Smile Bright this Winter with Teeth Whitening in El Reno Teeth whitening in El Reno, OK can give you a brighter smile this winter. Contact El Reno Family Dentistry to find out more today.

Smile Bright this Winter with Teeth Whitening in El Reno One of the most common complaints patients have about their teeth is that they are dull, yellow, or discolored. It comes as no surprise since eating, drinking, and aging are three of the leading causes of dental discoloration. It’s not easy to avoid the things that stain teeth, but it can be easy to prevent staining and reverse damage with help from the team at El Reno Family Dentistry. We offer a variety of professional grade teeth whitening options to brighten your smile this winter. Professional Teeth Whitening Options As we recommend for any dental treatment, patients should consult with their dentist before choosing a teeth whitening plan. There is no one-size fits all solution to oral health, and teeth whitening is no different. The cause and severity of staining indicate what whitening options will most successfully brighten teeth. At El Reno Family Dentistry, we offer both in-office and at-home teeth whitening.

• In-office whitening – quickly and effectively lightens teeth up to 8 shades in less than an hour. Patients enjoy this option because it is fast, effective, and they have dentist assistance throughout treatment. • At-home whitening – using customized application trays and professional-grade gel, our at- home teeth whitening products provide the same dramatic results as our in-office whitening in about two weeks. Patients who wish to brighten their smiles more gradually, and those with sensitive teeth often find this to be the ideal solution. Professional Whitening vs Store Brands Most pharmacies and super markets now carry teeth whitening strips, gels, toothpastes, and mouth rinses. These products promise dramatic results, but research shows these products are largely ineffective. There are two main reasons for this. First, the one-size-fits-all application trays or non-sealed applications allow saliva to access and neutralize the whitening gel. Second, the FDA only allows a minimal amount of active ingredient that is unable to work long enough to remove stains below the surface of teeth. It is almost always preferable to invest in professional teeth whitening. To Find out More Contact Your Cosmetic Dentist in Calumet In extremely rare cases, patients’ teeth do not respond to teeth whitening at all. In these cases, we discuss alternatives like cosmetic bonding and porcelain veneers that conceal stained teeth. Both are minimally invasive, effective treatment options. If you’re interested in teeth whitening or any of the cosmetic dentistry services available from El Reno Family Dentistry, contact us today.