Sanskar Gurukul Weekly Update

Class Name: Narada Week# 09: December 2 nd , 2012

General Assembly

We started the GA with three Omkars and the starting prayer. Sathya auntie talked about the season of giving, and how we should think about not just asking for presents for ourselves, but to think about how we can donate things to others. The children talked about some of the things they had done for Thanksgiving like participating in Book Drives, Coat Drives, donating toys, and writing cards. Sathya auntie encouraged the kids to continue this for the month of December.

We sang the aarti, ‘Om Jay Jagdish Hare’.

Smita auntie led the session of riddles.


We started the class with chanting the first 7 verses of the Gurustotram. We chanted all the daily prayers, and the Gayatri Mantra.

We continued with the story of King Parikshit and Sage Shringi’s curse. King Parikshit delegated all his royal duties and went to the banks of River to pray and meditate for the last 7 days of his life. According to Sage Shringi’s curse, King Parikshit would die of a snake bite as a punishment for putting a dead snake around Sage Shamika’s neck. Various saints and sages came to meet King Parikshit to bless him and pray with him. Finally Sage Shukadev, who was the son of Sage , came. King Parikshit asked the great learned sage to tell him how he would find peace. Sage Shukadeva then narrated all the stories devotion to Lord – these are the stories that are contained in the Bhagvata Purana.

Meanwhile, when Sage Shamika awoke from his meditation, he was very angry to learn that his son had cursed King Parikshit. He told Shringi that what he did was worse than the actions of King Parikshit. He quoted that, “One wrong cannot be made right by doing another wrong”.

We ended the class by chanting all closing prayers.


Practice chanting the Chalisa without looking in your book.

Sanskar Academy 1

Sanskar Gurukul Weekly Update


• We have our General Assembly in the mini hall. Parents are highly encouraged to attend. • Please be on time to drop off and pick up the kids. Our session time is 10:55am-12:30pm. • If your child is going to be absent, please fill out the online absence form in advance. The absence request form can be accessed after signing in at: • If you have any questions or concerns, please send us an email at: [email protected]

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