Rochester Death Halts MIT-Funded Study "It Eem to Me a Little Bit by Dan Mcguire Icole) Wan, 19, Died on the Morn- Principal Investigator, MIT Profes- the Ho Pitat
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The eather Today: Cloudy, windy, 45°F (70C) Tonight: Wet snow, cold, 32°F (O°C) Tomorrow: now, windy, 45°F (70C) Details, P e 2 umber 17 Cambridg 1996 By Stacey E. Blau The propo aI, which is meant to EWSEDITOR addre the conflict between the In the three week ince the military' policy and M IT' non- relea e of the ROT ta k force's di crimination policy, wa intro- final report, which recommended duced and di cu ed at the March creating a "model" ROT program, faculty meeting. tudent and faculty continue to The ta k force i now "trying to ex pre s mixed feeling about the refine their recommendation" to plan. r pond to ome of the i ue rai ed Th m del program propo al ha at the meeting, aid hair of the three main features: It call for Faculty Lawrence . Bacow. The ROT program to be open to all ta k force i al 0 holding an open tudent , for MIT to promi e to community forum this Thur day fully com pen ate cadet who 10 e from 7 to 9 p.m. in 10-250 to gather their cholar hip for rea on of more input, Bacow aid. homo exual conduct, and for the "I don't know how dra tic the TIFFANY UN-THE TE H faculty to create a committ e advo- hange might be," Bacow said. The The South Asian American Students Association puts on an explosion of song and dance - the cating change in the military' di- faculty plan to di cu s the revised Agnl Path - Saturday, In Kresge Auditorium. See photo essay, pages 10-11.. criminatory "don't a k, don't tell" propo al at next week's meeting. policy on gay . orne oice concerns on propo al everal people have expre sed mi giving about the proposal. Rochester Death Halts MIT-Funded Study "It eem to me a little bit By Dan McGuire icole) Wan, 19, died on the morn- principal investigator, MIT Profes- the ho pitat. "Anyone el e beyond weak," aid outgoing Graduate tu- ASSOCIATE NEWS EDITOR ing of March 31 apparently due to a sor William G. Thilly, director for that is just speculation," he said. He dent ouncil President Bonnie J. A University of Rochester fatal dose of the anesthetic lidocane. the Center for Environmental Health was unaware that MIT wa involved outer G. The proposal ha orne research project funded by an MIT The drug was being administered Sciences. "I want to express my in the research. good ideas and says "we're going to grant has been su pended following as part of testing for a pollution profound condolences to the family try to work on di crimination," but the death of a student participant in research project. Wan had been of Ms. Wan," he said. Thilly also Lung te t cited in death it doe not ay what MIT will do if the study. taken to the emergency room at serves on the MIT Committee on Wan was one of 200 participant the Department of Defen e doe not The student's family plans to file Rochester University's Strong the Use of Humans as Experi~ental involved in the Roche ter branch of cooperate with MIT, he aid. a $100 million lawsuit, according to Memorial Hospital on March 29 Subject. the research study, which was fund- "I've heard from many gay and . Reuters. MIl has not been named as after suffering cardiac arrest. The Wan family lawyer, alva- ed by the ational In titute of Envi- Ie bian graduate tudents that this is a defendant. "This is ic 10 . I am deva - tore A promonte, aid th t the fami- Rochester sophomore Hoiyan tated by the news," said the study's ly was going to sue the doctor and Trial , Page 9 ROTC, Page 12 Re-engineering Teams MIT Stroke Drug Could 1bp Market By A. Arlf Husain compound about 10 year ago. ince the publication of tho e NEWS EDITOR The Technology Licensing finding by Interneuron Pharmeceu- Get Down to Business An MIT -patented drug has Office could not predict MIT' roy- tical , which Wurtman co-founded, By Shang-Un Chuang success of student services re-engi- shown evidence of potentially domi- alty earning on sale of the drug, Wurtman and hi group have been NEWS EDITOR neering," Weber said. nating the stroke treatment market although the an Franci co-ba ed able to how how the drug i metab- Two new tudent services re- "As was the key with the assess- by reducing disability after illne investment firm Montgomery ecu- olized in the body and how the engineering teams are looking for ment and redesign teams, each of by as much as 50 percent. ritie ,which pecialize in biotech- breakdown products are u eful in ways both to improve the way stu- the two new teams will be relying Stroke, which is the third leading nology, predict 300 million in the treatment of troke. ~, dents access information like finan- heavily on community input," said killer in the United States, presently sale in its first five year . MIT own rights on the drug a a cial aid and grades records and to Director of Special Services has no reliable treatments, said Pro- Investigator have shown that treatment for stroke and other brain better, plan and manage events. Stephen D. Immerman, also project fessor of Brain and Cognitive ci- not only did more than twice as injurie , but the patent is ubli- The financial and academic ser- manager. "They wiJ) be doing a lot ence Richard 1. Wurtman, who pro- many patient fully recover from cen ed with Interneuron. The com- vices tran ition team is planning to of their work in outreach to the posed use of the drug. their trokes compared with placebo pany has exclusive development and . lement the recommendations community." Wurtman, who is also director of trials, but also cognitive function of commercialization privileges of the ~ by the student services the Clinical Research Center, began patients receiving the drug were sig- drug in the U.. and anada. I [\, esign team. Those proposed Services, Page 14 studying the biochemistry of the nificantly improved Wurtman aid. The compound is not yet include automated access to student approved for public use, but is "on a financial and academic records and fa t track through the [Food and a timely research associateship and Drug Administration]," Wurtman teaching assistant appointment said. process. "Until now, there has been very, The other new team, the co-cur- very little progress in dealing with ricular redesign team, is foJlowing stroke and I'm very happy that this the recommendations made by the drug seem to make a difference," student ervices assessment team Wurtman said. and is looking for ways to redesign event registration and planning, Drug eerns to have few side effect management of student accounts, A stroke occurs when an area of space aJlocation and scheduling of student activities, and resource allo- Cltlcollne, Page 16 , cation. The team is introducing ISS to MIT at a meeting this morning at 9 m. in the Building E56 penthou e; I che rede ign team wiJ) be hosting an INSIDE open meeting tomorrow at 7 p.m. on the fifth floor of the tudent enter. Police Log Page 16 Team plan to re ork rvice The technology consulting firm I S will be working with the transi- • Th uth ian tion team through the summer to build a framework for future tech- Am rican tuden nological improvement . Areas tar- geted for improvement include Stu- iation eel bra dent Information Service and South . ian art and cul- World-Wide Web-based student access, aid David A. Weber, direc- ture in "~ Abhusheka, tor of the loan School of Manage- ment educational services. King' Coronatipn' on "This effort is maybe best char- JIR! SCHINDLER-THE TECH acterized as a 'necessary, but not A rare spring storm covers KIllian Court In a blanket of snow yesterday morning. Saturday. Page 10 sufficient condition' to enable the L-~-:-~~ ~~_-+-_-- ~__ ~__.~_~,......._........."'...;..".."!"'"'il ............. ,...".; ..... ,....;-.:....:-.-;.-_ .... Page 2 pril9, 1996 THE WASHI GTO POST MEXICO CITY , top the Brutality!" creamed the front-page editorial in one of exico City' leading dailie . In one oftheir-mo t vociferou outburst of U.. -bashing in recent month, e ican are expre ing outrage at back-to-back incident of aying the United tates would Over ight Board, the mall White acro the border in which California police beat three exican not object. Clinton directly partic- Hou e panel re ponsible for probing immigrant - and were caught on videotape - and a econd epi ode ipated in the deci ion, a enior wrongdoing in the intelligence com- aturday when even illegal immigrant died in an automobile cra h WASHI GTO admini tration official aid. munity. It delivered a ecret verdict during a cha e by U.. Border Patrol agents. Pre ident Clinton secretly gave a Thu opened a new chapter in of no law violation . "The violation of justice and of human right i rooted in xeno- green light to covert Iranian arm the U.. policy toward Bo nia, one EI ewhere, peculation and phobia and raci m," the newspaper La Jornada charged in an editorial shipment into Bosnia-Herzegovina that ha r mained cret until now, grumbling spread, particularly in thi weekend. in 1994 de pite a United ation and th t ha had important conse- Europe, that the United tates wa. For many Mexicans, U.. -ba hing i much the ame sport that arm embargo that the United tate quence both for the combatant in omehow violating the embargo and exico-ba hing is for presidential candidate Pat Buchanan.