolitica in milk, 1203 Bacterial micro¯ora of trout and pike, 1270 Pathogen(s) Plesiomonas shigelloides Effect of peroxyacetic acid (Oxonia Active) on spore Hemolytic and elastolytic activities in Plesiomonas shi- formers, 262 gelloides, 1475 Recovery of E. coli and enterococci from beef carcasses, Pleuronectes platessa 944 Indirect ELISA for ¯at®sh species identi®cation, 1178 The irradiation parameter D10 under various conditions, Polisher 1024 Microbiology of swine dehairing, 1478 Pathogen growth Polychlorinated biphenyls (PCB) L. monocytogenesis/soft rot bacteria interaction, 343 Polychlorinated biphenyls in total diet samples, 1054 Pathogen survival Polylactic acid Bacterial survival in water, 194 Lactic acids and nisin effects on beef shelf life, 913 Patulin Polymerase chain reaction (PCR) GC-MS analysis of underivatized patulin, 202 Detection of L. monocytogenes by quantitative PCR, 35 PCR-ELISA Differentiation of Cyclospora and Eimeria spp. by OLA, Salmonella PCR-ELISA test, 1387 682 PCR primers Limitations of molecular biological techniques for foods, PCR for Salmonella Typhimurium, 1103 691 Pediococcus acidilactici PCR assay for Alternaria, 1191 Antimicrobial activity of diacetyl, 975 PCR-based detection of S. aureus, 1150 J. Food Prot., Vol. 62, No. 12 SUBJECT INDEX 1517

Performance of the TaqMan Salmonella PCR assay, 329 Progesterone yadA-positive Y. enterocolitica at the retail level, 123 Foodborne infections during pregnancy, 818 Pork Propionic acid High-pressure destruction of L. monocytogenes on The combined effect of nisin and propionic acid on mold pork, 40 growth, 1223 Treatment of pork sausage by high hydrostatic pressure, Protein 480 Salmonella Enteritidis inactivation in egg white by Trichinella assay for pork and horse meat, 1308 pulsed electric ®elds, 1381 yadA-Positive Y. enterocolitica at the retail level, 123 Proteinases Pork loin ham Proteinases from ewe's milk Pseudomonas, 543 Endowment of cured color in meat by ionizing radiation, Pseudomonas 1162 Amine production by bacteria from albacore, 933 Post milking teat disinfectant Inactivation of bio®lms, 761 Downloaded from http://meridian.allenpress.com/jfp/article-pdf/62/12/1488/1663811/0362-028x-62_12_1488.pdf by guest on 02 October 2021 Pseudomonas ¯uorescens Phenolic combination as a postmilking teat disinfectant, Proteinases from ewe's milk Pseudomonas, 543 1354 Psychotrophic Postharvest Psychotrophic clostridia in meat, 766 FB production suppressed by T. viride, 1326 1 Pulsed electric ®eld Potassium sorbate Inactivation of E. coli O157:H7 by pulsed electric ®elds, Modeling growth and decline of S. aureus, 356 793 Vanillin, potassium sorbate, and mold growth, 540 Pulsed electric ®eld processing of foods, 1088 Poultry Salmonella Enteritidis inactivation in egg white by Antagonistic effect of E. faecium J96 against Salmonella pulsed electric ®elds, 1381 spp., 751 Puri®cation Comparison of Acrobacter isolation protocols, 610 Proteinases from ewe's milk Pseudomonas, 543 Inactivation of Salmonella and Listeria, 980 Putrescine Salmonella, C. jejuni, C. coli, and L. monocytogenes in Biogenic amines in blue®sh, 1033 poultry, 735 Precondition Quality Growth models for Salmonella Typhimurium, 1111 Quality and safety of Johannesburg street foods, 1278 Predictive models for growth kinetics of Salmonella, Quality and safety of milk, 625 1470 Quality assurance Predictive microbiology Trichinella assay for pork and horse meat, 1308 Modeling growth and decline of S. aureus, 356 Quantitation Predictive model Detection of L. monocytogenes by quantitative PCR, 35 Predictive models for growth kinetics of Salmonella, 106, 1470 Radish extract Thermal inactivation model for Listeria monocytogenes, Inhibition of Escherichia coli O157:H7 in fresh radish 986 sprouts, 128 Preservatives Radish seeds Inhibition of fungi by Welsh onion, 414 Inhibition of Escherichia coli O157:H7 in fresh radish Prevalence sprouts, 128 Characterization of Aeromonas spp. from channel cat- Radish sprout ®sh, 30 Inhibition of Escherichia coli O157:H7 in fresh radish sprouts, 128 Foodborne pathogens in ®nishing swine, 22 Rapid automated detection Previous growth pH Rapid detection of salmonellae, 1341 Predictive models for growth kinetics of Salmonella, 106 Rapid detection Probiotic Rapid detection of E. coli O157:H7 by a biosensor, 711 Adhesion of lactobacilli to intestine of mice, 1430 Rapid detection of Salmonella in chicken washes, 717 Antagonistic effect of E. faecium J96 against Salmonella Rapid method spp., 751 Enumeration of E. coli from animal-derived foods using Probiotic feed conductance, 1260 Intestinal lactobacilli from chickens as potential probiot- Rappaport-Vassiliadis medium ics, 252 Comparison of media for recovery of Salmonella spp. Processing from foods, 16 Quality and safety of milk, 625 Reconditioned wastewater Processing hygiene Recovery and survival of E. coli O157:H7 in recondi- Microbiology of tails and head meats, 674 tioned water, 731 1518 SUBJECT INDEX J. Food Prot., Vol. 62, No. 12

Recovery of Salmonella and V. cholerae from recondi- Salmonella tioned water, 724 Antagonistic effect of E. faecium J96 against Salmonella Reconditioned water spp., 751 Bacterial survival in water, 194 Comparison of media for recovery of Salmonella spp. Recovery from foods, 16 Carcass sampling by sponging and excising, 1255 Foodborne pathogens in ®nishing swine, 22 Recovery and survival of E. coli O157:H7 in recondi- Growth models for Salmonella Typhimurium, 1111 tioned water, 731 Impedance in food hygene, 1488 Recovery of Salmonella and V. cholerae from recondi- IMS and plating media for Salmonella, 198 tioned water, 724 Inactivation of Salmonella and Listeria, 980 Reindeer Inhibition of Salmonella colonization, 229 Microbiological contamination of reindeer carcass, 152 Microbiological quality of lettuce, 325

Reinhardtius hippoglossoides Mucosal competitive exclusion to reduce Salmonella in Downloaded from http://meridian.allenpress.com/jfp/article-pdf/62/12/1488/1663811/0362-028x-62_12_1488.pdf by guest on 02 October 2021 Indirect ELISA for ¯at®sh species identi®cation, 1178 swine, 1376 Reliability Performance of the TaqMan Salmonella PCR assay, 329 Cleanliness of cattle at slaughter, 520 Predictive models for growth kinetics of Salmonella, Resazurin 1470 Simplate for total plate count-color indicator, 1404 Rapid detection of Salmonella in chicken washes, 717 Residues Recovery of Salmonella and V. cholerae from recondi- Antibiotic residues and bacteria in milk, 177 tioned water, 724 Restaurant safety Salmonella, C. jejuni, C. coli, and L. monocytogenes in Salmonella Thompson in Sioux Falls, 118 poultry, 735 Retail meats Salmonella in alfalfa seeds, 662 Verocytotoxin-producing E. coli O157 in meats, 1115 Salmonella in beef, 467 Reuterin Salmonella in cheesecake, 26 Reuterin as a meat decontaminant, 257 Salmonella PCR-ELISA test, 1387 Ribosomal RNA gene Salmonella penetration of eggshell membrane, 73 PCR assay for Alternaria, 1191 Salmonella Thompson in Sioux Falls, 118 Ribosome-inactivating-protein (RIP) Triclosan-incorporated plastic on beef, 474 Anifungal proteins in maize kernel tissues, 295 Salmonellae Risk Rapid detection of salmonellae, 1341 HACCP in UK food industry, 786 Salmonella Enteritidis Risk associated with avian E. coli, 741 Antagonistic action of L. lactis toward foodborne path- Risk assessment ogens, 1336 T. saginata infections in beef, 1314 Elimination of Salmonella Enteritidis from liquid egg Risk factors products, 112 Fecal shedding of E. coli O157 on dairy farms, 307 Fate of pathogens on currency, 805 rpoS Salmonella Enteritidis in egg white powder, 585 E. coli acid resistance, 211 Salmonella Enteritidis inactivation in egg white by RpoS pulsed electric ®elds, 1381 rpoS expression by Salmonella in milk, 70 Salmonella Typhimurium rRNA, 16S Antagonistic action of L. lactis toward foodborne path- rRNA persistence in contaminated milk, 839 ogens, 1336 rRNA, 23S Antimicrobial activity of diacetyl, 975 PCR-based detection of S. aureus, 1150 Decontamination of beef with saponin, 280 Rumen Pathogen reduction by acidi®ed sodium chlorite, 580 E. coli O157:H7 in fasted calves, 574 PCR for Salmonella Typhimurium, 1103 Rye Predictive models for growth kinetics of Salmonella, 106 Microbiota of Portuguese sourdough, 1416 Rapid response biosensor to detect Salmonella Typhi- murium, 431 Saccharomyces cerevisiae rpoS expression by Salmonella in milk, 70 Inactivation of S. cerevisiae by thermal ultrasonication, Sample location 1215 Broiler skin sampling, 284 Safety Sample size C. botulinum in MAP crumpets, 349 Broiler skin sampling, 284 Effect of pH and CO2 on C. botulinum, 1157 Sampling L. monocytogenes growth controlled by bacteriocin on Carcass sampling by sponging and excising, 1255 salmon, 1394 Sandwiched microtiter plate Quality and safety of Johannesburg street foods, 1278 Enumeration of C. perfringens, 1041 J. Food Prot., Vol. 62, No. 12 SUBJECT INDEX 1519

Sanitation Sodium chloride Swab-based detection system, 386 Predictive models for growth kinetics of Salmonella, Use of HACCP in apple cider production, 778 1470 Sanitizer(s) Solea solea Quality and safety of milk, 625 Indirect ELISA for ¯at®sh species identi®cation, 1178 Responses of food spoilage bacteria to sanitizer treat- Sorption ments, 368 Cholestyramine and ochratoxin A toxicity, 1461 Sanitizing fruit for juice safety, 756 Soy product Saponin Safety of tofu, 1050 Decontamination of beef with saponin, 280 Species identi®cation Sausages Indirect ELISA for ¯at®sh species identi®cation, 1178 Bologna sausage preservation using nisin, 1004 Spoilage

Scharer test Bologna sausage preservation using nisin, 1004 Downloaded from http://meridian.allenpress.com/jfp/article-pdf/62/12/1488/1663811/0362-028x-62_12_1488.pdf by guest on 02 October 2021 Comparison of ALP determination methods, 81 Psychotrophic clostridia in meat, 766 Selective enrichment media Spoilage indicators Comparison of media for recovery of Salmonella spp. Biogenic amines in aerobically stored gilt-head sea from foods, 16 bream, 398 Selenium Spore formers Iron and selenium effects on L. monocytogenes, 1206 Effect of peroxyacetic acid (Oxonia Active) on spore Sensory formers, 262 Treatment of pork sausage by high hydrostatic pressure, Spores 480 The irradiation parameter D10 under various conditions, Sheep 1024 Microbiological status of sheep meat in Australia, 380 Thermal resistance of spores supplemented with nisin, Sheep carcass 484 Inadequately cleaned equipment, 637 Spray drying Shelf life Spray-drying of bacteriocin-producing lactic acid bacte- Endowment of cured color in meat by ionizing radiation, ria, 773 1162 Sprouted vegetables Growth rates of bacteria in irradiated meats, 1297 Disinfection of mung bean seed, 953 Preservation of whole and peeled shrimp, 51 Sprouting Quality and safety of milk, 625 Salmonella in alfalfa seeds, 662 Sanitation of ground beef products by ionizing radiation, Stability 619 Stability of tetracyclines in milk, 547 Shelf life of shredded iceberg lettuce, 363 Zearalenone stability in extruded corn grits, 1482 Storage stability of fermented soymilks, 808 Stabilizing additives Treatment of pork sausage by high hydrostatic pressure, Heat resistance of B. cereus in milk products, 410 480 Standard plate count Shell®sh Simplate for total plate count-color indicator, 1404 Processing strategies to inactivate V. vulni®cus, 592 Staphylococcal enterotoxin Shigella Emesis in S. murinus induced by staphylococcal entero- Microbiological quality of lettuce, 325 toxin A, 1350 Shrimp Staphylococcus aureus Preservation of whole and peeled shrimp, 51 Lacticin 3147-enriched whey powder, 1011 Shrimp chitosan Modeling growth and decline of S. aureus, 356 Antibacterial activity of chitosan, 239 PCR-based detection of S. aureus, 1150 SimPlate Starter culture Simplate for total plate count-color indicator, 1404 PCR-based detection of S. aureus, 1150 Singeer Starvation stress Microbiology of swine dehairing, 1478 Recovery and survival of E. coli O157:H7 in recondi- Skim milk tioned water, 731 L. monocytogenes survival in acidi®ed skim milk, 670 Recovery of Salmonella and V. cholerae from recondi- Y. enterocolitica in milk, 1203 tioned water, 724 Skin sampling Stationary phase sigma factor Broiler skin sampling, 284 rpoS expression by Salmonella in milk, 70 Slaughterhouse Steam vacuuming Microbiological contamination of reindeer carcass, 152 Steam vacuuming for beef decontamination, 146 Sliced cooked ham Stenotrophomonas Pressurized, prepackaged sliced cooked ham, 1411 Amine production by bacteria from albacore, 933 1520 SUBJECT INDEX J. Food Prot., Vol. 62, No. 12

Sterilant Thermal inactivation kinetics Effect of peroxyacetic acid (Oxonia Active) on spore Inactivation of S. cerevisiae by thermal ultrasonication, formers, 262 1215 Stool Thermal kinetics PCR for Salmonella Typhimurium, 1103 Nonisothermic heating of Bacillus stearothermophilus, Storage 958 Amine production by bacteria from albacore, 933 Thermal resistance Street-vended food Nisin reduces thermal resistance of L. monocytogenes, Quality and safety of Johannesburg street foods, 1278 999 Streptococcus uberis Thermotolerance Phenolic combination as a postmilking teat disinfectant, Effect of temperature shift on B. cereus, 57 1354 Thiamin

Strict temperature control Preservation techniques for thiamin in chicken, 1303 Downloaded from http://meridian.allenpress.com/jfp/article-pdf/62/12/1488/1663811/0362-028x-62_12_1488.pdf by guest on 02 October 2021 Centralized meat packaging, 418 Thin agar layer method Stunning Thin agar layer method, 1346 Cattle stunning CNS tissue, 390 Thin-layer chromatography Suncus murinus Fluorodensitometric analysis of ergosterol, 686 Emesis in S. murinus induced by staphylococcal entero- Thymus vulgaris toxin A, 1350 Antimicrobial activity of T. vulgaris oils, 1017 Superoxide dismutase TMG broth Iron and selenium effects on L. monocytogenes, 1206 Inactivation of bacteriophages, 894 Surfactants TNF-␣ Disinfectants against Y. enterocolitica on lettuce, 665 Cytokine and no induction in macrophages, 1435 Survey Lactic acid bacteria cytokines, 162 Australian food safety telephone survey, 921 Tobacco Microbiological status of sheep meat in Australia, 380 Tobacco mixes irradiation, 678 Survival Tofu Growth and survival of E. coli, 1466 Safety of tofu, 1050 Recovery and survival of E. coli O157:H7 in recondi- Tongues tioned water, 731 Microbiology of tails and head meats, 674 Survival of E. coli O157:H7 and ground beef, 1243 Total diet Verocytotoxin-producing E. coli O157 in meats, 1115 Polychlorinated biphenyls in total diet samples, 1054 Swine Total viable counts Mucosal competitive exclusion to reduce Salmonella in Impedance in food hygene, 1488 swine, 1376 Toxicity Swine dressing operation Canning process for contaminated mussels, 515 Microbiology of swine dehairing, 1478 Toxins C. botulinum in milk products, 867 Taenia saginata Toxoplasmosis Ecological effect of T. saginata in beef imported into Foodborne infections during pregnancy, 818 Norway, 1320 Training T. saginata infections in beef, 1314 HACCP in UK food industry, 786 Tag Trichinella Cleanliness of cattle at slaughter, 520 Trichinella assay for pork and horse meat, 1308 Tails Triclosan Microbiology of tails and head meats, 674 Triclosan-incorporated plastic on beef, 474 Taleggio cheese Cyclopiazonic acid in Taleggio cheese, 1198 Triose phosphate isomerase Taxonomic identi®cation Cooking adequacy of beef patties, 156 Microbiota of Portuguese sourdough, 1416 Tumor necrosis factor Testing Cytokine expression in yogurt-fed mice, 181 Beef carcass contamination with E. coli, 234 Turkey Tetracyclines Irradiation and MAP control of L. monocytogenes, 1136 Enzymatic detection of tetracyclines in milk, 632 Stability of tetracyclines in milk, 547 Ultrasound Thermal inactivation Inactivation of S. cerevisiae by thermal ultrasonication, Predictive model for L. monocytogenes inactivation, 1215 1143 UV treatment Processing strategies to inactivate V. vulni®cus, 592 Botulism risk from packaged cut melons, 948 J. Food Prot., Vol. 62, No. 12 SUBJECT INDEX 1521

Validation Lacticin 3147-enriched whey powder, 1011 Trichinella assay for pork and horse meat, 1308 Whole milk Vanillin Y. enterocolitica in milk, 1203 Vanillin, potassium sorbate, and mold growth, 540 Vegetables Xanthomonas Bacterial contamination of vegetables, 644 Amine production by bacteria from albacore, 933 Microbiology of packaged produce, 499 Vegetable spoilage yadA L. monocytogenesis/soft rot bacteria interaction, 343 yadA-positive Y. enterocolitica at the retail level, 123 Vibrio cholerae Yeast and mold count Microbiological quality of lettuce, 325 Quality of packaged ice in Florida, 526 Recovery of Salmonella and V. cholerae from recondi- Yersinia

tioned water, 724 Downloaded from http://meridian.allenpress.com/jfp/article-pdf/62/12/1488/1663811/0362-028x-62_12_1488.pdf by guest on 02 October 2021 Vibrio vulni®cus Digoxigenin-labeled PCR amplicon probes, 438 Effects of commercial heat-shot process, 1266 Disinfectants against Y. enterocolitica on lettuce, 665 Processing strategies to inactivate V. vulni®cus, 592 Yersinia enterocolitica Video study Foodborne pathogens in ®nishing swine, 22 Domestic food handling video study, 1285 yadA-positive Y. enterocolitica at the retail level, 123 Vomitoxin Y. enterocolitica in milk, 1203 Extrusion and autoclaving of deoxynivalenol, 962 Yogurt Cytokine expression in yogurt-fed mice, 181 Water psychrotrophic genera Bacterial micro¯ora of trout and pike, 1270 Zeamatin Welsh onion Anifungal proteins in maize kernel tissues, 295 Inhibition of fungi by Welsh onion, 414 Zea mays Wheat Anifungal proteins in maize kernel tissues, 295 Extrusion processing of DON-contaminated wheat, 1485 Zearalenone Method for rapid detection of ochratoxin A in wheat, 65 Temperature effects on DON and ZEN production, 1451 Whey powder Zearalenone stability in extruded corn grits, 1482