Liturgical Year 2018-2019 of the Celtic Orthodox Church

5th Week of Lent Monday 1st April

Mary of Egypt, penitent (421) Valerius (Walric), Abbot-Founder of Leuconay (622) Melito, of Sardis, apologist (180) Cellach, Archbishop of Armagh (1129) Agilbert, Bishop of Dorchester (673)

♦ Liturgy: Is 1:1-4, 24-26 2P 1:12-21 Jn 8:3-11

Tuesday 2 April

Nicetius, Bishop of Lyons (579) Flodobertha, and Landeberga, of Faremoutiers (7th c.) Urban, Bishop of Langres (390) Ebba the Younger, Abbess of Coldingham, England (870) Bronach of Glen-Seichis (unknown) Constantine II, early King of Scotland (952)

♦ Liturgy: Is 5:20, 23-27 1Jn 1:1-4 Jn 8:21-30

Wednesday 3 April

Florentius, of Ireland, Bishop of Strasbourg (693) Urbitius, Bishop of Clermont (724) Nicetas, Abbot of Medicion (824) the Hymnographer, one of greatest liturgical poets and hymnographers (886) Comman, monk at Iona (688)

♦ Liturgy: Ho 5:10; 7:13-16; 13:4 1Jn 1:10 – 2:2 Jn 8:31-45


Thursday 4 April

Isidore, Bishop of Seville (636) Zosimas, monk-hermit in Palestine (560) Gweirir of Liskeard, hermit of Cornwall (unknown) Merryn, missionary in Cornwall and Brittany (6th c.)

♦ Liturgy: Jer 9:7-9, 12 1Jn 2:3-11 Jn 8:52-59 ♦ 1st Nocturn: Great Canon of Andrew of Crete

Friday 5 April

Tigernach, Bishop-Abbot of Cluain-Eois (549) Ethelburga, Abbess-Foundress of Lyminge (647) Theodora, at Thessalonica, (892) Derferl-Gadarn of Llanderfel (5th or 6th c.) Becan, Founder of monastery at Kill-Beggan (6th c.) Probus and Grace, husband and wife, from Cornwall (unknown)

♦ Liturgy: Jer 12:7-10, 14-15 1Jn 2:12-17 Jn 10:20-28

Saturday 6 April

Methodius, Archbishop of Moravia, Apostle of the Slavs (9th c.) Brec’han (or Brychan), King of Brecknock, Wales (unknown) Gennard, 3rd Abbot of Saint-Germer-de-Flay (720) Berthane, Bishop of Kirkwall in the Orkneys, Scotland, monk of Iona (840) Ulched, patron saint of Anglesey, Wales (unknown) Elstan of Abingdon, Bishop of Winchester (981)

♦ Liturgy:

2 Is 50:8-10 1Jn 2:18-25 Jn 7:33-38

Fifth Sunday of Lent Sunday 7 April

Gibardus, Abbot of Luxeuil, martyr (888) Aphraates, hermit at Antioch (345) Finan of Kinnitty, Offaly, Ireland (6th c.) Goran, missionary of the district of Cornwall (6th c.)

♦ 2nd Nocturn: Lam 3:1-21, 24-31, 52-66 ♦ 3rd Nocturn: 1P 4:13-19 ♦ Matins: Jn 65:28-29; 8:51-53, 58-59 ♦ Liturgy: 1K 17:17-24 1Jn 5:16-20 Jn 11:1-52

6th Week of Lent Monday 8 April

Apostles of the Seventy, Rufus, Agabus, Asyncritus, Herodion, Phlegon and Hermes, (1st c.) Perpetuus, Bishop of Tours (490)

♦ Liturgy: Hab 1:2-4; 2:4 1Jn 2:26-29 Jn 10:27-31

Tuesday 9 April

Mary of Cleopas, in Palestine (1st c.) Hugh, Bishop of Paris, of Rouen, and of Bayeux (730) Prochorus, deacon of Antioch (1st c.) Dotto, Abbot of a monastery in the Orkney Islands of Scotland (6th c.)

3 Hedda of Peterborough and 84 , martyrs, slain by the Danes (870) Theodore, Abbot of Croyland, martyr (869) Madrun of Wales, Queen of Gwent, widow (5th c.)

♦ Liturgy: Lam 1:9-10, 12; 3:21-22 1Jn 3:1-12 Jn 10:32-39

Wednesday 10 April

Palladius, Bishop of Auxerre (661) Paternus, hermit at Abdinghof, martyr (1058) Fulbert, Bishop of Chartres (1028) Beocca of Chertsey, martyred by the Danes with other monks (870) The Prophetess Huldah (600’s B.C.)

♦ Liturgy: Lam 1:19-22; 3:25, 32 1Jn 3:13-17 Jn 15:1-5

Thursday 11 April

Godebertha, Abbess of Tournai and Noyon (700) , hermit at Monteluco (6th c.) Guthlac of Croyland, monk of Repton Abbey, then hermit (714) Aid, Abbot of Achad-Finglas, Ireland (unknown) Machai, Abbot-Founder of a monastery on the isle of Bute in Scotland (5th c.)

♦ Liturgy: Lam 1:16; 3:54-56 1Jn 3:18-24 Jn 15:12-16

Friday 12 April

Erkemboden, Bishop of Therouanne (714) Zeno, Bishop of Verona, martyr (371) Florentinus, 1st Abbot of Arles (553)

4 Wigbert of Ireland, missionary (690)

♦ Liturgy: Lam 1:13, 18; 3:24 1Jn 4:1-6 Jn 12:44, 46-50

Saturday 13 April

Hermengild, King of Seville, martyr at Saragossa (586) Winnoc, Bishop of Scotland (ca. 838) Martius, Abbot of Clermont in the Auvergne, Gaul (ca. 530)

♦ Liturgy: Jb 30:13, 20-21, 23-24 1Jn 4:7-16 Jn 7:1-10, 30 ♦ Vespers: Ps 23 and 46 ♦ Liturgy: Gn 48:1-2, 8-12

Sunday 14 April

Palm Sunday – Entrance of Our Lord in Jerusalem Lambert, 2nd Abbot of Fontenelle, Bishop of Lyons (688) Thomais, martyr at (476) Praetextatus, Bishop of Rouen, martyr (586) Tassach, 1st Bishop of Raholp, Ireland (495) Apostles of the Seventy Aristarchus, Pudens and Trophimus, martyrs (1st c.)

♦ 2nd Nocturn: Gn 49:1, 10-11 ♦ 3rd Nocturn:

5 Zep 3:14-19 ♦ Matins: Zec 9:9-17 ♦ Liturgy: Jer 31:31-34 1P 2:21-25 Jn 11:55 – 12:25 ♦ Vespers: Ps 23 and 136

Holy Week – Great and Holy Monday Monday 15 April

Paternus (Padarn), Founder of Llanbadarn Fawr (482) Basilissa and Anastasia, disciples of St Paul, martyrs at Rome (68)

♦ Liturgy: Is 57:1-4, 13 1Jn 4:17 – 5:4 Jn 7:43 – 8:2

Great and Holy Tuesday Tuesday 16 April

Paternus, 1st Bishop of Vannes (564) Fructuosus, Bishop of Braga (665) Withburga, princess, Foundress of Monastery at Dereham (743) Elias, Abbot of the Gaelic abbey of Saint Martin the Great at Cologne, Germany (1042)

♦ Liturgy: Is 50:5-8 1Jn 5:5-14 Jn 8:46-51

Great and Holy Wednesday Wednesday 17 April

Donan (or Donnan), Abbot of Eigg, martyr (617) Wando, Abbot of Fontenelle (756) Landericus, Bishop of Meaux (7th c.)

6 ♦ Liturgy: Jer 26:13-15 Jude 1:20-25 Mt 26:1-16 ♦ 1st Nocturn: Tenebrae Service

Great and Holy Thursday Commemoration of the Last Supper Thursday 18 April

Apollonius, apologist, martyr at Rome (185) Hiduiphus, Abbot-Founder of Lobbes (707) Cogitosus, monk of Kildare, biographer of St Brigid (8th c.) Laserian, Abbot of Leighlin (639)

♦ Liturgy: Zac 2:13 – 3:5; 11:7-14; 13:7-9 1Co 11:23-32 Composed Gospel ♦ 1st Nocturn: Tenebrae Service

Great and Holy Friday Friday 19 April


Ursmar, 1st Bishop-Abbot of Lobbes (713) Vincent, martyr at Collioure (304) Alphege, Archbishop of Canterbury (1012)

♦ 2nd Nocturn: Ps 3 Is 52: 13; 53:13 Ps 8 Rm 5:6-21 Ps 30 Rm 6:1-14 Ps 38 Hb 2:5-18 Jn 16:29 – 17:11 ♦ 3rd Nocturn: Ps 39 Hb 9:6-14 Ps 40 Hb 9:15-28 Ps 48 Col 2:8-15 Ps 54 1P 2:21-25 ♦ Matins: Ps 50 and 21 Jn 17:12-26

Office of the Passion ♦ Liturgy: Jer 11:15-20; 12:7-9 Am 8:4-11 Zac 8:14-15; 12:10 1Co 1:18 – 2:2 Is 53:9-12

8 Composed Gospel Ps 50 and 21

Great and Holy Saturday Saturday 20 April

Marcellinus, 1st Bishop of Embrun (ca. 374) Anastasius I, of Antioch (598) Theotimus the Philosopher, Bishop at Tomi on the Black Sea (307) Caedwalla of Wales, King of Wessex in England (689) Gundebert, Bishop of Sens, Founder of Abbey of Senores (676)

♦ Matins: Paschal Vigil Dn 3:26-45 (7th Ode) Ez 36:24-28 Mt 27:62-67 ♦ Paschal Vigil: New Fire Office of the Readings Baptismal Office Procession of the Resurrection ♦ Night Liturgy: Ap 1:18 Rm 6:3-11 Mt 28:1-7

Holy, Bright and Great Easter Sunday Sunday 21 April

Beuno, Founder of Clynnog Fawr (640) Anastasius the Sinaite, Abbot of Mount Sinai (700)

9 Eingan of Bangor, Welsh prince, built hermitage at Llanengan (6th c.) Maelruhba, Founder of monastic community of Applecross in Ross, Scotland (722)

♦ Liturgy: Ap 1:9-18 1Co 15:1-11, 20-22 Mt 28:8-20 Vespers: Ps 117

Bright Monday – 1st Week after Easter Monday 22 April

Opportuna, Abbess at Montreuil (770) Alexander and Epidodius, martyrs at Lyons (178) Arwald and Rufus of Glendalough, martyrs (686)

♦ Liturgy: Ap 2:1-7 Ac 2:14, 22b-32 Mk 16:1-7 ♦ Liturgy: Ps 117

Bright Tuesday Tuesday 23 April

George, Great Martyr and Wonderworker at Nicomedia (3rd c.) Ibar, Bishop-Founder of Beggery (5th c.) Felix, priest, Fortunatus and Achilleus, deacons of Valence, martyrs at Lyons (212) Ethelbert, King of Kent (616)

♦ Liturgy: Ap 2:8-11 Ac 2:36-41 Lk 24:13-35 ♦ Vespers: Ps 117

Wednesday 24 April

10 Dyfnan, Founder at Anglesey, Wales (unknown) Dye, Abbot of Blois (unknown) Mellitus, Archbishop of Canterbury (624) Egbert, monk of Lindisfarne (729) Ivo of Huntingdonshire, Cornish bishop and abbot (ca. 1000)

♦ Liturgy: Ap 3:7-13 Ac 3:1-10 Lk 24:1-12 ♦ Vespers: Ps 117

Thursday 25 April

Mark, Apostle and Evangelist, Founder of the Church of Alexandria, martyr (1st c.) Anianus, 2nd Bishop of Alexandria (1st c.) Erminus, 2nd Bishop-Abbot of Lobbes (737) Macaille, Bishop of Croghan, Offaly, Ireland (489) Keby of Cornwall, bishop (4th c.) Maughold of Man, bishop (ca. 488)

♦ Liturgy: Ap 2:12-17 Ac 3:11-26 Jn 20:1-9 ♦ Liturgy: Ps 117

Mark: ♦ Vespers: Ps 18 and 118 ♦ Matins: Lk 10:1-15 ♦ Liturgy: Ez 1:10-14 1P 5:6-14 Lk 10:16-21

Friday 26 April

Riquier, Abbot-Founder of Celles (645)

11 Trudpert of Ireland, hermit at Saint Trudpert, martyr (644)

♦ Liturgy: Ap 2:18-19 Ac 4:1-12 Jn 20:11-18 ♦ Vespers: Ps 117

Saturday 27 April

Symeon, kinsman of the Lord, 2nd Bishop of Jerusalem, martyr (c.107 or 117) Theodore the Sanctified, 2nd Abbot of Tabenna (368) Anthimus, Bishop of Nicomedia, martyr (303 or 311-312) Assic [Asicus], 1st Abbot-Archbishop of Elphin Monastery in Roscommon, Ireland (490) Enoder of Wales, abbot (6th c.) Winewald, 2nd Abbot of Beverley Monastery in England (731)

♦ Liturgy: Ap 3:1-6 Ac 4:13-21 Jn 21:1-14 ♦ Vespers: Ps 117

1st Sunday after Easter – Thomas Sunday Sunday 28 April

Aphrodisius, of Egypt, 1st Bishop of Béziers, martyr (1st c.) Theodora and Didymus, martyrs at Alexandria (4th c.) Cronan, Founder-Abbot of Roscrea Monastery, founder of fifty monasteries (640) Gerard the Pilgrim (1120) Probe and Germaine, martyrs (ca. 5th c.)

♦ Matins: Mt 28:1-5 ♦ Liturgy: Ap 7:2-12 Ac 8:26-40 Jn 20:19-31 ♦ Vespers: Ps 117


2nd Week after Easter Monday 29 April

Tychicus and Jason, disciples (1st c.) Endellion, princess of Cornwall, recluse (6th c.) Wilfrid, Abbot-Bishop of York (746) Senan of North Wales, hermit (7th c.) Fiachan, monk in Lismore Abbey, Ireland (7th c.) Dichu of Ulster, 1st convert of St Patrick (5th c.)

♦ Liturgy: Ap 3:14-22 Ac 4:23-31 Mt 20:17-28

Tuesday 30 April

Onenn, of Tréhorenteuc (Brittany), (7th c.) Eutropius, 1st Bishop of Saintes, martyr (1st c.) Erkenwald, Bishop of London (693) Cynwl of Wales, hermit (6th c.) Swithbert the Younger, English missionary, Bishop of Werden, Germany (807)

♦ Liturgy: Ap 5:1-5 Ac 4:32-37 Mt 22:23-33