Combinatorics and Convexity

Gil Kalai Hebrew University Jerusalem

Connections b etween Euclidean convex and go back to Euler Cauchy

Minkowski and Steinitz The theory was advanced greatly since the s and was inuenced by the

discovery of the simplex algorithm the connections with extremal combinatorics the intro duction

of metho ds from commutative algebra and the relations with complexity theory

The rst part of this pap er deals with convexity in general and the second part deals with the

combinatorics of convex p olytop es There are many excellent surveys and collections of op en

problems I try to discuss several sp ecic topics and to zo om in on issues which I am more

familiar with

Convex sets in general

Covering Packing and Tiling


Borsuk conjectured that every b ounded set in R can b e covered by d sets of smaller

Kahn and Kalai showed that Borsuks conjecture is very false in high

Here is the dispro of of Borsuks conjecture Let f d b e the smallest integer such that every


b ounded set in R can b e covered by f d sets of smaller diameter For a b ounded metric space

X let bX b e the minimum numb er of sets of smaller diameter needed to cover X Consider

d d

P the space of lines through the origin in R where the metric is given by the angle b etween


two lines The diameter of P is and the distance b etween two lines is i they are

orthogonal Let d p p a prime Frankl and Wilson see also proved that there are

d d d d

at most vectors in f g such that no two are orthogonal This yields bP

d d

since if P is covered by t sets of smaller diameter each such set contains at most of the

d d d

lines spanned by the vectors in f g But there are such lines and therefore t


d d d

Now emb ed P into R by the map x x x where x is a vector of norm in R Note

that x x y y x y Therefore the order relation b etween distances is preserved and


d d

the image of P is the required counterexample This example gives f d for suciently

large d

Betke Henk and Wills proved for suciently high dimensions Fejes Toths sausage conjecture

They showed that the minimum volume of the of n nonoverlapping congruent balls in


R is attained when the centers are on a


Keller conjectured that in every tiling of R by cub es there are two cub es which share a

complete facet Lagarias and Shor showed this to b e false for d They used a reduction

to a purely combinatorial problem which was found by Corradi and Szabo


If x x x x and y y y y you can regard x y as the d  k matrix whose i j entry is x  y

1 2 d 1 2 k i j

Some problems

There are many problems on packing covering and tiling and the most famous are p erhaps the


sphere packing problem in R and the asymptotic sphere packing problem in R There are several

op en problems around Borsuks problem What is the asymptotic b ehavior of f d What is the


situation in low dimensions What is the b ehavior of bP Witsenhausen conjectured see

that if A is a subset of the unit sphere without two orthogonal vectors then v ol A v where


n n

v is the volume of a spherical cap of radius This would imply that bP o

Perhaps the algebraic metho ds used for the FranklWilson theorem can b e of help



Schramm proved an upp er b ound f d sd o He showed that every

set of constant width can b e covered by sd smaller homothets Bourgain and Lindenstrauss

proved the same b ound by covering every b oundede set by sd balls of the same diameter Danzer

already showed that exp onential numb er of balls is sometimes necessary In his pro of Schramm

related the value of f d with another classical problem in convexity that of nding or estimating

the minimal volume of Euclidean and more generally spherical sets of constant width


It is not known if there are sets of constant width in R whose volume is exponential ly smaller

than the volume of a ball of radius Perhaps the following series of examples suggested by


Schramm K R will do but we do not know to compute or estimate their volumes K


and K is obtained as follows Consider K as sitting in the hyp erplane given by x in

d d d


R Now take K A B where A is the set of all p oints z with x such that

d d d d d

the ball of radius around z contains K and B is the set of all p oints z with x which

d d d

b elong to every ball of radius which contains K Schramm also conjectured that the minimal


volume of a spherical set of constant width is obtained for an orthant

Finally what is the minimal diameter d such that the unit nball can b e covered by n sets


of diameter d It is known that O log nn d O n see Hadwiger conjectured

n n

that the upp er b ound which corresp onds to the standard symmetric decomp osition of the ball to

n regions is the truth Perhaps also here the natural conjecture is false

Hellytyp e theorems

Tverb ergs theorem

Sarkaria found a striking simple pro of of the following theorem of Tverb erg


Every d r points in R can be partitioned into r parts such that the convex hul ls

of these parts have nonempty intersection


He used the following result of Barany Let A A A be sets in R such that x


conv A for every i Then it is possible to choose a A such that x conv a a a

i i i d

To prove this consider the minimal distance t b etween x and such conv a a a and show


that if t one of the a s can b e replaced to decrease t



Now consider m d r p oints a a a in R and regard them as p oints in



V R whose sum of co ordinates is Sarkarias idea was to consider the tensor pro duct V W

where W is a r dimensional space spanned by r vectors w w w whose sum is zero


Next dene m dimV U sets in V U as follows

A fa w a w a w g

i i i i r

Note that is in the convex hull of each A and by Baranys theorem conv fa w a

i i


w a w g for some choices of i i i The required partition of the p oints is given

i m i m




by fa i j g j r To see this write a w where the co ecients

j k k k k i k



are nonnegative and sum to Deduce that the vectors v a j r are all equal

j k k




and so are the scalars

k j



There are many b eautiful problems and results concerning Tverb ergs theorem see Top o

logical versions were found for the case where r is a prime and were extended to derive colored

versions of Tverb ergs theorem Sierksma conjectured see that the numb er of Tverb erg

d d r

partitions is at least r For a nite set A in R let f A r maxfdim conv g where



the maximum is taken over all partitions of A




Conjecture f A r Note dim


This extension of Tverb ergs theorem was proved by Kadari for planar sets

The HadwigerDebrunner Piercing Conjecture

Alon and Kleitman proved the HadwigerDebrunner Piercing Conjecture

For every d and every p d there is a c cp d such that the fol lowing holds For


every family H of compact convex sets in R in which any set of p members of the family contains


a subset of cardinality d with a nonempty intersection there is a set of c points in R that

intersects each member of H

Hellys theorem asserts that cd d and it is not dicult to see that cp p

We describ e the pro of for the rst typical case d p We are given a family of n planar

convex sets and out of every four sets in the family we can nail three with a p oint We want

to nail the entire family with a xed numb er of p oints The rst step is to show that there is

a way to nail a constant fraction indep endent from n of the sets with one p oint This follows

from a fractional Helly theorem of Katcalski and Liu A more sophisticated use of the Katcalski

Liu theorem shows that for every assignment of nonnegative weights to the sets in the family we

can nail with one p oint sets representing a constant prop ortion of the entire weight Using linear

programming duality Alon and Kleitman pro ceeded to show that there is a collection Y of p oints

their numb er may dep end on n such that every set in the family is nailed by a constant fraction

of the p oints in Y The nal step replacing Y with a set of b ounded cardinality which meets all

the sets in the family is done using the theorems of Barany and Tverb erg mentioned ab ove

Convex p olytop es

Polytop es spheres and Steinitz theorem

Convex p olytop es are among the most ancient mathematical ob jects of study The combinatorial

theory of p olytop es is the study of their facestructure and in particular their face numb ers There

is also a develop ed metric theory of p olytop es problems concerning volume width sections pro

jections etc and arithmetic theory lattice p oints in p olytop es These three asp ects of convex

p olytop es are related and some of the algebraic to ols mentioned b elow are relevant to all of them

A convex ddimensional p olytop e briey a dp olytop e is the convex hull of a nite set of


p oints which anely span R A nontrivial face of a dp olytop e P is the intersection of P with a

supp orting hyp erplane The empty set and P itself are regarded as trivial faces faces are called

vertices faces are called edges and d faces are called facets The set of faces of a p olytop e

is a graded lattice Two p olytop es P and Q are combinatorial ly isomorphic if there is an order

preserving bijection b etween their face lattices P and Q are dual if there is an order reversing

bijection b etween their face lattices

Simplicial p olytop es are p olytop es all whose prop er faces are simplices Duals of simplicial

p olytop es are called simple p olytop es A dp olytop e P is simple i every vertex of P b elongs to d

edges Denote by f P the numb er of ifaces of P The vector f P f P f P is called

i d

the f vector of P Eulers famous formula V E F is the b eginning of a rich theory on

facenumb ers of convex p olytop es and related combinatorial structures

The wild b ehavior for d

The b oundary of every simplicial dp olytop e is a triangulation of a d sphere but there are

triangulations of d spheres which cannot b e realized as b oundary complexes of simplicial

p olytop es for d Go o dman and Pollack proved that the numb er of combinatorial typ es

of p olytop es is surprisingly small The numb er of dp olytop es with vertices in any


is b ounded ab ove by while the numb er of triangulations of spheres with


This is achieved for d There are combinatorial typ es vertices is b etween

of convex p olytop es that cannot b e realized by p oints with rational co ordinates and there

are p olytop es which have a combinatorial automorphism which cannot b e realized geometrically

and whose realization space is not connected Mnev showed that for every simplicial complex

C there is a p olytop e whose realization space is homotopy equivalent to C Recently Richter

announced that all these phenomena o ccur already in dimension that all algebraic numb ers are

needed to co ordinatize all p olytop es and that there is a nonrational p olytop e with vertices

The tame b ehavior for d

All these pathologies do not o ccur for p olytop es by a deep theorem of Steinitz asserting that

every connected planar graph is the graph of a p olytop e and related theorems Relatives of

Ko eb eAndreevThurston packing theorem provide new approach to Steinitz theorem see

Andreev and Thurston proved that there is a realization of every p olytop e P such that all

its edges are tangent to the unit ball and this realization is unique up to pro jective transforma

tions preserving the unit sphere Schramm observed that by cho osing the realization so that the

hyp erb olic center of the tangency p oints of edges with the unit sphere is at the origin you get the

following result Which answers a question of Grun baum and extends a result of Mani

Let P be a polytope and let be the group of combinatorial isomorphisms of the pair P P

where P is the dual of P In other words each element of is either a combinatorial automor

phism of P or an isomorphism from P to P Then there is a realization of the polyhedron so that

every element of is induced by a congruence

An op en problem of Perles is whether every combinatorial automorphism of a centrally sym

metric dp olytop e P is centrally symmetric if x P implies x P satises v v

Face numb ers and hnumb ers of simplicial p olytop es

The upp er b ound theorem and the lower b ound theorem

Motzkin conjectured in and McMullen proved in the upper bound theorem Among

all dp olytop es with n vertices the cyclic p olytop e has the maximal numb er of k faces for every

k The cyclic dp olytop e with n vertices is the convex hull of n p oints on the moment curve


xt t t t Cyclic dp olytop es have the remarkable prop erty that every set of k vertices

determines a k face for k d

Klee proved in the assertion of the upp er b ound theorem when n is large wrt d for

arbitrary Eulerian complexes namely d dimensional simplicial complexes such that the link of

every r face has the same Euler characteristics as a d r sphere The assertion of the upp er

b ound theorem for arbitrary Eulerian complexes even manifolds is still op en

Bruc kner conjectured in and Barnette proved in the lower bound theorem The

minimal numb er of k faces for simplicial dp olytop es with n vertices is attained for stacked p oly

top es Stacked p olytop es are those p olytop es built by gluing simplices along facets

The g conjecture

Let d b e a xed integer Given a sequence f f f f of nonnegative integers put


f and dene hf h h h by the relation



d d

dk dk

h x f x

k k

k k

If f f K is the f vector of a d dimensional simplicial complex K then hf hK

is called the hvector of K The hvectors are of great imp ortance in the combinatorial theory of

simplicial p olytop es The upp er b ound theorem and the lower b ound theorem have simple forms


in terms of the hnumb ers The upp er b ound theorem follows from the inequality h



The lower b ound theorem amounts to the relation h h The DehnSommerville relations for

the face numb ers of simplicial p olytop e assert that h h

k dk

In McMullen prop osed a complete characterization of f vectors of b oundary complexes of

simplicial dp olytop es McMullens conjecture was settled in Billera and Lee proved the

suciency part of the conjecture and Stanley proved the necessity part Recently McMullen

found an elementary pro of of the necessity part of the g theorem

McMullen conjecture now called the g theorem asserts that h h h is the hvector of


a simplicial dpolytope if and only if the fol lowing conditions hold a h h b there is a

i di


graded standard algebra M M such that dimM h h for i d A graded

i i i i


algebra is standard if it is generated as an algebra by elements of degree

The second condition was originally given in purely combinatorial terms which is equivalent

to the formulation given here by an old theorem of Macaulay In the rest of this section we will

describ e metho ds used to attack the upp er and lower b ound theorems and the g conjecture

It is conjectured that the assertion of the g theorem applies to arbitrary simplicial spheres

Shellabili ty and the hvector

A shel ling of a simplicial sphere is a way to intro duce the facets maximal faces one by one so

that at each stage you have a top ological ball until the last facet is intro duced and you get the

entire sphere Let P b e a simplicial p olytop e and let P b e its p olar which is a simple p olytop e

A shelling order for the facets of P is obtained simply by ordering the vertices of P according to

some linear ob jective function The numb er h has a simple interpretation as the numb er of


vertices v of P of degree k where the degree of a vertex is the numb er of its neighb oring vertices

with lower value of the ob jective function Switching from to we get the DehnSommerville

relations h h Including the Euler relation for k

k dk

We are ready to describ e McMullens pro of of the upp er b ound theorem in a dual form

Consider a linear ob jective function which gives higher values to vertices in a facet F than to all

other vertices to obtain that h F h P Next

k k


h F k h P d k h P

k k k

where the sum is over all facets F of P To see this note that every vertex of degree k in P has

degree k in k facets containing v and degree k in the remaining d k facets and gives


by induction on k the upp er b ound relations h



CohenMacaulay rings

Stanley see proved the upp er b ound theorem for arbitrary simplicial spheres using the theory

of CohenMacaulay rings Let K b e a d dimensional simplicial complex on n vertices x x


The facering RK of K is the quotient Rx x x I were I is the ideal generated by nonfaces


x x of K Namely I is generated by monomials of the form x x x where x is

i i i i i i

m m

2 1 2 1

not a face of K RK is a CohenMacaulay ring if it decomp oses into direct sum of translation

of p olynomial rings as follows there are elements of RK and such

d t




i d


It turns out that the s can b e chosen as linear combinations of the variables and when this is

the case the numb er of s of degree i is precisely h Reisner found top ological conditions for the


CohenMacaulayness of RK which imply that RK is CohenMacaulay when K is a simplicial

sphere All this implies the upp er b ound inequalities for the h numb ers since roughly after mo ding

out by d linear forms the dimension of the space of homogeneous p olynomials of degree k from


which the s are taken is


Toric varieties

For every rational dp olytop e P one asso ciates an algebraic variety T P of dimension d If P has

n vertices v v v then consider n complex variables z z and replace each ane relation

n n




with integer co ecients n v where n by the p olynomial relation z When

i i i


P is simplicial Danilov proved that the ith Betti numb er of T P is h This enabled Stanley


to prove the necessity part of the g conjecture via the HardLefschetz theorem for T P

Rigidity and stresses

Let P b e a simplicial dp olytop e d then P is rigid Namely every small p erturbation of the

vertices of P which do es not change the length of the edges of P is induced by an ane rigid motion


of R The rigidity of simplicial p olytop es follows from Cauchys rigidity theorem which asserts

that if two combinatorially isomorphic convex p olytop es have pairwise congruent faces then they

are congruent It follows also from Dehns innitesimal rigidity theorem for simplicial p olytop e

There is a simple inductive argument on the dimension to prove rigidity of simplicial dp olytop es

starting with the case d If P is a simplicial dp olytop e with n vertices there are dn degrees



of freedom to move the vertices and the dimension of the group of rigid motions of R is


Therefore the rigidity of P implies the lower b ound inequality f P dn This observation

gives also various extensions of the lower b ound theorem see Kalai Lee extended this

idea to higher hnumb ers and found relations to the facering

The algebra of weights

A remarkable recent development is McMullens elementary pro of of the necessity part of the g

conjecture McMullen proved in fact the assertion of the the HardLefschetz theorem and

his pro of applies to nonrational simplicial p olytop es There the toric varieties do not exist but

the assertion of the HardLefschetz theorem in terms of the facering still makes sense McMullen

denes r weights of simple dp olytop es to b e an assignment of weights w F to each r face F such


that in each r face G w F u where the sum is taken over all r faces F of G and


u is the outer normal of F in G Let P denote the space of r weights of the p olytop e P

F G r

A well known theorem of Minkowski asserts that assigning to an r face its r dimensional volume is

an r weight These sp ecial weights have a central role in the pro of

McMullens pro of pro ceeds in the following steps He denes an algebra structure on weights

and show that this algebra is generated by weights He proves that dim P h P

r r

He considers the sp ecial weight which assigns to each edge its length and proves that


is an isomorphism To show this McMullen computes the signature of the

r dr


quadratic form x on P This is achieved via new geometric inequalities of Brunn


Minkowski typ e

Algebraic shifting

Algebraic shifting intro duced by Kalai in is a way to assign to every simplicial complex K an

auxiliary simplicial complex K of a sp ecial typ e The vertices of K are v v v and the

v v r faces of K resp ect a certain partial order Namely if S v form an r face of

i i i


1 0

K then if one of the vertices v of S is replaced with a vertex v with i j this results also with

j i

a face of K For example if v v is a face of K then so is v v The denition of

K is given by a certain generic change of basis for the co chain groups of K see

Various combinatorial and top ological prop erties of simplicial complexes are preserved by the

op eration K K K has the same f vector as K K also have the same Betti numb ers

as K but other homotopical information is eliminated as K has the homotopy typ e of a wedge

of spheres K has the CohenMacaulay prop erty its facering is CohenMacaulay i K has


What is still missing is the relation of algebraic shifting with emb eddability in R It is a well

known fact that K the complete graph with ve vertices cannot b e emb edded in the plane More


generally vanKamp en and Flores proved that the r skeleton of the r simplex cannot



b e emb edded in R Kalai and Sarkaria prop ose

r r

Conjecture is not contained in K whenever K is embeddable in R


This conjecture would imply the assertion of the g theorem for arbitrary simplicial spheres

Other topics

Flag numb ers and and other invariants of general p olytop es


Flag numb ers of p olytop es count chains of faces of prescrib ed dimensions There are ag numb ers

but Bayer and Billera showed that the ane space of ag numb ers of dp olytop es has dimension

c where c is the dth Fib onacci numb er Toric varieties supply interesting invariants of general

d d

p olytop es It turns out that the dimensions of their middle p erversity intersection homology

groups are linear combinations of ag numb ers See There are mysterious connections

b etween these invariants of a p olytop e P and its dual P See Sec Another

remarkable invariant of general p olytop es and Eulerian p osets which was dened by Fine is the

CDindex see


The following very simple problem is op en Show that a central ly symmetric polytope P in R


must have at least nonempty faces

Reconstruction theorems

Whitney proved that the graph of a p olytop e determines its face structure The faces of the

p olytop e are given by the induced cycles which do not separate the graph This can b e extended

to show that the d skeleton of a dp olytop e determines the face structure and for general

p olytop es this cannot b e improved See Ch Perles proved that the dskeleton of a

simplicial dp olytop e determines the face structure and Dancis extended this result to arbitrary

simplicial spheres Perles conjectured and Blind and Mani proved that the face structure of

every simple dp olytop e is determined by the graph skeleton of the p olytop e For a simple pro of

see Kalai Consider a simplicial d dimensional sphere and a puzzle in which the pieces

are the facets and for each piece there is a list of the d neighb oring pieces The BlindMani theorem

asserts that for b oundary complexes of simplicial p olytop es and for a certain class of shellable

spheres the puzzle has only one solution Conjecture For an arbitrary simplicial sphere the puzzle

has a unique solution Perhaps the machinery of CohenMacaulay rings can b e of help

Polytop es of triangulations

Lee and Haiman proved that the set of triangulations of the regular ngon with noncrossing

diagonals corresp onds to the vertices of an n dimensional p olytop e The r faces of this p oly

top e corresp ond to all triangulations containing a given set of n r diagonals Indep endently

as part of a theory of generalized hyp ergeometric functions Gelfand Kapranov and Zelevinsky

dened a much more general ob jects called secondary p olytop es which corresp ond to cer

tain triangulations of arbitrary p olytop es and further extensions were given by several authors

including Billera and Sturmfelds Fib er p olytop es It lo oks now that these constructions are quite

fundamental in convex p olytop e theory and the reader is referred to Zeiglers b o ok In another

indep endent development Slater Tarjan and Thurston proved a sharp lower b ound on the

combinatorial diameter of the asso ciahedron using volume estimates of hyp erb olic p olytop es

The simplex algorithm and the diameter of graphs of p olytop es

The simplex algorithm solves linear programming problems by moving from vertex to vertex of a

p olytop e the set of feasible solutions along its edges Let d n b e the maximum diameter of

the graphs of dp olytop es P with n facets It is not known if d n is b ounded ab ove by a linear

function of d and n or even by a p olynomial function of d and n In Larman proved that


d n n Recently quasip olynomial b ounds where found see Kalai and Kleitman

log d

for a simple pro of for d n n All the known upp er b ounds use only the facts that the

intersection of faces of a p olytop e is a face and that the graph of every face is connected

Consider a linear programming problem with d variables and n constraints Given the fact that

the diameter of the feasible p olytop e is relatively small the next step would b e to nd a pivot

rule for linear programming which requires for every linear programming problem a sub exp onential

numb er of pivot steps Here we assume that each individual pivot step should b e p erformed by

a p olynomial numb er of arithmetic op erations in d and n However no such pivot rule is known

Recently Kalai and indep endently Matousek Sharir and Welzl found a randomized pivot


rule such that the expected numb er of pivot steps needed is at most expc d log n


N Alon and D Kleitman Piercing convex sets and the Hadwiger Debrunner p q problem

Advances in

I Barany A generalization of Caratheodorys theorem Discrete Math

I Barany SB Shlosman ASzucs On a topological generalization of a theorem of Tverberg

J London Math So c

D Barnette A proof of the lower bound conjecture for convex polytopes Pac J Math

M M Bayer and L J Billera Generalized DehnSommervil le relation for polytopes spheres

and Eulerian partial ly ordered sets Invent Math

M Bayer and A Klapp er A new index for polytopes Discrete Comp Geometry

U Betke M Henk and J Wills Finite and innite packings J Reine Angew Math

L J Billera and C W Lee A proof of the suciency of McMul lens conditions for f vectors

of simplicial convex polytopes J Combin Th Ser A

T Bistritsky P McMullen R Schneider and A Weiss eds Polytop es Abstract Convex

and Computational Kluwer Dordrecht

A Bjorner and G Kalai Extended Euler Poincare relations Acta Math

R Blind and P Mani On puzzles and polytope isomorphism Aequationes Math


J Bourgain and J Lindenstrauss On covering a set in R by bal ls of the same diameter in

Geometric Asp ects of J Lindenstrauss and V Milman eds Lecture

notes in Mathematics SpringerVerlag Berlin

H Croft K Falconer and R Guy Unsolved Problems in Geometry SpringerVerlag New


J Dancis Triangulated nmanifolds are determined by their n skeletons Top ology and

its Appl

J Eckho Hel ly Radon and Caratheodory type theorems in

P Frankl and V Rodl Forbidden intersections Trans Amer Math So c

P Frankl and R Wilson Intersection theorems with geometric consequences Combinatorica

I Gelfand A Zelevinskii and M Kapranov Newton polytopes of principal Adeterminants

Soviet Math Doklady consequences Combinatorica

J Go o dman and R Pollack There are asymptotical ly far fewer polytopes than we thought

Bull Amer Math So c

P Grub er and J Wills editors Handb o ok of Convex Geometry NorthHolland Amsterdam

B Grun baum Convex Polytop es Wiley Interscience London

J Kahn and G Kalai A counterexample to Borsuks conjecture Bull Amer Math So c


G Kalai A characterization of f vectors of families of convex sets in R Part I Necessity

of Eckho s conditions Israel J Math

G Kalai Rigidity and the lower bound theorem I Invent Math

G Kalai A new basis of polytopes J Comb Th Ser A

G Kalai A simple way to tel l a simple polytope from its graph J Comb Th Ser A

G Kalai A subexponential randomized simplex algorithm Pro ceedings of the th Ann

ACM symp on the Theory of Computing ACM Press Victoria

G Kalai and D J Kleitman A quasipolynomial bound for diameter of graphs of polyhedra

Bull Amer Math So c

V Klee and S Wagon Old and new unsolved Problems in Plane Geometry and Numb er

Theory The Math Asso c of America

J Lagarias and P Shor Kel lers cube tiling conjecture is false in high dimensions Bull Amer

Math So c

D Larman and N Tamvakis The decomposition of the nsphere and the boundaries of plane

convex domains Ann Discrete Math

C Lee The associahedron and triangulations of the ngon Europ ean J Combinatorics

C Lee Generalized stress and motions in

J Matousek M Sharir and E Welzl A subexponential bound for linear programming Pro c

th Annual Symp on Computational Geometry

P McMullen On simple polytopes Inven Math

P McMullen Weights on polytopes Discr Comp Geometry to app ear

P McMullen and G C Shephard Convex Polytop es and the Upp er Bound Conjecture

Cambridge University Press

N Mnev The universality theorems on the classication problem of conguration varieties

and convex polytopes varieties in Top ology and Geometry Rohlin Seminar O Ya Viro

ed Lecture Notes in Mathematics SpringerVerlag Berlin Heidelb erg

A Nilli On Borsuk problem in Jerusalem Combinatorics H Barcelo and G Kalai

eds Contemp orary Math AMS Providence

K Sarkaria Tverbergs theorem via number elds Israel J Math

O Schramm Il luminating sets of constant width Mathematica

O Schramm How to cage an egg Inv Math

D Slater R Tarjan and W Thurston Rotation Distance triangulations and hyperbolic

geometry J Amer Math So c

R Stanley The number of faces of simplicial convex polytopes Adv Math

R Stanley Generalized hvectors intersection cohomology of toric varieties and related re

sults in Commutative Algebra and Combinatorics M Nagata and H Matsumura eds

Advanced Studies in Pure Mathematics Kinokuniya Tokyo and NorthHolland Amster

damNew York

R Stanley Combinatorics and Commutative Algebra Birkhauser Boston

R Stanley Subdivisions and local hvectors J Amer Math So c

R Stanley Flag vectors and the CDindex Math Z

H Tverb erg A generalization of Radons Theorem J London Math So c

Vucic and Zivaljevic Note on a conjecture by Seirksma Disc Comp Geometry

G Ziegler Lectures on Polytop es SpringerVerlag

R Zivaljevic and S Vrecica The colored Tverbergs problem and complexes of injective func

tions J Combin Theory Ser A