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The Sequence.

Integration Igniting Child’s Pose Locust Downward Facing Bow Dog Camel Ragdoll Wheel Awakening Reclined Butterfly Sun Salutation A Happy Baby Sun Salutation B Stability Vitality Scissor Legs Crescent 60/30 Lift Crescent Twist Bicycles Chair Twist Boat Big Toe Bind Palm Bind Opening Crow Half Pigeon Deep Double Pigeon Frog Equanimity Eagle Rejuvenation Standing Seated Tree Airplane Seated Forward Fold Half Moon Reverse Table Top Standing Splits Fish Dancer Tree Deep Rest Legs Up the Wall Grounding Supine Twist Triangle Savasana Wide Leg Forward Fold

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Sun Salutations.

Sun Salutation A Sun Salutation B Rise Up Rise Up Forward Fold Chair Pose Halfway Lift Forward Fold Chatturanga Halfway Lift Upward Facing Dog Chatturanga Downward Facing Dog Upward Facing Dog Downward Facing Dog Warrior 1, Right Side Chatturanga Upward Facing Dog Downward Facing Dog Warrior 1, Left Side Chatturanga Upward Facing Dog Downward Facing Dog

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Child’s Pose

• Big toes together to touch • Knees wide • Forehead to the floor or a block

Downward Facing Dog Adho Mukha Shvanasana

• Palms flat, shoulder width apart • Hips high and back • Press heels toward the floor

Ragdoll Baddha Hasta

• Feet hip-width distance apart • Soften the knees • Grab opposite elbows

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Rise Up Urdhva Hastasana

• Big toe ball mounds together • 1 inch between heels • Reach hands up

Forward Fold Uttanasana

• Press heels down • Drop head and chest towards toes

Halfway Lift Ardha Uttanasana

• Hips press back • Lengthen chest forward • Shoulders lift up

Chatturanga Chaturanga

• Activate legs and core • Shift forward, press finger tips • Set gaze slightly forward

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• Toes light, weight into your heels • Hips low and back • Reach hands up

Warrior 1 I

• Both heels press down • Back toes at 45 degrees • Square your chest forward, arms high

Warrior 2 Virabhadrasana II

• Back toes at 90 degress • Hips square to the side • Arms wide

Reverse Warrior Viparita Virabhadrasana

• Warrior 2 legs • Reach front arm up and back • Look up

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Crescent Lunge

• Back heel high • Square hips and chest forward • Hands high, palms facing

Crescent Twist Parivrtta Anjaneyasana

• Legs stay in Crescent Lunge • Palms press at heart center • Bottom elbow to the front thigh

Chair Twist Parivrtta Utkatasana

• Big toe ball mounds together • Hips square forward • Hands at heart center, elbows wide

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Vitality Continued.

Big Toe Bind Padangusthasana

• Feet hip width distance or more • Soft bend in the knees • Peace fingers wrap around big toes

Palm Bind Padahastasana

• Feet at least as wide as hips • Soft bend in the knees • Palms of hands to the bottoms of feet

Crow / Deep Squat /

• Knees on • Chest long and lifted • Lift the pit of the belly to the spine

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• Forearms wrap • Thighs press together • Lift spine up

Standing Leg Raise Utthita Hasta Padangusthasa- na • Rotate lifted inner thigh up • Hug outer hips in • Ground through the standing foot

Airplane Dekasana

• Chest forward, shoulders lift up • Flex the flying foot • Press flying heel long

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Equanimity Continued.

Half Moon • Standing foot at 12 o’clock • Stack hip over hip • Flex and lift the flying foot

Standing Splits Urdhva Prasarita Eka Padasana

• Square hips to front of the mat • Lift flying inner thigh • Draw chest towards standing leg

Dancer • Square hips and chest • Lengthen chest forward • Press flying shin away and up

Tree Vrksasana

• Press foot to standing innner thigh • Tuck tailbone towards the floor

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Triangle Utthita

• Back foot at 90 degrees • Pull inner thighs in • Lift chest and face up

Wide Leg Forward Fold I

• Hips high • Head and chest low • Hands to the floor, block or ankles

Pyramid Parsvottanasana

• Toes forward • 1-3 feet between heels • Hands to the floor or blocks

Twisting Triangle Parivrtta Trikonasana

• Pyramid pose legs • Bottom hand to floor or block • Twist towards front leg

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• Lift inner thighs up • Pull chest forward, then up • Shoulders lift up


• Knees hip width distance • Sqeeze shoulder blades • Hands at outer ankles


• Knees hip width distance • Engage the front core • Lift chest up first, then back

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Igniting Continued.

Bridge Setu Bandha

• Legs hip width distance apart • Lift chest and hips up • Hands together, press into floor

Wheel Urdhva Dhanurasana

• Legs hip width distance apart • Fingers towards heels • Look back or to the floor

Reclined Butterfly Supta

• Feet together • Knees wide • Hands on heart and belly

Happy Baby Ananda Balasana

• Knees wide, toward the floor • Grab outer edge of feet • Tailbone long

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Scissor Legs • Press low core into spine • Flex feet • Alternate legs high and low

60/30 Lift Dwi Pada Uttanapadasan

• Flex feet, sqeeze legs together • Hold legs at 90°, 60°, 30° and 1 inch off the floor

Bicycle Dwichakrikasan

• Hands behind head, elbows wide • Engage core • Flex feet


• Legs together and lifted • Flex feet • Lift chest up

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Half Pigeon Agnistambhasana

• Front knee bent at 90° or more • Square hips • Forehead to the floor or a block

Double Pigeon Dwapada Rajakapotasana

• Top knee over ankle and top ankle over knee • Tall chest or lean forward


• Knees and hips in one line • Knees bend at 90° • Toes turn out

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Seated Tree Janu Sirsasana

• Bent leg foot to inner thigh • Lean chest towards straight leg

Seated Forward Fold

• Legs together and straigt • Lean chest towards legs

Reverse Table Top Ardha Purvottanasana

• Feet hip width distance apart • Lift hips up


• Open upper spine • Hips and legs rest on mat • Shoulders wide, open chest

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Deep Rest.

Legs Up the Wall

• Legs high • Block or hands under sit bones

Supine Twist Supta

• Both shoulders on the mat • Twist legs to one side

Corpse Savasana

• Full relaxation • Arms and legs heavy and wide • Eyes closed or softened