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Adam and Eve, 94, 113 sex- themed visual graphics, of Assyria, Adrian VI (pope), 114 44–45 Adult Film Association of America sex- themed visual imagery in, 1, 4, (AFAA),181– 82 37–50 AF Holdings v. Does 1– 1058, 229– 30 Uruk Vase from, 35– 37, 42– 44 agape, 17, 156 antipornography activism, 242, 244, love, 31– 32, 99 253–54 Alexander VI (pope), 3 campaign, in China, 64– 65 American Booksellers v. Hudnut,244– 47 antiwar movements, 179–80 American case law, 265– 66 Aphrodite, 30, 40, 96 American Council of the Blind, 197– 98 sacred temple prostitution relating to, American exceptionalism, 157–59 58–59 Amuq Valley, 45 Arab Satellite Broadcasting Charter, ancient Ethiopian national narrative, 150–51 49–50 archeological artwork, 8– 9 ancient Greece, 52 Ardashir, 139 homosexuality in, 55– 56 art morality in, 61 archeological, 8– 9 mythology from, 54–55 Buddhist, 65, 69 pornographic vases from, 57, 58 cave, 25– 26 pornography in, 54–62 Chinese art history, 65– 68 pornography terminology and origins Council of Trent and regulation of from,5 3–54 secular art, 121– 22 prostitution in, 53– 54, 58– 59 deterritorialization in, 29– 30 “Rape of Europa, The” from, 54 erotica and, 9 Roman conquest of Greece and erotic Islamic, 131– 32 Romanization of Greek culture, 62 from grand masters, in Renaissance, 106, sacred temple prostitution in, 58–59 111–19, 120 ancient Near East manga, 68– 69, 71, 73 Amuq Valley, 45 sex- themed, in Enlightenment, 125– 27 clay tablets from, 9, 15, 37–38, 42, 44 sex- themed, in Roman Empire, 108– 10 Code of Hammurabi and, 7, 28, 38– 40 shunga, 69– 71 Herodotus narrative on, 40–42 Ashcroft v. Free Speech Coalition, 189, papyrus porn, 45– 48 269–71 rule- based representations in, 37–50 Ashtoreth, 91– 92 sacred temple prostitution in, 43–44, Assyria, 44– 45 48–49 Atatürk, Mustafa Kemal, 148–49 304 INDEX

Attorney General’s Commission on Canada Pornography, 3, 10, 87, 246– 47 bias- motivated historical revisionism in, 252 Babylon, 103 Fraser Commission in, 10, 253 Babylonian erotica, 42, 43 freedom of expression in, 250– 51 Babylonians, 38– 42 hate speech in, 251– 52 Bachofen, Johann J., 44 obscenity in, 253– 54 bàhnàme books, 147– 48 pornography, as discrimination in, 254– 55 Bajrang Dal, 2, 77 regulation in, 19, 235–36, 250–56 Baker, Jake, 248– 49 women, politics and pornography in, Baker, Norma Jean. See Monroe, 241–42, 244–46, 249–50 Marilyn Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms, Barnes, Priscilla, 226– 27 250–51 Barnes v. Glen Theatre,193– 94 Canadian Special Committee on bias- motivated historical revisionism, Pornography, 10, 253 252 Carey, James, 26– 27 Bible, 14 cave art, 25– 26 Adam and Eve in, 94, 113 CDA. See Communications Decency Act deterritorialization through, 92– 93 Charles V, 114 Greek New Testament, 93– 99 Child Online Protection Act (COPA), Old Testament, 91 269–71 Revelation, 103 child pornography, 15, 19, 257– 58 See also Hebrew Scripture in American case law, 265– 66 Bold Red Line, 133 comparative analysis on regulations Bollywood, 2 against, 271– 73 Book of Kings (Firdawsi), 138– 39, 140 computer-generated, 267–68 Book of the Dead, 48 European Union on, 262 books in federal law, 263– 65 American Booksellers v. Hudnut and, France on, 259– 62, 267, 271– 73 244–47 on Internet, 128– 29, 259– 62, 266– 68 bàhnàme,147– 48 in Japan, 71– 74 in Ottoman Empire, 145– 46, 147 journalism and, 266 as regulated representation, 124– 25 re- presentation of, 259, 261– 62, 263– 65, in Renaissance, 124–25 267–68 United States v. One Book Called statutory and case law on, 262– 63 “Ulysses,”165 –66 technological evolution and, 259 Bornet, Claude, 127 UN Convention on the Rights of the Botticelli, Sandro, 112 Child and, 28, 72 braille,1 97–98 United States regulation on, 262– 72 British Empire Yokohama World Congress against cultural tension in, 89– 90 Sexual Exploitation of Children, 72 on obscenity, 89– 90 Child Pornography Prevention Act in Victorian era, 83– 84 (CPPA), 268– 69 British Puritanism, 89 China Buddhist art, 65, 69 antipornography campaign in, 64– 65 Internet in, 64– 65 Caligula, 3, 243 Japan and, 63– 64 United States regulation and, 171– 73 during Ming dynasty, 66 Caligula (emperor), 3 obscenity in, 63 Calvin, John, 93 during Qing Dynasty, 67– 68 INDEX 305

regulated representation in, 64–65 transfer, from real space to cyberspace, sex- themed visual imagery in, 64– 68 221–23 Chinese art history, 65– 68 Corinthians, 98– 99 Chinese erotica, 65– 66 Council of Trent Chinese Foreign Ministry, 63 international regulation of sex- themed Christianization,9 9–100 visual imagery and, 116– 19 Christian sexual morality regulation of secular art after, 121– 22 Greek New Testament and diffusion of, counterculture, 18 93–95, 97 Counter-Reformation, 116–21 Judeo-, 9 7–98, 1 56–57 CPPA. See Child Pornography Prevention Cig, Muazzez Ilmiye, 1, 2, 4, 145 Act City of Erie v. Pap’s A. M. “Kandyland,” crime 194–95 homosexuality as, 2 City of Ontario v. Quon, 279 organized, 200– 202, 205, 206– 7 City of San Diego v. Roe, 216– 17 cultural tension, 89– 90 clay tablets, 15, 42 culture from Assyria, 44 counterculture, 18 cuneiform writing on, 37– 38 law-as- , 28 from Mesopotamia, 9 re- presentation relating to, 28 Clement VI (pope), 115 sex- themed visual imagery relating to, 25 Code of Hammurabi, 7, 28, 38–40 See also specific cultures Codex Borgia, 121 cuneiform writing, 37–38 Cohen v. California, 189 cyberspace. See Internet colossal stele, 38 Commonwealth v. Saxon Theatre Corp. of da Volterra, Daniele, 119 Boston,172– 73 Deep Throat, 18, 171– 72 communication,25– 27,92– 93 background on, 198– 200 Communications Decency Act (CDA), cases,2 00–207 247–48 organized crime and, 200– 202, 205, 206– 7 communicativer e-presentation, 2 5–26 in Streicher, 205 Comstock Act,1 61–62, 1 65–66 United States regulation and, 199– 207 Confucianism,65– 66 de la Bretonne, Rétif, 128 Conjectures on the Beginning of Human de Leeuw, Hendrik, 3 History (Kant), 104, 126 , 142– 43 Constantine (emperor), 99– 100 Derrida, Jacques, 26 Constantinople, 31 de Sade, Le Marquis, 127– 28 COPA. See Child Online Protection Act deterritorialization, 12, 15 copyright,219– 20 in art, 29– 30 background on, 220–21 through Bible, 92– 93 intellectual property law and, 18– 19 communication and, 92– 93 intellectual property law and sex- globalization and, 29 themed speech, 224 innovation and, 29 in Madonna case, 227– 28 of Judeo- Christian “legislative texts,” to in Penthouse International v. Barnes, Greco- Roman Empire, 89– 104 226–27 of Judeo- Christian moral worldview, Playboy and cybersquatting, 225 92–94 on Playboy trademarks, 225– 26 Law of Moses relating to, 93 of pornographic magazines, 224– 27 shunga and, 69– 70 pornography copyright trolls, 228– 30 as theoretical perspective, 29–30 of domain name, 231– 32 devadasi sacred temple prostitution, 83 306 INDEX

Deweese, Cristy Nicole, 209 First Amendment rights, of nude Diana, of Ephesus, 14 dancers, 192– 93 Dible v. City of Chandler,217– 18 expressive conduct, 191– 92 diffusion, 12, 15 Christian sexual morality, 93– 95, 97 Federal Obscenity Statute, 160– 62 of Judeo- Christian moral worldview, federal pornography commissions, 207– 8, 92–94 238–40 of Judeo- Christian sexual morality, female principle, 44 97–98, 156 –57 Fertile Crescent, 7 Judeo- Christian sexual morality, United Film Censor Board, 2 States, and, 156– 57 Firdawsi, 138– 39, 140 of sin, 94– 97 First Amendment, 176– 77 diffusion-of- innovation t heory, 28–29 analysis of, 18 discrimination,25 4–55 in Barnes v. Glen Theatre, 193– 94 Dworkin, Andrea,2 44–47, 2 53–54 in City of Erie v. Pap’s A. M. “Kandyland,” 194– 95 Ebrahimi, Zahra Amir, 280 government workers under, 212– 13 Ecstasy, 165 Internet and, 213– 15 Edict of Milan, 100 issues with, 209– 18 Egypt,45– 48 Jacobellis v. Ohio and, 168– 69, 188– 89 Enlightenment, 25 military officers under, 210– 12 philosophy during, 125, 127– 29 negative rights regime, 237– 38 sex- themed art during, 125– 27 nude dancers’ rights under, 192– 93 ensoulment, 25 Pickering test and, 215– 16 Eros, 9, 31–32 on sex- themed speech, 11, 17– 18, 27, erotica 156, 190 art and, 9 in Vivid Entertainment, LLC v. Fielding, from Assyria, 44– 45 191–92 Attorney General’s Commission on Flynt, Larry, 171, 180 Pornography on, 10 foot binding, 67 Babylonian, 42, 43 France, 19 Chinese,6 5–66 cave art, in Lascaux, 25– 26 defining, 9 on child pornography, 259– 62, 267, in Egypt, 45– 48 271–73 in Hinduism, 78– 79 French child- protection regime, 259– 61 in Khajuraho temple complex, 81– 83 regulation, on Minitel, 276– 77 pornography, law, and, 8– 13 Fraser Commission, 10, 253 pornography compared to, 9– 11 freedom of expression, 8 as regulated representation, in India, 83–85 in Canada, 250– 51 erotic love, 31– 32 in Japan, 73– 75 erotic papyrus, 45–47 free speech, 237– 38 erotic- religious unions, 95, 97 Ashcroft v. Free Speech Coalition, 189, ethics, 104, 126– 27 269–71 Ethiopian Tourist Trading Enterprise obscenity and, 27– 28 (ETTE), 50 sexuality and, 17 European Union, 262 See also First Amendment exotic dancing, 192– 93 Frena, George, 224– 25 Barnes v. Glen Theatre and, 193– 94 French child- protection regime, 259– 61 City of Erie v. Pap’s A. M. “Kandyland” Freud, Sigmund, 59– 60 and,194– 95 repression and, 178– 79, 241 INDEX 307

From Yahweh to Yahoo! (Underwood), Greek New Testament 156–57 Corinthians, 98 fundamentalism,1 33–34 diffusion of Christian sexual morality and, 93– 95, 97 Gibbon, Edward, 2, 108–9 obscenity and, 98–99 Giuliani, Rudi, 155– 56 Greek vase paintings, 95, 97 globalization, 29 Gregory the Great (pope), 102, 111 Glory of the Kings, The, 49 Guccione, Bob, 171– 73, 227– 28 gods and goddesses, 13–14, 30 as sex objects, 13– 14 Hallelujah, 102 in Uruk Vase, 37 , 10 See also specific gods and goddesses Harrison, Jane, 26 Gonda, Arthur, 248– 49 hate speech, 251– 52 Go Topless Day, 235 headscarf, 1 government workers, 212–13 Hebrew Scripture, 91 grand masters diffusion of sin from, 94– 97 church-commissioned art of, 113– 16 on sacred temple prostitution, 48–49 in Renaissance, 106, 111– 19, 120 Torah, 48– 49, 91 Great Hall, 87– 88 translation, into Greek, 92– 93 Greco-Roman Empire Hebrew sexual morality, 90–92 Christianization of, 97– 100 Hefner, Hugh, 153, 154, 171, 180, 183 Constantine and, 99– 100 See also Playboy early church and Pagan Greco-Roman Hellenic philosophy, 31 mythology, 101 Herculaneum, 16, 108– 10 fall of Roman Empire, Renaissance, and Herodotus, 40– 42 rise of Roman Catholic Church, Hicklin test, 159– 60, 162– 63 110–11 Hinduism, 77– 78 fall of Roman Empire and papal erotica in, 78– 79 regulation of sex- themed visual Islam and, 83, 141– 42 imagery, 101– 3 Kama Sutra and, 79– 81, 145 Judeo- Christian “legislative texts” and Krishna and, 79, 80 deterritorialization,8 9–104 in , 143– 45 Judeo- Christian sexual morality and, Hindu mythology, 79 97–98 Hine, Daryl, 59, 61 Pagan Greco- Roman mythology, history 101 Herodotus on, 40– 42 Roman conquest of Greece and of sex- themed visual imagery, 4, 8 Romanization of Greek culture, Hollywood 62 Motion Picture Production Code of, 27, sex- themed art, in Roman Empire, 164–65 108–10 pornography in, 27 Greco-Roman m ythology, 30–31 XBiz Awards in, 175– 76 Greco- Roman vases, 30– 31, 33 Holocaust, 252 Greece Holy Virgin Mary, The, 155 , Lesbos, and, 51 Homosexual and Lesbian Community of sexuality in, 15– 16 Greece (OLKE), 51 See also ancient Greece homosexuality Greek culture in ancient Greece, 55– 56 Romanization of, 62 as crime, 2 sin relating to, 94– 97 lesbians, Lesbos, and Greece, 51 308 INDEX horse frontispiece, 45, 46 contemporary pornography standards Hüseyin, Musavvir, 148 on, 169– 71 Hustler v. Falwell, 189 copyright transfer, from real space to cyberspace, 221– 23 Iceland First Amendment and, 213– 15 pornography in, 23–24 in India, 85– 86 regulation in, 23– 25 Information Technology Act, 85 sexting in, 24 Minitel regulation, in France, 276– 77 sexual capitalism in, 23 obscenity on, 168– 69 under Sigurðardóttir, 23 Playboy and cybersquatting, 225 iconoclasticism,1 33–37, 231– 32 iconography, 31 sex- themed speech on, 214– 15 I Modi (Raimondi), 114– 15 sexual capitalism on, 189, 231–32 Imperial Gate Mosaic, 31 sexual violence on, 247– 49 Inanna, 14, 37, 40 Smith v. California on, 167– 68, 188 India,78– 79 Telecommunications Act on, 189 Bajrang Dal, 2, 77 in Turkish Republic, 149– 50 Bollywood censors in, 2 Iowa v. Canal, 278 devadasi sacred temple prostitution in, Iran,137– 41 83 Ishtar, 13– 14, 37, 40 erotica, as regulated representation in, vase,5 –6 83–85 Isis, 13 Hindu mythology, 79 Islam Internet in, 85– 86 erotic Islamic art, 131– 32 Islam, Hinduism, and, 83, 141– 42 Hinduism, India, and, 83, 141– 42 Kama Sutra in, 78, 79– 81, 145 Turkish Constitution and, 1– 2 Khajuraho temple complex and See also Muslim regulation international law in, 81– 83 Islamic iconoclasticism, 133– 34 obscenity in, 84– 85 sources of, 135– 37 postcolonial,83– 85 Italian Parliament, 105– 6 regulation in, 16, 78, 84– 86 Italy, 109 Valentine’s Day in, 77 in Victorian era, 83– 84 Jacobellis v. Ohio, 168– 69, 188– 89 Indian mythology, 78–79 Japan Indian Penal Code, 84– 85 child pornography in, 71– 74 indirect participation, 217–18 China and, 63– 64 Indo- Islamic Mughal Empire, 143– 45 freedom of expression in, 73–75 Information Technology Act, 85 Japanese sex- themed visual imagery and intellectual property law, 18– 19, 224. See international law, 71– 72 also copyright in Manchuria invasion, 63 international law manga in, 68– 69, 71, 73 Japanese sex- themed visual imagery obscenity in, 73– 75 and, 71– 72 in “Rape of Nanking,” 63 Khajuraho temple complex and, 81– 83 regulation in, 68– 69 Internet, 19 sexual capitalism in, 69 American Communications Decency sexual violence in, 71 Act, 85 shunga art in, 69– 71 child pornography on, 128–29, 259–62, Yakuza in, 74 266–68 Yokohama World Congress against in China, 64– 65 Sexual Exploitation of Children, 72 INDEX 309

Japanese Army, 63– 64 Code of Hammurabi and, 38– 40 Jenkins v. Georgia, 180 Comstock Act, 161– 62, 165– 66 Johnson administration, 10 erotica, pornography, and, 8–13 Jonasson, Ogmundur, 23 federal, on child pornography, 263– 65 journalism, 266 Federal Obscenity Statute, 160– 62 Joyce, James, 165– 66 Indian Penal Code, 84– 85 Judeo-Christian “legislativet exts” Information Technology Act, 85 Christianization of Greco- Roman international, 71– 72, 81– 83 Empire,9 7–100 Mann Act, 180 deterritorialization and diffusion of secular, 38 moral worldview, 92–94 on sexual capitalism and sex- themed deterritorialization of, to Greco- Roman visual imagery, 188– 89 Empire,8 9–104 statutory and case law, on child Greek New Testament and diffusion of pornography, 262– 63 Christian sexual morality, 93– 95, 97 Telecommunications Act, 189 Kant relating to, 104 Turkish Criminal Code, 149 Law of Moses and Hebrew sexual White Slave Traffic Act, 180 morality,9 0–92 See also copyright; First Amendment; obscenity relating to, 98–99 regulation; United States regulation Judeo- Christian morality, 61 Law of Moses, 90– 93 Judeo- Christian sexuality, 16 legislative texts, 90– 91 Judeo- Christian sexual morality, 97– 98, See also Judeo- Christian “legislative 156–57 texts” Legrand, Pierre, 26 Kaiser, Walter, 93 Lesbos, Greece, 51 Kama Sutra, 78 Levy, Howard, 67 Hinduism and, 79–81, 145 Lewis, C. S., 32, 99 Mughals and, 145 libertine philosophers, 127– 29 as rule- based treatise, 79– 81 List of Prohibited Books, The (Roman Kant, Immanuel, 104, 125– 26 Catholic Church), 124– 25 Kantian ethics, 104, 126– 27 love Kaplan, Frédéric, 11– 12, 15 agape, 31– 32, 99 Kebra Nagast (The Glory of the Kings), 49 contrasting philosophies of, 30–32 Kennedy, John F., 182 erotic, 31– 32 Keuls, Eva, 57– 58 Lewis on, 32, 99 Khajuraho temple complex, 81– 83 Protestant Reformation relating to, 32 Khamsa of Nizami, 139 religion on, 31 Kremen v. Cohen and Network Solutions, St. Paul on, 99 231–32 types of, 32 Krishna, 79, 80 Luther, Marin, 16, 114, 115 Luzinda, Desire, 280– 81 Lascaux, France, 25–26 Last Judgement, The, 113, 117, 118– 19, 120 MacKinnon, Catherine, 244– 46, 253– 54 law Madonna, 227– 28 American case law, on child “Majesty of Justice,” 87– 88 pornography,2 65–66 Makeda (queen), 49–50 American Communications Decency Manchuria invasion, 63 Act, 85 manga, 68– 69, 71, 73 -as- culture, 2 8 Mann Act, 180 CDA,247– 48 March of Folly (Tuchman), 3 310 INDEX

Marcuse, Herbert, 178–79 Mutual Film Corp. v. Industrial Marks v. United States, 11, 202– 5 Commission of Ohio, 164 memory objects, 42– 44 Mesopotamia, 7, 9, 42–43 National Archeological Museum of Naples, Mexico,1 19–21 109 Michelangelo,1 15–16 Negative Confession, 48 Last Judgement, The, 113, 117, 118– 19, negative rights regime, 237– 38 120 neoclassical sculptures, 87–89 See also grand masters New England, 157– 59 military officers, 210– 12 New York Society for Suppression of Vice Miller test, 204 (NYSSV), 161 Miller v. California, 11, 27, 169– 72, 189, New York v. Ferber, 169, 189, 265 265 nude dancers. See exotic dancing Ming dynasty, 66 NYSSV. See New York Society for Minitel,2 76–77 Suppression of Vice , 219 Mongols, 143– 45 objectification, of women, 184– 85, Monroe, Marilyn, 181–82 242–44 morality obscenity, 10, 11, 166– 67 in ancient Greece, 61 British Empire on, 89– 90 in Canada, 253– 54 Christian sexual, 93– 95, 97 in China, 63 Hebrew sexual, 90– 92 contemporary standards of, 168– 69 Judeo-Christian, 6 1 Federal Obscenity Statute, 160–62 Judeo-Christian s exual, 97–98, 1 56–57 free speech and, 27– 28 in Victorian era, 89– 90 Greek New Testament and, 98– 99 Moses,90– 93 in India, 84– 85 Motion Picture Production Code, 27, on Internet, 168– 69 164–65 Jacobellis v. Ohio on, 168– 69, movie industry regulation, 27 188–89 Mughal Empire, 143– 45 in Japan, 73– 75 Muslim regulation, 17 Judeo- Christian “legislative texts” and, Arab Satellite Broadcasting Charter and, 98–99 150–51 legal definition of, 166– 67 of books, in Ottoman Empire, 145– 46, in Marks v. United States, 202– 5 147 origins of, 98– 99, 122 under Delhi Sultanate, 142– 43 Presidential Commission on Obscenity of erotic Islamic art, 131– 32 and Pornography, 239– 40 by fundamentalism, iconoclasticism, Regina v. Hicklin on, 159– 62 and terrorism, 133– 34 as repression, 59, 61 Hinduism, India, and, 83, 141– 42 United States regulation on, 160– 62, under Indo- Islamic Mughal Empire, 166–69, 180–81, 238–40 143–45 Offering House Archive, 38 Islamic iconoclasticism, 133– 37 Ofili, Chris, 155 under Ottoman Caliphate and Turkish Old Testament, 91. See also Hebrew Republic, 145 Scripture in Ottoman Empire, 145– 48 OLKE. See Homosexual and Lesbian under Safavids of Persia, 137– 41 Community of Greece in Saudi Arabia, 133 organized crime, 200– 202, 205, 206– 7 in Turkish Republic, 148– 50 Ottoman Caliphate, 145 INDEX 311

Ottoman Empire pornographic vases, Greek, 57, 58 books in, 145– 46, 147 pornography, 4 European influence in, 148 in ancient Greece, 54– 62 Muslim regulation in, 145–48 ancient Greece terminology and Ovid, 114 pornography origins, 53– 54 antipornography activism, 242 Pagan Greco- Roman mythology, 101 categories of, 10 papal regulation, 101–3 Chinese antipornography campaign, papyrus porn, 45– 48 64–65 pedopornography. See child pornography contemporary standards on, 169– 71 Penthouse International v. Barnes,226– 27 copyright trolls, 228– 30 Penthouse magazine, 171– 73 defining, 9, 23– 24 Thoreson v. Penthouse International, as discrimination against women, 242–44 254–55 People for Ethical Treatment of Animals erotica, law, and, 8– 13 (PETA), 223 erotica compared to, 9–11 PETA. See People for Ethical Treatment of evolution of, 61– 62 Animals federal pornography commissions, philosophy 207–8, 238–40 during Enlightenment, 125, 127– 29 hardcore, 10 Hellenic, 31 in Hollywood, 27 of Kant, 104, 125– 26 in Iceland, 23– 24 of love, 30– 32 indirect participation in, 217– 18 Pickering v. Board of Education,215– 16 Johnson administration on, 10 Playboy origins of, 12, 51–62, 128 in braille, 197– 98 papyrus porn, 45– 48 cybersquatting and, 225 politics, women, and, 105– 7, 241–42, mainstreaming of sex- themed visual 244–46, 249–50 imagery and, 185– 88 Presidential Commission on Obscenity objectification of women and, 184– 85 and Pornography, 239– 40 sexual capitalism and, 181–88 Reagan administration on, 10, 87 sexual liberation and, 181–83 revenge porn, 19, 277, 280–82 Steinem and, 184–85 sacred temple prostitution and origins trademarks, 225– 26 of, 58– 59 in United States v. Playboy Entertainment See also child pornography; Deep Throat Group,185– 86 pornokitsch, 10 Playboy Indonesia,1 31–32 Postal Service, US, 161–62 Playboy v. Calvin Designer Label, 225 postcolonial India, 83–85 Playboy v. Frena,224 –25 Presidential Commission on Obscenity Playboy v. Welles,22 5–26 and Pornography, 239– 40 police officers, 216– 18 primordial mother, 44 politics prostitution sexual capitalism and, 207– 8 in ancient Greece, 53– 54, 58– 59 women, pornography, and, 105–7, Code of Hammurabi on, 40 241–42, 24 4–46, 249– 50 See also sacred temple prostitution polytheistic religious cults, 42– 43 Protestant Reformation, 93 Pompeii, 16, 108–10 Counter-Reformation, 116–21 pornographic magazines love relating to, 32 copyright of, 224– 27 regulation during, 113– 16 See also specific magazines Renaissance and, 113– 16 312 INDEX psychoanalysis,5 9–60 papal, 101– 3 Ptolemy II Philadelphus, 93 during Protestant Reformation, 113– 16 public employees questions regarding, 7– 8 case studies, 216– 18 by Reagan administration, 10, 87 government workers, 212– 13 of revenge porn, 277, 280– 82 military officers, 210– 12 by Roman Catholic Church, during police officers, 216– 18 Renaissance, 106, 110–13 sex- themed speech of, 214–15 of sex- themed speech, 157–60 teachers, 209, 215 of sexting, 277– 79 Puerilities (Hine), 59 of sexual violence, 247– 49 Puritanism, 89, 157– 59 See also First Amendment; United States regulation Qing Dynasty, 67–68 Reign of the Phallus (Keuls), 57 religion, 1– 2, 30– 31 Raimondi, Marcantonio, 114–15 erotic- religious unions, 95, 97 Rama, 78 iconography and, 31 “Rape of Europa, The” 54 on love, 31 “Rape of Nanking,” 63 religious law and secular law, 38 Rati, 78 See also specific religions rationale,7– 8 religious hatred, 1– 2 Reagan administration, 10, 87 religious texts, translation of, 28– 29, Regina v. Hicklin, 89, 159– 63 92–94, 97 regulated representation, 4, 7 Renaissance, 10, 16– 17, 25 books as, 124– 25 books in, 124– 25 in China, 64– 65 characteristics of, 106 erotica as, in India, 83– 85 church during, 106 Kaplan on, 11– 12, 15 Council of Trent and international during Renaissance, 124– 25 regulation of sex- themed visual sex- themed visual imagery as, 27– 28, imagery, 116– 19 64–65 Council of Trent and regulation of regulatedr e-presentation secular art, 121– 22 sex- themed film as, 163– 64 Counter- Reformation and, 116–21 visual communication as, 25– 27 Enlightenment and philosophy, 125, regulateds elf-regulation, 1 64–65 127–29 regulation Enlightenment and sex- themed art, by Attorney General’s Commission on 125–27 Pornography, 3, 10, 87, 246– 47 fall of Roman Empire and, 110– 11 in Canada, 19, 235– 36, 250– 56 grand masters of art during, 106, Council of Trent and international 111–19, 120 regulation of sex-themed visual high Renaissance, Roman Catholic imagery, 116– 19 Church, and regulation, 106, Council of Trent and regulation of 110–13 secular art, 121– 22 popular sex- themed visual imagery in Iceland, 23– 25 during, 122– 24 in India, 16, 78, 84– 86 Protestant Reformation and, 113– 16 in Japan, 68– 69 regulated representation during, by Johnson administration, 10 124–25 on Minitel, 276– 77 Roman Catholic Church and sex- of movie industry, 27 themed visual imagery, in Mexico, Muslim, 17, 83, 131– 51 119–21 INDEX 313 re-presentation, 1 1–12, 1 5 rule-based representations Carey on, 26– 27 in ancient cultures, 37– 50 of child pornography, 259, 261– 62, Code of Hammurabi and, 38– 40 263–65, 26 7–68 Uruk Vase and, 35–37 communicative,2 5–26 R. v. Butler, 253– 55 culture relating to, 28 R. v. Keegstra, 251 Derrida on, 26 R. v. Zundel, 252 Legrand on, 26 regulated,2 5–27, 1 63–64 sacred temple prostitution visual communication, as regulated, in ancient Greece, 58– 59 25–27 in ancient Near East, 43– 44, 48–49 repression Aphrodite relating to, 58–59 Freud and, 178– 79, 241 in Babylon, 103 obscenity as, 59, 61 devadasi, 83 sexual liberation and, 178–79 Hebrew Scripture on, 48–49 reterritorialization, 30 veil and, 1, 40, 44 Revelation, 103 sadism, 127 revenge porn, 19 Safavids of Persia regulation of, 277, 280– 82 regulation and sex- themed visual in Uganda, 280– 82 imagery in, 137– 41 ritualistic sex, 40–44 Shahnama and, 138– 39, 140 Roman Catholic Church, 16– 17 Sartre, Jean- Paul, 127 church-commissioned art, of grand Saudi Arabia, 133 masters,1 13–16 Scott, Henry, 160 Council of Trent and international secular law, 38 regulation of sex- themed visual Septuagint. See Greek New Testament imagery, 116– 19, 231– 32 Council of Trent and regulation of sexiness, 13 secular art, 121– 22 sex liberation activists, 24 ensoulment and, 25 sex objects, 13– 14 fall of Roman Empire and, 110–11 sex-themed film List of Prohibited Books, The, AFAA and, 181– 82 124–25 Hollywood’s Motion Picture Production Pagan Greco- Roman mythology and Code on, 27, 164– 65 early church, 101 movie industry regulation and, 27 papal regulation of sex-themed visual as regulated re- presentation, 163– 64 imagery, 101– 3 See also specific films Renaissance and regulation by, 106, sex-themed speech 110–13 in Amuq Valley, 45 sex- themed visual imagery and, in First Amendment on, 11, 17– 18, 27, 156, Mexico,119– 21 190 on sexual capitalism, 153– 54 intellectual property law and, 224 Roman Empire on Internet, 214–15 under Caligula, 3 of public employees, 214– 15 decline of, 2– 3 Puritanism, American exceptionalism, fall of, 101– 3, 110–11 and regulation of, 157– 59 sex- themed art in, 108– 10 regulation of, 157– 60 See also Greco- Roman Empire sexual capitalism and, 177 Rosen v. United States,162– 63 sex- themed visual graphics, 44–45, Roth v. United States,166– 67 267–68 314 INDEX sex- themed visual imagery sexual capitalism and, 179– 81 in ancient Ethiopian national narrative, in United States, 24, 153–54, 179– 81 49–50 women, pornography, and politics, in ancient Near East, 1, 4, 37– 50 105–7, 241–42, 244–46, 249–50 in archeological artwork, 8–9 sexual violence, 23 in China, 64– 68 on Internet, 247– 49 Council of Trent and, 116–19, 121– 22 in Japan, 71 culture relating to, 25 regulation of, 247–49 history of, 4, 8 Shahnama (Firdawsi), 138– 39, 140 international law and, in Japan, 71– 72 Sheba (queen of), 49 in Mexico, 119– 21 shunga art, 69– 71 papal regulation of, 101– 3 Sigurðardóttir, Jóhanna, 23 philosophies of love and, 30–32 sin, 61 Playboy and mainstreaming of, 185–88 Adam and Eve and, 94, 113 popular, during Renaissance, 122– 24 diffusion of, 94– 97 as regulated representation, 27– 28, 64– 65 guilt and, 93 in Safavids of Persia, 137– 41 Sinful Cities of the Western World (de in Saudi Arabia, 133 Leeuw), 3 sexual capitalism and law on, 188– 89 Smith v. California, 167– 68, 188 in Turkish Republic, 148–50 Solomon (king), 49, 50, 91– 92, 113 as universal, 77 “Spirit of Justice,” 87– 88 sexting, 19 Stag Party, 181 in Iceland, 24 Staller, Ilona, 105– 6, 107 regulation of, 277–79 statutory and case law, 262– 63 sexual capitalism, 13 St. Augustine, 94– 95 Freud, Marcuse, repression, and, 178– 79 St. Basil the Great, 101 government workers and, 212–13 Steinem, Gloria, 184– 85 in Iceland, 23 St. Paul, 98– 99 on Internet, 189, 231–32 Streicher, Herbert, 205 in Japan, 69 Sumerians, 4– 6 military officers and, 210– 12 Super Bowl, 235– 36 objectification of women and, 184– 85, symbolic speech, 191–92 242–44 symbolic territorialities, 29 Penthouse Magazine and, 171 Playboy and, 181– 88 Taoism, 65 politics and, 207– 8 Tao of Seduction, The (Yi), 66 Roman Catholic Church on, 153– 54 teachers, 209, 215 sex- themed speech and, 177 Telecommunications Act, 189 sex- themed visual imagery and law in, terminology, 8– 13, 53– 54 188–89 territorial logics, 29 sexual liberation and, 181–83 terrorism, 133– 34 sexual revolution and, 179– 81 theoretical perspectives in United States, 17, 171, 176–81 deterritorialization as, 29– 30 sexual liberation diffusion-of- innovation theory, 28–29 Playboy and, 181– 83 reterritorialization, 30 repression and, 178– 79 sex- themed visual imagery, as regulated sexual capitalism and, 181–83 representation, 27– 28, 64– 65 sexual revolution, 18 sex- themed visual imagery and antiwar movement and, 179– 80 contrasting philosophies of love, Deep Throat cases and, 200– 201 30–32 INDEX 315

visual communication, as regulated re- in Marks v. United States, 11, 202– 5 presentation,2 5–27 in Miller v. California, 11, 27, 169– 72, Thoreson v. Penthouse International, 189, 265 242–44 Mutual Film Corp. v. Industrial Tiberius (emperor), 3 Commission of Ohio and, 164 Torah, 48– 49, 91 on obscenity, 160–62, 166– 69, 180– 81, triple taboo, 2 238–40 Tuchman, Barbara, 3 by Presidential Commission on Turkish Constitution, 1– 2 Obscenity and Pornography, Turkish Criminal Code, 149 239–40 Turkish Republic, 145, 148– 50 Puritanism, American exceptionalism, and regulation of sex- themed Uganda, 280– 82 speech, 157– 59 Ulysses (Joyce), 165– 66 Regina v. Hicklin and, 159– 63 UN Convention on the Rights of the Rosen v. United States and, 162– 63 Child, 28, 72 in Roth v. United States, 166– 67 Underwood, Doug, 156– 57 sex- themed film, as regulated re- United States presentation, 163– 64 AFAA in, 181– 82 of sex- themed speech, 157– 60 American Communications Decency Smith v. California and, 167–68, Act, 85 188 Canadian regulation compared to, See also First Amendment 19 United States v. 12 200- ft. Reels of Super Code of Hammurabi and, 38– 39 8MM Film, 170– 71 First Amendment negative rights regime United States v. Alkhabaz, 248– 49 in,23 7–38 United States v. Battista, 205 Great Hall in, 87– 88 United States v. DeFalco, 206– 7 Hollywood pornography, 27 United States v. Matthews, 266 New England, 157– 59 United States v. One Book Called “Ulysses,” Postal Service, 161– 62 165–66 sexual capitalism in, 17, 171, 176– 81 United States v. Peraino, 205– 6 sexual revolution in, 24, 153– 54, United States v. Playboy Entertainment 179–81 Group, 185– 86 United States regulation, 89, 155– 56 United States v. Thirty- Seven Photographs, American case law, on child 169–70 pornography,2 65–66 Uruk Vase Caligula and, 171– 73 as first sex- themed representation, on child pornography, 262– 72 35–37 Comstock Act and United States v. One goddesses in, 37 Book Called “Ulysses,”165– 66 as memory object, 42– 44 contemporary pornography standards in,16 9–71 Valentine’s Day, 77 Deep Throat and, 199– 207 Valou, Denis, 26 Deep Throat cases and, 200– 207 Vasari, Giorgio, 115– 16 by federal pornography commissions, veil, 1, 40, 44 207–8, 238 –40 Venus de Milo, 58, 89, 179 Hollywood’s Motion Picture Production Victorian era Code and, 27, 164–65 British Empire in, 83– 84 Judeo- Christian sexual morality, India in, 83– 84 diffusion, and, 156– 57 morality in, 89– 90 316 INDEX visual communication, 25– 27 pornography, as discrimination against, Vivid Entertainment, LLC v. Fielding, 254–55 191–92 primordial mother, 44

Welles, Terri, 225– 26 XBiz Awards, 175– 76 White Slave Traffic Act, 180 X- Rated Critics Organization (XRCO), 176 Williams, Vanessa, 219 women Yakuza, 74 lesbians, 51 Yi, Lin, 66 objectification,1 84–85, 242–44 Yokohama World Congress against Sexual politics, pornography, and, 105–7, Exploitation of Children, 72 241–42, 24 4–46, 249– 50 Yuuji, Suwa, 73