LifeGroup Questions Based On: 5 March 4, 2018

Overview Daniel 5 follows a similar storyline as Daniel 4. In both stories an interpretation is needed and Daniel is called on. The difference is that Nebuchadnezzar repents of his sins, but doesn’t and dies. is about ready to fall. Belshazzar is throwing his last feast. During ancient times all cultures understood the importance of sacred items. Belshazzar was mocking the God of Israel by bringing out the temple goblets and using them as common cups. The message comes by a hand writing on a wall. During this time period the right hands of the defeated army were cut off and counted to get a causality count from battle. Belshazzar does not believe in or respect the God of Israel. Yahweh, who is very much alive, is using a symbol of defeat to tell Belshazzar his time is up. Daniel originally refused any reward for interpreting the handwriting. He knows that Belshazzar will not be around so whatever reward he offers has no value. The Babylonians knew the Persian army was close and defeat was imminent. Belshazzar decided to go out with a party instead of repenting of his ways. Just like in previous chapters pride proceeds fall. Both kings saw themselves as being more powerful than God. Both kings faced judgement. Belshazzar still didn’t repent even with knowing what happened to King Nebuchadnezzar. Daniel delivered the same message the only difference was the heart of the man receiving it.

Bible Study: Daniel 5

1. Read Daniel 5. Nebuchadnezzar has died and now Belshazzar is ruling the kingdom. What similarities do you see between Daniel 4 and Daniel 5?

2. After hearing the story of these two kings, what role does pride have in their downfall? What is the primary difference between the two?

3. What are some ways people can fight pride in their lives? Just saying “be humble” probably won’t work.

4. Daniel was known as a wise man who could interpret things where others fail. What importance does a good reputation have for a Christian?

5. Belshazzar only had one day to live. What would you do differently today if you knew you were going to meet God tomorrow?

6. Belshazzar should have learned a lesson from what happened to King Nebuchadnezzar. In what ways can you learn from the mistakes of those around you?

7. Daniel rebukes both kings. How well do you receive correction from others in your life? How important is it to allow others to speak correction into your life?