
CoffeeScript für Java Entwickler

Michael Heinrichs canoo Engineering AG == vs. === canoo

0 == ''

0 == '0'

'' == '0' ? cano BowerCoffeeScript canoo o This is Java Sc r i p t == vs. === canoo

0 == ''

0 == '0'

'' != '0' About me canoo

speaker = name: 'Michael Heinrichs' company: 'Canoo Engineering AG' web: '' : '@net0pyr' description: 'UI Magician, Active writer and speaker' canoo


• JavaScript Fixes

• Syntactic Sugar und andere Goodies

• Installation und Nutzung canoo CoffeeScript JavaScript

var cube; cube = (x) -> x * x * x cube = function(x) { return x * x * x; }; canoo

JavaScript Fixes == vs. === canoo

0 == ''

0 == '0'

'' != '0' == vs. === canoo

0 == '' 0 !== ''

0 == '0' 0 !== '0'

'' != '0' '' !== '0' Klassen canoo

class Frog sayHello: () -> alert('quak')

frog = new Frog(); frog.sayHello(); Flexible Syntax canoo

class Frog sayHello: () -> alert('quak')

frog = new Frog(); frog.sayHello(); Flexible Syntax canoo

class Frog sayHello: -> alert 'quak'

frog = new Frog frog.sayHello() Constructor canoo

class Frog constructor: (newValue) -> this.color = newValue

frog = new Frog('pink') alert(frog.color) Constructor canoo

class Frog constructor: (newValue) -> @color = newValue

frog = new Frog('pink') alert(frog.color) Constructor canoo

class Frog constructor: (@color) ->

frog = new Frog('pink') alert(frog.color) Vererbung canoo

class Frog sayHello: -> alert('quak')

class Kermit extends Frog sayHello: -> alert('hello')

kermit = new Kermit(); kermit.sayHello(); this in Objektion canoo

var pig = { name: 'Piggy' showName: function() { alert(; } }

pig.showName() this in EventHandlern canoo

var pig = { name: 'Piggy' showName: function() { alert(; } }

document.querySelector('button').onclick = pig.showName; this in EventHandlern canoo

pig = name: 'Piggy' showName: -> alert(;

document.querySelector('button').onclick = pig.showName; this in EventHandlern canoo

pig = name: 'Piggy' showName: => alert(;

document.querySelector('button').onclick = pig.showName; Existence Check canoo

if (element !== null) { # do something } Existence Check canoo

if (typeof element !== 'undefined' && element !== null) { # do something } Existence Check canoo

if element? # do something Global Namespace canoo

foo = 42;

bar = -> alert('bar'); Global Namespace canoo

var foo, bar;

foo = 42;

bar = -> alert('bar'); Global Namespace canoo

(() -> var foo, bar;

foo = 42;

bar = -> alert('bar'); )(); canoo

Syntactic Sugar und andere Goodies Einrückung statt {} canoo

fooBar = (x) -> { if (x == 'foo') { alert 'foo' } else { alert 'bar' } } Einrückung statt {} canoo

fooBar = (x) -> { if (x == 'foo') { alert 'foo' } else { alert 'bar' } } Einrückung statt {} canoo

fooBar = (x) -> { fooBar = (x) -> if (x == 'foo') { if (x == 'foo') alert 'foo' alert 'foo' } else { else alert 'bar' alert 'bar' } } canoo

„Everything is an expression.“

– Ternary Expression canoo

fooBar = if x == 'foo' then 'foo' else 'bar' Loop Comprehensions canoo

cubic = for i in [0..3] i * i * i

# cubic is [0, 1, 8, 27] Switch Statement canoo

switch state when tired drinkCoffee() when hungry eatPizza() else code() Switch Statement canoo

switch state when tired, stuck drinkCoffee() when hungry eatPizza() else code() Default Parameters canoo

drink = (liquid = 'coffee') -> alert 'Drinking #{liquid}' Chained Comparisons canoo

if min < x < max then alert 'passt schon' Variationen über ? canoo

if element? # do something Variationen über ? canoo

x ?= 'default'

x = y ? 'default' Variationen über ? canoo

street = person.address?.street

person.notify?() Array Slicing canoo

numbers = [0, 1, 2, 3, 4]

slice1 = numbers[1...3] # [1, 2]

slice2 = numbers[1..3] # [1, 2, 3] Array Splicing canoo

numbers = [0, 1, 2, 3, 4]

numbers[1..3] = [-1] # [0, -1, 4] Alias canoo

CoffeeScript JavaScript is === isnt !== not ! and && or || yes, on true no, off false Destructuring Assignments canoo

getNames = () -> ['Snow', 'Jon']

[lastName, firstName] = getNames() Destructuring Assignments canoo

getSalutation = () -> title: 'Lord Commander of the Night’s Watch' lastName: 'Snow' firstName: 'Jon'

{lastName, firstName} = getSalutation() canoo

Installation und Nutzung Installation canoo

> install -g coffee-script Nutzung canoo

> coffee

> coffee --compile grunt canoo

> npm install --save-dev grunt-contrib-coffee grunt canoo


coffee: { compile: { files: { './public/my_file.js': './src/' } } } gulp canoo

> npm install --save-dev gulp-coffee gulp canoo

var coffee = require('gulp-coffee');

gulp.task('coffee', function() { gulp.src('./src/') .pipe(coffee().on('error', gutil.log) .pipe(gulp.dest('./public')) } Maven canoo

com.theoryinpractise coffee-maven-plugin 1.4.7 Gradle canoo

apply plugin: '-base'

task compileCoffee(type: CoffeeScriptCompile) { source fileTree('src/main/coffee') destinationDir file('build/js') } coffee4java canoo


com.netopyr.coffee4java coffee4java 1.0.0 coffee4java canoo

ScriptEngineManager manager = new ScriptEngineManager();

ScriptEngine engine = manager.getEngineByName("CoffeeScript");

engine.eval("print 'Hello World!'"); canoo

CoffeeScript: das bessere JavaScript