2C bus time schedule & line map

2C Knott End - Via Poulton View In Website Mode

The 2C bus line (Knott End - Blackpool Via Poulton) has 2 routes. For regular weekdays, their operation hours are: (1) Blackpool Town Centre: 8:00 AM - 6:30 PM (2) Knott End on Sea: 8:15 AM - 5:15 PM Use the Moovit App to nd the closest 2C bus station near you and nd out when is the next 2C bus arriving.

Direction: Blackpool Town Centre 2C bus Time Schedule 63 stops Blackpool Town Centre Route Timetable: VIEW LINE SCHEDULE Sunday 8:00 AM - 6:30 PM

Monday 6:35 AM - 9:05 PM Bourne Arms, Knott End on Sea Bourne May Road, Tuesday Not Operational

Esplanade, Knott End on Sea Wednesday Not Operational Esplanade, Preesall Civil Parish Thursday Not Operational Barton Square, Knott End on Sea Friday Not Operational Lancaster Road, Preesall Civil Parish Saturday Not Operational Library, Knott End on Sea

Grasmere Road, Knott End on Sea

Pilling Lane, Preesall 2C bus Info Lane, Knott End-on-Sea Direction: Blackpool Town Centre Stops: 63 Police Stn, Preesall Trip Duration: 68 min Chelwood Close, Knott End-on-Sea Line Summary: Bourne Arms, Knott End on Sea, Esplanade, Knott End on Sea, Barton Square, Knott Ash Grove, Preesall End on Sea, Library, Knott End on Sea, Grasmere Ash Grove, Knott End-on-Sea Road, Knott End on Sea, Pilling Lane, Preesall, Police Stn, Preesall, Ash Grove, Preesall, Saracens Head, Saracens Head, Preesall Preesall, Cartgate, Preesall, The Ferns, Preesall, Mill Smithy Lane, Knott End-on-Sea House, Preesall, Cemetery Lane, Preesall, Moss House Lane, Preesall, Seven Stars, , Moss Cartgate, Preesall Side Lane, Stalmine, Back Lane, Stalmine, Neds Lane, Stalmine, Staynall Lane, Stalmine, Sower Carr Lane, The Ferns, Preesall Sower Carr, Rydal Road, Hambleton, Ryecroft Corner, Hambleton, Shovels Inn, Hambleton, Green Meadow Mill House, Preesall Lane, Hambleton, Inn, Hambleton, Mains Lane, Little Singleton, Hillcrest, Little Singleton, Cemetery Lane, Preesall Wyre Hotel, , Skippool Avenue, Poulton-Le- Fylde, Moorland Road End, Poulton-Le-Fylde, Park Moss House Lane, Preesall Road, Poulton-Le-Fylde, Vicarage Road, Poulton-Le- Fylde, St Chads Church, Poulton-Le-Fylde, Wyresdale Avenue, Poulton-Le-Fylde, Mossbourne Road, Seven Stars, Stalmine Poulton-Le-Fylde, Lawnswood Avenue, Poulton-Le- Smithy Lane, Stalmine-With-Staynall Civil Parish Fylde, Kingsher Drive, Poulton-Le-Fylde, Fairway, Moss Side Lane, Stalmine Carleton, Blackpool Sixth Form College, Carleton, Aspire Academy, Carleton, Poulton Old Road, Moss Side Lane, Stalmine-With-Staynall Civil Parish Boundary Park, Pilling Crescent, Grange Park, Back Lane, Stalmine Walk, Grange Park, Easington Crescent, Back Lane, Stalmine-With-Staynall Civil Parish Grange Park, Marlhill Road, Dinmore, Dinmore Place, Dinmore, Boundary Library, Grange Park, Gateside Neds Lane, Stalmine Drive, Grange Park, Gateside Drive, Grange Park, Fulwood Ave, Grange Park, St. Mary's School, Grange Staynall Lane, Stalmine Park, Regency Lodge, St Walburgas, Hospital Carr Close, Stalmine-With-Staynall Civil Parish Entrance, Victoria Hospital, Victoria Hospital (To Blackpool), Victoria Hospital, Lakeway, St Sower Carr Lane, Sower Carr Walburgas, Torsway Avenue, Kingscote, Milton Carr Lane, Hambleton Civil Parish Avenue, Kingscote, Layton Road, Layton, Collingwood Avenue, Layton, Devonshire Square, Rydal Road, Hambleton Buchanan Street, Central, Church Street, Blackpool Town Centre, Abingdon Street, Blackpool Town Ryecroft Corner, Hambleton Centre Sandy Lane, Hambleton

Shovels Inn, Hambleton

Green Meadow Lane, Hambleton

Shard Bridge Inn, Hambleton

Mains Lane, Little Singleton Mains Lane, Singleton Civil Parish

Hillcrest, Little Singleton

Wyre Hotel, Skippool Breck Road, Blackpool

Skippool Avenue, Poulton-Le-Fylde Breck Drive, Blackpool

Moorland Road End, Poulton-Le-Fylde

Park Road, Poulton-Le-Fylde

Vicarage Road, Poulton-Le-Fylde

St Chads Church, Poulton-Le-Fylde Market Street, Blackpool

Wyresdale Avenue, Poulton-Le-Fylde

Mossbourne Road, Poulton-Le-Fylde

Lawnswood Avenue, Poulton-Le-Fylde The Fulmars, Blackpool

Kingsher Drive, Poulton-Le-Fylde

Fairway, Carleton

Blackpool Sixth Form College, Carleton

Aspire Academy, Carleton Blackpool Old Road, Blackpool

Poulton Old Road, Boundary Park Furlong Crescent, Blackpool

Pilling Crescent, Grange Park

Cockerham Walk, Grange Park

Easington Crescent, Grange Park

Marlhill Road, Dinmore

Dinmore Place, Dinmore Dinmore Place, Blackpool

Boundary Library, Grange Park

Gateside Drive, Grange Park

Gateside Drive, Grange Park

Fulwood Ave, Grange Park Fulwood Avenue, Blackpool

St. Mary's School, Grange Park

Regency Lodge, St Walburgas Four Lane Ends, Blackpool

Hospital Entrance, Victoria Hospital

Victoria Hospital (To Blackpool), Victoria Hospital Whinpark Avenue, Blackpool

Lakeway, St Walburgas

Torsway Avenue, Kingscote

Milton Avenue, Kingscote

Layton Road, Layton The Cloisters, Blackpool

Collingwood Avenue, Layton

Devonshire Square

Buchanan Street, Central Parker Street, Blackpool

Church Street, Blackpool Town Centre

Abingdon Street, Blackpool Town Centre Abingdon Street, Blackpool Direction: Knott End on Sea 2C bus Time Schedule 65 stops Knott End on Sea Route Timetable: VIEW LINE SCHEDULE Sunday 8:15 AM - 5:15 PM

Monday 5:20 AM - 7:50 PM Abingdon Street, Blackpool Town Centre Abingdon Street, Blackpool Tuesday Not Operational

Talbot Road, Blackpool Town Centre Wednesday Not Operational

Buchanan Street, Central Thursday Not Operational Lily Street, Blackpool Friday Not Operational

Devonshire Square Saturday Not Operational

Collingwood Avenue, Layton

Layton Rd, Layton 2C bus Info Milton Avenue, Kingscote Direction: Knott End on Sea Stops: 65 Torsway Avenue, Kingscote Trip Duration: 67 min Line Summary: Abingdon Street, Blackpool Town Lakeway, St Walburgas Centre, Talbot Road, Blackpool Town Centre, Buchanan Street, Central, Devonshire Square, Newton Drive, Blackpool Collingwood Avenue, Layton, Layton Rd, Layton, Regency Lodge, St Walburgas Milton Avenue, Kingscote, Torsway Avenue, Kingscote, Lakeway, St Walburgas, Regency Lodge, Four Lane Ends, Blackpool St Walburgas, Hospital Entrance, Victoria Hospital, Hospital Entrance, Victoria Hospital Victoria Hospital (To Poulton), Victoria Hospital, Riversway, St Walburgas, St. Mary's School, Victoria Hospital (To Poulton), Victoria Hospital Kingscote, Fulwood Ave, Grange Park, Chepstow Road, Grange Park, Gateside Drive, Grange Park, Whinpark Avenue, Blackpool Boundary Library, Grange Park, Furness Avenue, Riversway, St Walburgas Dinmore, Marlhill Road, Dinmore, Easington Crescent, Grange Park, Cockerham Walk, Grange Park, St Walburgas Road, Blackpool Glencoe Avenue, Grange Park, Boundary Court, St. Mary's School, Kingscote Boundary Park, Poulton Old Road, Boundary Park, Aspire Academy, Carleton, Blackpool Sixth Form College, Carleton, Fairway, Carleton, Kingsher Drive, Fulwood Ave, Grange Park Poulton-Le-Fylde, Lawnswood Avenue, Poulton-Le- Rodwell Walk, Blackpool Fylde, Mossbourne Rd, Poulton-Le-Fylde, Wyresdale Ave, Poulton-Le-Fylde, Booths, Poulton-Le-Fylde, Rail Chepstow Road, Grange Park Station, Poulton-Le-Fylde, Moorland Road End, Poulton-Le-Fylde, Skippool Avenue, Poulton-Le-Fylde, Gateside Drive, Grange Park Wyre Hotel, Skippool, Hillcrest, Little Singleton, Mains Gateside Drive, Blackpool Lane, Little Singleton, Mains Lane, Little Singleton, Shard Bridge Inn, Hambleton, Green Meadow Lane, Boundary Library, Grange Park Hambleton, Shovels Inn, Hambleton, Ryecroft Corner, Hambleton, Rydal Road, Hambleton, Sower Carr Furness Avenue, Dinmore Lane, Sower Carr, Staynall Lane, Stalmine, Neds Lane, Stalmine, Back Lane, Stalmine, Moss Side Marlhill Road, Dinmore Lane, Stalmine, Seven Stars, Stalmine, Moss House Dinmore Avenue, Blackpool Lane, Preesall, Cemetery Lane, Preesall, Mill House, Preesall, Cartgate, Preesall, Saracens Head, Preesall, Easington Crescent, Grange Park Fordstone Avenue, Preesall, Hampson Grove, Preesall, Police Station, Preesall, Pilling Lane, Cockerham Walk, Grange Park Preesall, Grasmere Road, Knott End on Sea, Library, Knott End on Sea, Barton Square, Knott End on Sea, Glencoe Avenue, Grange Park Esplanade, Knott End on Sea, Bourne Arms, Knott End on Sea Boundary Court, Boundary Park

Poulton Old Road, Boundary Park

Aspire Academy, Carleton Robson Way, Blackpool

Blackpool Sixth Form College, Carleton

Fairway, Carleton

Kingsher Drive, Poulton-Le-Fylde Kingsher Mews, Blackpool

Lawnswood Avenue, Poulton-Le-Fylde Cottam Place, Blackpool

Mossbourne Rd, Poulton-Le-Fylde

Wyresdale Ave, Poulton-Le-Fylde

Booths, Poulton-Le-Fylde Blackpool Old Road, Blackpool

Rail Station, Poulton-Le-Fylde Breck Road, Blackpool

Moorland Road End, Poulton-Le-Fylde Chandlers Ford, Blackpool

Skippool Avenue, Poulton-Le-Fylde

Wyre Hotel, Skippool Breck Road, Blackpool

Hillcrest, Little Singleton

Mains Lane, Little Singleton

Mains Lane, Little Singleton Mains Lane, Singleton Civil Parish

Shard Bridge Inn, Hambleton

Green Meadow Lane, Hambleton

Shovels Inn, Hambleton

Ryecroft Corner, Hambleton

Rydal Road, Hambleton Rydal Road, Hambleton

Sower Carr Lane, Sower Carr Carr Lane, Hambleton Civil Parish

Staynall Lane, Stalmine Carr Close, Stalmine-With-Staynall Civil Parish Neds Lane, Stalmine

Back Lane, Stalmine Strickland's Lane, Stalmine-With-Staynall Civil Parish

Moss Side Lane, Stalmine Moss Side Lane, Stalmine-With-Staynall Civil Parish

Seven Stars, Stalmine Smithy Lane, Stalmine-With-Staynall Civil Parish

Moss House Lane, Preesall

Cemetery Lane, Preesall

Mill House, Preesall

Cartgate, Preesall

Saracens Head, Preesall Daggers Lane, Knott End-on-Sea

Fordstone Avenue, Preesall

Hampson Grove, Preesall

Police Station, Preesall Sandy Lane, Knott End-on-Sea

Pilling Lane, Preesall

Grasmere Road, Knott End on Sea

Library, Knott End on Sea Plantation Avenue, Preesall Civil Parish

Barton Square, Knott End on Sea Lancaster Road, Preesall Civil Parish

Esplanade, Knott End on Sea Esplanade, Preesall Civil Parish

Bourne Arms, Knott End on Sea Bourne May Road, Preesall Civil Parish 2C bus time schedules and route maps are available in an oine PDF at moovitapp.com. Use the Moovit App to see live bus times, train schedule or Check Live Arrival Times subway schedule, and step-by-step directions for all public transit in North West. About Moovit MaaS Solutions Supported Countries Mooviter Community © 2021 Moovit - All Rights Reserved