The World Bank HT Center and Regional Development (P133352)

REPORT NO.: RES35859 Public Disclosure Authorized






LATIN AMERICA AND CARIBBEAN Public Disclosure Authorized

Regional Vice President: Axel van Trotsenburg Country Director: Anabela Abreu Senior Global Practice Director: Guangzhe Chen Practice Manager/Manager: Juan Gaviria Task Team Leader: Andrew Losos, Malaika Becoulet Public Disclosure Authorized The World Bank HT Center and Artibonite Regional Development (P133352)


CAL Center Artibonite Loop CBO Community-Based Organization CD Country Director CERC Contingent Emergency Response Component CIAT Inter-Ministerial Committee for Territorial Development CIAT-es CIAT’s Executive Secretariat CIF Climate Investment Funds CPF Country Partnership Framework EU European Union FY Fiscal Year GoH Government of HT Haiti IDB Inter-American Development Bank IDA International Development Association ISR Implementation Status & Results Report M&E Monitoring and Evaluation MEF Ministry of Economy and Finance MTPTC Ministry of Public Works, Transportation, Energy and Communications PAD Project Appraisal Document PDO Project Development Objective PIU Project Implementation Unit PPCR Pilot Program for Climate Resilience SDR Special Drawing Rights TF Trust Fund UCE Unité Centrale d’Exécution from MTPTC UNOPS United Nations Office for Project Services UTE Unité Technique d’Exécution from MEF The World Bank HT Center and Artibonite Regional Development (P133352)


Product Information

Project ID Financing Instrument P133352 Investment Project Financing

Original EA Category Current EA Category Partial Assessment (B) Partial Assessment (B)

Approval Date Current Closing Date 19-May-2014 28-Feb-2020


Borrower Responsible Agency Unite Technique d'Execution (UTE),Unite Centale Ministry of Economy and Finance d'Execution (UCE)

Project Development Objective (PDO) Original PDO The objectives of the Project are to: (a) support the development of the Artibonite Loop region, primarily by enhancing all-weather connectivity and logistics for producers, and the region’s resilience to climate change; and (b) support the Recipient’s capacity to respond promptly and effectively to an Eligible Emergency, as needed. OPS_TABLE_PDO_CURRENTPDO Summary Status of Financing Net Ln/Cr/Tf Approval Signing Effectiveness Closing Commitment Disbursed Undisbursed

IDA-H9500 19-May-2014 09-Jul-2014 06-Oct-2014 28-Feb-2020 50.00 20.35 24.43 TF-17021 09-Jul-2014 09-Jul-2014 06-Oct-2014 28-Feb-2020 8.00 1.10 6.90 The World Bank HT Center and Artibonite Regional Development (P133352)

Policy Waiver(s)

Does this restructuring trigger the need for any policy waiver(s)? No



1. The Haiti Center and Artibonite Regional Development Project (the Project) was initially designed as part of a long term development vision, “Haiti Tomorrow, Center and Artibonite Loop, Territorial Development Opportunities and Strategies” (2011), prepared by the (GoH) in the aftermath of the January 2010 earthquake. This vision sought to rebalance spatial and territorial development in departments and, with regards to Center Artibonite Loop (CAL) as a strategic region, to unlock its potential to: (i) contribute to economic growth, generate jobs and host growth poles; (ii) improve food security through agricultural production; (iii) absorb demographic growth; and (iv) serve as an attractive region for public and private sector investments. The World Bank had supported this development vision in the CAL in two areas – agriculture and health – with investments in agriculture production1 and in access to water2. Other development banks like the EU and the IDB supported similar objectives through transport and agriculture investments. The Project was designed to support the same development vision with investment in the transport sector based on the following Project Development Objectives: (a) support the development of the CAL region, primarily by enhancing all-weather connectivity and logistics for producers, and the region's resilience to climate change; and (b) support the Recipient's capacity to respond promptly and effectively to an Eligible Emergency, as needed. The Project included five components:

 A: enhancing logistics, transport connectivity, and climate resilience, including four sub-components: A.1: improving the “structuring” road network; A.2: improving the rural road network; A.3: strengthening road maintenance capacity and mechanism at the local level; and A.4: supporting the application of best practices addressing the issue of climate change.  B: improving infrastructure and management capacity of key selected urban and rural markets, including two sub-components: B.1 urban markets and associated facilities; and B.2: rural markets.  C: supporting the development or regional knowledge, planning capacity and local participation, including two sub-components: C.1: improving regional knowledge; and C.2: supporting the development of regional planning capacity and local participation.  D: Contingent Emergency Response.  E: Project implementation, monitoring and evaluation.

2. The PDO was fully consistent with the World Bank Group’s Haiti Interim Strategy Note for FY13-FY14 (Report No. 71885-HT), notably with Objective 1 (reduce vulnerability and increase resilience) and the expansion of the

1 Relaunching Agriculture: Strengthening Agriculture Public Services II Project (P126744) (approved in December 2011). 2 HT Sustainable Rural and Small Towns Water and Sanitation Project (P148970) (approved in May 2015). The World Bank HT Center and Artibonite Regional Development (P133352)

Objective 4 (revitalizing the economy), which includes regional development. The PDO remains relevant for the current CPF FY16-FY19 (Report No. 98132-HT), especially for the Area of Focus 3 on Resilience and the Objective 9 – Improve Disaster Prevention and Strengthen Climate Resilience.

Status of Implementation:

3. Project implementation was hampered until early 2018 due to a number of factors of which (i) Haiti’s fragile political environment and its negative impact on coordination between different institutions involved—(a) the Project Implementation Unit (PIU) of the Ministry of Economy and Finance (MEF), namely the Unité Technique d’Exécution (UTE) responsible for Components A-E and (b) the partner institutions - the PIU of the Ministry of Public Works, Transport and Communication (MTPTC), namely the Unité Centrale d’Exécution (UCE), and the Executive Secretariat of the Inter-Ministerial Committee for Territorial Development (CIAT-es); (ii) lack of clear responsibilities and coordination between the MEF-UTE and the partner institutions, and their limited capacity for implementation; and (iii) persistent challenges stemming from design complexity. For example, Component A suffered from a lack of involvement and inputs from the MTPTC, resulting in significant delays in the preparation, processing and approval of procurement packages. Component B benefited only from limited coordination with the CIAT-es, a critical partner with the expertise in regional and territorial development. Component C, which was designed to facilitate collaboration and coordinate inputs from associated technical ministries, was hampered by lack of clarity of roles and did not generate expected results.

4. Implementation progress began to improve in mid-2018, especially after the first project restructuring was approved on June 27, 2018, and has continued overall at a moderately satisfactory pace since then. The Project’s overall disbursement ratio increased from 10.4% at project restructuring to 41% in August 2019. Disbursement ratio for the IDA and CIF grants varied: it increased from 13% (July 2018) to 45% (August 2019) under the IDA Grant, while it remained at 13.75% under the CIF (see paragraph 10 for reasons). Nine work contracts were signed under Component A following project restructuring, equivalent to an additional US$ 23.6 million of commitments for road infrastructure works and maintenance and bridge construction3. A number of factors contributed to improving the implementation progress since mid-2018. This includes actions carried out prior to restructuring, most notably the adoption of the Regional Maintenance Strategy which allowed to lift the disbursement condition of Component A. The 2018 restructuring itself streamlined implementation arrangements for institutional coordination and strengthened ownership and involvement of partner institutions and simplified the project design. MTPTC-UCE became responsible for the implementation of Component A (and D.2), while MEF-UTE became responsible for overall coordination of the project and for the implementation of the revised Component B (and D.1). The revised Component B (Improving selected markets and supporting the development of regional knowledge & planning tools) consolidated the original activities under original Components B and C. The target for number of markets to be improved under the new subcomponent B.1 (Urban and Rural Markets and associated facilities) was also reduced based on the remaining project implementation period. A revised subcomponent B.2 (Improving regional knowledge & planning tools) consisted of all original activities under Component C.

5. The Project has generated the following intermediate results. Under Component A: (i) 49 spot interventions to enhance all-weather accessibility of roads (original target: 15), including the recently launched construction works for four bridges, three culverts and protection of three crossing structures, (ii) rehabilitated and made all weather 11 kilometers of non-rural roads (original target: 100 km), (iii) signed a contract of US$ 10.6 million with UNOPS in October 2018 for rehabilitating and making all weather 80 km of rural roads (original target: 80 kms) and for building

3 These include the contracts for the construction of four bridges, three culverts, three crossing structures and for the rehabilitation and making all weather of 80 km of rural roads and for building two road maintenance centers in and . The World Bank HT Center and Artibonite Regional Development (P133352) two road maintenance centers in Hinche and Mirebalais (original target: two), as well as for strengthening local actors’ implementation capacity (departmental directorates of public works, small and medium enterprises and community-based organizations) (original target: 500 people). Under sub-component B1: (iv) a bidding document for rehabilitating/constructing four urban/rural markets and for improving their management capacity has been issued (Fonds Bruns, Domond, Nan Poste and Saint-Raphael) while the bidding process is being finalized for technical studies for the construction of a new regional market in Saint-Michel and the fencing of the site of the future market (original target: eight). Under sub-component B2: (v) one climate informed urban plan completed for the city of Titanyen, and one launched in March 2019 for the city of Hinche of which the first deliverable was validated in May 2019 (target: four urban plans).

6. The overall Implementation Progress has been Moderately Satisfactory since its upgrade from Moderately Unsatisfactory in January 2019, and the likelihood of achieving the PDO has been Moderately Satisfactory. Financial management and procurement have been carried out in accordance with the Bank Financial Management and Procurement Guidelines, and there is no overdue project audit report by the Borrower. In addition, the Project has complied with all environmental, social and fiduciary requirements throughout its implementation.

Rationale for Restructuring:

7. The bulk of Project activities under Component A are now well on track, but activities to improve urban and rural markets under subcomponent B.1 have encountered persistent delays even after the 2018 restructuring. Thanks to the first restructuring of June 2018, the MTPTC-UCE was able to speed up implementation of Component A and demonstrated capacity to increase the bulk of the activities it can implement. Subsequently, additional spot interventions on the Hinche- road have been identified and would be financed following project restructuring (target is being readjusted under this restructuring). Under Component B, if the urban planning activities (B.2) have been launched and are being completed, implementation delays for the construction of the markets (B.1) have persisted following the restructuring. Delays have been caused by new challenges in the political, administrative and processing environment (e.g., violent riots from July 2018 to September 2019), critical staff departure (UTE Executive Director, CIF focal point at CIAT-ES, M&E specialist of UTE), and persistent delays related to frequent turnover at the government level. The identification of urban and rural markets to be rehabilitated or constructed was completed, but delayed significantly by current implementation challenges. As a result, the project needs more time to complete the planned works on the four urban and rural markets eventually identified. The World Bank HT Center and Artibonite Regional Development (P133352)


Project Development Objectives

8. The PDO is proposed to be revised by removing the long-term, high-level outcome from the PDO statement (support the development of the Centre Artibonite Loop region). The proposed PDO – “The objectives of the Project are to, within the Centre Artibonite Loop Region: (a) enhance all-weather connectivity, (b) improve access to climate- resilient urban and rural markets for the population of the region, and (c) enhance the region’s capacity for climate resilient planning” – includes the original outcomes that can be attributed to the project based on the outputs and for which the project was meant to be responsible for during its lifetime. In addition, it is proposed to modify the formulation of the second outcome to better reflect its link to project outputs and to clarify that the third outcome was originally intended to address capacity building rather than infrastructure when talking about the region’s resilience.

Components and Costs

9. The restructuring will (i) reduce investments in markets and capacity building and planning tools under Component B and (ii) remove the contingency emergency response funding under Component C and, based on these savings, increase investments in spot interventions under Sub-component A.1, and lightly increase funding under sub- Components D.1 and D.2, as presented in the following table and discussed in the following paragraphs

Restructuring of June 27, 2018 Proposed Restructuring Project Components Project Costs (US$m.) Project Components Project Costs (US$m.) Total IDA CIF Total Cost IDA CIF Cost A. Enhancing logistics, transport 37.00 32.5 4.5 A. Enhancing logistics, transport 40 35.5 4.5 connectivity and climate resilience connectivity and climate resilience  A.1: Improving the “structuring” 27.5 25.5 2  A.1: Improving the “structuring ” road 30.5 28.5 2 road network network  A.2: Improving the rural road 4.9 3 1.9  A.2: Improving the rural road network 4.9 3 1.9 network  A.3: Strengthening of road 4.1 4.0 0.1  A.3: Strengthening of road maintenance 4.1 4.0 0.1 maintenance capacity and capacity and mechanisms at the local mechanisms at the local level level  A.4: Supporting the application of 0.5 0 0.5  A.4: Supporting the application of best 0.5 0 0.5 best practices addressing the practices addressing the issue of issue of climate resilience climate resilience B. Improving selected markets and 14.5 11 3.5 B. Improving selected markets and 11 7.5 3.5 supporting the development of supporting the development of regional regional knowledge & planning tools knowledge & planning tools  B.1: Urban and Rural Markets and 10 9.5 0.5  B.1: Urban and Rural Markets and 7 6.5 0.5 associated facilities associated facilities  B.2: Improving regional 4.5 1.5 3  B.2: Improving regional knowledge & 4 1 3 knowledge & planning tools planning tools C. Contingent Emergency Response 1 1 0.0 C. Contingent Emergency Response 0 0 0.0 Component Component D. Project Implementation, 5.5 5.5 0.0 D. Project Implementation, Monitoring and 7 7 0.0 The World Bank HT Center and Artibonite Regional Development (P133352)

Monitoring and Evaluation Evaluation  D.1: Support to UTE 4.4 4.4 0.0  D.1: Support to UTE 5 5 0.0  D.2: Support to UCE 1.1 1.1 0.0  D.2: Support to UCE 2 2 0.0 Total Project Costs 58.0 50.0 8.0 58.0 50.0 8.0 Total Financing Required 58.0 50.0 8.0 58.0 50.0 8.0

10. COMPONENT A: Enhancing logistics, transport connectivity, and climate. The nature of activities under sub- component A.1 remains unchanged, but there is a need to finance spot interventions on additional roads (including critical points identified along the Hinche-Thomassique road section). The estimated sub-component costs will be increased based on reducing the scope of Components B and on reallocating the CERC envelope.

11. COMPONENT B: Improving selected markets and supporting the development of regional knowledge and planning tools. The scope of sub-component B.1 and B.2 will be reduced and the remaining savings will be made available for sub-component A.1. The Component will focus on financing activities which are key to the achievement of the PDO.

12. Sub-component B.1: Urban and Rural Markets and associated facilities. As originally planned, this subcomponent will finance the rehabilitation or construction of the Saint-Raphael regional (urban) market, three selected rural markets (Fonds Bruns, Domond and Nan Poste) and the associated facilities (including logistical facilities, access roads, water and sanitation systems) with a special focus on their climate resilience and improvement of their management capacity. In order to accelerate the progress of this activity, an operator will be contracted to assume delegated project management authority for the improvement of market infratructure and management capacity.

13. Sub-component B.2: Improving regional knowledge and planning tools. As originally planned, this subcomponent will enhance the region’s capacity for climate resilient planning through: (a) technical guidelines and market design; (b) events/activities dedicated to knowledge dissemination and consultation; (c) development of a dashboard tool capturing key development indicators and investments at the regional level and dissemination of studies prepared by the project to inform future investments of public or private stakeholders; and (d) climate informed urban plans developed and consulted with local official and local stakeholders in six priority cities (four that were initially identified and two additional cities that were included based on consultations with local authorities): Hinche; Titanyen; Saint-Michel, Saint-Raphael, Saut d’Eau and Mirebalais. In addition, the project will continue to ensure effective monitoring and evaluation by CIAT-ES of the Pilot Program for Climate Resilience (PPCR) program in Haiti financed by the CIF. However, considering accumulated implementation delays, this component will drop the following studies: territorial analysis, identification of clusters with economic potential, and the land ownership plan at Source Matelas.

14. COMPONENT C: Contingent Emergency Response Component. Given the limited timeframe remaining before project closing, the funds of this component will be made available for sub-component A.1 and Component D to cover additional road works for spot interventions under sub-component A.1 and operating costs under Component D, and to fill the financing gap caused by the SDR allocation depreciation. Component C will, however, remain active to safeguard against potential emergencies that may arise from the high level of exposure and vulnerability of Haiti to extreme events.

15. COMPONENT D: Project Implementation, Monitoring and Evaluation. There will be no change to Component D’s scope, but additional funds will be allocated to this component to fund the additional operating cost of the UTE and the UCE needed for the 22-month extension of the project. The World Bank HT Center and Artibonite Regional Development (P133352)

Results Framework

16. The proposed restructuring will streamline the results framework by: (i) clarifying or revising PDO indicators and adding one PDO indicator to more closely measure project outcomes and dropping one PDO indicator due to its unclarity; and (ii) clarifying and reducing some Intermediate Results Indicators (reduced from 12 to 9) and increasing the target for spot interventions from 15 to 70 under subcomponent A.1, reducing the target for improvement/construction of markets from eight to four under subcomponent B.1, and increasing the target for urban plans from four to six under subcomponent B.2. The proposed changes are detailed in Annex I (Revisions to the Results Framework).

Loan Closing date

17. The proposed restructuring will provide a 22-month extension of the closing date of both Grants (IDA H9500 and CIF TF-17021), from February 28, 2020 to December 31, 2021. This is the first extension of the closing date. The extension will allow MTPTC-UCE and MEF-UTE to complete the ongoing activities related to road infrastructure and markets as well as additional spot intervention along the Hinche-Thomassique road section.

18. The Project’s DOs remain achievable, the performance of the Borrower or Project Participant(s) remains Satisfactory, and the Bank and the Borrower or Project Participant(s) agreed on actions that will be undertaken by the Borrower or Project Participant(s) to complete the Project.

Reallocation between Disbursement Categories

19. The IDA Grant financing will be reallocated from Category 8 (Component B.1 and B.2) to Category 7 (Component A.1) in the amount of SDR 1 835 5094, to accommodate for the revision and cancellation of activities related to markets, knowledge development and planning tools under Component B and for the increase in investments in road works under Component A. Moreover, in light of the limited timeframe remaining before project closing, the IDA Grant financing will be reallocated from Category 6 (PPA) and Category 4 (Component C) to Category 7 (Component A.1 and Component D.2) respectively in the amount of in the amount of SDR 675,000 (Category 6) and SDR 650,000 (category 4), in order to accommodate for additional road works and operating cost during project extension, and to fill the financing gap caused by the SDR allocation depreciation. See Table 1 (in US$) and Section II (in SDR).

Disbursement Estimates

4 The exchange rate of October 1st was used: SDR 1 = USD 1.362020 The World Bank HT Center and Artibonite Regional Development (P133352)

20. Disbursement estimates are revised to reflect actual disbursement during the period of FY15-FY19 and estimated disbursements for FY20-FY22 (see Section IV). The grace period for disbursements will end 4 months after the closing date.

Implementation Schedule

21. The implementation schedule will be updated with the new closing date (December 31, 2021).


Changed Not Changed Project's Development Objectives ✔ Results Framework ✔ Components and Cost ✔ Loan Closing Date(s) ✔ Reallocation between Disbursement Categories ✔ Disbursement Estimates ✔ Implementation Schedule ✔ Implementing Agency ✔ DDO Status ✔ Cancellations Proposed ✔ Disbursements Arrangements ✔ Overall Risk Rating ✔ Safeguard Policies Triggered ✔ EA category ✔ Legal Covenants ✔ Institutional Arrangements ✔ Financial Management ✔ Procurement ✔ Other Change(s) ✔ Economic and Financial Analysis ✔ The World Bank HT Center and Artibonite Regional Development (P133352)

Technical Analysis ✔ Social Analysis ✔ Environmental Analysis ✔



Current PDO The objectives of the Project are to: (a) support the development of the Centre Artibonite Loop region, primarily by enhancing all-weather connectivity and logistics for producers, and the region’s resilience to climate change; and (b) support the Recipient’s capacity to respond promptly and effectively to an Eligible Emergency, as needed. Proposed New PDO The objectives of the Project are to, within the Centre Artibonite Loop Region: (a) enhance all-weather connectivity, (b) improve access to climate-resilient urban and rural markets for the population of the region, and (c) enhance the region’s capacity for climate resilient planning.

OPS_DETAILEDCHANGES_COMPONENTS_TABLE COMPONENTS Current Current Proposed Proposed Cost Action Component Name Component Name Cost (US$M) (US$M) Enhancing Logistics, Transport Enhancing Logistics, Transport Connectivity and Climate 37.00 Revised Connectivity and Climate 40.00 Resilience Resilience Improving selected markets and Improving selected markets supporting the development of and supporting the 14.50 Revised 11.00 regional knowledge and development of regional planning tools knowledge and planning tools Contingent Emergency Response Contingent Emergency 1.00 Revised 0.00 Component Response Component Project Implementation, Project Implementation, 5.50 Revised 7.00 Monitoring and Evaluation Monitoring and Evaluation TOTAL 58.00 58.00

OPS_DETAILEDCHANGES_LOANCLOSING_TABLE The World Bank HT Center and Artibonite Regional Development (P133352)


Original Revised Proposed Proposed Deadline Ln/Cr/Tf Status Closing Closing(s) Closing for Withdrawal Applications IDA-H9500 Effective 28-Feb-2020 30-Jun-2021 30-Oct-2021 TF-17021 Effective 28-Feb-2020 30-Jun-2021 30-Oct-2021


Financing % Current Allocation Actuals + Committed Proposed Allocation (Type Total) Current Proposed

IDA-H9500-001 | Currency: XDR

iLap Category Sequence No: 1(A) Current Expenditure Category: CW for Pts A.1 and A.2

433,148.94 433,148.94 433,148.94 100.00 100.00

iLap Category Sequence No: 1(B) Current Expenditure Category: GO, NCS, CS, TR for Pts. A.1, A.2

253,813.62 253,813.62 253,813.62 100.00 100.00

iLap Category Sequence No: 1(C) Current Expenditure Category: GO, CW, NCS, CS, TR for Pt. A.3

216,037.17 216,037.17 216,037.17 100.00 100.00

iLap Category Sequence No: 2 Current Expenditure Category: GO, CW, NCS, CS, TR for Pt. B

189,367.85 189,367.85 189,367.85 100.00 100.00

iLap Category Sequence No: 3 Current Expenditure Category: GO, CW, NCS, CS, TR for Pt. C

143,374.88 143,374.88 143,374.88 100.00 100.00

iLap Category Sequence No: 4 Current Expenditure Category: GO, CW, NCS, CS, OP, TR for Pt. C

650,000.00 0.00 0.00 100.00 100.00 The World Bank HT Center and Artibonite Regional Development (P133352)

iLap Category Sequence No: 5 Current Expenditure Category: GO, CW, NCS, CS, TR, OP for Pt. E

1,573,699.77 1,573,699.77 1,573,699.77 100.00 100.00

iLap Category Sequence No: 6 Current Expenditure Category: Refund of Preparation Advance

675,000.00 0.00 0.00

iLap Category Sequence No: 7 Current Expenditure Category: GO, CW, NCS, CS, OP, TR Pt. A D2

20,852,000.27 1,690,633.84 24,012,370.00 100.00 100.00

iLap Category Sequence No: 8 Current Expenditure Category: GO, CW, NCS, CS, OP, TR Pt. B D1

7,413,557.50 738,084.64 5,578,187.77 100.00 100.00

Total 32,400,000.00 5,238,160.71 32,400,000.00


Change in Disbursement Estimates Yes

Year Current Proposed 2014 0.00 0.00

2015 650,000.00 650,000.00

2016 1,170,000.00 1,170,000.00

2017 3,830,000.00 3,830,000.00

2018 13,000,000.00 13,000,000.00

2019 29,000,000.00 17,000,000.00

2020 10,350,000.00 15,000,000.00

2021 0.00 7,350,000.00

. The World Bank HT Center and Artibonite Regional Development (P133352)

. Results framework COUNTRY: Haiti HT Center and Artibonite Regional Development

Project Development Objectives(s) The objectives of the Project are to: (a) support the development of the Centre Artibonite Loop region, primarily by enhancing all-weather connectivity and logistics for producers, and the region’s resilience to climate change; and (b) support the Recipient’s capacity to respond promptly and effectively to an Eligible Emergency, as needed.

Project Development Objective Indicators by Objectives/ Outcomes

RESULT_FRAME_TBL_PDO Indicator Name DLI Baseline End Target

w/in the Centre Artibonite Loop Region, enhance all-weather connectivity (Action: This Objective has been Revised) Share of rural population with access to an all-weather road 39.00 60.00 (Percentage)

Rationale: All season has been replaced by all-weather to be consistent with the PDO. And people has been with population to be Action: This indicator has been Revised consistent with parent indicator.

Number of rural population with access to an all-weather 374,400.00 576,000.00 road (Number) Share of the population in the Project area satisfied with the quality and impact of infrastructure financed by the Project 0.00 75.00 (Percentage)

Rationale: The indicator is not specific enough; complex data collection vs. client capacity, survey design and scattered intervention Action: This indicator has been Marked for Deletion areas. The World Bank HT Center and Artibonite Regional Development (P133352)

RESULT_FRAME_TBL_PDO Indicator Name DLI Baseline End Target

Roads rehablitated (CRI, Kilometers) 0.00 80.00

Rationale: Action: This indicator is New Corporate requirement

Roads rehabilitated - rural (CRI, Kilometers) 0.00 80.00

Rationale: Action: This indicator is New Corporate Requirement

w/in the Centre Artibonite Loop Region, improve access to climate-resilient urban and rural (Action: This Objective has been Revised) Number of people serviced by new or improved climate resilient 0.00 190,000.00 urban and rural markets (Number)

Rationale: Added “urban and rural” to be specific and consistent with the component description. Action: This indicator has been Revised

Female beneficiaries (Percentage) 0.00 57,000.00 w/in the Centre Artibonite Loop Region,enhance the region’s capacity for climate resilient planning (Action: This Objective is New) Share of the geographic area of the CAL region that was provided 0.00 75.00 with new improved climate-informed knowledge (Percentage)

Rationale: Action: This indicator is New This indicator was introduced to measure the third, slightly revised outcome.

PDO Table SPACE The World Bank HT Center and Artibonite Regional Development (P133352)

Intermediate Results Indicators by Components

RESULT_FRAME_TBL_IO Indicator Name DLI Baseline End Target

Enhancing Transport Connectivity and Climate Resilience (Action: This Component has been Revised) Length of rural roads rehabilitated and made all weather 0.00 80.00 (Kilometers)

Rationale: Adjusted to better capture the results. The definition of “road rehabilitated” does not take into account any dimension of Action: This indicator has been Revised “all-weather condition.”

Length of non-rural roads rehabilitated and made all weather 0.00 100.00 (Kilometers)

Rationale: Adjusted to better capture the results. The definition of “road rehabilitated” does not take into account any dimension of Action: This indicator has been Revised “all-weather condition.”

Change in share of roads classified as vulnerable to natural 0.00 20.00 events and climate change impacts (Percentage)

Rationale: This indicator was dropped due to the complexity of data collection compared to client capacity, the survey methodology Action: This indicator has been Marked for Deletion and the scattered scope of the intervention areas.

Spot interventions to enhance all-weather and resilient 0.00 50.00 connectivity (Number)

Rationale: The target was increase from the original 15 to 50. There is increasing demand for spots interventions and the client has Action: This indicator has been Revised capacity for carrying them out. The World Bank HT Center and Artibonite Regional Development (P133352)

RESULT_FRAME_TBL_IO Indicator Name DLI Baseline End Target

Number of people trained within selected communities on basic 0.00 500.00 Rural Road Maintenance (Number)

Rationale: Action: This indicator has been Revised Removed "disintegrated by gender" from the definition (since the supplemental indicator is added separately).

disaggregated by gender, in % of women (Percentage) 0.00 35.00 Number of Road Maintenance Centers build or rehabilitated 0.00 2.00 (Number) Improving selected markets and supporting the development of regional knowledge and planning tools

Urban and rural markets rehabilitated/constructed (Number) 0.00 4.00

Rationale: Action: This indicator has been Revised Target was decreased from 8 to 4 taking into consideration the implementation constraints.

Percentage of change in Number of producers, retailers and 0.00 25.00 traders with access to improved markets (Percentage)

Rationale: This indicator has been dropped to simplify the results framework. A new PDO indicator measures the direct beneficiaries Action: This indicator has been Marked for Deletion (users) of projects investments in rehabilitating or constructing climate resilient markets.

Percentage of renovated/constructed markets with management 0.00 75.00 and maintenance staff and tools in place (Percentage)

Rationale: Action: This indicator has been Marked for Deletion This indicator has been dropped due to lack of clarity in indicator definition.

Number of events/activities dedicated for knowledge 0.00 12.00 The World Bank HT Center and Artibonite Regional Development (P133352)

RESULT_FRAME_TBL_IO Indicator Name DLI Baseline End Target

dissemination and consultation (Number) Number of climate informed urban plans developed and 0.00 6.00 consulted with local official and local stakeholders. (Number)

Rationale: Action: This indicator has been Revised To better capture activities financed under the project. Target has been increased from 4 to 6.

Regional development dashboard with open data including spatial analysis encompassing risk and climate data developed No Yes with Local officials and local stakeholders (Yes/No) IO Table SPACE

The World Bank HT Center and Artibonite Regional Development (P133352)

Annex I: Revisions to the Results Framework


1st Restructuring Proposed 2nd Restructuring Comments/Rationale for Proposed Original (June 2018) (October 2019) Proposed Change The objectives of the The objectives of the No change The objectives of the Removed the long-term Project are to, within the Project are to: (a) support Project are to, within the outcome (support the Centre Artibonite Loop the development of the Centre Artibonite Loop development of the Centre Region: (a) enhance all- Centre Artibonite Loop Region: (a) enhance all- Artibonite Loop region), weather connectivity, (b) region, primarily by weather connectivity, (b) highlighted as a high-level improve access to climate- enhancing all-weather improve all-weather objective in the PAD, and resilient urban and rural connectivity and logistics logistics of distribution for kept the original outcomes markets for the population for producers, and the producers, and (c) enhance that can be attributed to the of the region, and (c) region’s resilience to the region’s capacity for project based on the outputs enhance the region’s climate change; and (b) climate resilient planning. and for which the project was capacity for climate support the Recipient’s meant to be responsible for resilient planning. capacity to respond during its lifetime. promptly and effectively to an Eligible Emergency, as With regards to the second needed. outcome, the formulation has been revised to better reflect its link to project outputs.

With regards to the third outcome, clarified that the original intention was to address capacity building rather than infrastructure when talking about the region’s resilience. The World Bank HT Center and Artibonite Regional Development (P133352)

1st Restructuring Proposed 2nd Restructuring Comments/Rationale for Proposed Original (June 2018) (October 2019) Proposed Change PDO Indicators for the proposed PDO (a) “within the Centre Artibonite Loop Region, to enhance all-weather connectivity” Share of rural population Share of rural population No Change. But No change. But correction The indicator definition in the with access to an all- with access to an all- unintended word change of word needs to be taken. ISR incorrectly refers to all- weather road weather road in portal: Share of rural Share of rural population season road (even though the (disaggregated by gender) (disaggregated by gender) population with access to with access to an all- PAD and the 2018 an all-season road. weather road. restructuring correctly referred to all-weather road). The indicator definition will be corrected in this restructuring as shown in the table. Number of rural Number of rural people No Change. But Revised. Number of rural All season has been replaced population with access to with access to an all-season unintended word change population with access to by all-weather to be an all-weather road road in portal: Share of rural an all-weather road consistent with the PDO. And (supplemental indicator) population with access to people has been with an all-season road. population to be consistent with parent indicator. Share of the population in No change. Dropped. The indicator is not specific the Project area satisfied enough; complex data with the quality and impact collection vs. client capacity, of infrastructure financed survey design and scattered by the Project intervention areas. Share of roads classified as Dropped. To reflect the vulnerable to natural fact that it is an output and events and climate change not an outcome. Results impacts will now be captured under the revised Intermediate indicator # 3. 1st Restructuring Proposed 2nd Restructuring Comments/Rationale for Proposed Original (June 2018) (October 2019) Proposed Change The World Bank HT Center and Artibonite Regional Development (P133352)

Increase in volume of Dropped. To simplify the transaction in improved results framework, and to markets reflect the fact that this outcome was to be captured under PDO Indicator #2. PDO Indicators for the proposed PDO (b) “within the Centre Artibonite Loop Region, to access to climate-resilient urban and rural markets for the population of the region” Number of people serviced Direct Project beneficiaries Revised. Number of Revised. Number of people Added “urban and rural” to by new or improved (disaggregated by gender) people serviced by new or serviced by new or be specific and consistent climate resilient urban and improved climate resilient improved climate resilient with the component rural markets markets urban and rural markets description. Female beneficiaries No Change. No Change. (supplemental indicator) PDO Indicators for proposed PDO (c) “within the Centre Artibonite Loop Region, to enhance the region’s capacity for climate resilient planning Percentage of the New. Percentage of the This indicator was introduced geographic area of the CAL geographic area of the CAL to measure the third, slightly region that was provided region that was provided revised outcome. with new improved with new improved climate- climate-informed informed knowledge knowledge Intermediate Results Indicators Component A: Enhancing Logistics, Transport Connectivity and Climate Resilience 1. Length of rural roads Rural roads rehabilitated No Change. Revised. Length of rural Adjusted to better capture rehabilitated and made all roads rehabilitated and the results. The definition of weather made all weather “road rehabilitated” does not take into account any dimension of “all-weather condition.” 2. Length of non-rural Non-rural roads Roads rehabilitated, Non- Revised. Length of non- Adjusted to better capture roads rehabilitated and rehabilitated rural. rural roads rehabilitated the results. The definition of made all weather and made all weather (unit, “road rehabilitated” does not km) take into account any dimension of “all-weather The World Bank HT Center and Artibonite Regional Development (P133352)

condition.” 3. Roads rehabilitated New: Roads rehabilitated Corporate requirement (rural/non-rural) (rural/non-rural) Proposed Intermediate 1st Restructuring Proposed 2nd Restructuring Comments/Rationale for Original Outcome Indicator (June 2018) (October 2019) Proposed Change Roads in good and fair Revised. Change in share of Dropped. This indicator was dropped condition as a share of roads classified as due to the complexity of data total classified roads vulnerable to natural collection compared to client events and climate change capacity, the survey impacts methodology and the scattered scope of the intervention areas. Number of officials and Dropped. This indicator technical staff trained in has been dropped to climate resilience simplify the results measures, best practices framework and standards (in the transport sector) 4. Spot interventions to Spot interventions to Revised. Spot interventions Revised. Increase the target There is increasing demand enhance all-weather enhance all-weather to enhance all-weather from the original 15 to 70. for spots interventions and accessibility of roads accessibility of roads accessibility of roads and the client has capacity for resilient connectivity. carrying them out. Funds reallocated from Components B and C to sub- component A1. 5. Number of people Road Maintenance Revised. Number of people Revised. Editorial change: Removed "disintegrated by trained within selected Microenterprises or CBOs trained within selected removed (disaggregated by gender" from the definition communities on basic created/trained (with communities on basic Rural gender, target 35% of (since the supplemental Rural Road Maintenance number of people trained Road Maintenance women) indicator is added disaggregated by gender) (disaggregated by gender, separately). target 35% of women)

Disaggregated by gender, No change No change in % of women (supplemental indicator) The World Bank HT Center and Artibonite Regional Development (P133352)

Proposed Intermediate 1st Restructuring Proposed 2nd Restructuring Comments/Rationale for Original Outcome Indicator (June 2018) (October 2019) Proposed Change 6. Number of Road New. Number of Road No Change. Maintenance Centers build Maintenance Centers build or rehabilitated or rehabilitated Component B: Improving selected markets and supporting the development of regional knowledge and planning tools 7.Number of urban and Urban and rural markets Revised. Target was Revised. Target was further Project cannot build/ rural markets rehabilitated/constructed reduced from 10 to 8 in reduced from 8 to 4. rehabilitate markets at the rehabilitated/constructed total (2 urban markets and targeted level (1 urban 6 rural markets). market and 3 rural markets). Increase in the number of Revised. Percentage of Dropped. This indicator has been producers, retailers and change in Number of dropped to simplify the traders with access to producers, retailers and results framework. A new improved markets traders with access to PDO indicator measures the improved markets direct beneficiaries (users) of project investments in rehabilitating or constructing climate resilient markets. Percentage of Revised. This indicator has Dropped. This indicator has been renovated/constructed been revised to simplify the dropped due to lack of clarity markets which are results framework. in indicator definition. adequately maintained and managed Local officials and market Dropped. This indicator has operators trained in market been dropped to simplify management the results framework. 8. Number of Number of events/activities No change. No change. events/activities dedicated dedicated to knowledge to knowledge dissemination and dissemination and consultation consultation Proposed Intermediate 1st Restructuring Proposed 2nd Restructuring Comments/Rationale for Original Outcome Indicator (June 2018) (October 2019) Proposed Change 9. Number of climate Urban plans developed Revised. Urban plans Revised: Number of climate To better capture activities informed urban plans developed and consulted informed urban plans financed under the project. The World Bank HT Center and Artibonite Regional Development (P133352)

developed and consulted with local officials and local developed and consulted with local official and local stakeholders. with local official and local stakeholders stakeholders. Target has been increased from 4 to 6. Local officials and local Dropped. This indicator has stakeholders trained in the been dropped to simplify use of urban and territorial the results framework, and planning tools since outcome was already captured under by several indicators. 10. Regional development Regional development Revised: Regional No Change. dashboard with open dashboard with open data development dashboard data including spatial including spatial Ultimately with open analysis encompassing risk the objective is to have a data including spatial and climate data dashboard developed, analysis encompassing risk publicly disclosed and and climate data updated on a regular basis. developed with local analysis encompassing risk officials and local and climate data stakeholders. Cumulated amount in Dropped. This indicator has projects elaborated using been dropped to simplify analytical knowledge and the results framework and tools developed by the ensure better proposed Project measurement of results obtained prior to the closing date.