TABLE OF A dashboard of 100 emerging developments RADICAL INNOVATIONS off ering strong impact on global value creation BREAKTHROUGHS and potential solutions to societal needs Underwater Harvesting living methane hydrate UL HmH 86 BR 87 EC STRONG Marine and of Bioplastic Chatbots Lab-On-A-Chip tidal power food MtP 3DF BiPl CB LoC 81 EN 82 PM 83 BR 84 AI 85 BH Artifi cial Geoengineering: Microbiome Splitting carbon Quantum Driverless Neuromorphic photosynthesis landscapes dioxide cryptography chip AP Geo Mic ScD QCr DrL NmC 74 EN 75 BR 76 BM 77 BR 78 EC 79 AI 80 HM Spintronics Humanoids High-precision Holograms Brain machine Drug delivery Regenerative Precision Blockchain Gene editing HOW TO READ ENTRIES clock interface medicine farming SpT Hu HpC Ho BMI DD RM PF BC GE Bioinformatics Full name 64 EC 65 AI 66 EC 67 AI 68 HM 69 BM 70 BM 71 AI 72 AI 73 BM BiO Abbreviation Aluminium- 3D Printing of Microbial fuel Smart tattoos Self-healing Carbon capture Molecular Touchless ges- Hyperspectral Speech based energy glass cells materials & sequestration recognition ture recognition imaging recognition Thematic group code Ae 3DG MfC ST ShM CCS MR TG Hypl SpR 2 BH (See just below) 54 EM 55 PM 56 EN 57 HM 58 PM 59 BR 60 BH 61 AI 62 AI 63 AI Airborne wind Control of gene Antibiotic Desalination So Quantum 3D Printing of Emotion Biodegradable turbine expression Susceptibility computers Large Objects recognition sensors Intelligence Recent progress AW CGE ASu Ds SR QuC 3DL ER BiS Sln (See bottom part panel) 44 EN 45 PM 46 BM 47 BR 48 AI 49 EC 50 PM 51 HM 52 BH 53 AI Plant Bioelectronics Neuroscience of Brain function Disaster Artifi cal Computational Augmented Exoskeleton communication creativity mapping preparednes intelligence creativity reality THEMATIC GROUPS PC BiE NsC BF Mm Dp AI Cc AR Ex 34 BH 35 BH 36 AI 37 HM 38 PM 39 BR 40 AI 41 AI 42 AI 43 AI AI Artifi cial Intelligence and Robots Asteroid Plastic eating Bionics Epigenetic Carbon Smart windows Wastewater Flexible mining (medicine) change Nanotubes nutrient electronics Human-Machine Interaction & AM PE BiN Ec Cn SW Ww FE HM Biomimetics 26 BR 27 BR 28 HM 29 BM 30 EC 31 EN 32 BR 33 EC Electronics & Computing Artifi cial Targeting cell 2D Materials Hyperloop Hydrogels Water splitting Nanowires Warfare Nano-LEDs EC synapse/ brain death pathways drones AsB TcD 2DM HyL Hy WS NW WD NL BH Biohybrids 17 HM 18 BM 19 PM 20 BR 21 PM 22 EN 23 EC 24 AI 25 EC Flying car Hydrogen fuel Bioprinting Optoelectronic 4D Printing Genomic Gene therapy Biomedicine transistors vaccines BM

FC HyF BiPr GT OE 4DP GV GeT PM Printing & Materials 9 AI 10 EN 11 BM 12 EC 13 EC 14 PM 15 BM 16 BM Bioinformatics Molten salt Reprogrammed Thermoelectric Energy Computing Automated reactors human cells paint harvesting memory indoor farming BR Breaking Resource Boundaries BiO MsR RhC TP* EH CM AiF 2 BH 3 EC 4 BM 5 EN 6 EN 7 EC 8 AI EN Energy Bio- luminescence Bil SI Social Innovations EUROPEAN POSITION EUROPEAN

1 EN © European Union, 2019 — Print: KI-01-19-162-EN-C | PDF: KI-01-19-162-EN-N Image source crystaleyestudio, #67640955, 20 17. Source: LIKEHOOD OF SIGNIFICANT USE / EXPANSION BY 2038 STRONG

Local food Basic income Owning & sharing New journalist Alternative Life caching Car-free city R/W culture Access/commons Reinventing Collaborative Body 2.0 & the Gamifi cation circles health data networks currency diversifying economy education R&I spaces quantifi ed self Lf BI Osh Nj AC LC CF RwC AE Re CS B2 Gm 88 SI 89 SI 90 SI 91 SI 92 SI 93 SI 94 SI 95 SI 96 SI 97 SI 98 SI 99 SI 100 SI

1 Glowing plants, Visualization of gene expression 22 New Catalysts, Fertilizers 42 Synchronization with the physical world, Recycling, Security, Hardware & So ware 82 Soup with 3D printed twist, Technology to help Live instructions, Therapy people with dysphagia 2 Biohybrid 23 Batteries, Nanosensors, Electrochromic devices, 63 Dedicated chipsets and algorithms, Systems FET, Heat dissipators 43 Medical applications, Military applications, 83 Bioplasics for Skin contact, Wound repair, 3 Waste-burning with lithiumfl ouride/ and devices Industrial applications electronics thoriumfl oride material, Collaborative eff orts in 24 Intelligence, Fuel autonomy, Microdrones, 64 Spin relaxation and spin transport, Combination Canada, Protoypes in China Defense against drones 44 Ground- and fl ying Generator Airborne Energy with 84 Unscripted chatbots, Reuse & integration with Systems major platforms, Enterprise & Customer Service 4 Destruction of cancer cells, Macrophages to kill 25 Multitasking LED displays, Deep UVC, Optical 65 Mimicking humans, Application demonstrators, Applications the Tuberculosis pathogen Data Communication 45 Epitranscriptomics, Embryo development Control 85 Sepsis detection, Lab-on-a-stick, Cheap lab-on- 5 (*No value for European position) - Thermoelectric 26 Asteroid detection, Examination and mining 46 AST Micro-assay, Lab-on-a-Stick, Microfl uidic 66 Attophysics, Ultra-precise time measurement a-chip manufacturing paint, Harvest of electriciy from waste heat technologies devices, AST Gadget for GPS applications VoIP 86 Aquanaut technologies for hotels, Entering 6 Biological motion, Other sources (wind, heat, 27 Plastic-colonizing fungi, Micro-to-macro: 47 Nanofi ltration, New distillation solutions 67 Acoustic holograms, Touchable/printable radio, chemical) plastic-munching worms a sustainable underwater future 48 Pneumatic, Living muscle tissue, Hydrogel, holograms 87 Methane Hydrate Gas in China, Energy from 7 In-memory algorithms, Faster phase-shi ing 28 Exoskeleton, Upper limbs, Internal organs Mechanical 68 Electroencephalography (EEG, ECoG, fNIRS, computer memory methane hydrate gas on a large scale 29 Epigenetic technologies for diagnosis and other 49 Quantum systems, Quasiparticle control fMRI) 88 Community and indoor Gardening, Localised 8 Techno farming in extreme conditions technologies 50 Energy: 3D-printed turbine prototype, 69 Breaking the Blood-Brain-Barrier, New- and Food Systems, Permaculture 9 Personal autonomous drones and rockets, 30 Nanotubes with , On-chip light 3D-printing robots for building nano-materials, Genetically-engineered devices Coordinated fl ying taxi services sources, Liquid biopsy chip 89 Unconditional Minimum Basic Income, National 51 Interpreting facial expressions and text, voice, 70 Cellular therapies, Tissue engineering and Referendum on unconditional basic income 10 Production, Storage, Hydrogen-powered 31 Electrochromic materials, Liquid crystal heartbeat, breathing artifi cial tissues or organs vehicles sandwich, Nanocrystals 90 Healthbank for Health information, 52 Medical uses, Food/medication tracking, 71 Agrobots, Internet of Things in precision Sharing scientifi c health data for money 11 Bones, tissue, skin, blood vessels and other 32 Nutrient recovery from wastewater, Biological Environmental sensing farming, In-fi eld devices human parts, 3D-printed models phosphate removal 91 Large-scale investigative journalism 53 The Swarm-Organ project, Unmanned Aerial 72 Trust, Notarization, Smart contracts, Corporate 92 Crypto-currencies traded world-wide, 12 Microprocessors, Neuromorphic chips, 33 Transistors, Displays, Energy storage, Sensors, Vehicles blockchain networks Next-generation electronics Health monitoring, 3D printing Giving up cash 54 Aluminium-ion batteries, Aluminium-air 73 CRISPR as revolution in health, CRISPR in 93 Live caching as an industry, Scrapbooking 13 Optical computing, 5D optical data storage, 34 Senses of plants, Parasites involved in plant batteries agriculture Photonic chips communication 94 Banning cars from cities, New cities without 55 Fused fi lament fabrication, Stereolitography 74 Drug production, Fuel processing, Renewable cars 14 Exposure to heat, Water contact 35 Biochip, Biological computer, Biological energy, Air purifi cation 56 New catalysts, Cheap material for electrodes, computer parts, Bio interface 95 Breakdown of established gatekeepers, 15 Clinical trials, DNA vaccines for animals, Wearable energy devices 75 Changing landscapes and climate, Climate Ownership disruption Better delivery pathways 36 Testing and Infl uencing imagination and Engineering: greenhouse gas removal 57 Medical technologies, Environmental creativity 96 Online mediated sharing, Rise of the Commons, 16 Disease areas, Treatments monitoring, Marketing 76 Gut bacteria and immunotherapy and gene Based-peer production 37 Brain electrical activity and biomarker mapping, activity, Probiotic bacteria and depression 17 Atomristors, ENODe, Junction-based artifi cial 58 Civil engineering, Protective clothing, synaptic device, epiRAM Improving cognitive functions Energy storage, So 77 Low-cost carbon dioxide splitting 97 Increase in diversity of actors in and forms of education 38 Cloaking devices, Photovoltaic devices, 18 Targeting new pathways to trigger cell death 59 Exploring new storage solutions, 78 Quantum key distribution from orbit, Medical imaging New uses for CO Faster data rates, Blockchain 98 Makerspaces on the rise 19 2D Semiconductors, 2D Magnets, Black 2 39 Submarine (smart-)cable network, Robots & 99 Tools for tracking common devices, phosphorous ink 60 Portable diagnostic devices, Electrodiagnosis, 79 New-generation sensors, Man-machine AI emergency response Screening (medicine) synergy, Legislation, Connectivity Body 2.0 – monitoring at the workplace 20 Section of Hyperloop Track fi nalised in NL, 40 Duelling Networks, Capsule Networks, One Shot 100 Data generation combined with participation Further tests under way at several sites 61 Ultrasonic gesture sensing, Optical cameras 80 Neuromorphic chips for object recognition Image Recognition and sensors, Gesture decoding equipment via gaming, Physical Education and Health 21 Regenerative medicine, So robots, Biothreat 81 New technologies for tidal and wave energy 41 Computational Creativity detection devices, Optogenetics 62 Medical imaging, Food quality, Mining, harvesting

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