- Regional 3W Map 16 April 2010

Agencies' locations and Legend R area of inte rventions are E depicted based on the International Boundary D Dalul recent available in f ormation. Regional Boundary Please send any uSpdates

or corrections to the follo wEing Zonal Boundary email.[[email protected]] A Woreda Boundary Berahle No Intervention/No Data Eritrea Agriculture & Livestock

WASH Tigray Ab Ala Health & Nutrition

Islamic Relief Food Aid, Environment, Education, Other etc..

Environment, Education, Disaster Mag'mt Other etc.. SC-US Kurri SC-UK

Elidar SC-US SC-UK

Gulina Awra SC-US Afar SC-US


Chifra Islamic Relief Aysaita SC-Norway Map Doc Name: 14_3w_007_Afar_041610_A4 Creation Date: 16 Apr. 2010 SC-UK Web Resources: http://ochaonline.un.org/ethiopia Welthungerhilfe Contact address: [email protected] Adaa'r Mile Djibouti 0 387.5 775 1,550 Kilometers ยน SC-Norway Map data source(s): Welthungerhilfe UNOCHA, Hum anitarian partners Disclaimers: The designati ons employed and the presentation of material on this map do not imply the expression of any opinion Amhara whatsoever on the part of the Secretariat of the United Nations concerning the legal status of any country, territory, Artuma Farm Africa city or area or of its authorities, or concerning the delimi tation of its fronti ers or boundaries. CARE CARE Fursi Somali

Simurobi Gele'alo

Farm Africa

SC-Norway Dire Dawa Argoba SpecialDulecha

Interventions/ Projects at Regional Levle AMREF: Health APDA:Education, Gender, Health, EnvirHonmarenet,r i Sanitation, Water SC-Norway LWF: Agriculture, Education, Environment, Food, Health, CARE SC-Norway ROecrovmery,i aSanitation, Water MfM:Education Norwegian Dev't Fund:Desertification, Livelihoods OXFAM-GB: Disaster Management, Others Sonne Int'l: Education, Health WVE:Sanitation, Water