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www.shapinglittlemind.com ONAM FESTIVAL FACT SHEET

Onam is an Indian festival celebrated in . It is also known as harvest festival.

It is celebrated for 10 days. This year 2020 it is celebrated from August 22-September 1.

It is believed that King Mahabali return to Kerala,While Onam.

www.shapinglittlemind.com Story of Onam

Let us see the story of Onam.

Once there was a demon king named Mahabali.He was the grandson of Great Narasimma devotee,Prahalada. He was a good king.He had a good name among people because he helped a lot to his people.

He had fight with Devas and captured three worlds. So Devas asked Lord to help to get back their power.But lord Vishnu,know how good the king was,so he decided to test his devoteeness'.So Lord Vishnu came as dwarf man named while king was performing one Yajna.

www.shapinglittlemind.com King decided to grant anything for anyone during yajna

So Vamana said that he was a dwarf poor man and he need land that is covered by his 3 steps. King generously agreed. But the dwarf man Vamana changed into a gigantic man.

He covered first step as whole earth and the second step covered was sky. For the third step God asked where is the space? But the generous king offered his head to cover the last step. God was pleased by king Mahabali and revealed him as Lord vishnu and grant a boon to king,that,he can visit once in a year where he ruled. Revisit of king was celebrated as onam. Its a tribute to sacrifice of King Bali. www.shapinglittlemind.com Tripunithura Athachamayam

This marks the first day of onam,where celebration starts with colorful inaguration with street parade.Elephants are decorated with caparison (Nettipattam).

Pookalam Flowers are decorated in certain patterns.In simple words,flower rangoli. This is to welcome the king Mahabali.

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Various dance forms are performed . They are Pulikali(tiger dance), Thiruvathirakali, kummattikali. Onam sadya A complete meal which consists of minimum 11 dishes.

Vallamkali This is a traditional snake boat race.It is held in Pampa river.
