United Nations Development Programme

Programme of Assistance to the Palestinian People

ﺑﺭﻧﺎﻣﺞ ﺍﻻﻣﻡ ﺍﻟﻣﺗﺣﺩﺓ ﺍﻻﻧﻣﺎﺋﻲ/ ﺑﺭﻧﺎﻣﺞ ﻣﺳﺎﻋﺩﺓ ﺍﻟﺷﻌﺏ ﺍﻟﻔﻠﺳﻁﻳﻧﻲ


Addendum No. 2

Clarification No. 1 of Solicitation Documents [7 August 2014]

ITB-2014-229: Procurement and Supply of English Titles/Books Issue Date: 18 July 2014 Original Close Date: 04 August 2014 @ 3:00 p.m. ( Time) 1st Extended Close Date: 14 August 2014 @ 3:00 p.m. (Jerusalem Time) 2nd Extended Close Date: 28 August 2014 @ 2:00 p.m. (Jerusalem Time)

I) UNDP at its own discretion is amending the solicitation document as follows:

1) Partial bidding is allowed and lots arrangement is cancelled. Price Schedule Form, Section 7, has been amended and herein replaced by a revised version, attached to this addendum. Interested bidders are therefore required to duly fill-in/ price and submit the revised version “SECTION 7 AMENDED – LIST OF BOOKS” along with their bid. In case any bidder uses and submits a different version of the table, this shall cause UNDP to reject its bid as non- responsive. In case both versions of the table are submitted by the bidder, then UNDP reserves the right to consider only the revised version of the table when evaluating its bid as per Addendum No 1.

2) Bidders are notU U allowed to quote less than 25% of the items in the revised list “SECTION 7 AMENDED – LIST OF BOOKS.”

3) Bidders are allowed to quote used books in Very Good Condition. Hence, Bidders must submit prices in two tables; the first table for publications that are new; the second table for publications that are used in VG condition for separate evaluation.

4) Evaluation Panel will follow the below procedure in evaluating bids:

a. Consider all bids for preliminary evaluation (Pass/Fail Criteria) to check percentage of quoted items. UNDP will reject all bids that quote for less than 25% of the total list of items. Evaluation Panel will consider the remaining bidders Responsive to tender requirement.

b. Check compliance with the Criteria for the Award and Evaluation of Bid (F.34), under Bid Data Sheet page 20 of 36. To assist us in the evaluation, please include a summary page or check list to show that your company complies with each criterion and clarify

Page 1 of 5 Revised 2012

United Nations Development Programme

Programme of Assistance to the Palestinian People

ﺑﺭﻧﺎﻣﺞ ﺍﻻﻣﻡ ﺍﻟﻣﺗﺣﺩﺓ ﺍﻻﻧﻣﺎﺋﻲ/ ﺑﺭﻧﺎﻣﺞ ﻣﺳﺎﻋﺩﺓ ﺍﻟﺷﻌﺏ ﺍﻟﻔﻠﺳﻁﻳﻧﻲ


if supporting documents are included. Evaluation Panel will consider the remaining bidders Technically Qualified for financial offers evaluation.

c. Identify first lowest cost bid per line item. Compare lead time. UNDP has the right to accept or reject any bid, to render any or all of the Bids as non-responsive, and to reject all Bids at any time prior to award of contract, without incurring any liability, or obligation to inform the affected Bidder(s) of the grounds for UNDP’s action. Furthermore, UNDP is not obligated to award the contract to the first lowest cost bid.

d. Issue multiple purchase orders.

II) Some prospective Bidders have required in writing clarifications of the Solicitation Documents. Follow are UNDP responses to the said queries that have been received:

QUESTION No. 1: Some books are found with different details with what you provided; mainly edition information. Does that make any problem? REPLY No. 1: Please use the revised list of books which includes the ISBN. Publications with newer editions are acceptable.

QUESTION No. 2: Some books were not found what to do ? REPLY No. 2: We encourage bidders to quote as much publications as possible.

QUESTION No. 3: How much is the quantity required for each item; is it only 1 for all ? REPLY No. 3: We need one copy from each publication.

QUESTION No. 4: We would want to quote Air Freight for this tender via Tel Aviv Airport for UNDP. We understand the Airport in East Jerusalem is now closed. Can you please advise on this delivery issue? REPLY No. 4: The closure of the airport was temporary.

QUESTION No. 5: The Tender Data Sheet does not indicate the number of copies of each title (Book). Can you kindly advice the number of copies required? REPLY No. 5: Please see reply No. 3

QUESTION No. 6: For some of the books the Publish Dates do not match to the books available in the market. REPLY No. 6: The office will accept books with different publish dates if original information was found to be incorrect.

QUESTION No. 7: In the list you provided there are same books requested twice – Please clarify, the requirement is for two books or only one book. REPLY No. 7: Some books are mistakenly requested twice; this is to confirm that the requirement is for one copy only.

Page 2 of 5 Revised 2012

United Nations Development Programme

Programme of Assistance to the Palestinian People

ﺑﺭﻧﺎﻣﺞ ﺍﻻﻣﻡ ﺍﻟﻣﺗﺣﺩﺓ ﺍﻻﻧﻣﺎﺋﻲ/ ﺑﺭﻧﺎﻣﺞ ﻣﺳﺎﻋﺩﺓ ﺍﻟﺷﻌﺏ ﺍﻟﻔﻠﺳﻁﻳﻧﻲ


QUESTION No. 8: Some books publications dates are very old and they are out of print and only used books are available in the market - Will you accept old books? REPLY No. 8: We accept used books in Very Good (VG) condition, for books that are very old and out of print. “(VG) describes a book that is worn but untorn… this is the minimum acceptable condition… Any defects must be noted.”

These books shall be quoted in a separateU list for separate evaluation.U

QUESTION No. 9: Some books are totally not available in the market. REPLY No. 9: We encourage bidders to quote as much items as possible but not less than 25% of the items, where partial bidding is allowed. Please consider/use the new list of books.

QUESTION No. 10: Some books are having incorrect author names. REPLY No. 10: Please see the modified list of publications with correct information to include the ISBN codes for most books.

QUESTION No. 11: Some of the books are old and are out of print, so no longer available. REPLY No. 11: Please see reply No. 8

QUESTION No. 12: Which airport the books would be sent to as the airport in east Jerusalem we believe is closed; would the delivery be to Tel Aviv Airport? REPLY No. 12: Crossing borders are temporarily closed.

QUESTION No. 13: The available books could be delivered to the Airport say within 30-45 days. REPLY No. 13: Delivery duration shall be made within (4) weeks; Different delivery schedule must be clarified in the submission. Priority may be given to the shortest lead time.

QUESTION No. 14: Many books are out of print, Hard to find or rare books that takes time to allocate. REPLY No. 14: Please see reply No. 9

QUESTION No. 15: Please allow electronic bidding to save time, or extend the deadline. REPLY No. 15: Electronic submission is not allowed; the deadline for submission of bids in closed envelopes have been extended.

QUESTION No. 16: (4) weeks delivery is not practical ; this should be (8) weeks. REPLY No. 16: Please see reply No. 13

QUESTION No. 17: Please provide the ISBN codes against each book in the list to ensure there is no deviation in the request and supplied items. REPLY No. 17: Please see reply No. 10

Page 3 of 5 Revised 2012

United Nations Development Programme

Programme of Assistance to the Palestinian People

ﺑﺭﻧﺎﻣﺞ ﺍﻻﻣﻡ ﺍﻟﻣﺗﺣﺩﺓ ﺍﻻﻧﻣﺎﺋﻲ/ ﺑﺭﻧﺎﻣﺞ ﻣﺳﺎﻋﺩﺓ ﺍﻟﺷﻌﺏ ﺍﻟﻔﻠﺳﻁﻳﻧﻲ


QUESTION No. 18: All books are not available in the market; some books are out of print, some books are temporarily not available, some of the books available are USED books and some available in different countries. Please advise what to do? REPLY No. 18: Please see replies No. 9 & 10

QUESTION No. 19: Due the current political situation , some air flights have stopped their flights to , hence our postal route has stopped. I recommend electronic submission which is a common practice for UNDP and its use now is Ideal and Practical. REPLY No. 19: Please see reply No. 15

QUESTION No. 20: The list of the required Titles clearly shows about 90 titles dated back to 1634,1829,1904 till the eighty’s of the last century, such old books consider Antiquary and rare books. Those books by definition cannot be NEW, but you can only ask to be supplied (if found )in GOOD condition REPLY No. 20: Please see reply No. 8

QUESTION No. 21: The period of four (4) calendar weeks is not practical delivery period for this old, hard to find, rare and antiquary books. REPLY No. 21: Please see reply No. 13

QUESTION No. 22: While the schedule of requirement describes all material as books, there are old Map and photos such items #321 and # 582 REPLY No. 22: Schedule of requirement includes different kinds of publications while majority are books.

QUESTION No. 23: Many lots contains few old books that is not available in the market at the moment and no one can estimate when it will be available, such items will prevent many bidders from quoting the other items available in the lot , since it is stated in 5 C.20 “Each quoted lot must be complete as partial bidding within the same lot is not allowable. “ I am requesting to allow partial bidding in all lots. REPLY No. 23: Partial bidding is allowed and the arrangement of lots is cancelled. Please find attached the new list of publications.

QUESTION No. 24: Can you allow partial delivery with partial payment, so I can deliver what is available till allocating the rare books , otherwise the whole process will stop awaiting rare books that may or may not show up in the market. REPLY No. 24: Partial delivery with partial payment is allowable where payment requests are no less than USD 2,500

QUESTION No. 25: Please allow electronic submission and extend the delivery period to eight (8) calendar weeks. REPLY No. 25: Please see reply No. 13 & 15

Page 4 of 5 Revised 2012

ITB-2014-229 SECTION 7 AMENDED – LIST OF BOOKS [7 August 2014]

No Title Author Publisher ISBN Date Unit Price (USD) 1 Digging up Jerusalem Kenyon, Kathleen M. New York : praeger 275466008 1974 2 The production of space Lefebvre, Henri Oxford, Blackwell 631140484 1991

Below the in Jerusalem: a Shimon Gibson, David M. 3 sourcebook on the cisterns, subterranean Tempus Reparatum 860548201 1996 Jacobson chambers and conduits of the Haram al-Sharif

Kingdoms of Christian Arabs : equalitarian and 4 J. Spencer Trimingham Jerusalem : No Publisher 1450706835 1978 democatic society The Lemon Tree: An Arab, a Jew, and the 5 Sandy Tolan Highbridge 1565119886 2006 Heart of the Middle East 6 Civilizations of the Ancient Near East Jack M. Sasson Hendrickson Publishers 1565636074 2000 Transformations in ancient Judaism : textual Peabody, Mass. : 7 Jacob Neusner 1565637054 2004 evidence for creative responses to crisis Hendrickson 8 Against the wall : Israel's barrier to peace Sorkin, Michael New York : New Press 1565849647 2005 Grandmother's Secrets: The Ancient Rituals 9 Rosina-Fawzia Al-Rawi New York : Interlink Books 1566563267 1999 and Healing Power of Belly Dancing

Sahar Khalifeh, Elizabeth Northampton : Interlink 10 Wild Thorns 1566563364 2003 Fernea books 11 The secret life of saeed : the pessoptimist Emile Habiby Brooklyn : Interlink books 1566564158 2002 My Jerusalem : essays, reminiscences, and 12 Salma Khadra Jayyusi Olive Branch Press 1566565499 2005 poems The Book Of Wisdom: Proverbs & 13 Hussain Mohammed Mass 1566565820 2005 Anecdotes Salt Lake City : Deseret 14 Jerusalem: The Eternal City David B. Galbraith, ‎. K. 1573450529 1996 Book Company Symbiosis, symbolism, and the power of the past : Canaan, ancient Israel, and their William G. Dever and Winona Lake, Ind. : 15 1575060817 2003 neighbors from the Late Bronze Age through Seymour Gitin Eisenbrauns Roman Palaestina

16 The Next Jerusalem : sharing the divided city Sorkin, Michael New York : Monacelli press 1580931006 2002

New York : Seven stories 17 Urban Injustice: How Ghettos Happen Hilfiker, David 1583226079 2003 press Strangers in the house : coming of age in South Royalton, VT: 18 Raja Shehadeh 1586420321 2002 occupied Palestine Steerforth Press There Goes the Hood: Views of Gentrification Philadelphia : Temple 19 Freeman, Lance 1592134378 2006 from the Ground university press Palestine/Israel : peace or apartheid : 20 Marwan Bishara New York : Zed Books 1842772724 2002 occupation, terrorism, and the future Jerusalem Syndrome: The Palestinian-Israeli sussex academic press / 21 Mosheh Amirav 1845193474 2009 Battle for the Holy City England Jerusalem ceramic chronology : circa 200- 22 Jodi Magness Sheffield : JSOT Press 1850754136 1993 800 CE Volkmar Fritz and Philip 23 The Origins of the ancient Israelite states Sheffield Academic Press 1850756295 1996 R. Davies Our Sacred Land: Voices of the Palestine- 24 Kenize Mourad Oneworld Publications 1851683577 2005 Israeli Conflict 25 The ethnic cleansing of Palestine Ilan Pappe Oxford : Oneworld 1851684670 2006 New York : Distributed in 26 Nebuchadnezzar : scourge of Zion Mark Healy, Richard Hook the United States by 1853140090 1989 Sterling Pub. Co. A civilian occupation : the politics of Israeli 27 Rafi Segal, Eyal Weizman verso 1859845495 2003 architecture 28 In search of Fatima : a Palestinian story Ghada Karmi verso 1859846947 2002 29 Oil politics : a modern history of petroleum Francisco Parra London : I. B. Tauris 1860649777 2004

Local code : the construction of a city at 42 New York : Princeton 30 Sorkin, Michael 1878271792 1993 degrees north latitude architectural press Where Christianity was born : a collection from Biblical Archaeology 31 Hershel Shanks 1880317850 2006 the Biblical Archaeology Society Society Ottoman Jerusalem : the living city, 1517-1917 Auld, S. and Hillenbarnd, London :Altair world of 32 1901435032 2000 (2 Volumes) R. Islam trust ylvia Auld and Robert 33 Ottoman Jerusalem : the living city, 1517-1917 Altajir World of Islam Trust 1901435032 2000 Hillenbrand ; A history of pottery and potters in ancient 34 Jerusalem : excavations by K.M. Kenyon in H.J. Franken London ; Oakville 1904768687 2005 Jerusalem, 1961-1967 The royal dynasties in ancient Israel : a study 35 on the formation and development of royal- Tomoo Ishida New York : W. De Gruyter 3110065193 1977 dynastic ideology Plots of epiphany: prison- 36 John B. Weaver New York : W. de Gruyter 3110182661 2004 escape in Acts of the Apostles 2000: A Guide to Bethlehem and Sawsan Shomali, Germany : Werner and 37 3980269086 1997 Its Surroundings Qustandi Shomali wagner Mosaic pavements in Israel : hellenistic, Ovadiah, Asher and 38 Roma : L'ermadi 8870626008 1987 Roman, and early Byzantine Ovadiah, Ruth 39 Ancient Judaism in its Hellenistic context Carol Bakhos Leiden ; Boston 9004138714 2005 Touching the stones of our heritage : the Heritage 40 Dan Bahat 9650512071 2002 Western Wall tunnels Foundation The Armenian ceramics of Jerusalem : three Tel Aviv : Eretz Israel 41 Nurith Kenaan - Kedar 9652172170 2003 generations, 1919-2003 Museum Jerusalem. Year- 42 edited by A.M. Luncz Jerusalem : Carta 9652200506 1982 book for the diffusion of an accurate 43 Ancient Jerusalem revealed Hillel Geva Israel Exploration Society 9652210412 2000

Signature of Bidder Page 1 of 12 ITB-2014-229 SECTION 7 AMENDED – LIST OF BOOKS [7 August 2014]

No Title Author Publisher ISBN Date Unit Price (USD) Studies in Arabic versions of Greek texts and in Magnes Press, Hebrew 44 Shlomo Pines 9652236268 1986 mediaeval Science University 45 Labor, crafts, and commerce in ancient Israel Moshe Aberbach Hebrew University 9652238600 1994

46 Perfumes and cosmetics in the ancient world Mikhal Dayagi-Mendeles Israel Museum 9652780588 1989

Ronny Reich, Gideon Avni, Tamar Winter ; 47 The Jerusalem Archaeological Park Israel Antiquities Authority 9654060396 1999 [translation from the Hebrew, David Lubisch]

Discovering the : a journey to the 48 Ahron Horovitz Megalim 9657485045 2010 source 49 Men in the Sun: And Other Palestinian Stories Cairo : American University 9774242610 1991

In the Shadow of the Temple: The Discovery of Meir Ben-Dov, Ina 50 Harpercollins 9780060153625 1985 Ancient Jerusalem Friedman 51 Jerusalem Yotam Ottolenghi London : Ebury Press 9780091943745 2012 The New Encyclopedia of Archaeological Israel Exploration Society & 52 Ephraim Stern 9780132762885 1993 Excavations in the Holy Land Carta The Israel-Arab Reader: A Documentary 53 Walter Laqueur Penguin Books 9780143113799 2008 History of the Middle East Conflict, 7th Edition

54 Waiting for the barbarians J. M. Coetzee New York : Penguin books 9780143116929 2010 The Oxford Encyclopedia of Archaeology in American Schools of 55 Oxford University Press 9780195065123 1997 the Near East 5Vols Oriental Research 56 Biblical Archaeology:a very short introduction Eric H. Cline Oxford 9780195342635 2009

Naked city : the death and life of authentic Oxford : Oxford university 57 Zukin, Sharon 9780195382853 2010 urban places press Oxford : Oxford university 58 Beliefs, Questions, and Issues Christopher J. H. Wright 9780199148400 2012 press The Oxford Handbook of Jewish Daily Life in R 59 Catherine Hezser Oxford University Press 9780199216437 2010 oman Palestine Jerome Murphy- 60 Keys to Jerusalem: Collected Essays Oxford University Press 9780199642021 2012 O'Connor New York : Oxford 61 The Modern Middle East : a history James L. Gelvin 9780199766055 2011 university press Reading the Book of Isaiah : 62 Randall Heskett Palgrave Macmillan 9780230116856 2011 destruction and lament in the holy cities The Holocaust Is Over : We Must Rise From It's 63 Avraham Burg New York : Palgrave 9780230607521 2011 Ashes 64 A Zionist among Hillel Bardin Indiana University Press 9780253002112 2012 The Ancient Synagogue: The First Thousand 65 Lee I. Levine Yale University Press 9780300106282 2005 Years / 2nd ed. Divided Jerusalem : the struggle for the Holy New Haven : Yale 66 Wasserstein, Bernard 9780300137637 2008 City university press 67 Jerusalem : the biography Simon Sebag Montefiore New York : Alfred A knopf 9780307266514 2011 The Great Inversion and the Future of the 68 Ehrenhalt, Alan New York : Knopf 9780307272744 2012 American City I Am Malala : the girl who stood up for New York : Little brownand 69 Malala Yousafzai 9780316322409 2013 education and was shot by the Taliban company Jerusalem : One City, Three Faiths. New York 70 Armstrong, K. Ballantine books 9780345391681 2005 USA 71 Leo the African Amin Maalouf London : Abacus 9780349106007 2010 72 No more sweet surrender Caitlin Crews Harlequin Books 9780373131242 2013 73 If I Were Another: Poems Mahmoud Darwish Farrar, Straus and Giroux 9780374174293 2009 74 Once upon a country : a Palestinian life Sari Nusseibeh Farrar, Straus and Giroux 9780374299507 2007 On late style music and literature against the 75 Edward W. Said New York : Pantheon books 9780375421051 2007 grain Bantam Doubleday Dell 76 The Anchor Bible Dictionary/ 6Vols David Noel Freedman 9780385425834 1992 Publishing Group The Middle Sea : a history of the Mediterranea 77 John J. Norwich Doubleday; 1ST 9780385510233 2006 n A line in the sand : the Anglo-French struggle for 78 James Barr W.W. Norton & Co 9780393070651 2012 the Middle East City of oranges : an intimate history of Arabs 79 Adam Lebor Bloomsbury 9780393329841 2007 and Jews in Jaffa Crusader archaeology : the material culture of 80 Adrian J. Boas Routledge 9780415173612 1999 the Latin east Archaeology of the Military Orders: A Survey of the Urban Centres, Rural Settlements and 81 Adrian J. Boas Routledge 9780415299800 2006 Castles of the Military Orders in the Latin East (C.1120-1291) Tamar Mayer and 82 Jerusalem, Idea and reality routledge 9780415421287 2008 Suleiman Ali Mourad Wendy Pullan, 83 The struggle for Jerusalem’s holy places Routledge 9780415505352 2013 Maximilian Sternberg International law and the Israeli-Palestinian 84 Susan M. Akram ... [et al.] routledge 9780415573221 2011 conflict Cities for people, Not for profit : Critical Urban London, New York : 85 Brenner, Neil 9780415601771 2012 theory and the right to the city Routledge Palestinian Christians in Israel : state attitudes 86 Una McGahern routledge 9780415605717 2011 towards non-Muslims in a Jewish state

Signature of Bidder Page 2 of 12 ITB-2014-229 SECTION 7 AMENDED – LIST OF BOOKS [7 August 2014]

No Title Author Publisher ISBN Date Unit Price (USD) The Routledge handbook on the Israeli- Joel Peters and David 87 routledge 9780415778626 2013 Palestinian conflict Newman Key Beliefs, Ultimate Questions and Life Issues 88 David Worden Heinemann 9780435306991 2003 : GCSE Religious Studies for AQA 89 Second life of dummies Sarah Robbins Hoboken, N.J : Wiley 9780470180259 2008 Jerusalem besieged : from ancient Canaan to University of Michigan 90 Eric H. Cline 9780472031207 2004 modern Israel Press What has Athens to do with Jerusalem? : 91 Jaroslav Pelikan University of Michigan Press 9780472108077 1997 Timaeus and Genesis in counterpoint Son of cypresses : memories, reflections, and 92 Meron Benvenisti University of California 9780520238251 2007 regrets from a political life Mountain against the sea : essays on University of California 93 Salim Tamari 9780520251298 2009 Palestinian society and culture Press Berkeley : University of 94 Israel's Occupation Neve Gordon 9780520255302 2008 California press Year of the locust : a soldier’s diary and the University of California 95 Salim Tamari 9780520259553 2011 erasure of Palestine’s Ottoman past Press Art and Judaism in the Greco-Roman World: 96 Steven Fine Cambridge University Press 9780521145671 2010 Toward a New Jewish Archaeology 97 The statehood of Palestine : international John Quigley Cambridge 9780521151658 2007 Remembering Palestine in 1948 : beyond 98 Efrat Ben-Ze'ev cambridge 9780521194471 2011 national narratives The Cambridge Encyclopedia of The World’s A 99 Roger D. Woodard Cambridge University Press 9780521562560 2004 ncient Languages Law, violence and sovereignty among West 100 Tobias Kelly Cambridge University Press 9780521687478 2009 Bank Palestinians Protecting Jerusalem’s holy sites : a strategy 101 David E. Guinn Cambridge University Press 9780521866620 2009 for negotiating a sacred peace The Israel-Palestine Conflict: One Hundred 102 James L. Gelvin Cambridge University Press 9780521888356 2007 Years of War Role of Ancient Israel ""Written With the Finger of God: A Swedenborgian Perspective 103 William R. Kintner Vantage Press 9780533117406 1996 on the History of the Israelites from Abraham to Jesus Israel’s prophets and Israel’s past : essays on John H. Hayes ; edited by 104 the relationship of prophetic texts and Brad E. Kelle and Megan New York : T & T Clark 9780567026521 2006 Israelite history in honor of John H. Hayes Bishop Moore

Redemption and resistance : the Messianic 105 Markus Bockmuehl New York : T & T Clark 9780567030443 2008 hopes of Jews and Christians in antiquity 106 Jerusalem's heart Bodie Thoene New York : Viking 9780670894871 2002 107 What Is a Palestinian State Worth? Sari Nusseibeh Cambridge : Harvard 9780674059498 2011 Cambridge : Harvard 108 The Rise and Fall of Arab Presidents for Life Roger Owen 9780674065833 2012 university press 109 Jerusalem : An archaeological biography Hershel Shanks Random House 9780679445265 1995 A history of Palestine : from the Ottoman 110 Gudrun Kramer Princeton University Press 9780691118970 2008 conquest to the founding of the state of Israel

428 AD : an ordinary year at the end of the Giusto Traina ; translated 111 Princeton University Press 9780691136691 2009 Roman Empire by Allan Cameron

112 Eyes in Gaza Mads Gilbert London : Quartet 9780704371910 2010 113 Glastonbury : ancient Avalon, New Jerusalem Anthony Roberts rider and Company 9780712653732 1992

The endless city : the urban age project by the 114 London school of economies and deutsche Ricky Burdett, D. S. London : Phaidon Press 9780714859569 2010 Bank's Alfred Herrhausen society

Strange Places : the political potential and 115 Kogl, Alexandra Lantam, Lexington books 9780739114759 2008 perils of everyday spaces Digging through the Bible : understanding bibl ical : Rowman & Littlefield 116 Richard A. Freund 9780742546455 2009 people, places and controversies through arch Publishers aeology Failing peace: Gaza and the Palestinian-Israeli 117 Sara Roy London : Ann Arbor 9780745322353 2007 conflict Partitioning Palestine : legal fundamentalism 118 John Strawson Pluto 9780745323244 2010 in the Palestinian-Israeli conflict 119 On the border Michel Warschawski Pluto Press 9780745323251 2005 From coexistence to conquest : international 120 Victor Kattan Pluto 9780745325781 2009 law and the origins of the Arab-Israeli conflict

Hidden Histories: Palestine And The Eastern 121 Basem L. Ra'ad Pluto Press 9780745328300 2010 Mediterranean My Father Was a Freedom Fighter: Gaza's 122 Ramzy Baroud Pluto Press 9780745328812 2010 Untold Story Palestine in Pieces: Graphic Perspectives on 123 Kathleen Christison London : Pluto press 9780745329307 2009 the Israeli Occupation 124 Leila Khaled : Icon of Palestinian Liberation Sarah Irving London : Pluto press 9780745329529 2012 Palestinians in Israel: Segregation, 125 Ben White London : Pluto press 9780745332291 2012 Discrimination and Democracy Generation Palestine : voices from the 126 Rich Wiles London : Pluto press 9780745332444 2013 boycott, divestment and sanctions movement

Signature of Bidder Page 3 of 12 ITB-2014-229 SECTION 7 AMENDED – LIST OF BOOKS [7 August 2014]

No Title Author Publisher ISBN Date Unit Price (USD) Compensation to palestinian refugees and the 127 Rex Brynen London : Pluto press 9780745333373 2009 search for palestinian-Israeli Peace

On western terrorism : From Hiroshima to Noam Chomsky and 128 London : Pluto press 9780745333878 2013 drone warfare Andre Vltchek Urban Outcasts : a comparative sociology of 129 Wacquant, Loic Only found in amazon.com 9780745631257 2013 advanced marginality Collateral damage : social inequalities in a glob 130 Zygmunt Bauman Polity 9780745652955 2011 al age 131 The Lion Concise Atlas of Bible History Raja Shehadeh Oxford : Lion 9780745955322 2012 132 The Story of the Holy Land : a visual history Peter Walker England : Lior books 9780745955827 2013 Land expropriation in Israel : law, culture, and 133 Yifat Holzman-Gazit Ashgate 9780754625438 2007 society Minneapolis, Minnesota: 134 Return to me Lynn Austin Bethany House, a division 9780764211508 2013 of Baker Publishing Group 135 The Temple Mount code Charles Brokaw Forge Books; Reprint 9780765367136 2012 Minneapolis, Minnesota: 136 A Journey into Christian Art Helen de Borchgrave 9780800632403 2012 Fortress press 137 Jerusalem: a study in urban geograhpy I.W.J. Hopkins Baker Book House 9780801040009 1970 138 I was born there, I was born here Mourid Barghouti Walker & Company 9780802779977 2012 Palestinian Village Histories: Geographies of Stanford : Stanford 139 Rochelle Davis 9780804773126 2011 the Displaced university press The One-state condition : occupation and Stanford, California : 140 Ariella Azoulay 9780804775915 2013 democracy in Israel Stanford university Back Stories: U.S. News Production and California : Stanford 141 Amahl Bishara 9780804781404 2012 Palestinian Politics university press California : Stanford 142 The rise and fall of human rights Lori Allen 9780804784702 2013 university press Citizen Strangers: Palestinians and the Birth of California : Stanford 143 Amahl Bishara 9780804786546 2012 Israel’s Liberal Settler State university press Refugees of the Revolution: Experiences of Stanford : Stanford 144 Diana Allan 9780804788953 2014 Palestinian Exile university press New York : Metropolitan 145 Footnotes in Gaza Joe Sacco 9780805073478 2009 Books 146 A History of Walter Laqueur Schocken 9780805211498 2003 147 Historical Dictionary of Byzantium John H. Rosser Scarecrow Press 9780810875678 2012 University of Pennsylvania 148 Dictionary of the Ancient Near East Piotr Bienkowski 9780812235579 2000 Press Divided Cities: Belfast, Beirut, Jerusalem, Philadelphia : University of 149 Mostar, and Nicosia, The city in the twenty - Calame, Jon 9780812241341 2009 Pennsylvania press first centory The Continuum Jerusalem's Temple Mount: From Solomon to 150 Hershel Shanks International Publishing 9780826428844 2007 the Golden Dome Group Avraham Negev, 151 Archaeological Encyclopedia of the Holy Land New York : Continuum 9780826485717 2005 Shimon Gibson

Occupied Territories: The Revolution of Love Downers Grove Intervarsity 152 Garth Hewitt 9780830836703 2014 from Bethlehem to the Ends of the Earth press 153 Discovering Jerusalem Nahman Avigad Thomas Nelson Publishers 9780840752994 1983 Islam, Orientalism and Intellectual History: 154 Modernity and the Politics of Exclusion since Mohammad R. Salama London : I. B. Tauris 9780857719492 2011 Ibn Khaldun

The Struggle for Power in Syria: Politics and 155 Nikolaos Van Dam London : I. B. Tauris 9780857720535 2011 Society Under Asad and the Ba'th Party

Encounters with Islam: On Religion, Politics 156 Malise Ruthven London : I. B. Tauris 9780857722362 2012 and Modernity Christiane Dabdoub 157 Classic Palestinian Cuisine London : Sagi books 9780863568442 2013 Nasser 158 Understanding the Qur'an today Mahmoud Hussein London : Sagi books 9780863568497 2013 159 A to Z of Arabic-English-Arabic Translation Ronak Husni London : Sagi books 9780863568855 2013 New York : North point 160 Twenty minutes in manhattan Sorkin, Michael 9780865477575 2013 press

Walkable city : how downtown can save New York North pointpress 161 Speck, Jeff 9780865477728 2013 America, one step at a time : Straus and Giroux

I Would Have Smiled: Photographing the 162 Issam Nassar Institute for Palestinian Stud 9780887283093 2009 Palestinian Refugee Experience Turbulent Times in Palestine: The Diaries of Thomas M. Ricks, Khalil 163 Jerusalem : Passia 9780887283154 2009 Khalil Totah, 1886-1955 Totah 164 Atlas of Palestine Salman H. Abu - Sitta Palestine Land Society 9780954903428 2010 Great Kings Discovery 165 In search of King David's lost tomb & treasure Gary Arvidson 9780971955608 2002 Project 166 A River dies of thirst : journals Mahmoud Darwish Brooklyn : Archipelago 9780981955711 2009 The 1967 Arab-Israeli war : origins and Wm. Roger Louis and Avi 167 Cambridge University Press 9781107002364 2012 consequences Shlaim The Origins of Christian Zionism: Lord 168 Shaftesbury and Evangelical Support for a Donald M. Lewis Cambridge, University 9781107631960 2014 Jewish Homeland 169 From Beirut to Jerusalem Friedman, Thomas L. Straus and Giroux 9781250034410 2012 The Essential Gandhi: An Anthology of His 170 Kahlil Gibran Vintage; 9781400030507 2002 Writings on His Life, Work, and ideas The Balfour Declaration: The Origins of the 171 Jonathan Schneer New York : Random House 9781400065325 2010 Arab-Israeli Conflict

Signature of Bidder Page 4 of 12 ITB-2014-229 SECTION 7 AMENDED – LIST OF BOOKS [7 August 2014]

No Title Author Publisher ISBN Date Unit Price (USD) The great war for civilisation : the conquest of 172 Robert Fisk Vintage Books 9781400075171 2007 the Middle East 173 Territory: A Short Introduction Delaney, David Blackwell publishing 9781405118316 2005 An introduction to the Old Testament : sacred 174 texts and imperial contexts of the Hebrew David M. Carr Chester, West Sussex 9781405184687 2010 Bible Ayyubid Jerusalem : 1187-1250 : an 175 Hawari, Mahmoud England : Archaeo press 9781407300429 2007 architectural and archaeological study Oxford, England : 176 Ayyubid Jerusalem Mahmoud K. Hawari 9781407300429 2007 Archaeopress 177 Jerusalem before Islam Kafafi, Zeidan England : Archaeo press 9781407301419 2007 Pedro Paulo A. Funari, New perspectives on the ancient world : Oxford, England : 178 Renata S. Garraffoni, 9781407302706 2008 modern perceptions, ancient representations Archaeopress Bethany Letalien Balfour Declaration: The Origins of the Arab- 179 Jonathan Schneer Bloomsbury 9781408809709 2011 Israeli Conflict Louise Spilsbury, Richard Chicago : Heinemann- 180 The Islamic Empires 9781410929174 2008 Spilsbury Raintree United States Protocol: The Guide to Official Rowman & Littlefield 181 Mary Mel French 9781442203198 2010 Diplomatic Etiquette Publishers Fear and Faith in Paradise: Exploring Conflict Lanham : Rowman &little 182 Phil Karber 9781442214774 2012 and Religion in the Middle East field 183 The Middle East Ellen Lust Los Aneles : Saga 9781452241494 2014 184 A Walls in Jerusalem Mark Braverman New York : Jericho books 9781455574209 2013 Contested land, contested memory : Israel’s 185 Jo Roberts Dundurn Press 9781459710115 2013 Jews and Arabs and the ghosts of catastrophe 186 Nazareth speedway Tracy L. Berger-Carmen Charleston : Arcadia pub 9781467120487 2013 The walkable city : from haussmann's 187 Soderstrom, Mary Montreal : Vehicule press 9781550652437 2008 boulevards to Jane Jacobs' Streets and beyond

Inside Hamas: The Untold Story of the Militant 188 Zaki Chehab New York : Nations Books 9781560259688 2007 Islamic Movement Seattle, WA : Fantagraphics 189 Palestine Joe Sacco 9781560974321 2010 Books 190 Jerusalem in History K. J. Asali Interlink Pub 9781566563048 1999 Northampton : Interlink 191 Palestine : a guide Mariam Shahin 9781566565578 2005 books Understanding the Palestinian-Israeli Conflict: 192 Phyllis Bennis Olive Branch press 9781566566858 2007 A Primer: A Primer 193 Hamas: A History from Within Azzam Tamimi Olive Branch press 9781566566896 2007 Literature and war: conversations with Israeli Northampton : Olive 194 Runo Isaksen 9781566567305 2009 and Palestinian writers Branch Press Northampton : Interlink 195 Almond Blossoms and beyond Mahmoud Darwish 9781566567558 2009 books It’s easier to reach heaven than the end of the 196 Emma Williams Olive Branch Press, 9781566567893 2009 street : a Jerusalem memoir 197 Touch Adania Shibli Mass 9781566568074 2010 Northampton : Clockroot 198 We are all equally far from love Adania Shibli 9781566568630 2012 books 199 Born in Jerusalem, born Palestinian : a memoir Jacob J. Nammar Olive branch 9781566568869 2012 Seeking Palestine: New Palestinian Writing on 200 Penny Johnson Olive Branch Press 9781566569064 2012 Exile and Home Teaching Arabs, Writing Self: Memoirs of an 201 Evelyn Shakir Olive Branch press 9781566569248 2013 Arab-American Woman Lords of the Land: The War Over Israel's 202 Idith Zertal Nation Books 9781568584140 2009 Settlements in the Occupied Territories Bezalel Porten ; Comprehensive Aramaic 203 Aramaic documents from Egypt 9781575060682 2002 Jerome A. Lund Lexicon Project Ancient Place Names in the Holy Land: 204 Yoel Elitsur Amer Oriental Society 9781575060712 2004 Preservation and History Daily Life - Materiallity,and Complexity in Early 205 Meredith S. Chesson Eisenbrauns 9781575062174 2011 Urban Communities of the Southern Levant

Unearthing 150 years of archaeological 206 Avni, Gideon Wirora lake : Eisenbrauns 9781575062235 2011 research in the Holy city The gendered language of warfare in the Israel 207 Cynthia R. Chapman eisenbrauns 9781575069203 2004 ite- Assyrian encounter 208 The Dictionary of Anthropology Thomas Barfield Oxford : Blackwell 9781577180579 1997 When the Birds Stopped Singing: Life in 209 Raja Shehadeh Steerforth; Us edition 9781586420697 2003 Ramallah Under Siege 210 Do Good Fences Make Good Neighbors Brent L. Sterling Georgetown University Pres 9781589015715 2009 Jerusalem in Bible and Archaeology: The First 211 Andrew G. Vaughn Society of Biblical Literature 9781589830660 2003 Temple Period Qumran Hebrew: An Overview of Atlanta :Society of Biblical 212 Eric D. Reymond 9781589839335 2013 Orthography, Phonology, and Morphology Literature The coming of the impassible God : tracing a Piscataway, NJ : Gorgias 213 Joseph M. Hallman 9781593337926 2007 dilemma in Christian theology Press Looking for Palestine: Growing Up Confused in 214 Najla Said New York: Riverhead Books 9781594487088 2013 an Arab-American Family Perilous power : the Middle East & U.S. foreign Noam Chomsky & Gilbert 215 Paradigm Publishers 9781594513121 2007 policy Achcar 216 Mornings in Jenin: A Novel Susan Abulhawa New York : Bloomsburg 9781608190461 2010 University of South 217 Jesus and the Politics of Roman Palestine Richard A. Horsley 9781611172935 2013 Carolina Press

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No Title Author Publisher ISBN Date Unit Price (USD) The unspoken alliance : Israel’s secret 218 Sasha Polakow-Suransky Sasha Polakow-Suransky 9781770098404 2010 relationship with apartheid South Africa Montreal : Drawn & 219 Jerusalem : Chronicles from the Holy City Guy Delisle 9781770460713 2012 Quarterly Publications 220 The Failure of the Two-State Solution Hani Faris London : I. B. Tauris 9781780760940 2013 221 Palestinians in : The Politics of Identity Luisa Gandolfo London : I. B. Tauris 9781780760957 2012

Narrating Conflict in the Middle East: Dina Matar and Zahera 222 Discourse, Image and Communications London : I. B. Tauris 9781780761022 2013 Harb Practices in Lebanon and Palestine Palestine online : transnationalism, the 223 Miriyam Aouragh I. B. Tauris 9781780762418 2012 internet and the construction of identity Islamic Jerusalem and its Christians : a history 224 Maher Y. Abu-Munshar I. B. Tauris 9781780764795 2013 of tolerance and tensions Islamic Jerusalem and it's christians : a history 225 Maher Abu-Munshar London : I. B. Tauris 9781780764795 2013 of tolerance and tension 226 Jerusalem : from the Ottomans to the British Roberto Mazza I. B. Tauris 9781780767086 2009 Shattered Hopes: Obama's Failure to Broker 227 Josh Ruebner London : Verso 9781781681206 2013 Israeli-Palestinian Peace 228 The Arab Israeli Conflict Cath Senker North Mankato : Arcturus 9781841937250 2008 Excavations by K.M. kenyon in Jerusalem, 1961 229 Kay Prag Oxbow books 9781842173046 2008 -1967 230 Being Arab Samir Kassir London : Verso 9781844670994 2006 All over the map : writing on buildings and 231 Sorkin, Michael London : Verso 9781844672202 2013 cities Plowshares into Swords: From Zionism to 232 Arno J. Mayer Verso 9781844672356 2008 Israel 233 A child in Palestine : the cartoons of Naji al-Ali introduction by Joe Sacco Verso Books 9781844673650 2009 234 The Case for Sanctions against Israel Audrea Lim Verso; Original edition 9781844674503 2012 235 The case for sanctions against Israel Andrea, Lim London : Verso 9781844674503 2012 236 The Invention of the Jewish People Shlomo Sand New York : Verso 9781844676231 2010 237 Hollow land: israel's architecture of occupation Eyal Weizman Verso 9781844678686 2012 Rebel Cities: From the Right to the City to the 238 Harvey, David New York : Verso 9781844678822 2012 Urban revolution The Invention of the Land of Israel: From Holy 239 Shlomo Sand Verso 9781844679461 2012 Land to Homeland From Oslo to Jerusalem: The Palestinian Story 240 Ahmed Qurei I. B. Tauris 9781845111328 2006 of the Secret Negotiations Palestine in Israeli School Books: Ideology and 241 Nurit Peled-Elhanan London : I. B. Tauris 9781845118136 2012 Propaganda in Education Palestinians in Lebanon: Refugees Living with New York : Palgrave 242 Rebeca Roberts 9781845119713 2010 Long-term Displacement Macmillan The Holy places of Jerusalem in Middle east pe 243 Enrico Molinaro Sussex Academic Press 9781845193355 2009 ace 244 The lady from Tel Aviv Raba'l Al-Madhoun London : Telegram 9781846590917 2013 245 Sikhism today Jagbir Jhutti-Johal New York : Continuum 9781847062710 2011 The Palestine Nakba : decolonising history, 246 Nur Masalha Zed Books 9781848139718 2012 narrating the subaltern, reclaiming memory

Channels of Resistance in Lebanon: Liberation 247 Zahera Harb London : I. B. Tauris 9781848851214 2011 Propaganda, Hezbollah and the Media

Image Politics in the Middle East: The Role of 248 Lina Khatib London : I. B. Tauris 9781848852815 2013 the Visual in Political Struggle What it means to be Palestinian : stories of 249 Dina Matar London : I. B. Tauris 9781848854574 2011 Palestinian peoplehood Radical Christianity in Palestine and Israel: 250 Samuel J. J. Kuruvilla London : I. B. Tauris 9781848855519 2013 Liberation and Theology in the Middle East 251 Arab Cultural Studies: Mapping the Field Tarik Sabry London : I. B. Tauris 9781848855588 2012 Eduardo Manzano Jerusalem in World War I : the Palestine diary 252 Moreno and Roberto I. B. Tauris 9781848856325 2011 of a European diplomat Mazza Israel and the Cold War: Diplomacy, Strategy New York : Palgrave 253 and the Policy of the Periphery at the United Howard A. Patten 9781848858084 2013 Macmillan Nations 254 Gaza Beneath the Bombs Sharyn Lock London : Pluto press 9781849644433 2010 Murder in the Name of Honour : the true story 255 of one woman's heroic fight against an Rana Husseini England : One World 9781851685974 2009 unbelievable crime Faith Beyond Despair : Building hope in the London : Canterbury press 256 Elias Chacour 9781853119064 2008 Holy Land norwich 257 Once Upon a Time in Jerusalem Sahar Hamouda Garnet Publishing 9781859642337 2010 Palestinian Walks: Notes on a Vanishing 258 Raja Shehadeh London : Profile 9781861978042 2007 Landscape Ronny Reich ; Biblical Archaeology Societ 259 The city of David : revisiting early excavations 9781880317709 2004 Hershel Shanks y Leen Ritmeyer, Kathleen Biblical Archaeological Soci 260 Secrets of Jerusalem's Temple Mount 9781880317860 2006 Ritmeyer, ety 261 The Essenes: Children of the Light Stuart Wilson Ozark Mountain Publishing 9781886940871 2005

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No Title Author Publisher ISBN Date Unit Price (USD) Excavations on the Site of the Jerusalem Benny Arubas, Haim Journal of Roman 262 International Convention Center-binyanei 9781887829601 2005 Goldfus Archaeology Ha'uma Our Way to Fight: Peace Work Under Siege in 263 Michael Riordon Toronto : Between the lines 9781897071724 2011 Israel-Palestine Pilgrim preacher Palestine, pilgrimage and pre 264 Duncan Macpherson Melisende 9781901764390 2004 aching 265 The Encyclopedia of Ancient Egypt Helen Strudwick Amber 9781904687993 2006 Jerusalem on the hill : Rome and the vision of 266 Marie Tanner London : Harvey Miller 9781905375493 2010 St. Peter’s in the Renaissance Jerusalem Palestine and Jordan : in the Hisham Khatib and Sarah 267 London : Gilgamesh public 9781908531094 2013 archives of Hisham Khatib Searight Meet Me in Gaza: Uncommon Stories of Life 268 Louisa B. Waugh New York : Sagi 9781908906212 2013 Inside the Strip Between the Lines: Israel, the Palestinians, and 269 Tikva Honig-Parnass Haymarket Books 9781931859448 2007 the U.S. War on Terror 270 Jericho Ann McMan Fair Field : Bedazzled 9781934452677 2011 271 A rift in time : travels with my Ottoman uncle Raja Shehadeh OR Books 9781935928287 2011 272 Occupatin Diaries Raja Shehadeh New York : OR books 9781935928973 2012 The General's Son : journey of an Israeli in Charlottesville, VA : Just 273 Miko Peled 9781935982159 2012 Palestine world books The Gaza Kitchen: A Palestinian Culinary Laila M. El-Haddad, Charlottesville, VA : Just 274 9781935982234 2012 Journey Maggie Schmitt world books Charlottesville, VA : Just 275 Gaza Mom Laila El-Haddad 9781935982296 2013 world books Jerusalem and Athens: Cultural 276 E A Judge, Alanna Nobbs Tulbingen : Mohr Siebeck 9783161505720 2010 Transformation in Late Antiquity 277 Jerusalem (Orte und Landschaften der Bibel) Max Kuchler Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht 9783525501702 2007

Islands and Cities in Medieval Myth, Literature, Andrea Grafetstatter, and History: Papers Delivered at the 278 Sieglinde Hartmann, New York : Peter Lang 9783631611654 2011 International Medieval Congress, University of James Ogier Leeds, in 2005, 2006 and 2007

From the foundations to the crenellations : Richard S. Ellis ; Mark J. 279 essays on temple building in the Ancient Near Ugarit-Verlag 9783868350319 2010 Boda and Jamie Novotny East and Hebrew Bible Museum With No 280 Pilgrimage, sciences and Sufism Museum With No Frontiers 9783902782113 2008 Frontiers The Jewish Wardrobe: From the Collection of 281 Efrat Assaf Shapira Israel Museum 9788874396023 2012 the Israel Museum, Jerusalem

Catalogue of the French Biblical and Archaeolo Ecole biblique et 282 Brill Academic Pub 9789004117013 2000 gical :School of Jerusalem archeologique francaise

Jerusalem, Alexandria, Rome: Studies in A. Hilhorst ; 283 Ancient Cultural Interaction in Honour of A. Brill Academic Pub 9789004135840 2003 Garcia Martinez Hilhorst

284 Ancient Judaism In Its Hellenistic Context Carol Bakhos Brill Academic Pub 9789004138711 2005 Johann P. Arnason, S. N. 285 Axial civilizations and world history Brill Academic Pub 9789004139558 2004 Eisenstadt

The Dead Sea scrolls in context : integrating 286 the Dead Sea scrolls in the study of ancient Armin Lange Leiden ; Boston : Brill 9789004189034 2011 texts, languages, and cultures

Jerusalem against Rome : traduction Robyn Leuven ; Dudley, MA : 287 Mireille Hadas-Lebel 9789042916876 2005 FreÌchet Peeters Ancient and Modern Scriptural Historiography George J. Brooke, Leuven : Leuven University 288 : L'historiographie biblique, ancienne et 9789058676344 2007 Thomas Romer Press moderne Eyal Meiron and Doron Planning and conserving Jerusalem, 1973- Jerusalem : Yad Izhak Ben- 289 Bar ; [translation, Gail 9789652172891 2009 2003 : the challenge of an ancient city Zvi Aricha Yad Izhak Ben-Zvi 290 Excavating the City of David ronny Reich 9789652173294 2011 Publications,Israel 291 Ancient Churches Revealed Yoram Tsafrir Israel Exporation society 9789652210166 1993 The village of Silwan : the necropolis from the Biblical Archaeology 292 David Ussishkin 9789652210180 1993 period of the Judean Kingdom Society The Stone Vessel Industry in the Second 293 Temple Period: Excavtions at Hizma and the Yitzhak Magan Israel Exploration Society 9789652210487 2010 Jerusalem Temple Mount Jewish Quarter excavations in the Old City of Hebrew University of 294 Jerusalem : conducted by Nahman Avigad, Hillel Geva 9789652210807 2000 Jerusalem 1969-1982 (5 Vols.) Excavating the city of David, Where Jerusalem : Israel 295 Reich, Ronny 9789652210821 2011 Jerusalem's history began exploration society The Jerusalem Book of Quotations: A 3,000 296 Jack Friedman Gefen Publishing House 9789652293923 2007 Year Perspective Chronicles of the Land: Archaeology in The 297 Mikhal Dayagi-Mendeles Israel Museum 9789652783738 2010 Israel Museum Jerusalem Capital cities : urban planning and spiritual di Joan Goodnick Jerusalem : Bible Lands 298 9789657027035 1998 mensions Westenholz Museum Jerusalem

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No Title Author Publisher ISBN Date Unit Price (USD) Preliminary Report on The City of David 299 Eilat Mezar Shalem Press 9789657052747 2008 Excavations 2005 at the Visitors Center Area

Divided Cities in Transition Volume II 300 Michele Auga Al Manar Modern Press 9789657283066 2005 Jerusalem Berlin Forum The present past of the Israeli-Palestinian Raphael Greenberg, Adi 301 conflict : Israeli archaeology in the West Bank Tel Aviv Univeristy 9789657440001 2007 Keinan and East Jerusalem since 1967

302 City of David: the story of ancient Jerusalem Ahron Horovitz Lambda Publishers 9789657485026 2009

The complete guide to the Temple Mount exc Shahom Academic 303 Eilat Mazar 9789659029914 2002 avations Research Israeli archaeological activity in the West Bank, Raphael Greenberg, Adi 304 Ostracon 9789659146802 2009 1967-2007 Keinan 305 Jerusalemites : a living memory Hazem Zaki Nusseibeh Rimal Publications 9789963610389 2009 306 Miral Rula Jubreal Penguin Books 978-0143116196 2010 The Holy Land: An Oxford Archaeological Jerome Murphy- 307 Oxford University Press 978-0199236664 2008 Guide O'Connor 308 One country Ali Abunimah Picador 978-0805086669 2006 A Wall in Jerusalem: Hope, Healing, and the 309 Mark Braverman Jericho Books 978-1455574209 2013 Struggle for Justice in Israel and Palestine

Might Over Right: How the Zionists Took Over 310 Adel Safty Garnet Publishing 978-1859643266 2012 Palestine Threads of Identity: Preserving Palestinian 311 Widad Kamel Kawar Rimal Publications 978-9963610419 2011 Costume and Heritage 312 Orientelalism Edward W. Said Vintage 039474067X 1979 313 The politics of Jerusalem since 1967 Michael Dumper Columbia University Press, 0 231106408 1997 Palestinians born in exile : diaspora and the 314 Juliane Hammer University of Texas Press, 0 292702957 2005 search for a homeland 315 Jerusalem, city of mirrors Amos Elon Little, Brown 0 316233889 1989 316 The return Journey Maeve Binchy Delacorte Press 0 385315066 1998 The invention of ancient Israel : the silencing 317 Keith W. Whitelam routledge 0 41510758X 1996 of Palestinian history 318 The splendor of Islamic calligraphy Abdelkebir khatibi Thames and Hudson 0 500016755 1996 319 city of stone: the hidden history of jerusalem Meron Benvenisti University of California 0 520205219 1996 320 The question of palestine Edward W. Said Vintage 0 679739882 1992 Blood Brothers: The Dramatic Story of a 321 Palestinian Christian Working for Peace in Elias Chacour Chosen Books 0 800793218 2003 Israel The struggle for sovereignty : Palestine and Joel Beinin and Rebecca 322 Stanford University Press 0 804753644 2006 Israel, 1993-2005 L. Stein Before their diaspora : a photographic history Institute for Palestine 323 Walid Khalidi 0 887282199 1991 of the Palestinians, 1876-1948 Studies 324 The scar of david Susan Abulhawa Journey Publications 0 977207889 2006 325 A History of zionism Walter Laqueur New York : Holt 0-030916143 1972 In the shadow of the temple : the discovery of 326 Ben-Dov, Meir New Yrok : Harper and row 0-060153628 1985 ancient Jerusalem

Karla Kuskin ; illustrations 327 Jerusalem, shining still Harper & Row 0-060235489 1987 by David Frampton

The World's Religions: Our Great Wisdom 328 Huston Smith Harper one 0-062508113 2011 Traditions London : Oxford university 329 Archaeology and the Dead Sea scrolls Vaux, Roland de 0-197259316 1973 press Oxford : Oxford university 330 Thinking Through Religion: Student's book Christopher J. H. Wright 0-199172579 2013 press

Facts on the ground : archaeological practice The University of Chicago 331 Nadia abu el-haj 0226001946 2001 and territorial self-fashioning in Israeli society Press

Facts on the ground, archaeological practice Chicago : The Univesity of 332 Abu El-Haj, Nadia 0-226001954 2001 and territorial self fashioning in Israeli society Chicago press

New Yrok : Columbia 333 The politics of Jerusalem since 1967 Dumper, Michael 0-231106408 1997 university press 334 After the last sky Palestinians lives Edward W. Said Columbia University Press 0-231114494 1999 Records of dispossession : Palestinian refugee 335 Michael R. Fischbach Columbia 0231129785 2003 property and the Arab-Israeli conflict

We belong to the land: the story of a Notre dame : University Of 336 Palestinian Israeli who lives for peace and Elias Chacour 0-268019630 2001 Notre Dame‎ reconciliation Bar kokhba : the discover of the legendary 337 hero of the last Jewish revold againsy imperial Yadin, Yigael London : Weidenfed 0-297003453 1971 rome Weapons of the weak : everyday forms of New Haven : Yale 338 Scott, James C. 0-300033362 1985 peasant resistance university press 339 The first armies Doyne Dawson Cassell Military 0-304352888 2002 Walter Raleigh, C. A. 340 History of the world London, Macmillan 0-333018370 1971 Patrides Variations on a theme park : the new 341 Sorkin, Michael New York : Hill and wang 0-374523142 1992 American city and the end of public space Power, Politics, and Culture: Interviews with 342 Edward W. Said New York : Pantheon books 0-375421076 2001 Edward W. Said 343 From Oslo to Iraq and the Road Map Edward W. Said New York : Pantheon books 0-375422870 2004

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No Title Author Publisher ISBN Date Unit Price (USD) Sharon and my mother-in-Law : Ramallah 344 Suad Amiry New York : Pantheon 0-375423796 2004 diaries Hamilton Alexander Ross Boston : Brill Academic 345 The concise encyclopedia of Islam 0-391041169 2001 keen Gibb Publishers 346 King Herod's dream, caesarea on the sea Holum, Kenneth W. W. Norton and company 0-393024938 1988 Covering Islam: How the Media and the 347 Experts Determine How We See the Rest of Edward W. Said New York : Pantheon books 0-394509234 1981 the World The distant shrine : the Islamic centeries in 348 Peters, Francis New York : AMS 0-404616291 1993 Jerusalem Re-constructing archaeology : theory and 349 Shanks, Michael London : Routledge 0-415088704 1987 practice Mamluks and Ottomans : studies in honour of David J. Wasserstein and 350 Routledge 041537278X 2006 Michael Winter Ami Ayalon After the world trade center : rethiinking New 351 Sorkin, Michael New York : Routledge 0-415934796 2013 York city Bertiely : University of 352 City of Stone: The Hidden History of Jerusalem Benvenisti, Meron 0-520205219 1996 California Birth of the Palestinian refugee problem, 1947- Cambridge : Cambridge 353 Benny Morris 0-521330289 1987 1949 university press

Secular buildings in the Crusader Kingdom of : Cambridge University 354 Pringle Denys 0-521460107 1997 Jerusalem : an archaeological gazetteer Press

Understanding early civilizations : a Cambridge : Cambridge 355 Tigger, Bruce G. 0-521822459 2003 comparative study university press 356 Freedom next time John Pilger London : Bantam press 0-593055527 2007 The Jews of Palestine : a political history from 357 Michael Avi-Yonah Oxford : Blackwell 0-631147403 1977 the Bar Kokhba war to the Arab conquest

358 Petra and the Lost Kingdom of the Nabataeans Jane Taylor Cambridge : Harvard 0-674008499 2012

American apartheid : Segregation and the 359 Massey, Douglas S. Harverd university press 0-674018206 1993 Making of the underclass The Politics of Dispossession: The Struggle for 360 Edward W. Said New York : Pantheon books 0-679430571 1994 Palestinian Self-Determination, 1969-1994

Representations of the Intellectual: The 1993 361 Edward W. Said New York : Pantheon books 0-679435867 1994 Reith Lectures 362 The prophet Khalil Gibran New York : Knopf 0-679440674 2006 363 The crisis of Islam : holy war and unholy terror Bernard Lewis New York : Modern library 0-679642811 2003 364 Culture and Imperialism Edward W. Said New York : vintage books 0-679750541 1994 New York : Simon & 365 Exquisite Corpse Brite, Poppy Z. 0-684822547 1996 Schuster

The Sealed Room: Selection from the Diary of 366 a Palestinian Living under Israeli Occupation, Raja Shehadeh Quartet books 0-704370077 1992 September 1990 - August 1991 367 Israel & the Palestinian Territories Kag Prag London : A. and C. Black 0-713648449 2012 Refugees in our own land: chronicles from a 368 Muna Hamzeh London : Pluto press 0-745316522 2001 Palestinian refugee camp in Bethlehem

Sharing the land of Canaan : human rights and 369 Mazin B. Qumsiyeh Pluto 0-745322492 2004 the Israeli-Palestinian struggle 370 The West Bank Wall - Unmaking Palestine Ray Dolphin London : Pluto press 0-745324347 2006 The second Palestinian intifada: a chronicle of 371 Ramzy Baroud Pluto 0-745325483 2006 a people's struggle On narrow ground: urban policy and ethnic Albany : state university of 372 Bollens, Scotta 0-791444147 2000 conflict in jerusalem and belfast new york press albany The holy land from the persian to the Arab Grand Rapids : Baker book 373 conquests (536 B. C.-A. D. 640) A historical Avi-Yonah, Michael 0-801000106 1977 house geography Whose Holy City? : Jerusalem and the future of 374 Colin Chapman Baker Books 0801065569 2005 peace in the Middle East One Palestine complete : Jews and Arab under 375 Tom Segev New York : Metropolitan 0-805048480 2000 the mandate alestine and the Palestinians : a social and 376 Samih K. Farsoun westview 0813343364 2006 political history 377 The monuments of Syria Roos Burns London : I. B. Tauris 0-814712002 1992 378 Jerusalem: The Contested City Klein, Menachem NYU Press 081474754X 2001 379 Jerusalem : a city and its future Marshall J. Berger, A. Syracuse university press 0-815629133 2002 Minneapolis : University of 380 Jerusalem : the torn city Benvenisti, Meron 0-816607958 1976 Minnesota The case for Palestine: an international law per 381 John B. Quigley Duke University Press 0-822335271 2005 spective Minneapolis : Runestone 382 daily life in ancient and modern Jerusalem Diane Slavik 0-822532182 2001 Press 383 Jerusalem in ancient history and tradition Thomas L. Thompson T & T Clark International 0-826466648 2003 Journey to Jerusalem : making a difference in 384 Pat Stockett Johnston Nazarene Pub. House 0-834119692 2002 the Middle East 385 Discovering Jerusalem Avigad, Nahman Nashville : T.Nelson 0-840752997 1983 386 Early churches in Palestine Growfoot, John Winter College park, McGrath 0-843401273 1971 387 Jerusalem & Athens: reason and revelation Susan Orr Rowman & Littlefield 084768010X 1995

Signature of Bidder Page 9 of 12 ITB-2014-229 SECTION 7 AMENDED – LIST OF BOOKS [7 August 2014]

No Title Author Publisher ISBN Date Unit Price (USD) Jerusalem Betrayed: Ancient Prophecy and 388 Mike Evans Dallas, Tex : Word Pub. 0-849940028 1997 Modern Conspiracy Collide in the Holy City

The shadow of the Parthenon: studies in 389 Peter Green Temple Smith 0-851170234 1972 ancient history and literature. Warminster, Aris and Land of the bible in the persian period, 538- 390 Stern, Eohraim Phillips ; Jerusalem, Israel : 0-856681377 1982 332 B.C. Israel exploration society G. J. Wightman ; C. M. 391 The Damascus Gate, Jerusalem : excavations Bennett and J.B. Oxford 0-860546608 1989 Hennessy Palestine's Children: Returning to Haifa and Ghassan Kanafani, Boulder : Lynne Rienner 392 0-894108654 2000 Other Stories Barbara Harlow publishers Burgoyne, Michael Jerusalem : The world of 393 Mamluk Jerusalem : an architectural study 09053533X 1987 Hamilton Islam festival trust

The Islamic pious foundations in Jerusalem : London : Islamic cultural 394 Tibawi, Abdul Latif 0-950595713 1978 orgins, history and usurpation by Israel centure

The politics of sacred space : the old city of 395 Michael Dumper L. Rienner 158826016X 2002 Jerusalem in the Middle East conflict Hebrew University of 396 Excavations at the City of David 6vol. Shiloh Yigal No ISBN 1984 Jerusalem

Mourid Barghouti ; translated by Ahdaf American University in 397 I saw ramallah 977424592X 2000 Soueif ; with a foreword Cairo Press by Edward W. Said

In the Steps of Jesus: An Illustrated Guide to 398 Peter Walker Grand Rapids : Zondervan 978-0310276470 2007 the Places of the Holy Land Rome & Jerusalem: the clash of ancient civilizat 399 Martin Goodman Vintage; Reprin 978-0375726132 2008 ions Marshall J. Breger, Holy places in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict : 400 Yitzhak Reiter, and routledge 9780415549011 2010 confrontation and co-existence Leonard Hammer Beyond Occupation: Apartheid, Colonialism 401 and International Law in the Occupied Virginia Tilley Pluto 978-0745332352 2010 Palestinian Territories The Peace Process: From Breakthrough to 402 Afif Safieh Saqi 978-0863564222 2010 Breakdown Storyteller of Jerusalem: The Life and Times of 403 Wasif Jawhariyyeh Olive Branch 978-1566569255 2013 Wasif Jawhariyyeh, 1904-1948 The origins of the Druze people and religion, 404 Philip K. Hitti Forgotten Books 978-1605060682 2007 with extracts from their sacred writings

Negotiating Change: The New Politics of the 405 Jeremy Jones I. B. Tauris 978-1845112707 2007 Middle East Reinventing Jerusalem: Israel's Reconstruction 406 Simone Ricca I. B. Tauris 978-1845113872 2007 of the Jewish Quarter after 1967

Corpus inscriptionum Iudaeae/Palaestinae : a Hannah M. Cotton ... [et 407 multi-lingual corpus of the inscriptions from New York : De Gruyter 9783110222197 2010 al.] Alexander to Muhammad/ 2vols

Jerusalem and Babylon : a study of 408 Augustine’s City of God and the sources of his Johanees van Oort Leiden, Netherlands 9789004246287 2013 doctrine of the two cities Jewish Quarter excavations in the Old City of J Jerusalem : Israel 409 Nahman Avigad 9789652210807 2000 erusalem (vol. 4) Exploration Society Jerusalem, the city plan : preservation and H. M. Stationery Off the 410 development during the British Mandate Kendall, Henry No ISBN 1998 University of Michigan 1918-1948 Cambridge : Technology 411 The image of the city Lynch, Kevin No ISBN 1960 press 412 Beginning in archaeology Kenyon, Kathleen M. New York : praeger No ISBN 1952 New Haven : American 413 Palestinian ceramic chronology Lapp, Paul W. schools of oriental research No ISBN 1961 Bretschneider Tarn, William 414 Hellenistic civilization Woodthrope, and London : E. Arnold No ISBN 1952 Griffith, G. T. Jerusalem : Israel 415 The madaba mosaic map Avi-Yonah, Michael No ISBN 1954 exploration society The in Jerusalem : a 416 Richmond, Ernest Oxford : Clarendon press No ISBN 1924 description of its structure and decoration A history of the ancient and illustrious order York, Pa., Malta book 417 Knights hospitaller of St. John of Jerusalem, George W. Welsh No ISBN 1923 company Palestine, Rhodes and Malta Ah, Assyria: Studies in Assyrian History and Jerusalem : Hayim Tadmor, 418 Ancient Near Eastern Historiography Hebrew University Magnes No ISBN 1991 Mordechai Cogan Presented to Hayim Tadmor Press 419 Ancient orient and Palestine Rand McNally Rand McNally No ISBN 1997 Archaeological Discoveries in the Jewish 420 Nahman Avigad Jerusalem, Israel Museum No ISBN 1976 Quarter of Jerusalem: Period

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No Title Author Publisher ISBN Date Unit Price (USD) Philadelphia : Published by Atlas classica, or, Select maps of ancient Anthony Finley at the 421 Finley, A. Anthony No ISBN 1829 geography, both sacred and profane north-east corner of Chesnut and Fourth streets Egeria: diary of a pilgrimage. Translated and 422 Fgeria ; George E. Gingras Newman press No ISBN 1970 annotated Excavations in the Old City of Jerusalem Near In stitute of Archaeology, 423 B. Mazar, M. Ben-Dov No ISBN 1971 the Temple Mount Hebrew Uiversity Excavations in the south of the Temple Mount Eilat Mazar and Benjamin 424 Hebrew University No ISBN 1989 : the of Biblical Jerusalem Mazar Golgotha and the Church of the Holy 425 Andre Parrot Philosophical Library No ISBN 1957 Sepulchre Il Santo Sepolcro di Gerusalemme : aspetti 426 Virgilio C. Corbo Franciscan Print No ISBN 1981 archeologici dalle origini al periodo crociato

Imported stamped amphora handles, coins, Hebrew University of 427 worked bone and ivory, and glass : the City of Ariel, Donald T. No ISBN 1990 Jerusalem David excavations final report 428 Israel : ancient kingdom or late invention? Daniel I. Block B & H Academic Group No ISBN 2008

Jerusalem the holy; a brief history of ancient 429 Jerusalem; with an account of the modern city Edwin S. Wallace Fleming H. Reveel Co No ISBN 1998 and its conditions political, religious, and social

Jerusalem revealed: archaeology in the Holy Ci 430 Yigael Yadin Israel exploration society No ISBN 1975 ty, 1968-1974

Vassilios Tzaferis ; Museum of the Greek- [English version, Raphi 431 The Patriarchate No ISBN 1985 Orthodox Patriarchate in Jerusalem Grafman ; photography, Garo H. Nalbandian].

New discoveries at the tomb of Virgin Mary in Jerusalem : Franciscan Print 432 Bellarmino Bagatti No ISBN 1975 Gethsemane Press Sacred biography and history... containing Springfield, Mass., Bill, 433 Tiffany Osmond No ISBN 1874 descriptions of Palestine, ancient and modern Nichols

Stereograph view of Palestine, Syria and Leban Prints & Photographs 434 Rau, William Herman No ISBN 1903 on Reading Room for the committee of the The city and the land. A course of seven 435 Charles W. Wilson Palestine exploration fund No ISBN 1982 lectures on the work of the society… by A.P. Watt The Herodian Quarter in Jerusalem: Wohl 436 Avigad Nahman Keter Publishing House No ISBN 1989 Archaeological Museum The stratagems of Ierusalem : with the martiall 437 lawes and militarie discipline, as well of the Lloyd Lodowick Printed by Thomas Creede No ISBN 1602 Iewes, as of the gentiles The structural history of the Aqsa Mosque; a 438 record of archaeological gleanings from the R.W. Hamiliton Oxford University Press No ISBN 1949 repairs of 1938-1942 The Temple Mount excavations in Jerusalem Hebrew University of 439 Mazar, Benjamin, Ariel No ISBN 2003 1968-1978 Jerusalem The ancient churches of Old Jerusalem; the evi 440 Elinor A. Moore Constable No ISBN 1961 dence of the pilgrims The Archaeological Setting of the Shrine of Bet Sylvester J. Saller and 441 Printed by Franciscan Press No ISBN 1961 hphage Emmanuele Testa The Monastery of the Virgins : Byzantine perio 442 Eilat Mezar Hebrew University No ISBN 1999 d London, Issued by the 443 The origin of the plan of the Dome of the Rock K. A. C Creswell. No ISBN 1924 Council The synagogues of Baram : Israel Academy of Sciences 444 Ruth Jacoby No ISBN 1987 Jerusalem ossuaries and Humanities Jerusalem : abeel 445 "Our Story": The Palestinians Hilary Rantisi Ateek Naim Ecumenical Liberation No ISBN 1999 Theology Center Jerusalem : Wajih Ibrahim 446 Scholars of the Arab Empire Wajih Ibrahim Saadeh No ISBN 2010 Saadeh Encyclopedia of archaeological excavation in London : Oxford university 447 Avi-Yonah, Michael V.1 : 0196479231 1976 the Holy Land, Volumes 1-4 press

V.1 : 0521390362, The churches of the crusader kingdom of V.2 : 0521390370, 1993 - 448 Pringle, Denys Cambridge university press Jerusalem : a corpus (4 Volumes) V.3 : 9780521390385, 2009 V.4 : 9780521851480

V.1 : 9789950305182, V.2 : 9789950305199, 449 Documents on Jerusalem (4 Volumes) PAASIA / Jerusalem Passia / Jerusalem 2007 V.3 : 9789950305205, V.4 : 9789950305212

V.1: 0888543174, V.2: 0197270018, 1985- 450 Excavations in Jerusalem, 1961-1967 (4 Vols.) A. D. Tushingham Royal Ontario Museum V.3: No ISBN, 1995 V.4: 0197270050

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No Title Author Publisher ISBN Date Unit Price (USD)

V.1: 9652210102, V.2: 9652210110, V.3: No ISBN found, Masada: the Yigael Yadin excavations 1963- Jerusalem : Israel V.4: 9652210269, 1989 - 451 Yigael Yadin 1965 : final reports exploration society V.5: 9652210285, 2007 V.6: 965221034X, V.7: 9652210595, V.8: 9789652210678

Renconstructing the tomb of Christ from 452 Eugenia Nitowski 1980 Archaeological and Literary Sources GRAND TOTAL OF QUOTED ITEMS IN USD, VAT EXCLUDED

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